TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#853: New limit (Middle Part)

Two people of reaching the pinnacle, detonate a heaven shaking war. 登峰造极的二人,引爆惊天一战。 The outbreak of war starts, killing intent ebullition. 战端即开,杀意沸腾。 Spiritual Energy blazing to burn, daytime changes colors. 灵能炽燃,白日失色。 But sees...... 但见…… Tianwu Hourglass is divided into eight, stagnates hangingly. 天舞沙漏一分为八,悬空而滞。 Death Poker gathers not to send, congealing glow in finger/refer. 死亡扑克聚而不发,凝芒于指。 Shiva, the body has not moved, has assumed the potential of mountain rain. 湿婆,身未动,已呈山雨之势。 Bujue, foot lightly, the posture of present thunder. 不觉,足轻点,已现雷霆之姿。 In an instant, the vision rendezvous, the form illness/quick is wrong! 刹那间,目光交会,身影疾错! If gust of wind attack and defense brashly, by naked eye difficult and astonishing speed launches. 如疾风骤雨般的攻防,以肉眼难及的惊人速度展开。 Only in short one breaths, then more than ten ray of light glow explodes to disperse ; That is the Tianwu Hourglass eight slates, launched dozens ray of light bunches from eight cunning angles at Feng Bujue respectively. 只在短短一息之间,便有十余道光芒爆散而出;那是天舞沙漏的八个石盘,分别从八个刁钻的角度向封不觉发射了数十道光束。 But Jue Bro is depending upon the nimble skill, 11 evaded these light beams, and to Shiva started the Ultra-high Speed near body chain blows during the light sign that referring to carried under the arm. 觉哥则依靠着灵变的身手,将那些光束一一避过,并用指间挟带的光牌对湿婆发动了超高速的近身连击。 Sees only Feng Bujue that to pinch both hands of sign to dance the ample illusory image, executes exquisite cuts continually ; It seems like the attack of hysterical/frenzy, actually chaotic ordered and sharp incomparable. 只见封不觉那挟牌的双手舞出绰绰幻影,施出精绝的连斩;看似狂乱的攻击,实则乱中有序、犀利无比。 Name: Card assassination technique 名称:卡片暗杀术】 Skill Card Attribute: Passive Skill, Permanent 技能卡属性:被动技能,永久掌握 Skill Category: Hand-to-Hand combat 技能类别:格斗 Effect: Use card sign class weapon starts near body wartime, the speed, strength and accuracy promote 300% 【效果:使用卡牌类武器发动近身战时,速度、力量、准确度均提升300%】 Learning Prerequisite: Fighting Proficiency S 学习条件:格斗专精S】 Note: Unusual martial skill that former CARNEFELL member Oswald ( OSWALD ) excelling at causes. After achieving certain boundary, uses the ordinary playing cards then to cut the human body, to interweave the magnificent and bloody continual technique ends the life of opponent.】 【备注:前CARNEFELL成员奥斯瓦德(OSWALD)擅使的奇特武技。达到一定境界后,使用普通扑克牌即可切割人体,以交织着华丽与血腥的连续技终结对手的生命。】 This Level S Hand-to-Hand combat skill, was not Feng Bujue found from any Scenario, was not he purchases from Scary box, when was he is at „the comprehension of” Fighting Proficiency rise to Level S. 这个S级格斗技能,并不是封不觉从任何剧本中找到的,也不是他从惊吓盒子里购买到的,而是他在格斗专精升到S级时“领悟”到的。 Although he comprehended this move to have a period of time, but in previous most Scenario, Jue Bro has not installed Card assassination technique ; After all Skill bar altogether only has 12 standards, in team Scenario, he favors going to the belt/bring has strategic the skill. 虽然他领悟这招已有一段时日了,但在此前的大部分剧本中,觉哥都没有装上【卡片暗杀术】;毕竟技能栏总共只有十二格,在团队剧本中,他还是更倾向于去带一些具备“战略性”的技能。 However...... the present fight, is an exception. 不过……眼前的这场战斗,是个例外。 This is an engaging in hand-to-hand combat hand-to-hand fighting, without the trick, does not have the third party factor, therefore Jue Bro does not need to take these with fighting not too coherent skill, what he brings: Card assassination technique The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes 【The Evil King flame kills purgatory burnt Moon Steps Rankyaku Fly Sandwind Transit Energy Blast Wild Ball Fist LV10 Little Devil Low Whip Leg Finger of Consonance South Star Flying Dragon Fist Summon Technique Bason. 这是一场短兵相接的白刃战,没有花招、也没有第三方因素,所以觉哥没必要带上那些与打斗不太相干的技能,他带的是:【卡片暗杀术】【灵识聚身术-改】【邪王炎杀炼狱焦】【月步】【岚脚】【飞沙风中转】【气功炮】【野球拳LV10】【熊孩子的下鞭腿】【灵犀一指】【南斗飞龙拳】【召唤术-马孙】。 Perhaps looks like in the common player, this is very luxurious skill combines. 或许在一般玩家看来,这已是非常豪华的技能组合了。 However, as the Deities Studio highest post Shiva, In this data outwardly, how also more inferior than Jue Bro this Casual Gamer? 然而,身为诸神工作室头把交椅的【湿婆】,在这明面的数据上,又岂会比觉哥这个休闲玩家逊色呢? And we looked skill that Shiva has: 咱们且看湿婆所带的技能: Spear/Gun blade does not enter law( Initiative, without loss speed, obtains extremely high physical body defensive power in ten seconds). 【枪刀不入法】(主动,在不损失速度的前提下,于十秒内获得极高的肉体防御力)。 Pats two loose palms( Driving, powerful palm strikes). 【一拍两散掌】(主动,威力巨大的掌击)。 True character( Initiative, Stamina and Spirit Power all are over 50% start, after starting, physical strength and Spiritual power only then all reduce to 20%, and replies oneself complete Health). 【根性】(主动,体能灵力值皆为50%以上方可发动,发动后体力和灵力皆降为20%,并回复自身全部的生存值)。 Canine god vigor( Initiative, catches up by fingertip, by muscle long jab goal nerve, after accurate hit, may make the corresponding spot of enemy fall into several minutes of condition paralysis). 【尖牙神劲】(主动,以指尖发力,透过肌肉直击目标神经,准确命中后可使敌人的相应部位陷入数分钟的麻痹状态)。 Weightlessness contact( Preamble has explanation, sees skill database). 【失重接触】(前文已有说明,见技能数据库)。 Broken develops to strike spirit( With on). 【破灵拓击】(同上)。 Light smoke illness/quick passes( Initiative, acceleration technique, short distance displacement). 【轻烟疾逝】(主动,加速技,短距离位移)。 Day tyrant across the sky cracking bang( Initiative, charges into enemy, strikes to fly goal, in charge process preventing will shake in middle object to both sides). 【天霸横空裂轰】(主动,冲向敌人,将目标击飞,冲锋过程中会将阻挡在中间的物体震向两侧)。 Protects body ashes( Passive, after using the fire attribute skill or weapon cause damage, may immediately obtain one to be equivalent to the biggest Health 5% armors, most may superimpose five, each time cooling time of triggering is 15 seconds). 【护体灰烬】(被动,使用火属性技能或武器造成伤害后,可立即获得一层相当于自身最大生存值5%的护甲,最多可叠加五层,每次触发的冷却时间为十五秒)。 Tyrant strikes crazily( Initiative, when uses long weapon starts only then, initiates to sweep without difference to the surrounding all goals one time hits, created injury will take certain proportion to transform as own Health). 【暴君狂击】(主动,使用长兵器时方可发动,对周围所有目标发起一次无差别扫打,造成的伤害将以一定比例转化为自身生存值)。 Picks moon/month of flame( Initiative, fire attribute spin body rises dragon, might is big, air defense is good, preparing movement is slightly slow). 【摘月之炎】(主动,火属性旋体升龙,威力大,防空佳,准备动作稍慢)。 Flying flame fist( Initiative, the might is small, speed quick long item. This move as well as picks moon/month of flame can trigger protects body ashes Special Effect). 【飞焰拳】(主动,威力小,速度快的远距离飞行道具。此招以及“摘月之炎”都可以触发“护体灰烬”的特效)。 Above, was Shiva at present the Equipment skill...... 以上,便是湿婆目前所装备的技能了…… Even if regardless his is much stronger, brings eight Special Effect Spiritual Energy Armament not to discuss, the light looked these 12 skills can still understand the Shiva battle efficiency strongly. 即使撇开他那强得离谱的、自带八个特效灵能武器不谈,光看这十二个技能也能明白湿婆的战斗力有多强。 The combination of this set of skill, can be competent the storm and surprise attack, against counter-, control, reply, consumption and other fight patterns, which situation regardless of...... will not fall into absolute passive, facing which type of enemy. The offense and defense is having both, onset and retreat to handle. 这套技能的组合,可以胜任强攻、突袭、防反、控制、回复、消耗等各种战斗模式,无论在哪种形势下、面对哪种类型的敌人……都不会陷入绝对的被动。正可谓攻守兼备、进退有措。 But these information...... Feng Bujue all knows. In fact, even if Jue Bro does not need data angle of view to observe the opposite party, he can still through other channels Shiva Equipment, skill and other investigation near perfect. 而这些信息……封不觉全都是知道的。事实上,就算觉哥不用“数据视角”去观察对方,他也能通过其他渠道把湿婆身上的装备、技能等情况调查个八九不离十。 Because Shiva is Star Player, moreover is over one that. By attention that he receives, he is conceals the truth unable to conceal the truth in game role data that. All and he has fought, or has entered the Scenario player together, no matter other Studio people are also good, general Casual Gamer is also good, will have the possibility to announce with the Shiva related information ; Let alone competes to record this thing to exist. 因为湿婆明星玩家,而且是超一线的那种。以他受到的关注程度而言,他在游戏里的角色数据那是瞒都瞒不住的。所有和他交过手、或是一起进过剧本的玩家,不管是其他工作室的人也好、一般的休闲玩家也好,都有可能将与湿婆相关的情报公布出来;何况还有比赛录像这种东西存在。 Naturally, cannot say......, because in this information is not coordinated, therefore this contest is unfair. 当然了,并不能说……由于这种信息上的不对等,所以这场较量就不公平了。 First, Shiva also understand that above these situations, this is the unfavorable factor that all Star Player can shoulder, to him is also the matter of becoming accustomed to ; Second, through data angle of view view thing itself/Ben are one of the Feng Bujue's abilities, who regardless of the opponent is, he can understand clearly its data after all. 其一,湿婆自己也明白上述这些情况,这是所有的明星玩家都会背负的不利因素,对他来说也是习以为常的事情;其二,通过“数据视角”观察事物本就是封不觉的能力之一,无论对手是谁,他总归是可以洞悉其数据的。 Then, first talked about here about two people of basic skills, making us return to fight...... 那么,关于二人的基本技能先讲到这儿,让我们回到打斗中来…… „After cutting...... negligent......” Jue Bro had/left the move , for two seconds, the Shiva then complexion changes, and criticized oneself one in the heart. “切……还是大意了……”觉哥出招后两秒,湿婆便脸色微变,并在心中暗骂了自己一句。 At the same time, he had started Tianwu Hourglass silently moon/month Special Effect- Moon/Month corner, Under the cover of skill anxious retreat. 同一时刻,他已默默地发动了天舞沙漏的“月”之特效-【月棱】,在技能的掩护下急急后退。 This Special Effect effect is: On own superficial duplicate one moon/month prismatic form cover, immunity all physics or energy attacks in ten seconds ; The might achieves is extremely strong the attack of level to pass through the moon/month prismatic form cover, but only causes 50% damage. The slate of use month after next the disintegration, returning to Login Space to recover only then. 特效的效果为:在自身表面覆上一层月棱光罩,于十秒内免疫一切物理或能量攻击;威力达到“极强”水平的攻击可穿越月棱光罩,但只造成50%的伤害。使用后月之石盘将崩碎,回到登陆空间方可复原。 Obviously, Shiva had not planned that uses this move in the fight from the beginning, he not did not have other skills to deal with the present condition....... He has not thought sincerely, Jue Bro can in without opening The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body( Shiva looks, has also studied Jue Bro in the competition video recording of S1 period, to its some skills compare understanding) under premise, reaches this body technique level. 很显然,湿婆并没打算在战斗一开始就用出这招,他也并非是没有其他技能可以去应付眼前的状况了。只是……他真心没想到,觉哥能在没有开启灵识聚身术(湿婆看过、也研究过觉哥在S1时期的比赛录像,对其部分技能还是比较了解的)的前提下,达到这种体术水平。 To put it bluntly...... Shiva had a low opinion of the enemy, but at present this having a low opinion of the enemy price is...... he has adopted other ways to deal without enough time at present cuts continually, can only open Moon/Month corner Comes emergency. 说白了……湿婆就是轻敌了,而眼前这次轻敌的代价就是……他已来不及采取其他方式应对眼前的连斩,只能开启【月棱】来应急。 „...... Does this use up a slate?” Feng Bujue sees that immediately said with a smile, I may not strive......” Jue Bro naturally unable to let off this type to give the opportunity that the opposite party exerted pressure on psychologically, you, if with besides Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil, no one was stronger than my Shiva the mechanical prejudice came to hit with me, that had no meaning......” he to grin evilly, fought itself...... you should better to be placed with me in a standpoint of Challenger, whole-heartedly......, so as to avoid the spirit and physical body dual were devastated.” “呵……这就用掉个石盘吗?”封不觉见状,当即笑道,“我可还没出力呢……”觉哥自然不会放过这种在心理上给对方施压的机会,“你要是怀着‘除了吞天鬼骁之外,没人比我湿婆更强’的刻板偏见来跟我打,那就没什么意思了……”他邪邪地一咧嘴,“跟我斗……你最好把自己摆在一个挑战者的立场上,全力以赴……免得精神和肉体受双重摧残。” Snort......” Shiva hears word, look one austere, many thanks reminder.” “哼……”湿婆闻言,神色一肃,“多谢提醒。” He has not been angry completely, on the contrary, his very happy opposite party can speak such words to oneself at the right moment. Because he is a powerhouse, the powerhouse will seek the reason after suffering setbacks from oneself, will accept the criticism and opinion, so long as these opinions are reasonable, even opposite party's expression is very unkind still might as well. 他完全没有生气,相反,他很高兴对方能适时地对自己说这样的话。因为他是强者,强者会在受挫后会从自己身上找原因,会接受批评和意见,只要那些意见是合理的,即使对方的措辞很刻薄也无妨。 Hehe......” the response of Shiva made Jue Bro very satisfied, the latter sneered two, met saying that very good...... that this time I to let the condition that you experienced me to strive slightly.” “呵呵……”湿婆的反应令觉哥十分满意,后者冷笑两声,接道,“很好……那这次我就让你见识一下我稍微出了点力的状态吧。” Finishes barely the words, the form moves. 话音未落,身影又动。 The Feng Bujue this second round of offensive, has used The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes Flickering opens the skill. 封不觉这第二轮攻势,已用上了【灵识聚身术-改】的瞬开技巧。 Huo see! The sign light four however split the ominous shadow, the Battle Qi surging volume crazy cloud...... 霍见!牌光肆然绽凶影,斗气激荡卷狂云……
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