TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#848: Clears (First Part)

Samodeer understands, since Feng Bujue can say liberates your complete strength this to come, oneself do not need to hide the strength again. 萨摩迪尔明白,既然封不觉能说出“解放你全部的力量”这样的话来,那自己也就没必要再隐藏实力了。 Therefore...... finishes barely the words, the demon can begin. 于是……话音未落,魔能再起。 Instantly, one , if there is essence darkness is centered on Samodeer spreads, then covered up the line of sight of Jue Bro instantaneously. 霎时,一股如有实质的“黑暗”以萨摩迪尔为中心扩散而出,瞬间便掩住了觉哥的视线。 Also in this moment, the entire city...... went black. 也正是在这一刻,整座城市……都陷入了黑暗之中。 Unexpectedly un...... estimates compared with me also wants weakly.” Feng Bujue is built on the darkness, looks to Samodeer, slightly feels the disappointed tone to say with one type, like this looked like...... does not need to change the body to handle.” He is saying, while will have taken out Traveling Bag Chuck Norris razor blade Also put. “嗯……竟然比我预估的还要弱一点吗。”封不觉立于黑暗之中,看向萨摩迪尔,用一种略感失望的语气说道,“这样看来……不需要变身就能搞定了。”他一边说着,一边将已经取出行囊的【查克.诺里斯的剃须刀】又放了回去。 Snort...... even can this to dark look through?” The Samodeer speaking voice resounds quickly, looked like you firmly is extremely top existence.” “哼……连这‘至暗’都可以看破吗?”萨摩迪尔的说话声很快响起,“看来你确已是一个极其高位的存在了。” I have said that is higher than you.” Feng Bujue should say tranquilly, in the meantime, in his eye that black data light class/flow is also fluctuating unceasingly, high was disinclined to fight you to me personally.” “我说过了,比你高很多。”封不觉平静地应道,同时,他眼中那黑色的数据光流亦在不断浮动,“高到我都懒得亲自跟你动手了。” What Oh? Samodeer seemed from the words of opposite party listens, is it possible that did you want Summon what thing to come with me to hit?” 哦?萨摩迪尔好似从对方的话里听出了什么,“莫非你要‘召唤’什么东西来跟我打吗?” As world-class Scenario BOSS, Samodeer has seen the player, outsider is or not infrequent certainly, therefore he naturally knows that these people have Summon ability. 作为一个世界级的剧本BOSS,萨摩迪尔见过的玩家、或者说“异界旅客”绝不在少数,所以他自然知道这些人具备“召唤”能力。 You guessed right.” Feng Bujue returned to one immediately, and took out conveniently Blood Corpse God Tomoe, Started the Item effect. “你猜对了。”封不觉当即回了一句,并顺手取出了【血尸神的勾玉】,发动了物品的效果。 But sees...... to the darkness, red glow steep presently. 但见……至暗之中,红芒陡现。 The monster different halo that on that tomoe exudes broke the dignified shadow unexpectedly, and made one diameter three meters sphere light, came until Blood Corpse God completely, returned in the darkness all around. 勾玉上泛起的妖异光晕竟然打破了凝重的阴影,并制造出了一个直径三米的球形光阵,直到血尸神完全现身,周遭才重归于黑暗。 What makes me take a look...... this time is?” After Blood Corpse God arrives, has not displayed slightly to the dark illness, „...... seems like only Sutter.” He also found the Samodeer position in the darkness accurately, and is looking at the latter say/way covetously, „before , has seen some actually, but this as if especially is only delicious......” “让我瞧瞧……这次又是什么?”血尸神降临后,丝毫没有表现出对黑暗的不适,“哦……好像是只萨特啊。”他也准确地在黑暗中找到了萨摩迪尔的位置,并虎视眈眈地望着后者道,“以前倒是见过一些,但这只似乎格外美味呢……” You...... are anything......”, but another side, the Samodeer facial expression actually in instantly becomes alarmed and afraid incomparable, your such existence that Blood Corpse God comes how possible......” “你……是什么……”而另一边,萨摩迪尔的神情却是在血尸神现身的刹那就变得惊惧无比,“你这样的存在怎么可能……” How...... possibly to obey that boy's order?” Blood Corpse God continued opposite party, and raise hand is pointing at Jue Bro, sneers saying that „...... do not misunderstand, I and he are only the relations of using each other.” He, looks to Samodeer, „, but I and you...... were the relations of diner and food.” “……怎么可能听从那小子的命令?”血尸神接过了对方的话头,并抬手指着觉哥,冷笑道,“呵……你可别误会了,我和他只是互相利用的关系而已。”他顿了顿,又看向萨摩迪尔,“而我和你……则是食客和食物的关系了。” When spoke these words, Blood Corpse God had mobilized him quietly Frightened Beam Ability......, moreover directly is 80% degrees. 在说这句话的时候,血尸神已悄然发动了他的【恐惧投射】能力……而且直接就是80%的程度。 Less than two seconds, Samodeer then exudes one stuffily, and after staggers knees down. At the same time, the darkness in city also removed rapidly....... This time Nooccar City had lost fog shield, appeared the original appearance. 两秒不到,萨摩迪尔便发出一声闷哼,并在一个踉跄后单膝跪地。同一时刻,城中的黑暗也迅速褪去了。只是……此时的努卡市已然失去了“雾”的掩护,现出了原来的面貌。 „...... This......” Samodeer cannot think, the Feng Bujue Summon thing can be unexpectedly compared with Four Pillar Gods also least inferior terrifying Demon Lord, actually this it seems like...... the Feng Bujue strength how, is really immeasurably deep. “唔……这……”萨摩迪尔怎么也想不到,疯不觉召唤物竟然会是一个比起四柱神也毫不逊色的恐怖魔王,这样看来……疯不觉的实力究竟如何,着实是深不可测。 Then...... I am impolite.” Blood Corpse God looked that Samodeer has been incapable of revolting probably, immediately prepares to go forward to eat. “那么……我就不客气了。”血尸神萨摩迪尔好像已无力反抗了,当即就准备上前开吃。 Holds on a minute.” Unexpectedly, Feng Bujue spoke to prevent him. “且慢。”不料,封不觉却出言阻止了他。 Un?” Blood Corpse God looks the color of doubt, how do you want?” “嗯?”血尸神面露狐疑之色,“你想怎样?” Jue Bro has not replied him, but turns the head to say to Samodeer: Samodeer, I can forgive you not dead......” 觉哥没有回答他,而是转头对萨摩迪尔道:“萨摩迪尔,我可以饶你不死……” His these words just said, Blood Corpse God interrupted: Fed...... this to arrive at my mouth......” the manner of his little while to seem one to sit the hungry ghost before table, even front the vegetable/dish end arrived, actually must be taken away. 他这句话刚说完,血尸神就插嘴道:“喂……这都到我嘴边了……”他这会儿的神态好似一个坐在餐桌前的饿鬼,连菜都端到面前了,却又要被拿走。 But Feng Bujue has not managed him, but stared his one eyes, and continues to say to Samodeer: I will provide to your one choice...... onsuch that such as ‚the creator in this world expects.” He raised the head to discuss, „‚ choice’, is this ‚the second edition the core idea of Thriller Paradise. Although this makes it not seem like its predecessor is so perfect, but makes it an easier manner to accept. Therefore......, even if I had known the result, moreover knows that this result is doomed, but I will still give the power that you choose.” 封不觉没有理他,只是瞪了他一眼,并继续对萨摩迪尔道:“我将提供给你一个‘选择’……就如‘这个世界的创造者’所期望的那样。”他抬头念道,“‘选择’,是这‘第二版’惊悚乐园的核心理念。虽然这让它看上去不像它的前身那样完美,但却让它变得更易为人所接受。所以……即使我已知道了结果,而且知道这结果是注定的,但我依然会给你选择的权力。” „Can you also make me also choose, for example...... wants to eat? To eat? To eat?” Blood Corpse God also interrupts in side. “那你能不能也让我也选择一下,比如……想吃?还是想吃?还是想吃?”血尸神又在旁插了句嘴。 Jue Bro disregarded him again, then said to Samodeer: Then...... you are the choice are eaten here, is......” 觉哥再次无视了他,接着对萨摩迪尔道:“那么……你是选择在这里被吃掉,还是……” I understood!” Samodeer has not waited for Jue Bro saying that the words should say, „, no matter you want to know anything, I all told you!” “我明白了!”萨摩迪尔还没等觉哥把话说完就应道,“不管你想知道什么,我全都告诉你!” Obviously, Jue Bro and Blood Corpse God this set sang red painted-face one to sing white face acrobatics, made the tremendous pressure on the opposite party. 很显然,觉哥血尸神这套“一个唱红脸一个唱白脸”的把戏,给对方制造了巨大的心理压力。 However, after Samodeer makes the choice fast, Feng Bujue actually uses the indifferent language gas welding say/way: No, this is insufficient.” 然而,在萨摩迪尔快速做出选择后,封不觉却用冷漠的语气接道:“不,这还不够。” Samodeer one hear of this saying, in the heart tremble. 萨摩迪尔一听这话,心中一颤。 Before I called Blood Corpse God, I have given you opportunity, what a pity...... with is the same, we who I expected cannot reach the agreement with me.” Feng Bujue sighed, oh...... when desperate arrived earnestly, you will make the compromise. This is you...... or existence of your rank issue.” “在我把血尸神叫来之前,我给过你机会,可惜……和我预料的一样,我们没能和我达成共识。”封不觉叹了口气,“唉……只有当绝望切实降临时,你才会做出妥协。这就是你……或者说‘你这个级别的存在’身上的问题。” You want me to make anything now......” hence, the key point of Samodeer attention is not how chooses, but is how to obey. “那你现在要我做什么……”至此,萨摩迪尔关注的重点已经不是“如何去选择”了,而是“如何去服从”。 Hehe...... the matter that wanted you to do...... is not can say in a few words.” Feng Bujue is saying, while both hands insert the bag and to pass through from Samodeer gradually. “呵呵……要你做的事……可不是三言两语就能说完的。”封不觉一边说着,一边双手插袋、从萨摩迪尔身边缓步走过。 After several seconds, he sat to be on the Samodeer throne at a moderate pace, turned upwards one leg on the other saying: And listens to my 11 to come......” 数秒后,他不紧不慢地坐到了原本属于萨摩迪尔的王座上,翘起二郎腿道:“且听我一一道来……” ............ ………… After Scenario starts, 110 minutes, some city west place. 剧本开始后一百一十分钟,城西某地。 ...... was here......” looks that the distant place carved the giant stone of smiling face together, Alkaline Man is stopping the footsteps, panted for breath was discussing. “呼……是这里了吧……”看着远处一块刻着笑脸的巨石,碱性男停下脚步,喘息着念道。 Here...... at this time, the Yellow Sledgehammer complexion is one type will change the Zombie condition again if no momentarily, I looked that the opposite party most likely is playing us to play.” “这里再没有的话……”此时,黄大锤的脸色已是一种随时会变丧尸的状态了,“我看对方八成是在耍我们玩儿了。” Perhaps yes...... by our current physical conditions, could not have arrived at next place.” Strange Warrior meets to say. “是啊……以我们目前的身体状况,恐怕已经到不了‘下一个’地点了。”奇斗士接道。 Hateful, felt that rinsing...... the profound Spirit King tone discussed by that fellow indignantly, from the deterioration degree of this illness, the outbreak of virus has more than enough radically for three hours!” “可恶,感觉被那个家伙给涮了呢……”玄灵王者语气忿忿地念道,“从这病症的恶化程度来看,病毒的发作根本用不了三小时吧!” Not......”, only then Alkaline Man is also maintaining the calm attitude, „...... he has not lied at least in time this point.” He walks limping before most, does not return meets saying that according to the common sense, the time of virus should be three hours. However...... this time most likely the gross data obtained in the laboratory ; Namely the condition is obtained ‚under the normal temperature environment maintains relatively static by the infected person.” He licked the dry lip, „, but our four...... after virus continuously in movement......” “不……”只有碱性男还保持着冷静的态度,“至少在时间这一点上……他并没有说谎。”他步履蹒跚地走在最前,头也不回地接道,“按照常理来说,病毒发作的时间应该就是三小时。不过……这个时间八成是在实验室中得到的理论数据;即‘受感染者在常温环境下保持相对静止’的条件下所得出的。”他舔了舔干涩的嘴唇,“而我们四个……在中了病毒后一直在运动着……” Understands......” profound Spirit King meets saying that temperature, body temperature, rate of metabolism and other factors sped up the outbreak rhythm.” “明白了……”玄灵王者接道,“气温、体温、代谢速度等因素加快了发作的节奏。” Right.” The Alkaline Man nod said, why this is...... our four people is almost infected simultaneously, but symptom at this moment has the difference of certain extent.” “没错。”碱性男点头道,“这就是为什么……我们四个人几乎同时受到感染,但此刻的体征却有着一定程度的差异。” When four people talked, has arrived by that giant stone. 四人对话之际,已走到了那块巨石旁边。 In any event...... first has a look at this......” Alkaline Man to approach the observation, saw one line of characters under smiling face scratch. “无论如何……先看看这个吧……”碱性男凑近观察,看到了笑脸刻痕下的一行字。 Antidote hides under the stone.】 【解药藏在石头下面。】 Warrior.” Alkaline Man looks at the handwriting, immediately then says to Strange Warrior, doesn't have the issue?” “斗士。”碱性男看完字迹,立刻就回头对奇斗士道,“没问题吧?” At this time, his behind three teammates also saw clearly that line of characters. 这时,他身后的三名队友也都看清了那行字。 Piece of cake.” To Strange Warrior, vertical brings Disease The condition , to promote this size the stone is also nothing difficulty. Then, he goes forward two steps, lifts the both arms to press on the giant stone. “小菜一碟。”对奇斗士来说,纵是带着【疾病】状态,推动这种尺寸的石头也是没什么难度的。说罢,他就上前两步,抬起双臂摁在巨石上。 After fermenting slightly for two seconds, he deeply inspires, then sinks to drink one, bows to strive. 稍稍酝酿了两秒后,他深吸了一口气,然后沉喝一声,屈膝出力。 The development is much more unexpected, that stone wants lightly compared with the Strange Warrior imagination in many, basically pushes but actually. 事情的发展出乎意料得顺利,那石头比奇斗士想象中要轻不少,基本是一推就倒。 With bang a sound, that stone horizontally on the ground. But in its below soil, but also small pit, in the pit is really inlaying a metal box. 伴随着轰隆一声响,那石头横在了地上。而在其下方的土壤中,还真就有一个小坑,坑里嵌着一个金属盒子。 Here comes to...... Alkaline Man to notify the teammates by me, later walks up, approached that box cautiously. “这里就由我来吧……”碱性男跟队友们打了个招呼,随后就走上前去,小心翼翼地靠近了那个盒子。 Result...... when pushes the stone takes out the box, has not had what unusuality. It seems like......, if really has what trap, that definitely in the interior of that box. 结果……无论是推石头还是取出盒子时,都没有发生什么异常。看起来……如果真有什么陷阱,那肯定是在那个盒子的内部了。 Worst case scenario is......, not only does not have the antidote, but also hides the explosive material that some type is operating explodes.” After Alkaline Man puts out the box, then said to the teammates, you walk away, after I open,......” “最坏的情况是……里面非但没有解药,还藏着某种一开即炸的爆炸物。”碱性男拿出盒子后便对队友们说道,“你们还是走远一点,等我开启后……” Does not need.” Yellow Sledgehammer hit to block the way at this time, „, if in does not have the antidote, we were finished after all, the difference was killed or sent dead poisonously.” “不必了吧。”黄大锤这时打断道,“假如里面没有解药,那我们总归是完蛋了,区别只是被炸死或者毒发身亡而已。” Alkaline Man heard after the word, thinks several seconds, he has to agree that...... this saying said in the principle. 碱性男闻言后想了几秒,他不得不同意……这话说得在理。 Line...... that I opened.” Therefore, he held the mentality of refusing to abandon hope to carry the box. “行……那我就打开了。”于是,他就抱着死马当活马医的心态端起了盒子。 The next second, under the brilliant vision of Golden Warhammer team four team members, the box was opened. 下一秒,在黄金战锤队四名队员的灼灼目光下,盒子被打开了。 Alkaline Man just now opens a slit, a white ray then erupts from the box...... that flickers, in four will of the people thinks as if by prior agreement: Ended, is really the explosion trap.” 碱性男才刚开启了一条缝隙,一阵白色的光芒便从盒内爆发……那一瞬,四人心里不约而同地想到:“完了,果然是个爆炸陷阱。” However, they misunderstood...... 然,他们都误会了…… In the metal box that Feng Bujue places, indeed in does not have the antidote, but does not have the blasting explosive. Box internal installation...... is only one magic, law that automatically move uses. 封不觉所安置的这个金属盒里,的确里没有解药,但也没有炸药。盒内装的……只是一个魔法阵,一个传送用的法阵。 When that white light dissipates, Yellow Sledgehammer, Alkaline Man, Strange Warrior and profound Spirit King their four, has placed oneself in a broad main hall. 当那阵白光消散之时,黄大锤碱性男奇斗士和玄灵王者他们四个,已然置身在了一个宽阔的大殿之内。 A on the back grows pair of wings and Devil Qi big lifeform apparently then entered their line of sight. 紧接着,一个背生双翼、魔气昭然的高大生物便进入了他们的视线。 Is they?” Samodeer stands before one radius five meters huge magic, is overlooking the present four players with the condescending look. “就是他们吗?”萨摩迪尔站在一个半径五米的巨大魔法阵前,用居高临下的眼神俯视着眼前的四名玩家。 „...... Right.” The Feng Bujue's sound resounds immediately. “啊……没错。”封不觉的声音随即响起。 Who four people of Golden Warhammer team listen to the sound apparent speaker are, they turn the head in abundance, goes following the prestige. Actually sees...... that appearance fuzzily( in situation that in the privacy protection function opens, the face and sound of player will be processed by the fuzzy, but will preserve certain characteristics as before, in order to avoid the opposite party is unable to distinguish ; As for the attire, in opponent opinion is the appearance of novice coverall) man, at this time sat above a throne unexpectedly. 黄金战锤队的四人听声便知说话者是谁,他们纷纷转头,循声望去。却见……那个样貌模糊(在隐私保护功能开启的情况下,玩家的脸部和声音都会被模糊化处理,但依旧会保留一定的特色,以免对方无法分辨;至于衣着,在对手看来就是新手套装的样子)的男人,此时竟坐在了一尊王座之上。 This fellow is resting one's chin in one's hands and outstanding single-handed one leg on the other, in another hand is also carrying stem glass that unexpectedly is filled with the red liquid. 这家伙单手托腮、翘着二郎腿,另一只手上居然还端着个盛满红色液体的高脚杯。 Un...... you come to imagine me want to be later.” Feng Bujue is shaking the wine glass, looks at four people dumb as a wooden chicken, said with the sluggish tone, thinks was given the delay by the monster......” “嗯……你们来得比我想象中要晚一些。”封不觉晃着酒杯,看着呆若木鸡的四人,用懒散的口吻说道,“想必是被怪物给延误了吧……” When speaking of here, he holds up the wine glass, drank liquid in cup, then said: „...... what the hell is really difficult to drink......” him to shake the head to discuss, was sorry, I want to appraise this gadget to install in front bi-】 But this...... was really difficult to drink me unable to give the positive opinion.” 说到这儿时,他举起酒杯,喝了一口杯中的液体,接着道:“啊……真他喵的难喝……”他摇着头念道,“抱歉,我本想在各位面前品鉴一下这玩意儿来装个【哔-】的,但这个……实在是难喝到我无法给出正面评价了。” This is sorcerer's blood that I collect......” Samodeer has turned head, with a complaint language gas channel/angrily said, you, or likes not moving on putting there.” “这可是我珍藏的巫师之血……”萨摩迪尔回过头,用一种抱怨的语气道,“你要不喜欢就放那儿别动。” Feng Bujue has not gone to manage him, but continues to say to the team members of Golden Warhammer team: Such as everyone sees, this semblance very scary, sense of taste and we have the enormous difference, parsimonious, disciple has the height however to grow is far from my graceful Brother Samodeer......” his a half second, supplemented, AKA ( also_known_as ), Scenario BOSS......” meets saying that „...... the present has been in cahoots with me.” 封不觉没去理他,而是继续对黄金战锤队的队员们道:“如各位所见,这位外表十分唬人的、味觉和我们有着巨大差异的、吝啬的、徒有身高但是长得远没我帅的萨摩迪尔老兄……”他微顿半秒,补充了一句,“AKA(also_known_as),剧本BOSS……”又接道,“……如今已和我狼狈为奸。” Jue Bro is saying, while put down the wine glass to stand from the throne: Therefore...... your lives stopped are also useless.” He takes a step to forward, shrugs saying that „, but, I had pledged beforehand will give Antitoxic serum, the transaction is the transaction......” 觉哥一边说着,一边放下酒杯从王座上站了起来:“所以……你们的性命到此为止也就没用了。”他迈步向前,耸肩道,“不过,我事先承诺过会给各位抗毒血清的,交易就是交易……” Then, he really took out the blood serum from Traveling Bag , handed in front of face Yellow Sledgehammer with amazement personally. 接着,他真的从行囊里取出了血清,亲手递到了一脸骇然的黄大锤面前。 In this process, Feng Bujue consistently stays the condition that one type nearly is not garrisoning. But this calm...... made the four people of enemy team absolutely terrified. 在这个过程中,封不觉始终保持着一种近乎不设防的状态。而这份从容……令敌队的四人毛骨悚然。 By the present situation, four people of Golden Warhammer team can definitely the antidote after the clothing/taking, even be attains the antidote instantaneous...... to Feng Bujue launches four pairs of short distance surprise attacks directly. Once attacks successfully, they were equal to striking to kill a strong enemy team member in vain, moreover relieved own DEBUFF smoothly ; At the appointed time, they can not pay attention to Scenario BOSS, flees this place , to continue this competition at the superior population. 要知道,以眼下的情境而言,黄金战锤队的四人完全可以在服下解药之后、甚至是拿到解药的瞬间……直接对封不觉发动一次四对一的近距离突袭。一旦突袭成功,他们等于是白白击杀了一名超强的敌方队员,而且顺利解除了自身的DEBUFF;届时,他们可以不理会剧本BOSS,逃离此地,以优势人数继续这场比赛。 Moreover...... above this supposition, Yellow Sledgehammer can still want to obtain even, can say that presents everyone to be well aware. 而且……以上这番假设,就算是黄大锤也能想得到,可以说在场所有人对此都是心知肚明的。 However, Feng Bujue actually still, stuck to one's own way of doing things calmly...... this accomplishing a task with ease attitude, makes in front of him four people happen simultaneously on the contrary surprisedly, does not dare to act rashly. 然而,封不觉却仍是若无其事、我行我素……这份游刃有余的态度,反倒让他面前的四人惊疑交加、不敢妄动。
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