TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#847: Illusory Demon Church

When Feng Bujue said that two names, on the face of Samodeer presented the color of shock was difficult to cover. 封不觉道出那两个名字时,萨摩迪尔的脸上出现了难掩的震惊之色。 But this...... also completely within the anticipation of Jue Bro. 而这……也完全在觉哥的意料之内。 Perhaps when this main universe, no one can think...... the head of Deep Abyss Nether King subordinate Undead Nine Chief, Chief of All Demons Curse Priest, as well as before...... your , the officer, can be unexpectedly one group.” Feng Bujue meets saying that speaks the truth, even if I......, in listening to Billy said Illusory Demon Church when relevant information, still pondered dozens seconds cleared off the mentality.” “在这主宇宙中,恐怕无人能想到……冥渊幽王麾下的死灵九魁之首,众魔之首身旁的咒神官,以及……你这个前时官,竟会是一伙儿的。”封不觉接道,“说实话,就算是我……在听比利说出‘幻魔教会’的相关情报时,也足足思考了数十秒才理清思路。” That puppet......” Samodeer sinking sound discussed, how...... to know these matters?” “那个木偶……”萨摩迪尔沉声念道,“……又是怎么知道这些事的?” Hehe...... that puppet knows may continue these.” Feng Bujue said with a smile. “呵呵……那个木偶知道的可远不止这些。”封不觉笑道。 You have not answered my issue.” Samodeer also said. “你没有回答我的问题。”萨摩迪尔又道。 Because you do not need to know this issue the answer.” Feng Bujue meets to say. “因为你没有必要知道这个问题的答案。”封不觉接道。 Snort...... laughable......” Samodeer sneers saying that I do need to gain these information, is decided by you?” “哼……可笑……”萨摩迪尔冷笑道,“我有没有必要获取这些信息,难道是由你决定的吗?” Did not mean that must be decided by me, but......” Feng Bujue returns calm said, I can decide.” “也并不是说必须由我决定,只是……”封不觉淡定地回道,“我可以决定。” Performing is some bewildered idle talk!” Samodeer shouted. “尽是些莫名其妙的废话!”萨摩迪尔喝道。 You cannot understand...... are also very normal.” Jue Bro spreads out both hands saying that you, so long as played own role to be good, our these high between exchange, was very difficult to explain clearly with you.” “你听不懂……也很正常。”觉哥摊开双手道,“你只要扮演好自己的角色就行了,我们这些‘高位者’之间的交流,本就很难跟你们解释清楚。” Ha!” Samodeer smiled one gloomy, you, and is that puppet...... high? Ha.....” “哈!”萨摩迪尔阴沉地笑了一声,“你、和那个木偶……是高位者?哈……” Yes, at least is higher than 2-3 scales compared with you.” Feng Bujue has not actually smiled, he uses very tranquil tone saying that Billy to predicted the understanding degree had decided he will become existences that finally dominates in you, as well as most unique data. Moreover...... he will play very essential role in Ragnarök.” “是的,至少比你高出2-3个档次吧。”封不觉却是没笑,他用很平静的语气说道,“比利对‘预言’的了解程度已决定了他终将成为一个凌驾于你、以及绝大多数唯一性数据的存在。而且……他将在‘诸神黄昏’中扮演非常关键的角色。” When each few words that Jue Bro spoke, as well as he said these words manners, makes Samodeer feel an invisible pressure...... 觉哥所说的每一句话,以及他说这些话时的神态,都让萨摩迪尔感到一种无形的压力…… Because- truth, is a strength. 因为-真相,是一种力量。 However I......” Jue Bro patted own chest, „...... originally compared with your data high a dimension, but this is not a key point, the key point is my understanding of this world has been close in the ZERO level, so long as there is enough information and an execution, I even am capable of breaking his prediction procedure/program, will guide in the future trend.” “而我呢……”觉哥拍了拍自己的胸口,“……本就比你们这些数据高了一个维度,不过这并不是重点,重点是我对这个世界的理解已经接近于ZERO的水平,只要有足够的信息和执行力,我甚至有能力打破他的‘预言程序’,引导‘未来’的走向。” I do not understand that you were saying anything......” Samodeer has not truly understood these words, because in the words had a lot of contents shielding by the system, moreover...... has not shielded even, these words still have gone beyond his understanding category. “我不明白你在说什么……”萨摩迪尔确实没听懂这番话,因为话中有很多内容都被系统给屏蔽了,另外……就算没有屏蔽,这些话也已超出了他的理解范畴。 Look, therefore I said, you do not need to know.” Feng Bujue is tilting the head said, we then talked about the topic......” “瞧,所以我说,你‘没必要知道’。”封不觉歪着头道,“咱们还是接着聊刚才的话题吧……” He two seconds, then previous words: Actually, I have asked for advice your more than once Illusory Demon Church strength. Without guessing wrong...... you sends to kill my Forder( hunter island), its servant Ivan is the follower who expensive/noble teaches?” He shakes the head with a smile, „, I mansion ’( mountain pond haunted house) and City Ingo in ‚’( lead who advances on) outside see two strength to be common origin law respectively, wants to come is the Tallioum writing skill.” He is enumerating at a moderate pace, what natural...... made my impression deepest is in deodar cedar county public hospital( cursed hospital) some Evil Spirit. This should by I ‚a blade handle the fellow, actually erupted far to exceed him should in the dying moment the strength of able Undead, nearly made me fall......” 他顿了两秒,接着先前的话道:“其实,我早已不止一次地领教过你们那个‘幻魔教会’的力量了。要是没猜错的话……你派来杀我的那个福德(猎人岛),其身边的仆人‘伊凡’就是贵教的信徒吧?”他笑着摇了摇头,“还有,我在‘厄舍府’(山池鬼屋篇)内和‘樱果镇’(进击的主角)外分别见过两个力属同源的法阵,想来都是塔利欧姆的手笔。”他不紧不慢地列举着,“当然了……令我印象最深的还是在‘雪松郡公立医院’(被诅咒的医院)中的某个恶灵。这个本该被我‘一刀搞定’的家伙,却在垂死关头爆发出了远超他应有能力的死灵之力,险些让我栽了跟头……” „...... Expensive teaches to be similar to a huge shadow that in brief hides in the hidden place, presents and dislikes my in my experience once for a while, this makes me result in not happily......, but I have also put aside this shadow in the thought palace somewhere, the patience waits for is exposing its moment. Until some day, I started thing......” Jue Bro at this point, purposely stopped, seems leaves the opposite party response time, „...... demon lost to view Spiritual Pivot.” “简而言之……贵教就如同一个潜藏在暗处的庞大阴影,时不时在我的经历中出现并膈应我一下,这让我非常得不愉快……而我也一直将这阴影搁置在思维殿堂的某处,耐心等待着揭露它的那一刻。直到某天,我入手了一件东西……”觉哥说到这里,有意识地停顿了一下,好似是留给对方反应的时间,“……魔杳灵枢。” Snort...... your shameless one......” Samodeer said, also dares to raise that unexpectedly on own initiative......” “哼……你这无耻之徒……”萨摩迪尔道,“竟然还敢主动提起那个……” Obviously, Jue Bro cheats this/should Item the matter that from Spirit Seizer there, and has not returned again, Samodeer has also heard. 很显然,觉哥夺灵那里骗走该物品并且再也没有归还的事情,萨摩迪尔也已经听说了。 Taking advantage of the ability of data observation, I caught some traces...... Feng Bujue to disregard the opinion of Samodeer from that Item, then said, since then I know, Spirit Seizer this fellow is controlling some organization in secret, and depended upon this organization to collect the strength of belief for oneself ‚’.” His both hands insert the bag, starts to pace slowly, was a pity, in afterward that days, I and your organization then had nothing to happen together, I its Name cannot inquire.” He licked the lip, fortunately...... when me and Billy recent exchange, this is puzzled I to be many riddle topic unties finally. I was also listen to him to say know, originally that organized back god incessantly Spirit Seizer, you and Tallioum also had participation.” “借着数据观察的能力,我从那件物品上捕捉到了一些蛛丝马迹……”封不觉无视萨摩迪尔的言论,接着道,“从那时起我就知道,夺灵这家伙在暗中操控着某个组织,并依靠这个组织为自己收集着‘信仰之力’。”他双手插袋,开始缓缓踱步,“可惜,在后来的那段日子里,我和你们的组织便没什么交集了,以至于我连它的名称都没能打听出来。”他舔了舔嘴唇,“还好……在我和比利的最近一次交流中,这个困惑我多时的谜题终于解开。我也是听他讲了才知道,原来那组织背后的‘神祗’不止夺灵一个,你和塔利欧姆也有参与其中。” At this time, Samodeer that insolent demon can subside, he also becomes toward the look that Jue Bro throws very complex. 此时,萨摩迪尔那张狂的魔能已经平息下来,他朝觉哥投去的眼神也变得十分复杂。 Powerful Undead that is next to Deep Abyss Nether King, Sutter Clan end lineage that a talent different reported that...... the Feng Bujue's words is still continuing with a strength immeasurably deep incantation demon, I do not know how you gathered together, does not know that your ultimate goals were anything, but I must acknowledge that you very fierce......” his a half second, said again, you three person ambushed in three strong influences respectively, was dormant in three god under wing. Meanwhile, you also gain the strength of own belief by Illusory Demon Church ; The knowledge and strength that Spirit Seizer the strength and the Tallioum Undead incantation technique, and demon of your illusion can breed...... enough have made all sorts of curses, legends and tragedy that your follower did all kinds of evil things...... to expedite everywhere from this...... all in turn your energy sources.” “一个仅次于冥渊幽王的强大死灵,一个天赋异禀的萨特族末裔,和一个实力深不可测的咒魔……”封不觉的话还在继续,“我不知道你们是怎么凑到一块儿的,也不知道你们的最终目的是什么,但我得承认你们很厉害……”他微顿半秒,再道,“你们三‘人’分别潜伏于三股强大的势力之中,蛰伏在三位‘神’的羽翼之下。同时,你们又借由‘幻魔教会’来获取属于自己的信仰之力;夺灵死灵之力、塔利欧姆的咒术、以及你的幻之魔能所孕育出的知识和力量……已足够让你们那些‘信徒’到处去为非作歹了……而由此催生出的种种诅咒、传说、悲剧……皆会反过来成为你们的能量源泉。” Snort...... looked like you truly to understand something......” Samodeer attitude also cold, on him that is wild nothing left, what replaces it is a deep bearing, „......, but that was not complete.” “哼……看来你确实是了解了一些事情……”萨摩迪尔的态度也冷了下来,他身上的那份狂暴已荡然无存,取而代之的是一种深沉的气度,“……但那并非是全部。” Right, therefore I arrived here, and brought to light these with you.” Feng Bujue meets saying that I was anticipating...... you can unable to tell my partial information to make a clean breast Billy.” “没错,所以我才来到了这里,并跟你挑明了这些。”封不觉接道,“我正在期待着……你能把比利无法告诉我的那部分信息和盘托出。” „...... , if others stands in my front, I will ask that he was insane or silly.” Samodeer should say instantly, at present...... I want to consult...... he to raise an arm to you but actually, points at Jue Bro saying that Feng Bujue, why you think...... me, not only will not kill you, will also tell you these information?” “呵……如果是别人站在我的面前,我会问他是疯了还是傻了。”萨摩迪尔即刻应道,“不过眼下……我倒想向你请教一下……”他扬起一臂,指着觉哥道,“疯不觉,你凭什么认为……我非但不会杀你,还会告诉你这些情报?” „Very simple.” Feng Bujue returns with nearly lazy facial expression said, depends on...... me compared with you.” “很简单。”封不觉用近乎慵懒的神情回道,“就凭……我比你强。” „Do you determine?” The Samodeer expression is very serious, he has not snorted contemptuously to the reason of Jue Bro, does not have not to believe that but is probing discretely. “你确定吗?”萨摩迪尔的表情很严肃,他没有对觉哥的理由嗤之以鼻,也没有不予置信,而是谨慎地试探着。 No matter I did determine, the matter that then must have is the same.” Feng Bujue said that „, if Billy here, he will tell you, your choice has been doomed.” Saying, he also lifts an arm, made please hand signal, „, therefore...... comes, liberates your complete strength to fight with me. Then............ gives up in my front.” “不管我确不确定,接下来要发生的事情还是一样的。”封不觉道,“假如比利在这里,他就会告诉你,你的‘选择’已然注定。”说着,他也抬起一臂,作了个“请”的手势,“所以……来吧,解放你全部的力量与我一战。然后……在我的面前……俯首称臣吧。”
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