TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#846: Meets carving of demon

After whispered, what was following was a noisy and chaotic abnormal noise...... 低语过后,随之而来的是一阵嘈杂、混乱的异响…… Sound of sound and the chilly wind transit the fluid flow, rolls the oil to bite the sound and the sound of muscle bone scraps grinding meat...... close. 液体流动之声、凄风过境之声、滚油噬肉之声、筋骨碎碾之声……声声近在咫尺。 The moan and demented craziness of angry low roar and pain smile, biting cold wails...... to hear. 愤怒的低吼、痛苦的呻吟、癫狂的痴笑、彻骨的哀泣……句句直入耳中。 Is the pressure on this sense of hearing, makes one have one type such as the dropping hell feeling. 仅仅是这听觉上的压力,就让人有一种如堕地狱般的感觉。 At this moment, in the hand of players has the lighting attachment, but a that dark resembles wild wild animal, closely gripped all light source in city in the claw, was slightly leakproof. 此刻,玩家们的手中并非没有照明设备,但那黑暗像一头狂暴的野兽,将城中的一切光源紧紧攥在了爪中,丝毫不漏。 Some people are trying yelling, wants to exchange with the side teammates taking advantage of this, the sound that but in they throat makes cannot hear. 有人试着叫喊,想借此与身旁的队友们进行交流,但他们连自己喉咙里发出的声音都听不到。 Some people are trying waving, wants to use sense of touch confirmation situation all around, but their fingertip can only touch one intermittently now hot and now cold and sometimes dry sometimes moist air current. 有人试着挥手,想用触觉确认周遭的情况,但他们的指尖只能触到一阵阵忽冷忽热、时燥时潮的气流。 The frightened and helpless mood spreads and develops in the players heart rapidly...... 恐惧、无助的情绪在玩家们心中急速蔓延、滋长…… That this darkness arrives, objective is not long, but to placing person, actually just like the long night to be long. 这黑暗降临的时分,客观来说并不算久,但对身处其中人来说,却犹如永夜般漫长。 Finally...... 终于…… After about one minute, darkness removed. 在大约一分钟后,“黑暗”褪去了。 One blood moon/month, in the sky however gets up. 一轮血月,当空而起。 Originally as linked material the dense fog has dissipated, true Nooccar City...... appeared in the players at present. 原本作为“连接介质”的迷雾已然消散,真正的努卡市……出现在了玩家们的眼前。 Takes a broad view to look at the the specters of remnant corpse and flying of bleached bone and creeping motion that...... the rugged scorched earth and ebullition blood river, grows thickly wait/etc...... innumerable the terrifying thing that only then in the nightmare can present, draws an Yellow Springs magnificent scene. 放眼望去……嶙峋的焦土、沸腾的血河、丛生的枯骨、蠕动的残尸、飞天的魔影等等……无数只有噩梦中才会出现的恐怖事物,绘出一幅黄泉盛景。 All these abnormal noises, all empty are the realities, becomes the Death threat in the true sense. 所有那些异响,皆已化虚为实,成为了真正意义上的死亡威胁。 ............ ………… City west, Golden Warhammer team whereabouts. 城西,黄金战锤队所在之处。 bi-】 This anything situation!” Yellow Sledgehammer this little while whole person is not good, in the Z the dual effects of virus and under fear, he is sweat profusely, complexion is pallid, how to turn into this suddenly?” “【哔-】这什么情况!”黄大锤这会儿整个人都不好了,在Z病毒和恐惧情绪的双重影响下,他已是大汗淋漓、面色煞白,“怎么突然就变成这样了?” Feeling transformed in the world suddenly......” profound Spirit King is also still shaken, but came compared with Yellow Sledgehammer, his Terror Value was stable. “感觉是忽然转换成里世界了呢……”玄灵王者也是惊魂未定,但比起黄大锤来,他的惊吓值还算稳定。 Strange Warrior wipes the cold sweat to meet saying: I said that...... can be that man who we previously ran into causes?” 奇斗士抹着冷汗接道:“我说……会不会是我们先前遇到的那个男人导致的?” Really has the possibility.” Alkaline Man nods to say, perhaps was he enraging, or enters two stagesto create BOSS ‚......” “确实有可能。”碱性男点头应道,“没准是他把BOSS给激怒、或者打入了‘二阶段’造成的……” Therefore......” Yellow Sledgehammer is probing asking, „the present condition...... essentially is because this Scenario BOSS did open in a big way?” “所以……”黄大锤试探着问道,“眼前的状况……本质上是因为这个剧本的BOSS开大了?” Who knows that......” Alkaline Man truly does not know item body situation, what I care was...... the Scenario map changed so, can affect us to look for the antidote......” “谁知道呢……”碱性男是确实不知道具体情况,“我更关心的是……剧本地图发生了如此巨变,会不会影响我们找解药……” Profound Spirit King responds immediately to Ah!, for the time being thinks that man really kept the antidote to us, but if the antidote stayed in ‚the table world, couldn't we attain?” “对啊!”玄灵王者立刻反应过来,“姑且认为那个男人真的给我们留了解药,可假如解药被留在了‘表世界’,那我们岂不是拿不到了?” Is......” Alkaline Man sinking sound meets saying: „, That Antitoxic serum was still passed to the world again on second thought even together, periphery you had a look at......” him to stop for two seconds, not to mention currently has the monster of loafing everywhere, said that what to do this terrain did change also...... the antidote to fall into the magma or the blood river alarmingly by some chance? What to do inscribes the riddle topic stone slab to disappear?” “是的……”碱性男沉声接道:“再退一步讲,就算那抗毒血清也被一同传到了里世界来,你们看看周围……”他停顿了两秒,“且不说现在到处都有游荡的怪物,就说这地形变化也让人担忧啊……万一解药掉进岩浆或血河里了咋办?或者刻有谜题的石板不见了咋办?” What do we also wait for?” The Yellow Sledgehammer high sound said, hurries then to look!” “那我们还等什么?”黄大锤高声道,“赶紧接着去找吧!” Snort...... I also think actually......” Alkaline Man smiles bitterly. “哼……我倒是也想啊……”碱性男苦笑一声。 When he finishes barely the words, Golden Warhammer team these four people of surroundings, have a strange shadow indistinctly to encircle...... 在他话音未落之际,黄金战锤队这四人的周围,已有影影绰绰的一圈怪影围了上来…… But these monsters seem like will not coordinate our appearances......” Alkaline Man discusses, while has offered a sacrifice to own double sickle again. “但这些怪物似乎是不会配合我们的样子……”碱性男一边念道,一边已再次祭出了自己的双镰。 ............ ………… On the other hand, Hell Front team in it place. 另一方面,地狱前线队所在之地。 Even if your face squats suffering in same place, Scenario will not change the original design.” Xiao Ling looks at own boyfriend with a despicable vision, said sincerely, hurries the help.” “就算你一脸委屈地蹲在原地,剧本也不会变回原样的。”小灵用一种鄙夷的目光看着自己的男朋友,语重心长地言道,“赶紧起来帮忙吧。” Said this saying at the same time, her gentle and mild lifted the both arms, with Murders moon/month With Meteor Is conducting no brain marksmanship to some monsters dozens meters away. Because these two spears/guns have the automatic calibration function of certain extent, when marksmanship is slightly strange, so long as Xiao Ling aims with the split vision, then opened fire at will is OK. 说这话的同时,她正平举双臂,用【弑月】和【陨星】对数十米外的一些怪物进行着无脑射击。由于这两把枪都有一定程度的自动校准功能,在射击小怪时,小灵只要用余光去瞄准,然后随意开火就可以了。 Knows when......” Xiao Tan reply, has stood, Terror Value was a little a moment ago high, making me slow one slow......” “知道啦……”小叹回答时,已经站了起来,“刚才惊吓值有点高,让我缓一缓嘛……” You slow 30 seconds, didn't have?” Xiao Ling asked with the impatient tone, you this year are seven years old?” “你都缓了三十秒了,还没完了啊?”小灵用不耐烦的语气问道,“你今年七岁么?” This time is the age related......” Xiao Tan hears word, the corners of the mouth twitch are returning said, „over seven people when encountering the terrifying accident must calm down in 30 seconds of inner cooling......” “这个时间原来是和年龄有关的吗……”小叹闻言,嘴角抽动着回道,“七岁以上的人在遭遇恐怖变故时就必须在三十秒内冷静下来吗……” That natural.” Xiao Ling with the natural language gas channel/angrily said, you after the test examination paper saw topic that in childhood will not make, has been at the startled condition till finishing class?” “那当然啦。”小灵用理所当然的语气道,“难道你小时候在考试卷子上看到一道不会做的题目后,就一直处于惊慌状态愣到下课为止吗?” Oh......” Xiao Tan had nothing to say in reply for a while. 呃……”小叹一时无言以对。 I said that you...... this kind of time discussed anything 30 seconds of principle......” at this time, Flowers Between also meets to say in side, doubts well.” “我说你们啊……这种时候讨论什么‘三十秒原则’啊……”此时,花间也在旁接道,“好好打怪啦。” ( Note: 30 seconds of principle, namely in test / in examination, examined in 30 seconds after some topic still unable to find way out, should jump over this/should topic decisively principle, because could not find out the clue in 30 seconds the topic, thinks again 30 minutes may be unable to explain, self-deception rigid will only waste the time. (注:三十秒原则,即“在考试/测验中,审完某道题目后的三十秒内仍然一筹莫展,就应果断跳过该题”的原则,因为在30秒内想不出头绪的题目,再想三十分钟也可能无法解答,自欺欺人的执着只会浪费时间。 PS: This principle is I makes out of whole cloth in 30 seconds, please do not take seriously.) PS:该原则是我在30秒内瞎编的,请勿当真。) Good! Looks my!” Xiao Tan is saying, with the sleeve arrows and shotgun, started the monster that suppressed these to gather. “好!看我的!”小叹说着,也用出了袖箭和霰弹枪,开始压制那些聚拢过来的怪物。 After hitting for several seconds, he thought of anything probably suddenly, stops said to the teammates: Where right...... these monsters...... I had seen probably......” 打了几秒后,他好像忽然想到了什么,停下对队友们道:“对了……这些怪物……我好像在哪儿见过啊……” ............ ………… Before ten minutes, town center, in different fort. 十分钟前,市中心,异堡之中。 Three person's shadows, enter from the front door of main shrine, before line Samodeer throne . 三条人影,从主殿的大门进入,一路行到了萨摩迪尔的王座前。 Oh ~ ~ person ~ we bring ~ “唷~唷~人~我们已经带到了~” Invited the king...... Che ~ Che ~ check_out ~ “请大王……切~切~check_out~” Jolted three and four turned round but actually the life to Samodeer with RAP. 颠三和倒四用RAP向萨摩迪尔复了命。 Ok, you first got down.” Samodeer sits on the throne has not moved, even the eye has not opened. “好了,你们先下去吧。”萨摩迪尔坐在王座上未动,连眼睛都没有睁开。 After that two must make, looked at each other one, later then shrugged, turns around to depart. 那二位得令后,对视了一眼,随后便耸了耸肩,转身离去了。 After they go out of the main shrine, Feng Bujue said with a smile: You close one's eyes , because isn't able to look straight ahead your two subordinates?” 待他们走出主殿后,封不觉笑道:“你闭着眼睛,是因为无法直视你那两个手下吗?” Feng Bujue......” Samodeer had not replied that Jue Bro issue, he knows, if said following this topic, oneself by opposite party violent make complaints, therefore he said by all means oneself think beforehand good content, „...... at this moment, you can also maintain this calm attitude, I have saying that the sound admires.” 疯不觉……”萨摩迪尔没有回答觉哥的问题,他知道,如果顺着这个话题说下去,自己又会被对方猛烈吐槽,所以他只管说自己事先想好的内容,“……事到如今,你还能保持这种从容的态度,我也不得不说声佩服。” What's wrong? You also counted on that sees me to exhibit a face startled scared look?” Feng Bujue asked. “怎么?你还指望看到我摆出一脸惊慌的惧色吗?”封不觉问道。 Snort...... was really senseless......” Samodeer is saying, opened the eye. “哼……真是无趣……”萨摩迪尔说着,睁开了眼睛。 Now, when his pupil color already and is in Demon's Voice Island different. At that time, he has a pair of brown pupil, but now, his pair of beast is actually the jet black color. 如今,他的瞳色已和身在咀魔岛之时不同。那时,他有着一对土黄色的眸子,但如今,他那双兽目却是漆黑之色。 You is a helpless opponent, Feng Bujue.” Samodeer launches him behind that to the giant bat wing, stands up from the throne, treads the great hoof to go down slowly, I did not determine that you are extremely crazy are extremely calm, but I can determine that...... is impossible to obtain from you pleasant sensation, even if tiny bit taking revenge.” “你是个令人无奈的对手,疯不觉。”萨摩迪尔展开他身后那对巨大的蝙翼,从王座上站起,踏着巨蹄缓缓走下,“我不确定你是太过疯狂还是太过冷静,但我可以确定……从你身上不可能得到哪怕一丝一毫复仇的快感。” During speeches, he already line in front of Jue Bro: Because......, although you are only a base and low lifeform, but you are actually overlooking all with the stance of high, is overlooking...... me!” 说话之间,他已行到了觉哥面前:“因为……虽然你只是个卑微的生物,但你却总是用高位者的姿态俯视着一切,俯视着……我!” That I character carry over one to roar, spouted the air wave that to blow the Jue Bro hair from the Samodeer mouth to raise. 那个“我”字带出一声咆哮,从萨摩迪尔口中喷出的气浪吹得觉哥头发都扬了起来。 But the next second, Feng Bujue then stares the dead fish eye to return said: „The present situation, I adopt the magnanimous attitude the reason at least to have two before you ; First, I do am better than you in the mouth clean aspect. Second, I, in addition knows has the smelly breath time do not gather in front of others to speak.” 而下一秒,封不觉便瞪着死鱼眼回道:“就眼前的情况来看,我在你面前摆出高姿态的理由至少有二;其一,我在口腔清洁方面做得比你好很多。其二,我尚且知道有口臭的时候不要凑到别人面前讲话。” Samodeer hears word, quite retroceded awkwardly two steps: Snort...... can your human that wrap/sets senseless social etiquette also be the capital of being proud?” 萨摩迪尔闻言,颇为尴尬地后退了两步:“哼……你们人类那套无谓的社交礼仪也能作为自负的资本吗?” Regardless the social etiquette...... this is mainly the personal hygiene issue?” Feng Bujue's refuted quickly, moreover was well-founded, „, moreover I was not worth being proud, should be you felt that felt ashamed is right. If you must say that I am proud, I later hug your neck, the mouth am accompanying the excrement to talk with you, does not know that you can be anything feel.” “撇开社交礼仪不谈……这主要是个人卫生的问题吧?”封不觉的反驳来得很快,而且有理有据,“而且我也没什么值得自负的,应该是你感到自惭才对。假如你非要说我自负的话,我以后就搂着你的脖子,嘴里伴着屎跟你交谈,不知道你会是什么感受。” Such remarks, Samodeer not voluntarily and draws back half step: Sufficed! Do not talk at random with me again!” He soon realized, the topic in does not know that in Bujue was been crooked to the belt/bring by Jue Bro, therefore he decided immediately to say the subject, today, I want you to pay the price to the beforehand actions!” 此言一出,萨摩迪尔不自觉地又退半步:“够了!别再跟我东拉西扯的!”他很快意识到,话题还是在不知不觉中被觉哥给带歪了,所以他决定立刻说正题,“今天,我要你对以前的所作所为付出代价!” The word finishes, Samodeer whole body Devil Qi surges, killing intent turns to well up like the tsunami. 言毕,萨摩迪尔周身魔气激荡,一股杀意如海啸般翻涌而出。 Ha? Let me pay the price?” Feng Bujue stands in same place one has not moved, even Spiritual Energy Armament has not taken, depends on you?” “哈?让我付出代价?”封不觉站在原地一步未动,甚至连灵能武器都没拿出来,“就凭你?” Snort......” Samodeer sneers, looks like you also to be for a half mediocre......” his second, you thought...... can like move out Demon's Voice Island that time?” “哼……”萨摩迪尔冷笑,“看来你也不过如此啊……”他微顿半秒,“你是不是觉得……自己可以像在咀魔岛那次一样全身而退?” „...... You said that time.” Feng Bujue both hands insert the bag, returns with very relaxed tone said, is you pretends attacks to pounce upon suddenly and wait for an opportunity to plot against punishment to me crazily actually that fights?” “哦……你说那次啊。”封不觉双手插袋,用很轻松的语气回道,“就是你假装对我狂攻猛扑、实则是在伺机暗算刑师的那场打斗吗?” The Samodeer facial expression changes: You......” 萨摩迪尔神情微变:“你……” How do I know?” Feng Bujue meets saying that hehe...... I know may continue these.” He lifts one, feels the chin saying that I also know, this time you, were stronger than about three times that time?” “我怎么会知道?”封不觉接道,“呵呵……我知道的可远不止这些。”他抬起一手,摸着下巴道,“我还知道,今时今日的你,比那个时候强三倍左右是吧?” Samodeer has not responded, but his shock has manifested in oneself demon can in fluctuation. 萨摩迪尔没有回应,但他的震惊已体现在了自身魔能的波动中。 I acknowledged when...... first meets, I truly a little underestimated you.” The Feng Bujue's words are still continuing, after that contact of Demon's Voice Island, I changed the view. Afterward...... after I related to your information processing, I gradually discovered, your shrewdness and potential...... all cannot be underestimated.” “我承认……初次相遇时,我确实有点低估你了。”封不觉的话还在继续,“不过经过咀魔岛的那次接触后,我就改变了看法。后来……当我将有关你的情报整理了一番后,我逐渐发现,你的城府和潜力……皆是不容小觑啊。” Snort...... blustered......” at this time, after Samodeer slightly was calm one next, probed is meeting saying that your old tricks.” “哼……虚张声势……”此时,萨摩迪尔稍稍冷静了一下后,试探着接道,“你的惯用伎俩。” What's wrong? You thought that I am using the empty talk to cheat you?” Feng Bujue said with a smile, „...... on that me a solid stuff was good.” He spreads out both hands, with one habitually used the countenance that under hits discussed, where un...... starts to reach an agreement......, right, might as well that strange religion of you and Spirit Seizer, Tallioum they together establishing mentions.” “怎么?你觉得我在用空话诈你?”封不觉笑道,“呵……那我上点干货好了。”他摊开双手,用一副惯用的欠打的嘴脸念道,“嗯……从哪儿开始说好呢……哦,对了,不妨就从你和夺灵塔利欧姆他们俩一块儿成立的那个古怪宗教说起吧。”
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