TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#845: Whispering in darkness

After Scenario starts, 80 minutes, town center. 剧本开始后八十分钟,市中心。 At this time, Feng Bujue had captured a great-circle in the city, the complete establishment that the prepare his game needed, later then arrived at this place. 此时,封不觉已然在城里兜了个大圈,布置好了他那场“游戏”所需的全部设置,随后便来到了此地。 Castle......” Jue Bro is looking at the giant different fort in distant place, discussed, your excellency personal status to the construction woulds not venture to give positive comments on......” “城堡吗……”觉哥望着远处的巨大异堡,念道,“阁下对建筑的品位不敢恭维呢……” In his mouth your excellency, referred to is not others, is Samodeer. 他口中的这个“阁下”,指的不是别人,正是萨摩迪尔 In fact, when just entered this Scenario, Feng Bujue has detected existence of Samodeer, because surrounding that mist is obviously supplementing the energy of latter within the body. From the data angle of view observation, that is just like fingerprint or gene sequence same thing, who looks at the apparent his master is. 事实上,在刚进入这个剧本时,封不觉就已经察觉到了萨摩迪尔的存在,因为周围的那股“雾气”明显附带着后者体内的能量。从数据视角观察,那就好比是“指纹”或者“基因序列”一样的东西,一看便知其主人是谁。 Said that...... you hide in this Nooccar City, is doing?” Feng Bujue is thinking aloud, while turns toward the castle to set out. “说起来……你躲在这努卡市里,又是在干什么呢?”封不觉一边自言自语着,一边向着城堡进发。 In he prepares to jump over a magma branch, suddenly...... 就在他准备跳过一条岩浆支流时,忽然…… Oh ~ ~ as the saying goes ~ RAP of bringing rhythm transmits, you wear out iron shoes on the hunting grounds ~ “唷~唷~有道是~”一段自带节奏的RAP传来,“踏破铁鞋无觅处呀~” Hey ~ ~ has not thought that ~ another similar sound also resounds, must come is not all time-consuming ~ “嘿~嘿~没想到~”另一个类似的声音也紧接着响起,“得来全不费工夫哟~” Till voice, two person's shadows have then come, establish separately beyond the Jue Bro front several meters. 话音为止,两道人影便已飘然而至,分立于觉哥前方数米之外。 Un......” Feng Bujue empty focuses, looks at that two to ask at present, Excuse me...... you are......” “嗯……”封不觉虚着眼,望着眼前那二位问道,“请问……你们是……” I jolt three!” Jolts three outward appearances to seem like the black person, but he is not human, but is one has four arm humanoid lifeform. “我是颠三!”颠三的外观很像是黑人,但他并非是“人类”,而是一个有着四条胳膊类人型生物。 I ~ is...... but actually four!” Pouring four are also a humanoid lifeform, his whole body turns purple, on the neck with the shark similar cheek, on the face had four very small eyes steadily, but does not have the nose. “我~是……倒四!”倒四也是个类人型生物,其全身发紫,脖子上长了与鲨鱼相似的腮,脸上有四个很小的眼睛,但没有鼻子。 These two person, all wears the loose long sleeve clothes, next six points of trousers, are treadonning the athletic shoes ; On their respective necks is also hanging one pile of very exaggerating falling decorations, the appearance of solemn rapper. 这两“人”,皆是穿着宽松的长袖衣服,下着六分裤,脚踏球鞋;他们各自脖子上还都挂着一堆很夸张的坠饰,俨然一副说唱歌手的打扮。 Oh. Jue Bro complied with one neither cold nor hot, asked that does not know that two did ask me to do?” 哦。觉哥不冷不热地应了一声,问道,“不知二位找我有何贵干呢?” Our our we ~ we looked for you half ~ day, Feng Bujue!” Jolts three chapters to say. “咱咱咱~咱们可是找你了半~天了,疯不觉哟!”颠三回道。 Samodeer ~ Sir ~ medicine medicine ~ cuts noisily ~ wants...... us to bring you ~ goes back ~ but actually four meet to say. 萨摩迪尔~大人~药药~切个闹~要……我们把你带~回去呀~”倒四接道。 We can speak...... Feng Bujue to exchange well for less than one minute with the opposite party, some faint eggs had hurt. “咱能好好说话么……”封不觉才和对方交流了一分钟不到,就已隐隐有些蛋疼了。 Oh ~ Bujue Bujue you do not understand ~ jolted three also to respond to him with RAP, this called RA ~ RARARA ~ “唷~唷~不觉不觉你不懂呀~”颠三又用RAP回应了他,“这就叫RA~RARARA~” RAP!” Pours four this times moved sideways before jolting the three embodiment of Buddha, meets these words. “RAP!”倒四这时闪身到颠三身前,接完了这句话。 Ha?” Feng Bujue stares the dead fish eye saying that „your levels...... what the hell also does dare to say in RAP? How I felt might as well wig expels barbarians JOY?” “哈?”封不觉瞪着死鱼眼道,“你们这种水平……他喵的也敢自称是在RAP?我怎么感觉还不如假发的‘攘夷JOY’呢?” Wha ~......?” Jolted three to come segment Guichu the -type vibrato, you were really big guts ~ “什~什什什……么?”颠三来了段鬼畜式的颤音,“你真是好大的胆~” Hey ~ ~ big guts ~ but actually four partner sang in side at the right moment. “嘿~嘿~好大的胆~”倒四在旁适时地伴唱道。 Dared to say ~ I was inferior to the wig?” Jolts three also saying that believes ~ we use ~ rhythm ~ exploded your head!” “竟敢说~我不如假发?”颠三又道,“信不信~我们用~节奏~爆了你的头!” All various professions......, when I had not said that......” Feng Bujue does not want then to pull with them, because he felt that such will be endless, do not lead me to see Samodeer? I follow you and that's the end.” “行行……当我没说吧……”封不觉不想和他们接着扯下去,因为他感觉那样会没完没了,“你们不是要带我去见萨摩迪尔吗?我跟你们走就是了。” ............ ………… Meanwhile, city west somewhere. 与此同时,城西某处。 Hateful...... this about an hour......” Yellow Sledgehammer scratched the cold sweat that the forehead is seeping out, discussed, that bastard is definitely playing us!” “可恶……这都将近一个小时了……”黄大锤擦着额头渗出的冷汗,念道,“那混蛋肯定是在耍我们!” Not necessarily......” Alkaline Man said, I believed firmly actually gradually, words that man spoke all really......” “不见得……”碱性男却道,“我倒是渐渐确信了,那个男人说的话全是真的……” Oh? profound Spirit King hears Yanyi said, makes one think so?” 哦?”玄灵王者闻言疑道,“何以见得?” On this round of road, I have been pondering, and realized gradually some issues......” Alkaline Man return said that after the time that we run into that fellow...... is Scenario starts about 30 minutes merely. In other words, he only spent for a half hour, made such a robot that carried viral weapon, and found our exact location, but also successfully made our four people all infect the virus.” “这一轮路上,我一直都在思考,并渐渐意识到了一些问题……”碱性男回道,“我们遇到那个家伙的时间……仅仅是剧本开始后的三十分钟左右。也就是说,他只花了半个小时,就制造出了那样一台携带病毒武器的机器人,并且找到了我们的确切位置,还成功让我们四人全都感染了病毒。” Waits for......” Yellow Sledgehammer said, that robot not necessarily is he makes? Perhaps is the Summon lifeform?” “等一下……”黄大锤道,“那个机器人未必是他制造出来的吧?说不定是召唤生物呢?” „If the Summon lifeform, then after it was hit explodes,...... its wreckage to change into the white light to dissipate instantly.” Alkaline Man has considered this, therefore returns without hesitation said that „, but the wreckage of that robot has not vanished, this explained that it is this world in thing.” “如果是召唤生物的话,那它被打爆之后……其残骸会即刻化为白光消散。”碱性男早已考虑到了这点,故而不假思索地回道,“但是那台机器人的残骸并没有消失,这说明它本身就是‘这个世界’里的东西。” Original...... so that's how it is......” Yellow Sledgehammer nods to say. “原……原来如此……”黄大锤点头应道。 „......” Alkaline Man also said immediately, I am also lag behind think......, if this person really must drive us to commit suicide, the virus that he can greatly after on the robot installs some to be able in a short time lethal, or makes one lose why the ability to act thing...... he also to use this three hours manifests suddenly instantaneously?” He sighed, oh......, his skill you also saw again on second thought......, if he held killing intent at that time, even if did not have that robot to take the lead, he still at least can put together two dead wounded us......” “还有……”碱性男随即又道,“我也是后知后觉才想到……如果这个人真要置我们于死地,那他大可以在机器人身上装上一些短时间内就能致死的、或是让人瞬间失去行动能力的东西……他何必还要使用这种三小时后才发作的病毒?”他叹了口气,“唉……再退一步讲,他的身手你们也看到了……如果他当时抱有杀意的话,那就算没有那机器人打头阵,他也至少能把我们拼个两死一伤吧……” When he speaking of here, a teammates lingering fear. 他说到这儿时,队友们不禁一阵后怕。 Is conceited Yellow Sledgehammer...... also to agree with this viewpoint. Because is close to and kidnaps him in Jue Bro instantly, he felt a sense of desperation earnestly......, if that time Jue Bro wants to kill people, his Yellow Sledgehammer ironclad is first dies. 就连自视甚高黄大锤……也不得不同意这种观点。因为在觉哥接近并劫持住他的刹那,他切实地感到了一种绝望感……假如说那时的觉哥想杀人,那他黄大锤铁定是第一个死的。 After two seconds, Alkaline Man then words: „The time that although we contact with that man is not long, but from his performance, has then been able to infer...... him to have the Investigation ability that extremely strong psychological quality, the far superegos are understanding limitedly, at least in Level B above Mechanic Specialization, as well as compared with me and a Strange Warrior quicker speed and endurance......” 两秒后,碱性男接着刚才的话道:“虽然我们和那个男人接触的时间不长,但从他有限的表现来看,便已可以推断出……他具备着极强的心理素质、远超我们理解的侦查能力、至少在B级以上的器械专精、以及比我和奇斗士更快的速度和持久力……” How does the Eh? endurance see?” Strange Warrior hits to block the way. 诶?持久力是怎么看出来的?”奇斗士打断道。 We have pursued the clue that he is giving to walk for more than 50 minutes, moreover when a place can see the recent clue, is this also not enough to be telling?” Alkaline Man asked. “我们已经追着他给出的线索走了五十多分钟,而且每到一个地点都能看见新的线索,这还不足以说明问题吗?”碱性男反问道。 Strange Warrior thinks to Ah!, immediately one startled, this explained each place that we pass through these days, he has come beforehand......” “对啊!奇斗士想了想,当即一惊,“这说明我们这段时间所经过的每个地点,他都已事先来过了……” Naturally, cannot remove has the teammate to help him complete these things......” Alkaline Man sinking sound said, „, but...... I thought that the possibility is not big.” “当然了,也不能排除是有队友在帮助他完成这些事情……”碱性男沉声道,“但……我觉得可能性不大。” Why is this?” Yellow Sledgehammer asked. “这又是为什么呢?”黄大锤问道。 Is only a feeling......” Alkaline Man said, considers my to mix the experience and intuition that many years of professional player accumulated in the game circle......” his complexion becomes very dignified, I always thought that...... our time and very met one strong opponent......” he to stop for a half second, gets angry saying that „...... powerful to relying on one's effort can roll the level of extinguishing us.” “只是一种感觉……”碱性男道,“就当是我这个在游戏圈混了多年的职业玩家所累积的经验和直觉吧……”他的面色变得非常凝重,“我总觉得……我们这次遇到了一个非常、非常强的对手……”他停顿了半秒,黑着脸道,“……强大到凭借一己之力就可以将我们团灭的水平。” Do not crack a joke!” The face muscle of Yellow Sledgehammer is twitching, drank to suppress with one greatly Terror Value that rose, „may have that person to exist? Even can't Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil achieve this thing?” “别开玩笑了!”黄大锤的脸部肌肉抽动着,用一声大喝压制了一下自己正在上升的惊吓值,“怎么可能会有那种人存在?就算是吞天鬼骁也做不到这种事吧?” „Can Daring Devil achieve, I am not clear.” At this time, profound Spirit King also met saying that that man actually strong, I was not clear. That that but...... Brother Alka said feeling, I have......” 鬼骁能不能做到,我不清楚。”这时,玄灵王者也接道,“那个男人究竟有多强,我也不清楚。但……碱哥所说的那种‘感觉’,我也有……” „The words that hey hey...... must speak......” Yellow Sledgehammer wiped the perspiration on face, „did we meet one...... also to want the strong super strong team compared with the professional team compared with Order Team One? Moreover we completely had been controlled among in Guzhang by the opposite party at this moment Ah! 喂喂……要这么说的话……”黄大锤抹了把脸上的汗,“我们岂不是遇上了一支比职业队……不……比秩序一队还要强的超级强队了吗?而且我们此刻已经完全被对方控制于股掌之间了啊! Pouring does not need is so pessimistic.” Alkaline Man said that „, because...... we are also living, not?” “倒也不必那么悲观。”碱性男道,“因为……我们都还活着,不是吗?” His these words, but the morale-boosting function has not played...... 他的这句话,可是一点儿鼓舞士气的作用都没起到…… Theoretically, we still have the possibility of victory.” Slightly after the thinking, Alkaline Man then said, first, that man said oneself and Scenario BOSS has the personal grudge to process, this to us is a good news......” “理论上来说,我们依然有胜利的可能。”稍加思索后,碱性男接着道,“首先,那个男人说自己和剧本里的BOSS有私人恩怨要处理,这对我们来说就是个好消息……” Un...... perhaps he by Scenario BOSS killing?” Strange Warrior meets to say. “嗯……也许他会被剧本BOSS给干掉是吗?”奇斗士接道。 Right.” The Alkaline Man nod said that next, although he is very strong, but his teammate not necessarily fierce. If he by Scenario BOSS killing, us is four pairs of three advantageous aspects.” “对。”碱性男点头道,“其次,虽然他本人是很强,但他的队友未必有多厉害。若是他被剧本BOSS给干掉了,那我们这边可是四对三的有利局面。” Even if he had not been killed by BOSS, so long as hits mutually wounded anything, to us same is the good news.” Profound Spirit King meets to say. “就算他没被BOSS干掉,但只要打个两败俱伤什么的,对我们一样是好消息。”玄灵王者接道。 Reasonable......” Yellow Sledgehammer listened to the teammates optimistic estimate, came the spirit all of a sudden, then, our hope truly big Ah! “有道理啊……”黄大锤听了队友们的“乐观估计”,一下子来了精神,“这么说来,我们的希望确实不小啊! „...... We must first solve the present urgent matter.” Alkaline Man said that „, even if led by the nose...... we still to endure patiently by him, till finding antidote.” He licked the dry lip, „, no matter our virus are the Z virus, we must think the means to give to solve it as soon as possible......” “不过……我们还是得先解决眼前的燃眉之急。”碱性男道,“就算是被他牵着鼻子走……我们也得忍耐,直到找到‘解药’为止。”他舔了舔干涩的嘴唇,“不管我们身上的病毒是不是Z病毒,我们都得想办法尽快把它给解了……” Yes......” Strange Warrior meets saying that just started the class/flow cold sweat time, I also think that is only the psychological process, but has appeared to have a fever with the condition that the four limbs feel weak...... to develop now mildly according to this trend, perhaps......” “是啊……”奇斗士接道,“刚开始流冷汗的时候,我还以为只是心理作用,但现在已经出现轻度发烧和四肢乏力的状况了……按照这种趋势发展下去,恐怕……” At a time of their several speeches, presents a new prompt at present. 就在他们几个说话之际,眼前又出现了一个新的提示。 The prompt that Feng Bujue leaves behind is very obvious, its marking carves generally in the wall or the ground, giant smiling face ; But under of smiling face, will carve one simply( Jue Bro feared that too difficult to make the opposite party reach impass) riddle topic clue, points out the position of next place. 封不觉留下的提示都很明显,其标识一般都是刻在墙壁或地面上的、巨大的笑脸;而在笑脸的下方,会刻一个简单的(觉哥怕出太难了让对方陷入僵局)谜题线索,指出下一个地点的方位。 Display of vigour and vitality...... flies down straight......” Yellow Sledgehammer to look eight characters that under the smiling face carves, and read it, un......” he hesitated looking pensive, immediately turned the head to look to Alkaline Man, what do you mean?” “旭日东升……飞流直下……”黄大锤看着笑脸下所刻的八个字,并将其念了一遍,“嗯……”他若有所思地沉吟了一声,随即转头看向了碱性男,“什么意思啊?” Alkaline Man pondered over for two minutes, a facial expression loosen: Walks one kilometer meaning in nine o'clock directions......” 碱性男琢磨了两分钟,神情一松:“往九点钟方向走一公里的意思……” His such saying, Strange Warrior and profound Spirit King was then suddenly enlighted, having Yellow Sledgehammer is a face inexplicable condition: How does Eh? draw this conclusion?” 他这么一说,奇斗士和玄灵王者便恍然大悟了,只有黄大锤还是一脸莫名的状态:“诶?怎么得出这种结论的?” Oh......” Alkaline Man also only has the sigh, in brief...... we continue to hurry along......” “唉……”碱性男也唯有叹息,“总之……咱继续赶路吧……” ............ ………… On the other hand, Hell Front team...... 另一方面,地狱前线队这边…… At this time, Xiao Tan, Xiao Ling and Flowers Between also had taken a stroll for one -and-a-half hours in Scenario. 此时,小叹小灵花间也已在剧本里溜达了一个半小时了。 The instruction that because Ruoyu issues to Jue Bro is in two hours all extinguishes the enemy side, therefore Xiao Tan they have not gone to further develop plot anything ; In the limited time, they choose search Item and skill on this map as far as possible. 由于若雨觉哥下达的指示是“两小时内将敌方全灭”,所以小叹他们并没有去进一步拓展剧情什么的;在有限的时间里,他们还是选择尽可能地去搜索这个地图上的物品和技能。 The preamble has mentioned, wants what good thing in Thriller Paradise Scenario, besides opens some specific storage regions through puzzle, in most situations...... a lot of non- main lines including Equipment must, be able with looking the way starts. For example, in the display window of street is putting tight clothes of one set of spider hero, having the possibility is completely useless, but may also be wraps belt/bring attribute Superior Grade Equipment ; Also for example, wanders around in some sewer, can perhaps find such as the double blade, the Emei thorn, nunchakus and long stick and other series of weapon...... 前文提到过,在惊悚乐园剧本中想要得到什么好东西,除了通过解谜去打开一些特定的储物区域外,其余大多数情况下……包括装备在内的大量非主线必须品,都可以用“找”的方式入手。比如,街边的橱窗里放着一套蜘蛛侠的紧身衣,有可能完全没用,但也有可能是套带属性的精良级装备;又比如,在某个下水道里瞎转悠,或许就能找到诸如双刀、峨嵋刺、双节棍和长棍等一系列武器…… In brief, under premise without Level cleared pressure, so long as the map is big...... the players to be able fully to enjoy the exploration enough the pleasure. 简而言之,在没有通关压力的前提下,只要地图足够大……玩家们便可充分享受探索的乐趣。 Said the present, Xiao Tan their these three transported( relative Jue Bro) the role had found three Superior Grade Item and a skill card in 90 minutes. 就说眼下,小叹他们这三个强运(相对觉哥而言)的角色已然在90分钟内找到了三件精良级物品和一张技能卡。 These Item are as follows: 那些物品如下: Name: Fried shrimp bracer 名称:炸虾护腕】 Type: Defensive Equipment 【类型:防具 Quality: Excellent 【品质:精良】 Defensive power: Medium 【防御力:中等】 Attribute: Isolation 【属性:隔绝】 Special Effect: When the wrist section fire attribute attacks may reduce 90% injuries 特效:腕部受到火属性攻击时可减免90%伤害】 Equipment condition: Level 25, after Equipment, binds 装备条件:等级25,装备后绑定】 Can it be taken out of the scenario: Yes 是否可带出该剧本:是】 Note: By the shell of emperor lobster the bracer of casting, the outside also wrapped up the golden yellow glossy and crisp delicious stone fruit coat decoration.】 【备注:由帝王龙虾的壳所铸造的护腕,外部还裹上了金黄油亮、酥脆可口的核果外衣装饰。】 This is unique Superior Grade Defensive Equipment, but perhaps its characteristics are its fried shrimp modeling and are full of the trough point note. 这是件颇具特色的精良级防具,而其特色或许就是它那炸虾造型和充满槽点的备注。 Name: The toilet brushes 名称:马桶刷】 Type: weapon 【类型:武器 Quality: Excellent 【品质:精良】 Attack Power: Weak 攻击力:微弱】 Attribute: Does not have 【属性:无】 Special Effect: Bringing skill whorl seizes life spin suddenly, cooling time ten seconds 特效:自带技能“涡突夺命旋”,冷却时间十秒】 Equipment condition: Fighting Proficiency A, after Equipment, binds 装备条件:格斗专精A,装备后绑定】 Can it be taken out of the scenario: Yes 是否可带出该剧本:是】 Note: The skill when you utilize the weapon achieved certain boundary, you can deal with and had just washed the toilet equally to be clean the opponent.】 【备注:当你运用兵器的技巧达到了一定的境界,你就能把对手收拾得跟刚洗过的马桶一样干净。】 As stated above, malicious full weapon...... 如上所述,恶意满满的武器一件…… Name: Textbook textbook 名称:教科书般的教科书】 Type: Other 【类型:其他】 Quality: Excellent 【品质:精良】 Special Effect: Let the goal continue to be in 45 minutes constrains, not the quick condition( cooling time ten minutes, only to player effective).】 特效:让目标在45分钟内持续处于压抑、不快的状态(冷却时间十分钟,仅对玩家有效)。】 Equipment condition: Does not have one time, after using, binds 装备条件:无,使用一次后绑定】 Can it be taken out of the scenario: Yes 是否可带出该剧本:是】 Note: Every year, we will overthrow these contents that last year put in order, makes revisions in some details, then told you, the contents after these revisions might appear in your wrap/sets shopping online test mechanism, and affected you in the evaluation that in this set of system obtained. 【备注:每年,我们都会推翻去年整出的那些内容,做一些细节上的修改,然后再告诉你们,这些修改后的内容很可能会出现在你们所处的那套应试教育测试机制中,并影响你们在这套体系中得到的评定。 Therefore, you must buy new that to wrap/sets of thing this year, but we of manufacture these reading material, then can survive the last year. 于是,你们就得去买今年新出的那套东西,而制造那些读物的我们,便又可以生存上一年了。 Perhaps 100 years later, these touched people mind the literary work still to be always remembered, but in the hundred years the teaching material will turn into an edition of another edition of cleaning up paper. 或许在一百年后,那些触动人们心灵的文学作品仍然会被铭记,而这一百年来的教材则会变成一版又一版的擦屁股纸。 But in any event, we will continue to survive. So long as the way of your knowledge acquisition still with this test system that made the person gastric disorder tied up in together, you are our young prostitutes will pound finally. 】 但无论如何,“我们”会继续生存下去。只要你们获取知识的途径仍然和这套令人反胃的测试系统捆绑在一起,你们终将是我们的小婊砸。】 This Item effect is also very good, can mediate Picture fork fork cursed you Has the wonder of equally good results from different methods. 这件物品的效果也是非常不错,可以说和【画个叉叉诅咒你】有异曲同工之妙。 Finally, comes to see the skill that they found again...... 最后,再来看看他们找到的技能…… Name: Being narcissistic 名称:孤芳自赏】 Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, after use twice, vanishes 技能卡属性:主动技能,使用两次后消失】 Skill Category: Investigation 技能类别:侦查 Effect: The instance that the skill starts, the main body of player enters the phase space instantly, and in the position left behind one invincibly, remnant shadow that and may withstand the injury. Enters the main body after phase space not to have the apparent gravity to make the translational motion in the random orientation, but cannot start the skill, may not in the material with original space have the contact. After five seconds, the main body( will avoid body in inserting wall and other objects) presenting the position after movement in a reasonable form ; Meanwhile, the remnant shadow will vanish, during this , the injury that the remnant shadow withstands can transform is Stamina supplements on the main body.( Cooling time 30 seconds)】 【效果:技能发动的瞬间,玩家的本体将即刻进入相位空间,并在原先所处的位置留下一个无敌的、且可承受伤害的残影。进入相位空间后的本体可以无视重力地朝任意方向做直线移动,但不可发动技能,亦不可与原空间中的物质发生接触。五秒后,本体将以一种合理的形式(避免身体嵌入墙壁等物体中)出现于移动后的位置;同时,残影将消失,这期间残影所承受的伤害会转化为体能值补充到本体身上。(冷却时间三十秒)】 Consumption: Current Stamina 70% 【消耗:当前体能值的70%】 Learning Prerequisite: Investigation Specialization A, Level 43 学习条件:侦查专精A,等级43】 Note: The beauty is spatial, fragrance passes on for whom.】 【备注:秀色空绝世,馨香为谁传。】 From skill effect, this skill card at least enough on accurate Level S standard, because is limit use the edition, the requirements of learn/study are not very therefore high. 从技能效果上来看,这张技能卡至少够得上准S级的标准了,不过由于是“限制使用次数”的版本,所以学习的要求并不算很高。 Above, was the achievement that Wang Tanzhi their three people searched in this period of time. 以上,便是王叹之他们三人在这段时间内搜索的成果了。 Besides that skill card is Xiao Ling that opens from a need puzzle valuable box, other three thing through rug search looking comes out- in billboard that their inlays in the restaurant entrance, lays aside in public toilet storage,...... on swayed on some bookshelf of library. 除了那张技能卡是小灵从一个需要解谜的宝箱中开出来的以外,另外的三件东西都是通过地毯式搜索“找”出来的-它们一个嵌在餐厅门口的广告牌里,一个放置在公共厕所旁的储物间中,还有一个……就摆在图书馆的某个书架上。 Item that very obviously, these are very not easy to discover, but Hell Front these are relying on the patience and luck starts them. 很显然,这些都不是很容易发现的物品,不过地狱前线这几位还是凭借着耐心和运气将它们入手了。 Naturally......, if makes Jue Bro look, perhaps he relied on data angle of view also to find. But...... pure searches for depending on his moral behavior regardless this factor, perhaps spends for three hours not necessarily to look. 当然……若是让觉哥来找的话,或许他凭借着“数据视角”也是能够找到的。但撇开这个因素……单纯凭他的人品去搜,恐怕花三个小时都未必找得出来。 ............ ………… After searched continuously for dozens minutes, Xiao Tan their decision finds the line of sight relatively open place to make the recuperation slightly. 在连续搜索了几十分钟后,小叹他们决定找个视线相对开阔的地方稍作休整。 „...... Had felt for a long time......” Xiao Tan after on a bench of park sat down, then long implores the one breath saying that how did not know that side Jue Bro.” “啊……感觉过了好久呢……”小叹在一张公园的长椅上坐下后,便长吁一口气道,“不知道觉哥那边怎么样了。” Ha!” Xiao Ling sits to him side, stretches oneself, I thought what you should be worried is these fellows of enemy team is right.” “哈!”小灵坐到他身旁,伸了个懒腰,“我觉得你应该担心的是敌方队伍的那些家伙才对。” Yes......” Flowers Between stands in the one side, meets to say with a smile, two hours of time limit will draw near,...... spoke of Feng Bujue that character, will certainly achieve. If there is not handled to the Fang Jin number in him at the 120 th minute, detonates the nuclear bomb and so on matter he can do.” “是啊……”花间站在一旁,笑着接道,“两个小时的时限就快到了,以封不觉那种性格……说到的,就一定会做到。若是在第120分钟时他还没把对方尽数搞定,引爆核弹之类的事情他都干得出来。” „...... Hehe......” Xiao Tan hollow laugh two, this but actually also......” “呵……呵呵……”小叹干笑两声,“这倒也是呢……” They just sat well, chatted such 34 words, has not thought...... 他们仨刚坐定下来,聊了这么三四句话,没想到…… Suddenly, just like the entity darkness to arrive. 突然,一股犹如实体般的黑暗降临了。 In a twinkling, players at present one black, pitch-dark. 霎时间,玩家们眼前一黑,伸手不见五指。 Incessantly is Xiao Tan they, at the same time, encountered the same condition in the Golden Warhammer team of Scenario another end. 不止是小叹他们,同一时刻,远在剧本另一端的黄金战锤队也遭遇了相同的状况。 The next second, the ear bank of each player, transmitted one to whisper: Ants from Other World, experiences the true colors of this city.】 下一秒,每一个玩家的耳畔,都传来了一句低语:【来自异界的蝼蚁们,来见识一下这座城市的真面目吧。】
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