TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#844: Invitation join

What person?” After heard the sound, Yellow Sledgehammer first drinks to make noise, do not hide, has the skill solemnly......” “什么人?”闻声后,黄大锤第一个喝出声来,“不要躲躲藏藏的,有本事就堂堂……” „...... Comes out to hit with you open and aboveboard?” The words of Feng Bujue then opposite party, hit to block the way, snort/hum...... said this lines , was too rather naive?” “……堂堂正正出来跟你打?”封不觉接着对方的话,打断道,“哼……说出这种台词来,未免也太天真了吧?” His speaking voice flutters, is sometimes closer and sometimes far apart and goes up and down abruptly, letting the person is unable to adopt the sound to judge its concrete position. 他的说话声飘飘荡荡、时近时远、忽高忽低,让人无法通过声音判断其具体方位。 But the manufacture the method of this effect is- use Fraud Pocket watch The voice change amplifying function, transforms the volume to speak in the high-speed movement unceasingly. 而制造出这种效果的方法就是-利用【欺诈怀表】的变声扩音功能,在高速移动中不断转变音量来说话。 Although does a little will be tired, but can serve the mysterious purpose firmly. Naturally, must play this also to have a precondition...... the surrounding visibility to lowly be very good. 虽然这么搞会有点累,但确能达到故弄玄虚的目的。当然了,要玩这手还有个先决条件……周围的能见度必须很低才行。 „Did this friend...... listen to the meaning in your words...... that robot is you sent a moment ago?” The response and Yellow Sledgehammer of Alkaline Man are obviously different, expert is expert, opened the mouth first then to lose a substantive issue. “这位朋友……听你那话里的意思……刚才那机器人是你派来的?”碱性男的反应和黄大锤明显不同,高手就是高手,开口第一句便丢出了一个实质性的问题来。 Right.” Feng Bujue gave the definite answer, and added that „, moreover...... at this moment the diseases in your body, only then I can relieve.” “没错。”封不觉给出了确定的答案,并补充道,“而且……此刻你们身中的疾病,只有我能解除。” This...... is also the fact. 这一句……也是事实。 In Musashi Koganei concocted infects in warrior 1st that time, Jue Bro found time to uncover all Z virus original fluids and Antitoxic serum that in Ai Lebu the company building survived. Then, he let Koganei viral all Equipment on the infection warrior 1st body...... 武藏小金井炮制感染斗士一号的那段时间里,觉哥抽空去搜出了艾乐卜公司大楼里残存的所有Z病毒原液和抗毒血清。接着,他就让小金井把病毒尽数装备在了感染斗士一号的身上…… The bullet and miniature missile that by infecting the warrior are made actually is the viral vector, once hits the object surface, virus that will volatilize the gaseous state. In other words...... even infects the attack of warrior not to have the members of direct hit Golden Warhammer team still to might as well, so long as there is an ammunition to explode nearby them, goal that same can achieve the infection, is it may be said that virtually impossible to guard against. 那些由感染斗士打出的子弹和微型飞弹其实全都是病毒载体,一旦击中物体表面,就会挥发出气态的病毒。也就是说……即使感染斗士的攻击没有直接命中黄金战锤队的成员们也无妨,只要有弹药在他们附近爆开,一样能达到感染的目的,可谓防不胜防。 ...... Jue Bro only retained a small part as for Antitoxic serum of these Z virus, places in Traveling Bag to provide against contingencies, other blood serums were given the destruction by him. 至于那些Z病毒的抗毒血清……觉哥只保留了一小部分,放在行囊里以防万一,其余的血清统统都被他给销毁了。 Makes me guess that......” Alkaline Man sinking sound meets saying that this Disease Are the true colors...... the Z virus?” “让我猜猜……”碱性男沉声接道,“这个【疾病】的真面目……就是Z病毒?” Response very quick.” Feng Bujue said with a smile, that you might as well guess that what I then do want to say to you?” “反应挺快的嘛。”封不觉笑道,“那你不妨猜猜我接下来要跟你们说什么?” Being true that all if you so far said that I think the only reason that you and we exchange is to think shame we.” Alkaline Man returns said. “如果你到目前为止所说的全都属实,那我认为你和我们交流的唯一理由就是想‘羞辱’我们。”碱性男回道。 Very good, to/clashes this inference, you can also be a fierce role.” Feng Bujue said. “很好,就冲这个推理,你也算得上是个厉害角色。”封不觉称赞道。 Finishes barely the words, Alkaline Man has not said anything, Yellow Sledgehammer actually cold snort/hum: Snort...... are you what? The generation of revealing only part of the truth, pairs Vice Captain of our Golden Warhammer team to make remarks?” 话音未落,碱性男还没说什么,黄大锤倒是冷哼一声:“哼……你算老几?藏头露尾之辈,也配对我们黄金战锤队的副队长评头论足?” Oh? he is Vice Captain......” Feng Bujue meets saying that do not tell me, you are the team leader......” 哦?他是副队长吗……”封不觉接道,“你可别告诉我,你才是队长……” How is!” Yellow Sledgehammer exclaimed. “是又如何!”黄大锤吼道。 That also is really......” next second, the Feng Bujue's sound, has appeared in the Yellow Sledgehammer back, easy to do......” “那还真是……”下一秒,封不觉的声音,已出现在了黄大锤的背后,“好办了呢……” This „” the instance of character exit|to speak, a dagger( the Bear daily knife) has arrived on the throat of Yellow Sledgehammer. 这个“呢”字出口的瞬间,一把匕首(贝尔的日常小刀)已抵在了黄大锤的咽喉上。 When Alkaline Man, Strange Warrior and profound Spirit King recovers, Jue Bro has used a very standard holding under duress posture to support the team leader of their Golden Warhammer team from the rear area, and says: Everyone is calm, we chatted several.” 碱性男奇斗士和玄灵王者回过神来之时,觉哥已用一个十分标准的挟持姿势从后方架住了他们黄金战锤队的队长,并开口说道:“大家都冷静一点,咱们来聊上几句。” You...... you......” then, Yellow Sledgehammer became confused. The rifle that in his hand takes is unable to project on situated in this enemy on distance and position ; But...... Yellow Sledgehammer that Level C Fighting Proficiency takes by the body technique ability really does not act, fights hand-to-hand the possibility that withdraws by oneself is almost zero. “你……你……”这下,黄大锤可是慌了手脚。他手上拿的步枪是无法打到处于这个距离和位置上的敌人的;而论体术能力……黄大锤C级格斗专精着实拿不出手,靠自己肉搏脱身的可能性几乎为零。 I said that...... this team eldest brother, looked that you that arrogance...... I also think a moment ago you are that bold type.” Feng Bujue saw the response of Yellow Sledgehammer is also a little accidental/surprised, he sneered saying that result this instigated......” “我说……这位队长兄,看你刚才那份气焰……我还以为你是那种胆大包天的类型呢。”封不觉见了黄大锤的反应也是有点意外,他冷笑道,“结果这就怂了吗……” Friend, you thought that in this case kidnaps the hostage to be meaningful?” Another side, Alkaline Man is watching intently Jue Bro, step by step close to and said. “朋友,你觉得在这种情况下劫持人质有意义吗?”另一边,碱性男逼视着觉哥,一步步靠近并言道。 No?” Feng Bujue returns with a smile said, why that you don't attack directly?” “没有吗?”封不觉笑着回道,“那你们干嘛不直接攻过来呢?” He was speaking of the idea on, drew back 10,000 steps to say......, even if only took the hostage to use as shield, was meaningful. 他算是说到点子上了,退一万步讲……哪怕只把人质作为挡箭牌来用,也是有意义的。 Good......” Alkaline Man hesitant two seconds, meets saying that what...... you do want to discuss with us?” “好吧……”碱性男犹豫了两秒,接道,“……你想跟我们谈什么?” „......” Feng Bujue should say, I want...... to play a game with everyone.” “呵……”封不觉应道,“我只是想和诸位……玩个游戏。” Bewildered!” Profound Spirit King this time met saying that must fight then fights, do not do these wicked trick!” “莫名其妙!”玄灵王者这时接道,“要战便战,别搞那些幺蛾子!” War? Do I have the necessity and you fight?” Feng Bujue said with a smile, „you Z virus, three hours will have been annihilated, what also there are militantly?” He, raised while convenient, in this Scenario only Antitoxic serum all in my Traveling Bag , only if I am willing to take to give you, otherwise......, even if I hung, you are still the same are the dead ends.” “战?我还有必要和你们战吗?”封不觉笑道,“你们都已中了Z病毒,不出三个小时就会全军覆没,还有什么好战的?”他顿了顿,“顺带一提,这个剧本里仅有的抗毒血清全在我的行囊里,除非我愿意取出来给你们,否则……就算我挂了,你们也一样是死路一条。” Therefore...... I am not clear......” Alkaline Man to approach several steps, met saying that „, since you have achieved this situation, that also did come to do?” His response is also quite sharp, you should the farther the better to us, so long as dragging three hours, your team did win not?” “所以说……我就不明白了……”碱性男又走近了几步,接道,“既然你已经做到了这种地步,那还现身干什么?”他的反应也是颇为犀利,“你应该离我们越远越好,只要拖上三个小时,你们队就赢了不是吗?” Right.” Feng Bujue returns said that „, but I do not want to win quickly.” “对。”封不觉回道,“但我不想这么快就赢。” What did you say?” This second, Strange Warrior also arrived at the near, said that your actually what meaning?” “你说什么?”这一秒,奇斗士也走到了近前,说道,“你究竟什么意思?” Said that......” Feng Bujue said that I must process with this Scenario some BOSS gratitude and grudges, does not want to leave Scenario quickly, but...... I do not want to be disturbed by you, does not want to make my teammates be disturbed by you.” Speaking of here, he stopped for a half second, „, therefore, I found out this means.” “这么说吧……”封不觉道,“我和这个剧本的BOSS有些恩怨要处理,不想这么快就离开剧本,但是……我又不想被你们打扰,也不想让我的队友们被你们打扰。”说到这儿,他停了半秒,“因此,我想出了这个办法。” Ha! Simply is the joke!” Profound Spirit King sneers saying that you counted on we do believe this nonsense?” His cold snort/hum, „, just like Brother Alka said that if you really achieve these that oneself said that that also does need to come? Finds a place to hide directly, waited for us not dead on the line?” His look ice, in my opinion...... you at all are not the Z virus that we do catch? You infected us with some ordinary germ, then runs to lie, and under the arrange/cloth the trap we jump.” “哈!简直是笑话!”玄灵王者冷笑道,“你指望我们相信这种鬼话?”他冷哼一声,“正如碱哥所说,你要是真做到了自己所说的那些,那还有必要现身吗?直接找个地方躲起来,等着我们死掉不就行了?”他眼神一凌,“依我看……你给我们染上的根本不是什么Z病毒吧?你只是用某种普通的病菌感染了我们,然后跑出来说谎,并布下陷阱等我们去跳。” You must think like this, is your freedom......” Feng Bujue returns said that participates in my game, is your freedoms......” his tone sounds secure, I am those words...... not my Antitoxic serum, you must die without doubt, even if killed me unable to solve the problem.” “你要这样想,是你的自由……”封不觉回道,“参不参与我的游戏,也是你们的自由……”他的语气听上去有恃无恐,“我还是那句话……没有我的抗毒血清,你们必死无疑,哪怕杀了我也解决不了问题。” You first said for the time being......” Alkaline Man meets to say at this time, what the content of that so-called game is?” “那你姑且先说说……”碱性男此时接道,“你那所谓游戏的内容是什么?” „Very simple.” Feng Bujue returns said that „after a while I leave you, looks for covertly, the calm and steady place, and takes out four people of shares Antitoxic serum to hide there ; Afterward, I various places in the city will leave behind some clues, guiding you to find that place.” He stopped for two seconds, „, if everyone cannot find the antidote in three hours, that bye-bye...... if, but everyone can find , congratulates you, the competition continues.” “很简单。”封不觉回道,“一会儿我离开你们以后,就去找个隐蔽的、安稳的地方,并取出四人份的抗毒血清藏在那儿;随后,我会在城中各处留下一些线索,引导你们去找到那个地点。”他停顿了两秒,“如果诸位没能在三小时内找到解药,那就拜拜了……但假如诸位能够找到,那么,恭喜你们,比赛继续。” After he said that Alkaline Man silent moment, meets saying: Two issues...... its one, was...... he who my teammate said looked at profound Spirit King, how we know that you did let are the Z virus that we caught?” His a half second, its two, even if we catch indeed are the Z virus, how even if you really for want to lengthen Scenario...... we to determine with the Scenario BOSS processing gratitude and grudges, you ‚’ will really place the place that antidote you pledged?” 他说罢后,碱性男沉默了片刻,接道:“两个问题……其一,就是我队友所说的……”他看了看玄灵王者,“我们怎么知道你让我们染上的就是Z病毒?”他微顿半秒,“其二,就算我们染上的确是Z病毒、就算你真的是为了和剧本BOSS处理恩怨想拖长剧本……我们又怎么能确定,你真会把‘解药’放在你所承诺的地方?” Is Ah! Strange Warrior should also say, who knows you can cluedeceive us to run with one pileeverywhere, finally anything does not stay behind.” “是啊!奇斗士也应道,“谁知道你会不会用一堆‘线索’骗着我们到处跑,最后什么都不留下。” Hehe...... I understand your anxieties, but...... did not need me saying that you should also understand, these two points are unable with to say proved.” Feng Bujue returns said, other...... I do not need to prove anything, I described the situation, then left you option. The letter/believes with does not believe that does with does not do, is decided by you......” “呵呵……我理解你们的疑虑,不过……不用我说你们也该明白,这两点都是无法用‘说’来证明的。”封不觉回道,“另外……我也不需要去证明什么,我只是描述一下情况,然后把选择权留给你们。信与不信,做与不做,都由你们决定……” The line of sight of Jue Bro has swept the face of that three professional player, and smiles saying: In brief......, if you believed yourselves truly the Z virus, and antidote, only then I have the words that...... you to only have three choices at present- one, closed, prayed that can hold me, and forced me to hand over the antidote smoothly ; Second, in three hours the people of our team find the group to extinguish ; Third, plays this game with me.” 觉哥的视线扫过那三名职业玩家的脸,并微笑道:“总之……如果你们相信自己确实中了Z病毒,且解药只有我才有的话……眼下你们只有三种选择-一,一拥而上,祈祷能抓住我,并顺利逼迫我交出解药;二,三小时内将我们全队的人找出来团灭;三,跟我玩这场游戏。” He does actually very thoroughly, helping the opposite party save the time of many ponder and analysis. 他倒是做得很周到,帮对方省了不少思考和分析的时间。 Snort...... I thought that...... these three types can attempt one by one.” When Alkaline Man answering, has signaled with the eyes toward two teammates respectively. “哼……我觉得……这三样可以逐一尝试。”碱性男回话时,已分别朝着两名队友使了个眼色。 The next second, that three people of form then jumps out vigorously, encircled Jue Bro fast in the middle. 下一秒,那三人的身影便疾疾窜出,快速将觉哥围在了中间。 You want.” Feng Bujue is actually seems unhurriedly, he answered, while faced forward to push Yellow Sledgehammer. “你想多了。”封不觉却是显得不慌不忙,他一边回话,一边将黄大锤朝前一推。 When sledgehammer also in staggering along moves the step forward, Jue Bro the steps, have then resembled the firecracker to rush to the sky generally. 当大锤还在跌跌撞撞向前挪步的时候,觉哥便已踏步而起,似炮仗一般冲上了天空。 Do not let him run!” When Alkaline Man drinks greatly makes noise, oneself have also jumped onto the midair. “别让他跑了!”碱性男大喝出声之时,自己也已跃上半空。 The same second, Strange Warrior also made the same response ; But the long-distance skill of profound Spirit King, has been before they pursues Jue Bro. 同一秒,奇斗士也做出了相同的反应;而玄灵王者的远程技能,已先于他们两人追着觉哥去了。 However...... these three people actually cannot bump into the toe of Jue Bro. 然而……这三人却连觉哥的脚趾头都没能碰到。 When appears is the same, the Feng Bujue's form appears from the fog towering, vanished in the bad fog towering, such as the ghosts and demons did not have the mark to seek generally...... 正如出现时一样,封不觉的身影突兀地从雾中出现,又突兀地消失在了大雾中,如鬼魅一般无迹可寻…… „After hateful......” Alkaline Man falls to the ground, discussed dignified, this fellow, if not for has what special concealment skill, is the speed is extremely quick, and has the excellent in the air motion skill......” “可恶……”碱性男落地后,神情凝重地念道,“这家伙若不是有什么特别的隐匿技能,就是速度极快、且具备高超的空中移动技巧……” Alkali...... Brother Alka......” until this time, still shaken Yellow Sledgehammer said words, what to do the present should?” “碱……碱哥……”直至此时,惊魂未定的黄大锤才开口说了句话,“现在该怎么办?” This issue, is Strange Warrior and in the profound Spirit King this moment heart thinks. 这个问题,也是奇斗士和玄灵王者此刻心中所想。 What to do can also......” Alkaline Man return with a helpless tone said, three choices, the opposite party has not helped us reorganize......” him to smile bitterly, „...... was natural, the fourth choice, is bets...... bets in our bodies is not ‚the Z virus, disregards this Disease Effect.” “还能怎么办……”碱性男用一种无奈的口吻回道,“三种选择,对方不都已经帮我们整理出来了吗……”他苦笑一声,“呵……当然了,还有第四种选择,就是赌一赌……赌我们身中的并非是‘Z病毒’,无视这个【疾病】的效果。” This......” Strange Warrior meets saying that perhaps we cannot bet......” “这……”奇斗士接道,“我们恐怕赌不起吧……” Right, we cannot bet.” Alkaline Man said that „, therefore we also can only say according to that man...... played his game.” “没错,我们就是赌不起。”碱性男道,“所以我们也只能按照那个男人所说的……去玩他的那场‘游戏’了。”
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