TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#843: Infects warrior 1st

After Scenario starts, 30 minutes, south Nooccar City somewhere. 剧本开始后三十分钟,努卡市南部某处。 Un...... is as expected, has not chosen acts separately.” Feng Bujue stands in a rooftop edge of building, looks into the street in distant place to discuss, „, but maintains certain distance, explore in the same direction.” “嗯……不出所料,并没有选择分头行动。”封不觉站在一栋建筑物的天台边缘,眺望着远处的街道念道,“而是相互间保持一定的距离、朝着同一个方向探索。” At this time, his side also stood another form...... such as the elementary student generally diminutive shadow. 此时,他的身边还站了另一个身影……一个如小学生一般矮小的影子。 Hiss hissing...... should you not want to attack directly?” Musashi Koganei raised the head to Feng Bujue said. “嘶嘶嘶……你该不会想要正面突袭吧?”武藏小金井抬头对封不觉道。 „...... But is actually not good.” Feng Bujue said with a smile, looked from the data intensity, the success ratio of upfront surprise attack was not low.” “呵……倒也不是不行。”封不觉笑道,“从数据强度上看,正面突袭的成功率并不算低。” To Jue Bro this type can see through „the truth sequence person, thick fog environment has few impact. The fog is bigger, to him is instead more advantageous ; For example at present, Feng Bujue can observe distant place that four people of position very much clearly and battle efficiency, but the members of Golden Warhammer team actually link the scenery more than ten meters away unable to see, let alone discovered the Jue Bro whereabouts. 觉哥这种能看穿“真理序列”的人来说,浓雾环境的影响微乎其微。雾越大,对他来说反而越有利;比如眼下,封不觉可以很清楚地观察远处那四人的位置和“战斗力”,而黄金战锤队的成员们却连十几米外的景物都看不到,更别说发现觉哥的行踪了。 Whistling......” Musashi Koganei smiles, „, but you will not do...... not?” “呼呼……”武藏小金井笑了笑,“但你不会那么做的……不是吗?” That was natural.” Feng Bujue returns said that how could it not be, otherwise...... did your fruit of labor waste?” Saying, him is then turning around, looks to human form equipment a five meters away. “那当然了。”封不觉回道,“否则……你的劳动成果岂不浪费了吗?”说着,他便转过身去,看向了五米外的一台人形设备。 That...... is an outward appearance strange fight uses the robot. One meter about eight height, on under width narrow build, like the abstract painting general outer covering coloration, how I have eight points of similar triangle head...... to see that with Musashi Koganei stems from the writing skill of that abnormal elementary student. 那……是一台外观怪异的战斗用机器人。一米八左右的身高,上宽下窄的体型,如同抽象画一般的外壳着色,还有一个和武藏小金井本人有八分相似的三角形头部……怎么看都是出自那个变态小学生的手笔。 Hiss hissing...... made some simply re-equipping,...... does not take time to me.” Musashi Koganei meets to say. “嘶嘶嘶……只是做了些很简单的‘改装’而已,对我而言……并不怎么费事。”武藏小金井接道。 Originally, in former that a half hour, Feng Bujue by oneself the understanding the map, has rushed to the building in Ai Lebu ( Allerbmu ) Corporation rapidly, sneaks the floor research institute, then Summon has Musashi Koganei, successfully made this to be named as by Koganei infected warrior No. 1 human form fight machine. 原来,在之前那半个小时的时间里,封不觉已凭借自己对地图的了解,迅速赶赴艾乐卜(Allerbmu)公司的大楼,潜入底层研究所,然后召唤武藏小金井,成功地制造出了这部被小金井命名为“感染斗士一号”的人形战斗机器。 Possibly some people will feel strange, in such short time, how possibly does make such thing baseless? Here explained...... actually, arrived at this Scenario when previous time, Feng Bujue the security robot that noticed the underground of happy divination company to have some unable to start promptly., If as expected...... should be helps a hidden of player Level cleared after these robots are this/should company are used to guard against the virus to divulge without doubt , the possible condition make establish....... Because of bothering of X-23, caused Scenario launched to surpass the normal trend at that time, therefore Jue Bro cannot take advantage of very well these resources. 可能有人会奇怪,这么短的时间内,怎么可能凭空造出这样的东西来?这里就说明一下……其实,上一次来到这个剧本时,封不觉就注意到艾乐卜公司的地下有一些未能及时启动的安保机器人。这些机器人无疑是该公司用来防范病毒泄漏后可能产生的状况所制造的,不出意外的话……应该是帮助玩家通关的一个隐藏设置。只是……当时因X-23的搅局,使得剧本的展开超出了正常的走向,因此觉哥没能把这些资源很好地利用起来。 But this chapter...... he was capable of full utilizing these resources. The ready-made security robot, the ready-made production line and ready-made abnormal inventor...... put in order such divine creative force to come is not firmly difficult in a short time. 而这回……他就有充分的能力去运用那些资源了。现成的安保机器人、现成的生产线、现成的变态发明家……在短时间内整出这么个造物来确不算难。 Perhaps pitifully...... you could not notice that this infected warrior the performance in actual combat.” Feng Bujue turns the head to say. “可惜……你恐怕看不到这位‘感染斗士’在实战中的表现了。”封不觉转头回道。 Time must arrive at......” Musashi Koganei to hear the word apparent, own Summon time limit, that will not have the means...... hiss hissing......” to finish barely the words, he then changed into the white light to disappear. “时间又要到了吗……”武藏小金井闻言便知,自己的召唤时限将至,“那就没办法了呢……嘶嘶嘶……”话音未落,他便化为白光消失了。 In Alchemy king's taunt Under the addition, Musashi Koganei can survival some time, moreover its abilities will be strengthened, but his existence time limit is unable eventually over a half hour. 在【炼金王的嘲讽】的加成下,武藏小金井可以多存活一定的时间,而且其各项能力都会有所加强,但他的存在时限终究无法超过半个小时。 ............ makes me take a look......” then, Feng Bujue then arrived at the rear area of infection warrior, opened behind a robot metal plate with WJQ-308 Military Shovel, pulled out the small-scale operation panel. “呼……那么……让我瞧瞧……”接着,封不觉便走到了感染斗士的后方,用WJQ-308军铲打开了机器人背后的一块金属板,拉出了小型的操作面板。 After he input an instruction fast, the two beady eyeses of that robot then slightly one bright...... 待他快速输入了一段指令后,那机器人的两个圆眼便微微一亮…… ............ ………… On the other hand, Golden Warhammer team...... 另一方面,黄金战锤队这边…… Brother Alka, this half hour, let alone the enemy player, small strange has not seen.” Yellow Sledgehammer a little seems to have lost patiently, I thought that we add a bit faster the speed, left again such ink marks.” 碱哥,这都半小时了,别说敌方玩家,连个小怪都没看到。”黄大锤似乎已经有点儿失去耐心了,“我看咱们还是加快点速度吧,别再这么墨迹了。” This fellow......” Alkaline Man turns the head to look at their team leader eldest children, the heart was saying, loudly where spoke...... that we to maintain the significance of distance......” “这家伙……”碱性男转头望着他们的队长老大,心道,“这么高声说话……那我们保持距离的意义何在啊……” At this time, what their four exhibiting is a rhombus, is maintaining the formation of certain distance. Advances with this position, without doubt is the Alkaline Man arrangement...... when facing sudden regional attack, this/should formation can reduce the damage of team, avoids being used the big move to strike to carry off. Moreover...... in the thick bad fog, stands like this Investigation personnel of team will also bring certain hindrance to the enemy. 此时,他们四个摆出的是一个菱形的、彼此间保持着一定距离的阵型。用这种站位来推进,无疑是碱性男安排的……在面对突如其来的范围性袭击时,该阵型可以降低队伍的损伤,避免被人用大招一击带走。另外……在浓厚的大雾中,这样站也会给敌队的侦查人员带来一定的妨碍。 However...... Yellow Sledgehammer loud is actually exchanging with the teammate calmly, has not considered the separated position slightly the intention. 然而……黄大锤却是若无其事地大声和队友交流着,丝毫没有考虑到分开站位的意图。 „After good......” several seconds, Alkaline Man returns with the quite helpless tone said, listens to the team leader you......” “好吧……”数秒后,碱性男用颇为无奈的口吻回道,“就听队长你的……” Actually,...... Alkaline Man somewhat could not calm down by this little while. Because this line has not encountered any danger, making him have one type I a little to overcorrect?” Feeling. 其实,到了这会儿……碱性男自己也有些沉不住气了。由于这一路行来没有遭遇任何危险,让他产生了一种“我是不是有点矫枉过正了?”的感觉。 After all their team has the professional players of three powerful, but the objective strength of Yellow Sledgehammer this RMB soldier also truly compares general Casual Gamer to be stronger. In addition...... Alkaline Man also infers...... the probability is extremely low in this time matches „the Studio team ; In light of enemy team anonymous the situation, he then does not think that voluntarily one's own side has certain advantage. 毕竟他们队有着三名强力的职业玩家,而黄大锤这RMB战士的客观实力也确实比一般的休闲玩家要强。再加上……碱性男也推断……在这个时间段匹配到“工作室队伍”的概率极低;结合敌方队伍“匿名”的情况,他便不自觉地认为己方有着一定的优势。 Bang- 轰- But...... when they talked, in the fog transmitted thundering of jet engine suddenly. 但……就在他们对话之际,雾中忽地传来了一阵喷气式引擎的轰鸣。 Bang! Bang!- 砰砰砰- In a flash, a strange robot drops from the clouds, treads continually three steps, stands firm in the downtown. 弹指之间,一个怪异的机器人从天而降,连踏三步,在街心站定。 At this moment, Strange Warrior situated in four people of most front rows showed the stance of fight immediately, the alert observed closely the front goal. 这一刻,位于四人最前列的奇斗士当即摆出了战斗的架势,戒备地盯住了前方的目标。 Robot?” Sees this scene, the Alkaline Man doubts discussed that this Scenario is not the Zombie subject how...... to emit......” “机器人?”见此情景,碱性男疑惑地念道,“这剧本不是丧尸主题的嘛……怎么会冒出……” Bang! 嘭! When his train of thought is undecided, a gunshot then already air-splitting. 他思绪未定之际,一声枪响便已破空而出。 Holds......” Alkaline Man turns the head following the sound, while is scolding at heart, this fellow also spoke one's mind to act......” “操……”碱性男一边循声转头,一边就在心里骂上了,“这家伙又自说自话地行动了……” Clearly, the person of opening fire is Yellow Sledgehammer. In had not determined that the future is the enemy is under the premise of friend, he carried the rifle in hand to come one round without delay. 很明显,开枪的人是黄大锤。在尚未确定来者是敌是友的前提下,他二话不说就端起手中的步枪来了一发。 According to the common sense, his behavior naturally is very improper, because does this may become the enemy the NPC unit that could become the boost very much. But this time...... Yellow Sledgehammer the rash actually rendered meritorious service. 按常理来说,他这种行为自然是很不妥的,因为这样做很有可能把原本有望成为助力的NPC单位变为敌人。但这次……黄大锤的这份冒失却是立功了。 This spear/gun without hesitation, broke the arm of infection warrior directly, instantaneous buckle the strength of this robot. 这不假思索的一枪,直接打断了感染斗士的一条胳膊,瞬间折损了这个机器人的战力。 Squeak- 吱- Without the exchange in language, has not stopped. The bullet hit second half second, infects that arm that the warrior then held up had not been cut off, finger machine gun started a round of strafe through five to dead ahead Strange Warrior. 没有语言上的交流,也没有停顿。子弹命中后半秒,感染斗士便举起了尚未断掉的那条胳膊,通过五根“手指机关枪”对正前方的奇斗士发动了一轮扫射。 „......” Strange Warrior did not spit one quickly, tumbles toward the one side, charged into a bunker rapidly. “嘁……”奇斗士不快地啐了一声,朝一旁翻滚而出,迅速地冲向了一个掩体。 Meanwhile, profound Spirit King dozens meters away has also emitted a skill to support the teammate immediately. 与此同时,数十米之外的玄灵王者也已在第一时间放出了一个技能来支援队友。 Name: Spirit lance vulture suddenly 名称:灵矛鹫突】 Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, Permanent 技能卡属性:主动技能,永久掌握 Skill Category: Spirit Art 技能类别:灵术 Effect: By the finger sends out the lance shape from the Spiritual Energy impact, creates to pass through injures suddenly( cooling time one minute)】 【效果:以手指发出矛状的中距离灵能冲击,造成贯突伤害(冷却时间一分钟)】 Consumption: Stamina 200, Spirit Power 2 【消耗:体能值200,灵力值二】 Learning Prerequisite: Fighting Proficiency B, Spirit Art Specialization B 学习条件:格斗专精B,灵术专精B】 Note: May, the non- spirit body( excluding BOSS Level) unit cause the damage of isometric to the having mystical powers body.】 【备注:可对所有灵体、非灵体(不包括BOSS级)单位造成等量的伤害。】 Scolding- 叱- With witch sound air-splitting, a spirit lance easily passed through the abdomen of infection warrior, the crack place flame spattered in all directions. 伴随着灵子破空之声,一支灵矛轻易地贯穿了感染斗士的腹部,破口处火光迸溅。 However...... its core not in abdomen, therefore...... 不过……它的“核心”并不在腹部,所以…… Pit-a-pat pit-a-pat...... the strafe of machine gun was still continuing. Moreover, infected the attack of warrior also to take advantage of opportunity the promotion...... to see only its knees and left shoulder distorts rapidly, revealed three like the honey-comb launch mouth....... Many after about three seconds of fermentation disperse from these launch mouths like the lipstick tiny missile, assumed the potential of track to fly respectively to the four players of Golden Warhammer team. 突突突突……机关枪的扫射仍在继续。不仅如此,感染斗士的攻击还顺势升级……只见它的双膝和左肩急速变形,露出了三个如蜂巢般的发射口。在大约三秒的酝酿后……诸多如唇膏般细小的飞弹从这些发射口中飞散出来,呈跟踪之势分别飞向了黄金战锤队的四名玩家。 Sledgehammer, with demolition bomb! The warriors, after circling ! The profound spirit, shields me!” “大锤,用爆破弹!斗士,绕后!玄灵,掩护我!” Things have gotten to this point, no matter this robot was the enemy, or says at present after it was attacked, becomes the enemy...... not to hit in any case is not good. Therefore, Alkaline Man issued three instructions loudly, and put out own weapon- two short sickles, toward infecting the warrior rush over through a circuitous route. 事已至此,不管眼前这机器人本来就是敌人、还是说它被攻击后才成为了敌人……反正不打也不行了。于是,碱性男高声下达了三个指令,并拿出了自己的武器-两把短镰刀,通过一条迂回的路线朝着感染斗士冲了过去。 In the following ten seconds...... 在接下来的十秒当中…… After Strange Warrior circles smoothly, attracted the attention of infection warrior ; The Yellow Sledgehammer demolition bomb, hit earnestly the goal ; But deciding body skill that profound Spirit King sends out, before the mist and dust of explosion splits open had the function. 奇斗士顺利地绕后,吸引了感染斗士的注意力;黄大锤的爆破弹,切实地命中了目标;而玄灵王者所发出的定身技能,也在爆炸的烟尘绽开前产生了作用。 Finally, when mist and dust gradually completely, Alkaline Man form exactly to...... 最后,在烟尘渐尽之际,碱性男的身影恰至…… The double sickle interlocks, the cold glow starts. 双镰交错,寒芒乍起。 Among the electric light flint, infects the torso of warrior then by the sickle mark incisions of X shape, is divided into several to cave under. 电光火石之间,感染斗士的躯干便被X形的镰痕切开,分为数段塌落而下。 All, seem...... four people of Golden Warhammer team during the plan of Alkaline Man not only completed the respective attack, successfully avoided these speeds not to calculate the quick miniature missile. 一切,好似都在碱性男的计划之中……黄金战锤队的四人不但完成了各自的攻击,也都成功避开了那些速度并不算快的微型飞弹。 Seeming like, their several were quite with ease this monster handling, but...... Alkaline Man always thought where had is not right. 看起来,他们几个是颇为轻松地就将这个怪物给搞定了,但……碱性男总觉得有哪里不对。 What's the matter?” Several after seconds, Strange Warrior first shouted to make noise, how I turned Disease Condition?” “怎么回事?”几秒后,奇斗士第一个喊出声来,“我怎么变成【疾病】状态了?” His these words, making Alkaline Man such as suffer the electric shock, the latter also opens Game Menu immediately, the result discovery...... in own condition column also display Disease Inscription. 他这一句话,让碱性男如遭电击,后者立刻也打开了游戏菜单,结果发现……自己的状态栏里也显示着【疾病】的字样。 Eh? my move.” Profound Spirit King in distant place meets to say immediately. 诶?我怎么也中招了。”远处的玄灵王者随即接道。 what’s going on? Brother Alka.” Question that Yellow Sledgehammer raised , indicating that he was also the same condition. 这是怎么回事啊?碱哥。”黄大锤提出的疑问,表明他也是一样的状况。 Alkaline Man had not replied that this issue, responded his...... is another person. 碱性男没有回答这个问题,回应他的……是另一个人。 everyone......” the Feng Bujue's speaking voice resounds from the fog, that...... considered me to give your gift on first meeting 诸位……”封不觉的说话声自雾中响起,“刚才的那个……就当是我给你们的见面礼”
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