TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#842: Tripartite starting

East city, Hell Front team, successfully completed automatically move. 城市东部,地狱前线队,也顺利完成了传送 Main Quest has triggered.】 主线任务已触发。】 Strikes kill „the Golden Warhammer team four members.】 【击杀“黄金战锤队”的四名成员。】 After film title CG finished, the Quest prompt is following close on resounding. 片头CG结束后,任务提示就紧跟着响起。 Jue Bro, this Scenario should not be......” will obtain the ability to act, Xiao Tan turns the head to look that discussed to Jue Bro. 觉哥,这个剧本该不会是……”一获得行动能力,小叹就转头看向觉哥念道。 Right, the first time is we Scenario that meets Derivative and GM.” Feng Bujue continued its saying that this time time point should be we leaves this place after several years .” “对,就是我们第一次遇到衍生者和GM的剧本。”封不觉接过其话头道,“这次的时间点应该是我们离开此地的数年之后。” Oh? have you come this Scenario?” Xiao Ling meets saying that then...... this we did have the offensive information advantage from the beginning?” 哦?你们来过这个剧本?”小灵接道,“这么说来……这回咱们一开始就有先手的情报优势了咯?” „It is not we.” Feng Bujue investigates the correct path, is I.” His raise hand is pointing at own nose, said to the teammates, your Sister Yu has been clear to request...... to make me go opposite four people to get rid of completely, therefore......” “不是‘咱们’。”封不觉纠正道,“是‘我’。”他抬手指着自己的鼻子,对队友们道,“你们雨姐已经明确要求了……让我一个人去把对面四人全部干掉,所以……” hey hey...... Jue Bro.” Xiao Tan hits to block the way, really planned that makes us stand by?” 喂喂……觉哥。”小叹打断道,“真打算让我们袖手旁观吗?” Naturally real.” Feng Bujue returns said, your three explore the map by all means on the line, the killed the enemy matter plenary powers gives me to process.” “当然是真的。”封不觉回道,“你们三个只管去探索地图就行,杀敌的事情全权交给我来处理。” Since you have this wish and this self-confidence, I do not want to block you, but......” Flowers Between met to say at this time, you must go four...... at least to make me add by an enemy after all to you Immortal strength, Provides against contingencies.” “既然你有这种意愿和这份自信,我也不想拦你,不过……”花间这时接道,“你毕竟是要去以一敌四……至少让我给你加个【不朽之力】,以防万一吧。” Does not need.” Feng Bujue declines to say very much decisively, I may Bujue I one named Golden Warhammer team The team strikes to kill.” “不必了。”没想到,封不觉很果断地拒绝道,“我可不觉得我会被一支叫做【黄金战锤队】的队伍所击杀。” Captain, you also said...... others are team, but you are only individual.” Xiao Ling also urged, you thought you were prepares to brush BOSS of player?” 团长,你也说了……人家是‘队伍’,而你只是‘个人’。”小灵也劝道,“难道你觉得自己是个准备去刷玩家的BOSS吗?” Yes.” Feng Bujue returns with the natural tone said, I am this meaning.” “是的。”封不觉用理所当然的语气回道,“我就是这个意思。” Oh......” Flowers Between sighed, good luck.” “唉……”花间叹了口气,“祝你好运吧。” Xiao Ling hears word, reluctantly crooked, immediately turns around to say to Xiao Tan: We stroll everywhere.” 小灵闻言,也是无奈地歪了下头,随即转身对小叹道:“那咱们就到处逛逛去呗。” „......” Xiao Tan nods, looked that said to Jue Bro, Jue Bro, your one person are careful.” “哦……”小叹点了点头,又看向觉哥道,“觉哥,你一个人当心点儿啊。” Relax.” Feng Bujue complied with one very much at will, you were careful.” “放心。”封不觉很随意地应了一句,“你们自己小心。” Thereupon, when this Scenario starts for only three minutes is less , the Hell Front four people then go separate ways. 于是乎,在这剧本开始仅三分钟不到的时候,地狱前线的四人便分道扬镳了。 ............ ………… Meanwhile, Golden Warhammer team...... 与此同时,黄金战锤队这边…… „The team of opposite party took the anonymous measure...... snort/hum......” Yellow Sledgehammer to look at the information in Game Menu, cold -ly snorted and said, that without a doubt was the unknown trash team, was relaxed can evidently the rhythm of steamroll.” Undefeated record in S2 practice pattern, making him be full of confidence with the strength of team, when spoke this saying was sporty. “对方的队伍采取了匿名措施吗……哼……”黄大锤看着游戏菜单里的信息,冷哼道,“那毫无疑问就是名不见经传的垃圾队伍了,看样子是轻轻松松就能碾压的节奏。”在S2练习模式中的不败战绩,让他对本队的实力充满了信心,说这话时底气十足。 Such remarks, his side that ID is Alkaline Man The player then said: Oh...... the team leader, I thought that...... we too negligent should not be quite good.” 此言一出,他身旁那名ID为【碱性男】的玩家便说道:“呃……队长,我觉得……咱们还是不要太大意了比较好。” Mentioned this Alkaline Man, was a quite famous individual professional player. Although the given name was inferior Honghu Then is resounding, but also differs not far. 说起这位碱性男,也算是一位颇为有名的个人职业玩家了。其名号虽不如【鸿鹄】那么响亮,但也相差不远。 Alkaline Man is the versatile player, has very strong adaptation and learning capability to any game ; However its game talent is not prominent, therefore is unable to advance into top player, is between the man who „” and „” levels paces back and forth. 碱性男属全能型玩家,对任何游戏都有着很强的适应和学习能力;不过其游戏天赋不算突出,所以始终无法跻身顶尖玩家的行列,是个在“准一线”和“一线”水准之间徘徊的男人。 In the Golden Warhammer team, nominal team leader, although is Yellow Sledgehammer, but everyone understands that...... leads the person who the team marches to the victory truly, is Alkaline Man. 黄金战锤队中,名义上的队长虽然是黄大锤,但大家心里都明白……真正引领队伍走向胜利的人,是碱性男 Yes, this is matching after all, is not the practice.” Two after seconds, Strange Warrior Also meets saying that „every relates to final points, therefore cannot have a low opinion of the enemy.” “是啊,这毕竟是正赛,不是练习。”两秒后,【奇斗士】也接道,“每一场都关系到最终的积分,所以不可轻敌。” This Strange Warrior, is an individual professional player ; He is the operation to be very outstanding, but consciousness the quite bad type. In the team, he can act as the reliable goon, but could not work as the leader or the brain truster. 这位奇斗士,也是一名个人职业玩家;他属于操作十分优秀,但意识较为糟糕的类型。在团队中,他可以充当可靠的打手,但当不了领导或智囊。 Was good has the person of self-knowledge because of...... him very much. He always acts very much law-abidingly is being similar to NBA blue collar player role, plays own role in the team as far as possible. Gives these to have the person who the ability completes...... for example Alkaline Man...... to be completed the work of ponder and plan. 好在……他是个很有自知之明的人。他始终很安分地扮演着类似于“NBA蓝领球员”角色,尽可能地在团队中发挥自己的作用。把思考、策划的工作交给那些有能力去完成的人……比如碱性男……去完成。 My actually It does not matter, I every is whole-heartedly......” stands in not far away Profound Spirit King Takes advantage of opportunity to meet saying that „...... what team, no matter the opposite party is, I treat impartially.” “我倒是无所谓,我每一场都是全力以赴的……”站在不远处的【玄灵王者】顺势接道,“……不管对方是什么样的队伍,我都一视同仁。” This fellow, was in the comparison two that players. However by the effective strength, he is in this team strongest one. 这个家伙,就属于比较中二的那种玩家了。不过论战斗实力,他是这个队伍中最强的一个。 Hehe...... you were too discrete.” Yellow Sledgehammer should say immediately, Brother Alka...... you did not say, lined up in this time, the possibility that ran into the professional team was very low.” His both hands insert the bag, show off said very much, not to mention your three are the professional players, said that my strength...... hehe......” he stopped specially, reveals a very acting cool manner, seeming oneself really has greatly is the same, „...... you are also clear.” “呵呵……你们都太谨慎了吧。”黄大锤随即应道,“碱哥……你不是也说了吗,在这个时间排队,遇到职业队的可能性是很低的。”他双手插袋,很嘚瑟地说道,“且不说你们三位都是职业玩家,就说我的实力……呵呵……”他特意停顿了一下,露出一副很装逼的神态,好似自己真的有多了不起一样,“……你们也都是清楚的。” Yes...... is because has your such goods to hold back here, I thought that can't be negligent...... you to think the practice pattern total victory because of you? Is depends on several of us completely like mad, in addition luck...... in the situation that in a professional team has not encountered realizes very?” Alkaline Man these words, are naturally talking over at heart, he does not dare to say on the mouth. “是啊……就是由于有你这么个货色在这儿拖后腿,我才觉得不能大意啊……你以为练习模式全胜是因为你吗?完全是靠着我们几个拼死拼活,加上一点点运气……在一支职业队都没有遇到的情况下才实现的好不?”碱性男的这番话,自然是在心里念叨的,他可不敢在嘴上说出来。 Oh...... right, you are very strong.” Lenient that causes difficulties for others, Alkaline Man can only brace oneself saying that „, but you looked that...... this......” he looks at the surrounding thick fog, gets a sudden inspiration, „...... this map to your very disadvantageous Ah! 呃……没错,您是很强。”正所谓拿人的手软,碱性男只能硬着头皮回道,“但你看……这……”他看着周围的浓雾,灵机一动,“……这个地图对你很不利啊! Un?” Yellow Sledgehammer after its reminder, looks all around, after five seconds, he meets to say as if suddenly enlightened, to Ah! this environment , the guarantee murder marksmanship of my unmatched in the world very wasn't difficult to display?” “嗯?”黄大锤经其提醒,环顾四周,五秒后,他才恍然大悟般接道,“对啊!这种环境下,我那天下无敌的必杀枪法不就很难发挥了吗?” This goods did not have the medicine to rescue...... Alkaline Man simply to be about to cry aloud at heart. “这货简直是无药可救啊……”碱性男在心里已经快哭出声来了。 The next second, he is twitching the corners of the mouth, results in the vibration hand conceals to enter the coat pocket air/Qi, then said ; „...... In other words, as marksmanship is a player, even if your strength strong, isn't able to display 100% abilities in such environment?” 下一秒,他抽动着嘴角,将一只气得抖动的手藏进上衣口袋,接着说道;“就……就是说嘛,作为一名射击系玩家,纵然你实力超强,也无法在这样的环境下发挥百分之百的能力吧?” Good...... you said reasonable.” Yellow Sledgehammer nods, that this I am earnest, levels this innate disadvantage with the attitude and technology!” “好吧……你说的有道理。”黄大锤点点头,“那这场我就认真一点,用态度和技术来填平这份先天的劣势吧!” You have the technology of wool......” Alkaline Man at heart make complaints, is not marksmanship and Mechanic Specialization A, other Specialization dregs to exploding the RMB soldier...... the Equipment skill basically is buys, without these thing adds on the assistance of special ammunition...... I to enable your ten levels to get rid of you......” “你有个毛的技术啊……”碱性男在心里吐槽着,“不就是个射击器械专精A,其他专精渣到爆的RMB战士么……装备技能基本全是买来的,要是没有这些东西加上特种弹药的辅助……我让你十级都可以把你干掉……” That......” Alkaline Man has turned the head, does not make the opposite party see the egg that oneself are difficult to cover hurts the expression, „...... all relied upon the team leader you......” “那就……”碱性男转过头去,不让对方看到自己已经难掩的蛋疼表情,“……全仰仗队长您了……” ............ ………… On the other hand, Nooccar City center...... 另一方面,努卡市中心…… The building and street of this place have been without a trace, that hundreds of thousands of square meters region had changed into one piece black, rugged scorched earth. 此地的建筑物和街道早已是无影无踪,那数十万平米的地域已化为了一片黑色的、崎岖不平的焦土。 The rivers that the magma forms interweave the net on this scorched earth, concentrates not the loose strange fog becomes under the transpiration of steam thicker. 岩浆汇成的河流在这焦土上交织成网,凝而不散的怪雾在热气的蒸腾下变得更加浓厚。 Center the scorched earth, is towering like the castle huge construction. The thing of the architectural style not world, various strange lines that counteracts the architecture and even the physics outlined this structure grotesque and gaudy different fort. 焦土正中,耸立着一座如城堡般的巨大建筑。其建筑风格不似人间之物,各种有悖于建筑学乃至物理学的诡异线条勾勒出了这座结构光怪陆离的异堡。 At this time, in the hall of that different fort topmost level, in the lifeform that eyes closed rests, suddenly opened the eyes. 此时,就在那异堡最高层的大厅中,一个正在闭目休憩的生物,忽然睁开了双眼。 Snort...... insane, no, thinks that......” Samodeer cold snort/hum, read this name one word at a time, heaven had group of you not to walk, the hell was impossible you to throw originally......” “哼……疯,不,觉……”萨摩迪尔冷哼一声,一字一顿地念出了这个名字,“天堂有路你不走,地狱无门你自来投……” He is saying, then on stood from his throne. 他说着,便从他的“王座”上站了起来。 Jolts three, pours four.” After standing firm, Samodeer got raised the voice, drank such two. “颠三,倒四。”站定后,萨摩迪尔变提高了嗓门儿,喝了这么两声。 After several seconds, two person's shadows do not know where braved, stood in his front. 数秒后,两道人影也不知从哪里冒了出来,站在了他的面前。 Oh ~ ~ what matter has? Masters.” “唷~唷~有什么事吗?主人。” Hey ~ ha ~ wants ~ we to...... gate that side ~ whom catches to come back?” “嘿~哈~是不是又要~我们到……门的那边~去抓谁回来?” Two sounds resounded, spoke words respectively. The intonation that they spoke was very interesting, probably was ordinary at the rap, has one to wrap/sets of own rhythm. 两个声音先后响起,分别说了句话。他们说话的语调很有意思,像是在说唱一般,有着一套自己的节奏。 Does not need gate that side to grasp.” The Samodeer sinking sound returns said that this time prey...... in city.” “不用到‘门的那边’去抓。”萨摩迪尔沉声回道,“这次的猎物……就在城里。”
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