TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#841: Confuses the city to reappear

I called Yellow Sledgehammer, 22 years old, were game expert. 我叫黄大锤,二十二岁,是一名游戏高手 Although my not professional player, but from infancy to maturity, my game level is outstanding in little friend. 虽说我并非职业玩家,但从小到大,我的游戏水平在身边的小伙伴中都属出类拔萃。 Stemming from the envy, these defeated give I had one „the RMB soldier the nickname. 出于嫉妒,那些手下败将们给我起了一个“RMB战士”的绰号。 Right, in my family is very rich, but rich is my mistake? Right, I play the game frequently to recharge tens of thousands, but don't you have money sufficiently are my mistakes? In brief...... I am grasping my consistent game style, has not violated any rule, my victory obviously establishes in the technology base. 没错,我家里是很有钱,但有钱是我的错吗?没错,我打游戏动辄充值几万块,但你们充不起钱是我的错吗?总之……我只是秉持着我一贯的游戏风格而已,并没有违反任何规则,我的胜利明显是建立在技术基础上的。 Made a long story short, before five Month(s), I joined a named «Thriller Paradise» game, becomes user who in the first batch of participation measured. 长话短说,五个月前,我加入了一款名为《惊悚乐园》的游戏,成为了第一批参与内测的用户。 The place that Testing Phase, this game can spend is few, besides the luxurious game warehouse, could not buy what useful thing from the official channel. Including additional ten Tu Longbao blades and so on thing does not have, really makes people very not happy. 在内测阶段,这个游戏可以花钱的地方很少,除了豪华游戏仓外,从官方渠道就买不到什么有用的东西了。连把加十屠龙宝刀之类的东西都没有,真是让人很不愉快。 However, what this game does is very good. In fact, any game is better compared with I have played, although some Scenario are quite terrifying, but still made one want to stop but cannot. 不过,这个游戏本身做的还是很不错的。事实上,比起我玩过的任何游戏都要好,虽然有些剧本相当恐怖,但仍然让人欲罢不能。 Shortly , the professional player who pays respects Studio some I could not have recalled the name bestows, in measured finished rapidly. To me, this without doubt is a good news. Because after beta opening, Exchange in official site Shopping Center and game will then open. 不久后,拜某个工作室的某个我已经记不起名字的职业玩家所赐,内测迅速地结束了。对我来说,这无疑是个好消息。因为公测开启后,官网商城和游戏内的交易所便会开启。 However, the later actual situation makes me feel disappointed. Because official RMB item of this game is really very few, besides double experiences and double Game coins cards, only then some quality common store goods. 然而,之后的实际情况还是让我感到失望。因为这游戏的官方RMB道具实在是少之又少,除了双倍经验和双倍游戏币卡之外,就只有一些品质一般的商店货而已。 Naturally, game level outstanding I will not lower the head under this difficulty, in a while I found several shortcuts of promotion strengths. 当然了,游戏水平出类拔萃的我是不会在这种困难下低头的,没过多久我就找到了好几种提升实力的捷径。 Quick-witted I purchased massive Game coins, spared no expense to purchase Equipment of one set of powerful in the auction room. Moreover, I also purchased the high price very dazzled the clothing, to expand Traveling Bag and warehouse greatly, acquired all kinds of consumables. 机智的我购买了大量的游戏币,不惜重金地在拍卖行里购置了一套强力的装备。另外,我还购买了高价的酷炫服装、大大扩充了行囊仓库、添置了各种各样的消耗品。 After oneself will be fully-armed, I then take two types of double cards, looked for family/home first-class occupation Studio, purchased them belt/bring to hit service. 将自己全副武装起来以后,我便带上两种双倍卡,找了家一流的职业工作室,购买了他们的“带打”服务。 The package that I purchase is thorough: After all Equipment and skill that card in Scenario discovers......, so long as does not collect binds, turns over to me entirely. The team takes protecting my safety Level cleared as most first, moreover if conditions permit, they can gain the Skill Points event to leave me to complete some. 我购买的套餐服务非常周到:在剧本中发现的所有装备、技能卡……只要不是拾取后绑定的,统统归我。全队以保护我安全通关为最优先,而且在条件允许的情况下,他们会将一些可以获取技巧值的事件留给我来完成。 ...... Under my set of wise strategy, my character status promotes thereupon with steady steps. Although Specialization the promotion speed is a little inexplicably slow, but my Equipment, skill and Level, without doubt are the entire clothing/taking advanced standards ; With these ordinary players obviously not in a scale. 于是乎……在我这套高明的战略下,我的角色属性稳步提升。虽说“专精”的升级速度莫名有点慢,但我的装备、技能、等级,无疑是全服领先水平;和那些普通玩家明显不在一个档次。 Quick, my game role fight style has taken shape, the system gave me one golden grinder title, is one hear wild and cool has the wood to have? 很快,我的游戏角色战斗风格就已成型,系统给了我一个“黄金粉碎机”的称号,一听就是狂霸酷拽强有木有? Made a long story short, beta opened for a half month, Game Company announced must conduct Struggle For Power to Summit games” news. At that time I understand that...... showed my remarkable strength before the world the opportunity to! 长话短说,公测才开启半个多月,游戏公司就公布了要举办“巅峰争霸”的消息。当时我就明白……在世人面前展现我那卓越实力的机会到了! Naturally, game expert like me, naturally also understands the truth of an arrogant army will surely meet with defeat. I of being open-minded, will come up the collection information to the forum and browsing captures...... 当然了,像我这样的游戏高手,自然也懂骄兵必败的道理。不耻下问的我,也会到论坛上去收集情报和浏览攻略…… Some day, my having no intention center point opens named 1 V 1 is best to level method the post, saw a very good repertoire- special bullet marksmanship class/flow. I only looked for several minutes to know, this school was very suitable I! 某一天,我无意中点开一个叫做“1V1才是最佳冲级方法”的帖子,看到了一个很不错的套路-特种子弹射击流。我只看了几分钟就知道,这个流派很适合我! That night, I went to the auction room to make the firearms of several perfect qualities, and purchased large number of special ammunitions, started the practice...... 当天晚上,我就去拍卖行弄了几把完美品质的枪械,并购买了大量特种弹药,开始了实践…… Although buys these thing expenses to be very big, to even me a little loved dearly, but...... value from later that Slaughter Game process and result! 虽然买这些东西的开销很大,大到连我都有点心疼了,但从之后那一场杀戮游戏的过程和结果来看……值! Then, passed through some time adaptation and disciplining, Struggle For Power to Summit S1 starts. 就这样,经过了一段时间的适应和磨练,巅峰争霸S1开始了。 In the preliminary contest, I met was above myself to imagine beside hindering. This thinks that I at least can be promoted at 90% winning percentage smoothly, has not thought that the final result crushed into semi-finals. 在预赛当中,我遇到了超乎自己想象之外的阻滞。本以为我至少能以90%的胜率顺利晋级的,没想到最后的成绩只是堪堪挤进了复赛 After my analysis, this situation is the luck not good and has a low opinion of the enemy to cause without doubt. 经我事后的分析,这种情况无疑是运气不好和轻敌导致的。 That several that first luck...... I lose, on in fine weather and favorable geographical position have congenitally deficient, causing me to have no way to display my complete strength. How in addition...... opposite to see is the level of professional player, perhaps the great star-level players in some Studio come, therefore I fell leeward. 首先来说“运气”……我输掉的那几盘,在天时地利上都有着先天不足,导致我没法儿发挥我的全部实力。再加上……对面怎么看都是职业玩家的水平,说不定还是一些工作室里的巨星级玩家来的,于是我就落了下风。 Next was having a low opinion of the enemy...... according to my estimation, my strength and Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil such existence should also be only about the same, but because I was the low key, in addition I was Casual Gamer, without their so many resources and game time, this could not be in the battle efficiency ranking. 其次就是“轻敌”了……据我估计,我的实力和吞天鬼骁那样的存在应该也只是伯仲之间,但由于我为人低调,加上我是休闲玩家,没有他们那么多的资源和游戏时间,这才会登不上战斗力排行榜。 Has such psychological advantage, in addition my free and easy, does not love the competitive indifferent character along with the nature, unavoidably will not put some water in the fight voluntarily, this perhaps is also the defeat because of it one...... 有着这样的心理优势,加上我那随性洒脱、不爱争强好胜的淡然性格,难免会在战斗中不自觉地放些水,这恐怕也是败因之一…… But in any event, I entered semi-finals. 但无论如何,我还是杀入了复赛 What a pity...... my bad luck was also promoted with me together. 可惜……我的糟糕运气也随着我一同晋级了。 【The war of cocoon First, I met a bone that is difficult to gnaw, he called Honghu, Is a very famous individual professional player. 【茧之战】第一场,我就遇到了一块难啃的骨头,他叫【鸿鹄】,是个很有名的个人职业玩家。 This goods use very despicable tactic, enabling my entire journey to get a spear/gun to lose well. 这货利用非常卑鄙的战术,让我全程都没能好好地打上一枪就输了。 In my game profession......, should not say in the entire life, this one time is made the person extremely depressed failure. 在我的游戏生涯……不,应该说整个人生中,这都是一次令人极度郁闷的失败。 This depressed...... nearly made me give up this game. 这份郁闷……险些让我放弃了这个游戏。 However, I am a strong person, I only used Month(s) time to come out of the shadow. In marks the rests after that more than 30 days of indulging in dissipation life, I re-entered Thriller Paradise. 不过,我是一个坚强的人,我只用了一个月的时间就走出了阴影。在为那三十余天的花天酒地生活画上休止符后,我重回了惊悚乐园 I of learning from a painful experience, purchased the top Studio payment version game information and capturing/raiding, seeks for a better belt/bring to practice the team to lead me to brush the itself/Ben, and gains various powerful Equipment to arm itself through the third party trading platform high price. 痛定思痛的我,购买了顶尖工作室的付费版游戏情报和攻略,寻找更好的带练团队来带我刷本,并通过第三方交易平台高价获取各种强力装备来武装自己。 Two months in a flash on the past...... 两个多月的时间一晃眼就过去了…… Now, in this Struggle For Power to Summit S2 stage, I must prove itself! 如今,在这巅峰争霸S2的舞台上,我要重新证明自己! This time, I do not have the escape route, has not given a pretext! 这次,我没有退路,也没有借口! I the large sum of money have invited the players of four unusual powerful to come, when my teammate, they all are the fame quite loud individual professional player, one of them special tactic coach. 我已经重金聘请了四名非常强力的玩家来当我的队友,他们皆是名气颇响的个人职业玩家,其中一人还是专门的战术教练。 We Golden Warhammer team in the previous practice pattern invincible. 我们“黄金战锤队”在先前的练习模式中战无不胜。 We have prepared completely safe! 我们已经做好了万全的准备! Champions! My Yellow Sledgehammer came! 冠军!我黄大锤来了! ............ ………… Golden Warhammer team 黄金战锤队】 Yellow Sledgehammer, Level 50 黄大锤,等级50】 Alkaline Man, Level 50 碱性男,等级50】 Strange Warrior, Level 50 奇斗士,等级50】 Profound Spirit King, Level 50 【玄灵王者,等级50】 Friendly disposition leads to wealth, Level 50 【和气生财,等级50】 Please select the game mode for your party.】 请选择队伍要加入的游戏模式。】 What you choose is Struggle For Power to Summit S2- Great Hero's Get Together, please confirm.】 【您选择的是巅峰争霸S2-英杰聚首,请确认。】 Had confirmed, please choose observing in this fight.】 【已确认,请选择本次战斗中的观战者。】 Had confirmed that please establish your team privacy protection option.】 【已确认,请设定您队伍的“隐私保护选项”。】 What you choose is appearance normal treatment and notifies the team name to the enemy team, please confirm.】 【您选择的是“外貌正常化处理”及“向敌方队伍通报本队队名”,请确认。】 The teams leader of Golden Warhammer team naturally are Yellow Sledgehammer, he has not opened the privacy protection option, but observing who he chooses is the exclusive coach of their team friendly disposition leads to wealth. 黄金战锤队的队长自然是黄大锤,他并没有开启隐私保护选项,而他选择的观战者是他们队的专属教练“和气生财”。 Had confirmed, your team has entered the formation, is searching other already the ready team.】 【已确认,您的队伍已进入队列,正在搜索其他已就绪队伍。】 Match is completed, syncing mind link connection, generating scenario......】 【匹配完成,正在协调神经连接,剧本生成中……】 Loading, please wait a moment.】 载入开始,请稍等。】 Great Hero's Get Together, asked that who dominates? Group fights, and looks at the the winner is the king.” 英杰聚首,试问谁人称雄?群豪争锋,且看胜者为王。” After the prologue, is several seconds of load time. 开场白后,是数秒的载入时间。 Loading is complete, Welcome to Struggle For Power to Summit S2- Great Hero's Get Together.】 载入已完成,欢迎来到巅峰争霸S2-英杰聚首。】 This pattern provides the Scenario synopsis, and has the probability to present branch / Hidden Quest and special World Setting.】 【本模式提供剧本简介,并有几率出现支线/隐藏任务及特殊世界观。】 Scenario successfully rewards: Preliminary contest points 3 points.】 剧本胜利奖励:预赛积分三点。】 Will soon broadcast the Scenario synopsis, after the broadcast completes, competes starts instantly.】 【即将播放剧本简介,播放完成后比赛即刻开始。】 After this system voice ended, the film title then started...... 这段系统语音结束后,片头便开始了…… 【The nooccar city, once was a population over large city ten million/countless.】 努卡(nooccar)市,曾是一座人口逾千万的特大型城市。】 With the aside, the lens start to move slowly. 伴随着旁白,镜头开始缓缓移动。 But this beginning CG picture was actually being covered by the thick fog, can only see some black outlines of distant place. 可这开场CG的画面却是被浓雾所笼罩着,只能看到远处的一些黑色轮廓。 Three years ago viral leaking accidents, are actually but destroyed in a moment it.】 【但三年前的一次病毒泄漏事故,却将其毁于一旦。】 【After the Z virus infects the variation Lifeform Blood Wolf Zombie, is wreaking havoc and attacking in the city human crazily.】 【被Z病毒感染后的变异生物-血狼丧尸,在城中疯狂肆虐、攻击着人类。】 All rescue teams that 【the official and folk send out all in entering 24 hours after city lost the contact with the outside world.】 【官方和民间所派出的所有救援小组皆在进入城市后的二十四小时内与外界失去了联络。】 When speaking of here, in the picture presented ruined street, building and other things finally, but was still seems dim. 说到这儿时,画面中终于出现了破败的街道、建筑等事物,但仍是显得朦朦胧胧。 【After virus divulges, 12 th day, military the temporary defense line that establishes around the city was under the fierce impact.】 【病毒泄漏后第十二天,军方在城市周围建立的临时防线受到了猛烈冲击。】 14 th day, several bomber aircraft conducted bombing with high fever weapon to the city, the attack of infected person comes to the end.】 【第十四天,数架轰炸机用高热武器对城市进行了轰炸,感染者的攻击告一段落。】 【After Month(s), the military in around Nooccar City completed fence the embryonic form, this/should facility was reinforced to improve in the next year unceasingly.】 【一个月后,军方在努卡市周围建成了“围墙”的雏形,该设施在随后的一年中被不断地加固完善。】 Symbolic search-and-rescue effort after the fence completes launches again, but the rescue team after entering the fence seemed under the unknown strength attack beside infected person, is annihilated. Hence, all enter local application to be forbidden, Nooccar City was converged the isolated plot indefinitely by the military.】 【象征性的搜救工作在围墙建成后再次展开,但救援小组在进入围墙后似乎遇到了感染者之外的未知力量攻击,全军覆没。至此,一切进入市内的申请皆被禁止,努卡市被军方归为无限期隔离区。】 【After four Month(s), an unknown fog shape gas gradually forms in the city, and covered sky over Nooccar City for a long time.】 【四个月后,一种未知的雾状气体在城中逐渐形成,并长期笼罩在了努卡市上空。】 【The ingredient of this/should gas is unable to be analyzed, but many experiments showed, it seems like harmless to human.】 【该气体的成分至今无法被解析,但多项试验表明,它对人类似乎是无害的。】 Several years time passes by, today...... has two special squads, crosses fence, entered in city......】 【数年的时光过去,今日……有两个特殊的小队,越过围墙,进入了城中……】 Film title CG stops, the picture also frames. 片头CG到此为止,画面也随之定格。 The next second, the CG last picture transformed the real-life scenery perfectly, appears in Yellow Sledgehammer they at present. But players, won the control of body in this moment. 下一秒,CG的最后一个画面就完美地转换成了实景,出现在了黄大锤他们的眼前。而玩家们,也都在这一刻获得了身体的控制权。
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