TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#840: Unreasonable request

On September 5, late 11:40. 九月 5 日,晚十一点40。 The Hell Front members arrived in Wang Tanzhi Conference room as promised, prepares to play that Struggle For Power to Summit S2 first preliminary contest. 地狱前线的成员们如约地来到了王叹之会议室中,准备去打那巅峰争霸S2的第一场预赛。 Although felt that quick has wanted 12 points, but under the game time according to sleep mode calculates, actually enough 200 minutes. So long as in any case joins the match formation before the midnight, all regards as is today hits, therefore they do not worry. 虽然感觉上很快就要过十二点了,但按照睡眠模式下的游戏时间来算,其实还有足足两百分钟。反正只要是在午夜之前加入匹配队列的,一律视为是“今天”打的,所以他们也不着急。 Hou ~ really rare, today we edited the Sir to be late unexpectedly for ten minutes( realistic time).” Is looking at last Flowers Between that walks into Conference room, lies Feng Bujue on luxurious sofa like the sheatfish shows the smile that under punched. “嚯~真难得啊,今天咱们编辑大人竟然迟到了十分钟(现实时间)呢。”望着最后一个走入会议室花间,像鲶鱼一样卧在豪华沙发上的封不觉露出了一个欠揍的笑容。 Has saying that...... made for this reason Society the teams leader of Captain and team, and late specialized household...... Jue Bro most does not have the qualifications to taunt others' person in this issue. 不得不说……作为此社团团长、队伍的队长、以及迟到的专业户……觉哥是最没资格在这个问题上嘲讽别人的人了。 Also is not because your fellow said suddenly must open the new book noisily......” Flowers Between empty focuses, looks that Jue Bro returns said that „the two days originally in the busy «Nightmare at Both Ends» propaganda business planning and publication, the things of various proofreading verifications must I do it yourself. Has not thought that...... today's somebody came to seal/confer Youjian to say suddenly oneself started to arrange the new book.” She long implored the one breath, shouted...... does me to have one pile of matters temporarily, worked overtime for several hours to go home.” “还不是因为你这家伙突然之间说要开新书闹的……”花间虚着眼,看着觉哥回道,“这两天本来就在忙《噩梦两端》的宣传企划和出版事宜,各种校对审核的事情都得我亲力亲为。没想到……今天某人又突然来封邮件说自己开始筹备新书了。”她长吁一口气,“呼……搞得我临时多出了一堆事,加班好几个小时才回到家。” Said that...... we a moment ago also in discussing......” Xiao Tan are meeting to say in side, opens the new book quickly, probably does not conform to Jue Bro your consistent attitude.” “说起来……我们刚才也在讨论着呢……”小叹在旁接道,“这么快就开新书,好像不太符合觉哥你一贯的作风啊。” Snort......” Feng Bujue cold -ly snorted and said, you actually thinks that I have consistent attitude and think has grasped this type attitude, ha haha Ha.....” He laughs several, naive! Too was really naive!” “哼……”封不觉冷哼道,“你竟然认为我有‘一贯的作风’并自以为已经掌握了这种‘作风’,哈哈哈哈……”他大笑几声,“天真!真是太天真了!” Looks at the words and deeds of this person, Flowers Between holds the volume to shake the head: I received certainly some spiritual pollution...... to propose that to the management held this person to be the star writer......” 看着此人的言行,花间不禁扶额摇头:“我一定是受到了某种精神污染……才会向管理层提议去捧这种人当明星作家……” Snort...... the writer is the writer, the star is a star.” Feng Bujue moved the body, sits positively on the sofa, exhibits one godfather character to come, the sinking sound said, beyond the standard with writing weighs one to take creating the writing as the fresh person...... I am very repugnant, do not say that took the selling point by this.” “哼……作家就是作家,明星就是明星。”封不觉挪了挪身子,在沙发上坐正,摆出一副“教父”范儿来,沉声说道,“用文字以外的标准去衡量一个以创作文字为生的人……我个人是很反感的,更不要说以此作为卖点了。” „After hehe......” one second, Flowers Between then stares the dead fish eye to say with a smile dry/does, „after looking at the offer on contract, you did not say.” “呵呵……”一秒后,花间便瞪着死鱼眼干笑道,“看完合同上的报价后你可不是这么说的。” Sometimes un............ I have to make the compromise of certain extent in the face of the reality.” Jue Bro was still a face proper appearance, met to say coolly. “嗯……有时候……我也不得不在现实面前做出一定程度的妥协嘛。”觉哥仍是一脸正经的样子,面不改色地接道。 „Do before you compromise the ideological struggle process the thump table in front of the computer to laugh wildly?” Ruoyu came such a at the right moment. “你妥协前的思想斗争过程就是在电脑前捶桌狂笑咯?”若雨适时地来了这么一句。 „...... So is no wonder long returns to the facial expression that my mail......” Flowers Between shows to be suddenly enlighted. “哦……难怪那么久才回我邮件……”花间露出恍然大悟的神情。 That anything...... everyone only do not discuss that about my matter, said other was good.” After two seconds, Feng Bujue has then turned the head calm, looked that said to Xiao Tan, right, which method contraception you usually did use?” “那什么……大家不要只讨论关于我的事情嘛,说点别的好了。”两秒后,封不觉便淡定地转过头,看向小叹道,“对了,你平时都用哪种方法避孕?” He asked after this issue, was encircled to beat savagely together by three female players. 他问完这个问题后,被三名女玩家一起围上来暴打了一顿。 But a security robot of Xiao Tan and system witnessed the entire process together unemotionally. 小叹和一名系统的安保机器人一起面无表情地目睹了全过程。 „When Jue Bro, you will think the changed topic next time......”, when Jue Bro lay down on the ground black and blue, Xiao Tan sighed was discussing, chats weather anything.” 觉哥,下回你想转移话题时……”待觉哥鼻青脸肿地躺在了地上,小叹才叹息着念道,“还是聊聊天气什么的吧。” „After......” the asthma is uniform, Feng Bujue sits on the sofa, is good to suggest that......” he is covering one side cheeks, meets saying that ok, returned to the proper topic......” this time he really to say some proper, after I get online today, in registering the space looked at a while homepage. Expected...... almost all Game Studio pasted their preliminary contest victory in the official site.” “啊……”把气喘匀后,封不觉重新坐回了沙发上,“好建议……”他捂着一侧脸颊,接道,“好了,言归正传吧……”这次他是真的要说些正经的了,“我今天上线以后,在登录空间里看了一会儿网页。不出所料的……几乎所有的游戏工作室都在官网上贴出了他们的预赛战果。” When he spoke these words, the teammates have also sat down. 他说这段话时,队友们也已纷纷坐下了。 According to my observations counts, under first in round, most Studio names Society gained the victory.” The Feng Bujue's words are still continuing, natural...... some third-class, or not popular Studio, failed in the first war. These Studio...... some have not renewed the score on the website directly, but also some, although announced the result, but does not forget to supplement the big length the writing to explain the defeat under the result because of...... but its core nothing but is- opponent is too strong, they to be negligent for a while.” “据我观察统计,在第一轮中,绝大多数工作室名下的社团都取得了胜利。”封不觉的话还在继续,“当然了……还是有一些三流的、或者不入流的工作室,在第一战中失败了。这些工作室呢……有些直接就没在网站上更新战绩,还有些虽然是公布了结果,但也不忘在结果下附带大篇幅的文字来解释败因……而其核心内容无非就是-对手太强、他们一时大意。” He several seconds, then said: Overall, the winning percentage of professional team is much higher, the lost these teams basically are the last stages in occupation. An only being defeated Studio team is Team One Corpse Blade, but the reason was...... they in first in round met Order Team One.” 他顿了几秒,接着道:“不过总体而言,职业队的胜率还是高得惊人,输掉的那些队伍基本都是职业中的末流。唯一一支落败的一线工作室队伍是‘尸刀一番队’,而原因是……他们在第一轮里就遇上了‘秩序一队’。” Un...... that also is really unlucky.” Xiao Tan hears here to meet saying that said...... other professional teams don't have the situations of 22 meets?” “嗯……那还真是倒霉呢。”小叹听到这儿接道,“说起来……其他职业队难道就没有两两相遇的情况吗?” Has.” Feng Bujue returns said that „, but few...... I turned over a hundred Studio homepages, besides the order and Corpse Blade, first in round has the situations of two professional team meets only to see one case.” “有。”封不觉回道,“但很少……我翻了上百个工作室的网页,除了秩序和尸刀之外,第一轮中有两支职业队相遇的情况只看到一例。” Because the team base number of participation competition was too big.” Xiao Ling met one. “因为参与比赛的队伍基数太大了吧。”小灵接了一句。 Right.” Feng Bujue said that „, although after Dream Corporation has not publicized the team quantity of this competition( later period of preliminary contest relieves privacy protection function, announcement), according to my estimation...... the team total at least over 30,000, 50,000 has the possibility. But these...... the quantity brace of professional team refuses stubbornly over 400, is about 1%.” “没错。”封不觉道,“虽然梦公司没有公开这次比赛的参赛队伍数量(预赛后期解除隐私保护功能后才公布),但据我估计……队伍总数至少在三万以上,五万都有可能。而这其中……职业队的数量撑死不超过四百,也就是1%左右。” „Are Eh? so few?” Xiao Tan doubts saying that may compete had not stipulated each Studio can only send a team to participate, I also think that the professional team will be more.” 诶?那么少吗?”小叹疑道,“可比赛并没有规定每个工作室只能派一支队伍参赛啊,我还以为职业队会更多一点呢。” „......” Jue Bro is shaking the head to say with a smile: Actually is capable of forming many teams to go to participating Studio to be few, this time forms a team many two Studio respectively is Corpse Blade and stars, the former group 13 teams, the latter also had ten teams ; But the orders and Deities these two, distinguished the group four and three teams ; As for Red Cherry, Jiang Hu, Mountains & Rivers and world these Studio, even if is also the frontline, but also only sent out two teams to participate.” He two seconds, again in the future...... for example we very familiar Ice Emperor, as well as big pile of 23 Studio, individual professional player wait/etc, only collected obtains a team.” “呵……”觉哥摇着头笑道:“其实有能力组建多支队伍去参赛的工作室是很少的,这次组队最多的两个一线工作室分别是尸刀和星辰,前者足足组了十三个队伍,后者也有十队之多;而秩序和诸神这两强,分别组了四支和三支队伍;至于红樱江湖山河、天地这些工作室,纵然也是一线,但也只派出了两支队伍去参赛。”他顿了两秒,“再往后……比如咱们挺熟悉的冰帝,以及一大堆二三线工作室、个人职业玩家等等,都只凑得出一支队伍而已。” Like this calculates, even 400 this several li (0.5 km), still have certain moisture content.” Flowers Between meets to say. “这样算来,就算是‘四百’这个数里,也有一定的水分呢。”花间接道。 Moisture content...... but actually good.” Feng Bujue returns said, from the first round of score, the professional team has this bowl of food after all, even the strengths of some teams are very not outstanding, but comes compared with the team of ordinary player, its overall strength usually stronger.” “水分方面……倒还好。”封不觉回道,“从第一轮的战绩来看,职业队毕竟是吃这碗饭的,即便有些队伍的战力不算很出众,但比起普通玩家的队伍来,其整体实力通常还是要强出一点。” Your next is to say that......” Flowers Between meets saying that „, because in the Casual Gamer team, typically will have one to two relative Fairly Weak people......” “你下一句是不是要说……”花间接道,“因为休闲玩家的队伍里,通常都会有一到两个相对较弱的人……” Right.” Feng Bujue nods to say. “对。”封不觉点头应道。 Good.” Flowers Between returns reluctantly said, was a drag on your really to be sorry.” “好吧。”花间无奈地回道,“拖了你的后腿真是抱歉呢。” No matter.” But Feng Bujue meets to say instantly, in our teams the weak area, you have not been not necessary to improperly belittle oneself.” His tone sounds is not comforting Flowers Between, but is very earnest, in my opinion, the strength of our Hell Front team is the extra-superior strong team, has big chance to any team.” “没有的事。”但封不觉即刻接道,“我们的队伍里并没有短板,你大可不必妄自菲薄。”他的语气听上去绝非是在安慰花间,而是很认真的,“在我看来,我们地狱前线队的实力属超一流强队,对上任何一支队伍都有很大的赢面。” Oh~ hear of your such saying felt that the strength welled up from the body!” Xiao Tan is really extremely easily the person who was worked up the mood. “哦哦~听你这么一说就感觉力量从身体里涌出来了呢!”小叹真是一个极容易被调动起情绪的人。 Must say that what weakness......” result next second, Feng Bujue meets to say tranquilly, „...... that was Xiao Tan.” “非要说有什么弱点……”结果下一秒,封不觉就平静地接道,“……那就是小叹了吧。” Hey-” Xiao Tan was startled at that time. “喂-”小叹当时就惊了。 In brief, what I want to say was...... even to the professional team, we still can definitely win. If the common Casual Gamer team, that is ninety percent sure.” Jue Bro disregards him, then said that everyone, so long as such hit according to the practice pattern were good, do not have what pressure.” “总而言之,我想说的是……就算对上了职业队,我们也完全可以取胜。如果是一般的休闲玩家队伍,那更是十拿九稳。”觉哥无视他,接着道,“大家只要按照练习模式中那样去打就行了,不要有什么压力。” Originally has no pressure.” Xiao Ling met to say at this time, „, moreover you choose in this first day the final dozen minutes enter the match formation again, but also greatly reduced us to meet the possibility of professional team.” “本来就没什么压力嘛。”小灵这时接道,“而且你选择在这第一天最后的十几分钟再进入匹配队列,还大大降低了我们遇上职业队的可能。” Oh? originally we, when arranged at this time again also has this reason?” Xiao Tan responded quickly. 哦?原来我们等到这时候再排还有这个原因?”小叹很快反应了过来。 This is not obvious......” Feng Bujue to return said, „the following several days of situation did not say......, but first day zero point just passed time, inevitably was a peak of professional corps lining up, because major Studio want to take to win impatiently and score announcement on the website.” “这不明摆着嘛……”封不觉回道,“后面几天的情况不好说……但第一天零点刚过的时候,必然是一个职业战队排队的高峰期,因为各大工作室都迫不及待地想拿下首胜并将战绩公布在网站上。” „The probability of although meeting is not big, but can avoid and approach to evade?” Ruoyu meets to say. “虽说相遇的概率不大,但能避就避是吗?”若雨接道。 Right.” Feng Bujue said that with my moral behavior, if we also when today 0 : 00 collects that lively, perhaps first in round meets Order Team One was our Hell Front.” “没错。”封不觉道,“以我的人品而言,若是我们也在今天零点的时候去凑那热闹,说不定第一轮里遇上秩序一队的就是咱们地狱前线了。” „Has your moral behavior been able to exceed the probability that 0.03% do not arrive at?” Flowers Between empty focuses to ask. “你的人品已经可以超越连0.03%都不到的概率了啊?”花间虚着眼问道。 „If the negative event......” Feng Bujue replied very much seriously, to...... has the possibility very much.” “如果是负面事件的话……”封不觉很严肃地回答,“对……很有可能。” In any event...... the present platoon should be unlikely to meet the professional team.” Xiao Ling meets saying that during the daytime I have also collected the material, by 3 : 00 pm, basically all Studio teams had announced the score. Therefore...... at least in the present this time point, we meet the probability of professional team to be close to zero infinitely.” “无论如何……现在排应该是不太可能遇上职业队的了。”小灵接道,“白天我也去收集过资料,到下午 3 点为止,基本上所有工作室的队伍都已经公布了战绩。所以……至少在眼下这个时间点上,我们遇到职业队的概率无限接近于零。” Right.” Feng Bujue said that „, therefore, as team leader and coach, I want to say is...... asks everyone to hold the relaxed mentality, enters this first preliminary contest. So long as you according to the rhythm of practice pattern, display the normal level, can easily......” “没错。”封不觉道,“因此,身为队长兼教练,我想说的就是……请各位抱着轻松的心态,进入这第一场预赛。只要你们按照练习模式的节奏,发挥出正常水平,就能轻易……” You want not to think.” The Jue Bro words saying half, was broken by Ruoyu, practice pattern you have almost not hit, do this you want to observe?” “你想也别想。”觉哥话说了一半,就被若雨打断了,“练习模式你就几乎没怎么打过,这场你又想观战?” Un...... I thought......” Jue Bro wants to explain, but...... “嗯……我是觉得呢……”觉哥想要解释,但…… How is casual you to feel.” Ruoyu coldly said, on this you, I work as observing, limits your one person to kill opposite four people in two hours completely.” “随便你怎么觉得。”若雨冷冷道,“这场你上,我当观战者,限你一个人在两小时内把对面四人全部击毙。” Ha?” “哈?” Ha?” “哈?” Ha?” “哈?” This second, Xiao Ling, Xiao Tan and Flowers Between all are the same responses. They noticed that for the first time Ruoyu proposed request that this type nearly creates a scene. 这一秒,小灵小叹花间全都是同一种反应。他们还是第一次看到若雨提出这种近乎无理取闹的要求。 But Feng Bujue looked at the Ruoyu two seconds: „......” Then smiled inexplicably, he seemed understood anything, immediately used a tone that coaxed the child discussed that good ~ good ~ on me on me.” 封不觉看了若雨两秒:“呵……”然后就莫名地笑了,他好似是明白了什么,随即就用一种哄小孩儿的口吻念道,“好~好~我上就我上。”
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