TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#839: In the morning

On September 5, in the morning 5 o'clock. 九月 5 日,早晨五点20。 Feng Bujue opened eyes, looked at a time, then had the yawn to crawl from the game cabin. 封不觉睁开眼,看了眼时间,然后就打着哈欠从游戏舱里爬了出来。 „Before ha......” he arrives at the window stretches oneself, and opened the window curtains conveniently. “哈啊……”他走到窗前伸了个懒腰,并顺手拉开了窗帘。 The dawn light penetrated the glass to sprinkle, making the entire living room cover a pale color. 晨曦的光透过玻璃洒了进来,让整个客厅都蒙上了一层青白之色。 Draws to me the window curtains, bastard!” After two seconds, the Hazas complaint then resounded, doesn't want to live?” Her obviously is getting out of bed air/Qi. “把窗帘给我拉上,混蛋!”两秒后,阿萨斯的抱怨声便响起了,“不想活了啊?”她这显然是起床气。 Jue Bro hears word, must draw the window curtains reluctantly, after all others have not awaked, speaking one's mind to make brightly the room is really he is not right. 觉哥闻言,也只得无奈地将窗帘重新拉了起来,毕竟人家还没睡醒,自说自话地把房间弄亮确是他的不对。 Oh...... at least she cannot now anywhere the size then.” Jue Bro comforts itself like this, while moved toward the bathroom. “唉……至少她如今是不会随地大小便了。”觉哥一边这样安慰自己,一边走向了卫生间。 When he washes walks from inside, Ruoyu also happen to arrived at the bathroom entrance. 当他洗漱完毕从里面走出来时,若雨也正好来到了卫生间门口。 Eh? do you also awake?” Feng Bujue asked with very optional tone. 诶?你也醒啦?”封不觉用很随意的语气问道。 „......” Ruoyu have a drowsy look had not replied, „...... goes to bathroom.” “没有……”若雨睡眼惺忪地回答,“……起来上厕所。” She indeed is the appearance that has not awaked, on oneself that loose T-shirt was rested does not know crookedly, is revealing the shoulder strap of one side fragrant shoulder and underwear, stands in front of Jue Bro blurry speaks. 她的确是一副还没睡醒的模样,连自己身上那件宽松的T恤被“睡歪了”都不知道,就这么露着一侧的香肩和内衣的肩带,迷迷糊糊地站在觉哥面前讲话。 „......”, but Feng Bujue complied with one calmly, has not reminded the opposite party, has not gone to look at one, but brushed past with the opposite party, give away the bathroom. “哦……”而封不觉则是若无其事地应了一声,既没有提醒对方,也没有去多看一眼,只是与对方擦肩而过,让出了卫生间。 It is not difficult to see from their this old man old wife exchanges...... after Ruoyu moves in the days, unintentionally Feng Bujue sees benefits has been countless, but Ruoyu also has been used to it similarly accident/surprise. Therefore...... present this condition, is not called a matter...... 从他俩这种老夫老妻般的交流不难看出……在若雨搬进来后的这段日子里,封不觉有意无意间看到的“福利”早已是不计其数,而若雨也已习惯了类似的“意外”。所以……眼下这种状况,根本不叫个事儿…… ............ ………… After ten minutes, Ruoyu has returned to the room to go to sleep ; But Feng Bujue has changed one gray gym suit, puts on a pair of Nike, stepped the road of early morning running. 十分钟后,若雨已重新回房睡下;而封不觉已换上了一套灰色的运动服,穿上一双耐克,踏上了晨跑之路。 He made some simple preparatory movements in the elevator of going downstairs, after having the building of residence, puts on the earphone, to turn on the player of cell phone, toward own projected route. 他在下楼的电梯里做了些简单的准备运动,出了居民楼后就戴上耳机、打开手机的播放器,朝着自己的预定路线出发了。 Generally speaking, when the early morning runs, Jue Bro is placed in the playlist's first song forever is «Gonna_Fly_Now», this early morning runs Divine Comedy...... to think that will cross for 100 years is not obsolete again. It not only can allow the person to enter the state of motion instantaneously, will also produce has one type exercise effect adds 50% the psychological suggestion. 一般来说,在晨跑时,觉哥摆在播放列表第一位的曲子永远都是《Gonna_Fly_Now》,这首晨跑神曲……想必再过一百年也不会过时。它不但可以让人瞬间进入运动状态,而且会产生有一种“锻炼效果加50%”的心理暗示。 Oh, Little Feng, morning.” “唷,小封,早啊。” Un, you also early.” “嗯,您也早啊。” After food market entrance, Jue Bro happen to meets landlord Aunt Liu who does grocery shopping. 经过菜市场门口时,觉哥正好遇上出来买菜的房东刘大妈。 Comes out to exercise?” “出来锻炼呢?” Yes.” Jue Bro is saying, took off the earphone politely, „is your comes out to give the granddaughter to prepare the breakfast?” “是啊。”觉哥说着,礼貌地摘下了耳机,“您这是出来给孙女准备早点呢?” Hi ~ I am also not that Aunt horse( the Shanghai dialect pronounce, namely buys and washes, fever) the matter.” The aunt returns said. “嗨~我还不就是那点‘马大嫂’(沪语发音,即买、洗、烧)的事儿嘛。”大妈回道。 After exchanging greetings slightly two, Feng Bujue then wanted to leave, while he prepared to say that me continued to run the time, has not thought...... 稍稍寒暄了两句后,封不觉便想要离开了,正当他准备说出“那我继续跑了”的时候,万万没想到…… What right......” Aunt Liu seemed resounded suddenly, „does the matter that your has a concubine, when prepare to hide the truth from me to arrive?” “对了……”刘大妈好似忽然响起了什么,“你那金屋藏娇的事情,准备瞒我到什么时候啊?” At this moment, the Feng Bujue's performing skill fully erupts, Malone. Brando, Tom. Hanks, Robert. Deniro, to turn into a dragon...... the soul takes possession. 这一刻,封不觉的演技全面爆发,马龙.白兰度、汤姆.汉克斯、罗伯特.德尼罗、成龙……灵魂附体。 Ha? You said that what I did hide?” Jue Bro replied with the issue issue that the opposite party asked that moreover on the face revealed one type from beginning to end very naturally, obscure facial expression. “哈?您说我藏什么了?”觉哥用问题回答了对方提出的问题,而且脸上从始至终都流露出一种十分自然的、费解的神情。 However, Aunt Liu does not eat this set: Hehe...... Little Feng......” she is looking straight ahead the eyes of Jue Bro, I gave you again an opportunity......” she, „...... spoke the truth.” 然而,刘大妈根本不吃这一套:“呵呵……小封啊……”她直视着觉哥的双眼,“我再给你一次机会……”她顿了顿,“……说实话。” The instant look contact, then made Feng Bujue understand a matter...... continued to lie perhaps is the dead end. 刹那之间的眼神接触,便让封不觉明白了一件事……继续撒谎恐怕是死路一条。 Good...... you listen to me to explain.” Jue Bro sighed, actually...... that was my friend, for some reasons...... must come me to live in days temporarily.” “好吧……您听我解释。”觉哥叹了口气,“其实……那个是我朋友,由于某种原因……要暂时过来我这边住一段日子。” Friend?” Aunt Liu the expression has different, girlfriend?” “朋友?”刘大妈表情有异,“女朋友吧?” Oh......” Jue Bro returns afraid to say a word said, „the present...... should...... indeed...... be able...... to be called the girlfriend.” His a few words were divided into 56 saying that seeming each word was to squeeze out general of mouth. 呃……”觉哥吞吞吐吐地回道,“现在……应该……的确……可以……称为女朋友了。”他一句话分为五六段才说完,好似每一词都是挤出口的一般。 „......” hears Qiyan, view its facial expression, what Aunt Liu seemed comprehended, what or...... she misunderstood, friend lived in days to your family/home, then turned into your girlfriend?” “哦……”闻其言、观其神情,刘大妈好似领会了什么,或者说……她误会了什么,“朋友到你家住了一段日子,然后就变成你女朋友了是吧?” Oh......” The Feng Bujue hear the overtones of these words, looked askance to say immediately, is not such that you think......” 呃……”封不觉听出了这句话的弦外之音,当即侧目道,“不是您想的那样……” Good was good ~ you do not need to explain with me.” Aunt Liu broke Jue Bro, that is the freedoms of your young people......” “行了行了~你不用跟我解释。”刘大妈打断了觉哥,“那是你们年轻人的自由……” It seems like...... Jue Bro to explain even, not necessarily was still useful. 看起来……就算觉哥想解释,也未必有用了。 „The house I have rented to you in any case, so long as do not open to me unloaded, or change to the low-rent housing to sublet on the line.” Aunt Liu then said that are many few individual individual...... also that matter.” Her thread of conversation revolution, „...... I as elder, must urge your several......” “反正房子我已经租给你了,你只要别给我拆了卸了、或者改成廉租房去转租就行。”刘大妈接着道,“多个人少个人的……也就那么回事儿。”她话锋一转,“不过呢……我作为长辈,还是要劝你几句……” Un...... you said that......” Feng Bujue lowers the head to say. “嗯……您说……”封不觉低头应道。 Therefore, Aunt Liu then said: That little miss surnamed Li, I have also met several times, giving the devil his due...... others that conditions...... is spoiled with you.” 于是,刘大妈便接着说了下去:“那位姓黎的小姑娘的呢,我也遇见过几次了,平心而论……人家那条件……跟了你算是被糟蹋了。” Why does not know, Feng Bujue listened to this saying to be not only wants to cry and wants to smile. 不知道为什么,封不觉听了这话是既想哭又想笑。 „The car(riage) that she drives, the aunt also saw......” Aunt Liu also saying that looked like others possibly not to rush to your money to come.” “她开的车,大妈也见过了……”刘大妈又道,“看来人家也不可能是奔着你的钱来的。” The old woman is also the person of being able to judge the quality of goods, she knows that...... is only Ruoyu that car(riage), could be as good as the Feng Bujue's complete family belongings. 老太太也是识货的人,她知道……仅是若雨那辆车,就抵得上封不觉的全部家当了。 Little Feng, although many people have the misunderstanding to you, but I am was clear your is the person......” Aunt Liu continues saying that meets such a fate to be very rare, hopes you can grasp well, do not disappoint others. If economically has anything to need to help, although opens the mouth with the aunt, I can help......” 小封啊,虽然很多人对你有误会,但我是清楚你的为人的……”刘大妈继续道,“遇上这么一段缘分很难得,希望你能好好把握,不要辜负了人家。如果经济上有什么需要帮助的,尽管跟大妈开口,我能帮的话……” Words that she then must speak, Feng Bujue has basically speculated. Jue Bro also discussed in the heart: „Her is...... thought that I too poor did have no way to marry others to get married? Un............ I truly was not however wealthy, cannot be regarded properly matched at least in the family circumstances and Ruoyu.” 她接下来要说的话,封不觉基本已经推测出来了。觉哥也不禁在心中念道:“她这是……觉得我太穷了没法儿娶人家过门?嗯……不过话说回来了……我确实不算富裕,至少在家境上和若雨算不得门当户对。” Some things,...... will not consider like the person of Feng Bujue this age. This is not the intelligent issue, but attitude toward life, as well as ponder direction, as the age and story will change. Gives an example...... for example dream this word, regarding the 18-year-old person and 80-year-old person, is completely two concepts. 有些事情,像封不觉这个年纪的人……是不会考虑到的。这不是聪明不聪明的问题,而是由于人对生活的态度、以及思考的方向,都会随着年龄和阅历发生变化。举个例子……比如“梦想”这个词吧,对于18岁的人和80岁的人来说,完全就是两种概念了。 The Jue Bro situation is also similar, Aunt Liu speaks these words to him today, perhaps he must wait to realize at the last moment......, if he and Li Ruoyu sentiment really had the result, he must face very realistic issue. 觉哥的情形也类似,要不是刘大妈今天跟他说了这番话,或许他要等事到临头了才会意识到……假如他和黎若雨的感情真的有了结果,那他还得面对很多非常现实的问题。 ............ ………… 7 : 00 am, Feng Bujue goes home. 上午 7 点,封不觉回到了家中。 At this time, Sun has raised completely, the golden sunlight penetration window curtains, illuminated the living room. 此时,太阳已完全升起,金色的阳光穿透窗帘,照亮了客厅。 Jue Bro put on a breakfast the tea table, then flushed cool. 觉哥把一份早点放到了茶几上,然后去冲了个凉。 When he returns to the living room, Ruoyu opens the door of bedroom coincidentally, rubs the eye to walk. 当他回到客厅时,若雨刚巧打开卧室的门,揉着眼睛走出来。 Earlier gave you to bring.” Feng Bujue spoke, while has arrived under of book shelf. “早点给你带回来了。”封不觉一边说话,一边已走到了书柜的下方。 „...... I first clean the teeth.” Ruoyu complied with one. “哦……我先去刷牙。”若雨应了一句。 After two seconds, she turns the head to say to Jue Bro: This early morning how...... to remember to reorganize the book shelf?” 两秒后,她又转头对觉哥道:“这大清早的……怎么想起要整理书柜了?” At this time, Feng Bujue had moved a chair and stood, is perusing the book of book shelf uppermost layer: I prepare to find some materials, arranges the new book.” He a half second , added that „, although «The Second-rate Detective and the Cat» is still serializing, but «Nightmare at Both Ends» had finished, happen to opened one to be new again.” 此时,封不觉已搬了一把椅子并站了上去,正在翻查书柜最上层的书:“我准备找些资料,筹备新书。”他顿了半秒,又补充道,“虽说《二流侦探和猫》还在连载,不过《噩梦两端》已经写完了,正好再开一本新的。” Ha-” Ruoyu has the yawn to ask, „will you be so unexpectedly diligent?” “哈啊-”若雨打着哈欠问道,“你居然会这么勤奋?” She will feel Jue Bro to be diligent, naturally has the reason......, because before Feng Bujue, every time after publishing an entity book, will have a vacation to oneself by various reasons, let alone opens the new book, the even/including serialized the novel to interrupt......, moreover these matter his readers all know. 她会觉得觉哥勤奋,自然是有原因的……因为封不觉以前每出版一本实体书后,都会以各种理由给自己放假,别说是开新书了,连连载中的小说都会中断……而且这些事儿他的读者全都知道。 I must save money to purchase homes.” Feng Bujue did not return with the natural tone and complied with one. “我要存钱买房啊。”封不觉用理所当然的语气、头也不回地应了一句。 Saves money to buy......” Ruoyu talked over these words the time, what as if realized, that sleepiness completely had not all disappeared immediately, what meaning...... fed...... your?” “存钱买……”若雨念叨这句话的时候,似乎意识到了什么,那未尽的睡意顿时全消了,“……喂……你什么意思啊?” Feng Bujue has not answered this issue, but turns around, is tilting the head, shows a casual smile to Ruoyu. 封不觉没有回答这个问题,只是转过身来,歪着头,对若雨露出一个大大咧咧的笑容。 After the latter looked at him several seconds, two cheeks float to wipe inexplicably crimson. 后者看了他几秒后,两颊莫名浮上一抹绯红。 She uses one type quite not to have the handling tone and stutter high sound said immediately: You...... mental illness!” Saying, her was running in the bathroom, flings to visit. Leaves behind a Jue Bro person...... to smile there not to speak. 她随即就用一种颇为无措的口吻、结结巴巴地高声道:“你……神经病!”说着,她就跑进了卫生间,甩上了门。留下觉哥一个人……在那儿笑而不语。
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