TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#838: Scorched earth parliament

During the scorched earth parliament, situated in various beside, is void. 焦土议会,位于诸界之外,虚空之中。 Looks out this place, seeming like is also a not too big nor too small dry rock floating island. 遥望此地,看上去也不过就是一个不大不小的枯岩浮岛。 But this island has not exported, does not have the entrance...... 但这个岛没有出口,也没有入口…… , The way of does not have any physical level can arrive in this place at least in this universe. 至少在这个宇宙中,没有任何物理层面的方式可以抵达这个地方。 However...... some special lives, can arrive at this place through some special methods. 不过……还是有一些特殊的生灵,可以通过一些特殊的方法来到此地的。 On this day, two Archangel, four knight, two devil as well as Demi God gathered here. 这天,就有两名天使长、四名骑士、两名恶魔以及一位半神聚集在了这里。 I do not understand that...... why we must kill the time with these dirty devils here.” At this time, Dominions Archangel is pacing anxiously, and discussed to his compatriot with the tone of complaint. “我不明白……为什么我们要和这些肮脏的魔鬼在这里消磨时间。”此时,天使长之一的托米尼恩斯正焦虑地踱步着,并用抱怨的语气对他的同胞念道。 Pays attention to your expression, my brother.” Another Archangel Uriel sinking sound meets saying that in scorched earth parliament, even Holy Spirit must maintain proper humble.” “注意你的措辞,我的兄弟。”另一位天使长乌利尔沉声接道,“在焦土议会,即使是圣灵也得保持应有的谦卑。” Said well, Uriel, you really this/should taught well your just the little brother who came back from the deep sea reincarnation.” Is standing in Vincent that beyond several meters and Woody chatted turns the head at this time maliciously, inserted one, he perhaps, if spoke at a venture again...... is pulled out hair Erdiu to return to go again.” “说得好,乌利尔,你真该好好管教一下你那位刚从冥海转生回来的小兄弟。”正站在数米外和伍迪聊天的文森特此时恶意地转过头来,插了一句,“他要是再这么乱说话……说不定会再次被拔了毛儿丢回海里去的。” Finishes barely the words, its Woody then sent out Hehehe the dreadful laughter, and cast a malicious vision toward that two angels. 话音未落,其身旁的伍迪便发出了“嘿嘿嘿”的猥琐笑声,并朝那两名天使投去了一道不怀好意的目光。 Snort......” Uriel by the spoken language of that two devil the fear, his cold snort/hum, had not been returned said, how...... is not one's turn you to teach me to work....... Please two do not listen secretly us to speak again stealthily.” “哼……”乌利尔没有被那两个魔鬼的言语所慑,他冷哼一声,回道,“……轮不到你们来教我怎么做事。还有……请二位不要再鬼鬼祟祟地偷听我们说话了。” Listens secretly?” The Vincent smile said, he did deliver loudly the words...... blames me?” “偷听?”文森特微笑道,“他把话讲得那么大声……怪我咯?” „Did I speak incorrectly what?” Dominions does not fear, said with the tone response of provocation. “难道我说错什么了吗?”托米尼恩斯也是丝毫不惧,用挑衅的语气回应道。 After he said two seconds of these words, Vincent showed an anxious expression suddenly, walked slowly and aimlessly pretentiously back and forth several steps, immediately raised the head, said to Woody with the tone of complaint: I do not understand that...... why we do want with these two to compel the angel to waste the argument here?” 在他说完这句话的两秒后,文森特突然露出了一副焦虑的表情,装模作样地来回踱了几步,随即抬起头,用抱怨的语气对伍迪说道:“我不明白……为什么我们要和这些二逼天使在这里浪费口舌?” Hehehe...... pays attention to your expression, the bastard.” Woody should say with a smile, in scorched earth parliament, even the devil must maintain the proper moral integrity.” 嘿嘿嘿……注意你的措辞,混蛋。”伍迪笑着应道,“在焦土议会,即使是魔鬼也得保持应有的节操。” These two fellows worthily are Hell's Four Trash Master most no sense of shame, and a tacit without a gap pair of partner. These two imitate...... the performing skill unusual conditions and lines greatly to be skillful extemporaneously the non- labor, in has not rehearsed completely under premise, all made an appropriate satire depending on the instantaneous response. 这两个家伙不愧为“地狱四贱客”中最最寡廉鲜耻、且默契无间的一对搭档。这两句即兴模仿……演技浑然天成、台词大巧不工,在完全没有排练过的前提下,全凭瞬间反应做出了一次恰如其分的讽刺。 Had heard that both of you are in the hell the mouth are most inexpensive, today looks like...... really lives up to reputation.” Dominions also satirizes intent counter-attack to say in a tone with. “早就听说你们俩是地狱里嘴最贱的,今日看来……真是名不虚传。”托米尼恩斯也是语带讽意地反击道。 Overpraised.” “过奖了。” Hehehe...... overpraised.” 嘿嘿嘿……过奖了。” Facing opposite party obvious shouting abuse in public, that two goods were actually feel pride when one should feel shame accept with a smile. 面对对方明显的骂街,那俩货却是不以为耻、反以为荣地笑着接受了。 Ha..... is very good, is noisy, best hit...... to hit a mutual wounds, perishes together.” Is surrounding this confronting knight in the distant place War, immediately excited smiled. 哈……很好,接着吵,最好打起来……打个两败俱伤,同归于尽。”在远处围观着这场对峙的骑士“战争”,顿时一脸兴奋地笑了起来。 Brother War, your is the big enmity......” Mr. You is scratching bare forehead with the handkerchief, face perspiration meets saying that I was bullied in the past that miserably by them, does not have......” 战争老兄,你们这是多大仇啊……”尤先生用手帕擦着自己光秃秃的脑门儿,一脸汗地接道,“我当年被他们欺负得那么惨,也没有……” Little wordy!” War has not made fatty say the words, then shouted loudly, what did your personal grudge have many to say?” He breaks off the finger to discuss fast, thinks our situations...... trial day the past half a century, seal has not eradicated ; Original candidate plays, was conducted the online recreational activity......” his raise hand to aim at Vincent and Woody obstinately, these all are their four inexpensive guests create single-handedly!” He seems very hot tempered, what is? What let our revelation four knight group heavy metal orchestras go to the world of human beings to send a special edition?” “少罗嗦!”战争都没让尤胖子把话说完,便高声喝道,“你那种私人恩怨有什么好多说的?”他掰着手指快速念道,“想想我们的处境吧……‘审判日’已经过去半个多世纪了,封印一个都没破除;原本的‘候选者游戏’,愣是被搞成了线上娱乐活动……”他抬手指向了文森特伍迪,“这些全都是他们四贱客一手造成的!”他显得很暴躁,“接下来是什么?让我们天启四骑士组个重金属乐团去人界发张专辑什么的吗?” Coughed...... coughs......” Young Master Plague to interrupt at this time, I stated beforehand...... I could not do the lead singer.” “呃咳……咳……”瘟疫少爷这时插嘴道,“我事先声明……我干不了主唱。” Sang your Sir Ah! to understand the satire?” War turns the head to exclaim immediately, you also really want to go inadequately!” “唱你大爷啊!听得懂讽刺吗?”战争当即转头吼道,“难道你还真想去不成!” War......” at this time, in four knights oldest Death also opened the mouth, as Plague Sir, after I must warn you seriously...... , when to the Plague use Sir this word, you best discrete, otherwise my you replacing.” 战争……”此时,四骑士中最为年长的“死亡”亦开口了,“身为瘟疫的大爷,我要郑重地警告你……以后对瘟疫使用‘大爷’这个词时,你最好谨慎一点,否则我就把你‘换掉’。” Un, I was wrong.” The next second, War exchanged a poker face instantaneously, recognized to instigate respectfully. “嗯,我错了。”下一秒,战争瞬间换上了一张扑克脸,毕恭毕敬地认了个怂。 Your this mood transforms slightly quickly a little......” sees this scene, even Mr. You cannot bear complain. “你这情绪转换有点微快啊……”见此情景,连尤先生都忍不住吐了个槽。 Oh...... one group of big idiots......”, but only female knight on the scene Famine, is basic being disinclined manages that fellows, stands in the distant place alone is heaving a deep sigh. “唉……一帮大白痴……”而在场的唯一一名女骑士“灾荒”,则是根本懒得理那帮家伙,独自站在远处摇头叹息着。 In these nine people talked, suddenly...... several person's shadows appeared before the dry rock round table of high place towering. 就在这九人对话之际,忽然……数道人影突兀地出现在了高处的枯岩圆桌前。 Oh? came...... Vincent to turn the head to look finally, scorched earth parliament......” 哦?终于来了吗……”文森特转头望去,“焦土议会……” Hehehe...... returns to the long in coming...... Woody to say with a smile every time. 嘿嘿嘿……每回都姗姗来迟呢……”伍迪笑道。 Outside fellow who except that these two mouth comparisons owe, other seven not to parliament arrives to comment, but exchanged color with deep veneration, looked to the round table. 除了这俩嘴比较欠的家伙以外,其余七位都没有对议会的降临加以评论,只是纷纷换上了肃然之色,看向了圆桌。 everyone......” soon, these person's shadows then made the same sound neatly, this time makes you come, has the incident to consider......” 诸位……”不多时,那些人影便整齐地发出了同一个声音,“此次让你们前来,是有一事相告……” Hehe......, only then do words of matter, send a mail unable to reach an agreement?” Woody interrupted with a smile. “嘿嘿……只有一件事的话,发个邮件说不好吗?”伍迪笑着插嘴道。 The sound of parliament disregarded him , to continue saying: According to our these days observations, on the scene, not on the scene...... all bet, candidate played to this ‚’ conducted improper interference of certain extent. Although Simon had prevented your illegal activities in the maximum limit, the impact that but some petty action has, is still playing the role.” 议会之声无视了他,继续说道:“根据我们这段时间的观察,无论是在场的、还是不在场的……所有的‘下注者’们,都对这场‘候选者游戏’进行了一定程度的不当干涉。虽然西蒙已在最大限度上阻止了你们的违规行为,但有些‘小动作’所带来的影响,至今仍在发挥着作用。” Cuts despicable...... “切……卑鄙。” Snort...... shameless.” “哼……无耻。” Vincent and Woody took advantage of opportunity to turn the head to look to other seven people, revealed the color of whole face despising. 文森特伍迪顺势转头看向了另外的七人,露出满脸鄙夷之色。 Both of you alsoin this category Ah! ineveryone are rampant Ah! War really to pull out these two is not concerned about face smelly, but does not facilitate to begin. “你们俩也在‘所有人’这个范畴里啊!嚣张个屁啊!战争是真想抽这俩臭不要脸的,但又不方便动手。 After several seconds, the sound of parliament then said: Therefore, the parliament decided that...... by this second time Struggle For Power to Summit, levels these influences thoroughly, lets this candidate play re-enters the fair aspect.” 数秒后,议会之声接着说道:“因此,议会决定……借由这第二次‘巅峰争霸’,彻底抹平这些影响,让这场‘候选者游戏’重回公平的局面。” How does that parliament plan to do specifically?” Uriel asks instantly. “那议会具体打算怎么做呢?”乌利尔即刻问道。 First, all bet enters Thriller Paradise and connected space behavior is forbidden.” The sound of parliament meets to say. “首先,全体下注者进入惊悚乐园及其相连空间的行为都将被禁止。”议会之声接道。 Hehehe...... amn't I good?” Woody asked with a smile, how I said that was also the Dream Corporation boss and game chief designer, the maintenance routine inspected anything......” 嘿嘿嘿……连我都不行吗?”伍迪笑着问道,“我怎么说也是梦公司的老板兼游戏总设计师,例行维护检查什么的……” „It is not good.” The sound of parliament interrupted the Woody words categorically, and gave a clear answer. “不行。”议会之声斩钉截铁地打断了伍迪的话,并给出了一个明确的答案。 Cut......” Woody not to spit one quickly, good.” “切……”伍迪不快地啐了一声,“好吧。” Next......” the sound of parliament then also said, starts from Struggle For Power to Summit S2 Stage 2, the rule will be formulated by the parliament.” They, Woody, were coordinated us to carry out by you.” “其次……”议会之声接着又道,“从巅峰争霸S2第二阶段开始,规则将由议会来制定。”他们顿了一下,“伍迪,由你来配合我们执行。” Ok ~ how you want obviously to show a impatient attitude on how......” Woody. “行~你们想怎样就怎样吧……”伍迪已明显表现出了一种不耐烦的态度。 Its three...... all information...... same no comment besides above two.” The sound of parliament then said, good...... exhausted everyone to run this, please convey these words to other bet as soon as possible.” Then, they as if want to leave. “其三……除了上述两条以外的所有信息……一律无可奉告。”议会之声接着说道,“好了……劳烦各位跑这一趟了,请你们尽快将这些话转达给其他的下注者吧。”说罢,他们似乎就欲离开。 Slow!” At this time, Dominions opened the mouth to say suddenly, you only said a moment ago all bet forbade to enter, but if bet did instigate the top life that these have not bet to enter the game?” He questioned, while also stared one toward Vincent and Woody, obviously, this Archangel thinks very much immediately trick that these devils possibly can use. “慢着!”这时,托米尼恩斯忽地开口道,“你们刚才只说了‘全体下注者禁止进入’,但如果下注者教唆那些没有下注的高位生灵进入游戏呢?”他一边问话,一边还朝文森特伍迪瞪了一眼,很显然,这位天使长在第一时间就想到了那些魔鬼可能会耍的花招。 Dominions......” sound of that parliament is similar to the choir general sound, can consistently maintain the unification of intonation unexpectedly, at this time, they asked with a strange tone with one voice, do not forget...... also to have the referee.” 托米尼恩斯……”议会之声那如同合唱团一般的声音,竟能始终保持语调的统一,此时,他们异口同声地用一种古怪的语气问道,“你别忘了……还有裁判在。” hears word, the Dominions facial expression is startled. 闻言,托米尼恩斯神情微怔。 That situation really occurrence that if you said that then......” the sound of parliament meets saying that Simon will process these with a simplest direct method without doubt issue.” “如果你说的那种情况真的发生了,那么……”议会之声接道,“西蒙无疑会用一种最为简单直接的方法去处理掉这些‘问题’的。”
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