TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#849: Clears (Last Part)

Facing Jue Bro that calm response, Alkaline Man then devised several possibilities in several seconds, but no type can stand firmly logically. 面对觉哥那淡定的反应,碱性男在数秒内便构想了数种可能,但没有一种在逻辑上是站得住脚的。 Why this fellow...... actually wants......” Alkaline Man to ask repeatedly own this issue, finally but he can obtain, the quite reasonable answer is, was acting cool neglected our counter-attack possibility excessively? Said...... he thinks can block four people depending on a person of strength at the surprise attack that under this environment and distance launch?” “这家伙……到底想干什么……”碱性男反复地问自己这个问题,但他最终所能得到的、比较合理的答案就是,“难道是装逼过头而忽略了我们反扑可能性?还是说……他自以为可凭一人之力挡住四个人在这种环境和距离下发动的突袭?” But another side, Feng Bujue is a very relaxed appearance, was saying to nearby Yellow Sledgehammer: Is gawking doing? Do you want?” 而另一边,封不觉还是一副很轻松的样子,对着自己跟前的黄大锤道:“愣着干什么?你到底要不要?” Cutting...... whom...... who feared whose Ah! Yellow Sledgehammer, because is excessively afraid, complied with such sentence very inexplicable words, then, he received Antitoxic serum in opposite party hand. “切……谁……谁怕谁啊!黄大锤由于过分心虚,应了这么句很莫名的话,然后,他就一把接过了对方手中的抗毒血清 At this time, Alkaline Man went forward hurriedly two steps, said to Yellow Sledgehammer: Shows us the Item explanation demonstration.” 这时,碱性男急匆匆上前两步,对黄大锤道:“把物品说明展示给我们看看。” After one second, Yellow Sledgehammer then nodded to comply. 一秒后,黄大锤便点头照做了。 Therefore, following group of data appear in four people of Golden Warhammer team quickly at present. 于是,以下这组数据很快出现在了黄金战锤队的四人眼前。 Name: Antitoxic serum * 4】 名称:抗毒血清 Type: Consumables 【类型:消耗品】 Quality: Ordinary 【品质:普通】 Function: 39.48% probabilities make the user relieve and influence of immunity Z virus 【功能:有39.48%的概率让使用者解除并免疫Z病毒的影响】 Can it be taken out of the scenario: No 是否可带出该剧本:否 Note: Injects or drinks all may, and completely Zombie player to monster invalid 【备注:注射或饮用皆可,对怪物和完全丧尸化的玩家无效】 When Feng Bujue enters this Scenario world previous time, this type Antitoxic serum Was converged Plot related by the system kind, but this/should Item has been divided for consumables now, this explained that this thing has no relations with this Scenario main line plot. Naturally, Item effect or same as usual, be only about 40% probabilities can become effective. 封不觉上一次进入这个剧本世界时,这种【抗毒血清】是被系统归为“剧情相关”类的,但如今该物品已经被划分为了“消耗品”,这说明此物与本次剧本的主线剧情已没什么关系了。当然,物品的效果还是老样子,只有40%左右的几率可以生效。 Hey! this with difference of reaching an agreement!” Profound Spirit King looked at the Item explanation on the fire, he turned the head to look at Jue Bro to ask, only then less than 40% fresh efficiencies? Can this also call the antidote?” 喂!这跟说好的不一样吧!”玄灵王者一看物品说明就火了,他转头看着觉哥质问道,“怎么只有不到40%的生效率?这也能叫解药?” Ha! Haha Ha.....” Feng Bujue laughing several, first, this called certainly the antidote, so long as it can relieve the influence of virus, called the antidote ; As for probability, hehe......, let alone was 39.48%, even if 1%...... you can't eat?” He, next, is Excuse me what called with difference of reaching an agreement? What with you did I reach an agreement?” He turns around, spreads out both hands, exhibits a very show off appearance, I had with you had said the fresh efficiency of this antidote was 100%? No? Moreover......, when I with negotiation, you haven't reached any agreement with me? Only then I said unilaterally a situation, then you besieged. Strict...... I how, even if doesn't give your blood serums?” “哈!哈哈哈……”封不觉大笑数声,“首先,这当然叫解药,只要它能解除病毒的影响,就叫解药;至于概率嘛,呵呵……别说是39.48%了,就算是1%……你不还是得吃吗?”他顿了一下,“其次,请问什么叫做‘跟说好的不一样’?我跟你们说好什么了?”他转过身去,摊开双手,摆出一副很嘚瑟的样子,“我有跟你们说过这解药的生效率是100%吗?没有吧?另外……在我跟各位交涉的时候,你们并没有跟我达成任何协议吧?只有我单方面地说了一下情况,然后你们就围攻过来了。严格来说……我就算不给你们血清又怎么样呢?” He said to be true, character character in principle, even if draws back 10,000 steps to speak...... even him again from the beginning in the flickering opposite party, is equally indisputable. Because...... this competes. In competition, except for system approval agreement outside, all negotiations of player and enemy cannot believe. The truth of there can never be too much deception in war does not understand , can only acknowledge that the punishment is deserved by the pit. 他说得句句属实,字字在理,哪怕再退一万步讲……就算他从一开始就在忽悠对方,一样无可厚非。因为……这就是比赛。在比赛中,除了系统认可的“协议”外,敌我双方的一切交涉都是不能相信的。连兵不厌诈的道理都不懂,被坑也只能认栽。 Snort...... looks like us also to thank you......” Alkaline Man cold snort/hum, so keeps one's word, candid bright?” “哼……看来我们还得感激你……”碱性男冷哼一声,“如此言而有信,磊落光明咯?” Said ~ said ~ Feng Bujue, held the fist in the other hand with a proud tone said submissively, overpraised ~ overpraised ~ “好说~好说~”封不觉用一种自豪的语气、抱拳拱手道,“过奖~过奖~” While Jue Bro said these eight characters, Alkaline Man has given the teammates to signal with the eyes quietly, and lowered the sound to say anything. All these...... all fall in the eye of Jue Bro ; Although in his surface maintains composure, but is very at heart clear- the opposite party is planning an surprise attack inevitably. 觉哥说这八个字的同时,碱性男已悄然给队友们使了个眼色,并压低声音说了些什么。这一切……全都落在觉哥的眼里;虽然他表面上不动声色,但心里很清楚-对方必然是在策划一次突袭。 However, compared with this imminent murderous intention, Feng Bujue as if there is matter that cares about...... 不过,比起这迫近的杀机,封不觉似乎有着更为在意的事情…… „...... Only remained for three minutes.” At this moment, Feng Bujue with speaking the intimate conversation general tone, turned around and look that smiles slightly to unmanned place together was discussing. “呵……只剩三分钟了呢。”这一刻,封不觉用说悄悄话一般的语气,微微转身、看向一块无人之处微笑着念道。 In entire Scenario, only then a person heard his these words, that is at the observing condition Li Ruoyu. 整个剧本中,只有一个人听到了他的这句话,那就是正处于观战状态的黎若雨 Snort...... you, if really had a mind...... for 30 seconds to be able these four people to kill off......” Ruoyu that looked on to look at naturally also to understand the meaning of Jue Bro, towed is so long, nothing but to find Samodeer, for the finals were held fully layout.” “哼……你若真有心的话……三十秒就能把这四人杀光了吧……”一直在旁观看的若雨自然也明白觉哥的意思,“拖了那么久,无非就是为了找到萨摩迪尔,为决赛进行更为充分的‘布局’而已。” When their spiritual bond, another side Alkaline Man will have planned to arrange appropriately. 正当他俩神交之际,另一边的碱性男也已将计划布置妥当。 In a twinkling! But saw Golden Warhammer team that four people to divide the antidote fast,( a test tube) tossed down own that respectively, later scattered in all directions to move, launched the attack toward Jue Bro directly. 说时迟,那时快!但见黄金战锤队那四人快速地分了解药,各自将自己的那份(一试管)一饮而尽,随后就四散而动,直接朝觉哥发动了攻击。 They completely disregarded existence of Samodeer, all placed on all attention Feng Bujue's, without a doubt...... this surprise attack, exerts its utmost! 他们完全无视了萨摩迪尔的存在,将所有的注意力全都放在了封不觉的身上,毫无疑问的……这次的突袭,是势在必得! Bang- 嘭- First resounds, is the Yellow Sledgehammer sniper's rifle. 最先响起的,还是黄大锤的狙击枪。 Although he is in the Golden Warhammer team strength weakest one, but Perfect Level weapon and special ammunition are thing really ;...... The Yellow Sledgehammer level was also short, the Shooting Specialization aspect good and evil also practiced Level A...... to be away from and have this Specialization ,...... to want by this Equipment and depending on this ammunition in this is the hit, must be able to create the heavy losses. 虽然他是黄金战锤队中实力最弱的一个,但完美级武器和特种弹药可是实打实的东西;再说……黄大锤的水平再矬,射击专精方面好歹也练到A级了……在这个距离、有这个专精、靠这个装备、凭这个弹药……只要是命中,必能造成重创。 However, that second after gunshot, inconceivable matter happened. 然,枪响后的那一秒,不可思议的事情发生了。 Feng Bujue...... still stood in steadily same place, has not moved. However, he has lifted a hand, but between the index finger and middle finger of that hand, but also clamped a long and narrow ambush ball. 封不觉……仍是稳稳站在原地,一步未动。不过,他已抬起了一只手,而那只手的食指和中指之间,还夹了一枚狭长的狙击弹。 Joking......” is being startled to stagnate the figure toward Strange Warrior that Jue Bro killed immediately. Is extremely good because of his dynamic vision, therefore he sees clearly the matter that had a moment ago vaguely, unexpectedly caught the gold of sledgehammer to pass through thoroughly the ball with two fingers......” “开玩笑的吧……”正朝着觉哥杀去的奇斗士当即惊得滞住了身形。因为他的动态视力极佳,所以他依稀看清了刚才发生的事情,“居然用两根手指接住了大锤的黄金贯透弹……” This is impossible!” Alkaline Man also saw clearly Jue Bro to meet one of the bullet, but his response and Strange Warrior were different. At this time, all along calm he, is goes crazy raises the double sickle unexpectedly, increases speed to advance vigorously. “这不可能!”碱性男同样看清了觉哥接子弹的一幕,但他的反应和奇斗士不同。此时,一贯冷静的他,竟是发疯似的扬起双镰,提速猛进。 Perhaps only then Alkaline Man know, in that short flickers, his was the dignity of professional player and self-confident had suffered the heavy losses, the fact that at present that unbelievable actually has to believe made him fall into the extreme shock and anger. 或许只有碱性男自己知道,在那短短的一瞬,他那身为职业玩家的尊严和自信均已受到了重创,眼前那难以置信却又不得不信的事实让他陷入了极度的震惊和愤怒中。 In the innermost feelings border on under the condition of collapse, his body complied with the instinct of fight...... 在内心濒临崩溃的境况下,他的身体遵从了战斗的本能…… Had the skill also to meet this move!” Before Alkaline Man kills the Jue Bro body, loudly shouted, offers a sacrifice to oneself strongest close combat killing move- Pitta soul. “有本事把这招也接了!”碱性男杀到觉哥身前,大喝一声,祭出了自己最强的近战杀招-【鸫魂】。 In a twinkling, above that pair of sickle explodes present purple black Death aura, two cold and gloomy quiet glow interlock are cutting to fall to the double neck of Jue Bro. 霎时间,那双镰之上爆现一股紫黑色的死亡气息,两道森冷的幽芒交错着向觉哥的双颈斩落。 But...... he has not thought...... 但……他万万没想到…… „...... Can......” Feng Bujue show a faint smile, raises both hands in the chest front one wrong, Finger of Consonance Leaves again. “呵……可以……”封不觉微微一笑,举起双手在胸前一错,【灵犀一指】再出。 This, he used two hands to grip that two falling ominous sickle respectively. 这一回,他用两只手分别夹住了那两把落下的凶镰。 Before the potential, flushing sends Alkaline Man that incurs not only by the opposite party with bare-handed is received the blade to send the skill, but also own entering potential was also stopped...... the tiny step to be difficult to enter. 正以前冲之势发招的碱性男不但被对方用徒手接下了刃发技能,而且自己的进势也被遏住……寸步难进。 Actually are you who?” Alkaline Man stared in a big way the eye, his surprised had broken the boundary, in the heart remaining frightened. “你究竟是什么人?”碱性男瞪大了眼睛,他的惊讶已突破了界限,心中剩下的只有恐惧。 Snort......” Feng Bujue responds with this issue sneers, smiles not to speak. “哼……”封不觉对这个问题报以冷笑,笑而不语。 The next second, he then loosened the finger, took advantage of opportunity to meet a backward somersault, and put forth with this stance Rankyaku "Rodan". 下一秒,他便松开了手指,顺势接了个后空翻,并以此姿态使出了【岚脚-龙断】。 Alkaline Man Health was discontented, before and in the fight of monster has damaged, at present by this short distance long jab, was hard to resist and pass away. 碱性男生存值本就不满,之前与怪物的战斗中就有所损伤,眼下遭此近距离直击,自是难以抵挡、一命呜呼。 Absurd......” “岂有此理……” At this moment also can only spell......” “事到如今也只能拼了……” Sees in the practical significance team leader was killed to one move by the opposite party unexpectedly, Strange Warrior and in profound Spirit King heart startled angry happening together, but their first response is also much more extraordinary- on then. 见实际意义上的“队长”竟被对方给一招击毙了,奇斗士和玄灵王者心中惊怒交集,而他们的第一反应也是出奇得一致-接着上。 These two people of coordination are quite tacit, the fight accomplishment does not lose the professional level, under the current aspect, they is the choice transforms the position immediately, starts the converging attack toward Jue Bro that just fell to the ground. 这二人的配合颇为默契,战斗素养也不负职业水准,在当前的局面下,他们俩皆是选择立刻变换站位,朝着刚刚落地的觉哥发动夹击。 Unexpectedly, Feng Bujue seemed has actually sentenced their action path to be the same in advance, ahead of time acted, initiative in people. Him who flutters in the midair, in hand golden light present, Death Poker Pursues mortal form Special Effect sends fixed. 不料,封不觉却好似早已预判到了他们的行动轨迹一般,提前出手,先制于人。在半空翻飞的他,手中金光一现,死亡扑克的【追魄】特效凝然而发。 Sees only that 100 stretch/open light to fan out in two groups, draws various cunning, strange and accurate arcs, flew respectively to profound Spirit King and Strange Warrior. 只见那一百张光牌兵分两路,划出各种刁钻、诡异、精准的弧线,分别飞向了玄灵王者和奇斗士 That two people want to hit Jue Bro unprepared, the chamotte was hit to be caught off guard, was less than five seconds, they were then sheared the throat by that dazzling light beam. 那二人本想打觉哥一个立足未稳,熟料是自己被打了个措手不及,不到五秒,他们便被那眼花缭乱的光束割了喉咙。 „...... The result also has one minute.” When Feng Bujue turns over/stands up falls to the ground, an opponent who he at present only saves...... was Yellow Sledgehammer. “呵……结果还有一分钟呢。”封不觉翻身落地之时,他眼前仅存的一名对手……就是黄大锤了。 But Yellow Sledgehammer at this moment, has frightened looks at dumbly at the scene, is hard to move. Looks the powerful teammate who three precious flower large sum of money hire almost by Instant kill, the thought of Yellow Sledgehammer worked as the machine suddenly thoroughly, he starts to suspect that...... suspected thing that these he always believes. 而此刻的黄大锤,已然吓得呆立当场,难以动弹。看着三名花重金雇来的强力队友几乎在眨眼间就被秒杀,黄大锤的思维彻底当机,他不禁开始怀疑……怀疑那些他始终坚信的东西 Looked that your excellency expression......” Feng Bujue approaches step by step toward the opposite party, in thinking...... me doesn't have to imagine is so strong?” Said that this, he happen to arrives around Yellow Sledgehammer, and shows an evil smile, „, if you were really asking at heart own this issue, I can tell you clearly......” “看阁下的表情……”封不觉一步步朝对方靠近过去,“是不是在想着……‘难道我没有自己想象中那么强’?”说完这句,他正好走到黄大锤跟前,并露出一个邪恶的笑容,“如果你真的是在心里问自己这个问题,那我可以明确地告诉你……” The voice gets up, the black flame leaves, 【The Evil King flame kills purgatory burnt Black hot long jab on the body of Yellow Sledgehammer. 话音起,黑炎出,【邪王炎杀炼狱焦】的黑火直击在了黄大锤的身上。 The same second, Feng Bujue spoke the remaining half a word words: „...... You exploded weakly.” 同一秒,封不觉说完了剩下的半句话:“……你弱爆了。”
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