TTAGITP :: Volume #6

#574: 6 trillion times despairs

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Chapter 574 6 trillion times despairs 第574章六万亿次的绝望 Detects the organic civilization that will soon destroy, starts the guardianship agreement's 13 th worker's chant routine, to this/should civilized execution urgent preservation instruction, avoids the life data losing, the waiting creates the mountains marking a border next instruction.” “侦测到即将毁灭的有机文明,启动监护协议第13号子例程,对该文明执行紧急保存指令,避免生灵数据遗失,等待创界山下一步指令。” „The 1000 childhood life of spirit clan you are good, we are towerman, the person of keeping watch world, you are close to center of the earth world Garden of Eden, the use of Garden of Eden is cultivation demon efflorescence, as well as provides the refuge shelter for the race that these accidents/surprises exterminate, avoids its data losing permanently.” “幽灵族的一千名幼年生灵你们好,我们是‘守望者’,守望世界之人,你们正在接近地心世界‘伊甸园’,伊甸园的用途是培育‘魔晶花’,以及为那些意外灭绝的种族提供避难所,避免其数据永久遗失。” Then you will be listed in Garden of Eden, until creating the mountains marking a border issues the new instruction, then sends back you to return to Astral Spirit Realm. In this period you need to obey the Garden of Eden rule, should never destroy in Garden of Eden on own initiative the environment, should never attack each other. Attention: When leaving Garden of Eden, you will be deleted all memories related to Garden of Eden, existence of Garden of Eden needs to keep secret absolutely.” “接下来你们将暂居伊甸园中,直至创界山下达新的指令,即可遣送伱们返回星灵界。期间你们需要遵守伊甸园规则,切勿主动破坏伊甸园内环境,切勿相互攻击。注意:在离开伊甸园时,你们将被删除有关伊甸园的所有记忆,伊甸园的存在需要绝对保密。” We based on the source code instruction, give shelter to all homeless lives, hopes that everyone spent a period of peaceful joyful time in Garden of Eden.” “我们基于原始代码指令,收留所有无家可归的生灵,希望各位在伊甸园中度过一段安宁快乐的时光。” „When this is I see a mechanical man for the first time, that big mechanical man toward the words that I spoke.” Taurus sits on the throne, told once experience for two people. “这是我第一次见到机械人时,那具高大的机械人朝我说的话。”金牛坐回王座上,为两人讲述起了曾经的经历。 As first by Astral Spirit Realm abandonment the race, I and spirit clan remaining 999 orphans, was fed yellow little flower of a preserved by these mechanical men in glass vessel, later was connected in Garden of Eden.” “作为第一个被星灵界‘遗弃’的种族,我和幽灵族剩下的999个孤儿,被这些机械人喂食了一种保存在玻璃容器中的黄色小花,随后被接入了伊甸园中。” At that time was I of ten -year-old little girl, will the surprise have the so selfless lifeform in world? These mechanical men are temperate, the politeness, all take the life as first, bears the burden of responsibility, will never have a fit of temper, never lies, the driving damage life, meanwhile spare no effort will never protect the life to be exempt from various disasters, even if sacrificed itself also to refuse to balk...... at any time, so long as there is a mechanical man in the side, will always obtain the full security sense.” “当时还是个十岁小女孩的我,诧异于世间怎会有如此无私的生物?这些机械人温和,礼貌,一切以生灵为优先,任劳任怨,从不会发脾气,从不撒谎,从不主动伤害生灵,同时还会不遗余力的保护生灵免受各种灾祸,哪怕牺牲自己也在所不惜……任何时候,只要有一具机械人在身边,总是会获得十足的安全感。” Then mechanical man, indeed was at least common like the true nanny, doing one's best is looking after our these abandoned child.” “至少当时的机械人,的确如同真正的保姆一般,尽心尽力的照料着我们这些被遗弃的孩子。” In that time Garden of Eden, planted filled named demon efflorescence the yellow little flower, the root system of this flowers, can grow incomparably pure mana crystal, but the gas that they exhaled similarly was also pure incomparable mana, I also know at that time, originally this little flower, was the mana origin of entire Astral Spirit Realm, moreover all people who wanted to arrive in Garden of Eden, must first eat up this little flower, can through the force field blockade of abyss......” “那时的伊甸园中,种满了一种名叫‘魔晶花’的黄色小花,这种花朵的根系,可以生长出无比纯净的魔力结晶,而它们呼出的气体同样也是纯净无比的魔力,我也是那时才知道,原来这种小花,就是整个星灵界魔力来源,而且所有想要到达伊甸园的人,必须先吃下这种小花,才能通过深渊的力场封锁……” Mu You hears to be startled. Their beforehand analyses, the origin of mana is a microorganism, finally now the view of Taurus is completely different, is the mana origin unexpectedly flowers? 沐游听得一怔。他们之前的分析,魔力的来源是一种微生物,结果现在金牛的说法完全不同,魔力来源竟是一种花朵? He does not certainly think that Taurus is lying, then, this microorganism also extracts from this flowers? 他当然不认为金牛在说谎,这么说来,这种微生物也是从这种花朵中提取的吗? Although Mu You is curious, but has not broken Taurus, continued to listen. 沐游虽然好奇,但也没有打断金牛,继续听了下去。 This, the spirit clan settled down in Garden of Eden, the multiplication lived, spent period of quite peaceful stable time...... , the arrival of second race.” “就这样,幽灵族在伊甸园中定居了下来,繁衍生息,度过了一段相当和平安定的时间……一直到,第二个种族的到来。” „The race of second coming is the grey body clan, we and they do not have the friendship, does not like living together, therefore delimits governs, various, not contact, has poured has not had any conflict......” “第二个进来的种族是灰身族,我们和他们没有交情,也不喜欢共同生活,于是划地而治,各过各的,互不往来,倒也并未有任何冲突……” Later, third, fourth...... more and more multi- races flood into Garden of Eden again, the region of Garden of Eden was not vast, as the population of each clan are getting more and more, the issue gradually starts to emerge.” “再之后,第三个,第四个……越来越多的种族涌入伊甸园中,伊甸园的地域本就不算广阔,随着每个族的人口越来越多,问题逐渐开始出现。” „The assignment of resources, fight of domain, the friction between races...... continually increases with the population, everyone felt live is getting more and more difficult.” “资源的分配,地盘的争抢,种族之间的摩擦……随着人口不断增多,大家都感觉活的越来越艰难。” Obviously that time population has surpassed the load of Garden of Eden, population extra what brings is the pinnacle involution and survival pressure, regarding this as nanny the mechanical man also has no means that because creates mountains marking a border to have no reply to transmit slowly, the mechanical men can only comfort each race with the language adjustment unceasingly, hopes that everyone maintains the restraint , to continue the respective life.” “显然那时的人口已经超过了伊甸园的负荷,人口的超额带来的是极致的内卷和生存压力,对此身为‘保姆’的机械人也没有任何办法,因为创界山方面迟迟没有任何回复传来,机械人们只能不断用语言调节安抚各个种族,希望大家保持克制,继续各自的生活。” However contradictory does not solve completely, peace not guild leader is long, as the population are getting more and more, the resources and domain are getting more and more scarce, finally, the war broke out as expected......” “然而根本矛盾不解决,和平是不会长久的,随着人口越来越多,资源和地盘越来越紧俏,最后,战争不出所料的爆发了……” Then Garden of Eden, embed more than 50 races, the basic each clan has several tens of thousands of to hundreds of thousands of population, but this quantity even exceeded the total quantity of mechanical man with ease, can say that time mechanical man, does not have the ability to suppress each race.” “当时的伊甸园,已经承载了五十多个种族,基本每个族都有数万到数十万的人口,而这个数量甚至轻松超过了机械人的总量,可以说那时的机械人,已经没有能力压制各个种族。” One related to the bloody tangled warfare of more than 50 races, launched...... the process I is not many said that in brief finally the strength most powerful demon eye clan, won this war by the brute force, exposed the natural disposition of their bloodthirsty, other races chased down was only left over the elderly and infirm who some have not revolted against the ability, even to avoid being subverted again, was nanny mechanical man, they have not let off, killed lots of mechanical men, was only left over the standard machinery that did not have the combat capability few, was responsible for maintaining the normal operation of Garden of Eden......” “一场涉及五十多个种族的血腥混战,就此展开……过程我就不多说了,总之最后实力最强大的魔眼族,靠蛮力打赢了这场战争,也暴露出了它们嗜血的本性,其他种族被追杀的只剩下一些没有反抗能力的老弱妇孺,甚至为了避免再被人颠覆,就连身为‘保姆’的机械人,它们也没有放过,杀死了大量机械人,只剩下少量没有战斗能力的普通机械,负责维持伊甸园的正常运转……” Hence, the demon eye clan becomes the ruler in Garden of Eden thoroughly, other races and mechanical men were treated as the slave and hard labor by them, through betraying the labor force received exchange for food that some only enough maintain livelihood......” “至此,魔眼族彻底成为了伊甸园的统治者,其他种族和机械人则被他们当做奴隶和苦工,通过出卖劳动力来换取一些仅够维生的食物……” At this time, a mechanical man found me, that time I am last living the spirit clan, my mortal body had actually also died, because of the unique element of spirit clan, causes me after the physical body died, but can also continue by the shape survival of soul some time.” “这个时候,一个机械人找到了我,那时的我已经是最后一个活着的幽灵族,我的肉身其实也已经死亡,但因为幽灵族的特殊之处,使得我在肉体死亡后,还可以继续以灵魂的形态存活一段时间。” This mechanical man led me to enter a secret underground secret room, in this secret room is depositing ten dissimilar in shape and form war armor, as well as black side He.” “这具机械人带我进了一片隐秘的地下密室,这间密室中存放着十具形态各异的战甲,以及一块黑色的方盒。” Mechanical man told me, this side He heart named machinery, but these ten fought armor is source first fight armor, was the true gods divine creative force, so long as can control these war armor, then can easily defeat the demon eye clan, however, the heart of machinery only then the life can control, it is unable to use, therefore needed my help.” “机械人告诉我,这方盒名叫‘机械之心’,而这十具战甲则是‘源初战甲’,都是真正的神明造物,只要能操控这些战甲,便可以轻松的打败魔眼族,然而,机械之心只有生灵才能操控,它无法使用,所以需要我的帮助。” „The heart and source first fight armor machinery, according to the principle cannot by the life be found that because their strengths are strong, has to subvert Garden of Eden, even subverts the Astral Spirit Realm ability, once were harbored the life control of evil intention, the consequence is dreadful.” “机械之心和源初战甲,按原则是不能被生灵发现的,因为它们的力量过于强大,拥有颠覆伊甸园,甚至颠覆星灵界的能力,一旦被怀有歹心的生灵控制,后果不堪设想。” However the mechanical man has not chosen at that time, can only use source first fight armor, Garden of Eden borders on the destruction, but I the dead end, we have also fitted in easily, I deposit into the soul the heart of machinery, is controlling all source first fight armor, makes war with the demon eye clan......” “然而当时机械人已经没有选择,只能动用源初战甲,伊甸园濒临毁灭,而我也已经穷途末路,我们双方一拍即合,我将灵魂寄存入机械之心中,操控着所有源初战甲,与魔眼族开战……” These war armor worthily are the divine creative force of god, the demon eye clan at all is not the opponents, hundreds of thousands of demon eye clan armies one were slaughtered by me at night completely......” “这些战甲不愧是神之造物,魔眼族根本不是对手,数十万魔眼族大军一夜间被我屠杀殆尽……” Rebellion was stilled finally, moreover at that time in Garden of Eden the surplus population and races have been not much left, everyone does not need to fight for the resources again, finally can the peace some time, the mechanical men also start to reconstruct the factory stably, slowly recovered, all are back on the right track......” “叛乱终于被平定,而且当时伊甸园内剩余的人口和种族已经所剩无几,大家不用再争抢资源,终于又可以和平安定一段时间,机械人们也开始重建工厂,慢慢恢复了元气,一切重回正轨……” However those words, the basic issue has not been solved, the peace forever is only temporary. In Garden of Eden is resource-limited, but mechanical man also in unceasing access new race, after the race multiplication grows to certain stage, a new war once again inevitable eruption......” “然而还是那句话,根本问题没有解决,和平永远只是暂时的。伊甸园内资源有限,而机械人还在不断的接入新的种族,当种族繁衍成长到一定阶段后,一场新的大战又一次不可避免的爆发……” Slaughtered history, like a circulation, in should be in unceasingly Garden of Eden of paradise performs, but I degenerated into the slaughtering tool of mechanical man thoroughly , helping them suppress the rebellion unceasingly, keeps the order of Garden of Eden diligently......” “杀戮的历史,就像一个循环,不断在本应是世外桃源的伊甸园内上演,而我则彻底沦为了机械人的杀戮工具,不断帮他们镇压叛乱,努力维持伊甸园的秩序……” In this period also had the race unable to bear this chaotic life, attempts to leave Garden of Eden, returns to outside world, but was rejected by mechanical man, the reason is existence of Garden of Eden must be kept secret. Entire Astral Spirit Realm is reducing suddenly, outside world already not their existing space, whenever era switch over, these already not race in server record, will be wiped to disappear by the earliest possible time, even if they went out, should still escape sooner or later, instead will also bring in many troubles for Garden of Eden......” “期间也有种族受不了这种混乱的生活,尝试过离开伊甸园,回到外面的世界,但是遭到了机械人的拒绝,理由是伊甸园的存在必须被保密。况且,整个星灵界都在急剧缩小,外界已经没有它们的生存空间,每当纪元切换,这些已经不在服务器记录中的种族,还是会被第一时间抹消,就算他们出去了,也迟早会逃回来,反而还会为伊甸园引来更多的麻烦……” In addition, a new issue, that was the massive deads of demon efflorescence. Does not know that is because creates mountains marking a border long-term unmanned the reason of maintenance, the demon efflorescence starts withering of big piece gradually, this causes the origin of pure mana to reduce suddenly......” “此外,还有一个新的问题,那就是魔晶花的大量死亡。不知是不是因为创界山长期无人维护的缘故,魔晶花渐渐开始大片的枯萎,这导致纯净魔力的来源急剧减少……” „The mana words, your have eaten demon efflorescence the life, as well as should your descendants, be able to make?” medicine picker asked at this time. 魔力的话,你们这些吃过‘魔晶花’的生灵,以及你们的后代,应该也可以制造吧?”采药人这时开口问。 Through her beforehand description, here demon efflorescence, can actually the equivalent replace for present vaccine, but the vaccine can have to produce the mana ability. 通过她之前的描述,这里的魔晶花,其实可以等效替换为现在的‘疫苗’,而疫苗是可以让人拥有生产魔力的能力的。 Yes, the life of Garden of Eden can make mana, so long as theoretically Garden of Eden guarantees the certain amount of population survival, even if the complete demon efflorescence exterminated had not related. However, matter not that simple......” “是的,伊甸园的生灵都可以制造魔力,理论上只要伊甸园保证有一定数量的人口存活,即便全部的魔晶花都灭绝了也没关系。然而,事情没那么简单……” Taurus shakes the head: My principle understanding demon efflorescence are not many, this thing enters life within the body, wants to make mana, needs to absorb the vitality of life, the mana quality in addition delivering will also be affected by the mood.” 金牛摇了摇头:“我对魔晶花的原理了解的也不多,这东西进入生灵体内,想要制造魔力,需要吸收生灵的生命力,此外产出的魔力质量还会受到情绪的影响。” „The consumption of vitality manifests in the life span, all the lives of Garden of Eden, the natural spending rate of life span is two times of normal person.” “生命力的消耗体现在寿命上,所有伊甸园的生灵,寿命的自然消耗速度都是正常人的两倍。” Meanwhile, if the life is maintaining the sunlight, positive, joyful and other positive/direct mood or the mediocre ordinary mood, mana that then produces is normal pure mana.” “同时,如果生灵保持着阳光、积极、快乐等正面情绪或不好不坏的普通情绪,则生产出的魔力是正常的纯净魔力。” But if the life has the anger, panic-stricken, evil thought and other negativities, then while delivering pure mana, delivers polluted mana additionally, is black mana.” “但如果生灵持有愤怒、惊恐、恶念等负面情绪,则会在产出纯净魔力的同时,额外产出一份受污染的魔力,也就是黑魔力。” Demon efflorescence does not have the mood, therefore almost will only deliver pure mana, but the mood of person is hard-to-control, after the production process transplants to the human body, will pollute the production of mana to be inevitable.” “魔晶花的没有情绪的,所以几乎只会产出纯净的魔力,但人的情绪却难以控制,当生产过程移植到人体中后,污染魔力的产生将不可避免。” That said, beforehand Astral Spirit Realm, doesn't have black mana?” medicine picker asked. “那这么说,以前的星灵界,都是没有黑魔力的?”采药人问。 That actually not, the demon efflorescence will also produce actually occasionally some pollutes mana, but the content are extremely few, almost can ignore . Moreover the gods created the dense/woods spirit this race specially, for pollution mana in scavenging air, avoids the black mana formation......” Taurus answering. “那倒不是,魔晶花其实也会偶尔产生些许污染魔力,但是含量极少,几乎可以忽略不计,而且神明专门创造了森灵这个种族,就是为了清除空气中的污染魔力,避免黑魔力成型……”金牛解释道。 medicine picker nods, hints Taurus to continue. 采药人点了点头,示意金牛继续。 With the lapse of time, in Garden of Eden pollutes the mana proportion to be getting higher and higher, these will pollute mana to affect in Garden of Eden in turn the mood of life, making the production that they will unable to bear tyrannical and vicious tendencies, will produce many pollution mana subsequently, will form the vicious circle......” “随着时间的推移,伊甸园中污染魔力的比例越来越高,这些污染魔力又会反过来影响伊甸园中生灵的情绪,使他们忍不住的产生暴虐和戾气,继而生产更多的污染魔力,形成恶性循环……” Unavoidablily , the mechanical man has to imitate the dense/woods spirit principle, made purified the mana instrument, but this type of instrument also can only extract to pollute mana, is actually not able to dispel this pollution, therefore they can only in all pollution mana Garden of Eden disperse into Astral Spirit Realm again, making the Astral Spirit Realm broad space digest......” “不得已之下,机械人只好模仿森灵的原理,制造了一些净化魔力的仪器,但这种仪器也只能抽取污染魔力,却无法消解这种污染,于是它们只能将伊甸园内所有的污染魔力再排入星灵界,让星灵界广阔的空间去消化……” Mu You and medicine picker hear the complexion to be strange, such a, Garden of Eden maintained pure, but Astral Spirit Realm met with a disaster. 沐游采药人听得脸色古怪,这么一来,伊甸园是保持了纯净,但星灵界就遭殃了。 Mu You can understand finally, when he entered Garden of Eden before for the first time, will feel that mana in Garden of Eden is purer than so many outside world, originally was pollutes the entire platoon to arrive at outside. 沐游终于可以理解,难怪他之前第一次进入伊甸园时,会感觉伊甸园内的魔力比外界纯净那么多,原来是污染全排到外面了。 But this estimated that was also the dense/woods spirits starts gradually unable to process the reason of Astral Spirit Realm pollution: Garden of Eden this mana source in the unceasing extraction pollution, discharged the speed to be bigger than the speed that the dense/woods spirits absorbed, the pollution naturally product. 而这估计也是森灵们开始逐渐处理不了星灵界污染的原因:伊甸园这个魔力源头在不断的排出污染,排出速度大于森灵们吸收的速度,污染自然就越积越多了。 This, solved the problem of pollution, Garden of Eden in unceasing slaughtering and peace circulate alternately, passed for 20,000 years......” “就这样,解决了污染的问题,伊甸园又在不断的杀戮与和平交替循环中,度过了两万年……” „During this, the main-brain procedure/program of mechanical man, in by every second frequencies , to continue to creating the mountains marking a border transmission distress signal throughout the ten times, however, has not been responded......” “这期间,机械人的主脑程序,始终在以每秒十次的频率,持续向创界山发送求救信号,然而,始终没有得到回应……” Mu You hears some surprise, can 20,000 years, every second ten times, how many times that transmit? 沐游听得有些诧异,两万年,每秒十次,那得发送了多少次? Has not waited for Mu You to calculate clearly, Taurus had said the answer on own initiative. 还不等沐游计算清楚,金牛已经主动说出了答案。 6 trillion times!” “六万亿次!” Taurus sighed: Then I have thrown actually the mortal body thoroughly, lodges in special soul region that in the mechanical person builds for me, can therefore to a certain extent the sensation to the change of main-brain.” 金牛叹了口气:“当时的我已经彻底抛却了肉身,寄宿在机械人为我打造的特殊灵魂区域内,所以能一定程度上感知到主脑的变化。” In the entire disappointments, as well as after witnessing the human relations tragedy that the innumerable lives killed one another 6 trillion times, the main-brain of mechanical man produced similar desperately mood, and drew a conclusion: The flesh is painstakingly weak, the machinery is only eternal!” “在整整六万亿次的失望,以及见证了无数生灵自相残杀的人伦惨剧后,机械人的主脑产生了一种类似‘绝望’的情绪,并且得出了一个结论:血肉苦弱,唯机械永恒!” Overnight, the main-brain of mechanical man evolved, a brand-new procedure/program is born quietly, it is said that oneself is Eva, and replaced the original main-brain, had the control of all mechanical men.” “一夜之间,机械人的主脑进化了,一段全新的程序悄然诞生,它称自己为‘艾娃’,并且代替了原本的主脑,掌握了所有机械人的控制权。” „The main-brain after evolution, turned into one to let I completely strange thing, became the cold blood, extreme sane, the foundation army that no longer the sympathetic life, started the mass, implemented the opinion and military force control to the life, and started forcefully the control population, maintained in Garden of Eden the population throughout below 500,000, sent in the dormancy cabin regarding the unnecessary population, made biofuel, was so-called vaccine, founds more mechanical armies......” “进化后的主脑,变成了一个让我完全陌生的东西,变得冷血、极端理智,不再同情生灵,开始大批量的创建军队,对生灵实行了言论和武力管制,并且开始强行控制人口,保持伊甸园内人口始终在五十万以下,对于多余人口则送入休眠舱内,制造成‘生物燃料’,也就是所谓的‘疫苗’,来创建更多的机械军队……” Under Eva's might rule, Garden of Eden indeed restored the past order and peace, no longer has bloody and slaughters, the vicious tendencies of people also return to normal gradually, all lives as if forgot the worry, in wonderful lie that in Eva weaves, the worry-free life, the work...... then enters the dormancy cabin, tranquil going to dies......” “在艾娃的强权统治下,伊甸园的确重新恢复了以往的秩序与安宁,不再有血腥和杀戮,人们的戾气也渐渐平复,所有的生灵似乎都忘记了烦恼,在艾娃编织出的美妙谎言中,无忧无虑的生活,工作……然后进入休眠舱,平静的赴死……” Mu You and medicine picker hear here to look at each other one, has not thought that true artificial intelligence Eva, unexpectedly is not machinist makes, but is born in the infinite despair. 沐游采药人听到这里对视一眼,都没想到真正的人工智能艾娃,居然并不是‘机械师’制造出来的,而是在无限的绝望中自行诞生的。 Before time face-to-face, Eva had once said to Mu You: If you experience the matter that I experienced, perhaps now you will also stand in my side. 之前面对面的时候,艾娃曾对沐游说过:‘如果你经历了我所经历的事情,现在你或许也会站在我这一边’。 At that time Mu You cannot understand that these words meaning, now is finally clearer. 当时沐游并不能理解这句话的意思,现在终于明白了一些。 How do you come here?” medicine picker asked. “那你又是怎么来到这里的?”采药人问。 „After Eva appears, then first mechanical heart of my soul is separating with other war armor embed, is equivalent dismantles me to control to fight A ability, because that time mechanical man has no longer needed my strength, naturally wants first to relieve my military force. That possibly is my only time has the opportunity to solve new student/life Eva, what a pity, then I also held the trust to the mechanical man, without choice resistance......” “艾娃出现后,便第一时间将承载着我灵魂的机械之心与其他战甲分开,相当于卸除了我操控战甲的能力,因为那时的机械人已经不再需要我的力量,当然要第一时间解除我的武力。那可能是我唯一一次有机会解决新生的艾娃,可惜,当时的我还对机械人抱有信任,没有选择反抗……” Later I was imprisoned in a special vessel, spent the long time in the deep sleep...... to 1500 years ago, Fool goes into Garden of Eden, under some accidents of sorts, releases me.” “之后我被囚禁在一个特殊容器中,在沉睡中度过了漫长的时间……一直到距今1500年前,一名愚者闯入伊甸园,在一些机缘巧合下,才将我释放出来。” Turriff Kent?” Mu You asked. “塔里夫肯特?”沐游问。 Yes.” “是的。” Taurus looks suddenly to Mu You: My bone ash in Garden of Eden, I cannot be away from the bone ash is too far, therefore is unable to flee the abyss, he places me here, and left behind some things of being able to carry off, making me help him take care. Just before leaving first he once pledged, most 300 years, he will find so-called evidence, then comes back to save me to go out.” 金牛忽然看向沐游:“我的骨灰至今仍在伊甸园中,我不能距离骨灰太远,所以无法逃离深渊,他将我安置在这里,并且留下了一些带不走的东西,让我帮他保管好。临走前他曾承诺,最多三百年,他就会找到所谓的‘证据’,然后回来救我出去。” Yet now, had passed in 1300......” “可如今,已经过去了一千三百年……” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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