The spirit under Chapter 573abyss
第573章深渊下的幽灵Mu Youextractsthiscardfrom the junks of cabinet.沐游从货柜的杂物中抽出这张卡片。
The cardwas modelled a commonspecial materialto wrapbyone, insideenergy has almost not lost, thiscancompleteretains.
卡片被一层塑封一般的特殊材料包裹着,里面的能量几乎没有损耗,这才能被完好的保留下来。As for the card, is onlyoneveryordinary‚thunderQiushu’.
至于卡片本身,只是一张很普通的‘雷球术’。Canmakeanduse the secret spellcard, naturallyonly thensecret spellmaster, thereforethiscardonlypossiblyisTaurusorGeministays behind.
能够制造和使用秘术卡的,当然只有秘术师,所以这卡片只可能是金牛或双子留下的。Whoas forconcreteis, triesapparent.
至于具体是谁,一试便知。Mu Youdiscovers a Tarot cardfrom the ring, puts out a handto spread out, allcardsimultaneouslyhike up, dances in the airbeforehisbodyfast, is connected, formedcircularformation.沐游从戒指中找出一副塔罗牌,伸手摊开,所有卡牌齐齐飘起,在他身前快速飞舞,首尾相连,形成了一个圆形的阵法。But the secret spellcard in Mu Youhand, was laid asidebyhimin the circularformationcenter, similarlysuch asothercardsare equally automaticfloat.
而沐游手中的秘术卡,则被他放置在了圆形法阵的中央,同样如其他卡片一样自动悬浮。A moment later, consecutivelythreecard, are separatedfromsignin turn, gathersonein the formationcenter, each otheris overlapped, rapidrevolving.
片刻之后,连续三张卡牌,从牌阵中依次脱离,在阵法中心汇聚一处,彼此重叠,飞速旋转。Thistechniqueishewhenbeginning studies the divining, Vivianhad demonstratedoneauxiliarydivinationformation, cangreatlyraise the divinationrange and rate of accuracy.
这种手法是他在初学占卜术时,薇薇安曾经展示过的一种辅助占卜阵法,可以大幅提高占卜范围和准确率。Thenhealso can only watch the fun, the divinationcould not understandlikelycompletely.
当时的他还只能看个热闹,就连卜象也完全看不懂。Howevernow, heinherited the exquisitememorycompletely.
然而现在,他完整继承了玲珑的记忆。In4000 of bitter and astringentgarden, exquisite, althoughis not diligentlikemedicine picker, buthas also never left uncultivatedregarding the practice of divining, in 4000later, againhowbadfoundation, has reached an extremelyhighlevel.
在苦涩花园的四千年里,玲珑虽然不像采药人那么勤奋,但对于占卜术的练习也从未荒废过,四千年下来,再怎么差的基础,也已经达到了一个极高的水准。Signafterrevolved for 1-2 minutes stopsslowly, in the shortintermittence, Mu Youhas explainedto play a card a meaning.
牌阵在空中旋转了1-2后缓缓停下,短暂的间歇内,沐游已经解读出了牌阵的含义。As expected, thissecret spellcard is really the Taurusmanufacture.
不出所料,这张秘术卡果然是金牛制作的。Butresult that the divinationdirectsfinally, under the deep searock layersomewhereseveral thousandkilometers away situated inMoscow.
而占卜最后指引出的结果,则位于莫斯科数千公里之外的某处深海岩层之下。Thisextremeremoteposition, if not needto practice divination, possiblyspentseveralyears unable to find, does not know how Taurusdiscoveredthisplace.
这种极端偏僻的位置,如果不用占卜,可能花个几年都找不到,也不知道金牛是怎么发现这地方的。Mu You and reception personnel said that goes out of the warehouse, registeredoutsidesimply, carried offthatcard.沐游和接待人员说了一声,走出仓库,在外简单登记了一下,带走了那张卡片。
After onehour, medicine pickerreceives the news that Mu Youholds others to transmit, fromancient well of Fuanative place, returned toEarth.
一小时后,采药人收到沐游托他人传达的消息,从芙娅老家的古井中,回到了地球。„Found the position?”medicine pickercrawlsfrom the well head of K Citysuburb, thensaw here Mu You.
“找到位置了?”采药人从K市郊外的井口爬出,便看到了等在此处的沐游。„Found, inRussia.”Mu Youshook the map in hand. The divinationfigured out a generalposition, concretealso after mustwait for the local area, then conducted the precisedivination.
“找到了,在俄罗斯。”沐游晃了晃手里的地图。刚才的占卜只是算出了一个大概的位置,具体的还要等去了当地后,再进行精确占卜。„Thatwalks.”medicine pickernods, without the feelingaccident/surprise, the spacecrackcanhaveanycorneronEarth, has not brushedtothemin the center of the earthmagmacalculateswell.
“那就走吧。”采药人点了点头,没感觉意外,空间裂缝可以存在于地球上的任何一个角落,没给他们刷在地心岩浆里算不错了。Receivedmedicine picker, the Mu Youdirect transmissionnearby the black hole of Europe, throughflying to the goalsea area, conducted in the seabedagainpracticed divinationseveral timesin detail, finallylocated the position.
The entire processcosttwo peoplemost of the daytime.
整个过程耗费了两人大半天的时间。Whentwo peoplefinallyfoundin the predictionthatlimestone cavetime, isthat evening.
等两人终于找到预言中那处溶洞的时候,已经是这天傍晚。In the quietcoldlimestone cave, Mu Youandmedicine pickerdescendin turn, fallin the slipperyground.
幽寒的溶洞内,沐游和采药人依次降落,落在湿滑的地面上。Thisunderunderground spacesituated indeep sea, actuallyonfluorescentmineralphoto the insight by both sidesdike.
这片位于深海之下的地下空间,却被两侧岩壁上的荧光矿物照的通透。As soon astwo peopleenter the mine tunnel, thennotices the cavernendimmediately, thattogetheris quiet the bluelong and narrowspacecrack.
两人一进入矿洞,便立即注意到洞穴尽头,那一道幽蓝色的狭长空间裂缝。Thisless thanhalfmeterspacecrack, suchtoweringgrowthinfrontstalactiteYanfeng, the spaceturbulent flow that the entanglementtwists, just likegloomily blueeye, is anthisoppositeworldthrough the crack.
这道只有不到半米长的空间裂缝,就这么突兀的生长在前方钟乳石的岩峰中,其中纠缠扭曲的空间乱流,宛如一只只幽蓝的眼睛,在通过裂缝窥视着这个对面的世界。Butin the channelfrontseveralmeterspositions, the almostrottencorpsecompletelyhas fallen down, but also is maintainingtoward the stance that the crackclimbs up, finds outtoward the frontcrackdistantly.
The condition of onlythiscorpse, what kind ofdespair before Mu You can also imaginehedies, is, fromway outobviouslyshortseveralmeters, actuallyas ifforevercrossnatural moat.
单凭这尸体的状态,沐游也可以想象到他死前是怎样的绝望,距离生路明明只有短短几米,却仿佛永远跨不过的天堑。Mu Youandmedicine pickerwalkto go forward, no onehas paid attention to the ground the corpse, arrived at the crackfrontdirectly.沐游和采药人走上前,谁都没有理会地上的尸体,径直走到了裂缝前方。Thiscrackhas not actually openedcompletely, beforesaw the crack that to have the significantdifferenceinJapan, the spacecrack of Japancanpenetrate the slitat that timedirectly, saw the scene of oppositeworld.
这道裂缝其实并没有完全张开,和之前在日本见到的裂缝有着明显的区别,日本的空间裂缝当时可以直接透过缝隙,看到对面世界的场景。Butunder the condition of thiscrack, actuallyprofoundspintunespaceturbulent flow, situated inajar.
而这一道裂缝内部,却只有深邃旋曲的空间乱流,处于半开不开的状态下。„Is a little dangerous, butpasses through should not to have the issue.” After medicine pickerlooked ata while, said.
“有点危险,但穿过去应该没问题的。”采药人看了一会儿后说。Mu Youalsonods. Two peoplepresentstrengths, have known fairly wellto the load that oneselfcanundertake, at leastat presentthisspace of pointsturbulent flow, but also was insufficientto wanttheirlife.沐游也点了点头。两人现在的实力,已经都对自己能承担的负荷心中有数,至少眼前这点空间乱流,还不至于要了他们的命。„Ifirsthad a lookin the past.”
“我先过去看看。”Mu Yousaid,switches overVampire Skin, started‚amazingly quick’, immediatelyactivated the Foolcard.沐游说完,切换吸血鬼皮肤,发动了‘神速’,随即又就地激活了愚者卡。Under the dualacceleration, the present all becomeincomparablyslow, but the path of frontspaceturbulent flow, in the clarity that heat presentpresents.
双重的加速下,眼前的一切全都变得无比缓慢,而前方空间乱流的运动轨迹,也在他眼前呈现的清清楚楚。Mu Youobserved for severalseconds, when a goodtime, directonesteppenetrates, submergedin the crackrapidly.沐游观察了数秒,等到一个合适的时机,直接一步突入,飞速没入了裂缝中。
When opens eyesagain, hehas appearedinanotherspace, the whole bodyreturns safe and sound.
再睁眼时,他已经出现在另一片空间内,浑身毫发无伤。Justfell to the ground, hefeltimmediately an incomparablystrongpressure, heldhisbodyfromin additionin all directions, as if the whole bodywas hanging the innumerablesandbag.
刚一落地,他立即感觉到一股无比强大的压力,从四面八方加持到了他的身上,仿佛浑身悬挂了数不清的沙袋。Mu Youknits the brows, attemptsto raise the right handto grasp a fist, thisgravitylevel, Physique and strengthattributeslightlybadperson, will be unable to take a single step forwardhere.沐游皱了皱眉,尝试举起右手握了一下拳头,这种重力水平,体质和力量属性稍差的人,在这里都会寸步难行。Healsofused the godbone, in additionVampire Skinturns the attribute after time, thistoohad not been affected.
After severalseconds, medicine pickeralsoleavesfrom the rearcrack, a tumbling, fellsideMu You, a landingalsofelt the pressureimmediately.
数秒后,采药人也从后方的裂缝中脱出,一个翻滚,落在了沐游身边,一降落也是立即感觉到了压力。Hisattributewas well belowcompared withMu You, every action and every movementobviouslyhavesluggishly, as iffalls into the mireto be the same, the foreheadbelt/bringperspiration, is hardto set out.
他的属性就比沐游远远不如了,一举一动就明显有着迟滞,仿佛身陷泥沼一般,额头带汗,难以起身。Mu Youdid not worry, stops in same placewaitingmoment, medicine pickeradaptedfinally, canset outto actnormally, but the movementwassomewhatis obviously stiff.沐游也不着急,停在原地等待片刻,采药人总算适应了一些,可以正常起身行动了,只不过动作还是明显有些僵硬。„Thispressure, at leastseven!”medicine pickersaidcategorically.
“这个压力,至少七层!”采药人斩钉截铁的说。Hehad gotten down the abyssbeforepersonally, exploredthreemost.
他之前是亲自下过深渊的,最远探索到了三层。Butaccording toeachvariation of gravity, hecanestimateprobably. Hereshouldbeseventoeight, is the abysslowest level that at present the lifecanexplore.
而根据每一层的重力变化,他大概能估计出来。这里应该是七层到八层之间,也就是目前生灵能探索到的深渊最底层。Againdownward, was not the environment that the normallifecansurvive, only ifwerethatextremepointfilled the lifeform of anti-pressureability, had the possibilityto try.
After adapting to the pressureinitially, two peoplethenhave the timeto raise the headto size up the environment.
初步适应了压力后,两人这才有时间抬头打量环境。At presentis a terrainveryruggedunderground space, as ifby the wound that someenormous forcetore, the rockpeaks and ridges and profoundrift valley of standing tall and erectspreads across, constituted a dangerouslandform of norule. In the rift valleyis filling the billowinglava flow, thesehotredmagmaare glittering the ray of dangerin the darkness.
眼前是一片地形十分崎岖的地下空间,仿佛是被某种巨大力量撕裂开来的伤口,高耸的岩石峰峦和深邃的裂谷纵横交错,构成了一幅毫无规律的险恶地貌。裂谷中弥漫着滚滚的熔岩流,那些炽热的红色岩浆在黑暗中闪烁着危险的光芒。In the airis fillingstink and moistsoiltaste of sulfur, makingpeoplefeel the feeling that onetypedepressedandsuffocates, oftenhas the gratingroaringsound and sad and shrillsquealtransmitsfrom the abyssdeep place, makesabsolutely terrified of personinstinct.
“吼!”Does not wait fortwo peopleto go outseveralsteps, roartoweringresounding, is growingtwoheadstogether, the abyssdemondog of foreheadbelt/bringcorner/horn, jumps outfrom the dikedarkness, makes threatening gestures, dashes totowardtwo people.
不等两人走出几步,一道吼声突兀的响起,一只长着两颗头颅,额头带角的深渊魔犬,从岩壁的黑暗中窜出,张牙舞爪,朝两人直扑而来。Howeverhas not waitedto be close totwo people, thenby the giantarm that Mu Yousummoned, a Palestinianslapflewanother side.
“嗷呜……”Demondogwail, tumblesin the place, cameseveralcroppers, quicklyassumes an air of self approbationcrawls , to continue to grimacetowardtwo people, actuallydoes not dareto clashagain, obviouslyhas felt,two peoplestrengthsaboveit.
魔犬哀鸣一声,滚落在地,栽了几个跟头,急忙摇头晃脑的爬起,朝两人继续呲牙咧嘴,却不敢再冲上来,显然已经感觉到,两人的实力远在它之上。Two peoplehave not haggled overwith a dog, continueto face forwardto explore.
两人也没跟一条狗计较,继续朝前探索。On, more and more abysslifeformcrop upalong the road the appearance, dissimilar in shape and form, has the softwarelifeform of jellyfish, there is a ligerclassbeast of prey, what are moreisvariousfinefullinsectclasses, and abyssdevil of grows the hornbelt/bringwing.
沿路上,越来越多的深渊生物冒头出现,形态各异,有水母形的软体生物,也有狮虎类的猛兽,但更多的还是各种纤足虫类,以及长角带翅的深渊恶魔。In the groundoverspread the animal bones of wild animal, steps on the resoundingsoundto be unceasing, wantsto hide unable to achieve.
地面上铺满了野兽的兽骨,一脚踩下去脆响声不断,想隐蔽起来都做不到。Two peoplestep onanimal boneseverywhereto pass through, the two sidesdevils and abyssmonsterseye covetously, the lowroarlinks up into a single stretch.
两人踩着满地的兽骨一路走过,两边的恶魔和深渊怪兽们虎视眈眈,低吼声连成一片。Finally, a human formdeviltakes the lead unable to bear, rises with a spring, started the sneak attacktowardtwo people.
终于,其中一只人形恶魔率先忍不住,一跃而起,朝两人发动了偷袭。Buttheselike the signal, the rearinnumerablesmalldevilskillstogether, throwstowardtwo people.
而这一下就像信号,后方无数的小恶魔一同杀出,朝两人扑来。Mu Youturned on the godskindirectly, tore into shredsflushingmost before twosmalldevils, onmedicine pickeralsocondensed the electric arcsword, the thorntothathuman formdevil......沐游直接开启了神皮,一手一个,撕碎了冲的最前的两只小恶魔,采药人手上也凝聚出了电弧剑,刺向了那只人形恶魔……
After the moment, severalsmalldevils that onlyremainscalled out pitifullyare fleeing the scene, butotherabysslifeform that the surroundingssurrounded, retractedfearful and apprehensive the head, does not dareto expose the tauntauraagain.
片刻后,仅剩的几只小恶魔纷纷惨叫着逃离现场,而周围围观的其他深渊生物,也都是胆战心惊的缩回了脑袋,不敢再展露出挑衅的气息。At this moment in same place, lying this way and thatchocked uplarge number ofdevilstump residual limbs, the groundis been incarnadineby the blood of monster, Mu You the devilheadthrows downin the handis raisingconveniently, coldlysweepsto the surroundings.
The surroundingsstillin the monsters of lowroar, kept silentimmediately, afterdrew backsilentlyfar.
周围原本还在低吼的怪物们,顿时噤若寒蝉,朝后默默退远了一些。Fromthesemonsterlooksfrom the beginning, two peoplecanfeel,whatherecomplies withwas the bloodyjungleprinciple, the rule of law of the jungleis displayed the pinnacle, oncedisplayedin front ofthesemonstersweakorflinches, will be regarded the weak oneimmediately, untilwas eatenwipesdry/doesonly.
从这些怪物一开始的眼神,两人就能感觉到,这里遵从的是血淋淋的丛林法则,弱肉强食的规则被发挥到了极致,一旦在这些怪物面前表现出一点虚弱或退缩,就会被立即当成弱者,直到被吃干抹净。Thereforetwo peoplehave not kept the hand, with the bloodiestway, dismemberedthiswave of monster. Underthisdemonstration, madetheseabyssmonstersrestrainfinally.
所以两人都没有留手,用最血腥的方式,肢解了这一波怪物。这一番示威行动之下,总算让这些深渊怪物收敛了一些。Thentwo peoplepass through, devil and abysslifeformalong the roadareawaredistantretreating, the making waypath.
接下来两人一路走过,沿路的恶魔和深渊生物都是自觉的远远退走,让开道路。Quick, two peoplethensaw that sideplatform in thisspacedeep place, in the platformis standing erect a crystalthrone.
很快,两人便看到了这片空间深处的那一方平台,平台上矗立着一座水晶王座。Onthroneoppositecliff, but alsoconnects the theater curtain that is projectingtogether, in the theater curtainis circulatingto play the imagepicture, whatbroadcastisveryoldmovie——«Mountain villageOldCorpse».
在王座对面的山崖上,还连接着一道投影出的幕布,幕布中正在循环播放着影像画面,播放的是一部很老的电影——《山村老尸》。Butat this momentin the onlyaudience who on the thronetakes a seat, is a woman of black hairwhite clothing, looking from the figureoutline, seems liketwo peoplehave seenTaurus, but the womanis motionlessat this time, somewhatcrooked by the chairback, fell asleepprobablygenerally.
而此刻在王座上就坐的唯一观众,则是一个黑发白衣的女人,从身形轮廓看,很像是两人见过的金牛,只不过女人此时一动不动,有些歪斜的靠在椅背上,像是睡着了一般。Mu Youandmedicine pickerlook at each otherone, goes forwardquickly, but before two peoplehave arrived at the throne, the woman on seatstillhas no sound.沐游和采药人对视一眼,快步上前,但一直等两人来到王座之前,座位上的女人依然没有任何动静。medicine pickergoes forward the black hair that tucked up the womanto let fall, exposedunder the hair, was a paleface, the eye socketis prominent, the surfacedid not have the slightblood-color, howto seedoes not seem like a living person.采药人上前撩开了女人垂落的黑发,暴露在头发下的,是一张惨白的人脸,眼眶突出,面无丝毫血色,怎么看也不像是一个活人。medicine pickerknits the brows , before will point at the taking bearingwomanneck,......采药人皱了皱眉,又将手指探向女人颈前……„Diedthoroughly......”medicine pickerto shake the headtoMu You, thisfar more thandied, when had diedwere many.
“死透了……”采药人对沐游摇了摇头,这何止是死了,是早已经死去了多时。„Can't? Did wecomelate?”
The Mu Youcomplexionis strange, Tauruscomesfor the last time, althoughseemed likebysomewounds, but the wholewas still vivid, how did onemonthdid not see, hangdirectly?沐游脸色古怪,金牛最后一次现身的时候,虽说看上去是受了些伤,但整体依然生龙活虎,怎么才一个多月不见,就直接挂了?„Youindeedcamelate, according to the agreement, you were late for more than 1000years!”
“你的确来晚了,按照约定,你迟到了一千多年!”At this time the somewhatfamiliarsoundspreadfrom the upper airtogether.
这时一道有些熟悉的声音从高空中传出。Two peoplesubconsciousturning head, looksto the screen on another sidemountain wall.
两人都是下意识的回头,看向另一边山壁上的荧幕。In the picture, a woman of black hairwhite clothing, is standingbefore the mountain villageoldroom, is looking straight aheadtwo people, thencrawledfrom the screenunexpectedlycame out...... firstis an arm, thenby the head that the long haircovered, the body, the both legs, the both feet......
After severalseconds, a ghostlong hairwoman, the realappearancebefore the mountain wall, floatedto cometoward the throne, finallysubmerged the female corpsewithin the body on thronedirectly.
数秒之后,一个幽灵般的长发女人,真实的出现在了山壁前,朝王座漂浮而来,最后直接没入了王座上的女尸体内。Butalong withflooding into of spirit, the female corpsesoullesseyeballmovedimmediately, then the whole bodylimbswriggles, such asraises the linepuppetto be the same, fromboth legs, tobody, againtoarm, inpāinoneinbonecollisionsound, stiffstood, before the handplaces the neck, moved a head, the whole bodyrestoredsomevitalitiesfinally.
而伴随着幽灵的涌入,女尸原本无神的眼珠顿时动了起来,接着浑身肢体蠕动,如提线木偶一般,从双腿,到身躯,再到手臂,在一阵噼里啪啦的骨头碰撞声中,僵硬的站了起来,手放在颈前,活动了一下脑袋,浑身总算恢复了一些生机。„Taurus?”Mu Youquestion.
“金牛?”沐游疑问。„IsI.” The womennod, sound that in the mouthmakes, isin the conference the Taurussound.
“是我。”女人点头,口中发出的声音,正是会议上金牛的声音。Mu Youblushes with shame, your arrivesto be possiblereallyto shock, does not knowalsothinks that Chen-tzumade the sequel.沐游汗颜,你这登场可真是震撼,不知道的还以为贞子拍续集了。„youknows that Icancome?”Mu Youthenrecalled that Tauruswords, said that he‚was late for more than 1000years’, makinghimsomewhat unable to feel the mind.
“伱知道我要来?”沐游这才回想起金牛刚才的话,说他‘迟到了一千多年’,让他有些摸不着头脑。„Naturally, couple days ago the heart of machinerycrashedfrom the abyss, Ithenfeel.” The womensaid.
“当然,前几天机械之心从深渊中坠落的时候,我便感觉到了。”女人说。„Do youalsoknow the heart of machinery?”Mu Yousurprise.
“你还知道机械之心?”沐游诧异。„Naturally, in fact, in the pastlongtime, Iwas the operator of heart of machinery, Icontacted the heart of machinery, maybe much earlier than you.” The womensaid.
“当然,事实上,在过去漫长的时间里,我都是机械之心的操作者,我接触机械之心,可比你要早得多。”女人说。„Actually are you...... who?”Mu Youasked.
“你……究竟是什么人?”沐游问。„Iam not a person, Iam a spirit of spiritclan...... naturally, presentI, butplace that loses the physical bodyties up the spirit.”
The women said that alsoholds a chest frontwisp of hair: „As forthisbody, isIpicks, the explorer of several hundredyears of previouspersonclan, astrayedhere, Iwantto askherto help, finallyhas not waited formeto open the mouth, shewas scared to deathbyme, Iborrowedherbodysimply, helpingherlive.”
The womenwere sayingmoved a stiffarm, sighs with emotion: „The strength of spiritcanseparatewith easecontrols the thingspatially, butdoes not have the body of essence, a lotreallydo not facilitate......”
“幽灵族……”Mu Youis recallingthisnomendiligently, actuallycannotrememberanyinformation: „Has not heard......”沐游努力回忆着这个种族名,却没能想起任何信息:“没听说过……”„Withouthearingis normal, because, the spiritclanis the Astral Spirit Realmfirstexterminatingrace, several tens of thousands ofyears ago, had vanishedfromAstral Spirit Realm, was impossibleto existto record...... womaninyoureras”to say.
“没听说过是正常的,因为,幽灵族是星灵界第一个灭绝的种族,早在数万年前,就已经从星灵界消失了,在你们的纪元中不可能存在记录……”女人说。„The firstrace...... said,youhave also enteredGarden of Eden?”Mu Youasked.
The firstexterminatingrace, was the godclanjust the exterminated the clanthatperiod. Astral Spirit Realmbecause ofunmannedmaintenance, the racestartsextermination of one after another.
第一个灭绝的种族,也就是神族刚刚被灭族的那个时期。星灵界因为无人维护,种族才开始一个个的灭绝。But the responsibility of bottommechanical manis the race that to preservetheseexterminates, the firstexterminatingspiritclan, had definitely been connectedGarden of Eden.
而地底机械人的职责是保存那些灭绝的种族,第一个灭绝的幽灵族,肯定也被接入过伊甸园。„Iwas imprisoned for several tens of thousands ofyearsinGarden of Eden, tothisera, with the help of bystander, escaped from...... Taurusto sayby luck”.
“我在伊甸园内被囚禁了数万年,一直到这个纪元,才在外人的帮助下,侥幸逃出……”金牛说。„Actuallyto havewhat?”Mu Youasked the proper business.
“究竟发生了什么?”沐游问起了正事。Sincesheisfirstbatch of lives that entersGarden of Eden, thatshouldunderstandGarden of Edenallbeginning to endnormally.
( This chapterends)
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