TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#437: Belief avalanche

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Chapter 437 believes the avalanche 第437章信仰崩塌 „Is here...... north the boundary snowfield?” “这里是……北境雪原?” In the basement in pet shop, Fua stands before opening gate, looks at the scene of the world of ice and snow, some indefinite asking. 宠物店的地下室里,芙娅站在打开的‘门’前,看着门外冰天雪地的场景,有些不确定的问。 Yes.” “是的。” Mu You brings Vivian and a item, when first went out of the gate, Lin Xue also followed him to step the snowfield. 沐游带着薇薇安和一身的道具当先走出了门,身后林雪也跟随他踏上了雪原。 After Little Ya and bathe Mianmeng keeps, gazes after two people to pass through the gate. 小雅和沐眠梦则留在门后,目送着两人进门。 This time must go to the desert and Caesar battles, may face millions of armies, Little Ya their these average people with going is very difficult to play the role, instead will hold back, therefore this Mu You only planned to have Lin Xue and shadow wolf helped in the past. 这次要去沙漠和恺撒作战,可能会面对数以百万计的大军,小雅她们这些普通人跟去也很难起到作用,反而会拖后腿,所以这次沐游只计划带林雪和影狼过去帮忙。 „Did you think? Can go back?” After must bring the thing that shifts completely, Mu You turn head looks to Fua. “你想好了么?到底要不要回去?”将所有要带的东西全部转移出来后,沐游回头看向芙娅 Certainly must go home, as for coming back......” Fua is saying somewhat hesitant. “肯定要回家一趟,至于回不回来……”芙娅说着有些犹豫。 Now she sees the ancestor here, naturally must go back to inform the family the situation of ancestor, how as for later, she not to have thought. 如今她在这里见到了先祖,自然要回去将先祖的情况告知家族,至于以后怎么样,她也没有想好。 Originally just roamed about here time, she wants to go home recklessly, does not need to hesitate. 本来刚流浪过来这边的时候,她是不顾一切的想要回家,根本不需要犹豫。 However, lived some time after here, she has to acknowledge, the life of Land of Forgetting is good, the words that leaves, make her a little not give up unexpectedly...... 然而,在这边生活了一段时间后,她不得不承认,遗忘之地的生活还不错,就这么离开的话,竟让她有点舍不得…… Then after going home considered that slowly, you can come in any case momentarily.” Mu You said. “那就回家之后再慢慢考虑吧,反正你随时能过来。”沐游说。 The Fua family has ability that empties the gate curse, but also is defending a well that goes nonstop to Earth, where wants to remain is optional. 芙娅家族有清空门诅咒的能力,还守着一口直通地球的井,想留在哪边都随意。 Also is......” Fua nods, has not intertwined again, turns around to beckon: Walks, Sphinx!” “也是……”芙娅点了点头,没有再纠结,转身招了招手:“走吧,斯芬克斯!” Cola withdraws in gate mouth, the entire only cat shrinks one group of hair bulbs, hides takes off costume slightly in the doorframe transparent, meditated master to forget at heart unceasingly I, heard the voice of master at this time suddenly, immediately quickly grasped the meaning of something, the complexion broke down instantaneously. 可乐龟缩在‘门’口,整只猫缩成一团毛球,躲在门框下装小透明,心里不断默念着‘主人忘记了我’,此时忽然听到主人的声音,顿时一个激灵,脸色瞬间就垮了下来。 Comparing Fua goes home also to need to hesitate, it is that does not want to go home truly completely, before it had experienced one time, no matter after going home, pain that the losing weight liposuction brings, breaks the withdrawal that the net brings to respond, lets its incomparable pain. 相比起芙娅回不回家还需要犹豫,它才是真正完全不想回家的那一个,之前它可是已经体验过一次,不管是回家后减肥抽脂带来的痛苦,还是断网带来的戒断反应,都让它无比痛苦。 What a pity, at this time under the gaze of master, it also does not have the means to reject, can only reluctant stepped out of the gate, actually turns to look back repeatedly at every step, the pitiful vision unceasingly wavers in Little Ya and the body of dormancy dormancy and Mu You, cried to ask their save me on the difference! 可惜,此时在主人的注视下,它又没办法拒绝,只能不情不愿的迈出了门,却一步三回头,可怜巴巴的目光不断在小雅、眠眠和沐游的身上游移,就差哭着求他们救命了! Cola brought to use taking advantage of me in the past.” 可乐借我带过去用一下吧。” In this time, is broadcasting the Mu You sound. 正在这时,身后传来了沐游的声音。 The Cola footsteps stagnate, such as Mongolian pardon, turn head gratitude looks to Mu You, if not the master is still looking, the height knocks one to him: Really you most understand me! 可乐脚步一滞,如蒙大赦,回头感激的看向沐游,如果不是主人还在看着,高低给他磕一个:果然还是你最懂我! Brings Sphinx to go? Can it do?” Fua gawked, somewhat is surprised the different way. “带斯芬克斯去?它能干嘛?”芙娅愣了一下,有些诧异道。 Hehe, other could not do, worked as a mascot.” Mu You said with a smile. “呵呵,别的干不了,当个吉祥物还是可以的。”沐游笑道。 Good good, I in the shop, most excel works as the move of wealth cat!” Nod that Cola is too busy. “好啊好啊,我在店里的时候,最擅长的就是当招财猫了!”可乐忙不迭的点头。 Finally just said, saw a Fua face speechless stares at it to look. 结果刚说完,就看到芙娅一脸无语的盯着它看。 „It is not, the master, you do not misunderstand meow, I am only because Mu You saved me twice, he currently has difficult, I must help him, is not because clings to here cat grain cartoon plays anything......” the Cola hurried flustered argument, the look flutters everywhere randomly. “不是,主人,伱别误会喵,我只是因为沐游救了我两次,他现在有难,我得帮他,绝不是因为贪恋这里的猫粮漫画游戏什么的……”可乐急忙慌张的辩解,眼神四处乱飘。 Fua shows the whites of the eyes, has not managed it, but looked asked to Mu You: That need did I also help in the past?” 芙娅翻了个白眼,也没理它,而是看向沐游问:“那需要我也过去帮忙吗?” This does not use.” Mu You shakes the head: Moreover in the desert, you estimated that cannot display many strengths......” “这就不用了吧。”沐游摇了摇头:“况且在沙漠里,你估计也发挥不出多少实力……” Desert, that truly......” “沙漠啊,那确实……” Fua hears this place, frowns, obviously had had experience that enters the desert, moreover experiences quite bad. 芙娅听到这个地方,也不由皱了下眉头,显然曾经有过进入沙漠的经历,而且体验比较糟糕。 Following one group of directly. 接下来一行人直接出发。 Mu You first sent to the imperial capital Fua, later the talent and Lin Xue transmitted the desert. 沐游先将芙娅送去了帝都,随后才和林雪传送去了沙漠。 ...... …… When two people rush to the desert center nearby Hongshiya, Caesar god that more than 1000 believers, had gathered by the ghost pillar. 当两人赶到大漠中心的红石崖附近的时候,恺撒神教那一千多名教徒,已经早早在鬼柱石旁边聚集了起来。 To these devout believers, can be said as in the life today the most important day, before everyone comes , the burning incense bathes specially, appearance simultaneously then dares to come fully. 对这些虔诚教徒来说,今天可以说是一生中最重要的日子,每个人来之前都特意焚香沐浴,打扮的齐齐整整这才敢过来。 Mu You has not worried to come, but brings Lin Xue, first after going to the sand dune of distant place . 沐游没有着急现身,而是带着林雪,先去了远处的一片沙丘之后。 Under a Hongshiya be continuous mountain range, hundreds of thousands of Ai outstanding Mars soldier who Evans leads, is hiding in this, everyone wears the faint yellow clothes robe, the hand holding the blade shield, hides in the sand, almost fuses together with the yellow desert, if not they have arrived at the vicinity, looks only from the distant place, is very difficult to discover here has the person. 在红石崖后方的一片绵延山脉之下,埃文斯率领的数十万艾卓玛尔士兵,正隐藏于此,所有人都身披淡黄色的衣袍,手持刀盾,潜藏在沙地中,几乎和黄色的大漠融为一体,如果不是两人已经来到近处,单从远处看过来,很难发现这里有人。 Besides army, scorpion lion and bone dragon, as well as shadow wolf, waits for waits for here. 除了军队之外,还有蝎狮、骨龙,以及影狼,也都守候在这里等待。 When Mu You two people, Evans and shadow wolf hurried walk toward him. 沐游两人靠近后,埃文斯和影狼急忙朝他走来。 However takes the lead to jump up the Mu You shoulder is actually Pocket Toad. 不过率先跳上沐游肩膀的却是口袋蟾蜍 The frog child stands on the Mu You shoulder, excited dancing with joy, refers to a Hongshiya of finger/refers of distant place once for a while, is telling these days depression. 青蛙子站在沐游肩膀上,激动的手舞足蹈,时不时指一指远处的红石崖,诉说着这几天来的郁闷。 Hehe, no rush, leads you to rescue the ice bluish green immediately.” Mu You comforted its one with a smile. “呵呵,别急,马上就带你去救冰蓝青。”沐游笑着安慰了它一句。 At this time Evans the front surface has walked, Mu You turns the head to look, he sees this desert army regimental commander appearance/portrait in the reality for the first time. 此时埃文斯已经迎面走来,沐游转头看去,他还是第一次在现实中见到这位沙漠军团长真容。 The one who makes Mu You quite accidental/surprised is, Evans imagines wants young many, skin color and figure not like common desert area people dark grand, instead is quite fair and clear thinly. 沐游比较意外的是,埃文斯比想象中要年轻的多,肤色和身形也不像一般大漠地区民众的黝黑壮阔,反而比较白净清瘦。 Naturally, the whole body swift and fierce makings and blade truncate the edges and corners distinct face, all in explaining him is not being a pretty boy is so simple, but is one truly the blood and iron soldier who a blade blade from the battlefield kills. 当然,满身凌厉的气质和刀削般棱角分明的面孔,无一不在说明着他并不是一个小白脸那么简单,而是一名真正从战场中一刀刀杀出来的铁血战士。 Preparation how?” Mu You asked. “准备的怎么样了?”沐游问。 Evans shakes the head, what a pity said: Time is too short, only looks for Master sacred light with enough time, attached the demon to the weapon of officers urgently a sacred light strength, guaranteed the weapon of everyone to be able damage to the dead spirit army, but the effect was very difficult to guarantee, perhaps will hit to suffer a loss.” 埃文斯摇了摇头,可惜道:“时间太短,只来得及找圣光法师,给将士们的武器紧急附魔了一点圣光的力量,保证每个人的武器可以伤害到亡灵军队,但效果很难保证,打起来恐怕会吃亏。” The roaming reading poems person drilled from the oil lamp of Mu You waist at this time, comes by two people: Far more than is the weapon suffers a loss? What is most important is the quantity, Caesar Regiment is known as 1 million armies, is not your only 100,000 people can resist, cannot really be victorious do not resist hardly, can delay was enough, these with the dead spirit army that the magical brush makes, is doomed also only to be able by the magical brush to eliminate!” 游吟诗人这时从沐游腰间的油灯中钻出,现身在两人身旁:“何止是武器吃亏?最重要的还是数量啊,恺撒军团号称百万大军,可不是你这区区十万人能对抗的,真打不过的时候可不要硬抗,能拖延一下就行了,这些用神笔制造出来的亡灵军队,注定也只能靠神笔才能消灭!” The roaming reading poems person reminded stemming from the good intention, however, Evans heard a word actually look cold, sincere say/way: Even if not beat, our military officers will also die to fight, will decide however will not put any dead spirit to leave to harm the desert, this will be our desert soldier inherent mission of!” 游吟诗人是出于好心提醒,然而,埃文斯闻言却神色一凛,正色道:“纵使不敌,我军将士也会死战到底,定然不会放任何一只亡灵离开去危害大漠,这是我们沙漠军人与生俱来的使命!” Ferventness that Evans words saying. 埃文斯一番话说的慷慨激昂。 Mu You looks toward, under sand dune one after another soldier , is like him, the complexion is serious, in the vision has taken some meaning of being unafraid of death. 沐游朝下方看去,沙丘下一个个的军人,也都和他一样,面色严肃,目光中都已经带上了一些视死如归的意味。 Obviously they have not all pressed the hope on Mu You, has completed him unable to attain the magical brush, will soon face directly the preparation of Caesar Regiment. 显然他们并没有把希望全都压在沐游身上,已经做好了他没能拿到神笔,即将直面恺撒军团的准备。 Yeah, your group of people are also stubborn enough, ok, cannot persuade you somewhat reluctantly......” roaming reading poems person looks that one crowd completed the soldier who goes to the dead preparation, beckons with the hand no longer persuades. “哎,你们这群人也正是够犟的,算了,劝不了你们……”游吟诗人有些无奈的看着一群做好了赴死准备的军人,摆摆手不再劝说。 Time was up, the preparation, all according to the plan action that before discussed.” Mu You looked at a time, has soon been close to the high noon, when the hot sun of top of the head achieves is biggest, is the solar eclipse starts. “时间差不多了,准备吧,一切都按之前商量的计划行动。”沐游看了眼时间,已经快要接近正午,等头顶的烈日达到最大时,也就是日食开始之时。 Wish the desert goddess to bless you!” Evans hand ignites the forehead and chest toward the Mu You blessing. “愿沙漠女神保佑你!”埃文斯手点着额头和胸口朝沐游祝福。 Mu You nods, returned to a similar formality to him. Although he does not believe the desert goddess, but the courage and spirit of this group of soldiers are worth admiring very much. 沐游点了点头,也对他回了一个同样的礼节。虽然他并不信仰沙漠女神,但这群军人的胆魄和精神还是很值得钦佩的。 After several minutes, Mu You appeared under Hongshiya, the side only brought Cola and frog. 数分钟后,沐游独自一人出现在了红石崖下,身边只带了可乐和青蛙子。 Cola just coming in desert time is very excited, it is said the Astral Spirit Realm cat stems from the desert, to visits the desert for the first time Cola, at present is the cat sand basin of large size, various types dig the sand to sway back and forth, played delight. 可乐刚进来沙漠的时候还挺兴奋,据说星灵界的猫都起源于沙漠,对首次踏足沙漠的可乐来说,眼前就是个大号的猫砂盆,各种刨沙子打滚,玩的不亦乐乎。 What a pity, it quick happy does not come out, just followed Mu You sees Evans and under that enormous and powerful army the time, Cola was frightened directly picked the tail, especially at that time in their not far away, scorpion lion languid lying lay on the sand rests, this unknown giant felidae lifeform, frightens the entire journey to shrink Cola in Mu You behind, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. 可惜,它很快就乐不出来了,刚刚跟随沐游见到埃文斯和下方那浩浩荡荡军队的时候,可乐直接被吓得夹起了尾巴,尤其当时在他们不远处,蝎狮正懒洋洋的趴卧在沙地上休息,这只未知的巨型猫科生物,把可乐吓得全程缩在沐游身后,大气都不敢喘一下。 Bishop Sir!” “主教大人!” Distant place one group of believers see Mu You to come, is hurried runs toward him. 远处一群教徒看到沐游现身,都是急忙朝他跑来。 Mu You looked at the eye, really in these believer each individual hands hugs a cat, sand Mao, the black cat, Gaffey, the gold/metal the level...... various varieties has gradually, the scene meow the cry is lingering on faintly. 沐游看了眼,果然这些教徒每个人手里都抱着一只猫,沙猫,黑猫,加菲,金渐层……各种品种都有,现场喵叫声不绝于耳。 Many new shovel excrement officer the first time is raised the cat obviously, majority stray cat, simply has not controlled the experience, was slid everywhere by the respective cat runs all over the place, chaotic piece. 不少新任铲屎官显然都是第一次养猫,大部分还是野猫,根本没有管束经验,被各自的猫溜得满地乱跑,现场混乱一片。 And some cats soon discovered Cola this exotic, in abundance curious gathers behind its buttocks to hear the chrysanthemum. 其中一些猫很快发现了可乐这个外来品种,纷纷好奇的凑到它屁股后面闻菊花。 This action resulted in the whole body wool to explode the Cola stress, is wielding the claw to breathe out to warn to the surrounding cat unceasingly, simultaneously could not bear toward Mu You complained: Meow, didn't mention the desert traveling? Why will have the army? So many cats...... are we do do? Should not want on the battlefield......” 这举动把可乐应激得全身毛都炸了,对着周围一圈猫不断挥爪子哈气警告,同时忍不住朝沐游抱怨:“喵,不是说来沙漠旅游吗?为什么会有军队啊?还有这么多猫……我们到底是来干嘛的?该不会是要上战场吧……” Mu You looked at a contraction in his Cola, comforts saying: Relax, even if hits not to need you to fight, you solid follow side me, when mascot was enough.” 沐游看了眼紧缩在他脚下的可乐,安慰道:“放心,就算打起来也不用你战斗,你老实跟在我身边,当好吉祥物就行了。” Bishop Sir!” “主教大人!” At this time a bald sand bandit crossed the crowd to run over toward Mu You, first looked at the cat of Mu You under foot curiously, this approached near the Mu You ear to say in a low voice: Bishop Sir, the armies of these Ai outstanding Mars empire, ambushes now probably in the , what to do should we? These people can while the time that we rescue Caesar Great Emperor comes out to sneak attack?” 这时一名光头沙匪越过人群朝沐游跑过来,先是好奇的看了眼沐游脚下的猫,这才靠近沐游耳边低声道:“主教大人,那些艾卓玛尔帝国的军队,现在好像就埋伏在附近,我们该怎么办?这些人会不会趁我们解救恺撒大帝的时候出来偷袭?” Mu You looked at his one eyes, can detect that regarding him Evans and his party existence, is actually not accidental/surprised, after all that is 100,000 people, even hides again covertly, is impossible not to have the slight trace. 沐游看了他一眼,对于他能够察觉到埃文斯一行人的存在,倒是没有太意外,毕竟那可是十万人,就算藏得再隐蔽,也不可能没有丝毫痕迹。 Relax, does Caesar Great Emperor have 1 million brave soldiers, what opposite party only 100,000 people calculate? When the Great Emperor reveals itself, naturally can lead the dead spirit army to trample flat the desert!” Mu You said. “放心,恺撒大帝坐拥百万雄兵,对方区区十万人算的了什么?待大帝出世,自然会率领亡灵大军踏平大漠!”沐游说。 Right, the army of Caesar Great Emperor is strongest!” Bald had the guarantee of Mu You, immediately feels relieved, the nod that very approves, greeted other believers to praise Caesar immediately together: Caesar Great Emperor long live!” “没错,恺撒大帝的军队才是最强的!”光头有了沐游的保证,顿时放心下来,十分认同的点头,随即招呼其他教徒一起赞美恺撒:“恺撒大帝万岁!” Caesar long live!” “恺撒万岁!” ...... …… One group of people start immediately frantically raises the arm to shout loudly, quarrels the Mu You ear to hurt, helpless he now is the leader of this group of people, can only follow to put on airs shouted two, simultaneously is paying attention to the time and celestial phenomenon unceasingly. 一群人顿时又开始狂热的振臂高呼,吵得沐游耳朵疼,无奈他现在是这伙人的头领,只能跟着装模作样的吆嗬了两句,同时不断地关注着时间和天象。 Is good because , the solar eclipse has not made him and others too long, after about ten minutes, a believer shouted loudly suddenly: Looks at Sun quickly!” 好在,日食没有让他等太久,大约十分钟过后,一名教徒忽然高喊:“快看太阳!” The people look up. 众人纷纷抬头看去。 Really, at this time top of the head that perfectly round hot sun, the right bottom edge had presented a black gap, as the time enlarges fast. 果然,此时头顶那滚圆的烈日,右下角的边缘已经出现了一道黑色的缺口,并且随着时间快速放大。 A believer is peaceful immediately, one after another looks at Sun like the pilgrimage, devout prayer. 一众教徒顿时安静下来,一个个如同朝圣般的看着太阳,虔诚祷告。 After has waited for the most hour, Sun had been embezzled 2/3 dark, originally bright dazzling desert, visible dim, the temperature also reduces rapidly, on the sand starts to curl up intermittent tornado. 一直这么等待了大半个小时后,太阳已经被黑暗吞没了三分之二,原本明亮刺眼的沙漠,肉眼可见的昏暗了下来,温度也迅速降低,沙地上开始卷起一阵阵的旋风。 Also crossed was close for 20 minutes, the last bright of Sun was also embezzled by the shadow finally thoroughly, in the upper air was only left over a pale blue halo. 又过了接近二十分钟,太阳的最后一丝亮光也终于彻底被黑影吞没,高空中只剩下一圈淡蓝色的光晕。 Under entire Hongshiya, at this moment thorough dark, as if before night approaches the dusk, one flock of kitties were also startled everywhere by this unusual celestial phenomenon scurry about, is hugged by holding down that the people are thrown into confusion in the bosom. 整个红石崖下,在此刻彻底暗了下来,仿佛黑夜来临前的黄昏,一群猫咪也都被这异常的天象惊得满地乱窜,被众人手忙脚乱的按住抱在怀里。 Bishop Sir, can start!” “主教大人,可以开始了!” With a believer's reminder, other believers in abundance impatient looks like to Mu You. 随着一个教徒的提醒,其他教徒纷纷迫不及待的向沐游看来。 The total solar eclipse condition only will maintain for several minutes, must during this period, open the entrance of god boundary, otherwise they must wait again for a month. 日全食的状态只会维持几分钟的时间,必须在这期间,将神境的入口开启,否则他们就要再等一个月。 Mu You also nods, took down that tattered oil lamp from the waist. 沐游也点了点头,从腰间取下了那盏破烂油灯。 The oil lamp starts, in the surrounding dark environment, shone one group of flame automatically. 油灯入手,在周围的黑暗环境中,自动亮起了一团火苗。 This slightly common grain of flame, actually seems like a small Sun to be common at this moment, projected a dazzling radiance, illuminated directly in the front Hongshiya. 这微不起眼的一粒火苗,此刻却像是一轮小太阳一般,投影出了一道耀眼的光华,径直照在前方的红石崖上。 On the blood red cliff, starts to present the scene of similar mirage once again. 血红的山崖上,又一次开始呈现出类似海市蜃楼的场景。 In the scene as before is previous that luxuriant greens the place of oasis, stated differently, this time scene after the short fluctuation, stabilized quickly, by the empty reality, gradually becomes the congealing reality. 场景中依旧是上次那片绿意盎然的绿洲之地,不同的是,这次的场景在经过短暂的波动后,很快稳定了下来,由虚化实,逐渐变得凝实。 After about one minute, the trim cliff vanishes quietly, but above sand that the front is empty, then presented a be continuous dozens li (0.5 km) square shape entrance, looked at the past from the people angle of view, in the entrance is completely vegetation and beautiful scenery everywhere. 大约一分钟过后,整片山崖悄然消失,而前方空无一物的沙地之上,则出现了一道绵延数十里的方形入口,从众人视角望过去,入口内尽是满地的植被和青山绿水。 Scene immediately a jubilant sound: Worthily is the miracle magic lamp, really successfully opened the god boundary entrance! 现场顿时一片欢腾之声:不愧是奇迹神灯,果然顺利打开了神境入口! hahaha......” 哈哈哈……” At this time, the entrance interior resounded together the slating big laughter, resounded in everyone ear bank, making the people immediately peaceful. 这时,入口内部响起一道雷鸣般的大笑声,响起在所有人耳畔,让众人顿时安静了下来。 „In 1000, my Caesar was finally free!” “一千年了,我恺撒终于自由了!” Hears this sound to say Caesar, believers one startled, is quickly kneels down, some followers even devout almost full of admiration. 听到这声音自称恺撒,众教徒一惊,都是急忙跪倒在地,一些信徒甚至虔诚的几乎五体投地。 But in the place of another side oasis, the person's shadow comes near the exit|to speak together quietly, immediately the figure rises fast in a big way, suddenly became more than 40 meters high, all over the body quiet blue giant. 而在另一边的绿洲之地内,一道人影悄然在出口附近现身,随即身形快速涨大,眨眼变为了一个四十多米高,通体幽蓝色的巨人。 By the exit|to speak of theater curtain, Caesar has seen at present one group of people who opposite sandy ground kneels down, very satisfied nod. 透过眼前幕布形的出口,恺撒已经看到了对面沙地里跪倒的一群人,很是满意的点了点头。 He naturally understands that this is he had seen couple days ago that group of believers, at that time made them look for the magic lamp, actually was also speaks thoughtlessly a saying, has not had the high hope, finally, without thinking of this group of people also really had the skill, in just several days, then opened to him the entrance! 他自然明白这正是他前几天见过的那伙教徒,当时让他们去找神灯,其实也就是随口一说,并没抱多大希望,结果,没想到这群人还真有本事,在短短几天内,便把入口给他打开了! Caesar the spirit inspires immediately: Since can open the god boundary entrance, means that magic lamp at this moment inevitably in their hands! 恺撒顿时精神一振:既然能开启神境入口,就意味着,神灯此刻必然在他们手里! Thinks of here, Caesar suppresses wild with joy, quickly steps the giant body stride to go out, in any event, first took the most important divine tool said again. 想到这里,恺撒强忍狂喜,急忙迈动巨人身躯大步走出,无论如何,先把最重要的神器拿到手再说。 However, before he arrives at the exit|to speak, has not waited for him to tread barrier, suddenly hears one indistinctly meow said. 然而,等他走到出口前,还不等他踏出结界,忽然听到一声隐约的喵叫。 This makes his figure tremble fiercely. In the god boundary does not have the cat, he too long has not heard similar sound, but hears at this moment suddenly, made him recall that instantaneously from the shadow of heart deep place. 这让他身形猛地一颤。神境里是没有猫的,他已经太久没有听到过类似的声音了,但此刻骤然听到,还是瞬间就让他回忆起了那份源自心底深处的阴影。 Meow meow meow......” “喵喵喵……” Has not waited for Caesar to respond, more cat cries start resounding continuously. 还不等恺撒反应过来,更多的猫叫声开始此起彼伏的响起。 Caesar's panic-stricken raising the head looks, sees the front entrance, the dense and numerous cats flood into, probably saw what incomparable items delicacy is common, dashed about wildly to clash toward him, only clever leaping up his whole body various places, in his huge body fearless grasped and flexure. 恺撒惊恐的抬头看去,就见前方的入口处,密密麻麻的猫涌入进来,像是看到了什么绝品美味一般,狂奔着朝他冲了过来,一只只灵巧的蹿上他的全身各处,在他巨大的身躯上毫无畏惧的又抓又挠。 „Ah!” “啊!” The next second, the deafening squeal resounds together. 下一秒,一道震耳欲聋的尖叫声响起。 Caesar climbed up the woman of body like one by one flock of mice, sent out the grating scream, the whole body shook such as shakes chaff, again and again after retreated, actually carelessly, the foot heel tripped on a rear row of big tree, lost the balance, the huge body fell to the ground loudly. 恺撒就像一个被一群老鼠爬上身的女人一样,发出了刺耳的尖叫,浑身抖如筛糠,连连朝后退去,却一个不慎,脚后跟绊倒在后方的一排大树上,失去平衡,巨大的身躯轰然倒地。 Caesar of falling to the ground still has not restored calmly, was still maintaining the scream, four limbs chaotic dance, tumbling after escapes, has run into the place that the oasis deep place people could not see, this stops. 倒地的恺撒依然没有恢复冷静,仍然保持着尖叫,四肢乱舞,连滚带爬的朝后逃去,一直逃进了绿洲深处众人看不到的地方,这才停下。 Outside this strange made one group of believers look directly dumbfounded. 这诡异的一幕直接让外头的一群教徒看傻眼了。 What situation is this......? 这是……什么情况? Does Caesar Great Emperor fear the hearsay of cat real? 难道说,恺撒大帝怕猫的传闻是真的? But, even if fears the cat, is still insufficient to fear this spiritless appearance? 可,就算是怕猫,也不至于怕成这幅懦弱的样子吧? Only sees the Caesar this first performance, has made many believers start to believe the avalanche...... 单是见到恺撒这第一面的表现,就已经让很多教徒开始信仰崩塌…… Scoundrel! Who does?” “混账!谁干的?” People confused time , the place that the oasis deep place, Caesar vanished a moment ago, spreads angry bellowing suddenly again. 众人迷茫的时候,绿洲深处,刚才恺撒消失的地方,忽然再次传出一声愤怒的大吼。 Caesar as if drives away the cat that scurried about finally, the body of giant stands up again, after clearing off the train of thought that follows closely is the incomparable anger of coming. 恺撒似乎终于驱赶走了身上乱窜的猫,巨人的身躯再度站起,理清思绪后,紧随而来的便是无比的愤怒。 Caesar runs in big strides again toward the exit|to speak, a jump descends before the exit|to speak, causes the surrounding everything may become vulnerable. 恺撒大踏步再次朝出口跑来,一个跳跃降落在出口前,引得周围地动山摇。 Looks the touching type that the giant whole body blue vein sticks out suddenly, one group of believers had been scared, one after another shrinks on the ground trembles, does not dare to move. 看着巨人浑身青筋暴起的摸样,外界一群教徒早已被吓傻了,一个个缩在地上瑟瑟发抖,不敢动弹。 Caesar swept people one eyes, grasped frontline one person, lifts oneself it at present. 恺撒扫了众人一眼,一把抓起了最前方的一人,将其举到了自己眼前。 Caesar Great Emperor forgives, my we are your faithful follower......” grasped unlucky egg quickly beg for mercy. “恺撒大帝饶命,我我们可是您的忠实信徒啊……”被抓的倒霉蛋急忙求饶。 Who makes you bring the cat to come?” “谁让你们带猫来的?” The roar of giant short distance, shakes this person of having a dizzy spell, almost faints directly, quickly makes strenuous efforts the reply: Was is bishop Sir, the bishop said that you most liked the cat, said that you were the cat slave, making each of us prepare a cat, we then......” 巨人近距离的吼声,震得这人头晕目眩,差点直接晕过去,急忙强打精神回答:“是是主教大人,主教说您最喜欢猫,说您是猫奴,让我们每人准备一只猫,我们这才……” Bishop?” “主教?” Spokesman who who you elect is......” “就是您选的的代言人啊……” He where!” Asking that Caesar clenches jaws. “他在哪儿!”恺撒咬牙切齿的问。 Does not know......” “不知道……” This person hurried looked at the eye toward below, had not actually found the Mu You form: Strange, still, disappeared a moment ago suddenly......” 这人急忙朝下看了眼,却没找到沐游的身影:“奇怪,刚才还在的,忽然不见了……” That magic lamp?” Caesar does not have the time to pursue the responsibility at this time carefully, quickly closely examined the most important magic lamp. “那神灯呢?”恺撒此时也没时间细细追责,急忙追问起了最重要的神灯。 Magic lamp......, in bishop big manpower......” “神灯……在,在主教大人手里……” What?” “什么?” Magic lamp is bishop Sir looks, was bishop Sir the entrance that was responsible for opening...... follower quickly said a moment ago. “神灯是主教大人找来的,刚才也是主教大人负责开启的入口……”信徒急忙说。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” Caesar stares, angrily roars again, had realized oneself were deceived. 恺撒一瞪眼,再次怒吼一声,已经意识到自己被骗了。 As his palm makes an effort, the follower the pitiful yell is sent out by he is pinching without enough time, was pinched the meat patty. 随着他手掌一用力,被他捏着的信徒连惨叫都来不及发出,就被捏成了肉饼。 Caesar discards it conveniently, later suddenly both hands lift up high, with intonation that one type recited similarly, shouted loudly makes noise: Regains consciousness, my soldiers......” 恺撒随手将其丢掉,随后忽然双手高举,用一种类似吟唱的语调,高呼出声:“苏醒吧,我的战士们……” With his sound, in the ground of place of entire oasis, the soil of big piece starts to be loose suddenly, hands from underground stretch out, arm, head, body...... 伴随着他的声音,整个绿洲之地的地面上,大片的土壤忽然开始松动,紧接着一只只手从地下伸出,连带着手臂,头颅,身体…… In a dumbfoundedness of believer, the countless dead souls soldier, from underground drilled, in the hand also takes the standard blade shield, a row layer upon layer the team in the ground, the neat steps sound resounds through in the god boundary. 在一众教徒的目瞪口呆之中,数之不尽的死灵士兵,从地下钻了出来,手里还都拿着制式的刀盾,在地面上一层层的列好队伍,整齐的踏步声响彻在神境之内。 Caesar looked up a sky, the total solar eclipse had finished, camouflaged solar edge started to emit the faint trace the ray, but along with the emergence of sunlight, the front exit|to speak also gradually is becoming fuzzy. 恺撒抬头看了眼天空,日全食已经结束,被遮蔽的太阳边缘又开始冒出丝丝的光芒,而伴随着日光的出现,前方的出口也正在逐渐变得模糊。 „The numerous will obey orders! Gives me this barrier thorough demolition!” “众将听令!给我将这片结界彻底拆除!” Caesar is sneering ordering. 恺撒冷笑着下了令。 Before 1000, he did not have the experience, wore the say/way of lamp god to be stranded here, but in these 1000, he has been familiar with this piece of barrier mechanism, now will not give the opposite party's again the second seal his opportunity. 一千年前他没有经验,着了灯神的道被困在了这里,而在这一千年的时间里,他已经对这片结界的机制了如指掌,如今可不会再给对方第二次封印他的机会。 With his order, all dead spirit soldiers start to charge immediately, nearby the ordered rushing exit|to speak, surrounded the entire square shape exit|to speak inside and outside, later starts one after another toward the barrier attack. 伴随着他的命令,所有的亡灵士兵顿时开始冲锋,有序的冲到出口附近,将整个方形出口里外包围了起来,随后开始轮番朝结界攻击。 Under their attacks, the exit|to speak that must contract, instead outward expansion of little by little. 在它们的攻击下,本来要收缩的出口,反而朝外一点点的扩张开来。 The place of entire oasis, immediately clearer exposition in desert. 整个绿洲之地,顿时更加清晰的暴露在了沙漠中。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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