TTAGITP :: Volume #5

#436: Truth of 《The Fool》 game

Truth of Chapter 436 《The Fool》 game 第436章《愚者》游戏的真相 After receiving the Mu You message, with Fua that Little Ya window-shops outside, rushed back the pet shop. 收到沐游的消息后,正和小雅在外逛街的芙娅,匆匆赶回了宠物店。 You said that my ancestor did come? Where?” In Fua wind same crashing in shop, hurried towards station(ed) in onstage and other Mu You inquiry. “你说我先祖来了?在哪儿?”芙娅风一样的冲进店内,急忙朝站在前台等她的沐游询问。 Mu You looked up the eye, at this time Fua wore a cool summer clothing, should do the hair to achieve half outside, the head is also going against a colorful volume hair clip. 沐游抬头看了眼,此时芙娅身穿一身清凉的夏装,应该是在外面做头发做到一半,头上还顶着一头五颜六色的卷发夹。 It is difficult to imagine for a week ago, she is roams about to the dirty different world thousand gold (daughter) young lady, now looked had actually been a part of the city life completely. 很难想象一周前,她还是个流浪到灰头土脸的异世界千金大小姐,如今看起来却已经完全融入了都市生活。 Here.” “这边。” Mu You led her to enter the living room, received that old person body that before her passed through the gate a moment ago. 沐游带她进了客厅,将她领到了刚才进门的那名老人身前。 She is the Kris family's descendant who you must look.” Mu You toward sitting an old person introduced on table. “她就是您要找的克丽丝家族的后代。”沐游朝坐在餐桌上的老人介绍道。 Immediately turn head looks to Fua: This, your family ancestor.” 随即又回头看向芙娅:“这位,你家先祖。” First, ancestor......” “先,先祖……” Fua delay front sees the silver-haired old person, for a while somewhat feels helpless. 芙娅呆滞的看着面前白发苍苍的老人,一时有些不知所措。 This is completely not as she expected beside situation. The Fua itself/Ben thinks an ancestor from magic aristocratic family, does not have in the magic world here, enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that can definitely mix, did not say that greatly richly greatly expensive/noble, at least should also be the life is abundant, even established the new family here, the house full of children and grandchildren had the possibility. 这是完全出乎她预料之外的情况。芙娅本以为一个来自魔法世家的先祖,在这边没有魔法的世界里,肯定能混的风生水起,不说大富大贵,至少也应该是生活富足,甚至在这边成立了新的家庭,子孙满堂了都有可能。 Finally, has not thought of the so-called ancestor unexpectedly already so old......, and simple, this appearance seemed like the widowed senior citizen who went out of the poverty-stricken mountainous area to be just ordinary. 结果,没想到所谓的先祖居然已经如此苍老……且朴素,这一身打扮看起来就像是刚从贫困山区里走出的孤寡老人一般。 The old person is also looking up Fua at this time, looked at several postocular spots the nod, the smile said: Truly is the child of my Kris right......” 老人此时也在抬头看着芙娅,看了几眼后点了点头,微笑道:“确实是我克丽丝家的孩子没错……” Child, the present Kris family, how many generation of children are you? Which is the you father?” Smiling of old man's kind and gentle, asked toward Fua. “孩子,现在的克丽丝家族怎么样了,你是第几代的孩子?伱的父亲是哪一个?”老人慈祥的笑了笑,朝芙娅问道。 „...... Kris has moved at present Ell imperial capital, I am family Seventeen for the juniors, my father am Kris · Swinburne · Joseph, at present quickly becomes the Count in Ell empire......” Fua fast family's orientation lecture. “啊……克丽丝家目前已经搬迁到了兰埃尔帝国首都,我是家族第十七代子弟,我的父亲是克丽丝·斯温伯恩·约瑟夫,目前在兰埃尔帝国就任伯爵……”芙娅急忙快速将家里的情况介绍了一遍。 Seventeen generation......” “都十七代了啊……” The old person spoke of the family somewhat is quite sigh with emotion. 老人提起家族颇有些感慨。 After the moment, the old person then raised the head again, looked that said with a smile to Fua: Calculates, you should be my great-granddaughter.” 片刻后,老人这才再次抬起头,看向芙娅笑道:“这么算下来,你应该是我的重孙女。” „...... That you are, my...... too paternal grandmother?” Fua some indefinite asking. “啊……那您是,我的……太奶奶?”芙娅有些不确定的问。 Good child.” The old person heard that is happily chatting the nod, looks fully to the Fua vision is the affection: Pitifully, I have not only accumulated what asset in Land of Forgetting, perhaps too helped to you......” “好孩子。”老人闻言笑着点头,看向芙娅的目光满是慈爱:“只可惜,我在遗忘之地也没有攒下什么资产,恐怕给不了你太多帮助……” The old person is saying, trembling putting out a hand enters in the package, after trying to find out the moment, fished out a wrinkled paper money, hundred Yuan, 50 and 20 even several has. 老人说着,又颤颤巍巍的伸手进包裹中,摸索了片刻后,从中摸出了一把皱巴巴的纸币,百元、五十、二十甚至几块的都有。 The old person grabs a paper money, forced in Fua of god: Child, these, first takes away to use......” 老人抓着一把纸币,塞进了愣神的芙娅手里:“孩子,这些,先拿去用吧……” Fua is looking in the hand the scattered money, suddenly feeling tip of the nose acid, the eye socket somewhat was moist immediately. 芙娅怔怔的看着手中零散的钱币,却忽然感觉鼻头一酸,眼眶顿时有些湿润了。 She has not really thought, her ancestor will cross unexpectedly such miserably in Earth, from old person's action, these money perhaps is her complete net worth...... 她实在没有想到,她的先祖在地球居然会过得这么惨,从老人的举动来看,这些钱恐怕已经是她的全部身家…… Looks at the old person old and thin appearance again, usually obviously also no one looks, feared that under was every day passes is eating on did not have impoverished life, but she actually because merely curious, activated the jade, harmed elderly man from afar brought the baggage to run to come to the city, to give money to her...... 再看老人苍老而骨瘦如柴的模样,平时显然也没人照顾,怕是每天过着吃了上顿没下顿的贫困生活,而她却仅仅因为好奇,就激活了玉石,害的老人家千里迢迢的带着行李跑来城市里,就为了给她送钱…… How is the child, insufficient? Do not fear, here also has......” “怎么了孩子,是不是不够用?别怕,这里还有……” The old person sees Fua to grip the money eye socket red appearance, hurried opened the package, revealed inside bottles of cans. 老人看到芙娅攥着钱眼眶通红的模样,急忙又将包裹拉开,露出了里面的瓶瓶罐罐。 These are I come the time from Astral Spirit Realm brings the magic item that because although the time is too long, inside mana soon loses completely, might as well just start valuable, but treats as the antique to take away to look for the person changing money wealth to be able......” “这些都是我来的时候从星灵界带过来的魔法道具,虽然因为时间太长,里面的魔力都快要损耗殆尽,不如刚开始值钱了,但当做古董拿去找人换点钱财还是可以的……” „......” “啊……” Fua saw that the full bottle pot in package stares. 芙娅看到包里的满满的瓶罐又是一愣。 Her basic eyesight has, these bottle of pots mostly were some magic ornaments of ancient aristocrat, although the actual use was not big, but really must treat as the antique to sell, the value probably also wanted to be higher than before, each of, was not a problem with auction seven figures! 她基本的眼力还是有的,这些瓶罐大都是些古代贵族的魔法装饰品,虽然实际用途不大,但真要当做古董来卖,价值说不定比以前还要高一些,其中的每一件,拿出去拍卖个七位数不成问题! Too Paternal grandmother, you have these things, why don't take away to sell out?” Fua strange asking, these things sell, enough she lives on the quite wealthy life absolutely here. “太奶奶,您有这些东西,为什么不自己拿去卖掉?”芙娅奇怪的问,这些东西卖出去,绝对足够她在这里过上相当富裕的生活。 The old person listens, the forced smile shakes the head saying: Silly child, I initially was because was weary of the dispute, hid here. These things can sell for money, but will also expose my status, making me be involved in these disorderly things, therefore to these things, I covers-up also without enough time. Millenniums ago after I arrive at Land of Forgetting, the first matter all buried these things in the bottom, if were not this my later generation has to be difficult to look for me, I will not dig again them......” 老人听完,苦笑摇头道:“傻孩子,我当初就是因为厌倦了纷争,才躲到这边来的。这些东西是能卖钱,但也会暴露我的身份,让我重新卷入那些乱七八糟的事情中,所以对这些东西,我藏着掖着还来不及呢。千年前我来到遗忘之地后,第一件事就是把这些东西全都埋在了地底,如果不是这次我的后人有难找我,我也不会把它们再挖出来……” The Fua hear was guiltier immediately. 芙娅听完顿时更愧疚了。 Sorry, too Paternal grandmother, I am not because has no way out the jade that activates, but wants to have a look at my ancestor purely, therefore......” Fua lowers the head to blush to say. “对不起,太奶奶,我并不是因为走投无路才激活的玉石,只是纯粹想看看我的祖先,所以……”芙娅低着头脸红道。 She far more than does not have no way out, has Mu You to lend her uses, Little Ya and the others looked, helping her arrange all, she lives here is enjoying simply! 她何止不是走投无路,有沐游借钱给她用,还有小雅等人照顾,帮她打点好了一切,她在这里的生活简直是在享受! Finally in her here sumptuous lifestyle, too happy to think of home and duty time, beyond thousand li (0.5 km) somewhere, her ancestor actually in mountain alone and forsaken, every day passes is gnawing the wild herbs to eat the life of earth, thinks to make her extremely feel sad. 结果就在她在这里锦衣玉食,乐不思蜀的时候,在千里外的某处,她的祖先却在山里孤苦伶仃,每天过着啃野菜吃土的生活,想想就让她万分心酸。 „? Was this......” some old person accidents/surprises looked at Fua, had a look around Mu You again, understood anything actually, actually relaxes slightly. “哦?是这样吗……”老人有些意外的看了眼芙娅,再看看一旁的沐游,倒是明白了什么,却微微松了口气。 Sorry, because of my willful, making you run over far away......” the Fua guilty say/way. “对不起,因为我的任性,让你大老远跑过来……”芙娅愧疚道。 Hehe, the silly child, you crosses pleasant good, I walk no, moreover my old arm old leg, does not move, feared that must...... old person in the place shake the head rottenly funnily, immediately looks to Mu You, said with a smile: Moreover, this coming out, but also bumped into one manager, this comes does not owe, you do not need to care.” “呵呵,傻孩子,你过得如意就好,我走一走没什么的,况且我这老胳膊老腿,再不动一动,怕是要烂在地里……”老人好笑摇头,随即又看向沐游,笑道:“而且,这次出来,还碰到了一位‘管理员’,这趟来的并不亏,你不必在意。” Manager?” Fua is somewhat vacant. “管理员?”芙娅有些茫然。 Coughs...... the elderly man, my some issues want to ask, doesn't know conveniently?” Mu You stands in the one side, looks that the grandfather and grandson talked about old days to come to the end, this had the time digression. “咳……老人家,我有些问题想问,不知道方便吗?”沐游站在一旁,看着祖孙二人叙旧告一段落,这才有时间插话。 About Astral Spirit Realm and giant world, he had too many questions, now bumps into with great difficulty in a friendly way first generation of Fool, must ask well. 关于星灵界和巨人世界,他有太多疑问了,如今好不容易碰到个友好的先代愚者,可得好好问问。 Young people, I know probably you want to ask anything. What a pity, I had not followed a day of empty city initially to sky, the matter that therefore knows are not many.” Old man's kind and gentle looked at Mu You one, said with a smile: You asked that I can only reply you as far as possible.” “年轻人,我大概知道你想问什么。可惜,我当初并没有跟随天空城去往高天,所以知道的事情不算多。”老人慈祥的看了沐游一眼,笑道:“你问吧,我只能尽量回答你。” Good.” “好。” Mu You nods, not polite, immediately asked issue that he most wants to know: Astral Spirit Realm initial small disaster discipline, what's the matter? Actually did Fool meet what on sky?” 沐游点了点头,也没客气,当即问出了他最想知道的问题:“星灵界当初的小灾纪,到底是怎么回事?愚者们在高天上究竟遇到了什么?” The old person looked at Mu You one accidentally/surprisingly: You can ask that the small disaster discipline, showed the matter that you know are many. Have you heard plague discipline?” 老人意外的看了沐游一眼:“你能问出小灾纪,说明你知道的事情已经不少。那你听说过‘大灾纪’么?” Mu You nods. 沐游点了点头。 That was simple.” “那就简单了。” The old person then continues saying: Fool went all out to make a day of empty city to go to sky initially, the primary purpose is for the impediment next plague discipline, because after the Land of Forgetting wall appears damages massively, no longer has the protection life to pass the plague discipline the ability. What a pity, they after landing sky, met massively giant blockade, almost let land Gao Tian's Fool extermination of the clan at that time, this has to return Astral Spirit Realm......” 老人这才继续道:“愚者们当初拼命制造天空城前往高天,根本目的是为了阻止下一次大灾纪,因为遗忘之地的墙出现大规模破损后,已经不再具有保护生灵度过大灾纪的能力。可惜,他们在登陆高天之后,遇到了大量的‘巨人’阻击,几乎让当时登陆高天的愚者灭族,这才不得不退回星灵界……” However Fool return to, some giants also tag along after a day of empty city, arrived at Astral Spirit Realm, caused the terrifying disaster in Astral Spirit Realm, this is the origin of small disaster discipline.” “而愚者们返回的同时,一些巨人也尾随天空城,降临了星灵界,在星灵界引发了恐怖的灾难,这便是小灾纪的由来。” Giant...... refers, god clan?” Mu You is somewhat strange, in the diary of Shadow Ghost founder, said that the god clan has exterminated, the headlight god had also mentioned the god clan has exterminated the clan. “巨人……是指,神族?”沐游有些奇怪,影鬼创始人的日记中,说神族已灭绝,之前灯神也提到过神族已灭族。 But he actually bumped into the live giant in the giant world, but now old person's view, once Fool also in sky encountered massively the giant...... 可他却在巨人世界碰到了活的巨人,而现在老人的说法,曾经的愚者们也在高天遭遇了‘大量’的巨人…… Mu You was somewhat ignorant, therefore the god clan has exterminated? 沐游有些懵了,所以神族到底灭没灭绝? Is the god clan, but is not.” “是神族,但也不是。” „Ah?” Mu You is startled. “啊?”沐游一怔。 The old person shakes the head to explain: These giants, have the body of god clan, but inside them has changed other thing, cannot call it the god clan again.” 老人摇头解释道:“这些巨人,拥有着神族的身躯,但他们内里已经改变成了别的东西,不能再称之为神族。” Inside turned into other thing...... you to refer, parasitic?” Mu You surprise. “内里变成了别的东西……您是指,寄生?”沐游诧异。 It can be said that.” “可以这么说。” Old person sigh with emotion nod of: „ I once listened to these Fool that comes back from sky to describe, after the body incision of giant they hunt, in their brain fluid filled a thing of flocculence, for the time being can be counted an unknown lifeform, is this type of thing, controlled the thinkings and actions of giants, even if these peak gods, is very difficult to escape death by a hair's breadth. 老人感慨的点了点头:“我曾听那些从高天回来的愚者们描述过,将他们狩猎到的巨人的身体切开后,它们脑浆中充满了一种棉絮状的东西,姑且可以算作一种未知生物,正是这种东西,掌控了巨人们的思想和行动,哪怕是那些最顶尖的神明,也很难幸免于难。 And, this type of thing has extremely strong reproduction ability and confidentiality, after entering a body of giant, within several days can duplicate one newly, occupy other giant again, and in entire process silent, almost do not have the means to detect and prevent ahead of time...... ” 并且,这种东西拥有极强的繁殖能力和隐蔽性,进入一个巨人的躯体后,几天之内就可以复制出一个新的,再去占据别的巨人,并且整个过程中无声无息,几乎没有办法提前察觉和阻止……” Fool gave a name to the thing of this type of flocculence, called to bite god beast. Once god clan, was nibbled by this type of thing unceasingly, until extermination of the clan......” 愚者们给这种棉絮状的东西起了一个名字,叫‘噬神兽’。曾经的神族,正是被这种东西不断蚕食,直到灭族的……” Bites the god beast......” “噬神兽……” Mu You frowns, this thing listens to the description, almost restrains the lifeform of god clan specially, passes on two, the passer four...... the exponential order grows, the key did not have the means to prevent. 沐游皱起了眉头,这东西听描述,几乎就是专门克制神族的生物,一传二,二传四……指数级增长,关键还没有办法阻止。 The zombie good and evil in movie can also one come out shortly exceptionally, after this thing was parasited initially, even does not have the indication, definitely is unable to defend , the god clan will be compelled the extermination of the clan by this thing no wonder. 电影中的丧尸好歹还能一眼看出来异常,这东西初被寄生后甚至都没有征兆,完全无法防御,也难怪神族都会被这东西逼到灭族。 But will this type of thing, why also make Fool be afraid?” Mu You also asked. If this thing specifically aims at the god clan, that seems like Fool not to need too to be worried. “可这种东西,为什么也会让愚者们这么害怕?”沐游又问。如果这个东西只是专门针对神族的,那似乎愚者们并不需要太担心。 Only if...... 除非…… Because, this lifeform, has the parasitic Fool ability, exactly said, is all bodies has the divine nature human form intelligent lifeform, in their parasitic scopes. Therefore, Fool that all arrives at sky, in their eyes, is the prey that one after another walks.” The old person said. “因为,这种生物,也具有寄生愚者的能力,确切的说,是所有身具神性的人形智慧生物,都在它们的寄生范围。因此,所有到达高天的愚者们,在它们眼中,就是一个个行走的猎物。”老人说。 Really! 果然! Mu You one startled, Fool can also be parasited, means Fool also by this thing day to subdue|grams! 沐游一惊,愚者也可以被寄生,意味着愚者们也被这东西天克! Thinks that the fate of god clan, knows these went to Gao Tian's Fool then situation...... 想想神族的下场,就知道那些前往高天的愚者当时的处境了…… I should rejoice, at that time had not followed a day of empty city to go to sky, perhaps otherwise, I also meet the person who and these escape by luck to be equally pitiful.” “我应该庆幸,当时没有跟随天空城前往高天,不然的话,我恐怕也会和那些侥幸逃回来的人一样悲惨。” The old person sighed is shaking the head saying: Because of silent infection, among Fool to protect oneself, has to conduct the clean house, actually kills one another, massacres all possible parasitic, therefore does not need the giants to begin, Fool interior already chaos.” 老人叹息着摇头道:“因为无声无息的传染性,愚者之间为了自保,不得不进行了内部清洗,其实就是自相残杀,将所有可能的寄生者杀掉,所以根本不需要巨人们动手,愚者自己内部就已经大乱。” Even so, the cleanness that is also very difficult to clean up, the sky city returns to Astral Spirit Realm finally time, is almost the condition that the whole staff infects. Is good because, bites the god beast regarding the parasitic of Fool not like the god clan thorough, moreover afterward Fool discovered one type can bite the means that the god beast cleans up within the body, this made few people live.” “但即便如此,也很难清理的干净,最后天空城返回星灵界的时候,几乎是全员感染的状态。好在,噬神兽对于愚者们的寄生不像神族那样彻底,而且后来一个愚者发现了一种可以将体内噬神兽清理出来的办法,这才让极少数的人活了下来。” But, the person who even if lives by this method, still already bitten god beast drained the vitality, that person will lose releases the magic ability, and loses most strengths, the whole body flesh and blood withers sharply, the organ degenerates seriously, becomes thin, the taking the form of dwarf, some survivors can only depend on will implant in the pot, to simulate plant absorption nutrition the form to survive, becoming the person non- person ghost is not clever.” “但,即便靠这种方法活下来的人,也已经被噬神兽抽干了元气,那个人会失去释放魔法的能力,并失去大部分的力量,浑身骨肉大幅萎缩,器官严重退化,变得骨瘦如柴,形似侏儒,一些幸存者只能靠着将自己种入花盆中,以模拟植物吸收营养的形式才存活了下来,变得人不人鬼不鬼。” The Mu You hear aspirates, sobs for Fool that once these risks sent very much. 沐游听完吐了口气,很是为曾经那些冒险派的愚者们唏嘘。 Must say that because of their selfish, brought in bit the god beast, triggered the small disaster discipline, that but was actually not, after all their original intentions also to solve the problem of plague discipline, making everyone live in the future, but has not expected will cause such disaster. 要说因为他们的自私,引来了噬神兽,引发了小灾纪,那倒也不是,毕竟他们的本意也是为了解决大灾纪的问题,让所有人在将来活下来,只是没料到会引发这样的灾难。 However existence of this type of thing, reason that also the 《The Fool》 game can present.” At this time old person also said suddenly. “而这种东西的存在,也正是《愚者》游戏会出现的原因。”这时老人忽然又说。 „Oh?” Mu You stares, at this time raised the Fool game, immediately made him associate to anything. “哦?”沐游一愣,这时候提起愚者游戏,顿时让他联想到了什么。 Before must know, he in game, but the bitter experience is earning a living giant, but also was stamped, but had not been parasited afterward...... 要知道之前他在游戏中可是遭遇过活着的巨人的,还被一脚踩死,但事后并没有被寄生…… Is it possible that through the Fool game, can avoid bitten god beast parasitic?” Mu You asked. “莫非,通过愚者游戏,可以避免被噬神兽寄生?”沐游问。 Yes.” The old person nods, says with a smile: Fool control through the game, but the present thoughts of everyone clone, is not oneself entity, possibility that naturally also not bitten god beast occupies.” “是的。”老人点了点头,笑道:“愚者们通过游戏操控的,只是每个人的一具具现的意念分身,并非本人实体,自然也就没有被噬神兽占据的可能。” This is also the way that first generation of Fool experience teach finds to come out: Since Fool are unable to go to the god clan world personally, the way that then clone to project with the thought that lets Fool indirectly in the activity of that world security, to continue to search for the way of solution plague discipline, this is also copes to bite the only means of god beast. Therefore, after the millenniums preparations, this 《The Fool》 game arises at the historic moment.” “这也是先代愚者们吃一堑长一智才想出来的办法:既然愚者们无法亲自前往神族世界,那么就用意念分身投影的方式,让愚者们间接在那个世界安全的活动,以继续寻找解决大灾纪的途径,这也是对付噬神兽的唯一办法。于是,在经过千年的准备后,这款《愚者》游戏应运而生。” Unexpectedly, is this......” “居然,是这样……” Mu You hears the complexion to be strange. Such a, all could convince actually. 沐游听得脸色古怪。这么一来,一切倒是都说得通了。 This is the Fool game true main line: Let the player in guaranteeing in own safe situation, enters the god clan world to prevent the plague discipline to help oneself. 这才是愚者游戏真正的‘主线’:让玩家在保证自身安全的情况下,进入神族世界阻止大灾纪以自救。 Afterward, I arrived at Land of Forgetting, was manufactured several managers of this game to appoint for ‚the Land of Forgetting observer, obtained some jurisdictions, quest reports some Land of Forgetting things to them regularly.” The old person said. “后来,我来到了遗忘之地,被制作这款游戏的几个管理员们任命为了‘遗忘之地的观察员’,获得了一些权限,任务就是定期向他们汇报一些遗忘之地的事情。”老人说。 That other managers, now also on Earth?” Mu You is busy at asking. “那其他的管理员,现在也在地球上?”沐游忙问。 No, they in Astral Spirit Realm, where concrete concealed I are not clear, several years ago after I resigned the responsibility of observer, then had not contacted with them again.” The old person shakes the head, immediately remembered anything, looks to Mu You. “不,他们都在星灵界,具体藏在什么地方我也不清楚,几年前我卸任了观察员的职责后,便再没有和他们联络过。”老人摇头,随即又想起了什么,看向沐游 Said, today can bump into you is really the good luck, a news that I just obtained recently, just needs some people to help me transmit to other managers.” “说起来,今天能碰到你真是好运,我最近刚得到的一个讯息,正需要有人帮我传递给其他管理员。” „? What news?” Mu You asked. “哦?什么讯息?”沐游问。 Told them, Land of Forgetting, must cloud over ahead of time, making them prepare as soon as possible!” “告诉他们,遗忘之地,要提前变天了,让他们尽快准备!” „...... What meaning?” Mu You stares. “呃……什么意思?”沐游一愣。 Is the meaning in wording, you help my signalling to them, they naturally can understand.” The old person smiles to say “就是字面上的意思,你帮我传信给他们,他们自然能理解。”老人微笑道 Good......, but, how should the signalling?” Mu You shrugged: I do not seem able with other manager first hand exchanges.” “好吧……可是,该怎么传信?”沐游摊了摊手:“我好像不能和其他管理员直接交流。” This easy to do......” old person smiles, beckons toward Mu You, when Mu You, her trembling outstretch finger, on the Mu You forehead. “这好办……”老人笑了笑,朝沐游招了招手,待沐游靠近后,她颤颤巍巍的伸出手指,点在了沐游额头上。 Mu You felt in immediately the mind poured into one fog misty things, should be those words evidently a moment ago. 沐游顿时感觉脑海里被注入了一片雾蒙蒙的东西,看样子应该就是刚才那句话。 Found them, the information will naturally be received by them.” The old person said. “去找到他们,信息自然会被他们接收。”老人说。 ...... …… After the old person leaves behind the news, then prepares to say goodbye to leave. 老人留下讯息后,便准备告辞离开。 Mu You and Fua invited her to live in some time in the city vigorously, or moved in the city simply, what a pity, the old person as if resisted the life in city very much, insisted on to go back, two people has to give up. 沐游芙娅都极力邀请她在城里住一段时间,或者干脆就搬来城里,可惜,老人似乎很抗拒城市里的生活,坚持要回去,两人只得作罢。 Too the paternal grandmother I delivers you!” “太奶奶我送你!” Also Fua escorted the old person to go home personally, before walking, purchased big pile of daily necessities specially. 芙娅亲自护送老人回家,走前还特意去购置了一大堆生活用品。 Before she does not know that , knows even now the situation of ancestor, where can let she continued such all alone, must in the area of competence for her improve the life as far as possible. 之前她不知道也就算了,如今得知了先祖的处境,哪能让她继续这么无依无靠的过下去,必然要在能力范围内尽可能为她改善生活。 After Mu You gazes after two people leave, returned to the study room, closes eyes to enter contemplates the condition, opened the mind, later defers to the previous method time, related above the thought that giant light ball. 沐游目送两人离开后,也返回了书房,闭目进入冥想状态,打开了心眼,随后还是按照上一次的方法,将思维联系到了那颗巨型光球之上。 In the light ball many causes and effects line winding, after the recent fumble, Mu You has made clear, the end of these red string and blue line, corresponds is actually smog beasts. 光球上还是众多的因果线条缠绕,经过最近的摸索,沐游已经搞清楚,那些红线和蓝线的尽头,所对应的其实就是一只只烟雾兽。 Mu You has not paid attention to other causes and effects line, found previous time that green line directly, got to the bottom. 沐游没有理会别的因果线,直接找到了上次的那根绿色线条,一路追根溯源了下去。 ...... …… Meanwhile, another side, somewhere in jet black gloomy mysterious space. 与此同时,另一边,某处漆黑阴暗的神秘空间中。 In the dark corner, an eye opens suddenly: „It is not good!” 黑暗的角落里,一双眼睛忽然睁开:“不好!” What's wrong?” Side another voice asked. “怎么了?”旁边另一个声音问。 I receive the news that Franny transmitted, she said that Land of Forgetting must cloud over ahead of time!” “我收到了弗兰妮传来的讯息,她说遗忘之地要提前变天了!” What?” “什么?” A stone aroused thousand overlapping waves, the scene several sounds shouted immediately with one voice. 一石激起千层浪,现场顿时数道声音异口同声的喊了出来。 How can like this? Doesn't need several years to meet clouding over?” “怎么会这样?不是还要好几年才会‘变天’吗?” I don't know either, is the 《The Fool》 literacy class excessively are perhaps many, the excessive player floods into Astral Spirit Realm, caused to initiate some spaces mutations......” “我也不知道,或许是《愚者》注册人数过多,过量的玩家涌入星灵界,导致引发了一些空间的异变……” I have said early, should not such early public beta, at least also should reprecipitation 2-3 years steady......” “我早说过,不该这么早公测的,至少也应该再沉淀个2-3年才稳……” Ok, says that what significance now these also do have? Really waits 2-3 years, perhaps will have the new issue to come out, originally is the person calculates that was inferior matter that the day calculates.” “行了,现在说这些还有什么意义?真等个2-3年,说不定又会有新的问题出来,本来就是人算不如天算的事情。” Now thinks that is really lucky, before the server was broken through on the 2 nd ahead of time, urged that we sped up the advancements of some belief systems, otherwise may really want now dumbfounded......” “现在想想真是万幸啊,之前二号服务器被人提前攻破了,催促我们加快了一些信仰系统的进程,不然如今可真要傻眼……” But, really can put in directly? That is a half-finished product......” “可是,真要直接投放下去吗?那还是个半成品啊……” Otherwise, you want to look that Land of Forgetting also does erupt small disaster discipline a time?” “不然呢,你难道想看着遗忘之地也爆发一次小灾纪吗?” Even the half-finished product, must lose directly!” “就算是半成品,也必须直接丢出去了!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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