DNDB :: Volume #1

#21: experience with saying good-bye

In the forest, the Ye Chen extreme velocity flashes to go through, then leapt the body to take off and land above a high ground. 森林之中,夜辰极速地闪动穿行,然后跃身而起落到了一处高地之上。 Looked at all around, then Ye Chen shouts loudly: 看了看四周,然后夜辰大声喊道: Buku, went home!” 舞空,回家了!” Seeming that thunder sound is billowing, in addition that the Ye Chen's sound has ventilated holds reverberates in the trim forest unceasingly, startled ran the innumerable animal birds. 好似那雷音滚滚,夜辰的声音通过气的加持不断地在整片森林中回荡,惊跑了无数的动物飞鸟。 hōng hōng hōng...... 轰轰轰…… When does not want to be many, the petite form appears in the field of vision distant place together, draws one string of long windblown dust to run toward Ye Chen at the extremely quick speed. 不要多时,一道嬌小的身影出现在视野的远方,身后拉着一串长长的尘烟以着极快的速度向着夜辰这边跑来。 Buku! 正是舞空 Five -year-old small Buku has compared for two years ago also grew up much, but is still loli of tiny tot. 已经五岁的小舞空比起两年前也长大了不少,不过依然还是一只小不点的萝莉 Although is only the small arm calf, the speed that but small Buku runs when the forest is extremely fast, does not want to be many then had rushed to the near, then rise with a jump to throw on Ye Chen's. 虽然只是小胳膊小腿,但是小舞空在森林中奔跑的速度极快,不要多时便已经冲到了近前,然后一跃而起扑到了夜辰的身上。 Ye Chen, you come back!” 夜辰,你回来啦!” The small head rubbed rubbing on Ye Chen's, a small Buku face happy facial expression. 小脑袋在夜辰的身上蹭了蹭,小舞空一脸高兴的神情。 On the face floated off a happy expression, Ye Chen also rubbed the Buku's forehead. 脸上浮起了一丝笑意,夜辰也揉了揉舞空的额头。 When Ye Chen completed the work a moment ago made her play in the forest, but this mischievous girl as if caused trouble. 刚才夜辰去完成工作时就让她自己在森林中玩耍,不过这淘气的丫头似乎又去闯祸了啊。 Quack!! gua quack!!!” “呱呱!!呱呱呱!!!” A giant bird followed closely the small Buku direction to fly, saw after Ye Chen and Buku in ground, then threw to shoot ominously severely. 一只巨鸟紧随着小舞空刚才的方向飞了过来,看到地面上的夜辰舞空后便凶厉地扑射了下来。 Actually said that it called the bird some is not appropriate, did you see the full mouth canine also whole body are the bird of meat? 其实说它叫鸟已经有些不大恰当了,你见过满口尖牙还浑身是肉的鸟吗? Perhaps this is the hybrid descendant of birds and dinosaur, but to be how good, regarding Ye Chen it now is just the dinner that deliver. 或许这是一种鸟类与恐龍的混血后代吧,不过怎么样都好,对于夜辰来说它现在只不过是一头自己送上门来的晚餐而已。 Puts down small Buku, then Ye Chen takes out behind valuable fan, to is throwing the giant bird that shoots to come is a leaf. 将小舞空放下,然后夜辰取出身后的宝扇,对着扑射而来的巨鸟便是一扇。 wā wā wā......” “呜哇哇哇……” The air current riot, the giant bird directly by a strong winds volume in a about hundred meters upper air, then seven was fainted eight usually to pound to fall the ground ruthlessly. 气流暴乱,巨鸟直接被一阵狂风卷上了近百米的高空,然后七晕八素狠狠地砸落到了地上。 hā hā hā...... dinner dinner!” 哈哈哈……晚餐晚餐!” The giant bird shook the head also to struggle to crawl, but was actually leapt the body by small Buku but sat on the head, then pounded to return to the ground to faint ruthlessly thoroughly. 巨鸟晃了晃脑袋还想挣扎着爬起来,不过却是被小舞空跃身而起坐到了脑袋上,然后又狠狠地砸回地面彻底晕死了过去。 Banana Palm Fan that in legend Ye Chen used a moment ago, can a leaf create an incident, two leaves summon rain, three leaves of fresh torrential rains. 夜辰刚才所用的正是传说中的芭蕉扇,可以一扇生风,二扇唤雨,三扇生豪雨。 Banana Palm Fan is a rare treasure, but the pearl flees the capital has been used for the pad hot pot by Turtle Immortal, because stained some cooking liquors also nearly to be discarded, finally by Ye Chen was discovered, hurried to collect it. 芭蕉扇本是一件难得的宝物,只不过明珠蒙尘一直被龟仙人用来垫火锅,因为沾上了一些汤汁还差点儿被扔掉,最后还是被夜辰发现后才赶紧将它收藏了起来。 This valuable fan average person can still use even, if to inputs the air/Qi also to play a bigger might, therefore Ye Chen also treated as a weapon belt/bring it on the body, occasionally also gives with its ability experiences for a long time the drought the place to rain to earn a extra income. 这件宝扇即使普通人也可以使用,如果向其中输入气的话还能够发挥出更大的威力,所以夜辰也将它当作了一件武器带在身上,偶尔还用它的能力去给一些久经干旱的地方降降雨赚点儿外快。 Goes back.” “回去吧。” Un!” “嗯!” Inserted Banana Palm Fan behind, Ye Chen towed the giant bird of ground, then left the forest with small Buku...... 芭蕉扇插回了身后,夜辰拖起了地上的巨鸟,然后和小舞空一起离开了森林…… ...... …… ONE , TWO...... ONE , TWO......” “ONE,TWO……ONE,TWO……” Raises the foot!” “把脚抬高!” ONE , TWO...... ONE , TWO......” “ONE,TWO……ONE,TWO……” Leg straightens!” “腿伸直!” ONE , TWO...... ONE , TWO......” “ONE,TWO……ONE,TWO……” In Kame House, two sexy beautiful small elder sister in television is shouting the slogan while is making the body-building exercise, but Turtle Immortal lies nearby the television was also shouting the slogan while the color narrows the eyes is staring at two small elder sister. 龟仙小屋中,两名性感美丽的小姐姐正在电视中一边喊着口号一边做着健美操,而龟仙人则是趴在电视跟前一边也喊着口号一边色眯眯地盯着两位小姐姐 Grandpa Turtle Immortal, we comes back!” 龟仙人爷爷,我们回来啦!” Opened the door, small Buku ran in the room vivaciously, but Ye Chen threw the giant bird after outside also followed to walk together. 推开了门,小舞空蹦蹦跳跳地跑进了屋里,而夜辰将巨鸟扔在了外面后也跟着一起走了进来。 Is Buku and Ye Chen, welcome back.” “是舞空夜辰啊,欢迎回来。” Does not return, Turtle Immortal continues to stare at two small elder sister on television, appearance that saliva soon flows. 头也不回,龟仙人继续盯着电视上的两位小姐姐,一副口水都快要流出来的样子。 Master Roshi, you had not taught the person of my our practicing martial art cannot have these unnecessary evil thoughts, you now this not likely God of Martial Arts appearance.” 武天老师,您不是教导过我我们习武之人不能有这些多余的邪念吗,您现在这样可是一点也不像个武术之神的样子啊。” Sighed, Ye Chen said. 叹了口气,夜辰说道。 „, I already all taught our Turtle School martial arts and spirit to you, later had you to inherit and promote was good, our such elderly man date and time were not many, must always seek for a pleasure to oneself.” “嘛嘛,我已经将我们龟仙流武道和精神全都传授给你了,以后有你继承和发扬就行了,我们这样的老人家时日不多,总是要给自己寻找点儿乐趣的嘛。” Turtle Immortal returns irresponsibly said, but Ye Chen is a heavy line. 龟仙人不负责任地回道,而夜辰则是一头的黑线。 On your also date and time not many, I thought that you live again the 100~200 year are the small gift. 就你还时日无多,我看你再活个一两百年都是小意思呢。 Obviously initially such a awe-inspiring master and old man, but also taught that the person of Ye Chen practicing martial art cannot have the evil thought that wants the righteous qi to be chaste, finally in several years turned into what appearance. 明明当初都还是那么一位正气凛然的宗师和老者,还教导夜辰习武之人不能有邪念,要正气要纯洁,结果短短几年的时间都变成了什么样子。 Really the strength of destiny is strong, Turtle Immortal had turned into Pervert Immortal, moreover must lead the way on this path courageously. 果然命运的力量是强大的,龟仙人已经变成了色仙人,而且还要在这条道路上奋勇地前行着。 Let small Buku play do not spoil the thing in room, Ye Chen is enters the kitchen to prepare to make several people of dinners the ingredients...... 让小舞空自己玩耍不要弄坏了屋里的东西,夜辰则是走进厨房准备制作几人晚餐的料理…… ...... …… Wū wū...... delicious delicious!” “呜呜……好吃好吃!” „...... The life is really happy......” “哈……生活真是美好啊……” Above table, small Buku unceasingly toward own small mouth Bariset various types of delicious food, but Turtle Immortal sipped young wine, then the satisfied color of whole face. 餐桌之上,小舞空不断地往自己的小嘴巴里塞着各种美味的食物,而龟仙人则是呷了一口小酒,然后满脸的惬意之色。 Sea Turtle, this is your.” 海龟,这是你的。” Wū wū...... thanks.” “呜呜……谢谢。” Ye Chen was Sea Turtle pinches some ingredients, Sea Turtle also thanked one to eat. 夜辰海龟挟了一些料理,海龟也感谢一声吃了起来。 three people and a turtle, gathers round the table to enjoy the dinner of delicacy, pours also the harmony happiness. 三人一龟,围着桌子享用着美味的晚餐,倒也其乐融融。 Master Roshi, I plan to go out experience to practice after a period of time.” 武天老师,我打算再过一段时间就出去历练修行。” Is eating the ingredients, Ye Chen while said. 一边吃着料理,夜辰一边说道。 You planned to leave here finally, indeed stayed here also to have no help to you again.” “你终于打算离开这里了吗,的确再留在这里也已经对你没有什么帮助了。” Nods, Turtle Immortal has not displayed the slight accident/surprise. 点了点头,龟仙人没有表现出丝毫的意外。 Actually one year ago Turtle Immortal had not taught again Ye Chen anything, according to his view he does not have any to teach Ye Chen's again. 其实从一年以前龟仙人就未再教导过夜辰任何东西了,按照他的说法他已经没有什么可以再教夜辰的了。 Entire five years, witnesses Ye Chen's to grow with own eyes, even Turtle Immortal still exclaims. 整整五年的时间,亲眼见证着夜辰的成长,即使龟仙人也惊叹不已。 Since two years ago taught Ye Chen Kamehameha Wave Latter two people have not fought to train again, but Turtle Immortal is actually clear, the Ye Chen present strength should exceed him. 自从两年前传授了夜辰龟派气功波】后两人就未再交手对练过,但龟仙人却是清楚,夜辰如今的实力应该都已经超越他了吧。 Although some are quite disappointed, but as Teacher Ye Chen's, what Turtle Immortal are more is the feeling is gratified. 虽然有些颇受打击,但作为夜辰的老师来说,龟仙人更多的还是感觉欣慰。 Although he had also taught a Son Gohan and Son Gohan liangs disciple before, but they missed a point eventually, the final achievement is also very limited. But now had Ye Chen, the Turtle School martial arts that he founds also had the true successor. 尽管他以前也教导过孙悟饭个弟子,但他们终究都还是差了一点,最终的成就也很有限。而如今有了夜辰,他所创建的龟仙流武术也算是有了真正的传人。 You have to think where experience good to go to?” “你有想好要去哪里历练吗?” Has not thought, in brief first goes to have a look.” “还没想好,总之先出去看看吧。” Where if has not thought to be good, you can go to Sacred Lands of Korin Mountain to have a look.” “如果还没有想好去什么地方的话,你可以去圣地卡奈山看看。” Sacred Lands of Korin Mountain?” 圣地卡奈山?” Good, on Korin Mountain has Korin Tower of straight exceedingly high mark, on Korin Tower lives in immortal, so long as anybody climbs up Korin Tower then to meet through own strength to give the instruction of immortal.” “不错,卡奈山上有一座直通天迹的卡林塔,卡林塔上住着一位仙人,任何人只要通过自己的力量爬上卡林塔便可以接授仙人的指导。” I am 300 many years ago climbed up Korin Tower, after above underwent several years of training of immortal the skill rises sharply, thus founded Turtle School.” “我就是三百多年前爬上了卡林塔,在上面接受了仙人的几年训练后才功力大涨,从而创建了龟仙流。” I understood, where I will go to look.” “我明白了,我会去哪里看一看的。” To be continued...... 未完待续…… PS1: Before wants to distribute the joint of new book in the commentary area of old book, finally was flown the system of Lu to recognize that to brush advertisement, the account number was closed one week of small black room, cannot enter the backstage, the renewal also can only use the cell phone assistant, to flying Rwandan this more and more limits was also speechless, after to guard had the similar incident author, again does not plan to send book review these, so as to avoid the bewildered thunder, everyone some issues in book review I will unify the reply behind the chapter. PS1:之前想在老书的评论区中发下新书的联接,结果被飞卢的系统认定为刷广告,账号被关了一个星期的小黑屋,连后台都不能进,更新也只能用手机助手,对飞卢这越来越多的限制也是无语了,以防再发生类似事件作者以后也不打算发书评这些了,免得又莫名其妙的中雷,大家在书评中的一些问题我会在章节后面统一回复。 PS2: Front saw in the commentary area trash, was deleted by me directly bans the word, felt that this is also flies Lu to our author only right. I was also the senior author, even if some people scolded are coarse I not to look like once like that one's blood bubbles up to the brim infuriated anything, but uncomfortable was somewhat uncomfortable. I write not the good place you to offer an opinion to be able not to look to leave, is impossible the book that has everyone to like, what often trash trash is how many meanings, when really our authors didn't have the anger? Each book that I write was I spent lots of time and painstaking care writes, you threw a trash to be very happy casually, knows that what is called the person, what was the basic respect? PS2:前面又在评论区中看到了个“垃圾”,被我直接删除禁言了,感觉这也是飞卢给我们作者唯一的一个权利吧。我也算是老作者了,就算有人骂得再难听我也不会像曾经那般热血沸腾火冒三丈什么的,不过不爽还是有些不爽。我写得不好的地方你可以提意见可以不看走人,也不可能有所有人都喜欢的书,但动不动就垃圾垃圾的是几个意思,真当我们作者就没有火气了是吧?我写的每一本书都是我花费了大量的时间与心血去写的,你随随便便就扔个垃圾很爽是吧,知不知道什么叫做人,什么叫基本的尊重啊? Naturally, most readers are very good, has the quality very much, I also felt that everyone always supports, but on this world always has some that people. I will not always demand others to read my book, every others said that did not like me is asks him to hurry not to look, reading was chart mood chart refreshed, if my book made you not like not refreshed that hurrying not to look. 当然了,大多数读者都还是很好的,也很有素质,我也非常感觉大家一直以来的支持,但这世界上却总是有那么一些人。我从来都不会强求别人看我的书,凡是别人说不喜欢我都是请他赶紧别看了,看书就是图个心情图个爽快,如果我的书让你不喜欢不爽快那就赶紧别看了。 PS3: Saw that had the reader to say the Vegeta hour strength too high issue, how this said that wrote, so long as will not really cause the plot or force system these collapses, the setting of original works I can always not change not to change, once changed to have this and that problem to make people feel that disobeyed to gather. PS3:看到有读者在说贝吉塔小时战力太高的问题,这个怎么说呢,写同人嘛,只要不真的会导致剧情或者力量体系这些崩溃,原著的设定我一向都是能不改就不改,一旦改了就会出现这样那样的问题让人感觉违合。 Although I also felt that original works Dragon Ball this establishes some is not good, the Vegeta 5 years old catch up with his father King Vegeta then surface 10 several years to grow a little strength to feel that quickly some are too false, but trades a thought is not cannot understand. Before Son Goku appears, ordinary Saiyan's limit besides what Legendary Super Saiyan also on several thousand over ten thousand points battle efficiencies, even after ape-ify, still on tens of thousands 10 tens of thousands appearances, Vegeta, because talent high all childhood growth were quick, but naturally was also slower to behind his growth, only if he can bridge over this limit, but bridged over this limit in the original works is when fought with Son Goku, steaming therefore his battle efficiency after that was leaps rose upward. 虽然我也感觉原著龙珠这点设定得有些不大好,贝吉塔五岁就快赶上他爹贝吉塔王而后面几年又才增长那么一点力量感觉有些太假,不过换一个思维也不是不能理解吧。在孙悟空出现以前,除了什么传说中的超级赛亚人外普通赛亚人的极限也就几千上万点的战斗力吧,即使猿化之后也就几万几万的样子,贝吉塔因为天赋高所有小时候成长快,但越到后面他的成长速度自然也就越慢了,除非他能跨过这个极限,而在原著中跨过这个极限就是在与孙悟空战斗的时候吧,所以在那之后他的战斗力都是腾腾腾的往上涨。
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