DNDB :: Volume #1

#22: Challenges Korin Tower

After three days, is ready Ye Chen to plan to go out experience. 三日之后,作好准备的夜辰已经打算外出历练 Besides Banana Palm Fan and several place the martial arts clothing/taking in universal capsule, almost also does not have any to salute. 除了芭蕉扇和几件放在万能胶囊里的武道服外,几乎也没有什么行礼。 Master Roshi, please take care.” 武天老师,请多保重。” Before Kame House, Ye Chen and small Buku said good-bye before leaving to Turtle Immortal together. 龟仙小屋前,夜辰和小舞空一起向龟仙人辞行。 oooooh......, although I am an old man, but takes care of itself absolutely not to have the issue.” 喔喔喔……虽然我是个老头子,但照顾自己还是完全没有问题的。” „After you leave, I will also return to original islet, if you later come back to go to there to look for me.” “你们离开后我也会回到原来的小岛,你们以后如果回来的话就去那里找我吧。” Caressed own beard, Turtle Immortal said. 抚了抚自己的胡子,龟仙人说道。 Nods, Ye Chen indicated to understand. 点了点头,夜辰表示明白。 Also said goodbye one after Sea Turtle at the same time next, Ye Chen and small Buku also started officially, two people jumped in directly. 又和一边的海龟也道别了一下后,夜辰和小舞空也正式启程了,两人都直接跳进了海里。 Bye, Sea Turtle, Grandpa Turtle Immortal!” “再见啦,海龟,龟仙人爷爷!” In sea middle reaches, small Buku while turns head to shore Sea Turtle and Turtle Immortal is waving. 一边在海中游着,小舞空一边回过头来向岸边的海龟龟仙人挥着手。 Buku, grows up the postscript to your small trousers trousers to me look that we agreed.” 舞空,长大回来后记得把你的小裤裤给我看啊,我们约定好了。” Turtle Immortal also stands in the shore shouts greatly. 龟仙人也站在岸边大喊道。 Does not want, my small trousers trousers only give Ye Chen to look.” “不要,我的小裤裤只给夜辰看。” „......” “……” Turtle Immortal stands, in the shore is gazing after Ye Chen and small Buku vanishes in the sea, but Sea Turtle despises in side looks at Turtle Immortal...... 龟仙人站在岸边目送着夜辰和小舞空消失在大海中,而海龟则是在旁边鄙视地看着龟仙人…… ...... …… hōng hōng hōng...... 轰轰轰…… In the forest, a giant tyrannosaurus is running, that strong body will keep off the trees before its body directly all hits. The place visited is in chaotic situation, the small and weak animals were frightened everywhere flee. 森林之中,一头巨大的暴龍正在奔跑着,那强壮的身躯直接将挡在它身前的树木全都撞断。所过之处都是一阵的鸡飞狗跳,弱小的动物们都被吓得四处奔逃。 Without a doubt, this is a powerful overlord, but it now is only the tool that others ride instead of walking. 毫无疑问,这是一头威风凛凛的霸主,只不过它现在只是别人代步的工具而已。 hā hā hā......” 哈哈哈……” Quickly, again quickly!” “快一点,再快一点!” Sits with Ye Chen in the easy mark of tyrannosaurus, small Buku hā hā laughs is urging. 夜辰一起坐在暴龍的大脑袋上,小舞空哈哈大笑地催促着。 Although quick had become the dog tired, but head young ancestors were urging, the big tyrannosaurus also can only go all out to pick up the speed again. 虽然都已经快累成了狗,但头上的这个小宗祖在催促,大暴龍也只能拼了命地再次加快了速度。 The big tyrannosaurus carried two people to run several mountain tops, gradually, tall tower who stood erect in the distant straight exceedingly high mark mapped Ye Chen and Buku's view. 大暴龍又载着两人跑过了几座山头,渐渐地,一座矗立在远方直通天迹的高塔映入了夜辰舞空的眼帘。 Ye Chen, you look quickly, what is that? Quite high!” 夜辰,你快看,那是什么啊?好高呀!” Winked oneself that bright and intelligent big eyes, small Buku points at the distant place to call out in alarm the say/way. 眨了眨自己那双水汪汪的大眼睛,小舞空指着远方惊呼着道。 That is Korin Tower in legend, our destinations.” “那就是传说中的卡林塔,我们的目的地。” The corners of the mouth raised a curve, Ye Chen held small Buku to stand up the body. 嘴角扬起了一道弧度,夜辰则是抱着小舞空站起了身来。 Stops.” “停下。” As the Ye Chen's voice falls, the dashing about wildly big tyrannosaurus hurried to stop the footsteps, slid pēng pēng pēng to hit many trees all the way. 随着夜辰的话音落下,正在狂奔的大暴龍赶紧刹住了脚步,一路上滑出好远又砰砰砰地撞断了不少的树木。 Ye Chen, why do we stop?” 夜辰,我们为什么停下来啊?” Korin Mountain is sacred place, we pass are not polite, the following distance we walked to be good.” 卡奈山是圣地,我们就这么过去太不礼貌了,接下来的路程我们自己走过去就好了。” „......” “哦……” What small Buku of sacred place does not understand, but Ye Chen said that anything is anything, instead in her small head Ye Chen in any words that spoke was right. 什么圣地不圣地的小舞空不懂,不过夜辰说什么就是什么吧,反正在她的小脑袋里夜辰所说的任何话都是对的。 Leaps gently, Ye Chen and small Buku jump down from the head of big tyrannosaurus, then fell in the ground steadily. 轻轻一跃,夜辰和小舞空从大暴龍的脑袋上跳了下来,然后稳稳地落在了地面上。 Big tyrannosaurus, worked hard you, you can leave.” “大暴龍,辛苦你了,你可以离开了。” Patting quickly to be that tired the big tyrannosaurus spits the foam, Ye Chen said. 拍了拍都已经快累得吐白沫的大暴龍,夜辰说道。 The spirit shakes, the big tyrannosaurus has almost the impulsion that face upwards howls crazily. 精神一震,大暴龍几乎有仰天狂啸的冲动。 The heaven, these two devils are willing to let off it finally! 苍天啊,这两个恶魔终于肯放过它了! Almost uses the strength that oneself nursed, the big tyrannosaurus turns around then to escape crazily, really wished one could own mother to be short to oneself lived two legs. 几乎是使出了自己吃奶的力气,大暴龍转身便疯狂地逃跑,真是恨不得自己的老妈少给自己生了两条腿。 Tyrannosaurus mister, sees again!” “暴龍先生,再见啦!” Small Buku is waving to the tyrannosaurus, but is dashing about wildly the big tyrannosaurus that escapes is almost staggers to fall the ground. 舞空向暴龍挥着手,而正在狂奔逃跑的大暴龍则是差点一个趔趄摔到了地上。 What sees again, was does not see!!! 什么再见啊,是再也不见啊!!! Has not paid attention to the big tyrannosaurus that escapes again, Ye Chen and small Buku starts again. 没再去理会逃掉的大暴龍,夜辰和小舞空则是再次启程。 Although here has been able to see Korin Tower, but actually is also separated by a very far distance, but by two people foot regulations also on a 10 several minutes of matter. 虽然这里已经能够看到卡林塔,但其实也还相隔着很远的一段距离,不过以两人的脚程也就几分钟的事情。 When does not want to be many, Ye Chen and small Buku then rushed to the under foot of Korin Tower. 不要多时,夜辰和小舞空便赶到了卡林塔的脚下。 Although had heard, when takes seriously near distance sees this tower, under the Ye Chen cannot help but heart shocks. 虽然早已有所耳闻,但当真正近距离地看到这座塔时,夜辰还是不由得心下震撼。 Entire tower not big, but is actually similar to a direct access to the highest authorities white column direct impact vault of heaven, cannot see the end completely. 整个塔身并没有多大,但却如同一杆通天白柱直冲苍穹,完全看不见尽头。 Really is incredible, what existence is can construct miracle thus and such and such! 实在是让人难以置信,到底是什么样的存在才能够建造出如此这般的神迹! Small Buku also appears very excited, is supine the small head to make the vigor look looks, but cannot see the peak in tower. 舞空也显得非常的兴奋,仰着小脑袋使劲儿地望啊望啊,但却怎么也看不到塔的顶端。 However, at this moment, as if discovered anything, Ye Chen and small Buku turn toward nearby jungle to look simultaneously, but a big form walked from there came out 不过,就在这时,似乎发现了什么,夜辰和小舞空同时向着旁边的丛林看去,而一道高大的身影则是从那里走了出来 „Does outcomer, you want to challenge this Korin Tower?” “外来者啊,你们是想挑战这座卡林塔吗?” ...... …… Under Korin Tower, the man will manufacture in good attending to hold Ruwan to give small Buku and Ye Chen 卡林塔下,男子将制作好的料理盛入碗中递给了小舞空夜辰 „.” “给。” Many thanks.” “多谢。” „...... Delicious delicious.” “呜……好吃好吃。” The name of man was Bora, seemed like an Indian, on the face is spreading some mark colors strongly, the body also. 男子的名字叫勃拉,看上去像一名印第安人,脸上涂着一些纹彩,身体也非常的强壮。 According to his introduction, their clan is here Tower Guarder, for generations lived and protecting here. 按照他自己的介绍,他们一族是这里的守塔人,世世代代都居住并守护着这里。 This is my child Upa.” “这是我的孩子乌帕。” Bora introduced to Ye Chen and small Buku he bosom is hugging a baby. 勃拉夜辰和小舞空介绍了一下他怀中抱着的一名婴儿。 Upa, he will also become an outstanding soldier like you in the future.” 乌帕吗,他将来也会像你一样成为一名出色的战士的。” Also tasted ingredients, Ye Chen said. 亦是尝了一口料理,夜辰说道。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” Showed a face simple smiling face, Bora was caressing the child who slept soundly, on the face also is completely the color of that affection. 露出了一脸纯朴的笑容,勃拉抚着自己正在熟睡的孩子,脸上也尽是那慈爱之色。 Ye Chen, Son Buku, do you really want to challenge Korin Tower?” 夜辰,孙舞空,你们真的想要挑战卡林塔吗?” Bora asked. 勃拉问道。 Good, we want to see immortal in tower, asking his guide we to practice.” “不错,我们想去见见塔上的仙人,请他指导我们修行。” Before had some people also challenged this tower?” “以前也有人挑战过这座塔吗?” Nods, then Ye Chen also asked. 点了点头,然后夜辰也问道。 Are more, but they were all defeated. Some people gave up the challenge, some people are because crawled several days in the tower supplies that cannot obtain food fell.” “很多很多,但他们全都失败了。一些人放弃了挑战,一些人则是因为在塔上爬了几天得不到食物的补给而摔了下来。” Like you such small Challenger, my first bumping into.” “像你们这么小的挑战者,我还是第一次碰到。” Is gazing at Ye Chen and small Buku, the Bora stern-faced color. 注视着夜辰和小舞空,勃拉一脸的严肃之色。 He had also challenged this God Tower young and impetuous, but also ends in failure finally similarly, therefore he incomparably was clear wants to crawl to have difficulty how. 他曾经也年轻气盛地挑战过这座神塔,但最后也同样以失败而告终,所以他无比地清楚着想要爬上去有多么的困难。 Do not visit us to be small, we are fierce, climbing up this tower should not be the issue.” “别看我们小,我们还是蛮厉害的,爬上这座塔应该不是问题。” Ye Chen is saying with a smile lightly. 夜辰轻笑着道。 Although has not tried, but Ye Chen's really has to crawl self-confidently! 虽然没有试过,但夜辰的确有自信能够爬上去! Although is somewhat unbelievable, but I felt that you have not lain.” “虽然有些难以置信,但我感觉你没有撒谎。” Today is very late, you can rest here a evening, waited to raise the fine God day to challenge Korin Tower fully very early in the morning again.” “今天已经很晚了,你们可以在这里休息一晚,等养足了精神明天一早再去挑战卡林塔。” Looks straight ahead Ye Chen, Bora was saying. 直视着夜辰,勃拉说道。 We disturbed.” “那我们就打扰了。” Doesn't matter, entertainment brave Challenger is also our Tower Guarder duty.” “没关系,招待勇敢的挑战者也是我们守塔人的义务。” Wū wū...... comes one bowl again!” “呜呜……再来一碗!” To be continued...... 未完待续……
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