TGITR :: Volume #5

#433 Part 2: The contest of rival in chess

But if we did that center their below cherished.” They clarified to end this war fast, they know that we have found out their idea, therefore intentionally anxiety of performance, even did not hesitate to pull out the nuclear bomb, exposed weaknesses to give us to look intentionally, but in fact is actually playing the trick that used diversionary tactics.” “但如果我们这么做了,就正中了他们的下怀。”“他们摆明了想快速结束掉这场战争,他们知道我们已经摸清了他们的想法,于是故意表现的猴急,甚至不惜掏出核弹,故意露出破绽给我们看,而实际上却在玩声东击西的把戏。” The eye of Chu Guang narrows the eyes slightly, felt that the mentality flash opened. All clues of mark on map, was connected at this moment in one. 楚光的眼睛微微眯起,感觉思路一瞬间打开了。标记在地图上的所有线索,此刻都被串联在了一起。 E .- Day the strategic center of gravity shifts to No. 9 oasis, their airplanes will then take off from the sunset province, launches the nuclear strike from the northeast direction to our native places. ” e..—旦我们的战略重心转移到九号绿洲,他们的飞机便会从落霞行省南部起飞,从东北方向对我们的本土实施核打击。” The Lost Valley terrain is the natural bunker. 失落谷的地形是天然的掩体。 Compared with yellow sand billowing Gobi Desert, more suitable most parts team leader time to be stationed. 比起黄沙滚滚的戈壁滩,更适合大部队长时间驻扎。 They do not need to form absolutely in the river valley spatial superior. 他们不需要在河谷形成绝对的空优。 Only pilot who needs one or several does not fear death, is piloting the jet plane of over 2 Mach speed, throws the nuclear bomb in the flash of breakthrough defense line. 只需要一名或者几名不怕死的飞行员,驾驶着二马赫以上速度的喷气式飞机,在突破防线的一瞬间将核弹扔下去。 From the sky then detonates. 然后在空中引爆。 200 years ago happened at Lucent Spring City matter, will then happen again one time. 1 million tons equivalent, under the absolute killing tank of exposed personnel to the open terrain is 2.8 kilometers...... this is the data that cold war can refer. 200年前发生在清泉市的事情,便会再发生一次。百万吨的当量,对开阔地形下暴露人员的绝对杀伤坦克是2.8公里……这是冷战时期可以参考的数据。 Actual fragmentation effect basis will change, but that destroys day of a might that extinguishes the place actually without a doubt, sufficiently cancels from the map Boulder Town and Dawn City together. 实际杀伤效果根据情况会有所变化,但那毁天灭地的威力却毫无疑问,足以将巨石城曙光城一起从地图上抹去。 Even does not need very precise aiming. 甚至不需要很精确的瞄准。 From approaching Falcon Kingdom of big wilderness is too far to the Hegu Province distance, should surpass the range of their airplane, therefore they need a springboard.” “从临近大荒漠的猎鹰王国河谷行省的距离太远,应该是超出了他们飞机的航程,所以他们需要一个跳板。” If my judgment right......” “如果我的判断没错……” Looks at the map of picture full graticule, Chu Guang was saying with the affirmative tone. They in that thing that nearby Lost Valley cultivates should be the airports!”. .... 望着画满标线的地图,楚光用肯定的语气说道。“他们在失落谷附近修的那东西应该是机场!”.・・…. From a Lost Valley 78 kilometers sand dune on. 距离失落谷七八公里的沙丘上。 The profile lies in ground Tail moves the eyelash, opens the eye slowly, what heaving in sight is a pair of bright pupil. 侧脸趴在地上的尾巴动了动睫毛,缓缓睁开眼睛,映入眼帘的是一双明亮的眸子。 ......” “唔……” Rubs the eyes, Tail smiles embarrassed. 揉了揉眼睛,尾巴不好意思笑了笑。 Hehe, a moment ago offline and everyone notified, waited for a long time embarrassed.” “嘿嘿,刚才下线和大伙儿们报信去了,不好意思久等了。” Sisi said jokingly. 斯斯开玩笑地说。 Oh, if the flatter tail does not wake up, I planned that takes picture on your forehead to correct miswritten words.” 1 “喔,阿尾要是再不醒来,我都打算拿笔在你的额头上画正字咯。”一 Tail said surprised. 尾巴吃惊道。 Harms?! I rest a while again.” After mouth „.” “误?!那我再睡一会儿。”口“等回去以后吧。” Is crawling the reverse slope that crawled the sand dune, Sisi set out from the ground, patted the sand on clothes. 匍匐着爬到了沙丘的反斜面,斯斯从地上起身,拍了拍衣服上的沙子。 Goes out fortunately beforehand has not taken a bath. 还好出门之前没洗澡。 This ash, goes back to clean up well. 这一身的灰,回去可得好好清理一下。 Words said that...... we do put are not managing?” “话说……我们就这么放着不管吗?” Some Tail worries looked at a mountain valley of distant place, obviously was worried buried acts swiftly to get there first there treasure. 尾巴有些担心地看了一眼远处的山谷,显然是在担心埋在那儿的宝贝被人捷足先登了。 Cannot do well also really has this possibility. 搞不好还真有这可能。 How long lord knows these people dug there. Sisi said with the optional tone. 天晓得那些人在那儿挖多久了。斯斯用随意的口吻说道。 Un, first removes quite good oh. There at least is stationed in 10,000 people, if were held, but was not on the forehead is written all over to correct miswritten words.” u “嗯,先撤比较好。那儿至少驻扎着1万人,如果被抓住了,可就不是额头上被写满正字了喔。”u Hey! Quite fearful!” “噫!好可怕!” Tail hit to tremble, mew mew crawled from the sand dune quietly. Arrived pitch under. 尾巴打了个哆嗦,也悄咪咪地从沙丘上爬了下来。到了斜坡下。 Looks that helps up Sisi of motor from sandy ground, she said low voice. 看着从沙地里扶起摩托的斯斯,她小声说道。 What to do but if did our treasure first search for by the Legion person? That is Titan harms, cannot do well also active.” “可要是我们的宝贝被军团的人先挖出来了怎么办?那可是泰坦误,搞不好还能动。” Sisi made a helpless expression. 斯斯做了个无奈的表情。 Let alone was Titan, even if there were an interstellar cruiser, did not only have the means by both of us.” D “别说是泰坦了,就算那儿是一座星际巡洋舰,只靠我们两个人也是没办法的。”d At least. 至少。 Must go back to make some preparations. 得回去做些准备。 The Petra fort is south the sunset province trade center, waits to process that large stock of goods, with gaining some money Gu manpower, felt better to ride a motorized rank grass in the past. 佩特拉要塞是落霞行省南部的贸易枢纽,等把那批货处理掉,用赚来的钱雇些人手,也好过骑着一辆摩托莽过去。 Selects an infantry division only. 单挑一个步兵师。 Let alone was „the legendary sssr card Sir Manager. Even if person sovereign Sigma cannot achieve. 别说是“传奇sssr卡”管理者大人了。就算是人皇西格玛都做不到吧。 Awakened turns over to strongly, but also is insufficient to fight with the fists to explode the degree of star strongly. 觉醒者强归强,还不至于强到一拳打爆星球的程度。 Threw the motorcycle helmet to face regrettable Tail, Sisi patted the latter seat cushion of motorcycle gently, is smiling the comfort to say. 将摩托车头盔丢给了一脸遗憾的尾巴,斯斯轻轻拍了拍摩托车的后座垫,笑着安慰说道。 Good, do not lose, I will find the way to help the flatter tail find that big “好啦,别失落了,我会想办法帮阿尾找到那个大 Treasure...... first boards, or Rourou and Sesame Seed Paste will be worried our. ” 宝贝的……先上车回去咯,要不肉肉芝麻糊会担心我们的。” Oh! Said is also...... my giao! This point!” Looked at time on vm, Tail had a scare, immediately jumps up the motorcycle. “喔!说的也是……我giao!都这个点了!”看了一眼vm上的时间,尾巴吓了一跳,立刻跳上了摩托车。 On the Sisi face floats off wipes the smile, lags behind to hang against goggles on helmet, swayed from side to side a hand starting the electricity motor motor. 斯斯脸上浮起一抹笑容,拉下挂在头盔上的防风镜,扭动把手启动了电摩托马达。 Sits firmly.” “坐稳咯。” .... …. The dusk raises from the east coast. 晨昏从东海岸升起。 To be honest, although is not Sensory-Type, but sometimes the eye mouse really admires own sixth sense very much. 老实说,虽然不是感知系,但眼鼠有时候真的很佩服自己的第六感。 Yesterday just established flag in front of little brothers, today has not gotten online receives the Sir Manager mobilization order to request all him to return to Dawn City immediately. 昨天刚在一众小弟们面前立下flag,今天还没上线就收到了管理者大人的动员令要求所有他立刻返回曙光城 Ideal City. 理想城 In the aircraft parking area of building roof. 大厦楼顶的停机坪上。 Stood from the aircraft parking area not far place, on the face of eye mouse writes all over did not abandon, the staff with skeleton work room hugged one after another. 站在距离停机坪不远的地方,眼鼠的脸上写满了不舍,和骷髅工作室的员工们陆续拥抱。 Looks the boss who the preparation boards craft, Xue Hongliang cannot bear say. „Can the donating money words not on the frontline?” 看着准备登机的老板,薛洪亮忍不住说道。“捐钱的话能不上前线吗?” „Are you speaking,” eye mouse looks at him seriously, said seriously, this is the issue of money?” “你在说什么话,”眼鼠一本正经地看着他,严肃地说道,“这是钱的问题吗?” The alliance unites under the vault flag, because the Vault 404 residents clash forever in the first line, because never before that blue coat will rely on advances the body , the residents of alliance noblly. 联盟之所以团结在避难所的旗帜之下,正是因为404号避难所的居民们永远冲在第一线,从不会因为那件蓝外套而自恃高贵地将联盟的居民推到身前。 This is the duty! 这是义务! Also is the responsibility! 也是责任! Naturally, this was big said toward the pattern. 当然了,这是往格局大了说。 Toward small said that the reward that each time this type country war activity and mission give is most is also a reason. 往小了说,每次这种“国战”活动和任务给的奖励都是最多的也是一个原因。 To make money to do business, but wants to become t1 even t0, must, when the alliance need forces up. 想要赚钱可以做买卖,但想要成为t1甚至t0,就必须在联盟需要的时候顶上去。 This game has the two kinds thing unable to buy with the silver coin. One is a helmet. 这游戏有两样东西是用银币买不到的。一个是头盔。 Another is contribution points. 另一个就是贡献点 Especially the latter, the use may be too big. 尤其是后者,用处可太大了。 Saw firmness in his look, Xue Hongliang no longer persuaded, said seriously. 看出了他眼神中的坚定,薛洪亮不再劝说,郑重地说道。 Boss! Takes care!” The eye mouse smiles. “老板!保重!”眼鼠笑了笑说。 Relax, having good luck ever after of price boss, cannot die! When, I created again magnificently with you! Is bigger and stronger our work rooms!” “放心,价老板的命大,死不了!等回来了,我再和你们一起创造辉煌!把我们的工作室做大做强!” Then, he then boarded the airplane resolutely, to behind staff and reporters, left behind a great back. 说完,他便毅然决然的登上了飞机,给身后的一众员工以及记者们,留下了一个伟岸的背影。 On airplane. 上了飞机。 Eye mouse then sees, in the engine room sits a long leg little elder sister. That person of appearance is very attractive, not only attractive, her body has astute competent makings, the sitting posture or the correct manners discipline quite have the style of president. 眼鼠一眼便瞅见,机舱里坐着一位长腿小姐姐。那人的模样很漂亮,而且不只是漂亮,她的身上有一股精明能干的气质,无论是坐姿还是仪容都颇有总裁的风范。 The eye mouse to is not the shy person, let alone was faces npc, but separated two seats to sit down subconsciously. 眼鼠到不是害羞的人,更别说是面对npc了,不过还是下意识地隔了两个位子坐下。 However what makes him not think, he just sat down, the beautiful woman was talks to him on own initiative. 然而让他没想到的是,他刚一坐下,那美女却是主动向他搭话了。 Hello, I called Li Shuyue.” “你好,我叫李淑月。” You good...... my good mouse.” By saying something to smooth things over and other mice somewhat are slightly embarrassed, suddenly the regret gave such casual name. “你好……我善鼠。”被搭讪的等鼠略有些不好意思,忽然后悔取这么随便的名字了。 However, the beautiful woman had not thought actually this name has what strange, naturally said calmly. 不过,那美女倒是没觉得这名字有什么奇怪,从容自然地说道。 With that you do come?” The blind in one eye mouse said with a smile. “和你一起来的那位呢?”眇鼠笑着说道。 „Did you say Is Long? What this time recalled is the soldier regimental commander, that small brother rank is insufficient, the mobilization has not arrived at his there.” “你说方长吗?这次被召回的是兵团长,那个小老弟级别不够,动员还没到他那里。” They relate actually very well, but does not hinder him to have the matter to be all right to damage his one. 俩人关系其实挺好的,但并不妨碍他有事没事儿损他一句。 The fellow also damages himself in any case a lot. How contributes high? 反正那家伙也没少损自己。贡献高又如何? Also is not a dog-headed military strategist! 还不是个狗头军师! The master good and evil is the soldier regimental commander, shouted that a little brother does not have the problem! oh.” 爷好歹是兵团长,喊一声小老弟没毛病!“。” Li Shuyue nods has not then opened the mouth again, ended this topic. As for what soldier regimental commander, rank...... and so on thing, she does not seem like interested very much, but this also made the marmot awkward. 李淑月点了点头便没再开口,结束了这个话题。至于什么兵团长啊,级别啊……之类的东西,她似乎不是很感兴趣,而这也让龈鼠尴尬了起来。 Gan! 淦! Npc of this game such real? 这游戏的npc都这么真实的吗? The words saying that he had not thought where Is Long that son of a bitch led, at least does not have graceful many. 话说他也没觉得方长那狗东西哪里帅了,至少没比自己帅多少。 His good luck is why unceasing! 凭啥他桃花运不断! Comes passer-by npc to be interested in this fellow casually. The eye mouse is foul-mouthed in the heart. 随便来个路人npc都对这家伙感兴趣。眼鼠在心中骂骂咧咧着。 Behind-the-scenes plotting! 黑幕! Compels certainly is the behind-the-scenes plotting! 绝逼是黑幕! Definitely betrayed sacred py to Light! u 肯定是把神圣的py出卖给了阿光!u In this silent atmosphere, the killer whale transport aircraft takes off slowly, drags to entrain the pale blue arc light, drives without a load toward the western day. 就在这沉默的氛围中,虎鲸运输机缓缓起飞,拖拽着淡蓝色的弧光,朝着西边的天空驶去。 Side of aircraft parking area. 停机坪的旁边。 Xue Hongliang and an numerous put on the staff of skeleton T-shirt, but also immerses in losing in the sadness of boss. 薛洪亮和一众穿着骷髅t恤的员工们,还沉浸在“痛失”老板的悲伤中。 Battlefield. 战场。 That is the place of a narrow escape. 那可是九死一生的地方。 Hopes next time will see again, maybe one box of bone ash and a photograph...... at this time, a reporter noticed this group of sad young fellows. The intuition of practitioner made him smell the fragrance of news keenly, immediately brings own interview UAV to walk. 希望下次再见到,别是一盒骨灰和一张遗照……这时候,一名记者注意到了这群悲伤的小伙子。从业者的直觉让他敏锐地嗅到了新闻的芬芳,立刻带着自己的采访无人机走了过去。 Hello , what people are that Skeleton Corps soldier regimental commander...... your?” “您好,请问一下,那位骷髅兵团的兵团长……是你们的什么人?” Xue Hongliang attracted the nose. He is our bosses.” Boss?” 薛洪亮吸了吸鼻子。“他是我们的老板。”“老板?” The reporter shows the surprised expression. 那记者露出惊讶的表情。 The reporter who side passed by hears, depended, pulled out the interview pen, and lets out interview UAV that just received. 旁边路过的记者听见,也纷纷靠了过来,重新掏出了采访笔,并把刚收起来的采访无人机又放了出去。 Many was been somewhat hurried by so many camera resentments. 被这么多摄像头怼着多少有些慌。 In the final analysis he is only CEO of small work room, although has seen some scenes, has not actually seen is so big, nods anxiously. 说到底他只是个小工作室的ceo,虽然见过些场面,却没见过这么大的,紧张地点了点头。 Un...... we are the skeleton work rooms, plays the game.” Reporter surprised say/way. “嗯……我们是骷髅工作室,是做游戏的。”记者惊讶道。 Plays the game!? But...... isn't that mister the soldier regimental commander? This position should be a military officer.” “做游戏!?可……那位先生不是兵团长吗?这个职位应该是军官吧。” Is...... he and we have said that his labor of duty drives the tank, as for playing the game is his dream.” “是的……他和我们说过,他的本职工作是开坦克,至于做游戏是他的梦想。” Dream! 梦想! - Hears this word, the surrounding reporters eyes shone, that person who previously inquired pursues immediately asks. —听到这个词儿,周围的记者们眼睛都亮了,先前提问的那个人立刻紧接着追问道。 Can launch to say?” “能展开说说吗?” Xue Hongliang truly somewhat was anxious. 薛洪亮本来确实有些紧张。 But looks on the surrounding people faces the interest strong expression, he also found some feelings gradually, the language fast and sound gradually naturally. 但看着周围人们脸上兴趣浓厚的表情,他渐渐地也找到了些感觉,语速和声音渐渐自然了起来。 I still remember, on that day interviewed time, I met him for the first time, he and I said that...... he has not seen such good thing.” “我仍然记得,那天面试的时候,我第一次遇见他,他和我说……他从来没见过这么棒的东西。” Looks are listening to with total concentration the face, he continues to say. 看着一张张聚精会神听着的脸,他继续说道。 Only needs to put on eyeglasses, can enter the completely virtual world, opens access with people who have really exchanges, shares own story, brings happily for others......” “只需要戴上一副眼镜,就能进入完全虚拟的世界,和真实存在的人们畅通无阻地交流,分享自己的故事,为别人带来欢乐……” He said that since arriving at this city, puts on starting from that moment of virtual reality eyeglasses since him, he then found the new goal, his life then had new dream —— “他说,自从来到这座城市之后,自从他戴上虚拟现实眼镜的那一刻开始,他便找到了新的目标,他的人生便有了新的梦想—— Although lives in a world that proliferated the death and ruins, but he hopes that through end point cloud —— this mysterious medium, shared his story with the life in Ideal City people, brought joyfully......” “虽然生在一个遍布死亡与废墟的世界,但他希望通过端点云——这个神奇的媒介,和生活在理想城的人们分享他的故事,带来快乐・……” Actually has not imagined facing the lens difficult. So long as picked everyone to like listening to say on the line. 其实面对镜头并没有想象中的难。只要捡大家爱听的说就行了。 Stressed the special status and background core element, Xue Hongliang is observing the expression of people, while continued to write his story. 抓准了特殊的身份和背景这一核心要素,薛洪亮一边观察着众人的表情,一边继续编着他的故事。 wastelander of a life in abyss of suffering. 一名生活在水深火热中的废土客 Even if by suffering and devastation of destiny, still has the light and simple and honest dream, was expecting brings many joys to this world. 即便饱受命运的折磨和摧残,仍然心怀着光明和淳朴的梦想,期望着给这个世界带来更多的快乐。 Even for this reason pulled out the complete savings! 甚至为此掏出了全部积蓄! This is what kind of goodness! 这是何等的善良! When his hometown encounters the flames of war, this worth 1 million men gave up the Ideal City liberal life dutifully, stepped the airplane of return, rushes to the frontlines to resist these to invade the wolf of his hometown...... 而当他的家乡遭遇战火,这个身价百万的男人又义无反顾地放弃了理想城优渥的生活,踏上了返乡的飞机,奔赴前线抵挡那些入侵他家乡的豺狼……・ On the faces of many showed the admiring expression, a both pupil even rocked with emotion the mist. 现场不少人的脸上都露出了钦佩的表情,一双双眸子甚至感动地晃动了水雾。 Naturally. 当然。 Also is not completely because is moved. 也不完全是因为感动。 Also wants many people are because dug the flash news to give is excitedly bad. 还要不少人是因为挖到了大新闻给激动坏了。 In their mind the brain has made up a script of hundreds of thousands of character,- section two hours of movie. 他们的脑海中已经脑补出了一篇数十万字的剧本,—部两小时的电影。 A reporter looks at him earnestly, dispatched the interview pen. What did your games call?” 一名记者认真地看着他,递出了采访笔。“你们的游戏叫什么?” Swept around one that to interview UAV, the vision of that both anticipation, the eye of Xue Hongliang had is out of sorts in a flash. 扫了一眼周围那一架架采访无人机,还有那一双双期待的目光,薛洪亮的眼睛有那么一瞬间失神。 However, merely is only the flash. 不过,仅仅只是一瞬间。 He is very clear. 他很清楚。 At this moment, a time is that his boss saidonly has opportunity 此时此刻,就是他老板说的那个“只有一次的机会 Escapes to kill greatly......” “大逃杀……” Xue Hongliang is almost the conditioned reflex opens the mouth. 薛洪亮几乎是条件反射地开了口。 Although his boss has not spoken that words, but the story has arranged so many, did not miss that 1-2. 虽然他的老板并没有说过那番话,但故事都已经编了这么多,也不差那1-2了。 He uses without the burden and passionate sound , to continue to say. That is one by the game of our boss's real experience reorganization on wasteland, everyone in our work room witnessed its birth.” 他用毫无负担且热情洋溢地声音,继续说道。“那是一款由我们老板在废土上的真实经历改编的游戏,我们工作室的所有人都见证了它的诞生。” I can guarantee with the personality, this game is absolutely real!” “我可以用人格担保,这款游戏绝对真实!” 1 second remembers: 一秒记住:
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