TGITR :: Volume #5

#432 Part 1: The oasis and legend under back truth mountain range

Achoo —— “阿嚏—— Stands sneezes in tent entrance General McKerron, a not paying attention tooth has not bitten, will hold in the mouth the cigarette butt on mouth to spurt the sand. 站在营帐门口的麦克伦将军打了个喷嚏,一不留神牙没咬住,将叼在嘴上的烟头喷进了沙子。 Rubbed to be exposed to the sun the red nose, he took a look at the eye to insert the ground the cigarette, the mouth was foul-mouthed. 揉了揉被晒红的鼻子,他瞅了眼插地上的香烟,嘴里骂骂咧咧了一句。 „...... fuck.” “……妈的。” Although this is a perfect plan, but thinks own solemn two star ten thousand men are long, moreover noble sky vanquisher, reduces to is the labor contractor unexpectedly in the desert, in McKerron's heart is an aggrievedness. 虽然这是个完美的计划,但想到自己堂堂一名两星万夫长,而且还是高贵的“天空征服者”,竟然沦落到在沙漠里当包工头,麦克伦的心中还是不禁一阵憋屈。 Moreover why does not know. 而且不知为何。 From started a moment ago, he has back ji to send the cool feeling. 从刚才开始,他就有种背嵴发凉的感觉。 This feeling has also had 2-3 months ago, moreover shortly after that his treasure the propeller of The Heart of Steel, then curled one not to know balloon where floated. 这种感觉在2-3个月前也有过,而且就在那之后不久,他宝贝的钢铁之心号的螺旋桨,便卷进去了一只不知从哪儿飘来的氢气球。 He is unascertainable by the present, which son of a bitch that balloon is puts...... 到现在他还不能确定,那只气球是哪个狗东西放的…… Intensifies the patrol effort!” McKerron looked that to Thousand-Man Commander that the one side promotes newly, gets angry to order, hunting zone expands from 3 kilometers to 5 kilometers, close to the person all arrests, the resistance all kills!” “加大巡逻力度!”麦克伦看向一旁新提拔的千夫长,黑着脸下了命令,“搜索范围从三公里扩大到五公里,接近的人一律逮捕,抵抗一律射杀!” Nearby military officer standing body, stands at attention to salute to say. 一旁的军官站直身子,立正行礼道。 Yes!” “是!” Gazes after the military officer who receives an order slightly runs to go, General McKerron a foot steps on the cigarette butt extinguishes, ground grinding with the boots, this carried both hands to walk the north side of camp. 目送着领命小跑而去的军官,麦克伦将军一脚将烟头踩灭,用靴子碾了碾,这才背着双手走去了营地的北边。 The runway in airport is constructing. 机场的跑道正在施工。 Without the mechanical shovel, can only dig with the shovel, transports the folk recipe with the alone wheel handcart and truck. 没有铲车,只能用铲子挖,用独轮手推车和卡车搬运土方。 Here land desertification is serious, to prevent the airplane descends the time fall of ground, must hit the runway solid. 这儿的土地沙漠化严重,为了防止飞机降落的时候地面塌陷,必须把跑道打结实了。 More than 50 armies in the edge patrol of runway, supervise these retinue from construct simultaneously. 50余名陆军在跑道的边缘巡逻,同时监督那些扈从们施工。 But more than 1000 retinue since, then bathes in scalding hot fierce Yangxia, is red the upper part to dig the folk recipe. 而一千多名扈从,则沐浴在灼热的烈阳下,赤着上半身挖着土方。 Looks that are red the arm and shoulder, McKerron clears throat, enhances the volume to shout. 看着那一条条赤着的胳膊和肩膀,麦克伦清了清嗓子,提高了音量喊道。 „The Sun of August like the burning red stove, I know that your little while were exposed to the sun dizzy, the four limbs were tired look like filled the lead......, but was roasted by Sun here, always felt better on the frontline to be roasted the hard coke by the white phosphorus, the dregs that the gasoline burnt is remained.” “八月的太阳就像烧红的炉子,我知道你们这会儿被晒得头昏眼花,四肢累得像灌了铅……但在这儿被太阳烤,总好过上前线被白磷烤成焦炭,被汽油烧的连渣都不剩。” That is the bitter experience of your allied force, your enemies will suffer you with the cruelest way, therefore you must fight, must forward, this is the only way that you survive. Thank us to show the strip bright way for you, you do not need to become various king the slave, does not need to be the puppet in enterprise, but the misery that you withstand today, will present also our enemies by hundred times tomorrow.” “那就是你们友军的遭遇,你们的敌人会用最残忍的方式折磨你们,所以你们必须战斗,必须向前,这是你们生存下去的唯一方法。感谢我们为你们指了条明路吧,你们不必成为诸王的奴隶,不必做企业的傀儡,而你们今日承受的苦难,明日都会以百倍奉还我们的敌人。” They will confess in the roaring flame, will change into the ash under tens of millions high temperatures completely, is ground the dregs by our anger!” “他们会在烈焰中忏悔,会在数千万度的高温下化为灰尽,会被我们的怒火碾碎成渣!” Gives me to try harder again!” “给我再加把劲!” Moves!” “动起来!” Looks that these people dug went all out, McKerron's satisfied nod, turned around to turn back the military compound. 看着那些人挖得更卖力了,麦克伦满意的点了点头,转身走回了军营。 At this time if can come one barrel of popsicle to be perfect, best is Princess Teresa feeds him to eat...... not, is been dirty by her who the barbarian held, after waiting for this weaponry to fire off, goes to the harem of that senior king to transfer one. 这时候要是能来一桶雪糕就完美了,最好是特蕾莎王妃喂他吃……不,被野蛮人抓住的她已经脏了,还是等这场仗打完了之后,去那位老国王的后宫里转一圈好了。 His interest in the female sexual attractiveness is actually ordinary, after all that type of thing wants to obtain to him is too easy. 他对女色的兴趣其实一般,毕竟那种东西对他来说想得到太容易了。 Actually these popsicle, but is from the Saurat river bank the rarity of alpine pasture, even still supplies the luxury goods of aristocrat beyond over ten thousand kilometers especially. 倒是那些雪糕,可是产自索拉特河畔的高山牧场的稀罕物,就算是在上万公里之外也是特供给贵族的奢侈品。 Has Finold that unlucky ghost, these indigenous should know its value. 菲诺德那个倒霉鬼在,那些土着应该知道它的价值。 Hopes these hicks not their sound of sword light...... 希望那些土包子们没把它们霍霍光…… ...... …… The setting sun has fallen the horizon. 夕阳已经落到了天边。 Under the shadow of wooden cask, a kitty of black and white interaction is having the yawn lazily, licked the claw conveniently. 木酒桶的阴影下,一只黑白相间的猫咪懒洋洋地打着哈欠,顺手舔了舔爪。 At this time, Xiaoyu / fish shook dry/does front. 这时,一只小鱼干晃到了面前。 Smells the salty fragrance that floats, cat narrowed amber brown pupil, stepped on the graceful cat step to walk. 嗅到飘来的咸香味儿,猫儿眯了眯琥珀色的童孔,踩着优雅的猫步走了上去。 Did politely the ni toward Xiaoyu / fish, it that was good at watching a person's every mood saw servant not to oppose, then the impolite earth movement drew out the mouth. 朝着小鱼干礼貌地咪了一声,善于察言观色的它见“仆人”没有反对,便不客气地动起了嘴。 Obviously, it has been used to throwing of people to feed...... or consecrates. 显然,它已经习惯了人们的投喂……或者说供奉。 It seems like that named Boomer the old man said right, here people liked the cat very much, here cat crossed was very leisurely and carefree, was not completely shy. 看来那个叫布玛的老头说的没错,这儿的人都很喜欢猫,以至于这儿的猫过的很悠闲,完全不怕人。 Narrows the eyes ~ “眯眯~” Rua the back of the head of that warm fabric fabric, is listening to that comfortable snoring sound gently, squatted to smile to narrow the crescent moon in the sesame seed lake eye of ground, cat ear in tandem leisurely and carefree shaking, on the face wrote all over satisfaction. 轻轻rua着那暖绒绒的后脑勺,听着那舒服的呼噜声,蹲在地上的芝麻湖眼睛笑眯成了月牙,猫耳一前一后悠闲的晃悠,脸上写满了满足。 The figure tall and strong big polar bear squats in her side, takes a look at bit by bit ground that little fellow curiously. 身形魁梧的大白熊蹲在她的旁边,好奇地瞅着着地上那只小家伙。 „Did words say the cat on entire wasteland to run here to come?” “话说整个废土上的猫都跑这里来了吗?” Un, said that is quite truly strange, has not seen the kitty...... the dog dog to see in other places actually.” The sesame seed lake recalls carefully was saying. “嗯,说起来确实好怪,在其他地方都没看见过猫咪……狗狗倒是有见过。”芝麻湖仔细回忆着说道。 Saw that kitty to eat to drink the appearance that also some people served, on the face of Rourou showed the envying expression. 见那只猫咪有吃有喝还有人伺候的样子,肉肉的脸上露出了羡慕的表情。 Hateful, I also think rua......” “可恶,我也想rua……” Ok, but you must be careful, your claw was too big, do not make to hurt it.” The sesame seed lake moved moving toward side, let a seat to Rourou. “可以哟,不过你得小心一点,你的爪子太大了,别弄疼它了。”芝麻湖往旁边挪了挪,给肉肉让了点位子。 Hehe, relax, my to rub cat time may be careful!” “嘿嘿,放心吧,我撸猫的时候可小心了!” Rubbed the claw excitedly, Rourou stretched out bear claw cautiously. 兴奋地搓了搓爪,肉肉小心翼翼地伸出了熊爪。 However, her claw has not put on the kitty, that kitty was then frightened exploded the wool, sends out sound that drank. 然而,她的爪子还没放到猫咪身上,那猫咪便被吓得炸了毛,发出了喝喝的声音。 A Rourou face helpless expression, received the claw hastily. 肉肉一脸手足无措的表情,连忙把爪子收了回来。 She just wants to explain oneself are well-meant, the plan that however that kitty has not actually listened to completely, bites Xiaoyu / fish to do, then turned around to cook the shadow under small lane hurriedly. 她刚想解释自己没有恶意,然而那猫咪却完全没有听的打算,一口咬住小鱼干,便匆忙地转身熘进了小巷子下的阴影。 Looks to vanish the kitty in small lane, on the face of Rourou writes all over was depressed and suffering. 看着消失在小巷子里的猫咪,肉肉的脸上写满了沮丧和委屈。 „...... Wasn't I too scary.” “唔……是不是我长得太吓人了。” The sesame seed lake does not know how should comfort her, but saw expression that cries quickly, is not good to put her, no matter, can only not know whether to laugh or cry pats clapped to stand up. Traces that broad and furry shoulder. 芝麻湖也不知道该怎么安慰她,但看到那幅快哭出来的表情,又不好放着她不管,只能哭笑不得地拍了拍手站起身来。摸了摸那宽阔且毛茸茸的肩膀。 How can, Rourou be so that lovable the bear...... is it has not perhaps seen has been able to speak.” “怎么会,肉肉这么可爱……也许是它没见过会说话的熊。” Here person is very superstitious, but to unknown thing contains actually accidental/surprised high. 这儿的人很迷信,不过对未知事物的包容度却意外的高。 Even if the bear that sees to speak, their responses will be only your family's bear will also speak unexpectedly, rather than will shout one monster!” Mentioned the fellow to hit. 哪怕是见到会说话的熊,他们的反应也只是“你家的熊居然会说话”,而不是喊一声“妖怪!”提起家伙就打。 Possibly because not only the strange on wasteland are many, is engaged in the trade activities being related with the native frequently, has been unalarmed by strange sights to the fantastic story different matter. 可能不只是因为废土上的怪事儿不少,也和当地人经常从事贸易活动有关,对一些奇闻异事已经见怪不怪了。 For example, their nearby cactus hotels. 比如,她们旁边的仙人掌旅馆。 The server in onstage is old android, moreover is the experienced and reliable skin already that fades. 前台的服务生就是一名老款的彷生人,而且是老到皮肤已经褪色的那种。 It is said prosperous era that little while, its resort hotel 20 km away works as the onstage, latter arrived at the service life to be sent to the scrap processing station. 据说繁荣纪元那会儿,它就在20公里外的度假酒店当前台,后来到了使用年限被送去了废品处理中心。 Also without it was discarded, Doomsday War erupts, it in abandoning the assembly line of factory treated about two centuries, dozens years ago was picked by master of this inn, took the old occupation. 还没等它被报废,末日之战爆发,它就在废弃厂的流水线上待了将近两个世纪,直到几十年前被这家旅店的主人捡回来,才又重操了旧业。 Its running time has far exceeded its design service life, it would saying that some strange words, occasionally will also offend the guest, and always once for a while being in a daze, one dull stays to be very long. 它的实际工作时间已经远远超出了它的设计使用年限,以至于它总会说些奇怪的话,偶尔还会冒犯到客人,并且总是时不时的发呆,一呆就呆上很久。 Whenever at this time, the boss in hotel will walk the information that replaces it to register the guest. 每当这时候,旅馆的老板就会走出来代替它登记客人的信息。 „...... I remember at first sees its time is 7 years old, now nearly 47 years old, think that the time really passes quickly.” “……我记得最初见到它的时候是七岁,现在都快47岁了,想想时间过得真快。” Yes.” Stands before Sisi nodded that the bar waits, spoke thoughtlessly to meet the sentence. “是呢。”站在吧台前等待的斯斯点了下头,随口接了句。 47 years old. 47岁。 This age on wasteland was the longevity. 这个年龄在废土上算是长寿了。 She remembers whom vaguely listened to say, in the setting according to game, this world NPC mean lifetimes was only 35 years old, but accident/surprise that most people in 20-year-old time with straightening up. 她依稀记得听谁说过,按照游戏中的设定,这个世界NPC们平均寿命只有35岁,而大多数人在20多岁的时候就会遇上挺不过去的意外。 Turned the worn-out memorandum, the index finger of boss was rubbing rubbing above, suddenly showed the awkward expression, lifted the head harness the apology to say. 翻着破旧的记事本,老板的食指在上面搓了搓,忽然露出尴尬的表情,抬头带着歉意说道。 Sorry, the person who the guest, stayed at an inn recently is a much less, the double room only remained one...... how did change into the bed room?” “抱歉,客人,最近住店的人有点多,双人间只剩一间了……其中一间换成大床房如何?” Without Sisi replied, Tail then collected excitedly, raised the right hand competitive. 没等斯斯回答,尾巴便兴奋地凑了过来,干劲十足地举起了右手。 Oh! Without the issue! Tail and Sisi rest the same place!” “喔!没问题!尾巴斯斯睡一起!” Sisi coughed gently. 斯斯轻轻咳嗽了一声。 That...... a double room, a bed room was good.” “那就……一间双人间,一间大床房好了。” Saying, she put several face value 10 golden camel coin on the table, used the spoils of war that plunders from raider to trade a pocket money in the rural fair a moment ago, currently their deposit has 600-700 appearance probably. 说着,她放了几枚面值十的金驼币在桌子上,刚才在集市里用从掠夺者那儿搜刮来的战利品换了点零钱,现在她们身上的存款大概有个600-700的样子。 The daily expenses are sufficient. 日常开销是够用的。 Is staying at an inn is cheap, room 9 golden camel coin, even contained the bulk rye bread of breakfast. 在住店还算便宜,一间房九枚金驼币,甚至包含了早餐的一大块黑麦面包。 Heard if not the nitpicking lodging environment, has including a 2 golden camel coin day of room, among the groceries that servant rests also provides to the guest. 听说如果不挑剔住宿环境,连二金驼币一天的房间都有,那种仆人睡的杂货间也是向客人提供的。 As for renting garage, slightly was expensive, but a day also 15 golden camel coin, hiring by the month words 300. 至于租车库,就稍微贵了点,但一天也才15金驼币,包月的话才300。 But this also made Sisi loudly shout was swindled. 而这也让斯斯不禁大呼上当。 One volume scenic area map adds on a traveling booklet that told local conditions and social customs, sold the prices of nine days of room charges unexpectedly! 一卷“景区地图”加上一本讲述风土人情的旅游小册子,竟然卖出了九天房费的价! No wonder the boss counts does not count, threw the purse in outdoor shop to take in the bosom her. 难怪那老板数都不数,就把她丢在摊子上的钱袋收进了怀里。 80 golden camel coin at least also made him gain 40! 80枚金驼币至少也让他赚了40枚! Careless! 草率了! The key of double room gave the sesame seed the lake and Rourou, Sisi brings Tail to go to the building. 双人间的钥匙给了芝麻湖和肉肉,斯斯带着尾巴去了楼上。 Passed by the corridor. 路过走廊。 She saw a man who is growing the whiskers, is standing with a woman of over the face anxious look by the windows of two buildings. 她看见了一个长着络腮胡的男人,和一个满面愁容的女人正站在二楼的窗户旁。 The body of man wears a becoming gray flax shirt, the makings seemingly has become a soldier, or has at least done the caravan guard, moreover is of team leader. 男人的身上穿着一件发灰的亚麻衬衫,气质看上去当过兵,或者至少干过商队护卫,而且是领队的那种。 His front woman wears a cream-colored one-piece dress, the brown hair slightly volume, the facial features are beautiful, the lower abdomen that sticks out slightly seemed like just on the bosom shortly. 他面前的女人穿着一件米黄色连衣裙,褐色的头发微卷,面容姣好,微微隆起的小腹像是刚怀上不久。 „...... Would the means that heard that some silver semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate that side people incur the sailor, at the worst there I go to try one's luck.” “……总会有办法,听说银月城那边有人招水手,大不了我去那儿碰碰运气。” But...... I and child what to do.” In the eyes of woman writes tragic. “可是……我和孩子怎么办。”女人的眼中写着一丝凄楚。 „......” Man is silent has not been speaking, obviously he did not have the means. “……”男人沉默着没有说话,显然他也没了办法。 Women hesitant a while, probably sets firm resolve, criticized the abstention on ring finger. 女人犹豫了一会儿,像是下定了决心,把无名指上的戒指摘了下来。 Or you take away it, looks to trade......” “要不你把它拿去,看能不能换点……” The men grip her hand hastily. 男人连忙握住她的手。 This...... do not let me try to find other solution again.” “别这样……让我再想想别的办法。” Sisi sized up two people one eyes, was supposing they should flee from calamity from No. 9 oasis or No. 3 oasis, after here, has squandered all savings. 斯斯打量了两人一眼,估摸着他们应该是从九号绿洲或者三号绿洲逃难来的,到了这里之后已经花光了所有的积蓄。 While Sisi is taking a look at two people, the man also noticed two girls who walked from the staircase, after hesitant moment, walked up. 就在斯斯打量着两人的同时,男人也注意到了从楼梯走上来的两位姑娘,犹豫了片刻后走上前去。 Madame, is extremely sorry to disturb you,...... can change money with you?” “女士,非常抱歉打搅您,请问……能和您换点钱吗?” Sisi swept purse in his hand, inside thinks of golden lion coin, the quantity are many, was supposing has 300-400, these two look like came from Lion Kingdom. 斯斯扫了一眼他手中的钱袋,里面装着金狮币,数量还不少,估摸着有个300-400枚,这二位看来是来自雄狮王国 The men estimated oneself also thought that this request is somewhat offensive, hangs shamelessly freely the hand toward the recycling. 男人估计自己也觉得这个要求有些唐突,老脸挂不住地又把手往回收。 He is very clear, the currency of defeated nation is not worth a red cent. 他很清楚,战败国的货币一文不值。 If several months ago, this bag of money less/small said that can trade 400 golden camel coin. 如果是几个月前,这袋钱少说能换个400枚金驼币 But now, removes two 0 unbearably, even if has no way out, he is not cruel enough to make these two little misses be the fool. 而现在,去掉两个0都够呛,就算走投无路,他也不忍心让这两个小姑娘当冤大头。 However, Sisi put out a hand to receive from his hand this bag of money, the stopper gave him one bag of money. 不过,斯斯还是伸手把这袋钱从他的手中接过,塞给了他一袋钱。 Deal, after waiting for this journey to end, we happen to planned that No. 9 oasis, did not need to change money to that side.” “成交,等这趟旅途结束之后,我们正好打算去九号绿洲,到了那边就不用换钱喽。” Looks the purse that at present the young girl hands over, the man gawked, afraid saying. 看着眼前少女递来的钱袋,男人愣了下,心虚的说道。 This...... were too many.” “这……太多了。” That heavy weight/quantity, at least also 300 golden camel coin, saved the point to use enough the life less than half year. 那沉甸甸的分量,至少也有300枚金驼币,省着点用够生活小半年了。 Even can also make a small business transaction. 甚至还能做点小买卖。 Sisi thought over started the purse, spoke thoughtlessly to say. 斯斯掂量了下手中的钱袋,随口说道。 Your countries have not lost, these still in the person of resistance, their determinations do right by this price, accepts it.” “你们的国家还没输,那些还在抵抗的人,他们的决心对得起这个价,把它收下吧。” The Adam's apple of man moves, the expression on face has thanks, is somewhat ashamed. 男人的喉结动了动,脸上的表情既有感谢,也有几分惭愧。 Short silent moment, he accepts the purse, deeply bows. 短暂的沉默了片刻,他将钱袋收下,深深鞠了个躬。 This is the matter that he at this moment can handle only. 这是此刻的他唯一能做的事情。 Thank your Kang Kai, wishing Sand Sea Spirit to bless your journey. My name was Charlie......, although this was only an insignificant name, was not worth remembering, but if were predestined friends meets again, I will repay you to the benevolence of me and my madame.” “感谢您的康慨,愿沙海之灵庇佑您的旅途。我的名字叫查理……虽然这只是个微不足道的名字,不值得您记住,但如果有缘再次遇到,我会报答您对我和我夫人的恩情。” Thought that this fellow is very interesting, Sisi bent the curved spit corner/horn. 觉得这家伙挺有趣,斯斯弯了弯嘴角。 Do not care, is only a business, to your wife good point on line.” “别太放在心上,只是一桩买卖而已,对你的妻子好一点就行了。” Nearby Tail also smiled hee said. 一旁的尾巴也笑嘻了说道。 Oh! Taking advantage of your auspicious words, hopes on the road that we go back can find big pile of treasure! Right, we are the White Bear Knights person, the regimental commander are the big polar bears that can speak, please pass on our legends oddly!” “喔!借你吉言,希望我们回去的路上能找到一大堆财宝!对了对了,我们是白熊骑士团的人,团长是一只会说话的大白熊,请把我们的传说传得更离谱一点!” The men looked at two little miss one eyes, later deeply bows again, returning to side the wife the news to tell her. 男人愣愣地看了两位小姑娘一眼,随后再次深深鞠了个躬,回到妻子身旁将好消息告诉了她。 Under gazing after of two pairs of grateful lines of sight, Sisi and Tail moved toward the room in corridor deep place. 在两双感激视线的目送下,斯斯尾巴走向了走廊深处的房间。 Looks that pulls out Sisi that the key opens the door, Tail feels the chin to think some little time, suddenly discovered probably any serious secret, opens the mouth to say with an air of decorum. 看着掏出钥匙开门的斯斯,尾巴摸着下巴思索了好一会,忽然像是发现了什么不得了的秘密,煞有介事地开口道。 Inconceivable, never expected that Sisi also has the tenderhearted time, unexpectedly had not suspected that to the couple possibly is a swindler.” “不可思议,没想到斯斯也有心软的时候,居然没有怀疑那对夫妇可能是骗子。” Sisi not too spoke thoughtlessly frankly the sentence. 斯斯不太坦率地随口回了句。 No, but thought that did not buy possibly could not buy, buying to keep commemorating...... to be right, this disbursement buckled from my income on the line, after all was my interest.” “没,只是觉得再不买可能买不到了,买下来留作纪念吧……啊对了,这笔支出从我那份收益里面扣就行咯,毕竟是我个人的兴趣。” Although everyone does not care probably very much, but she thought that will reckon up the point is quite good. 虽然大家好像都不是很在意,但她觉得算清楚点会比较好。 She sees the association that too many everyone had related is better very much, the equipment that because two editions must be stabbed had a falling out. 她见过太多原本大家关系很要好的公会,因为一件过两个版本就要挨刀的装备闹翻了。 Tail looks surprised to shoving open gate Sisi. 尾巴吃惊地看向推开门的斯斯 „! Can present have sole possession of being out of print gold coin?” “诶!斯要独吞绝版金币吗?” Sisi gawked, immediately smiles, purse stopper to her hand. 斯斯愣了起来,随即莞尔一笑,把钱袋塞到了她手上。 „...... That also calculates that flatter tail was good.” “……那也算阿尾一份好了。” 9 golden camel coin room environment compared with small one-roomed spacious many of 3 golden camel coin, not only there is a bright window, soft bed, even independence bathroom. 九枚金驼币的房间环境要比三枚金驼币的小单间宽敞的多,不但有敞亮的窗户,松软的大床,甚至还有独立的卫浴。 Petra fort not in oasis, but is the Camelback Kingdom territory, Tanshui slightly was expensive, but was inexpensive is deficient. 佩特拉要塞不在绿洲,不过到底是驼峰王国的领土,澹水只是稍贵了点,但并不贵乏。 Moreover No. 4 oasis is different from other oases, not all Tanshui by stream bank supply, rushed to the Chobal river of silver moon bay also to fill the big lands from the mountain range. 而且四号绿洲与其他绿洲不同,并非所有的澹水都由“河堤”供应,从山脉涌向银月湾的卓巴尔河同样灌既了大片土地。 In the Camelback Kingdom local slang, Chobal this pronunciation has great and mother's meaning, after this is also the wasteland era , one of the cultures forming. 驼峰王国当地的俚语中,卓巴尔这个读音有着伟大和母亲的意思,这也算是废土纪元之后形成的文化之一。 Just abandoned the baggage, Tail on gust rushed forward the bathroom, shortly after heard the sound of water. 刚一扔下行李,尾巴就一阵风似的抢进了浴室,没多久传来了哗哗的水声。 A month has not taken a bath. 一个月没洗澡。 May give to harbor evil thoughts her. 可把她给憋坏了。 Sisi arrives at the window to sit down, is listening to the calling street vendors'cries of out of the window, that «Chobal Mountain range Oasis» that under will buy for ready money put on the knee, glanced through carefully. 斯斯走到窗边坐下,听着窗外的吆喝叫卖声,将现钱买来的那本《卓巴尔山脉下的绿洲》搁在了膝盖上,仔细地翻阅了起来。 The name of author was called the pigeon, should be the pen name evidently, he used few pens to narrate oneself life story in the flyleaf, said from Wandering Swamp, discovered this conceals on this desperate lands pleasantly surprised at the foot of the hill pearl, therefore gave up mission of employer, remained in the area, married a daughter of fisherman, teaching while wrote. 着作人的名字叫白鸽,看样子应该是笔名,他在扉页中用寥寥几笔叙述了自己的生平事迹,自称来自彷徨沼泽,在这片绝望的土地上惊喜的发现了这颗藏在山脚下的明珠,于是放弃了雇主的任务,在当地留了下来,娶了一位渔夫的女儿,一边教书一边写作。 This writes in the wasteland era 150 years doing, with its author same famous, mainly recorded No. 4 oasis and Camelback Kingdom geography style as well as local conditions and social customs. 这本写于废土纪元150年的着作,和它的作者本人一样出名,主要记录了四号绿洲与驼峰王国的地理风貌以及风土人情。 If the Chobal mountain range crosswise contrast real world world room ji, then the Camelback Kingdom position, pours a little Bangladesh of being an excellent likeness different world version. 如果将卓巴尔山脉横向对比现实世界的“世界屋嵴”,那么驼峰王国的位置,倒有点儿神似异世界版的孟加拉。 But its area wants to be smaller, altogether only has 80,000 square kilometers, the population also only then about 1.5 million, live including „the Petra fort the altogether 12 city-states. 只不过它的面积要小些,总共只有8万平方公里,人口也只有150万左右,生活在包括“佩特拉要塞”在内的一共十二座城邦。 Here royal capital is the camel city, the entire oasis 1/3 population live in that southwest corner in Gulf. 这里的王都是骆驼城,整个绿洲三分之一的人口都生活在那,位于海湾的西南角。 If across the Petra fort, has arrived at the estuary along the Chobal river toward south the floodplain, can arrive in the trim oasis most prosperous silver moon bay. 如果穿过佩特拉要塞,沿着卓巴尔河一直往南走到出海口的泛滥平原,就能到达整片绿洲最繁荣的银月湾。 Is situated the silver semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate on floodplain, is the Camelback Kingdom most prosperous port city, the fragmentary island and goes through the river course between constructions in the city style that is it is in sole possession. 坐落在泛滥平原上的银月城,是驼峰王国最繁荣的港口城市,零零碎碎的小岛和穿行在建筑之间的河道是它独有的城市风貌。 Although population, only then 300,000, but kingdom over 70% financial revenues come from there. 虽然人口只有30万,但王国7成以上的财政收入都来自于那里。 „...... The islands of native and south side, the southwest woman Luo province launches the trade. The big horn cow in desert is the silver moon bay introduces from woman Luo Hangsheng unexpectedly, there also has the length it is said the fish person of cheek, big frog that will spurt the acid liquid...... inconceivable.” “……当地人与南边的群岛,西南方向的婆罗行省展开贸易。沙漠中的大角牛居然是银月湾从婆罗行省引进的,那儿据说还有长着腮的鱼人,会喷酸液的大青蛙……不可思议。” Oh! Mortal form Luo! Can there see mortal form Luo?” Is rubbing the wet hair with the towel, just Tail that walks from the bathroom heard thinking aloud of Sisi, immediately collected curiously. “喔!魄罗!那儿能看到魄罗吗?”用毛巾揉搓着湿漉漉的头发,刚从浴室里走出来的尾巴听见了斯斯的自言自语,顿时好奇地凑了过来。 Sisi looks at her appearance, the face immediately one red, puts out a hand drawing the window curtains. 斯斯一瞧她的样子,脸顿时一红,伸手把窗帘给拉上来。 You...... the good and evil wear clothes.” “你……好歹穿件衣服吧。” Tail happily is forking the waist, is curling upwards fearlessly the corners of the mouth. 尾巴得意地叉着腰,无所畏惧地翘着嘴角。 Has what relations! I heard that everyone does not wear the clothes in the bedroom!” “有什么关系!我听说住在寝室里大家都是不穿衣服的!” Sisi subtle moving out of the way line of sight. 斯斯微妙的挪开视线。 „...... I on possibly false university.” “……我可能上了个假大学。” Mischievous period of time Tail retrieved own moral integrity finally, wore the T-shirt to sit in Sisi side cleverly, bound the hair with the towel, seemed like the plan its naturally suck dries. 调皮了一阵子的尾巴终于还是找回了自己的节操,穿上T恤乖巧地坐在了斯斯的旁边,用毛巾裹住了头发,似乎是打算等它自然吸干。 Here even android has obviously, does not have the air blower, can only say that worthily was wasteland. 这儿明明连彷生人都有,却没有吹风机,只能说不愧是废土了。 Gathering books nearby Tail eye sparkles shining is staring at the illustration, wants from above to discover that some recent maps the clues, waited a while the forum good and everyone boast. 凑到书本旁边的尾巴眼睛闪闪发亮的盯着插画,想从上面发现些新地图的线索,等一会儿去了论坛上好和大家吹牛。 Sisi coughed gently, returned to the previous topic. 斯斯轻轻咳嗽了一声,回到了先前的话题上。 Pronounced by chance looks like very much, translating literally was south of the standing tall and erect mountain range land, I favored transliterate woman Luo directly ‚’. Felt that the position of that province is a bit like widened intent staying advantage peninsula. The fort of our present like Innsbruck, camel city like Ravenna, silver semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate like Venice......, if only looks at the geographical position.” “只是碰巧发音很像,直译过来是高耸山脉以南的大地,我更倾向于直接音译成‘婆罗’。感觉那个行省的位置有点像加宽了的意呆利半岛。我们现在的这座要塞就像因斯布鲁克,骆驼城就像拉文纳,银月城就像威尼斯……如果只看地理位置的话。” Separated the transportation on road toward the Chobal mountain range that the southwest direction extends, therefore goes to the woman Luo province only to travel by water from No. 4 oasis. 向着西南方向延伸的卓巴尔山脉隔断了路上的交通,因此从四号绿洲去婆罗行省只能走水路。 According to the description in book, in the sea also has mutants, moreover it is said the battle efficiency achieved the rank of sea monster. 根据书中的描述,海洋中同样有异种,而且据说战斗力达到了海怪的级别。 However, these mutants usually only enliven in the deep sea, and is very sensitive to the smell. 不过,这些异种通常只活跃在深海,并且对气味很敏感。 The natives discovered that these mutants are very of repugnant the smell black ironwood, will therefore make the trade that the wooden the steam driven vessel conducts the long-distance range with the black ironwood. But in the shallow offshore, they will also make the ship with the iron sheet relatively. 当地人发现这些异种很讨厌黑铁木的气味,因此会用黑铁木做成木质的蒸汽船进行较远距离的贸易。而在相对较浅的近海,他们也会用铁皮做船。 That pen name was called the author of pigeon, the narrative style was very rigorous, right was the Institute researcher. 那个笔名叫白鸽的作者,叙事风格很严谨,搞不好是学院的研究员。 In the Sisi heart is pondering over, both hands rest one's chin in one's hands stare at illustration Tail to voice a feeling suddenly. 斯斯心中思忖着,双手托腮盯着插画的尾巴忽然发出一声感慨。 Has not thought that this world is so big!” “没想到这世界这么大!” Is......” “是的呢……” Sea opposite......” touches the chin, the Tail look enforced suddenly, is an enemy?” “海对面……”摸了摸下巴,尾巴忽然神色严肃了起来,“是敌人吗?” Sisi gawked slightly, immediately tittered one to smile. 斯斯微微愣了下,随即噗嗤一声笑了出来。 „...... String stage oh flatter tail.” “……串台了阿尾。” Hehe......” “嘿嘿……” Tail a little embarrassed flexure back of the head. 尾巴有点儿不好意思地挠了挠后脑勺。 At this time, she found suddenly put the scroll on nightstand, this thought the treasure map matter, therefore hey rested one to stand up, held it. 这时候,她忽然瞧见了搁在床头柜上的卷轴,这才想起来藏宝图的事,于是嘿休一声站起,把它抱了过来。 Looks that in the map that the ground launches, Sisi lifted under the eyebrow surprisedly. 看着在地上展开的地图,斯斯惊讶地抬了下眉毛。 Oh, but also is very big.” “噢,还挺大。” Said that but actually does not calculate owes. 这么说倒也不算太亏。 Oh! present! Map superscript red fork! Really is treasure map!” “喔!斯!地图上标着红叉!真的是藏宝图!” That symbol, so long as with setting pen to paper can draw to come out.” “那种记号只要拿着笔都能画出来吧。” Looks at a startled for the first time flatter tail, Sisi speaks thoughtlessly, the line of sight stayed the moment on that map, suddenly frowns gently. 看着一惊一乍的阿尾,斯斯随口回了一句,视线在那张地图上停留了片刻,忽然轻轻皱了下眉头。 Her index finger changes the page subconsciously, found the description about Lost Valley. 她的食指下意识地翻动书页,找到了关于失落谷的描述。 This vestige in the materialistic significance, is in the idealist significance, on the kingdom to this oasis, the influence is the significance is profound. 这座遗迹无论是唯物的意义上,还是唯心的意义上,对这座绿洲上的王国,影响都可谓是意义深远。 Therefore in the book also made the description of suitable length. 因此书中也做了相当篇幅的描述。 „...... Hands down according to the domestic population mouth, the god of sky falls from the sky there, the scepter of combustion turned into the mountain valley the plain. That without a doubt is No. 7 oasis, according to the known literature, I suspected that had the radioactive substance and variant slime mold...... or should say curse remained.” “……根据当地人口口相传,天空之神在那里陨落,燃烧的权杖将平原变成了山谷。那毫无疑问是七号绿洲,根据已知的文献,我怀疑那有放射性物质和变种黏菌……或者应该说诅咒的残留。” I should go to there to have a look, my body could not have stood up to toss about, for my cute son, I can only put down the adventurous impulsion. Perhaps future some day, after I not worried, I will go to there to have a look, if can fix there were perfect, although I do not have any hope.” “我应该去那里看看,不过我的身体已经经不住折腾了,为了我可爱的儿子,我只能放下冒险的冲动。也许未来的某天,等我了无牵挂之后,我会去那里看看,如果能把那儿修好就完美了,虽然我不抱任何希望。” They half a century ago, were living the Spiritual God, wants to use the spanner and bottle opener solution Spiritual God issue, credible that might as well 0.1 candles prayed.” “一个半世纪前的他们,就是活着的神灵,想用扳手和起子解决神灵的问题,还不如点一根蜡烛祈祷来的靠谱。” Read here, Sisi has basically been able to determine that pen name was called the author of pigeon is the Institute researcher —— or explorer. 读到这儿,斯斯基本已经可以确定,那个笔名叫白鸽的作者就是学院的研究员——或者说勘探员。 The tone that self-ridicules pessimistically, is exactly the same as the researcher little elder brother of some infatuated coffeemaker simply. 那悲观自嘲的口吻,简直和某个痴迷咖啡机的研究员小哥如出一辙。 Understanding more is more pessimistic, rejoiced that you have optimistic manager, changing me gave up treating...... this early is the lines that NPC often said. “了解的越多就越悲观,庆幸你们有个乐观的管理者吧,换我早放弃治疗了”……这是那个NPC常说的台词。 The line of sight framed in book one line, the Sisi union context, gave the explanation with the limited vocabulary reluctantly. 视线定格在了书中的某一行,斯斯结合上下文,用有限的词汇量勉强做出了解释。 „...... Titan.” “……泰坦。” Tail raised the head excitedly, in the eye emits the exciting ray. 尾巴兴奋地抬起头,眼中放出兴奋的光芒。 Titan?” “泰坦?” Really is Hidden Mission! 果然是隐藏任务 Sisi nodded, the line of sight moves in the page, slightly after the thinking, said. 斯斯点了下头,视线在书页上移动,略加思索后说道。 Un...... the author conducted the collection to god the rumor about sky, refers to native's description, he thinks that should be some type of large-scale ground warfare equipment that has the escort ship specification, is equipped with moves reactor, heavy firepower and star ship level protects the shield.” “嗯……笔者对关于天空之神的传言进行了收集,参考当地人的描述,他认为那应该是某种具有护卫舰规格的大型陆战装备,配备有移动反应堆、重型火力以及星舰级护盾。” Is brandishing the machine of ceremonial fire, with waving innumerable long whips evil wrestles spirit in the same place, finally burns down under the scepter of dropping from the clouds...... this sounds like the transformer to fight the tentacle to be strange. 挥舞着圣火的机器,与舞动着无数条长鞭的邪灵扭打在一起,最终焚毁在从天而降的权杖之下……这听起来像是变形金刚大战触手怪。 If blames to understand mother's nest the tentacle, then brandished the machine of ceremonial fire is very good to explain. 如果将触手怪理解成母巢的话,那么挥舞着圣火的机器就很好解释了。 Similar to «Civilization 6» end machine armor probably, or «Titan Falling from the sky» iron lump. 大概类似于《文明六》的末日机甲,或者《泰坦陨落》的铁疙瘩。 This does not seem like in three years of war period the fight, pours is a bit like the committee period happening. 这不像是三年战争期间内发生的战斗,倒有点像是委员会时期发生的。 Un, there cannot do well really has any serious thing, but —— “嗯,搞不好那儿真有什么不得了的东西,不过—— However best at this time do not cause complications. 不过最好还是不要在这时候节外生枝。 After all compared with the difficulty and income unknown vestige, in the hand the value 1 million goods is certainly more important. 毕竟比起难度、收益未知的遗迹,当然还是手上价值百万的货更重要。 However —— 然而—— When to the look on that pair of anticipation, on Zhang Congming's clever face shows the smile without idea. 当对上那双期待的眼神,那张聪明伶俐的脸上还是露出了没辙的笑容。 One side about in beginning the books, Sisi places it, patted the ash to stand up from the ground. 合上了手中的书本,斯斯将它放在一边,拍了拍灰从地上站起。 „......, if did not have a look is also a pity.” “……要是不去看看也太可惜了。” Tail jumped excitedly. 尾巴兴奋地跳了起来。 Oh! Clash/To!” “喔!冲!” —— —— ( Thanks xX belts raise Senior Brother Xx pledge enjoys principal!!!) (感谢“xX带带大师兄Xx”的盟主打赏!!!)
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