TEIBF :: Volume #6

#542: Person who I must kill, without life insurance!

It can be said that melting the god boundary is alive gods! 可以说,化神境就是在世的神明! Each, has the terrifying prestige energy that is inconceivable! 每一尊,都拥有难以想象的恐怖威能! Naturally, in the present environment, does not allow the god boundary to arrive, even let alone melted the god boundary, even Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy did not permit. 当然,在现在的环境之中,是不允许化神境降临的,甚至别说是化神境了,连神藏境九重都是不允许的。 Only allows Divine Storehouse Realm eight heavily naturally to arrive, the Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy experts want to arrive, must pay a big price. 只允许神藏境八重是自然降临的,神藏境九重的高手想要降临,都要付出不小的代价。 Therefore many Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy experts chose waiting and seeing, because can allow the time that they arrive at to be close at hand. 所以很多神藏境九重的高手都选择了观望,因为可以允许他们降临的时间已经就近在眼前了。 To a point arrive ahead of time, must pay a big price, is not necessarily worthwhile. 为了提前一点就降临,要付出不小的代价,未必合算。 Therefore everyone has not thought, pill Chen child unexpectedly is the Half-step god boundary! 所以所有人都没有想到,丹辰子居然是半步化神境! Changed including the Zhang Qing deep facial expression, Half-step god boundary, even does not melt the god boundary, but strength actually complete pulled open Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy expert big difference/great length. 连张青冥神情就变了,半步化神境,即便不是化神境,但是战力却已经完完全全的拉开了神藏境九重的高手一大截 He can also treat as an equal to pill Chen child, but currently pill Chen child cultivation base makes the breakthrough, only if he can also break through, otherwise, facing pill Chen child only feared that is nothing energy. 原本他还可以和丹辰子平起平坐,但是现在丹辰子修为有了突破,除非他也能有所突破,否则的话,面对丹辰子只怕是没有什么底气的。 This is the complete disparity! 这就是完完全全的差距! Those who make one not think, the Half-step god boundary will arrive unexpectedly, the price that pays is larger compared with him, sees sufficiently, Yan Han must kill the heart of Lu Xuan, perhaps is unable to prevent. 更让人没有想到的是,半步化神境居然会降临,那付出的代价一定比他要大的多,也足以见得,燕寒要杀陆轩之心,恐怕根本无法阻挡。 This time, only feared that Lu Xuan was unable to defend oneself, he has no odds of success facing the Half-step god boundary, can maintain life is good!” “这一次,只怕陆轩自身难保了,面对半步化神境他没有任何胜算,能够保命就已经不错了!” Zhang Qing ming is saying to about the Wudang Faction disciple. 张青冥对着左右武当派的弟子开口说道。 This Lu Xuan truly is I the rare certainly generation of talents, but the age was too small, the mastery was too shallow, if gives him again some years, present age extremely should have his space, but is actually not now!” “这陆轩确实是我所罕见的绝代天才,但是年纪到底太小了,底蕴太浅了,如果再给他一些年,当世绝顶该有他的一席之地,但是却不是现在!” On Zhang Qing ming face showed several points of facial expression pitifully , is truly a pity Lu Xuan, this time, Lu Xuan wants to escape is very likely, the idle talk was to beat pill Chen child, that was impossible. 张青冥脸上露出了几分可惜的神情,也确实是可惜陆轩,这一次,陆轩想要逃生的可能性都很小,更遑论是击败丹辰子了,那根本不可能。 Pressure hiding the sky and covering the earth of pill Chen child, was almost the flash on the anchorage Lu Xuan, in his hand, had a deep blue treasured sword, the sword glow divided. 丹辰子的威压铺天盖地,几乎是一瞬间就定住了陆轩,他的手上,多出了一把湛蓝色的宝剑,剑芒劈了下来。 Bang!” “轰隆!” In an instant, the earth-shattering, the calamity, that is an extremely wild aura, the flash broke to pieces all on the bang, divided the body of Lu Xuan. 刹那间,天崩地裂,天塌地陷,那是一种极为狂暴的气息,一瞬间就轰碎了一切,劈到了陆轩的身上。 Presented all cultivation base not to arrive at Divine Storehouse Realm four heavy above cultivator almost to kneel to bend down the ground completely, the body shivered radically uncontrolled, facing this dreadful power and influence, they had no energy of resistance. 在场所有修为还没有到神藏境四重以上的修行者几乎全部都跪伏到了地上,身体根本不受控制的颤抖了起来,面对这滔天的威势,他们根本没有任何抵抗的能量。 Even the Divine Storehouse Realm four heavy above experts, felt that like having to withstand great pressure the general might, with hardship support. 即便是神藏境四重以上的高手,都感觉如同有泰山压顶一般的威力,苦苦支撑。 Then is Zhang Qing ming such existence, the facial color changed, is displaying own imposing manner to contend. 便是张青冥这样的存在,面色都变了,在施展出自身的气势来抗衡。 This is because this power and influence dragon found the entire Wudang Mountains, dispersed everyone's body, if in view of a person, that consequence were inconceivable. 这还是因为这一股威势龙找到了整个武当山,分散到了所有人的身上,如果针对一个人的话,那后果是何等不堪设想。 pū chī!” 噗嗤!” The people saw, Lu Xuan cleft in two. 众人看到了,陆轩被劈成了两半。 Everyone stared in a big way the eye, opened the mouth, still does not dare to believe. 所有人瞪大了眼睛,张大了嘴巴,兀自不敢置信。 How can like this! 怎么会这样! Lu Xuan facing this pill Chen child time unexpectedly including a sword unable to prevent, strength of both sides also differs too far a point, everyone can look, this both sides cultivation base disparity, actually big. 陆轩面对这丹辰子的时候居然连一剑都阻挡不住,双方的实力也相差的太远了一点吧,所有人都能够看得出来,这双方修为的差距,究竟有多大。 Not existence in rank! 根本就不在一个级别上的存在! Lu Xuan is how the easy bang killed the sea of bitterness a moment ago ominously ten, but how now Lu Xuan is easily cleft in two. 刚才陆轩是如何轻而易举的轰杀苦海十凶的,而现在陆轩就是如何轻易的被劈成两半的。 Disparity of both sides was really big, to simply did not have the means to make up, without degree that the means contended with. 双方的差距实在是太大了,大到了根本没有办法弥补,没有办法抗衡的程度。 But this pill Chen child, is the Yan Han genuine card in a hand. 而这丹辰子,才是燕寒真正的底牌。 How that sea of bitterness ten ominous to probe the Lu Xuan strength send. 那苦海十凶不过是为了试探陆轩的实力如何而派出去的而已。 On pill Chen child face shows several points of fierce facial expression, in the look is glittering the ruthless severe ray. 丹辰子脸上露出几分狰狞的神情,眼神之中闪烁着狠厉的光芒。 This Lu Xuan performance was too astonishing, but is so, he more is to kill Lu Xuan! 陆轩表现的太惊人了,不过越是如此,他就越是想要杀死陆轩 Because such Lu Xuan grows, will become the Yan Han true powerful enemy surely, becomes the Yan Han serious hidden trouble. 因为这样的陆轩成长起来,必定会成为燕寒真正的强敌,成为燕寒的心腹大患。 Thought that even somewhat he has not been willing to acknowledge. 甚至还有几分他自己也不愿意承认的念头。 That is Yan Han in Lu Xuan this age, this realm time, the strength that displays, was far less than astonishment that this time Lu Xuan seems like. 那就是燕寒陆轩这个年纪,这个境界的时候,所表现出来的战力,远不如此时的陆轩看起来的惊人。 How Yan Han subdued the sea of bitterness in the past ominously ten, others are not clear, but he is clear, is experiences one to struggle hard, both sides fought for ten days and ten nights. 燕寒当年是如何收服苦海十凶的,别人不清楚,但是他却是清楚的,是经历过一番苦战的,双方大战了十天十夜。 Yan Han defeated this sea of bitterness gradually ten ominously, finally subdued this sea of bitterness ten to take own follower ominously. 燕寒逐步击败了这苦海十凶,最后才收服了这苦海十凶作为自己的追随者。 However Lu Xuan? Performance far far surpass Yan Han, he has defeated the sea of bitterness ten ominously almost to turn the hand. 但是陆轩呢?表现的远远超燕寒,他击败苦海十凶几乎只是翻手之间罢了。 Such person, cannot remain absolutely! 这样的人,绝对不能留! Talent how, Heaven's Chosen how? 天才又如何,天骄又如何? Can the safe and sound growth, be Heaven's Chosen, is a control of time, without the means grows safely, that is only the snow white white bones on step to success. 能够安然无恙的成长起来的,才是天骄,才是一个时代的主宰,如果没有办法安然成长起来,那都不过只是成功之路上的皑皑白骨罢了。 Many that such person he sees. 这样的人他见的多了。 The talent, Heaven's Chosen are many arrogant sect, even is during their Absolute Beginning Dao such inheritance , because in loose cultivator no certainly generation of talents? 天才,天骄多出自大宗门,甚至是他们太初道这样的传承之中,难道是因为散修之中都没有什么绝代天才么? That naturally is not , because they are extremely weak, without the help of Master's Sect elder, therefore the becoming a useful adult rate/lead is far less than these big sect. 那当然不是,就是因为他们太过势单力薄,没有师门长辈的帮助,所以成材率远不如这些大宗门 Inherits from generation to generation, big sect is getting stronger and stronger, but the inheritance of many loose cultivator, inherit are inheriting, broke the generation directly. 一代一代传承下来,大宗门越来越强,而很多散修的传承,传承着传承着,就直接断了代了。 Many once shocking temporary Divine Ability and Martial Art, lost the inheritance. 许多曾经惊艳一时的神通武学,都失去了传承。 „It is not right!” “不对!” Unexpectedly, the next flash, pill Chen child facial expression all of a sudden changed. 蓦地,下一瞬间,丹辰子神情一下子变了。 Because he saw, Lu Xuan that then cleft in two by him, changed to one group of spirit qi unexpectedly in the sky, then toward scatters in all directions in all directions. 因为他看到,那被他劈成了两半的陆轩,居然当空化作了一团灵气,然后朝着四面八方四散开来。 „Hasn't he divided?” “他没劈中?” Quick, others also discovered this difference, their first response is pill Chen child cannot chop Lu Xuan, but in dividing remnant shadow. 很快,其他人也都发现了这个异样,他们的第一反应就是丹辰子没能劈中陆轩,只是劈中了残影而已。 „It is not right, I divided!” “不对,我劈中了!” The facial expression of pill Chen child instantaneously changed, because he remembers, he divided Lu Xuan, that type divided the feeling, is will not be absolutely wrong. 丹辰子的神情瞬间变了,因为他记得,他是劈中了陆轩,那种劈中的感觉,是绝对不会错的。 Even if Lu Xuan has any method to hide the truth from his eye is still useless, he by Divine Sense direct locking, even if hides the truth from his eye, is impossible to hide the truth from his Divine Sense. 即便陆轩有什么手段能够瞒过他的眼睛也是没用的,他是以神念直接锁定的,即便瞒得过他的眼睛,也不可能瞒得过他的神念 However chops obviously the person, actually in his front, changed into one group of spirit qi, this yes damn. 但是明明劈中的人,却还是在他的面前,生生化为了一团灵气,这才是见鬼了。 When the people doubts are puzzled, that escaping sea of bitterness ten ominous relax finally, no matter how Lu Xuan does not have, but at least, he escapes. 在众人疑惑不解的时候,那个逃过一劫的苦海十凶终于松了一口气,不管陆轩到底是怎么没的,但是最起码,他是逃过了一劫。 True escaping of! 真正的逃过了一劫! Lu Xuan gave his pressure on be too big, even must surpass left behind the master of huge shadow to them. 陆轩给他的压力太大了,甚至还要超过了给他们留下了巨大阴影的主人。 However the next flash, the sword air/Qi drops from the clouds together, pierces him. 但是下一瞬间,一道剑气从天而降,将他洞穿。 pū chī!” 噗嗤!” Blood splattering, last sea of bitterness ten ominous, death! 鲜血喷溅,最后一个苦海十凶,死! Person who I must kill, without life insurance!” “我要杀的人,没人保得了!”
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