TEIBF :: Volume #6

#541: Half-step god boundary, sidewise compression present age

Similarly is Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy, how to differ such big?” “同样都是神藏境九重,怎么会相差如此之大?” In many mind emitted such thought. 许多人脑海之中冒出了这样的念头。 Similarly is Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy, however disparity of both sides just like is Heaven and Earth is ordinary. 同样是神藏境九重,但是双方的差距却犹如是天与地一般的。 Nearly sweeps away! 近乎横扫! At is not the opponent! 根本不是对手! Especially came from the Heavenly Paradise expert is knows that sea of bitterness ten ominous fierce, the Yan Han one person alone entered the sea of bitterness initially, surrendered the sea of bitterness ten ominously, don’t know caused the big stir, can say, for the whole world except an evil. 尤其是出身于洞天福地的高手更是知道苦海十凶的厉害,当初燕寒孤身入苦海,降服了苦海十凶,不知道引起了多大的轰动,可以说,是为整个世界除去一害。 Because in the sea of bitterness ten ominous hands executed incessantly Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy experts extremely, in addition their ten people with left, has exceeded a number of first-class sect extremely expert. 因为苦海十凶的手上毙掉了不止一个神藏境九重的绝顶高手,再加上他们十人同进同出,已经超过了一个一流宗门绝顶高手的数量。 It can be said that the occupying land area in the sea of bitterness is the king, don’t know many people are apprehensive, is not no one has attempted encircling. 可以说,在苦海之中占地为王,不知道多少人为之忌惮三分,不是没人试图过围剿。 Even has also formed the alliance of encircling, but cannot succeed, afterward participated in sect of alliance to receive the sea of bitterness ten ominous extremely frigid retaliations, the loss was serious. 甚至还组成过围剿的联盟,但是都没能成功,事后参加了联盟的宗门都受到了苦海十凶极为惨烈的报复,损失惨重。 After that no one has dared to continue to aim at them! 自那之后,就已经没人敢继续针对他们了! It can be said that sea of bitterness ten ominous in Heavenly Paradise, has become a legend. 可以说,苦海十凶在洞天福地之中,已经成为了一个传说。 However now, actually so collapses at the first blow in the hand of Lu Xuan, how their don’t know Yan Han subdued the sea of bitterness initially ominously ten, but even powerful like Yan Han, most can still achieve Lu Xuan this degree. 但是现在,在陆轩的手上却是如此不堪一击,他们不知道当初燕寒是如何收服苦海十凶的,但是即便强大如燕寒,最多也就是能够做到陆轩这种程度的吧。 Kills!” “杀!” Remaining several sea of bitterness ten ominous also by the Lu Xuan words enraging, Lu Xuan simply has not planned to let off them, they have not seen such person, in the heart the violent anger. 剩下的几个苦海十凶也被陆轩的话给激怒了,陆轩根本没有打算放过他们,他们还从来没有见过这样的人,心中暴怒。 Three people of all True Yuan condensed, burnt, in a flash, forms the three-echelon formations to send, swooped in the Lu Xuan direction. 三人身上所有的真元都凝聚了起来,燃烧了起来,一瞬间,形成三才阵发,朝着陆轩的方向飞扑了过来。 One of them, toward void grasps, immediately a long spear/gun appeared in the hand, whole body changed to together the azure glow, passed through to go toward the Lu Xuan forehead directly. 其中一人,朝着虚空一抓,顿时一杆长枪出现在了手中,全身上下化作一道青芒,直接朝着陆轩的额头贯穿而去。 This spear/gun, the world shocks. 这一枪,天地为之震骇。 This sea of bitterness ten ominous strengths compared with before must on stronger several points, really go all out. 这个苦海十凶的实力比起之前还要更强上几分,真的是已经在拼命了。 By his strength, is further more impossible, this basic is presses the bottom the method. 以他实力,更进一步不可能,这基本已经是压箱底的手段了。 This spear/gun broke open the fetter of expansive sky, crushed all in a flash, in an instant, had arrived at Lu Xuan nearby. 这一枪破开了长空的束缚,一瞬间粉碎了一切,刹那间,就已经来到了陆轩的跟前。 Strength Qi of that terrifying has swept away the entire vault of heaven! 那恐怖的劲气已经横扫了整个天穹! When the people shock, they discovered, Lu Xuan lifted the palm unexpectedly, then blocked this terrifying easily strikes. 但是在众人震撼的时候,他们才发现,陆轩居然抬起了手掌,然后轻而易举的挡住了这恐怖的一击。 The next flash, the people were almost just a blink, saw, another hand of Lu Xuan holds one to kill nearby sea of bitterness ten ominously, but lifts the time of hand. 下一瞬间,众人几乎是刚刚一眨眼,就看到,陆轩的另外一只手已经抓住了一个扑杀到了了跟前的苦海十凶,只是一抬手的功夫。 That sea of bitterness ten ominous were held. 那个苦海十凶就被抓住。 Concealment that he excels, in Lu Xuan nearby is not meaningful, was held directly all of a sudden, broke open the figure of concealment. 他所擅长的隐匿,在陆轩的跟前根本没有任何意义,直接就被一下子抓住,破开了隐匿的身形。 Was thrown to fly at the scene directly one side. 当场直接被扔飞到了一边。 Trash!” “垃圾!” Lu Xuan drinks one coldly, cried loud and long, the howl changes to the terrifying Golden Dragon, will have killed front two sea of bitterness ten to tear the fragmentation to make everywhere instantaneously ominously the blood rain. 陆轩冷喝一声,长啸一声,啸声化作恐怖的金龙,瞬间就已经将扑杀到了面前的两个苦海十凶撕裂成了碎片化作漫天的血雨。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” The raging tide that mortal body blasting open, starts, hardly next in the shock-wave that the shell bombardment forms. 肉身炸裂,掀起的狂潮,几乎不下于炮弹轰击所形成的冲击波。 Remaining that have not killed nearby the Lu Xuan sea of bitterness ten ominous also to be extinguished world Golden Dragon to howl with enough time shaking to fly. 就连剩下的那个还没来得及扑杀到陆轩跟前的苦海十凶也被灭世金龙啸给震飞了出去。 !” “噗!” That sea of bitterness ten were shaken to fly ominously, in the ominous severe surface, revealed the color of several points of shock. 那个苦海十凶被震飞了出去,凶厉的面上,露出了几分震惊之色。 Lu Xuan was extremely terrifying, almost must surpass the past master. 陆轩太过恐怖了,几乎还要超过当年的主人。 The past master subdued their times, has not shown this rank the strength. 当年的主人收服他们的时候,都不曾展现出这种级别的实力。 Is cries loud and long one, is not mainly to his, was shaken merely by the complementary waves, his established Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy experts were shaken the wound. 仅仅是长啸一声啊,还不是主要冲着他的,仅仅只是被余波震到,他这种老牌的神藏境九重的高手就被震伤。 This is existence of what kind of terrifying, thinks to think that lets him with amazement. 这是何等恐怖的存在,想想都觉得让他骇然。 At this time he understood finally, why during the master to cope to be mediocre the person to wage a war unexpectedly, is not only the master of master, their sea of bitterness ten ominous were sent. 此时他终于明白了,为什么主人为了对付凡俗之中的人居然要这么大动干戈,不仅仅是主人的师父,就连他们这苦海十凶都被派出来了。 However even such lineup, underestimated this mediocre sudden fellow, in the shallow water really raised the real dragon, this was most terrifying. 但是即便是这样的阵容,都还是太小看了这个凡俗中突然出现的家伙,浅水之中真的养出了真龙,这才是最恐怖的。 He has never met, some people can this situation, nearly make him feel powerful desperately. 他从未遇到过,有人能够强大到这个地步,近乎让他感觉到绝望。 Last, delivers you to start off!” “最后一个,送你上路!” The Lu Xuan facial expression is indifferent, on the whole body golden radiance sparkles, Golden Dragon aids unclearly in all around, the imposing manner pressure audience, almost sweeps away complete Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy. 陆轩神情冷漠,浑身上金色的光华闪耀,隐隐然有一条金龙护佑在四周,气势威压全场,几乎横扫全部的神藏境九重。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Drinks from void greatly transmits, but when the sound just appeared, the form has killed Lu Xuan together nearby. 一声大喝从虚空之中传来,但是就在声音刚刚出现的时候,一道身影已经杀到了陆轩的跟前。 That is pill Chen child, waited for a long time, he acted finally, he is waiting for can the opportunity that Lu Xuan strikes to be killed violently. 那是丹辰子,等待了许久,他终于出手了,他在等待着能够将陆轩一击毙命的机会。 Even if helplessly looks that Lu Xuan killed the sea of bitterness ten ominously does not have any to change countenance. 哪怕眼睁睁的看着陆轩杀死了苦海十凶还是没有任何动容。 The sea of bitterness ten ominous are only Yan Han one group of followers is easy, is coarser is also only one flock of dogs that said that died no doubt was a pity, but if can kill Lu Xuan, then all were worth. 苦海十凶不过只是燕寒的一群追随者容易,说的更难听一些也只是一群狗而已,死了固然可惜,但是如果能够将陆轩杀死的话,那么一切就值得了。 Terrifying aura vibrated the entire vault of heaven instantaneously, the people felt, the space this humble one spirit qi rain, spirit qi condensed the rain then to fall unexpectedly unexpectedly. 一股恐怖的气息瞬间震动了整个天穹,众人感觉到,天上居然在下灵气雨,灵气居然凝聚成雨然后落了下来。 Everyone who this grand scene looks at only feels dumbfounded, extremely does not dare to believe. 这壮丽的景象看的所有人都只觉得目瞪口呆,万分不敢置信。 Everyone cannot help the curved under own back, is unable to resist such power and influence. 所有人都忍不住要弯下自己的背脊,根本无法抵挡这样的威势。 pill Chen child unexpectedly is not Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy, this is... Half-step god boundary!” “丹辰子竟然已经不是神藏境九重,这是。。。半步化神境!” At this time, Zhang Qing ming said cultivation base of pill Chen child, immediately the audience is shocked, the people show the panic-stricken look, in the heart incomparably with amazement. 此时,张青冥道出了丹辰子的修为,顿时全场震惊,众人都露出惊恐的神色,心中无比骇然。 Especially a disciple of Heavenly Paradise lineage/vein, is very with amazement, is very more terrified, because they know, in Heavenly Paradise, is truly powerful, controls is not others, expert who melts the god boundary rank. 尤其是洞天福地一脉的弟子,更是无比骇然,无比惶恐,因为他们都知道,在洞天福地之中,真正强大的,主宰一切的不是别人,正是化神境级别的高手。 The expert of that rank, can found the immortal inheritance, powerful inheritance that even after several hundred years, and even over a thousand years will not deteriorate. 那种级别的高手,能够开创出不朽的传承,即便历经数百年,乃至上千年都不会衰败的强大传承。 Even if not Heavenly Paradise lineage/vein cultivator, having still knows actually the god boundary is what existence. 而即便不是洞天福地一脉的修行者,有很多也都知道化神境究竟是什么样的存在。 Because their inheritance are also very ancient, has came from several thousand years ago sect inheritance. 因为他们的传承也很古老,有很多都是来自于数千年前的宗门传承。 What existence even melts the god boundary is, in the Buddhist, this called to be alive the Bodhisattva, in Daoism, this called to be alive the immortal, in Cultivation System of West, this lit the half god of god fire. 更是甚至化神境是什么样的存在,在佛家,这叫在世菩萨,在道家,这叫在世地仙,在西方的修行体系之中,这就是点燃了神火的半神。 The Bodhisattva is also good, is the immortal, or is the so-called half god, has been separated from the category of common person, the age is to go directly to of millennium. 无论是菩萨也好,还是地仙也罢,亦或者是所谓的半神,都已经脱离了寻常人的范畴,寿数更是直达千年之久。 Regarding average person who the ordinary dozens years can pass away in a hurry, this existence, can say, exists forever through ancient times also no issue. 对于普通匆匆几十年就会老死的普通人而言,这种存在,可以说,就是亘古长存也没有什么问题。
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