TEIBF :: Volume #6

#543: One gasified Taoist trinity, main body present

With this words, the people look following the direction of sound, actually sees, above the vault of heaven, the form wears a lunar white long gown together, the sunlight falls to his body, the gods who who him serves as contrast seems is alive how. 伴随着这个话,众人顺着声音的方向看去,却见,在天穹之上,一道身影身穿一袭月白色长袍,阳光落到他的身上,将他衬托的好似在世的神明又如何。 Lu Xuan, is Lu Xuan, he has not really died!” 陆轩,是陆轩,他果然没死!” The Heavenly Paradise expert said. 洞天福地的高手叫了出来。 But more Earth experts relax, Lu Xuan was on their Earth hoped finally, if Lu Xuan were not his opponent, that feared Earth this side, must be annihilated. 而更多的地球高手则是松了一口气,陆轩是他们地球上最后的希望了,如果连陆轩都不是他的对手,那恐怕地球这一方,要全军覆没了。 „The surprise attack of expert how possibly, he how avoids the Half-step god boundary rank!” “怎么可能,他到底是如何躲开半步化神境级别的高手的突袭的!” Zhang Qing stood from the seat deeply all of a sudden, looks at Lu Xuan above distant place vault of heaven, does not dare to believe. 张青冥一下子从座位上站了起来,看着远处天穹之上的陆轩,根本不敢置信。 That sword , is essentially inevitable. 那一剑,从本质上来说,根本不可避免。 Lu Xuan was locked by Divine Sense, did not exist to cut leaning this possibility. 陆轩是被神念锁定的,不存在斩偏了这种可能性。 Basically so long as acts, has been doomed, will definitely cut, does not have other possibility. 基本上只要出手,就已经注定了,肯定会砍中,没有别的可能性。 pill Chen child disregarded the shock of many people, but dignified looks at Lu Xuan above vault of heaven, how his don’t know Lu Xuan achieves, but without a doubt, this time Lu Xuan, gives his feeling to be very dangerous. 丹辰子无视了许多人的震惊,只是神情凝重的看着天穹之上的陆轩,他不知道陆轩到底是怎么做到的,但是毫无疑问,此时的陆轩,给他的感觉很危险。 I am impossible to cut, I truly cut you, but now you have not died unexpectedly, that only then a possibility, that was not your main body, but was the incarnation that spirit qi turned into!” “我不可能斩偏,我确实斩中了你,而现在你竟然没死,那就只有一种可能性,那并不是你的本尊,而是灵气化成的化身!” pill Chen child said own judgment slowly. 丹辰子缓缓说出了自己的判断。 Immediately, the world is shocking. 顿时,天下震惊。 Everyone is shocked for the judgment of pill Chen child, swept away the world a moment ago, hit one group of Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy experts live cannot take care of oneself, unexpectedly is also not the Lu Xuan true body. 所有人都为丹辰子的判断而震惊,刚才横扫天下,打的一群神藏境九重的高手生活不能自理的,居然还不是陆轩的真身。 Is only a Lu Xuan incarnation! 仅仅只是陆轩的一尊化身而已! The incarnation, everyone knows that has this kind of Divine Ability, but without a doubt, this Divine Ability is Secret Technique, each sect has such Secret Technique. 化身,所有人都知道有这一类的神通,但是毫无疑问,这种神通都是秘法,每一个宗门都有这样的秘法 In the hearsay, according to the incarnation Divine Ability rank, the resources that the manufacture incarnation time consumes, the incarnation strength that makes also has the difference respectively. 传闻中,根据化身神通的级别,还有制造化身时候所耗费的资源,所制造出来的化身实力也是各有不同。 However usually, the strength of incarnation will be much lower than the main body strength, generally the incarnation for makes some main body not to facilitate to do, or matter that has no time to handle. 不过通常来说,化身的实力都会远远低于本尊的实力,一般化身都不过是为了去做一些本尊不方便去做,或者无暇去做的事情。 However even if only that very low level incarnation, is still each sect secret of not passing on. 但是哪怕只是那种很低级的化身,依然是各个宗门之中的不传之秘。 Let alone that high-level Divine Ability, in the hearsay Daoism had unsurpassed Divine Ability, named gasified Taoist trinity. 更别说那种高级的神通了,传闻中道家就有一门无上的神通,名为一气化三清。 Can by spirit qi three strengths be able with the powerful incarnation that the main body places on a par. 能够以一口灵气化出三尊实力可以和本尊相提并论的强大化身。 Although that is only the Daoism legend, but also sees sufficiently, this incarnation Divine Ability people are not don’t know, but always no one can see. 虽然那只是道家的传说,不过也足以见得,这种化身神通众人并非不知道,只是从来没人能见到过而已。 Now they see! 现在他们就看见了! Underwent his such explanation, everyone is suddenly enlighted all of a sudden, no wonder was cut Lu Xuan to change into spirit qi to dissipate a moment ago directly in the sky, rather than many people guessed was cut two halves like that blood splattering. 经过了他这么一解释,所有人都一下子恍然大悟,难怪刚才被斩中的陆轩直接化为了灵气消散在了天空之中,而非很多人所猜测的那般被斩成两半,鲜血喷溅而出。 If were cuts spatially, should anything not guess right, but was cut Lu Xuan actually to change into one group of spirit qi a moment ago, saw sufficiently, just like pill Chen child said a moment ago, his anything has not really cut. 如果是斩空了的话,应该什么都没有猜对,但是刚才被斩中的陆轩却化为了一团灵气,足以见得,正如刚才丹辰子所说,他并非是真的什么都没有斩中。 But really cut anything. 而是真的斩中了什么。 If his incarnation is so powerful, that Lu Xuan main body, this powerful to what realm!” “不过如果他的化身就已经这么强大了,那陆轩的本尊,该强大到什么样的境界!” Saying that some people stare dumbfounded. 有人瞠目结舌的说道。 Lu Xuan went on an expedition by the incarnation a moment ago, no one looks radically, besides Lu Xuan incarnation Divine Ability very wise , because the strength of Lu Xuan incarnation was extremely astonishing. 陆轩刚才以化身征战,根本没有人看出来,除了陆轩的化身神通十分的高明之外,更是因为陆轩化身的实力太过惊人了。 Hanging the dozen of Divine Ability boundaries nine like make again is playing to be the same, probably an Sir is hanging to hit one group of babies and infants to be the same, hit these Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy experts do not have the strength to hit back. 吊打神通境九重如同是闹着玩儿一样,像是一个大人在吊打一群婴幼儿一样,打的那些神藏境九重的高手根本毫无还手之力。 This astonishing battle efficiency has been above the imagination of people, therefore no one has also suspected from the start, Lu Xuan is the incarnation. 这种惊人的战斗力已经超乎了众人的想象,所以压根也没有人怀疑过,陆轩是化身。 If trades to do is they, the true body does not have this incarnation 1/10 strengths. 如果换做是他们,真身都没有这化身十分之一的战力吧。 Thinks of here, many people cannot help but hold breath a cold air/Qi, the back send coolly. 想到这里,许多人不由得倒吸一口冷气,后背发凉。 If is really so, before then Lu Xuan said that must aim at Yan Han, perhaps does not rodomontade, but really has such idea and thought that this really terrifying. 如果真是如此的话,那么之前陆轩所说的,要针对燕寒,恐怕并非是大言不惭,而是真的有这样的想法和念头,这才是真的恐怖呢。 Good, is only an incarnation!” “不错,只是个化身而已!” Lu Xuan nods, this is incarnation Divine Ability, Daoism unsurpassed Divine Ability that many people harbor intentions, a gasified Taoist trinity. 陆轩点了点头,这是一门化身神通,正是许多人心心念念的道家的无上神通,一气化三清。 Previous generation Lu Xuan in unsurpassed Divine Ability that in a vestige found, news has it that Daoism founder father then closes right up against this Divine Ability, evolves, on clear Lingbao Heavenly Venerable, jade clear genesis Heavenly Venerable and too clear moral Heavenly Venerable. 前世陆轩在一处遗迹之中找到的无上神通,据传闻,道家的创始人老子便是靠着这个神通,一口气演化出,上清灵宝天尊,玉清元始天尊和太清道德天尊 Naturally, the hearsay is also only the hearsay, is impossible really to condense three main body cultivation base suitable incarnations by spirit qi casually. 当然,传闻也只是传闻而已,不可能真的只是随便以一口灵气就能够凝聚出三尊本尊修为相当的化身。 To cultivation the pinnacle to be difficult gasified Taoist trinity Divine Ability, to melt the strength very top incarnation, various resources that needs are also the no small matters. 要想将一气化三清这一门神通修炼到极致本身就非常困难,如果想要化出战力非常顶尖的化身,所需要的各种资源也是非同小可。 Even must by Lingbao as the backing, be able to melt the strength astonishing incarnation. 甚至还要以灵宝作为依托,才能够化出战力惊人的化身。 These days, Lu Xuan has been preparing this incarnation! 这段时间,陆轩就是一直在准备这个化身! Consumes very many resources that he collected, melts this strength to be able with the incarnation that his main body is on par with. 耗费了他搜集到的非常多的资源,才化出这个战力可以与他本尊比肩的化身。 But before has gone on an expedition in Wudang Mountains, is not other, is this incarnation. 而之前一直在武当山上征战的,也不是别的,正是这一尊化身。 Now was cut to kill by a pill Chen child sword, in his heart was somewhat a pity, if spends money to calculate, the resources that this incarnation consumes perhaps, surpassed over a thousand hundred million federal coins. 现在被丹辰子一剑斩杀,他心中还是有些可惜的,如果用钱来计算的话,这一尊化身所消耗的资源,恐怕就超过了上千亿联邦币之多。 Originally this is part that he plans, goes on an expedition by an incarnation, no one can look. 本来这是他计划的一部分,以一个化身征战,谁也看不出来。 If Yan Han arrives, he will not certainly be able to bear make a move, by that time, Lu Xuan his catch everything in one net, solves this disaster again one time. 如果燕寒降临的话,他一定会忍不住出手,到那个时候,陆轩再将他一网打尽,一次解决这个祸害。 However now seems like, Yan Han has not really arrived. 不过现在看起来,燕寒是真的没有降临。 Or seems like in Yan Han, so long as there is a sea of bitterness ten ominously, in addition teacher pill Chen child Half-step god boundary acts, must put down Lu Xuan at all is not the difficult matter. 或者说,在燕寒看起来,只要有苦海十凶,再加上师尊丹辰子这个半步化神境出手,要扫平陆轩根本不是什么难事。 He underestimated Lu Xuan! 只是他还是太小看了陆轩了! It doesn't matter, cut your incarnation, cuts your main body again, could not spend many things!” The pill Chen child light opens the mouth of said that coldly looks at Lu Xuan. “无所谓,斩了你的化身,再斩你的本尊,也费不了多少事情!”丹辰子淡淡的开口说道,冷冷的看着陆轩 He stands in the vault of heaven, fuses together with the world, sends out shaking the world to startle the vulgar terrifying prestige energy indistinctly. 他立在天穹之中,与天地都融为一体,隐隐约约散发着一种惊世骇俗的恐怖威能。 Without a doubt, he is the real Half-step god boundary, is only the pressure, can force the terrifying Half-step god boundary that one group of Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy experts lower the head. 毫无疑问,他是货真价实的半步化神境,光是威压,就可以逼迫一群神藏境九重的高手低头的恐怖半步化神境。 His right hand grabs a deep blue treasured sword, on the treasured sword is sending out a wisp of light pressure. 他的右手抓着一口湛蓝色的宝剑,宝剑上散发着一缕淡淡的威压。 The next flash, pill Chen child has moved! 下一瞬间,丹辰子就已经动了! Brushes!” “刷!” The speed of pill Chen child was too fast, is almost if quickly the lightning, had arrived at the Lu Xuan front in an instant, a sword chops to fall. 丹辰子的速度太快了,几乎是快若闪电,刹那间就已经来到了陆轩的面前,一剑劈落下来。 Everything may become vulnerable! 地动山摇!
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