TEIBF :: Volume #6

#537: This is any monster

Spiritual Force of that Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy experts extremely are very scary, but what is scarier is Lu Xuan Spiritual Force, that is the true terrifying. 神藏境九重的绝顶高手的精神力就已经很吓人了,而更吓人的还是陆轩本身的精神力,那才是真正的恐怖。 Is simply ordinary like the monster. 简直如同怪物一般。 Powerful does not proclaim, but serves as contrast. 强大不是自封的,而是衬托出来的。 These six people of strengths, the vibration entire Earth, accurate, suppresses the present age sufficiently sufficiently. 这六人的实力,足以震动整个地球,准确的来说,是足以镇压当世。 When six people collaborate, was still easily suppressed by the imposing manner by Lu Xuan, seizes its intelligence, this is the astonishing method can achieve, does not dare to imagine simply. 但是当六人联手,依然被陆轩轻易以气势镇压住,夺其神智,这是何等惊人的手段才能够做到的,简直不敢想象。 Is ordinary like the myth. 如同神话一般。 Charming master is really fiercest , face/color price/value is just, face/color price/value is the strength!” “帅气的师父果然是最厉害的,果然,颜值就是正义,颜值就是实力!” clouds Ling'er whole face worship looks at Lu Xuan. 灵儿满脸崇拜的看着陆轩 Before that six people collaborated, almost forced into her the hopeless situation, but the so powerful six people, were cut by Lu Xuan the melon cut the vegetable/dish general cut to turn half. 之前那六人联手,几乎将她逼入绝境之中,但是如此强大的六个人,被陆轩砍瓜切菜一般的生生砍翻了一半。 It can be imagined, in clouds the Ling'er heart created big shock. 可想而知,在云灵儿心中造成了多大的震撼。 She is very clear, she is exhausted full strength a moment ago, but resists one of them to be very relaxed, resisting the two was very reluctant, resists six people, had been forced into the hopeless situation. 她很清楚,刚才她已经是竭尽全力了,但是对抗其中一人很轻松,对抗其中两人就很勉强了,对抗六个人,就已经是被逼入绝境了。 She is clearer, Lu Xuan can achieve this situation, not just realm surpasses her, that is only the reason of surface, trading to do is she, even she is still Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy, realm with these person of impartialities, if wants the quick victory is not impossible, let alone easy cut to turn these people in the place. 她更清楚,陆轩能做到这个地步,绝非只是境界超过她而已,那只是表面的理由,换做是她,即便她也是神藏境九重,境界与那些人持平,要想速胜也不可能,更别说轻而易举的将这些人砍翻在地了。 These people may be in Heavenly Paradise sect Sect Master, the palms of Confucianism teach, in the eyes of common person, they is also the talent first-class characters, once sparkle in world. 这些人可都是洞天福地之中一个个宗门宗主,一个个大教的掌教,在寻常人的眼里,他们也都是天才一流的人物,也曾经闪耀于世。 Was not they were too weak, but was Lu Xuan is too strong! 不是他们太弱了,而是陆轩太强了! Lu Xuan like strolling entered in these six people generally, but in his opposite, middle-aged man loudly roared that wears a sword: Real man dies , then dies, Lu Xuan, you gave up any idea of that shames us!” 陆轩如同闲庭信步一般杀入了这六人之中,而在他的对面,那佩刀的中年男子大吼一声:“大丈夫死则死矣,陆轩,你休想羞辱我们!” The remaining two experts also responded, in that wearing a sword middle-aged man hand the long blade broke open all fiercely all of a sudden, this blade gets down, was suppressed by Lu Xuan profound restored all of a sudden, very powerful. 剩下的两个高手也都纷纷反应了过来,那个佩刀中年男子手中长刀猛地一下子破开了一切,这一刀下来,原本被陆轩所压制的精深一下子恢复了过来,非常的强大。 This blade, I must reset the kerosene wind!” “这一刀,我要重定地火水风!” This wearing a sword powerhouse angrily roars, a blade divided the aura of completely new world unexpectedly. 这个佩刀强者怒吼一声,一刀居然劈出了全新世界的气息。 „The destruction pinnacle is the vitality, you can comprehend this situation unexpectedly!” “毁灭的极致就是生机,你居然能领悟到这个地步!” Lu Xuan can a blade break out his imposing manner to suppress regarding this wearing a sword powerhouse, is not accidental/surprised, what he somewhat is truly accidental, this wearing a sword powerhouse regarding some comprehension truly durations and degrees of cooking of blade say/way. 陆轩对于这个佩刀强者能够一刀劈开他的气势压制,并不意外,他真正有些意外的是,这个佩刀强者对于刀道的领悟确实有些火候。 In the blade say/way of common blade say/way powerhouse contains dies out, destroys, destroys all Martial Dao. 寻常刀道强者的刀道之中蕴含的就是寂灭,就是毁灭,是毁灭一切的武道 But only few blade say/way powerhouse can comprehend, after dying out, is full of vitality. 但是只有极少数的刀道强者能够领悟出,寂灭之后就是生机勃勃。 The cold winter of the myriad things dying out strides in the early spring that the myriad things recovered, that is the entirely new domain. 从万物寂灭的寒冬跨入了万物复苏的初春,那是全新的领域。 But as for dies compared with this saves to live the high level naturally is the life and death relies on one another, the life and death samsara, had since birth, had since birth. 而至于比这死中存生更加高级的自然就是生死相依,生死轮回,有生才有死,有死才有生。 Although this wearing a sword powerhouse also falls far short to this realm, but can only comprehend dead saves to live, already no small matter. 虽然这个佩刀强者离这个境界还差得远,不过光只是能够领悟出死中存生,就已经非同小可了。 Makes Lu Xuan sigh with emotion one also to calculate that sufficiently can be pleasant! 足以让陆轩感慨一句还算可以入眼! Although this saying sounds in the present person, like a shame is ordinary, however in the previous generation, if some people can Lu Xuan also be able perhaps the appraisal, moves the entire universe immediately. 这话虽然在现在的人听起来,如同是一种羞辱一般,但是在前世,如果有人能够得到陆轩一句还可以的评价,恐怕会立刻名动全宇宙。 Dāng!” “当!” This blade chops to fall, Lu Xuan is only simple stretches out two fingers, this together blade glow meeting, then a clip, clamped the nihility directly. 这一刀劈落下来,陆轩只是简简单单的伸出两根手指,就将这一道刀芒给接了下来,然后一夹,直接生生夹成了虚无。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” That wearing a sword powerhouse still stared in a big way the eye, does not dare to believe. 那佩刀强者兀自瞪大了眼睛,不敢置信。 He was suppressed the pinnacle by Lu Xuan a moment ago, was compelled the dead end, in the accident/surprise, comprehended dead saves fresh Concept. 他刚才被陆轩压制到了极致,被逼上了绝路,才在意外之中,领悟出了死中存生的意境 After comprehending died saves fresh Concept, a blade that he cuts grew 50% might at least. 领悟出了死中存生的意境之后,他斩出的一刀起码增长了50%的威力。 Do not despise this 50% might, this makes him emerge from these people sufficiently all of a sudden. 别小看这50%的威力,这就足以让他一下子从这些人之中脱颖而出。 The strength is better than these people! 实力远远胜过那些人! However such a blade, was actually blocked by Lu Xuan easily. 但是这样的一刀,却还是被陆轩轻而易举的挡住了。 What at this time he felt truly is desperate! 此时他真正感受到了什么叫绝望! This at all is not human, but is the monster, facing such monster, how he possibly to have any odds of success, is impossible to have the odds of success. 这根本不是人类,而是怪物,面对这样的怪物,他怎么可能有任何胜算,不可能有胜算的。 The next flash, a Lu Xuan finger selected, fell above his top of the head directly, the head of that wearing a sword powerhouse was rumbled broken. 下一瞬间,陆轩一根手指点了出来,直接落到了他的头顶之上,那个佩刀强者的头颅被生生轰碎。 Changed to everywhere flesh to flutter about, fell like the raindrop generally. 化作了漫天的血肉纷飞,如同雨点一般落下。 All these, mentioned are long, but in an instant, all had decided the victory and defeat. 这一切,说来长,不过只是刹那间,一切就已经分出了胜负。 The remaining two people had lost all courage. 剩下的两人早已经是丧失了所有的胆气。 How possibly, how to have such evildoer/monstrous talent!” “怎么可能,怎么会有这样的妖孽!” One of them's terrified opens the mouth said. 其中一人惊恐万状的开口说道。 However where his result cannot good to go, was truncated by a Lu Xuan sword flew the head. 但是他的结果也没能好到哪儿去,被陆轩一剑削飞了头颅。 Remaining that Sect Master responded finally, oneself cannot die absolutely here, turns around immediately hastily, runs away toward behind. 剩下的那个宗主终于反应了过来,自己绝对不能死在这里,当即连忙转身,朝着后面逃去。 The however together dropped from the clouds sword air/Qi direct bang broke to pieces at the scene. 不过被一道从天而降的剑气当场直接轰碎了下来。 Chopped into pieces his mortal body directly at the scene! 直接就将他的肉身当场劈碎了! The flesh flutters about! 血肉纷飞! A Lu Xuan white clothing, the pale blue long gown in the world, just like a god is common, powerful is unapproachable. 陆轩一袭白衣,月白长袍在天地之间,犹如一尊正神一般,强大的无可匹敌。 Was too strong, hahahaha, this is my human federation first expert!” “太强了,哈哈哈哈,这是我人类联邦的第一高手啊!” Heavenly Paradise underestimated my human federation, their skills, but also wants to be dissolute in my human federation front!” 洞天福地太小看了我人类联邦啊,就他们那点本事,还想要在我人类联邦的面前放肆!” Many person cannot help but laughed, proud feelings. 许多人都不由得哈哈哈大笑了起来,有一种扬眉吐气的感觉。 Since obtains beginning of message bom that Heavenly Paradise will soon arrive, all news sound are so depressing. 自从得到了洞天福地即将降临的消息开始,所有的消息听起来都是如此压抑。 Everyone who before cloud Shuangying and the others, almost pressed has not gasped for breath, although by Lu Xuan tidying up, but had the news to spread, cloud Shuangying merely was young generation of well-know figure. 之前云双鹰等人,就几乎压的所有人都喘不过气来,虽然被陆轩给收拾了,但是更有消息传出,云双鹰仅仅只是年轻一辈的佼佼者 In fact, in Heavenly Paradise, more tyrannical existence. 实际上,在洞天福地之中,还有更加强横的存在。 This worried many people sufficiently. 这就足以让许多人忧心忡忡了。 Since the spirit qi recovery, various endless threats also braved all of a sudden, makes many people complain in secret, the spirit qi recovery benefits is also only a small number, regarding most people, will suffer various unexpected misfortunes frequently. 自从灵气复苏以来,各种层出不穷的威胁也一下子冒了出来,更让许多人暗中抱怨,灵气复苏得到好处的也只是少部分人,对于大部分人来说,经常会遭遇各种无妄之灾。 Many strange events emerge one after another incessantly. 许多灵异事件层出不穷。 Zhang Qing ming sits well above the Wudang main hall, tracing the neck only thought that the neck is cool, when particularly saw Lu Xuan sword of very famous Sect Master of that also after Heavenly Paradise beheads, he felt that the neck is cool. 张青冥端坐在武当大殿之上,摸了摸脖子只觉得脖子凉飕飕的,尤其是当看到了那个在洞天福地之中也很有名的掌门陆轩一剑枭首之后,他就更感觉脖子凉飕飕的。 Unknowingly, his back passed unexpectedly completely coolly. 不知不觉,他的后背居然完完全全凉透了。 At this time he also same had the same feeling with that several people. 此时他也和那几人一样有了一样的感慨。 This is any monster, how in the common custom to be born to have such monster!” “这到底是什么怪物,世俗之中怎么可能诞生有那样的怪物!” Zhang Qing ming muttered, the palm shivered slightly. 张青冥喃喃自语,手掌微微颤抖。
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