TEIBF :: Volume #6

#536: It is not they are too weak, but was Lu Xuan is too strong

But in the eyes of more person, Lu Xuan has acted a time before Cloud Pavilion Villa besides before, actually has the considerable long time not to act. 而在更多人的眼里,陆轩除了之前在云轩山庄之前出手过一次之外,其实已经有相当长的时间都没有出手过了。 Several years time, made many people put behind sufficiently Lu Xuan invincible might, but now, they see the Lu Xuan invincible might truly, true was unapproachable. 数年的时间,足以让很多人忘却了陆轩的神威,而现在,他们真正看到了陆轩的神威,真正的无可匹敌。 The first under heaven person, the graceful bearing does not reduce, attacks invincibly, as before is a myth, living legend. 天下第一人,风姿不减,攻伐无敌,依旧是一尊神话,活着的传说。 You only then this degree?” The Lu Xuan light opens the mouth said. Is depends own realm to be high, bullies my disciple jointly!” “你们都只有这种程度么?”陆轩淡淡的开口说道。“不过是仗着自己的境界高,联手欺负我的弟子而已!” In the Lu Xuan top of the head, that Golden Dragon was long on the hundred zhang (333 m), several hundred meters, the heroic bearing that roared, the entire world also shivered. 陆轩的头顶上,那一条金龙足足长到了上百丈,数百米长,那咆哮的英姿,整个天地都随之而颤抖。 On Golden Dragon has the terrifying pressure on suppress the entire world indistinctly. 金龙上隐隐约约有恐怖的威压镇压着整个天地。 Unexpectedly pressure restrain stubbornly that six big expert, that six big expert released own imposing manner, contends with Lu Xuan. 竟然死死的压制住了那六大高手,那六大高手纷纷释放出自身的气势,与陆轩相抗衡。 That Golden Dragon, the suppression world, the people even can hear on Lu Xuan the blood plasma like the rivers and streams sea general mobile voice. 那一条金龙,镇压天地,众人甚至可以听到陆轩身上血浆如同江河大海一般流动的声音。 Six people of complexions are really ugly, but they actually do not have the means to be separated from the Lu Xuan imposing manner pressure, even if were shamed by the Lu Xuan spoken language, they are unable to refute unexpectedly. 六人脸色实在是难看,但是他们竟然没有办法脱离出陆轩的气势的威压,哪怕被陆轩的言语所羞辱,他们竟然也无法反驳。 How possibly, the mortal bodies of some people can strong to this situation, how he endures!” “怎么可能,有人的肉身能够强到这个地步,他到底是如何打熬的!” The people with amazement, they are unable to imagine the Lu Xuan mortal body particularly, how to cultivate this situation. 众人骇然,他们尤其是无法想象陆轩的肉身,到底是怎么修炼到这个地步的。 They have felt, Lu Xuan is also Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy realm. 他们已经感受了出来,陆轩也是神藏境九重的境界 Before, they can also depend their realm advantage to add on the population the advantage to bully to say Ling'er again, but facing Lu Xuan time, all these have expired. 之前,他们还可以仗着自身的境界优势再加上人数的优势来欺负云灵儿,但是面对陆轩的时候,这一切就已经失效了。 Lu Xuan stands erect in that just like is a world is ordinary, Lu Xuan blood is similar to greatly Jiang Dahai, but his muscle is similar to hills, has the terrifying pressure. 陆轩矗立在那,就犹如是一个世界一般,陆轩身上的鲜血就如同大江大海,而他身上的肌肉就如同一座座的群山,有恐怖的威压。 This is cultivates the degree that was inconceivable the mortal body, matter that can achieve. 这是将肉身修炼到了难以想象的程度,才可以做到的事情。 Is same just like the expert who faces a god boundary rank! 宛如在面对一尊化神境级别的高手一样! In Heavenly Paradise has expert who melts the god boundary, the great strength of expert but melts the god boundary, is almost all -around great strength, therefore melts the mortal body of god boundary expert, although is also powerful, but does not have prominently so. 洞天福地之中并不是没有化神境的高手,但是化神境的高手的强大,几乎是全方位的强大,所以化神境高手的肉身虽然也同样强大,但是却没有如此的突出。 Only if is expert in the mortal body cultivation direction the powerhouse of god boundary, can give them probably the so strong feeling. 除非是专精肉身修行方向的化神境的强者,大概才能给他们如此强烈的感觉。 But realm that Lu Xuan hardship degree far far surpass of mortal body currently he has been at obviously, will give them a mortal body invincible feeling. 陆轩的肉身的打熬程度显然远远超过了目前他所在的境界,才会给他们一种肉身无敌的感觉。 Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan moved, his step by step walks toward these experts. 蓦地,陆轩动了,他一步一步的朝着这些高手走去。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Lu Xuan almost every step as if can tread in their hearts is ordinary. 陆轩几乎每一步都仿佛能够踏在他们的心头一般。 Every one step makes their eyelids jump, impulsion that their almost one type turns around on running away, but simply does not have the means that that Golden Dragon occupies in the upper air, terrifying pressure that sends out, unexpectedly their fixing firmly in same place, making them not have the means to run away. 每一步都让他们的眼皮直跳,他们几乎有一种转身就逃的冲动,但是根本没有办法,那一条金龙盘踞在高空之中,那散发出来的恐怖威压,竟然将他们牢牢的固定在了原地,让他们没有办法逃走。 „!” “哇!” Unexpectedly, cultivation base weakest that the old woman who grasps the walking stick could not bear a blood spurt, was shaken to spit blood by the Lu Xuan footsteps, her body originally on rickets, now rickets was fiercer. 蓦地,其中修为最弱的那个手持拐杖的老妪忍不住一口鲜血喷了出来,被陆轩的脚步震到吐血,她的身躯本来就佝偻,现在佝偻的更厉害了。 In her look is glittering the inconceivable facial expression, does not dare to believe that similarly is Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy, why Lu Xuan can this situation, only give the heavy losses with the imposing manner him powerful. 她眼神之中闪烁着不可思议的神情,不敢置信,同样是神藏境九重,陆轩为什么就能够强大到这种地步,仅凭着气势就将他给重创了。 Is this monster? 这难道是一个怪物么? After that old woman, several other people almost also do not have the means to support, spits blood to be repulsed. 在那老妪之后,其他几人也几乎是同时没有办法支撑,纷纷吐血败退。 This all of a sudden, so long as is not people who are blind can look, above the resistance of imposing manner, Lu Xuan got the winning side completely, no, accurate, is the complete steamroll. 这一下子,只要不是瞎了眼的人都能够看得出来,在气势的对抗之上,陆轩完全占据了上风,不,准确的来说,是完全的碾压。 These person of same realm, but at all is not the Lu Xuan opponent. 这些人同样的境界,但是根本不是陆轩的对手。 Lu Xuan arrived at their front, all these mentioned are long, actually the time of short several breaths, resembling the slow reality flew. 陆轩走到了他们的面前,这一切说来长,实则只是短短几息的时间,似慢实快。 Lu Xuan arrived at that old woman's front, then a hand lifted. 陆轩来到了那个老妪的面前,然后一只手抬了起来。 In the hand of Lu Xuan, True Yuan spreads, changes to a treasured sword, the sword glow soars, cut to fall in that old woman's direction directly. 陆轩的手上,真元扩散开来,化作一口宝剑,剑芒腾空,直接朝着那老妪的方向斩落了下去。 I fought you!” “我跟你拼了!” The old woman roared, the entire body soared, the next flash, the walking stick in hand flung the startled day scarlet rosy cloud, wanted to spread, resisted Lu Xuan the sword. 那老妪咆哮一声,整个身体都腾空而起,下一瞬间,手中的拐杖甩出了惊天的赤霞,想要蔓延出去,对抗陆轩的这一剑。 However has no use, the Lu Xuan strength was too strong, that sword air/Qi cuts to fall, tore the scarlet rosy cloud directly, then chopped into pieces a that old woman sword at the scene. 但是根本没有任何用处,陆轩的实力太强了,那剑气斩落下来,直接将赤霞撕裂了开来,然后就将那老妪当场一剑劈碎了开来。 The old woman called out pitifully, then the body cleft in two unexpectedly, the blood sprayed, the flesh fluttered about. 那老妪惨叫一声,然后身体竟然被劈成两半,鲜血喷洒而出,血肉纷飞。 Simple strikes, in the hand of Lu Xuan, the old woman makes the resistance unable to achieve slightly, everyone can look, that is not existence in rank. 只是简单的一击而已,在陆轩的手上,那老妪连稍微做反抗都做不到,所有人都看得出来,那根本就不是一个级别上的存在。 Was too strong, the hit Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy experts extremely do not have the strength to hit back!” “太强了,打的神藏境九重的绝顶高手根本毫无还手之力!” The Lu Xuan domineering, looked all cultivator eyelids jump. 陆轩的强势,看的所有的修行者眼皮直跳。 Powerful is unapproachable, just like is alive the gods to be ordinary. 强大的无可匹敌,犹如是在世神明一般。 cultivator or Heavenly Paradise on Earth cultivator, is the dumbfoundedness of looking , the back sends coolly. 无论是地球上的修行者还是洞天福地修行者,都是看的目瞪口呆,后背发凉。 But when they are shocked, Lu Xuan had entered among these experts. 而就在他们震惊的时候,陆轩已经杀入了这几个高手之间。 Lu Xuan cut the melon to cut the vegetable/dish to cut to turn two generally, that two experts even responding responded without enough time, might as well old woman. 陆轩砍瓜切菜一般又砍翻了两个,那两个高手甚至连反应都来不及反应,还不如刚才的老妪。 unfathomable mystery that many people look. 许多人看的莫名其妙 Was my feeling made a mistake, how these extremely expert felt that quite, slow of their moving speed, even my type entered the Divine Storehouse Realm young man younger generation to see weakly initially clearly!” “是不是我的感觉错了,这些绝顶高手怎么感觉好弱啊,他们的动作速度之慢,连我这种初入神藏境的后生晚辈都看得清楚!” A Divine Storehouse Realm expert of new promote looks at present somewhat puzzled. 一个新晋的神藏境高手看着眼前的这一幕有些不解。 These experts in the Lu Xuan front, where have from the beginning the ominous prestige dreadful appearance. 这些高手在陆轩的面前,哪里还有一开始凶威滔天的模样。 Looked like reached an agreement generally, was turned by Lu Xuan easy cutting in the place. 就像是说好了一般,被陆轩轻而易举的砍翻在地。 This must Lu Xuan many to achieve this step? 陆轩得要多强才能够做到这一步? Many people do not dare to believe that just like damn general. 许多人不敢置信,犹如见了鬼一般。 Was not these expert was too extremely weak, but was Lu Xuan was too strong, their movement will be slow, even was caught by our naked eyes, was not because their strength weakened, but was they are pressed restrain by the Lu Xuan spirit, bumped into the wild animal to be scared with the average person suddenly was the same, was a spiritual suppression!” “不是这些绝顶高手太弱了,而是陆轩太强了,他们之所以动作会缓慢下来,甚至被我们的肉眼所捕捉,不是因为他们实力变弱了,而是他们被陆轩的精神压制住了,就跟普通人突然碰到野兽被吓傻了一样,是一种精神上的压制!” Person who has knowing the business immediately saw mystery, saw Lu Xuan so simple just like cuts the melon to cut the vegetable/dish to cut to turn two people generally. 有懂行的人马上就看出了其中的奥妙,看出了陆轩之所以如此简单的犹如砍瓜切菜一般砍翻两人。 But said that is very simple, the Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy expert Spiritual Force what kind of great strength, are ordinary like the vastness, deep and unmeasurable, Lu Xuan can blow nine people unexpectedly simultaneously, his Spiritual Force should fearful!” “但是说起来是很简单,神藏境九重的高手精神力何等的强大,如同汪洋一般,深不可测,陆轩居然能同时镇住九个人,那他的精神力该有多可怕!” Some people thought of more terrifying one. 有人想到了更加恐怖的一幕。
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