TEIBF :: Volume #6

#538: The strong lineup, the powerful enemy arrives

This is any monster, how in the common custom to be born to have such monster!” “这到底是什么怪物,世俗之中怎么可能诞生有那样的怪物!” In Three Immortal Gate[Door] one group, that is the Wang man of head looks that Wudang Mountains sky that just like at that time gods general Lu Xuan. 三仙门一行人之中,那为首的王姓男子看着武当山上空那犹如当时神明一般的陆轩 Cannot help but like damn general! 不由得如同见了鬼一般! Such character, even has not had in our Heavenly Paradise!” “这样的人物,即便是在我们洞天福地之中也没有过的!” The Wang man responded at this time finally, only thought that the back sends coolly. 王姓男子这个时候才终于反应了过来,只觉得后背发凉。 He is also a Heavenly Paradise member, saw that in human federation hostile forces emitted such terrifying existence unexpectedly. 他也是洞天福地的一份子,看到人类联邦这个敌对势力之中居然冒出了这么一个恐怖的存在。 He will certainly think that the back sends coolly. 他当然会觉得后背发凉。 I said, the land senior at all is not they can be a worthy opponent!” “我就说,陆前辈根本不是他们能够匹敌的!” A Lu Diandian face earnest opens the mouth said. 陆点点一脸认真的开口说道。 But Three Immortal Gate[Door] several other people also nod in abundance, approves this view, Lu Xuan 1 st met initially, gave their impression is really profound. 三仙门的其余几人也都纷纷点头,也都认同这种说法,陆轩当初初一见面,给他们的印象实在是太深刻了。 Very early got down the invincible impression on ironing. 很早就烙下了无敌的印象了。 Also because of this, no matter how this Wang man said, Lu Diandian and the others believe Lu Xuan, will not defeat. 也正因为如此,所以不管这王姓男子如何说,陆点点等人都相信陆轩,不会就此战败。 But at this time, in Mt. Longhu Heavenly Master Dao one group, open/stretch Tianle and the others at this time regarding the judgment of Zhang Fashan is full of admiration that admires. 而此时,在龙虎山天师道一行人之中,张天乐等人此时都对于张法善的判断可谓是佩服的五体投地。 Luckily has the reminder of Zhang Fashan, otherwise, they, if were the person who takes the lead rashly, that result will not compare that six big expert to be stronger, basically is a fate. 幸亏有张法善的提醒,否则的话,他们如果贸然去做了出头鸟,那结果也不会比那六大高手要强,基本上都是一个下场。 body dies and Dao disappears! 身死道消 Lu Xuan, the light kills them, that is also not anything, true that came, can under that chasing down, survive, this victory is meaningful!” “不过陆轩,光是杀死他们,那还不算什么,真正那一位来了,能够在那一位的追杀之下,存活下来,这一次的胜利才有意义啊!” open/stretch Tianle thought of anything, immediately facial expression one cold. 张天乐想到了什么,顿时神情一凛。 By news that their Heavenly Master Dao obtains, fearful existences must arrive. 以他们天师道得到的消息,有一位可怕的存在要降临了。 Before regardless of Lu Xuan cut to kill several people, perhaps however in this front, insufficiently looked. 之前无论陆轩斩杀了几个人,但是在这一位的面前,恐怕都不够看。 Not in magnitude existence! 不在一个数量级的存在! Cheers when the people, the audience in the world are being Lu Xuan buckles 666 powerful. 就在众人欢呼雀跃,全球的观众都在为陆轩的强大而扣666之际。 Unexpectedly, in the above of Wudang Mountains, the space fluctuated like the water surface generally, together form from leapt up, first is a pair of hand tears the space, then the form leapt up together. 蓦地,在武当山的上方,空间如同水面一般波动了起来,紧接着一道身影从其中蹿了出来,先是一双手撕裂开空间,然后一道身影蹿了出来。 The people saw that is an old man who wears the blue long gown. 众人看到,那是一个身穿蓝色长袍的老者。 The old man facial expression that this wears the blue long gown is solemn, opens the eye, whether there is pressure released unexpectedly. 这个身穿蓝色长袍的老者神情冷峻,睁开眼睛,竟然有无边的威压释放了出来。 Meanwhile, the people saw, his body emitted terrifying flame suddenly. 与此同时,众人看到,他的身上陡然冒出了一股恐怖的火焰。 That is big Dao Law is burning! 那是大道法则在燃烧! Had the terrifying expert to arrive, therefore world the Grand Dao flame, must burn him livingly. 有恐怖的高手降临了,所以天地化出了大道的火焰,要将他活生生烧死。 This type of terrifying principle flame, let alone is Divine Storehouse Realm, even stronger god boundary cannot resist, if not make the resistance the measure, was burnt livingly. 这种恐怖的法则火焰,别说是神藏境,就算是更强的化神境也抵挡不住,如果不做抵御的措施,就被活生生烧死。 After all even melts the god boundary not to involve Grand Dao, related to the level of principle. 毕竟就算是化神境也不曾涉及到大道,涉及到法则的层次。 At this time, on the old man of that blue long gown emitted a golden armor suddenly, protects to be one of them him. 此时,那蓝色长袍的老者身上突然冒出了一件金甲,将他守护在其中。 However a moment later, that golden armor was also fired one group of ashes livingly, the flame that at this time, that group of big Dao Law initiate then diverges. 但是片刻之后,那一件金甲也被活生生烧成一团灰烬,此时,那一团大道法则所引发的火焰这才散去。 The eyelid that many people look at jumps, in that golden armor is sending out the astonishing invincible might, quality extreme high. 许多人看的眼皮直跳,那一件金甲上散发着惊人的神威,品质非常非常之高。 Perhaps Divine Storehouse Realm rank the attack of expert falls above, cannot start the tiny bit mighty waves. 恐怕神藏境级别的高手的攻击落到上面,根本掀不起一丝一毫的波澜。 The treasure that possibly is melts the expert who god boundary rank refines, to let this blue robe old man arrives, was burnt completely. 可能是化神境级别的高手炼制出来的宝物,但是为了让这个蓝袍老者降临,就这么生生被燃烧殆尽。 Simply is careless and wasteful use of nature's products! 简直是暴殄天物! Bang!” “轰!” This blue robe old man just arrived, almost first, released oneself terrifying aura. 这个蓝袍老者刚刚降临,几乎是第一时间,就释放了自身恐怖的气息。 These Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy experts before far surpass, just like the terrifying murderous intention that beforehand Lu Xuan shows to be like that common. 远超之前的那些神藏境九重的高手,犹如之前陆轩所展现出来的那般恐怖的杀机一般。 Powerful, was too powerful!” “强大,太强大了!” Perhaps is not inferior to the great strength of Lu Xuan!” “恐怕不次于陆轩的强大!” My God, in Heavenly Paradise, such powerhouse arrives unexpectedly!” “我的天哪,洞天福地之中,居然还有这样的强者降临!” Many people only feel desperately, sees a ray in the endless darkness with great difficulty, now this ray actually must be destroyed completely. 许多人只感觉绝望,好不容易才在无尽的黑暗之中看到一道光芒,现在这一道光芒却要被生生灭掉了。 But at the same time, the behind space of that blue robe old man started to fluctuate, the space was torn, forms fell directly. 而与此同时,那蓝袍老者的身后空间又开始波动了起来,空间被撕裂开来,一道道身影直接落了下来。 Each is quite terrifying, under does not exist in the Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy terrors, although is inferior to that blue robe old man, but each is not inferior in beforehand these Sect Master. 每一道都极为恐怖,不下于神藏境九重的恐怖存在,虽然不如那蓝袍老者,但是每一个都不逊色于之前的那些掌门 These people bring or disagreeable, or tyrannical aura, even some person long fiendish features , seem very terrifying, is not the common generation. 只是这些人身上带着或者乖戾,或者暴虐的气息,甚至有些人长的青面獠牙,看起来都十分恐怖,并非是寻常之辈。 Was they arrived unexpectedly, land senior danger!” “竟然是他们降临了,陆前辈危险了!” Lu Diandian saw that these people had almost not been scared to death. 陆点点看到那些人差点没被吓死。 These people in Heavenly Paradise, that are also illustrious existences, each has own legend and legend. 那些人在洞天福地之中,那也是赫赫有名的存在,每一尊都有自己的传说和传奇。 So many people also arrive, is Lu Xuan dead simply, does not make Lu Xuan be able to live absolutely. 这么多人同时降临,简直就是要陆轩死,也绝对不让陆轩能够活下来啊。 Such lineup, if perhaps is not the opponent is Lu Xuan, perhaps has no odds of success! 这样的阵容,恐怕如果不是对手是陆轩,恐怕根本没有任何胜算! Said accurately, the entire human federation has no odds of success, even if used the nuclear bomb to kill like this greatly, did not guarantee that can kill completely. 准确的说,整个人类联邦都没有任何胜算,即便是动用了核弹这样的大杀器,也不保证能够杀死全部。 Ran away, possibly causes the huge casualties. 被逃出去一个,都可能造成天大的伤亡。 Let alone even if no one runs away, using this move of that still kills the enemy 1000, damages 800! 何况即便是没有人逃出去,动用这一招那也是杀敌一千,自损八百! Lu Xuan looks at these 11 people who emit at present, in the heart does not have any mighty waves. 陆轩看着眼前冒出的这十一个人,心中没有任何波澜。 Even if no one and he has raised, but who he still recognizes these people are. 即便没有任何人和他提过,但是他也认得这些人到底是什么人。 That blue robe old man is not others, by he is worrying about the Yan Han teacher, the vice- palm of Absolute Beginning Dao is taught, pill Chen child. 那蓝袍老者不是别人,正是一直被他记挂着的燕寒的师尊,太初道的副掌教,丹辰子。 Also was once one of the Lu Xuan opponents, has posed very big threat to Lu Xuan, is in Absolute Beginning Dao one of the top powerhouses. 也是曾经陆轩的对手之一,给陆轩造成过非常大的威胁,也是太初道之中顶尖的强者之一。 Although is not in Absolute Beginning Dao the powerhouse of that god boundary. 虽然并不是太初道之中那一尊化神境的强者。 However also most powerhouses one of the under Heavenly Paradise Sinochem god boundary. 但是也是在洞天福地中化神境之下的最强者之一。 In Lu Xuan and Yan Han battle, once assisted Yan Han repeatedly, with the Lu Xuan war. 陆轩燕寒的争斗之中,曾经多次协助燕寒,与陆轩大战。 But in pill Chen child behind, that ten grotesqueness, eccentric and unreasonable tyrannical person, is not any ordinary person, has the astonishing prestige in Heavenly Paradise, is known as the sea of bitterness ominously ten. 而在丹辰子身后,那十个奇形怪状,乖张暴虐之人,也并非是什么等闲之辈,在洞天福地之中也有惊人的威名,号称苦海十凶。 Each cannot have in the strength that the common sect palm teaches, endures compared with the Divine Storehouse Realm nine heavy powerhouses. 每一尊都拥有不下于寻常宗门掌教的实力,堪比神藏境九重的强者。 Each is very strong, simultaneously with drawing back, even if does all kinds of evil in Heavenly Paradise, still no one can govern. 每一个都很强,同时又同进同退,即便在洞天福地之中作恶多端,也无人能治。 Afterward Yan Han cultivation base great accomplishment, entered the sea of bitterness, subdued the sea of bitterness by one's effort ten ominously, received them for the follower. 后来燕寒修为大成,杀入苦海,以一己之力收服了苦海十凶,将他们收为追随者。 This matter had also formed the huge stir in Heavenly Paradise. 此事也曾经在洞天福地之中形成过巨大的轰动。 But this sea of bitterness ten ominous regarding Lu Xuan are not the strange people, once also fought with Lu Xuan repeatedly, chases down Lu Xuan repeatedly, finally 11 was eliminated by Lu Xuan. 而这苦海十凶对于陆轩来说也并不是什么陌生之人,曾经和陆轩也多次交手,多次追杀陆轩,最后被陆轩一一剪除。 Completely is an old friend! 全部都是老朋友!
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