TEIBF :: Volume #6

#532: Was hung to hit to chase down

Innumerable spirit qi were plundered within the body, changes to the True Yuan valuable wheel, seeming like extremely sacred and big. 无数的灵气被掠夺进了体内,化作真元的宝轮,看起来无比神圣和高大。 Bang!” “轰!” The next flash, this treasure turned, thundered, in an instant, exploded to split seven color rays. 下一瞬间,这宝轮动了,轰鸣了起来,刹那间,爆绽出了七彩的光芒。 Fist broken world!” “拳破天下!” At this time, Yang dragon loudly shouts, direct one step steps forward, in an instant, the world is also shivering slightly. 此时,杨龙大喝一声,直接一步跨出,刹那间,天地都在随之而微微颤抖。 His internal energy tows spirit qi between world to vibrate. 他身上的气机牵引着天地间的灵气而震动。 In a flash, Yang dragon five fingers pinch the fist, then a fist rumbled. 一瞬间,杨龙五指捏拳,然后一拳轰了出去。 The fist of this terrifying broke all, crushed all. 这恐怖的一拳震碎了一切,也粉碎了一切的一切。 This fist in an instant, rumbled hardly front that clouds Ling'er. 这一拳刹那间,就硬轰到了云灵儿的面前。 clouds that Ling'er sneers, in her front, indistinct eruption intermittent demon air/Qi. 灵儿冷笑一声,在她的面前,隐隐约约的爆发出了一阵阵的魔气。 This is the true magic, Path of Cultivation of Demonic Path, the strength of truly pure world, rather than the magic strength of that crude person. 这是真正的魔法,魔道的修行之路,真正纯正的天地之力,而不是那种半吊子的魔法力量。 It is not above the same rank. 根本不在同一个级别之上。 A fist of this Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering above clouds Ling'er that group of black demon air/Qi, then next flash on vanished disappear without trace, thorough by black demon air/Qi digesting. 惊天动地的一拳在云灵儿的那一团黑色魔气之上,然后下一瞬间就已经消失的无影无踪,彻彻底底的被黑色魔气给消化掉了。 Crap, what is that?” Yang dragon is somewhat surprised, oneself this fist was said unexpectedly Ling'er met safely, even has not happened to make them think matter that can have surely. 我靠,那是什么?”杨龙有些意外,自己这一拳居然被云灵儿稳稳当当的接了下来,甚至都没有发生让他们以为必定会发生的事情。 That is clouds that Ling'er caused heavy losses to fly upside down. 那就是云灵儿被重创倒飞了出去。 This is the magic!” “这是魔法!” clouds Ling'er to loudly shout, under his body, a huge incomparable great demon appeared in the midair, but clouds that Ling'er sat above this huge incomparable great demon. 灵儿大喝一声,在他的身下,一头巨大无比的巨魔出现在了半空之中,而云灵儿就是坐在这一头巨大无比的巨魔之上。 Many people cannot help but shocked. 许多人不由得震惊。 Some many people the second time are noticed that clouds Ling'er used similar magic, but as for these young disciples and all heroes from Heavenly Paradise, has almost not seen this type of weaponry. 有不少人已经是第二次看到云灵儿施展类似的魔法了,而至于来自洞天福地的那些年轻弟子和各方豪杰,几乎都没有见过这种阵仗。 That huge great demon, is almost can fundamentally steamroll all powerful enemies, guards a side. 那一头巨大的巨魔,几乎是从根本上就可以碾压一切强敌,镇守一方。 Was one's turn me, the Demonic Path was limitless!” “轮到我了,魔道无极!” clouds Ling'er to loudly shout, the direct five fingers pinched the fist, but in his subordinate, settled a great demon comprised of spirit qi also to start. 灵儿大喝一声,直接五指捏拳,而在他的麾下,安一头由灵气所组成的巨魔也开始动了。 The next flash, the direct bang broke to pieces all, that huge fist flash rumbled Yang dragon front. 下一瞬间,就直接轰碎了一切,那巨大的拳头一瞬间就轰到了杨龙的面前。 Yang dragon has not thought, clouds Ling'er unexpectedly through the great demon that the control sits down, unexpectedly can display the so astonishing strength. 杨龙也没有想到,云灵儿居然会通过操控坐下的巨魔,居然就能够发挥出如此惊人的实力。 The flash broke to pieces his all defenses on the direct bang. 一瞬间就直接轰碎了他所有的防御。 Bang!” “嘭!” In that flash, Yang dragon by the direct bang, no one breath was almost choked, Yang dragon by bang after, the mortal body flew upside down in the midair, the blood one breath all spurted. 就在那一瞬间,杨龙就被直接轰中了,差点没有一口气就呛死,杨龙被轰中自后,肉身倒飞到了半空之中,鲜血一口气全都喷了出来。 Only during the confrontation of flash, he radical falling in disadvantageous position. 只在一瞬间的交锋之中,他就已经彻彻底底的落在了下风 The ability of basic no hitting back, in all-around was said Ling'er gave the steamroll. 根本毫无还手的能力,在全方位都被云灵儿给碾压了。 Before he heard cloud Shuangying died in the hand of Lu Shanshan and Lu Xuan, not regarding aloof. 之前当他听说了云双鹰死在了陆姗姗陆轩的手中的时候,倒不至于说无动于衷。 Because he does not have the strength and mastery of that ten big expert, naturally impossible and they are common, almost cares about nothing. 因为他也没有那十大高手的实力和底蕴,自然不可能和他们一般,几乎是毫不在乎。 However he also dreads Lu Shanshan and Lu Xuan. 但是他也只是忌惮陆姗姗陆轩而已。 Simply has not thought that clouds that Ling'er can also be so powerful. 根本没有想过,云灵儿也能够这么强大。 A fist of fight, clouds Ling'er thorough obtained the winning side, thorough will give to cast off. 只是交手的一拳而已,云灵儿就已经彻彻底底的取得了上风,已经彻彻底底的将自己给甩开来了。 At this time he understood finally, why clouds that Ling'er so will be secure, even does not care him from the start, clouds that Ling'er really has such capital, far far surpass he. 此时他终于明白了,为什么云灵儿会如此有恃无恐了,甚至压根也不将他放在心上,云灵儿确实有这样的资本,远远超过了他。 The next flash, clouds that Ling'er acted again, similarly was a fist rumbles. 下一瞬间,云灵儿再度出手了,同样是一拳轰了出去。 This fist similarly is nothing's methodicalness, the trace of does not have any Fist Arts, absolutely does not have the means to judge where this stems from. 这一拳同样是没有任何的章法,没有任何拳法的痕迹,根本也没有办法判断出,这到底是出自哪里。 clouds that a Ling'er fist, has the huge prestige energy that is inconceivable conveniently. 灵儿只是随手一拳,就拥有难以想象的巨大威能。 Bang!” “嘭!” He was flown by the direct bang again. 他再度被直接轰飞了出去。 During the following short time, Yang dragon was said in the Ling'er direct bang over a hundred times. 紧接着,在接下来的短短时间之中,杨龙就被云灵儿直接轰中了上百次。 Each time, felt that the whole body soon the disintegration, simply did not have the means and clouds Ling'er contended. 每一次,都感觉浑身都快要崩碎了,根本没有办法和云灵儿相抗衡。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” The people saw, clouds Ling'er almost treats as the sandbag to be the same Yang dragon, the bang flies, the bang flies. 众人看到,云灵儿几乎是将杨龙当做沙包一样,轰飞过来,轰飞过去。 Especially many Heavenly Paradise disciples, are the facial color are more complex at this time, look dignified. 尤其是很多洞天福地的弟子,此时更是面色复杂,神情凝重。 Because they also walk from Heavenly Paradise, therefore they understand Yang dragon great strength and fearfulness. 因为他们也是从洞天福地之中走出来的,所以他们才更加的明白杨龙的强大和可怕。 However now, Yang dragon so collapses at the first blow unexpectedly, if not for personally sees, how they can believe this matter. 但是现在,杨龙居然如此不堪一击,若不是亲眼所见,他们又怎么敢相信这个事情。 Even if many people did not gather with Yang dragon, but at this time actually a feeling that smiles unable to smile. 即便很多人原本和杨龙并不合,但是此时却有一种笑也笑不出来的感觉。 But a member of many Earth lineage/vein actually feels is very happy, these days Heavenly Paradise lineage/vein were really extremely rampant, where had the meaning that they paid attention, almost them regarded, if did not have the thing, was really extremely rampant. 而很多地球一脉的修士却感觉很爽,这段时间洞天福地一脉实在是太过嚣张了,哪里有将他们放在眼里的意思,几乎将他们视若无物,着实是太过嚣张了。 Yang dragon stood firm the figure forcefully, changes to together the escaping light hastily, ran away, plunders toward the distant place. 杨龙强行稳住了身形,连忙化作一道遁光,逃走了,朝着远处掠去。 Everyone was scared, the especially those Heavenly Paradise expert, compelled thoroughly ignorant, they discovered, Yang dragon travelled unexpectedly. 所有人都傻眼了,尤其是那些洞天福地的高手,更是彻底懵逼了,他们发现,杨龙居然跑路了。 But at this time, Yang dragon were compelled quickly insanely, he has not thought completely, he is conceited, the goal is Lu Xuan. 而此时,杨龙都快被逼疯了,他完全没想到,他自视甚高,目标是陆轩 Finally at this time cannot actually be victorious the Lu Xuan disciples, is only the Lu Xuan disciple sufficiently fleeing in all directions that he compels. 结果此时却连陆轩的弟子都打不过,光是陆轩的弟子就足以将他逼的四处逃窜。 This is anything. 这算什么事情啊。 His speed is quick, but how comparing favorably with clouds Shrink the Ground to an Inch that Ling'er displays, almost under the Wudang Mountains entrance him intercepting, did not make him leave. 他的速度很快,但是怎么比得上云灵儿施展的缩地成寸,几乎是在武当山山门之下就将他给拦截住了,不让他离开。 Even if many people did not gather with Yang dragon, but at this time actually a feeling that smiles unable to smile. 即便很多人原本和杨龙并不合,但是此时却有一种笑也笑不出来的感觉。 But a member of many Earth lineage/vein actually feels is very happy, these days Heavenly Paradise lineage/vein were really extremely rampant, where had the meaning that they paid attention, almost them regarded, if did not have the thing, was really extremely rampant. 而很多地球一脉的修士却感觉很爽,这段时间洞天福地一脉实在是太过嚣张了,哪里有将他们放在眼里的意思,几乎将他们视若无物,着实是太过嚣张了。 Yang dragon stood firm the figure forcefully, changes to together the escaping light hastily, ran away, plunders toward the distant place. 杨龙强行稳住了身形,连忙化作一道遁光,逃走了,朝着远处掠去。 Everyone was scared, the especially those Heavenly Paradise expert, compelled thoroughly ignorant, they discovered, Yang dragon travelled unexpectedly. 所有人都傻眼了,尤其是那些洞天福地的高手,更是彻底懵逼了,他们发现,杨龙居然跑路了。 But at this time, Yang dragon were compelled quickly insanely, he has not thought completely, he is conceited, the goal is Lu Xuan. 而此时,杨龙都快被逼疯了,他完全没想到,他自视甚高,目标是陆轩 Finally at this time cannot actually be victorious the Lu Xuan disciples, is only the Lu Xuan disciple sufficiently fleeing in all directions that he compels. 结果此时却连陆轩的弟子都打不过,光是陆轩的弟子就足以将他逼的四处逃窜。 This is anything. 这算什么事情啊。 His speed is quick, but how comparing favorably with clouds Shrink the Ground to an Inch that Ling'er displays, almost under the Wudang Mountains entrance him intercepting, did not make him leave. 他的速度很快,但是怎么比得上云灵儿施展的缩地成寸,几乎是在武当山山门之下就将他给拦截住了,不让他离开。 Finally at this time cannot actually be victorious the Lu Xuan disciples, is only the Lu Xuan disciple sufficiently fleeing in all directions that he compels. 结果此时却连陆轩的弟子都打不过,光是陆轩的弟子就足以将他逼的四处逃窜。 This is anything. 这算什么事情啊。 His speed is quick, but how comparing favorably with clouds Shrink the Ground to an Inch that Ling'er displays, almost under the Wudang Mountains entrance him intercepting, did not make him leave. 他的速度很快,但是怎么比得上云灵儿施展的缩地成寸,几乎是在武当山山门之下就将他给拦截住了,不让他离开。
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