TEIBF :: Volume #11

#1074: The prologue before chaos

In the universe pavilion to Lu Xuan various Gossip has never broken, even the pair of big hand seems stopping the restrain Lu Xuan surrounding space, lets all people who try to approach Lu Xuan, are unable to close up entirely. 太虚阁内对陆轩的各种流言蜚语从来不曾断过,甚至有一双大手似乎正在遏制住陆轩周围的空间,让所有试图靠近陆轩的人,统统无法靠拢。 Lu Xuan soon realized is not right, because of foot full-term time, besides Han immortal comes to ask for advice, even others do not have. 陆轩很快就意识到了不对,因为足足月余的时间,除了韩仙儿上门讨教之外,甚至连一个其他人都没有。 By the performance of Lu Xuan the natural talent and strength, everyone can look, the Lu Xuan prospect is limitless. 要知道,以陆轩的表现出来的天资和实力,所有人都能看得出来,陆轩的前景不可限量。 Currying favor with powerful people is in itself the natural dispositions of all intelligent lifeform, similar Lu Xuan such generation of Tianjiao meetings have many followers certainly, for example Zhang Tao, has many followers. 趋炎附势本身就是所有智慧生物的本性,类似陆轩这样的绝代天骄本身聚会有大量的追随者,比如说张涛,就有不少的追随者。 But hits the person of such idea to have, Lu Xun had spoken a few words, cannot be victorious he to join him. 而打着这样主意的人应该有很多,鲁迅曾经说过一句话,打不过他就加入他。 This is an axiom! 这是一句至理名言! Without a doubt, definitely some people prevented these to close up the Lu Xuan person, did not need to know that was Zhang Family Old Ancestor. 毋庸置疑,肯定是有人阻止了那些想靠拢陆轩的人,不用想都知道是张家老祖了。 However Lu Xuan does not care, his these person of interests to universe pavilion is not in any case big, big universe pavilion, besides these Great Principle Golden Immortal, enough was watched by him on Zhang Tao and Han Xianer aptitude reluctantly. 不过陆轩对此也并不在乎,反正他对太虚阁的这些人兴趣也不大,偌大的太虚阁,除了那些大罗金仙之外,也就张涛和韩仙儿的资质勉强足够被他看在眼里。 Zhang Tao was just punched by him, hates to the marrow of the bones about him, that naturally is impossible. 张涛刚被他揍了一顿,对他恨之入骨,那自然是不可能的。 But Han Xianer is the successor of Han next generation, the commonplace situation will not become his follower. 而韩仙儿是韩家下一代的接班人,等闲情况也不会成为他的追随者。 Lu Xuan is more impossible to propose that such request, looks for the follower and so on matter, at present is not the key. 陆轩更不可能主动提出这样的要求,寻找追随者之类的事情,在目前不是关键。 So long as the strength were strong enough, what follower wanting to have, is the follower is it may be said that floating about like clouds. 只要实力够强了,想要什么样的追随者都有,可谓是从者如云。 Matter few people of giving opportune help are willing to do, but improved on perfection the matter that was everyone is actually willing to handle. 雪中送炭的事情很少有人愿意做,但是锦上添花却是所有人都愿意做的事情了。 In main shrine that in the thunder porch, Lu Xuan lives. 雷霆轩内,陆轩所居住的主殿之中。 -and-a-half monster Golden Immortal respectful standing in the Lu Xuan front, said: Sir, this is the invitation that our Young Master makes me send, the banquet that after inviting you to attend three days, our Young Master holds!” 一个半妖金仙毕恭毕敬的站在陆轩的面前,道:“大人,这是我们少主让我送来的请柬,邀请您参加三日之后我们少主举办的宴会!” This half monster Golden Immortal is also Fang Qiang, however in front of Lu Xuan is actually respectful, although on Lu Xuan has not divulged the tiny bit aura, but does not hinder this half monster Golden Immortal to know the great strength of Lu Xuan. 这个半妖金仙也是一方强者,但是在陆轩面前却是毕恭毕敬,虽然陆轩身上没有泄露一丝一毫的气息,但是不妨碍这个半妖金仙知道陆轩的强大。 After all Lu Xuan first defeats Zhang Tao in the universe pavilion, abandons the Lei three delicacies of the land, although the news in the universe pavilion was cut off massively not spreads. 毕竟陆轩在太虚阁内先败张涛,又废雷氏三仙,虽然在太虚阁内消息就被阻隔了没有大规模的传扬出去。 However that also merely regarding the person who has not paid attention, but regarding their clan, is actually not the secret. 但是那也仅仅是对于不曾关注的人而言,但是对于他们这一族来说,却不是秘密。 After all this had beaten their Young Master powerhouse, in the future possibly is their Young Master this generation of powerhouses extremely. 毕竟这是曾经击败过他们少主的强者,未来可能是他们少主这一代的绝顶强者。 However also because of this, let their clan unexpected detections to the Lu Xuan strength. 但是也正因为如此,才让他们这一族意外的察觉到了陆轩的实力。 Zhang Tao, is the Lei three delicacies of the land, is not the powerhouse who he can follow. 无论是张涛,还是雷氏三仙,都不是他能够望其项背的强者。 But such powerhouse, actually collapses at the first blow in the Lu Xuan front. 而这样的强者,在陆轩的面前却是不堪一击。 He before was informed this news, to guarantee him will not offend Lu Xuan arrogantly. 他在来之前被告知了这个消息,就是为了确保他不会自大的得罪了陆轩 This banquet, our Young Master will invite the influence that many and my clan is on good terms time generation of Heaven's Chosen, hope certainly when the time comes the Sir can visit!” “这一次的宴会,我们少主会邀请许多和我族交好的势力的绝代天骄,希望到时候大人能够莅临!” Half monster Golden Immortal respectful saying. 半妖金仙毕恭毕敬的说道。 „The invitation of gold/metal penetrating?” Lu Xuan narrowed the eye, he recalled that previous life, as if also had such a banquet, at that time can arrive is certainly generation of Heaven's Chosen that the entire Heaven is well-known. “金彻的邀请?”陆轩眯了眯眼睛,他回想起了前世,似乎也有这么一个宴会,当时能够到场的都是整个天界都闻名的绝代天骄。 Lu Xuan listened to an ear this matter at that time, because he had not been qualified for attending this banquet at that time. 只是陆轩当时只是听了一耳朵此事,因为那时候他并未有资格参加这个宴会。 This and previous life are completely different, previous life he intruded first 10,000 reluctantly, is good regarding the average person, but regarding gold/metal penetrating such existence, that basically with cannon fodder not different. 这一世和前世完全不同,前世他不过是勉强闯入了前一万名而已,对于普通人来说已经不错了,但是对于金彻这样的存在来说,那基本就和喽啰炮灰无异。 I knew, I will go!” “我知道了,我会前往的!” Lu Xuan nods to say. 陆轩点了点头说道。 After gazing after this half monster Golden Immortal leaves, in the Lu Xuan mind the memory flash is similar to the tide generally turbulently to raid. 目送这个半妖金仙离开之后,陆轩脑海之中记忆一瞬间就如同潮水一般汹涌袭来。 gold/metal Che the invitation he was also only slightly a brain, has not cared. 金彻的邀请他也只是稍微过了一下脑子,没有放在心上。 Such invitation, is very ordinary in Heaven, in each certainly generation of Heaven's Chosen besides is each other competitor on cultivation road, divides the different circles. 这样的邀请,在天界之中很平常,各个绝代天骄之间除了是彼此修行路上的竞争对手之外,也是分不同的圈子的。 Each circle has the difference respectively, after all these people in the future is to ascend the sky for the officer, these people will be the future relationship networks. 每一个圈子都各有不同,毕竟这些人未来是要上天为官的,这些人都是未来的关系网。 However truly what he cares, following Heavenly Court a series of big movements. 不过他真正在意的是,接下来的天庭一系列的大动作。 Yes, true big movement! 是的,真正的大动作! In the Lu Xuan memory, after the banquet of gold/metal penetrating shortly, Heavenly Court ordered, to open Lu Xuan to covet for a long time ancient battlefield mystical place. 陆轩记忆中,在金彻的宴会之后没多久,天庭就下令,开放了一个陆轩觊觎已久的古老战场秘境。 This ancient battlefield mystical place often is because before the remote past, had had the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering war, the powerhouse who even if falls from the sky is still existence of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, their existences twisted the rule, making the trim world completely different. 这种古老的战场秘境往往都是因为在遥远的年代以前,曾经发生过惊天动地的大战,而即便是陨落的强者本身也是惊天动地的存在,他们的存在扭曲了规则,使得整片天地变得完全不一样。 Because of this, will form mystical places. 正因为如此,才会形成一个个秘境。 But such mystical place, often grasps in the big influence hands, belongs to the Heavenly Court overall mystical place is most. 而这样的秘境,往往都掌握在一个个大势力手中,属于天庭整体的秘境是最多的。 Now also no one detects the Heavenly Court intention, but is quick, everyone will also understand. 现在还没有人察觉到天庭的意图,但是很快,所有人也都会明白了。 Because the chaos will get up! 因为大乱将起! Innumerable years ago, Heaven and from all walks of life after fighting, among from all walks of life entered the long armistice period, although the fight in various battlefield has not stopped, but regarding each big Senior Sister, can only be the small scale as before, but is the border rubs. 无数年前,天界与各界的一战之后,各界之间就进入了漫长的休战期,虽然在诸界战场上的战斗从来没有停止过,但是对于各个大师姐来说,依旧只能算是小打小闹,不过是边境摩擦而已。 Even if even has the Immortal King realm powerhouse to fall from the sky in such border friction, but cannot change this is only the fact of border friction. 哪怕在这样的边境摩擦中甚至有仙王境界的强者陨落,但是也改变不了这只是边境摩擦的事实。 However now passes with the long time, various macrocosms recovered one after another, being ready to make trouble some generations of ambition enlivened. 但是现在随着漫长的时间过去,各大世界都陆续恢复了元气,一些蠢蠢欲动的野心之辈又重新活跃了起来。 According to Lu Xuan previous life knows, now many powerful world, like, Monsters World, ghost, the hell, the heaven and other world have started the series that is ready to make trouble. 按照陆轩前世所知,现在诸多强大的世界,如同,妖界,鬼界,地狱,天堂等诸多世界已经开始蠢蠢欲动的串联起来。 But their goals, are always naturally maintaining most powerful stance Heaven. 而他们的目标,自然就是一直以来保持着最强大姿态的天界。 Heaven had also detected, although also is only restricted in the Heaven high level to know at present, but the training next generation work is stepping up. 天界也已经有所察觉,虽然目前也仅限于天界高层知晓,但是培养下一代的工作在加紧了。 various boundary/world fights will soon arrive, Heaven also need many strong strengths, these resources pinch in the hand are not meaningful, only then gives each talent, can play the important function. 诸界大战即将到来,天界也需要更多的强大战力,那些资源捏在手中根本没有任何意义,只有交给各个天才,才能够发挥出重大作用。 Therefore generation of Lu Xuan this generation before previous life growth far surpass, is very astonishing. 所以陆轩这一代在前世的成长速度远超前代,十分惊人。 Originally regarding training of each talent, resources of investment even are many, but still limit, will know when to stop. 原本对于各个天才的培养,投入的资源即便很多,但是也有一个极限,也会适可而止。 However on this generation actually different, because the high levels of major influences will more or less receive the instruction from fellow emperors. 但是在这一代身上却不同,因为各大势力的高层或多或少都会收到来自各位帝君的指示。 Heaven needs the talent, even if becomes the talent of cannon fodder, really needs. 天界需要人才,哪怕是成为炮灰的人才,也很需要。 In the future, is the stage of talent blowout, many future well-known influential figure, appear in this time. 未来的一段时间,将是诸位天才井喷的阶段,许多未来知名的大人物,都是在这一时间出现的。 But gold/metal Che the banquet invited, was one of the all these prologues. 而金彻的这个宴会邀请,是这一切的序幕之一。
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