TEIBF :: Volume #11

#1073: This world did not condemn the powerhouse, cannot condemn the powerhouse

The Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child cannot feel any can transfer the supernatural power the sign, his dantian directly by Lu Xuan discarding. 雷氏三仙老大感受不到身上任何能够调动法力的迹象,他的丹田直接被陆轩给废掉了。 The strength of terrifying thunder passes through in his each cell, originally properly speaking, what his cultivation is, and condensed the thunder principle, forms the domain. 恐怖的雷霆之力贯穿在他的每一个细胞之中,原本照理来说,他修行的是雷法,并且将雷霆法则凝聚了出来,形成领域。 The thunder energy enters his within the body, will be absorbed by him instantaneously, but now, each cell in these wild thunder energies in destroying his body, even the mortal body of Golden Immortal rank, cannot keep up with such destruction. 雷霆能量进入他的体内,瞬间就会被他吸收,但是现在,这些狂暴的雷霆能量在摧毁他身体之中的每一个细胞,即便是金仙级别的肉身,也根本跟不上这样的破坏。 All supernatural powers blast open in the body, was extremely really terrifying! 所有的法力在身体之中炸裂开来,着实太过恐怖了! In each thunder energy contains together the seal, is suppressing the activeness of his cell. 每一道雷霆能量之中蕴含着一道封印,抑制着他细胞的活性。 In a flash, the Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child was rapid, did not have the boundless life energy, the Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child's body in rapid senile middle. 一瞬间,雷氏三仙老大迅速衰老,没有了磅礴的生命能量,雷氏三仙老大的身体在迅速衰老当中。 Kills him not to think, they must help busy of person, finally actually evolved this. 打死他都没有想到,他们不过是要帮一个人的忙,最后却演变成了这样。 The Lu Xuan terrifying is, one ten years of ago in the far surpass material mentioning just participated in Heavenly Court to discuss the fellow of grand ceremony, had a limit again fiercely. 陆轩的恐怖更是远超资料上所提及的,一个十年前才刚刚参加完天庭论才大典的家伙,再厉害也有一个限度。 If possible, discarding Lu Xuan is best, even if when the time comes Han Linzun blames, for a disabled person, but has no consideration for face with them? 如果可以的话,废掉陆轩是最好的,到时候即便韩林尊者怪罪,难道会为了一个废人而和他们撕破脸么? This world is so cruel, without the person of use value no one will look at one radically. 这个世界就是这般残忍,没有利用价值的人根本没人会多看一眼。 Big brother!” “大哥!” The second child and third child of remaining Lei three delicacies of the land noticed that this almost must fall immediately insanely, they eat and drink since childhood together well together the daily life, the sentiment to being similar to a body, when saw that the Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child was discarded cultivation base to be suddenly senile, immediately could not repress, pounced upon suddenly toward Lu Xuan. 剩下的雷氏三仙的老二和老三看到这一幕顿时几乎要疯掉了,他们从小一起吃喝一起起居,感情好到如同一体,当看到雷氏三仙老大被废掉修为急剧衰老,顿时都按捺不住了,朝着陆轩猛扑了过来。 However they come up empty-handed entirely, their speeds are fast, changed into an electric light in the midair, carried over the astonishing sonic boom sound, the speed wonderful quick incomparable. 但是他们统统扑了个空,他们的速度已经非常快,在半空之中化为了一道电光,带出了惊人的音爆声,速度奇快无比。 Almost looks like two giant meteors to cut the horizon, however the Lu Xuan speed is faster, he penetrated the space instantaneously. 几乎就像是两颗巨大的流星划破天际,但是陆轩的速度更快,瞬间他穿透了空间。 If there is anything to be quicker than the speed of thunder, that also only then space principle. 如果说有什么比雷霆的速度更快的,那也就只有空间法则了。 The Lu Xuan flash had arrived at the front of Lei three delicacies of the land second child, the backhand was a palm of the hand patted. 陆轩一瞬间就已经来到了雷氏三仙老二的面前,反手就是一巴掌拍了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” The Lei three delicacies of the land second child guards radically without enough time, has not thought, the Lu Xuan speed can such rapidness, draw near the speed that he simply has not responded unexpectedly. 雷氏三仙老二根本来不及防备,更万万没有想到,陆轩的速度居然能够如此之快,快到了他都根本没有反应过来的速度。 Only in a flash, the whole person was patted turns in the place, was almost the same as the Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child a moment ago, was abandoned cultivation base by Lu Xuan directly, in a flash, starts rapidly senile, among the moments, have suffocated. 只一瞬间,整个人就被拍翻在地,与刚才雷氏三仙老大相差无几,直接被陆轩废去了修为,一瞬间,就开始飞速衰老,片刻之间,就已经奄奄一息。 Is the Lei three delicacies of the land third child, saw the big brother or the Second Brother, in the Lu Xuan front, so collapse at the first blow unexpectedly, immediately the perspiration such as the thick liquid leaves, the ghost braves greatly. 紧接着是雷氏三仙的老三,看到了无论是大哥还是二哥,在陆轩的面前,竟然如此不堪一击,顿时汗如浆出,亡魂大冒。 He toward void escapes in a flash, he had been killed the broken courage by Lu Xuan, thorough scared, was frightened unbearably. 他一瞬间就朝着虚空之外逃去,他已经被陆轩杀破胆子了,彻彻底底的胆寒,被吓得够呛。 How however can escape the attack of Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan palm one, melted one group of thunder, changed into an electricity whip, flung toward him directly. 然而如何能够逃脱的了陆轩的攻击,陆轩手掌一摊,化出一团雷霆,紧接着化为了一条电鞭,直接朝着他甩了出去。 Divine Ability, bundles the dragon rope! 神通,捆龙索! In the middle the bunch of dragon ropes toward the old Three Antis of that Lei three delicacies of the land plundered at an astonishing speed directly. 之间捆龙索以一个惊人的速度直接朝着那雷氏三仙的老三反掠了过去。 The next flash, the Lei three delicacies of the land third child was grasped, body by compared with running away time also wanted the quick speed to be entrained, then fell the ground ruthlessly. 下一瞬间,雷氏三仙老三就被抓了回来,身躯以比逃窜的时候还要快的速度被生生拽了回来,然后狠狠落到了地上。 His treatment is not better than their two people on, even if a tiny bit, were discarded martial arts. 他的待遇也没比他们两人好上哪怕一星半点,统统都被废掉了武功。 The Lei three delicacies of the land lie down on the ground wail unceasingly, looked that has the hatred to the Lu Xuan look, there are to fear intent. 雷氏三仙躺在地上哀嚎不断,看向陆轩的眼神之中有恨意,也有惧意。 Senior!” “前辈!” Han immortal goes forward saying: Senior abandoned their cultivation base, only feared that immediately the public criticism ebullition, I will hear Lei three delicacies of the land very some the Golden Immortal big energies of being on good terms particularly!” 韩仙儿上前说道:“前辈废了他们的修为,只怕立刻就会物议沸腾,尤其是我听说雷氏三仙很是有一些交好的金仙大能!” Public criticism ebullition?” After Lu Xuan swept Han Xianer, suddenly smiled. “物议沸腾?”陆轩扫了一眼韩仙儿之后,突然笑了。 The Han immortal age is small, in addition will also dread some nothing, but regarding Lu Xuan, this radically is not the issue. 韩仙儿年纪到底还小,尚且还会畏惧这些有的没有的事情,不过对于陆轩来说,这根本都不是什么问题。 Even if today I give on you a class, only then strength insufficient time, will be censured by them, the rule of this world will be the world will not condemn the upper dog, the world cannot condemn the upper dog!” “今天就算我给你上一课吧,只有实力不够的时候,才会被他们非议,这个世界的规则就是世界不会谴责成功者,世界也不能谴责成功者!” Lu Xuan light saying. 陆轩淡淡的说道。 previous life Lu Xuan had undergone all sorts of transformations, has been used to it, facing these issues, just as he said that this world will not condemn the victor, cannot condemn the victor. 前世陆轩早就已经经过了种种的蜕变,也早就已经习惯了,面对这些问题,正如他自己所说,这个世界不会谴责胜利者,也不能谴责胜利者。 Quick, some people tidied up the Lei three delicacies of the land, Lu Xuan moved in the thunder porch, and discarded the Lei three delicacies of the land news also to disseminate in the universe pavilion at the speed like lightning. 很快,就有人来收拾了雷氏三仙,陆轩入住雷霆轩,并且废掉了雷氏三仙的消息也以闪电般的速度在太虚阁内传播了起来。 It may be said that is a stone raises thousand overlapping waves, everyone has not thought, Lu Xuan just moved in the thunder porch, unexpectedly made such big matter all of a sudden. 可谓是一石掀起千层浪,所有人都没有想到,陆轩才刚刚入住雷霆轩,居然一下子又闹出了如此之大的事情。 The Lei three delicacies of the land take in the universe pavilion established Golden Immortal, has huge relational internet in the universe pavilion, with Han Xianer thinks, suddenly, many established Golden Immortal spoke. 雷氏三仙作为太虚阁内老牌金仙,在太虚阁内拥有庞大的关系网络,和韩仙儿所想的一样,一时间,多个老牌金仙纷纷发言。 Now he to shouts for the senior statesman who the universe pavilion makes the contribution hits to shout "kill", in the future will return outstanding?” “现在他就对为太虚阁做出贡献的元老如此喊打喊杀,未来还了得?” Simply absurd, this is a demon!” “简直岂有此理,这就是个魔头!” Leaves behind him, regarding our universe pavilion, absolutely is a disaster!” “留下他,对于我们太虚阁来说,绝对是一个祸害!” Suddenly various condemnations and rebuked toward Lu Xuan. 一时间各种谴责和非难朝着陆轩而来。 However quick Han Xianer pondered over a flavor, these established Golden Immortal each opens the mouth condemned Lu Xuan, but intended to ask for truly just for the Lei three delicacies of the land did not have. 然而很快韩仙儿就琢磨出了一点味道,这些老牌金仙各个开口谴责陆轩,但是一个真正出手为雷氏三仙讨公道的都没有。 She understands finally the Lu Xuan words, this world did not condemn the powerhouse and victor, cannot condemn the powerhouse and victor. 她终于明白了陆轩的话,这个世界不谴责强者和胜利者,也不能谴责强者和胜利者。 In fact, these Golden Immortal are astute, Lu Xuan just arrived at the universe pavilion shortly, discarded three Golden Immortal, was hits to explode Zhang Tao such future Great Principle Golden Immortal. 事实上,这些金仙们都精明着呢,陆轩刚刚来到太虚阁没多久,就连废掉了三个金仙,更是打爆了张涛这样未来的大罗金仙 It may be said that punishes one as a warning to others! 可谓是杀鸡骇猴! These, in the universe pavilion calculates on is the strength of backbone, except for Great Principle Golden Immortal, who dares saying that can exceed Zhang Tao or the combination of Lei three delicacies of the land? 这几个,在太虚阁都算的上是中坚的力量,除了大罗金仙,谁敢说能够胜得过张涛或者雷氏三仙的组合? However now both sides are easily hung to hit by Lu Xuan, some result many people of two wars saw, Lu Xuan cultivation base had been in the inconceivable situation seriously, common peak Golden Immortal at all is not an opponent, even does not match for the opponent. 但是现在双方都被陆轩轻易吊打,两战的结果都有很多人看到,陆轩修为当真已经到了不可思议的地步,寻常巅峰金仙都根本不是对手,甚至根本就不配成为对手。 Has is discarded the cultivation base Lei three delicacies of the land to make the example, who dares to offend Lu Xuan, who feared that ends up the Lei three delicacies of the land the fate. 已经有了被废掉修为的雷氏三仙做例子,谁又敢冒犯陆轩,谁也怕落得雷氏三仙的下场。 Fights established Lu Xuan certainly a generation of ominous prestige, even some Great Principle Golden Immortal in secret to deploying to mention, even his such Great Principle Golden Immortal, still to Lu Xuan existed to feel being nervous and uneasy. 一战就奠定了陆轩的绝代凶威,甚至还有某一尊大罗金仙私下里对部署提到,即便是他这样的大罗金仙,也对陆轩的存在感受到了如芒在背。 The Lu Xuan point, even he felt a huge threat! 陆轩的锋芒,连他都感觉到了一种巨大的威胁! But as the event core, in Lu Xuan in vortex has no sound, but inspects in the thunder porch every day, is ordinary like the bystander. 而身为事件核心,处于漩涡之中的陆轩却没有任何动静,只是每日在雷霆轩之内巡视,如同没事人一般。
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