TEIBF :: Volume #11

#1072: Fist big has the qualifications to work out the custom

This thunder porch should be this Lei three delicacies of the land the place of cultivation, now is actually given Lu Xuan. 这雷霆轩原本应该是这雷氏三仙的修行之地,现在却被给了陆轩 Lu Xuan as if smelled the flavors of some plots. 陆轩仿佛从中闻到了些许阴谋的味道。 Place is not I elects, I think, what in this has to misunderstand?” The Lu Xuan light opens the mouth said. “地方不是我选的,我想,这里面是不是有什么误会?”陆轩淡淡开口说道。 Except for you, but who can also? You have something to quibble, now you make us everyone's laughingstock, this also had something to say!” Eldest child coldly said in Lei three delicacies of the land. “除了你,还能有谁?你还有什么可狡辩的,现在你让我们成为了所有人的笑柄,这还有什么可说的!”雷氏三仙中的老大冷冷的说道 Said, you do plan persistently unreasonably?” The Lu Xuan facial expression was gradually solemn. “这么说,你们打算蛮不讲理咯?”陆轩神情逐渐冷峻了起来。 He also thought this Lei three delicacies of the land should be not clear Guanqiao, in Lu Xuan had indicated in situation that he does not know the circumstances of the matter, the Lei three delicacies of the land are still the appearance of being unforgiving, obviously not does not know the inside story, but was plans to use something as a pretext. 原本他还觉得这雷氏三仙应该是不清楚其中的官桥,但是在陆轩已经表明了他不知情的情况下,雷氏三仙依然是不依不饶的样子,明显并非不知内情,而是打算借题发挥了。 Persistently unreasonable how? Do not depend you are the pavilion marriage go- from gathering the talent, can act in a self-serving manner, the universe pavilion custom, new must greatly well the easy to learn custom!” “蛮不讲理又如何?你不要仗着你自己是阁主亲自招揽的人才,就可以为所欲为,太虚阁规矩大着呢,新来的就得好好学规矩!” Lei three delicacies of the land second child Yin sad saying. 雷氏三仙老二阴恻恻的说道。 Lu Xuan narrowed the eye, said: My don’t know anything custom, I only know one in a big way, the fist has the qualifications to work out the custom, your three kill to visit nothing but thought the one who depends is in itself established peak Golden Immortal, one set of chain blows skill, even Great Principle Golden Immortal must let your three points, but if you think that this set is useful in my front, you were completely mistaken!” 陆轩眯了眯眼睛,说道:“我不知道什么规矩,我只知道一条,拳头大的才有资格订立规矩,你们三个杀上门来无非是觉得仗着自己的是老牌巅峰金仙,还有一套连击技能,连大罗金仙都要让你们三分,但是如果你们以为这一套在我的面前有用的话,那你们就大错特错了!” Good extremely arrogant boy, today what the father teaches you obeys the custom!” “好狂妄的小子,老子今天就教教你什么叫守规矩!” Lei three delicacies of the land third child wild shouting. 雷氏三仙老三猖狂的喊道。 In a twinkling, three people composed one directly three formation, three people of internal combustion engines linked one. 说时迟,那时快,三人直接组成了一个三才阵法,三人的气机连到了一起。 Three people are the peak Golden Immortal imposing manners, under in addition of this three-echelon formations holds, broke the limit of Golden Immortal unexpectedly, goes toward the imposing manner rush of Great Principle Golden Immortal faintly. 三人本身就是巅峰金仙的气势,在这三才阵的加持之下,竟然突破了金仙的限制,隐隐朝着大罗金仙的气势冲杀而去。 The three-echelon formations spread is very broad, but can be played to play tricks by three people, its basic reason is three people of institute cultivation cultivation technique has one, moreover several thousand years are eating together with the tacit understanding that drinking to live together, just now can have so astonishing prestige energy. 三才阵流传的很广,但是能够被三人玩出花样来,其根本原因还是三人所修行功法乃是同出一门,而且又有数千年在一起同吃同喝同住的默契,方才能够拥有如此惊人的威能。 Boy, you died!” “小子,你死定了!” The Lei three delicacies of the land also loudly shout. 雷氏三仙同时大喝一声。 „It is not good, so to be how fearful, is this true peak Golden Immortal?” “不好,怎么会这么可怕,这就是真正的巅峰金仙么?” Han immortal the whole body perspiration such as the thick liquid leaves immediately, trembles under this pressure. 韩仙儿顿时浑身汗如浆出,在这一股威压之下瑟瑟发抖。 After cultivation base has been broken through a moment ago, thoughts that chuckled little instantaneously on disappearance disappear without trace. 刚才修为得到突破之后那一点点窃喜的心思瞬间就消失的无影无踪 Originally this is true peak Golden Immortal , compared with true peak Golden Immortal, she was too weak, even can say, both sides were not in a dimension. 原来这才是真正的巅峰金仙,和真正的巅峰金仙相比起来,她还是太弱了,甚至可以说,双方根本不在一个次元之中。 Three people surpassed common peak Golden Immortal is too many jointly, have some Great Principle Golden Immortal power and influence. 三人联手更是超过了寻常巅峰金仙太多了,已经有了一些大罗金仙的威势了。 She has not thought, the Lei three delicacies of the land dare to begin unexpectedly here, even does not seem like Zhang Tao, but also needs a excuse of challenge, begins directly. 她也没有想到,雷氏三仙竟然敢在这里动手,甚至都不像是张涛,还需要一个挑战的借口,直接就动手。 At this time she understands finally the grandfather had said the words, many people draw support from the platform in universe pavilion to grow, has become the thorough malignant tumor, in the eye simply does not have the overall interests of universe pavilion, only then own benefit. 此时她终于明白了祖父曾经说过的话,许多人借助着太虚阁的平台成长起来,已经成为了彻底的毒瘤,眼里根本没有太虚阁的总体利益,只有自身的利益。 Completely degenerates into the malignant tumor! 完全沦为毒瘤! Indulges in flights of fancy in Han immortal, actually sees Lu Xuan aura suddenly all of a sudden to rise dramatically. 就在韩仙儿胡思乱想之际,却见陆轩身上的气息猛然一下子飙升了起来。 Lu Xuan supernatural power is turbulent, like the difficult situation, the flash proliferated, the terrifying strength causes the world look changes, the principle between world indistinct appeared. 陆轩身上法力汹涌,如同惊涛骇浪,一瞬间就扩散了出去,恐怖的力量引得天地色变,天地间的法则都隐隐约约的浮现了出来。 Good fearful strength!” In the Han immortal mind was only left over this thought that remaining thinks radically without enough time, sees only the Lu Xuan figure quick as lightning, first launched the attack unexpectedly. “好可怕的力量!”韩仙儿脑海之中只剩下了这个念头,剩下的根本来不及多想,只见陆轩身形快似闪电,竟然抢先发动了进攻。 Han immortal a flower, Lu Xuan has entered in the Lei three delicacies of the land three-echelon formations at present. 韩仙儿眼前一花,陆轩就已经杀入了雷氏三仙的三才阵之中。 Come good, hits to be remnant he!” “来的好,打残他!” Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child loudly roared, three people collaborate instantaneously, the three-echelon formations formation, forms the same domain together with their domains, broad of range, might, almost soon endures to compare the Great Principle Golden Immortal situation. 雷氏三仙老大大吼一声,三人瞬间联手,三才阵形成,连同他们的领域也形成同一个领域,范围之广,威力之强,几乎快要堪比大罗金仙的地步。 The next flash, just fell at the Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child voice, Lu Xuan had arrived at his front. 下一瞬间,在雷氏三仙老大话音刚刚落下,陆轩就已经来到了他的面前。 A pure white palm straight racket his nearby. 一只素白的手掌直直的拍到了他的跟前。 In a flash, the void scrap, was put on a hole by the palm of Lu Xuan directly, Lu Xuan patted on the Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child's chest. 一瞬间,虚空炸碎,直接被陆轩的手掌穿出了一个洞,紧接着陆轩就拍到了雷氏三仙老大的胸口上。 The innumerable thunder blast open, that is Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child's defense Divine Ability, interweaves defense internet by the strength of thunder, protects in own chest. 无数的雷霆炸裂开来,那是雷氏三仙老大的防御神通,以雷霆之力交织成防御的网络,保护在自己的胸口。 However the this humble one flash was arranged the nihility by a Lu Xuan palm, changes into everywhere electric light to dissipate in the midair. 但是在下一瞬间就被陆轩一掌排成了虚无,化为漫天电光消散在半空之中。 Bang!” “嘭!” The Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child flew upside down directly, withdrew from the kilometer to stand firm the figure directly, in his look was the inconceivable facial expression, Lu Xuan this palm really is extremely still terrorist, he has never seen so fearful existence. 雷氏三仙老大直接倒飞了出去,直接退出了上千米才稳住了身形,他眼神之中兀自是不可思议的神情,陆轩这一掌着实太过恐怖了,他从未见过如此可怕的存在。 On him who this palm surges the vitality in the ebullition, several wants to spit blood. 这一掌激荡的他身上气血在沸腾,几欲吐血。 His is in the three-echelon formations, three people of strengths fused one, a person intended to be equivalent to three people to act. 要知道,他这可是在三才阵之中,三人的力量融合到了一起,一人出手就相当于三人出手。 Common peak Golden Immortal saw this battle formation to yield and withdraw, is unable to contend, if were not careful possibly dies in the three-echelon formations, moreover was very quick being defeated. 寻常巅峰金仙见了这种阵势都要退避三舍,根本无法抗衡,如果一个不小心就可能死在三才阵之中,而且是非常快的落败。 But as for all defenses will also divide equally to the bodies of three people. 而至于所有的防御也会平分到三个人的身上。 The attack of common peak Golden Immortal cannot do to them in three-echelon formations, will reduce and solve entirely, an attack of peak Golden Immortal is highly regarded, but if reduces and solves is only left over 1/3, even are less, that was indifferent. 寻常巅峰金仙的攻击根本奈何不得三才阵之中的他们,统统都会化解,一个巅峰金仙的攻击不可小觑,但是如果化解只剩下三分之一,甚至更少,那就根本无所谓了。 It is not able to shake his existence. 根本无法撼动他的存在。 However Lu Xuan struck on the bang unexpectedly broke to pieces their defense, a move rumbled to fly him, scattered the entire three-echelon formations. 但是陆轩居然一击就轰碎了他们的防御,一招就将他轰飞出去,打散了整个三才阵。 Such feeling makes him almost feel that met Great Principle Golden Immortal, as if many years ago once accidentally and Great Principle Golden Immortal fought was also not the slightest difference. 这样的感觉让他几乎感觉遇到了大罗金仙,仿佛许多年前曾经无意中和一个大罗金仙交手的时候也是一般无二。 Lu Xuan only one move, scattered the three-echelon formations, making three people of strengths disperse thoroughly. 陆轩只一招而已,就打散了三才阵,让三人的力量彻底分散开来。 The Lu Xuan double pupil glitters the mysterious pattern, the three-echelon formations mystery is completely all entering the view. 陆轩双眸闪烁着玄奥的花纹,三才阵的奥秘全部都尽入眼帘。 The flash he defeated a three-echelon formations eye a moment ago, successfully eradicated the three-echelon formations. 刚才一瞬间他就击破了三才阵的阵眼,成功破除了三才阵。 Can cope with the Lei three delicacies of the land, not just Great Principle Golden Immortal, so long as can grasp certainly a three-echelon formations eye, that all have the possibility. 能够对付雷氏三仙的,并非只有大罗金仙,只要能够抓准三才阵的阵眼,那就一切都有可能。 When the Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child has not responded, Lu Xuan again with, a fist bang above his dantian. 而在雷氏三仙老大还未反应过来之际,陆轩又再度跟了上来,一拳轰在了他的丹田之上。 Bang!” “嘭!” The Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child flew upside down immediately, his whole body is the shatter domain and principle, Lu Xuan this fist has to destroy day of the terrifying power of extinguishing the place. 雷氏三仙老大顿时倒飞了出去,他的周身都是破碎的领域和法则,陆轩这一拳有毁天灭地的恐怖力量。 The Lei three delicacies of the land eldest child declined ruthlessly the ground, he discovered, the tiny bit strength raises vertical does not get up. 雷氏三仙老大狠狠的衰落到了地上,紧接着他就发现,自己一丝一毫的力量都提纵不起来了。 He is shocked looks at Lu Xuan, said: You abandoned my cultivation base unexpectedly!” 他震惊的看着陆轩,道:“你竟然废了我的修为!”
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