TEIBF :: Volume #11

#1075: Weed

Half monster ancestor place, in being situated the monster states in Heavenly Court 3000 state, here did not call this name, however since various mostly monster ethnic groups cross-domain comes after Monsters World, in this place settled down, gradually, becomes the monster state. 半妖祖地,在坐落在天庭三千部州中的妖州,原本这里并不叫这个名字,但是自从诸多半妖族群从妖界跨域而来之后,就在此地定居了下来,久而久之,就成为了妖州。 Also is a half monster clan biggest agglomeration, almost can see everywhere with the human look different half monster. 也是半妖一族最大的聚集地,几乎随处都可以看到与人类相貌迥异的半妖。 In monster state, ancestor place of Jin, in Péng king city recently extremely busy. 在妖州中,金家的祖地,鹏王城中近日来热闹非凡。 Brought many admirers at the invitation of Heaven's Chosen that Jin Young Master golds penetrating came, the follower, with heard the news to catch up with looking at reverently, made Péng king city lively. 许多应金家少主彻邀请前来的天骄们又带来了不少的仰慕者,追随者,和许多闻讯赶来的瞻仰者,更让鹏王城热闹不少。 Péng king Chengnei, in gold/metal Che own manor, converged many cultivation base powerful powerhouses, usually in the rarely seen Golden Immortal powerhouse everywhere is. 鹏王城内,金彻自己的庄园之中,云集了许多修为强大的强者,平日里难得一见金仙强者随处都是。 Many people in threes and fours respectively in a side, around a young girl who wears the golden long skirt follows some people, is the Golden Immortal cultivation base powerhouse. 许多人三五成群的分别在一方,其中一个身穿金色长裙的少女周围跟着一些人,都是金仙修为的强者。 Stream pistil princess, heard that your younger brother had just rushed to your clan place of trial, in the near future will just go out, is not?” Some people asked. “溪蕊公主,听说令弟刚刚闯过你们族中的试炼之地,近期刚刚出关,是也不是?”有人问道。 The young girl skin is fair, a pair of pupil is actually the golden color, elegant peerless. 那少女皮肤白皙,一双眸子却是金色的,秀美绝伦。 Her beautiful pupil swept one that person, said: Good!” 她美眸扫了一眼那人,道:“不错!” Really fierce, heard that the place of this trial, even can rush in your Jin still few individuals!” “果然厉害,听说这试炼之地,即便是在你们金家也没几个人能闯过呢!” Good good, has his elder sister to have his younger brother, the princess cultivation base startled day, the younger brother of your highness is also so!” “不错不错,有其姐必有其弟,公主殿下修为惊天,殿下的弟弟也是如此!” The people echo to say. 众人纷纷附和说道。 The vision of distant place many people also swept. 远处许多人的目光也随之而扫了过来。 „Is that the Jin Creek pistil? Is known as one of the monster state ten big beautiful women, cultivation base Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, inconceivable!” “那就是金溪蕊么?号称妖州十大美女之一,一身修为惊天动地,不可思议!” The vision of some people are very earnest, the Jin Creek pistil is Jin Immortal King eldest daughter, recently long elder sister who gold/metal penetrating that moves the world. 有人的目光很是热切,金溪蕊是金家仙王的长女,也是最近名动天下的金彻的长姐。 Even compares the gold/metal penetrating, the reputation of Jin Creek pistil must be bigger, the Jin Creek pistil becomes famous after all is very long, far surpass golds penetrating. 甚至相比起金彻来说,金溪蕊的名声还要更大一些,毕竟金溪蕊成名很久,远超彻。 Because of its beautiful appearance and strength, enabling the Jin Creek pistil to have many pursuers and adorers. 因为其美貌和实力,使得金溪蕊拥有许多的追求者和爱慕者。 Especially her back has the Jin such powerful royal family, making her sale price multiply. 尤其是她的背后更有着金家这样强大的王族,使得她身价倍增。 I heard, this time, that Lu Xuan will also even come?” Some people asked. Heard that the previous gold/metal penetrating prince defeated in his hand, this gold/metal penetrating prince passed through to try to practice the road, powerful, before happen to can snow, shame!” “我听说,这一次,连那个陆轩也会前来?”有人问道。“听说上一次金彻王子败在了他的手上,这一次金彻王子走过试练之路,实力强大了很多,正好可以一雪前耻!” Many people nod to echo in abundance, many people in knowing this time guest list, really has Lu Xuan time, many people are unavoidable in the heart to have an idea, gold/metal Che wants to report the gut retaliation. 许多人纷纷点头附和,许多人在知道了这一次的宾客名单之中,竟然有陆轩的时候,许多人都难免心中产生一种想法,金彻是想报一箭之仇。 After all this in young Heaven's Chosen is very normal idea, young Heaven's Chosen is in a strength the fast rise, the temporary failure, does not represent failure for a lifetime. 毕竟这在在年轻天骄们之间是很正常的想法,年轻天骄正处于一个实力的快速上升期,一时的失败,并不代表一辈子的失败。 Ten years ago is defeated does not represent for ten years later is unable to win. 十年前失败也不代表十年后就无法获胜。 The change of strength will often make countless people be startled. 实力的变化往往会让无数人吃惊。 Ten years ago that Heavenly Court discussed the grand ceremony time, Lu Xuan truly shows the astonishing strength, but that compared to the peer, these Golden Immortal on the scene, has not been lower than Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage by realm one merely, even majority Golden Immortal Late Stage, and even peak Golden Immortal was also not infrequent. 十年前那一次的天庭论才大典,陆轩确实是展现出了令人吃惊的实力,但是那也仅仅只是相对于同辈人来说的,在场的这些金仙,论境界没有一个低于金仙中期的,甚至大部分还是金仙后期,乃至巅峰金仙也不在少数。 The strength that they have, making them have the review Lu Xuan energy! 他们所拥有的实力,让他们拥有了点评陆轩的底气! A young man younger generation, but also being insufficient makes them extremely attach great importance, in their eyes, Lu Xuan golds penetrating generation wants to treat as an equal, at least must and other years over a hundred years, even is longer. 一个后生晚辈,还不足以让他们太过重视,在他们的眼中,陆轩彻这一辈想要平起平坐,起码要在等几十年上百年,甚至更久。 Regarding this, the Jin Creek pistil shakes the head with a smile, were not many says anything. 对此,金溪蕊只是含笑摇头,也不多说什么。 „In the mountain no tiger monkey calls the king!” “不过是山中无老虎猴子称大王而已!” At this time, a gloomy and cold sound conveyed. 这个时候,一个阴冷的声音传来。 „The universe pavilion now is only a paper tiger, will soon be kicked to jut out the first-class faction, who when the time comes he can also support, but is only a grass!” “太虚阁现在不过只是个纸老虎而已,用不了多久就会被踢出出一流派系,到时候他还能有谁撑腰,不过只是一根草罢了!” The people look, actually sees, is behind one is growing a man of pair of giant wing, this male complexion gloomy and cold, the words are gloomy, have murderous aura to show intermittently. 众人看去,却见,是一个背后长着一对巨大羽翼的男子,这个男子脸色阴冷,话语阴森,有阵阵杀气透出。 Some people recognized, this is half monster clan the powerhouse of immortal capable of flight clan, it is said his ancestor is also monster bird in Monsters World, similarly is powerful, this does not have the means and Jin within the body is flowing compared with bloodlines of gold/metal wing big bird bird clan. 有人认了出来,这是半妖一族之中的羽人族的强者,据说其祖上也是妖界之中的一头妖禽,同样非常强大,这是没有办法和金家体内流着的金翅大鹏鸟一族的血脉相比。 However in Monsters World is also a very prominent clan! 不过在妖界之中也是非常显赫的一族! This clan in monster state, is a very powerful clan, in the clan has incessantly powerful Great Principle Golden Immortal. 这一族在妖州内,也是非常强大的一族,族内拥有不止一尊强大的大罗金仙 However knows this clan naturally understands why the men of this immortal capable of flight clan will so aim at Lu Xuan, actually does not come to Lu Xuan, but comes to the universe pavilion. 不过知道这一族的自然都明白为什么这个羽人族的男子会如此针对陆轩,其实不是冲着陆轩来的,而是冲着太虚阁而来的。 The large clan who because the immortal capable of flight clan worked for Monsters World, will join Heaven afterward, that purely hit clothing/taking, fought nearly exterminates the clan. 因为羽人族原本是为妖界效力的大族,后来之所以会加入天界,那纯粹是被打服了,一战险些灭族。 Once the immortal capable of flight clan also had the powerful royal family of Immortal King powerhouse, was also very prominent in Monsters World, afterward the immortal capable of flight clan actually almost exterminated the clan in a war, finally has to lift the clan surrender, turned to Heaven. 曾经羽人族也是拥有仙王强者的强大王族,在妖界也很显赫,后来羽人族却在一次大战之中被差点灭族,最后不得不举族投降,投靠了天界。 But in the past that campaign was the universe Immortal King management, universe Immortal King cut to kill Immortal King of immortal capable of flight clan, broke the backbone of immortal capable of flight clan at one fell swoop. 而当年那一场战役就是太虚仙王主持的,也正是太虚仙王斩杀了羽人族的仙王,一举打断了羽人族的脊梁骨。 Therefore although the immortal capable of flight clan surrendered, but therefore also hate deeply universe Immortal King, in universe Immortal King in addition also, does not dare to reveal any discontented countenance actually. 因此羽人族虽然投降了,但是因此也深恨太虚仙王,在太虚仙王尚且还在的时候,倒是没敢露出任何不满的嘴脸。 As universe Immortal King vanishes for many years, in the situation of even possibly falling from the sky, the collision of immortal capable of flight clan and universe pavilion is getting bigger and bigger, even argues many times at the Heavenly Court congress. 但是随着太虚仙王消失多年,甚至可能陨落的情况下,羽人族和太虚阁的碰撞越来越大,甚至多次都在天庭大会上发生争吵。 But the immortal capable of flight clan also in view of one of the universe pavilion alliances, kicks the ranks of first-class faction the universe pavilion in behind very positive promotion. 而羽人族也是针对太虚阁的联盟之一,在背后非常积极的推动将太虚阁踢出一流派系的行列。 If really the success, did not have the resource distribution power of first-class faction, the universe pavilion will also decline at the maximum speed. 如果真的成功,没有了一流派系的资源分配权,太虚阁也会以最快的速度衰落下去。 After all the resources is a faction long-standing basis are. 毕竟资源才是一个派系长期存在的根本所在。 But enmity of both sides, had many years ago, powerhouses of immortal capable of flight clan said such words, no one will think that had anything to be strange. 而双方的仇怨,在很多年前就结下了,一个羽人族的强者说出这样的话,没人会觉得有什么奇怪的。 However in many hearts is also startled, the powerhouses of this immortal capable of flight clan said not necessarily possibly is not the reality, the universe pavilion now is too feeble, even if not the Immortal King powerhouse , compared with other first-class factions, still on weak many. 不过许多人心中也在吃惊,这个羽人族的强者所说的未必不可能是现实,太虚阁现在太衰弱了,即便不算仙王强者,和其他一流派系比起来,也弱上很多。 Because without the Immortal King powerhouse assumes personal command, the ability that therefore the attraction talent joins considerably is weaken. 因为没有仙王强者坐镇,所以吸引天才加入的能力就大大减弱。 Gradually, even if the enemy does not make anything, universe pavilion automatic feeble, this is a top powerhouse as consecrating function. 久而久之,即便敌人不做什么,太虚阁都会自动衰弱,这就是一个顶级强者作为供奉的作用。 But joining of Lu Xuan, in many eyes, may continue the life 100,000 years to the universe pavilion in the future. 陆轩的加入,在许多人的眼里,未来可能会给太虚阁续命十万年。 Also because of this, without a doubt, Lu Xuan became to thorn in the side of influence the universe pavilion eyes covetously. 也正因为如此,毫无疑问,陆轩成了许多对太虚阁虎视眈眈的势力的眼中钉肉中刺。 Weed? Feather Hao, he is our Heavenly Court discusses the champion of grand ceremony, what thing you are, do you have the qualification evaluation he?” “杂草?羽昊,他是我们这一届的天庭论才大典的冠军,你算什么东西,你也有资格评价他?” Unexpectedly, a clear sound of pleasant to hear conveys from the crowd. 蓦地,一声清脆好听的声音从人群中传来。
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