#483: Throwing down must complain that the road is uneven?

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Chapter 483 threw down must complain that the road was uneven? 第483章摔倒了还得埋怨路不平是吧? Let alone Yang Yuxia compelled ignorant, Zhou resolute has not thought that the week will do such a joyfully. 别说杨玉霞懵逼了,周毅也没想到周欣然会搞这么一出。 But he experiences after all richly, therefore what words did not say, whatever the opposite party displays. 但他毕竟经验丰富,所以什么话都不说,任凭对方发挥。 Zhou Xinran continues to say there: Therefore you looked, itself you maintain the center to have this duty to maintain regarding the path, but has not actually achieved, when causing Mr. Zhou drove to pass by to have the traffic accident......” 周欣然在那里继续说道:“所以您看,本身你们养护中心就有这个义务对于道路进行养护,但是却没有做到,导致周先生开车路过时发生交通事故……” Yang Yuxia responded finally, she has not really experienced such matter. 杨玉霞终于反应了过来,她真的没遇到过这样的事。 Has not mainly thought that front this girl will say suddenly, moreover pulled out the document, reads that document probably real...... 主要是没想到面前这个女孩会突然这么说,而且还掏出了证件,看那证件好像是真的…… Thinks of here, Yang Yuxia said: You wait/etc, I first ask that we lead.” 想到这里,杨玉霞还是说道:“你等等吧,我先去问问我们领导。” Generally the senior staff are this, the multi- instructions report much, like this will definitely not have problems. 一般老员工都是这,多请示多汇报,这样子肯定不会出问题。 Yang Yuxia soon found central Director king, reported the situation with him. 杨玉霞很快找到了中心的王主任,和他汇报了情况。 king Director hears word is startled: You were say some people because of this collision, therefore asked us to compensate?” 王主任闻言一怔:“你是说有人因为这个撞了车,所以来找我们赔偿?” Yang Yuxia nods saying: Yes director, moreover...... moreover led the attorney.” 杨玉霞点点头道:“是啊主任,而且……而且还带了律师。” Led the attorney to do, this we did not have the responsibility, he himself drove oneself to hit, had what relations with us, we already completely our maintenance duties.” “带了律师干嘛,这我们没有责任啊,他自己开车自己撞了,和我们有什么关系,我们已经尽了我们的养护义务。” Yang Yuxia thinks, also said: „Before actually director them has telephoned, mainly says that segment path situation, but you also knew that section of road......” 杨玉霞想了想之后又道:“其实主任他们之前打过电话,主要是说那段路的情况,但您也知道那段路……” Finally just said several, suddenly must compensate.” “结果刚刚说了几句,突然就要赔偿了。” Director king beckons with the hand saying: Good you told them, this is impossible, before did not have this similar precedent, if really said that what issue, suggested they can walk the legal way.” 王主任摆摆手道:“行了你告诉他们,这不可能,以前也没有这种类似的先例,如果真的说有什么问题,建议他们可以走法律途径。” How this is not Director king, but truly is impossible to compensate, oneself drove to collide and damage, now looks for the highway maintenance, must compensate, this was a little odd. 这也不是王主任怎么样,而是确实不可能赔,自己开车撞坏了,现在来找公路养护的,要赔偿,这有点离谱。 Which day walked oneself to fall, could find a person to come out is not responsible for good? 难道哪天走路自己摔了,也非得找个人出来负责不行? Outside, Zhou resolute is chatting with nearby Zhou Xinran. 外面,周毅正在和旁边的周欣然聊着。 „, Your this made joyfully I am a little caught off guard, the key question is, can this really ask them to compensate? In the law can convince?” “欣然啊,你这个弄得我有点措手不及,关键问题是,这真的能找他们赔吗?法律上可以说得通吗?” Zhou resolute knows certainly, online will often have this and that rumor, said what path not smoothly, if had/left the accident, can ask for road administration to compensate. 周毅当然知道,网上经常会有这样那样的传言,说什么道路不平整如果出了事故,可以要求路政方面进行赔偿。 But this is only the online rumor, really in the reality, basically does not have such case. 但这只是网上的传言而已,真的现实中,基本上就没有这样的案例。 Moreover follows side Dazhuang is so long, Zhou resolute was also clear, at any time cannot forget, the specific issue concretely analyzes! 而且跟着方大状这么久,周毅也清楚了,任何时候都不能忘记,具体问题具体分析! Makes concrete to each case, possibly seems like with other cases is very similar, but has a place to be different slightly, that is different. 具体到每一个案件中,可能看起来和其他案例很相似,但稍微有一个地方不同,那就不一样。 Zhou Xinran said with a smile in side: I am also looked that the opposite party just such felt uncomfortable, therefore said subconsciously, as for this compensation, I thinks, probably also!” 周欣然在旁边笑道:“我也是看对方刚刚那样子觉得不舒服,所以下意识地就说了出来,至于这个赔偿,我想了想,好像也可以!” That I remember that road traffic safety has clearly stipulated that causes the vehicle to have the traffic accident to cause the harm because of the road administration maintenance flaw, the nullification path manager shoulders the corresponding liability of compensation, the people's court should support!” “那个我记得道路交通安全法里有明确规定,因道路管理维护缺陷导致机动车发生交通事故造成损害,当事人请求道路管理者承担相应赔偿责任的,人民法院应予支持!” Only if they showed that has performed various duties, but we have not seen any caution, therefore this duty whether completely arrived leaves undecided.” “除非他们证明已经尽到了各种义务,但我们可没有见到任何的警示,所以这个义务是否尽到就存疑了。” Zhou Yiwen said stares in a big way the eye: Really can do does? But my car(riage) has informed to insure......” 周毅闻言瞪大了眼睛:“真的能搞这么搞嘛?可是我那车已经通知过保险了……” Finishes barely the words, nearby Yang Yuxia walked, looks at two humanity: That Mr. Zhou, just I and our leaders asked that your request definitely cannot comply, because of without such precedent.” 话音未落,旁边的杨玉霞走了出来,看着两人道:“那个周先生是吧,刚刚呢我和我们领导问了一下,你这个要求肯定是不能答应的,因为没有这样的先例。” We are responsible for the road maintenance, that is impossible to look daily right, you drive to pay attention to look at the road, this you walked to throw down for example, but also wanted us to compensate right!” “我们负责道路养护,那也不可能天天看着对吧,你开车更应该自己注意看路,这就好比说你走路摔倒了,还要我们赔对吧!” Therefore is truly sorry very much......” “所以确实很抱歉……” Possibly is the reason that these two walk, therefore Yang Yuxia's attitude became slightly good. 可能是这俩找上门的原因,所以杨玉霞的态度变得稍微好了点。 Zhou Xinran hears saying: This cannot say that even if according to your view, walked to throw down, that basis, oneself not careful that was really still responsible, but did not represent this responsibility to undertake completely, is right.” 周欣然闻言道:“这不能这么说的,就算按你的说法,走路摔倒了,那也得根据情况来看,自己不小心那确实有责任,但不代表这个责任就得自己全部承担,对不对。” This is a current difficult problem is also, for example the hotel or other what place ground is slippery, did not throw down carefully, is the hotel responsible. 这也是目前的一个难题所在,比如说饭店或者什么别的地方地面湿滑,不小心摔倒了,饭店有没有责任。 According to already has had the case, if the hotel made the caution in the striking position, the ground throws down slippery carefully, this does not have the responsibility generally. 按照已经有过的案例来说,饭店如果在醒目位置做了警示,地面湿滑小心摔倒,这一般就没有责任。 Without the reminder, that threw down must shoulder some responsibility. 但如果没有提醒,那摔倒了就得承担部分责任。 But in the reality, the person who this part sues is basically spurted, is very simple, because from other perspectives, they are blackmailing probably. 但在现实中,这部分去起诉的人基本上都会被喷,很简单,因为从其他角度来看,他们好像在讹人呢。 Hugs the person of this idea to be many. 抱着这种想法的人不少。 Yourself walk that yourself to be careful, yourself did not pay attention, ended throwing down, but must look for the person hotel to lose money, this reasonable? 你自己走路那你自己就得小心,你自己都不注意,完了摔倒,还要找人饭店赔钱,这合理吗? Others hotel is really unjust , you eat meal for no reason must look that do not throw down. 人家饭店真的冤枉啊,平白无故的,你来吃饭还得看着你不要摔倒。 But legally if really must do, the responsibility must divide, will therefore conduct the responsibility division according to the special details, possibly is not some side shoulders all responsibility. 但法律上如果真的要干嘛,责任必须要划分,所以会根据具体情况进行责任划分,也不可能是某一方承担所有的责任。 Week this was also the subconscious rebuttal, the jurisprudence were joyfully many this, moreover followed side Dazhuang the time to grow, this debate was really the nerve reflection. 周欣然这也是下意识的反驳,法律学多了就这样,而且跟着方大状时间长了,这辩论真的是神经反射。 Yang Yuxia shakes the head saying: You said that these useless, our here answers are unable to compensate, if determined that must make anything, suggested that can walk the legal way to solve the problem.” 杨玉霞摇摇头道:“你说这些没用的,我们这边的答复就是无法赔偿,如果确定要做什么,建议可以走法律途径来解决问题。” Before had said that this is classical words, because was by law, the maintenance center was a civil subject. 之前就说过,这是一句经典的话,因为在法律意义上,养护中心就是个民事主体。 Other probably departments are also so, what the administrative proceedings aim is the thing in administrative, but this is the pure civil dispute. 像是其他部门也是如此,行政诉讼针对的是行政方面的东西,但这个就是纯粹的民事纠纷。 Therefore, these issue you went saying that generally such, suggested to walk the legal way. 因此,这些问题一般你去了都会说这么一句,建议走法律途径。 Yang Yuxia does not know, these words come out, before some handsome young man, thought that should not, have the idea instantaneously. 杨玉霞并不知道,这句话一出来,某个靓仔之前还觉得不太应该呢,瞬间就有了想法。 Considers, this must consider! 告,这必须得告啊! Before had said with, finally considered, without the truth this time did not consider, making that side pleased mansion community police old Li know, was definitely understanding is uncomfortable. 以前这么和自己说过的,最后都告了,没道理这次就不告吧,让悦府小区那边的片警老李知道了,肯定会心里不舒服。 I asked you to leave the legal way you saying that considered, how others also said that you did not consider, what kind of you look down upon me! 我让你走法律途径你说告就告了,怎么别人也这么说你就不告,咋的你是看不起我啊! Zhou like this good, how can do this favoring one and discriminating against the other matter, everyone is the same. 周某人这样的善良,怎么能做这种厚此薄彼的事呢,大家都一样。 Good good, since this, we first walked, troubled you.” Zhou resolute said there with a smile. “好的好的,那既然这样,我们就先走了啊,麻烦你了。”周毅在那里笑着说道。 Then, then draws nearby week to turn around to leave joyfully. 说完,便拉着旁边的周欣然转身离开。 Looked Yang Yuxia is shocked again, what situation this is, how just also to seem like the appearance that must quarrel, now walks happily? 看的杨玉霞再次愣住,这又是什么情况,怎么刚刚还好像是要吵起来的样子,现在又这么痛快的走了? However no matter, walked in any case on the line, regarding walks because of what reason, this is unimportant. 不过无所谓,反正走了就行,至于说是因为什么原因而走的,这并不重要。 Yang Yuxia turns around to continue to work, maintenance center that maintenance center. 杨玉霞转身回去继续工作,养护中心还是那个养护中心。 But at this point, in the car(riage), the week opens the mouth to say joyfully: How you go ahead, not with her theory?” 而在此时,车里,周欣然开口道:“你怎么说走就走啊,难道不和她理论一下?” Zhou resolute started the vehicle while said: Theory anything, does not need, she is an ordinary staff, how even if you debated win can, she was impossible to decide that compensated to us.” 周毅一边发动了车子一边说道:“理论什么,没必要的,她就是一个普通的职工,就算你辩赢了又能如何,她也不可能决定给我们赔偿啊。” Said again, others have not given the solution.” “再说了,人家不是已经给了解决方法嘛。” Gave the solution? Zhou Xinran thinks carefully quite a while said: Without giving, anything had not said, suggested we walk the legal way...... wait/etc, Zhou resolute you should not be......” 给了解决方法?周欣然仔细想了半天才道:“没有给吧,什么都没说,就建议我们走法律途径……等等,周毅你该不会是……” Zhou Xinran has stared in a big way the eye, she just truly wants with the opposite party to debate that but really must say because of this matter but brings a lawsuit or does, that has not thought good! 周欣然已经瞪大了眼睛,她刚刚确实是想和对方辩论的,但是真的要说因为这个事而去打官司还是干嘛,那都没有想过的好嘛! Here is very first strange, is not Jingzhou, the attorney brings a lawsuit in the familiar place with not the familiar place brings a lawsuit, that complete two matters. 首先这里很陌生,不是京州,律师在熟悉的地方打官司和不熟悉的地方打官司,那完全两码事。 In the reality because of some reasons, imperial capital demon many law firms also starts to the outside activate business, for example real estate, the local attorney does not meet, imperial capital demon attorney meets. 现实中因为一些原因,帝都魔都的很多律所也开始向外面扩展业务,比如房地产方面,本地的律师不怎么接,帝都魔都的律师就接。 Is brings a lawsuit to them in any case. 反正对他们来说就是打个官司而已。 First did not say the issue that the attorney cannot pledge to win or not, said the lawsuit, the lawsuit regarding the attorney won, this matter ended even. 先不说律师不能给承诺胜诉与否的问题,就说官司本身,对于律师而言官司赢了,这事情就算结束了。 However, regarding our these people of need rights protection, the lawsuit won solved the problem? 但是呢,对于我们这些需要维权的人来说,官司赢了就解决问题了吗? No, the people who so long as have brought a lawsuit know, as long as related to the property or what aspect, won the lawsuit, this means that the ten thousand li (5,000 km) long journey started the first step! 不,只要打过官司的人都知道,但凡涉及到了财产或者什么方面,打赢官司,这意味着万里长征才开始了第一步! Enforced did not say that you applied, a minute/share of minute helped you carry out, without that simple matter, the means of opposite party were too many. 强制执行不是说你去申请了,就分分钟帮你执行下来,没有那么简单的事,对方的办法太多了。 Therefore, these attorneys are make money, made money to be all right, carried out as for your lawsuit or not, that and our attorneys had nothing to do, this was the matter of executive bureau. 所以,这些律师就是来赚钱的,赚完钱就没事了,至于你官司执行与否,那和我们律师无关,这是执行局的事。 Also therefore caused the owners in many messy building to become in many eyes the fat sheep, who wants to come up to nip one...... 也因此就导致了很多烂尾楼的业主成为了很多人眼中肥羊,谁都想上去咬一口…… Then is, the opposite party is not the ordinary department, although we said that the position in the civil relation is equal, but the opposite party is the institution, is the road board manages. 然后就是,对方并不是普通的部门,虽然我们说在民事关系上地位是相等的,但对方算是事业单位,属于公路局管的。 These two factors add, sues here is really not the good way. 这两个因素加起来,在这边起诉真的不是什么好办法。 You said right joyfully, I am plan to walk the legal way, since some such stipulations, why we don't sue one wave?” “你说的没错欣然,我就是打算走法律途径,既然有这样的规定,那我们凭什么不去起诉一波呢?” Zhou Xinran gawked, immediately also said: But, haven't Zhou resolute you reported the insurance?” 周欣然愣了一下,随即又道:“可是,周毅你不是已经报了保险吗?” Reported insured indifferently, I informed them saying that wanted the case cancellation to be good, insured in any case, so long as did not have the adjustment, that can momentarily the case cancellation.” “报了保险无所谓啊,我通知他们说要撤案就行了,反正保险只要没有理赔,那随时都可以撤案。” The case cancellation, will not affect next year insurance premium to rise. 撤案了,就不会影响明年的保费上涨。 Naturally, this account does not calculate that the act, will so give people a doing the unnecessary feeling. 当然,这个账不是这么算的,如此行径,会给人一种脱裤子放屁的感觉。 But his Zhou resolute does not matter, he since had the system, dry/does is some matters of doing the unnecessary, was laughed on the joke. 但他周毅无所谓,他自从有了系统,干的都是一些脱裤子放屁的事,被人笑话就笑话呗。 Zhou Xinran nods saying: Sometimes jokes aside, I did not make clear your idea, but...... has saying that this behavior was very crisp.” 周欣然点点头道:“说真的,有时候我都搞不清楚你的想法,不过……不得不说这种行为很爽。” Right, the crispness was good, has the system also to think so many to do, this/should prosecution sues, takes your time. 对啊,爽就行了,有系统还想那么多干嘛,该起诉就起诉,慢慢来呗。 Thinks that Later Zhou Dynasty also said joyfully: Right Zhou resolute, you contact with Teacher side, this case spoke the truth I unable to do.” 想了想之后周欣然又道:“对了周毅,你联系方老师吧,这个案子说实话我做不了。” „? Why? This case I want to make you do.” Zhou resolute very puzzled say/way. “啊?为什么呢?这个案子我是想让你做的。”周毅很是不解道。 Different, is not very complex on the case, however, the situation outside case were too many, I...... I thought that I cannot shoulder.” “不一样,就案情本身来说并不是特别复杂,但是呢,案件之外的情况太多了,我……我觉得我扛不住。” But Teacher side is definitely different, I had not seen similar case before, therefore I believe, Teacher side will definitely be interested very much.” “但是方老师肯定不一样,我以前都没怎么见过类似的案例,所以我认为,方老师肯定会很感兴趣的。” Such a saying also truly, this and beforehand lawsuit was different, truly must sustain some pressures, but side Dazhuang was that type the man who the pressure treated as the power. 这么一说也确实,这和之前的诉讼不同,确实要承担一些压力,而方大状就是那种把压力当做动力的男人。 He when the demon has hit the administrative proceedings are not infrequent, not to mention this is only involves the maintenance center a civil dispute. 他在魔都的时候打过的行政诉讼都不在少数,更不用说这只是涉及到养护中心的一个民事纠纷而已。 Goes ahead, Zhou resolute a telephone hit to little Zhao of insurance company. 说干就干,周毅一个电话打给了保险公司的小赵。 Hey little Zhao, me said to you, my car(riage) wants the case cancellation now, right, I do not want to make you disburse money......” “喂小赵啊,我这边给你说一下,我那个车现在要撤案,对,我不想让你们出钱了……” The telephone, is busy little Zhao who calculates being shocked in the company. 电话这边,正在公司忙着计算的小赵都惊呆了。 „It is not, Brother Zhou, this...... this what's the matter, you do not need to think other, you here are the fully comprehensive insurance, how should compensate how to compensate, does not need me to disburse money!” little Zhao opens the mouth to say. “不是,周哥,这……这怎么回事啊,你也不用想其他的,你在我们这里是全险,该怎么赔就怎么赔,也不用我出钱啊!”小赵开口道。 He is that comparison heart to be friendly, this little while is to also persuade. 他还是属于那种比较心善的,这会儿也是劝说一下。 Naturally, what is most important is because of the Zhou resolute status. 当然,最重要的还是因为周毅的身份。 The insurance company that Zhou resolute takes out insurance naturally knows that Zhou resolute status, therefore is very careful in this aspect. 周毅投保的这个保险公司自然知道周毅的身份,所以在这方面很小心。 Before Zhou Yibao was safe told too small Zhao specially, must be cautious in word and deed, if possible best and opposite party became friends, said that the point pulled out the pit of the stomach. 之前周毅报保险的时候就专门吩咐过小赵,一定要谨言慎行,如果可能的话最好和对方交朋友,说点掏心窝子的话。 Even if where then has is not right, his Zhou resolute is impossible to consider directly. 那么就算是有什么地方不对,他周毅也不可能直接就告吧。 Therefore little Zhao this little while is to also persuade. 所以小赵这会儿也是劝说呢。 The Zhou resolute opens the mouth said: „It is not this , there is nothing to do with you, is I wants to bring a lawsuit with here highway maintenance center, you also saw at that time, the road surface really has the stone to have the gulf, they have no caution.” 周毅开口道:“不是这个,和你们无关,是我想和这里的公路养护中心打个官司,你当时也看到了,路面确实有石头有深坑的,他们却没有任何警示。” Good to settle, needs me the words that goes to your company to abolish I to go now!” “好了就这么说定了,需要我去你们公司撤销的话我现在就去!” Said that with little Zhao made the telephone call, Zhou resolute dialed side Dazhuang the telephone. 和小赵说完挂了电话,周毅又拨通了方大状的电话。 Hey side Dazhuang, is busy? Here has a good matter, said joyfully you should be interested......” “喂方大状,忙着呢?这边有个好事儿,欣然说你应该会感兴趣……” Second comes, good night, thanked another new big brother, big brother Sony, the fat cat story big brother, big brother writing idiot, the book friend 2022 big brothers, thanked hitting of brothers to enjoy, thanks. 第二更来啦,晚安,感谢又一个新手大哥,索尼大哥,肥猫物语大哥,文痴大哥,书友2022大哥,感谢兄弟们的打赏,谢谢。 Today discovered that this book were many a new hegemon, the fat cat story big brother, hegemon in addition the beginning of the month delivers in November, extremely thanked! 今天发现本书多了一位新盟主,肥猫物语大哥,盟主加更十一月月初送上,万分感谢! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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