Chapter 482whatis the soulcompanion!
第482章什么叫灵魂伴侣!„Zhou hadn't resolute, youjust seen?”Bypath, weekjoyfullyresigned-lookingsay/way.
The place that their little whiletreatscalled the Ldistrict, wasunder a forestcitysmallcounty city, coming toherenaturally to also report to the police.
The fellow who nowthatonlineclamorshad been detainedby the administration according to law, thereforetwo peopleprepareto return toJingzhou.
现在那个网上叫嚣的家伙已经被依法行政拘留了,所以两人就准备回京州。Howeverhereroadextraordinarydifficult to walk, does not knowbecause of the reason of smallcounty city.
但是这边的路出奇的难走,也不知道是不是因为小县城的原因。Variousroad surfacetattered, jolt, thisindifferent, eachplacehas the characteristics of eachplaceafter all.
It is not wherecanmaintainallroadsis so good.
并不是什么地方都能把所有的路都维持的那么好。Builds roadsto need the good money, later the maintenance of roadalsoneedsmoney, particularlysomemineral resourcerichareas, toarethesecoal-producing provinces, thatroadbadcompared withotherplacesquickly.
修路需要大钱,后期公路的养护同样需要钱,尤其是一些矿产资源丰富的地区,对就是那些产煤大省,那公路坏的要比其他地方快多了。Thereforesomeplacethatpathsituationsare really a long story......
所以有的地方那道路情况真的一言难尽……Does not havehim, cargo trainone after anotherkeepsrunningone after another, did not say that the issue of otheranythingoverload, ran, the road surfaceaffirmed that was much worse.
无他,一辆又一辆的大货车接连不停地跑,就不说其他什么超载的问题了,就这么跑下来,路面肯定坏得快。Butfortunately, the forestcityalsohas the coal minevery much, after allhas had the collapsearea, althoughchanged to the development zone.
而很凑巧,林城这边也是有煤矿的,毕竟有过塌陷区,虽然改成了开发区。Thereforeherecoal carare equally many, therefore the road surfacesituation can also understandbadly, but your road surfacehastwobigstonesfor no reason, another side of the stoneis an a littledeeppit, thiscould not a little be justified!
The timeearly, it is a little not quite black, Zhouresolutedroveto pass byjustsaw that the pitthat sidesituationwas not quite right, turnedanother side, ran uponvery muchfortunately.
时间已经不太早了,天有点黑,周毅开车路过的时候刚好看到坑那边情况不太对,一把拐到了另一边,就很凑巧撞上了。How the normal peoplealsofirstsee the stone......
正常人咋也是先看到石头的……In front offourcirclecirclesdamagescompletely, does not know that whichhit, mainlydid not have the meansto move.
四个圈圈前面完全破损,不知道撞哪了,主要没办法动了。But, Zhouresolutejustcalledto shout the insurance company, called the trailer.
无奈之下,周毅刚刚打电话喊了保险公司,叫拖车吧。Howalsodoes not knowthissituation, ifneeded the overhaulZhouresolutenot to planto openagain, the buyingcar(riage)special funds that the systemsongaveseeminglyhave not moved, bought a new carwhile convenient.
也不知道这情况如何,如果需要大修的话周毅就不打算再开了,系统儿子给的买车专项资金貌似还没动,顺便就去买个新车了。Has a look at the head lamp headlamp that collides and damagesto feel the heartto be tired, feltoneselfandin the head lamp headlamplife of thisvehiclerepel one another, hitson the badhead lamp headlamp......
只是看看那撞坏的大灯就觉得心累,就感觉自己和这车子的大灯命里相克,一撞就坏大灯……Hearsweekwordsjoyfully, Zhouresolutealso can only spreadto let go saying: „Ihad not truly seen that stonesaidgreatlyloudlysaidsmallbig, whocanthink that in the road surfacewill havesuchstone.”
听到周欣然的话,周毅也只能摊摊手道:“我确实没看到,那石头说大不大说小不小的,谁能想到路面上会有这样的石头呢。”ZhouXinransaid with a smileimmediately: „Youdid not sayyourlookgood, Ialsothink that your car(riage)will also look at the situationto be bad.”
周欣然顿时笑道:“你不是说你眼神挺好的嘛,我还以为你这车也是会看情况坏呢。”ThisstemZhouYidong, after allwas the man who every daylooked at the piece.
这个梗周毅懂了,毕竟是每天看段子的男人。Thesemale studentsled the girlfriendto driveto go outbefore the wedding, on the roadmeets the hoteltimeoftenwill say the car(riage)went badanything, endedstayedoneat the hotelverymysteriouslylategood......
那些男生们婚前带着女朋友开车出门,路上遇到酒店的时候经常会说车坏了什么的,完了在酒店住一晚就很神奇的好了……ThereforeZhouresolutelooks up the day.
于是周毅抬头望天。Telephonesto the insurance company, reported the traffic policeconveniently.
给保险公司打电话,顺手也报了交警。Everyoneknows, on the pathdrove the situationto ask the traffic policesurelynot to have the issue, If nothing else, youwantto mediateat leasteven, stillhad the protocol of traffic accidentoris the accidentshowed.
谁都知道,道路上开车出了情况找交警肯定没问题,别的不说,最起码你就算是想调解,也有个交通事故的认定书或者是事故证明。Especiallyinsomespecialsituations, the opposite partymediatedyouto settle a matter privately, makingyoudo not report to the police, ends must giveyoura lot ofmoney, youwere surely careful.
尤其是一些特殊的情况下,对方下来说和你私了,让你不要报警,完了还要给你很多的钱,那你千万要小心。Because very possiblethisfellowto driveto have the issue, may be the liquorharnessto be drunkto harnessanything, meetingtheseis not tasteful, heregaveyoumoney, tomorrow the alcoholwill disappearreports to the police, said that youextort.
因为很可能这家伙开车有问题,有可能是酒驾醉驾什么的,遇到那些不讲究的,这边给了你钱,明天酒精一消就去报警,说你敲诈勒索。Without means that because the liquorharnessesthisthinggrasps the scene, verbal statements are no guarantee......
没办法,因为酒驾这玩意就是抓现场的,空口无凭……Quick, Ldistricttraffic policeoldeven/includingthenrushedwith the colleague.
很快,L县这边的交警老连和同事便赶到了。„Youreported to the police? What's the matterthisis.” After oldeven/includinggets out, looked around situation, immediatelylooksfrontZhouresoluteasked.
“你报警的啊?怎么回事啊这是。”老连下车后看了看旁边的情况,随即看着面前的周毅问道。ZhouYizhireferred to the twostone-paved roads on frontroad: „This, justdroveto run upondirectly.”
周毅指了指前面路上的两块石头道:“就这个,刚刚开车过来直接撞上了。”oldeven/includingwent forwardto look atthatstonewith the colleague, had a look at the situation of car(riage), access road/simply said: „Yourthishitin the stone, doesn't needto report to the police?”
老连和同事上前看了看那石头,又看看车的情况,便道:“你这自己撞到石头上了,没必要报警吧?”This was also the normalresponse, the car(riage)hits the stone, the stairwait/etcdoes not needto the situation that others compensated, thatcannot needto report to the police.
这也是正常的反应,车撞了石头,台阶等等不需要向他人赔偿的情况,那可以不用报警。Only ifsomeinsurance companycomparisonmatterscompel, wrotein the contract, no matterwhatsituationneedsyouto take the traffic accidentresponsibilityprotocol, can the adjustment.
除非是有的保险公司比较事逼,在合同里写了,不管什么情况都需要你拿着交通事故责任认定书来,才能进行理赔。Suchwords...... two means that oneisto look for the traffic policecomradestrives forwell, becausein the strict senseothersdo not havethisdutyto giveyouto leave.
那样的话……两个办法,一个是找交警同志好好求一下,因为严格意义上人家并没有这个义务给你出。Eitherlooks for the insurance companytheory, stipulation in your contract not right......
要么就找保险公司理论,你这合同里的规定不对……Does not have idea, this year the repertoire of native of Toukengwere too many, now the slightlybigpointinsurance companyis tasteful, but these nottoowell-knowninsurance company, said that is not fastidiousis not tasteful.
没辙,这年头坑人的套路太多了,现在稍微大点的保险公司还算讲究,但是那些不太知名的保险公司,说不讲究也就不讲究了。Thereforeoldeven/including was also speaks thoughtlessly a saying, Zhouresolutehas not been serious, butsaid with a smile: „After allhad/left the accident, thereforeis thinkingmakesyouprove.”
所以老连也是随口一说,周毅没当回事,只是笑道:“毕竟出了事故,所以想着让你们来证明一下。”Saidactually notdefinitelywill have the matter, cannotsay that wastes the police forcesresources, after allthisison the road, is nototherplaces, the accidentreportpolice, thatis also normal.
倒不是说肯定会有事,也不能说是浪费警力资源,毕竟这是在公路上,不是其他地方,出了事报个警,那也正常。oldeven/includingnods, sincehad/left the scene, thatphotographswhile convenientanything.
The time of waiting, the staff of insurance companycame.
等待的功夫,保险公司的工作人员来了。„Isthiscar(riage)is right, group of Mr.Zhou, yousitsin the car(riage), wego to hereshopdirectly.”
The insurance of handsome young manis very complete, the issue in unilateralaccidentvehicles, the insurance companywill be responsible forcompensating.
靓仔的保险很齐全,单方事故车辆方面的问题,保险公司都是会负责赔偿的。Zhouresolutenods, suddenlyhethinksprobablyanythingresembles, asked: „Thatcomrade, excuse me, I asked that the department that ourherewas responsible for the highway maintenancewhatwas, telephonehow many?”
周毅点点头,突然他像是想起来什么似的,问道:“那个同志啊,不好意思,我问一下,咱们这边负责公路养护的部门是什么呢,电话多少啊?”oldeven/includingandinsurance companystafflittleZhaohearswordstare, butsaidquickly: „YousayLdistrictherehighway maintenancecenter? The telephonewas...... hitson the linedirectly.”
老连和保险公司工作人员小赵闻言都是一愣,不过还是很快说道:“你是说L县这里的公路养护中心吗?电话是……直接打就行了。”littleZhaoopens the mouth saying: „Did Mr.Zhou, whyyouaskthis?”
小赵开口道:“周先生,你问这个干吗啊?”„Thisdoes not wantto respond the issuewiththem, youalsosaw, onthisroadis the gulfis the stone, thisdrives is not carefulhas an accident.”
“这不是想和他们反应一下问题嘛,你们也都看到了,这路上又是深坑又是石头的,这开车过来一个不小心就出事。”Heard that wordseveralpeoplehave not spoken, oldeven/includingleaveswith the colleaguequickly, littleZhaoopened the mouthto sayat this time: „Mr.Zhou, thisyoudo not need, thisdoes not needyouto manage.”
闻言几人都没说话,老连和同事很快离开,小赵这个时候开口道:“周先生,这个你没必要吧,这又不用你管。”Zhouresolutesaid with a smile: „Matterconveniently, idlesin any caseis also idling.”
周毅笑道:“随手的事而已,反正闲着也是闲着。”Hedid not say that mustwork as a softy, mainlythisissuereallyrespondedconveniently, no matterhitstonethatgulf, during the daytimewas good, in the eveningwas really easyto have an accident.
他也不是说要当个烂好人,主要这种问题真的就是顺手反应一下,不管是撞到石头还是那深坑,白天还好,晚上真的容易出事。littleZhaohearswordno longer said that in their smallcounty city, thismatterat all is not the matter, actuallyhewants saying that yourespondedeven the estimatestillhas no result, butthinks that has not spoken.
The trailerdragsZhouresolute the car(riage)to starttoward the county city, Zhouresolutehas not worriedto telephone, this timeothersdefinitelygot off work.
拖车拖着周毅的车往县城里开,周毅这边也没着急打电话,这个时间了人家肯定下班了。It is no doubt that mustcontinue an evening here.
Before looking , the hotel that lives instays, a nightdoes not have the words.
找了之前住的酒店住下,一夜无话。Next morning, Zhouresoluteunderstoodfromfoursonthere the damage condition of vehicles, otherbut actuallygood, is mainly thatlamp, will really dieexpensively!
第二天上午,周毅从四儿子那里了解了车辆的损坏情况,其他的倒还好,主要是那个灯,真的死贵!Howeverhas the insurance company, theseare not the issues.
不过有保险公司在,这些都不算问题。Naturally, is not definitely cheap, next yearinsurance premiummustrise, thisdoes not have the means.
当然,肯定不便宜,明年的保费必须要涨的,这没办法。Afterdetermininginsuredheresituation, Zhouresolutethendialed the localhighway maintenancecentertelephone.
在确定了保险这边的情况后,周毅便拨通了当地公路养护中心的电话。Made a soundseveraltelephonesto put through, on a womansound of ageresoundedslightly: „Hey?”
响了几声电话接通,一个稍微上点岁数的女人声音响起:“喂?”„Hello, myname wasZhouresolute, yesterdaydroveto pass byoutsidethatcounty city the east side No. XXcounty route, the road surfacesituation was very not then good, moreoverthere is the stoneand a gulf, were youprocess?”
“你好,我叫周毅,昨天开车路过那个县城外东边的XX号县道,然后呢,路面情况特别不好,而且有石头和深坑,你们是不是去处理一下?”However, oppositesoundsaidquickly: „Do youtelephonein other wordsthis? The lineIknew.”
然而,对面的声音很快说道:“你打电话来就是说这个?行我知道了。”ZhouYiwensaidis startled, hedoes not know that what's the matter, oppositepersoncalledto respond the issueveryagitatedfeelingregardingoneselfprobably.
周毅闻言一怔,他不知道怎么回事,对面这个人好像对于自己打电话反应问题很烦躁的感觉。Telephonedthis...... Ialso to saywhatinadequatei.e .
打电话来就是说这个……难道我还能说什么不成。Felt like itselfto provoke the opposite partyto be the same, has a look at the timetenpoints, possiblywas notharasses a person of cleardream, howthis, had the issue unable to say!
就感觉好像自己招惹了对方一样,看看时间都十点了,也不可能是扰人清梦啊,这咋了,有问题都不能说了是吧!ActuallywasZhouforgot, hestayedinJingzhousuchplacefor a long time, moreoverusually, even ifwent outstillgoes todemonimperial capitalsuchplace, thereforehas been used tothatsituation.
却是周某人自己忘了,他在京州这样的地方待久了,而且平日里就算是出门也是去魔都帝都这样的地方,所以已经习惯了那种情况。Arrived here suddenlyall of a sudden, felt where is not right.
冷不丁一下子来到了这边,就感觉哪里都不对。„It is not, knowsis not equal tosolving, youmusta bit faster, unable to cultivate/repaireven, mustmove the stone, endedin front of the pitto make a cautionto symbolize that otherwise the past of greater part of the nightdid not seeeasily......”
“不是,知道了不等于解决啊,你们要快点,就算是修不了,总得把石头挪了,完了坑前面弄个警示标志吧,不然大半夜的过去根本不容易看到……”Zhouresoluteis still saying there, the oppositedid not saypatiently: „Iknewwithyourme, thenhowis troublesome, said that mealsohad the matter......”
周毅还在那里说着,对面更加不耐烦道:“我跟你我知道了,好吗,怎么那么麻烦呢,说完了吧,我这边还有事呢……”Then, the telephonehangs up, Zhouresolute a facecompelsignorant.
说完,电话挂断,周毅一脸懵逼。Mythisis not the matter, howonthisappearance!
我这难道不算事吗,怎么就这个样子呢!Hasto thinkearnest, butthinksorconsiders as finished, hefeltexistence of mysteriousstrength.
有心想较真一番,但是想想还是算了,他感觉到了神秘力量的存在。However, Zhouresoluteactuallydoes not know, another side, in the highway maintenancecenter, justhungYang Yuxia of telephoneto say there: „Bewilderedtelephones, in other wordssuchmatter!”
The issue that heretheyrarelyreceive the average personto respondpath that needto maintain, thereforejustreceived the callalsoto feela little surprise, thispersonhad the problem, thismatteralsocalledto sayspecially.
这里他们很少接到普通人反应的道路方面需要养护的问题,所以刚刚接到电话还觉得有点诧异,这人是不是有毛病,这点事还专门打电话说。Reportingwill certainly report, butsegmentpath the issuehas existedfor sometime, had not repaired, definitelyhas the reason.
上报当然会上报,但是那段路的问题已经存在有段时间了,一直没有修,肯定是有原因的。Therefore after recording, Yang Yuxiahas not managedthismatteragain.
That possiblysomepeoplecalledto sayconveniently, latermust certainlycultivate/repairin any case, was only the timeissue, thereforedoes not needto goto manage.
可能是有人顺手打电话说的一下,反正以后肯定要修的,只是时间问题而已,所以不需要去管。However, Yang Yuxiahas not thought that the matter that somehandsome young mandoesis not always normal.
The car(riage)was lost here continuedto cultivate/repair, Zhouresoluteis working as the land rentquickly a car(riage), cannot go backin any casetemporarily, walksjoyfullycasually here and week.
车被丢在了这边继续修,周毅很快就在当地租了一辆车,反正暂时回不去,就在这边和周欣然随便走走。Severaldays of flash by, online, before Zhouresolutenotices itselfthatoldoxfinance and economicsalreadythatvideoincludingdynamicanythingcleanness that deletes.
几天的时间一晃而过,网上,周毅注意到那个老牛财经已经把自己之前的那个视频包括动态什么的都删的干干净净。Did not speak, installed the ostrich, butdid not hatethisto haveaccount number of onepile of fans.
不说话,装鸵鸟,但是又舍不得这个已经有了一堆粉丝的账号。In any casepresentonline, assomepeopleprinted the subpoenaunceasingly, everyonehad confirmed,resolutethistimetrulydidonewavein a big way.
反正现在的网上,随着不断有人晒出了传票,大家都已经确认,阿毅这次确实是搞了一波大的。Howeversuffers without video, cannotbe crisp.
但是苦于没有视频,不能爽起来。Zhouresolutewasmakes certainly the work roomstartto make the video, but the lawsuitis still conducting during now, no matter the civilcriminal activity, required the time.
周毅当然是让工作室开始做视频了,只是现在诉讼还在进行当中,不管民事还是刑事,都需要时间。Even ifhad mediatedas far as possible, butthesecannotmediatemustexamine, mustsentence, thereforedoes not have the means.
只能先等着了。Does not workas for the weekwill speak irresponsibly, you who joyfullythis period of time...... whichdoes not keep eyes openhad not noticed that othersare accompanying the boss!
The bossemployershad not complained,whichpossiblewheelto obtainyouto speak.
人家老板雇主都没有埋怨,哪可能轮得到你们说话。Everyonehas the tacit understandingin any casevery much, the bossesare willingto spendto make the attorneypaidaccompanyhimto go outto play, whocansay that has the issue.
反正大家都很有默契,人家老板愿意花钱让律师带薪陪他出去玩,谁能说有问题呢。Alsoisbright weather, Zhouresolutedrivinghas the weekto prepare a farmhouseto fishjoyfully, playscasually.
又是一个大晴天,周毅开车带着周欣然准备去一个农家乐钓钓鱼,随便玩玩。Beforethatroad, butwalkedZhouresoluteto step on the slam on the brakessuddenly!
还是之前那条路,可是走着走着周毅突然踩了急刹车!„What's wrong, what did fronthave?”
“怎么了,前面有什么吗?”In the car(riage) the drowsyweekopened the eyejoyfullyall of a sudden, rushesto say.
车内昏昏欲睡的周欣然一下子睁大了眼睛,赶忙说道。„Wearrived at the place of collisionof that day, youlookedjoyfully, thisstonealso in same place, the pithas not moved, even the cautionsymboldid not have.”
“咱们走到那天撞车的地方了,欣然你看,这石头还在原地,坑也没动,甚至连个警示标志都没有。”Zhouresolutelooks that the frontsituationsaid.
周毅看着前面的情况说道。Althoughknows that the possibleefficiency is not high, but your anythinghas not movedis too much!
虽然知道可能效率不会高,但你这什么都没动就有点过分了!Zhouresolutethinks, stopped the car(riage)in the roadside, dialedthattelephoneagain.
周毅想了想之后把车停在了路边,再次拨通了那个电话。Beforetrulyhitconveniently, butnow, looking like the obsessionviolated was the same, mustclarifythismatterwith the opposite party.
之前确实是顺手打的,但是现在吧,就像是强迫症犯了一样,非得和对方把这个事弄清楚了。Thistimeno matter howhitsdoes not have the meansto make a connection.
只是这次不管怎么打都没办法打通。ZhouXinransmiledsaying with a smileinside: „Ok, do not telephone, Iremember that youhave not saidinvideo, is best the scene, wego to the farmhousealsoto playin any case, idleare also idling...... might as wellare looking for the pleasure.”
周欣然在旁边笑了笑道:“行了,你也别打电话了,我记得你不是在视频里说过嘛,最好去现场,反正咱俩去农家乐也是玩,闲着也是闲着……还不如去找乐子呢。”Zhouresolutelooks at the weekimmediatelyjoyfully, the lookis inexplicable, the week of having looked was a little scaredjoyfully.
周毅顿时看着周欣然,眼神莫名,一直看的周欣然有点发毛了。„Whatyoulook atto look that am Iso attractive?”
“你看什么看啊,我有这么好看?”„Thatactually not, mainlyfelt, the normalgirlshouldnot possiblesayatthis time......”
“那倒不是,主要就觉得,正常女孩应该不可能在这个时候这么说吧……”Really, Zhouresolutefeltsuddenly, the weekseems like the feelings of somesoulcompanionsjoyfully, the image spaceresemblesgreatly.
真的,周毅突然感觉,周欣然好像有种灵魂伴侣的感觉,像方大状似的。In the pastalso this feelings, howeverusuallymainlywithsideDazhuangtogether, butsideDazhuangwas impossiblecontinuouslywithhisone.
过去也有这感觉,但是吧平时主要还是和方大状一起,但方大状不可能一直和他一块。Ifthisothergirl, mediated the opposite partyto go to the farmhouseorwindow-shops, becausesuddenlyownobsessionis earnest, that100%will get angrydirectly......
这要是别的女孩,原本说和对方去农家乐或者逛街呢,突然又因为自己的强迫症要较真,那百分之百会直接翻脸……Finally, has a look around this, thatlookshine......
结果,看看旁边这位,那眼神比自己都亮……Was needless saying that the vehicletonedirectly soared the maintenancecenter.
不用说了,车子调头直奔养护中心。Quickcame, is easyto look, the parkingplace is also very big.
The vehiclestops, Zhouresolutethen and weekentered the office buildingjoyfully, is just thinkingthatthenasks, finallysawstaff.
车子停好,周毅便和周欣然进了办公楼,正想着去那便问问呢,结果就看到了一个工作人员。„What? Did yourespond the stone on thatroad?”Yang Yuxialooks atfronttwohumanity: „Are youto do what?”
“什么?你们反应那个路上的石头?”杨玉霞看着面前的两人道:“你们是干什么的?”ZhouYiwensaidknits the brows, butsaid: „Weare the average people, thiscouple of days agodid not driveto pass bythere, on the stonebyroadwas dislodged the issue the car(riage), thereforecalledto respondbefore, butdiscoverstoday, the stone and pithave not moved, and has not warned the symbol......”
周毅闻言皱了皱眉,但还是说道:“我们就是普通人,这不是前两天开车路过那里,被路上的石头把车撞出问题了,所以之前打电话反应过,但是今天发现,石头和坑都没动,而且也没有警示标志……”Youmustsay the road surfaceissue, thatservicetrulyrequires the timeto involve the plan, preparesmaintenance costanything, butontwostoneand a pit, you make the stone, filled the piton the line.
你要说路面问题,那维修确实需要时间来涉及方案,来准备维修经费什么的,但就两块石头和一个坑而已,你把石头弄走,把坑填了就行。Is badyouto giveto make the cautionsymbolto let the personlimelight, butanythingdid not do is a little speechless......
再不济你给弄个警示标志让人注意点也可以,但什么都不做就有点无语了……However, Zhouresolute the wordshave not said that was brokenby the opposite party.
然而,周毅的话还没说完呢,就被对方打断了。„Is this your family? Yousaidimmediatelycanmanage?”
“这是你家啊?你说了马上就能办?”Zhouresolute: „???”
周毅:“???”OnYang Yuxiafacenoexpression, buthas appearedone is not impatient.
杨玉霞脸上没什么表情,但已经显出了一丝不耐烦。Urges, urginganythingto urge!
催催催,催什么催啊!Inthis time, the week that sidehad not spokenis opening the mouthjoyfullysuddenly: „Hello, wecome, not onlytorespondthatissue, isto discusswithyouissue that compensates!”
正在此时,旁边一直没说话的周欣然突然开口了:“您好,我们来并不只是为了反应那个问题,还有就是要和你们商量一下赔偿的问题!”„What? Compensation?”Yang Yuxiagawked, seems likehas not responded, thisin good conditionunexpectedly can also compensate?
“什么?赔偿?”杨玉霞愣了一下,似乎是没反应过来,这好端端的居然还要赔偿?Howeverrespondedquickly,asked: „Whyyouare?”
The weekpulled out the documentfromnearbypackagejoyfullyconveniently: „Iam the attorney of thismister, my name is Zhou, thisismydocument.”
周欣然随手从旁边的包里掏出了证件:“我是这位先生的律师,我姓周,这是我的证件。”Yang Yuxia: „......”
杨玉霞:“……”Wesaid that directly, unexpectedlysomepeopleaskedthem to compensate, thiswas nothas the problempurely!
咱就直接说吧,居然有人来找他们要赔偿了,这不是纯纯有毛病嘛!Suchmatter, hermanyyearshad not methere.
这样的事,她在这里多少年了都没有遇到过。Todayfirstcomes! Good evening everybody. During the daytime...... rested for day, emmm
( This chapterends)
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