TSFWMDS :: Volume #1

#2: No one has played brand-new edition

This sudden sound made Li-school unable to bear tremble. 这突如其来的声音让李派忍不住哆嗦了一下。 Does this female steward walk not to have the sound? 这女管家走路没声音的? Too scary! 太吓人了吧! Knows this is a love plays, Li-school thinks that this was the bridge section of terrifying game. 要不是知道这是一款恋爱游戏,李派都以为这是恐怖游戏的桥段了。 I have a look casually......” “我只是随便看看......” Li-school has turned around, squeezed out a smile. 李派转过身,挤出了一副笑脸。 However is a game, then why is anxious. 不过是个游戏而已,何必那么紧张呢。 Li-school felt oneself were extremely a little cautious. 李派感觉自己有点太过拘谨了。 „The thing in this foreign-style multi-storied building, do not bump randomly.” “这栋洋楼里的东西,你可别乱碰。” She can not be happy.” “她会不高兴的。” Female steward voice low and deep as if came from the icehouse to be the same. 女管家声音低沉的仿佛来自冰窖一般。 The female steward took the teapot to give Li-school but actually one cup of black tea. 紧接着,女管家拿着茶壶给李派倒了一杯红茶。 The black tea leaves float in the dark-red tea, looks like floats the corpse on bloody water to be the same. 黑色的茶叶漂浮在暗红色的茶水中,就像是浮在血水上的尸体一般。 Looks makes one...... 一看就令人...... The appetite opens greatly. 胃口大开。 Really fragrant......” “真香......” Li-school deeply inspires, the fragrance of black tea made Li-school spirit inspire. 李派深吸了口气,红茶的香味令李派精神一振。 Carried the fine teacup, Li-school superficial black tea, the mellow tea following the throat inflow stomach , the fragrance reverberated in the mouth continually...... 端起精致的茶杯,李派浅尝了一口红茶,醇厚的茶水顺着喉咙流入胃中,香气在嘴里持续回荡...... Has saying that this game processes on the sense real good! 不得不说,这游戏在感官上面处理的真好! If not reminding itself at heart, cannot divide in the reality or plays. 要是不在心里提醒自己,都分不出来是在现实还是游戏里。 In this tea...... should not add any strange thing......” “这茶里......应该没加什么奇怪的东西吧......” Also yes, a steward of love game, can have any bad thoughts.” “也是,一款恋爱游戏的管家,能有什么坏心思。” Such a thinks, Li-school at heart steadfast many. 这么一想,李派心里踏实了不少。 But stemming from discrete, Li-school has not all drunk up the tea in cup, slightly after tasting one, then returned the tea table. 但出于谨慎,李派并没有将杯子里的茶全都喝完,小尝一口后便放回了茶几。 Your family's mistress?” “你们家的女主人呢?” When can I see her?” “我什么时候能够见到她?” Li-school cuts into the subject directly, looks that the female steward asked. 李派直接切入主题,看着女管家问到。 Our masters have rested.” “我们主人已经休息了。” This guest, you can live in an evening here.” “这位客人,您可以在这里住一晚。” Right guest, do you need the midnight snack?” “对了客人,您需要夜宵吗?” The female steward is putting on a serious face, asking that coldly. 女管家板着脸,冷冷的问到。 This appearance, cannot see the hospitable appearance. 这副模样,一点儿也看不出好客的样子。 Ok, that thank you.” “可以啊,那就谢谢你了。” Li-school nods. 李派点了点头。 The present Li-school only wants to hurry to open female steward, quite makes him have the opportunity to rummage through chests and cupboards. 现在的李派只想赶紧把女管家支开,好让他有机会翻箱倒柜。 A RPG kind of game played, Li-school saw the cabinet could not bear want to open. RPG类游戏玩多了,李派一看到柜子就忍不住想要打开。 After all this is a game, if can find helps itself capture/raid the female Lord item. 毕竟这是一个游戏嘛,万一能找到一些帮助自己攻略女主的道具呢。 That asked the guest you to sit a while here, I go to boil the midnight snack to you now.” “那就请客人您在这里坐一会儿,我现在就去给您煮夜宵。” The female steward was saying then turned around to leave the living room. 女管家说着便转身离开了客厅。 Just before leaving, the female steward also looked at that cup of black tea on tea table subconsciously. 临走时,女管家还下意识的瞄了一眼茶几上的那杯红茶。 Li-school keen capture the look of female steward. 李派敏锐的捕捉到了女管家的眼神。 Always felt not a little right.” “总感觉有点不对劲。” This tea should not really prescribe medicine ..... “这茶该不会真下了药吧.....” „, This game is not I captures the mistress, but is the mistress prescribes medicine pushes me?” “难道,这游戏不是我去攻略女主人,而是女主人下药强推我?” Li-school had a strange idea. 李派冒出了一个奇怪的想法。 This...... also seems fun. 这......似乎也挺好玩的。 But Li-school does not want by own is in a comma for the first time, even if in game. 但李派并不想让自己的第一次处于昏迷状态,哪怕是在游戏里。 First has a look in the cabinet to have anything.” “还是先看看柜子里有什么吧。” Li-school Station. 李派站了起来。 Suddenly, a dizzy feeling raids! 突然间,一股晕眩感袭来! „, Doesn't this tea really have the issue?” “不是吧,这茶真有问题?” Li-school knits the brows. 李派皱了皱眉。 This did not have the meaning! 这就没意思了啊! Oneself bought the helmet, does not want is so passive. 自己花钱买了头盔,可不想那么被动。 Moreover, who knows after own stupor, those who push themselves is the mistress or the female steward...... 而且,谁知道自己昏迷后,强推自己的是女主人还是女管家...... Thinks of here, Li-school puts in the throat the finger immediately. 想到这里,李派立刻将手指伸进了喉咙。 Vomits......” “呕......” In stomach of Li-school air-to-air, only spat a juice to come out, tea that should drink a moment ago. 李派的胃里空空的,只吐了点汁水出来,应该就是刚才喝下去的茶水。 Also tasty not many......” “还好喝的不多......” Li-school patted the face. 李派拍了拍脸。 Spitting has not put out many, but the vomit brings made Li-school more energetic ill. 吐是没吐出多少,但呕吐带来的不适让李派精神了许多。 The black tea that this cup has the issue made Li-school start to this game to have the question. 这杯有问题的红茶让李派开始对这个游戏产生了一些质疑。 How this sees does not seem like the proper love game ....... 这怎么看都不像是正经的恋爱游戏....... Slow several seconds, before Li-school arrived at the cabinet . 缓了几秒,李派走到了柜子前。 In the cabinet as if has anything to summon him. 柜子里似乎有什么东西正在召唤着他。 The curiosity made Li-school extend both hands. 强烈的好奇心让李派伸出了双手。 With the slight fricative, the cabinet door was opened. 伴随着轻微的摩擦声,柜门被打开了。 Grass!” “草!” Li-school quickly grasps the meaning of something, subconscious in the future will jump one step. 李派一激灵,下意识的往后跳了一步。 In the cabinet, is a pale arm! 柜子里,是一条惨白的手臂! This arm shut off from the shoulder, does not know that made what anti-corrosion measure, seems like, although pale, but not rotten. 这手臂是从肩部被切断的,不知道做了什么防腐措施,看起来虽然惨白但并没有腐烂。 Li-school felt that own back was soaked by the sweat instantaneously, the whole person was energetic, being stranded intent that black tea brought was instantaneous. 李派感觉自己的背后瞬间被汗水浸湿,整个人都精神了起来,那口红茶带来的困意瞬间荡然无存。 This special anything plays!” “这特么什么游戏啊!” Li-school cannot bear complain. 李派忍不住吐槽到。 Did not say, this is one lets the person mood joyful love game! 不是说,这是一款让人心情愉悦的恋爱游戏吗! This breaks the arm is what situation! 这一条断臂是什么情况! Who can joyful getting up! 谁能愉悦的起来啊! " Congratulates the player, discovered the right hand arm of broken beautiful woman. " 「恭喜玩家,发现了碎美人的右手手臂。」 " You remember clearly, her beautiful both hands dance in the air the appearance when the key, made one immerse. " 「你清晰记得,她美丽的双手在琴键上飞舞时的样子,多么令人沉醉。」 " Please make persistent efforts, awakens the broken beautiful woman diligently. " 「请再接再厉,努力唤醒碎美人吧。」 " Exploration: 5% " 「探索度:5%」 The prompt sound of system inopportune made a sound. 系统的提示音不合时宜的响了起来。 Broken beautiful woman......” “碎美人......” Also is really the broken beautiful woman!” “还真是碎美人啊!” Li-school in same place, a face is shocking. 李派楞在原地,一脸震惊。 This game should not be will make me even up the corpse block, then combines, with broken beautiful woman of resurrecting......” “这游戏该不会是让我找齐尸块,然后组合起来,和复活的碎美人......” Grass, among this also moons!” “草,这也太阴间了吧!” Li-school cannot bear complain. 李派忍不住吐槽到。 Online did not say this game is very very warmly sweet! 网上不是都说这游戏很甜很温馨的吗! Wha youngest daughter student, young nurse, white-collar and so on...... 什么女学生啊、小护士啊、白领啊之类的...... How to oneself here, to turn into the broken beautiful woman??? 怎么到了自己这里,就变成碎美人了??? ...... 难道...... What oneself play is no one has played the brand-new edition? 自己玩的是没人玩过的全新版本? Said, what oneself buy is the knockoff helmet? 还是说,自己买的是山寨头盔? Li-school sighed. 李派叹了口气。 A little depressed...... 有点郁闷啊...... Should not greedying for petty profit online buy the second-hand helmet. 不该贪便宜在网上买二手头盔的。 Now what to do?” “现在怎么办?” Withdraws from the game?” “退出游戏?” A little pitifully!” “有点可惜啊!” Li-school looked at a picture frame. 李派瞄了一眼相框。 Inside mistress grows is attractive, especially that stature...... 里面的女主人长得还是很漂亮的,特别是那身材...... Came, might as well first continue to experience.” “来都来了,不如先继续体验一下。” When played the biochemical crisis 8.” “就当玩了个生化危机八吧。” Li-school put out a hand to take that section of arm in the hand. 李派伸手将那截手臂拿在了手上。 The ice-cold touch and exquisite skin made Li-school have an idea suddenly. 冰冷的触感和细腻的皮肤让李派突然冒出了一个想法。 Right hand...... 右手...... Is inappropriate......” “不合适不合适......” Li-school cancels this strange thought immediately. 李派立刻打消了这个奇怪的念头。 System said that the mistress likes playing to play hide-and-seek, in the foreign-style multi-storied building has her form everywhere......” “系统说女主人喜欢玩捉迷藏,洋楼里到处都有她的身影......” Should say, her corpse block disperses in various foreign-style multi-storied building places.” “应该是说,她的尸块分散在洋楼各处。” „To awaken her to first even up her body.” “想要唤醒她就得先找齐她的身体。” Li-school thinks, decides first to go to the building to look. 李派想了想,决定先去楼上看一看。 That female steward prescribes medicine to oneself tea, looks is the fellow of harboring evil intentions. 那个女管家给自己的茶里下药,一看就是不怀好意的家伙。 Li-school knows really few about this game, temporarily has not wanted to conduct the upfront conflict with the female steward. 李派对这个游戏了解甚少,暂时还不想和女管家进行正面冲突。 First goes to two buildings to have a look. 还是先去二楼看看吧。 Li-school is carrying the arm of broken beautiful woman, being soundless went out of the living room. 李派拎着碎美人的手臂,蹑手蹑脚的走出了客厅。 In corridor, pitch-dark piece, weak light that only then the living room and kitchen direction illuminates. 楼道里,黑漆漆一片,只有客厅和厨房方向照出来的微弱灯光。 Thump!” “咚!” Thump!” “咚!” Thump!” “咚!” Kitchen, transmits suddenly has the rhythm sound, seems like chopping anything. 厨房处,突然传来有节奏的声音,似乎是在剁着什么。 Li-school does not dare to launch the imagination at this time. 李派不敢在这时候展开想象。 This sound...... feared that is not chopping the bone! 这种声音......怕不是在剁骨头吧! Li-school sped up the footsteps, walks toward the wooden staircase. 李派加快了脚步,向着木质楼梯走去。 Steps the first stair in Li-school...... 就在李派踏上第一节台阶时...... Creak! 嘎吱!
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