TSFWMDS :: Volume #1

#1: Incomparably real love game

„Can this thing...... really use?” “这东西......真的可以用吗?” In the Li Pai observation begins gaming helmet. 李派观察着手里的游戏头盔 This helmet looks somewhat old, the feel heavy on one side, said with the advertisement in complete different. 这头盔看起来有些旧,手感偏沉,和广告上说的完全不一样。 This is Li Pai receives from second-hand website. 这是李派二手网站上收来的。 Without the means that new was too expensive. 没办法,新的太贵了。 Second-hand Silicone Doll does not dare to use, the second-hand helmet is acceptable. 二手的硅胶娃娃不敢用,二手的头盔还是可以接受的。 Game, what so long as plays is own archive, does not calculate that takes over a business...... probably. 游戏嘛,只要玩的是自己的存档,就不算接盘吧......大概。 «Master of Love» this game, since promotes becomes popular in the world. 恋爱大师》这款游戏,自从一推出就风靡全球。 In inside, you can act the doctor and repairman, to enroll in supplementary lessons the teacher, delivers express and other roles. 在里面,你可以扮演医生、修理工、补习老师、送快递的等多种角色。 It is said so long as the female lord in successful conquer game, wants to make anything to be good to her! 据说只要成功的攻略游戏中的女主,想对她做什么都行! Experience on various senses, incomparably are close to the real world! 各种感官上的体验,无比接近真实世界! This plays, even makes certain industries be attacked significantly...... 这游戏一出,甚至让某些产业遭受到重大的打击...... In various types of Ainley of advertisement and under surrounding friend, Li Pai could not bear finally, bought this second-hand helmet. 在各种广告和周围朋友的安利下,李派终于忍不住,买了这个二手头盔。 In looks to begin the obsolete helmet, Li Pai originally the plan and seller complains, who knew the seller to delete the number unexpectedly...... 看着手里老旧的头盔,李派本打算和卖家抱怨一下,谁知卖家居然删号了...... Yeah......” “哎......” „The fate of greedying for petty profit is not quite often good.” “贪便宜的下场往往不太好。” Only hopes that this thing can also use.” “只希望这东西还能用吧。” Li Pai sighed, put through the power source of helmet, held the helmet to sit on the sofa. 李派叹了口气,接通了头盔的电源,抱着头盔坐到了沙发上。 By the sofa small tea table, Li Pai prepared one package of paper goods. 沙发旁边的小茶几,李派准备了一包纸巾。 This is other online players intensely the thing that suggested to prepare. 这是网上其他玩家强烈建议准备的东西。 It is said that this love game real enough to can let you malnutrition in the reality...... 据说,这款恋爱游戏真实到能让你在现实中营养不良...... Li Pai deeply inspires, took the helmet. 李派深吸了口气,带上了头盔。 A cool feeling raids instantaneously, Li Pai could not bear hit to tremble! 一股凉意瞬间袭来,李派忍不住打了个寒颤! At the same time, Li Pai as if felt that has anything to conduct the connection with his nerve...... 同一时间,李派似乎感觉到有什么东西正在和他的神经进行连接...... " Welcome arrives at «Master of Love», this is one can take to you warm and joyful love game, please the feeling of enjoyment love heartily! " 「欢迎来到《恋爱大师》,这是一款能够带给你温暖与快乐的恋爱游戏,请尽情的享受恋爱的感觉吧!」 With System prompt sound, Li Pai slowly restored the vision. 伴随着系统的提示音,李派慢慢恢复了视觉。 At present is a leaf of giant iron gate, in the gate is rusty, crawled completely the vine, seemed like gentle tentacles, is embracing an ancient tomb. 眼前是一扇巨大的铁门,门上锈迹斑斑,爬满了藤蔓,看上去像是一根根温柔的触手,怀抱着一座古老的坟墓。 After the iron gate, is Western-style building, seems especially silent under the dim light of night. 铁门后是一座洋楼,在夜色下显得格外沉默。 Cold wind blows, but also brings light fishy smell. 一阵冷风吹来,还带着一股淡淡的腥味。 Worthily is the latest science and technology, was too real.” “不愧是最新的科技啊,太真实了。” Li Pai adapted to all these quickly. 李派很快就适应了这一切。 Plays love game under this real feeling...... 在这种真实的感受下玩“恋爱游戏”...... No wonder needs to prepare the paper goods. 难怪需要准备好纸巾。 『Welcome to the scenario: "Broken Beauty"』 「欢迎来到场景《碎美人》。」 " Task object: Found the mistress in this foreign-style house, awakened her to make her fall in love with you. " 「任务目标:找到这栋洋房的女主人,唤醒她并让她爱上你。」 " Tip: The mistresses like playing to play hide-and-seek very much, in Western-style building has her form everywhere, please seek patiently! " 「小提示:女主人很喜欢玩捉迷藏,洋楼里到处都有她的身影,请耐心寻找哦!」 " Moreover, please pay attention to own security ten million/countless. " 「另外,请千万注意自身的安全。」 " Is injured will cause the body in reality to be damaged! " 「受伤会导致现实中的身体受到损伤哦!」 " , Please step the journey of happy love! " 「那么,请踏上愉快的恋爱之旅吧!」 The System prompt sound tone is speaking the words of encouragement lightly. 系统的提示音语气平淡的说着鼓励的话语。 Broken beautiful woman......” “碎美人......” Shouldn't be the sleeping beauty?” “不应该是睡美人吗?” „Did I really buy the knockoff goods?” “我是不是真的买到山寨货了?” Is nonstandard the standard spoken Chinese, where dubbing of looking......” “连普通话都不标准,哪儿找的配音啊......” Li Pai sighed. 李派叹了口气。 Should not buy the second-hand helmet...... 不该买二手的头盔啊...... Moreover, what wound can a love game receive?” “而且,一款恋爱游戏能受什么伤?” Wound to kidney?” “伤到肾吗?” This is this game against wallows the system?” “难道这就是这游戏的防沉迷系统?” Li Pai shakes the head, expelled the distracting thoughts in mind, extended both hands to shove open the rusty iron gate. 李派摇了摇头,赶走了脑海中的杂念,伸出双手推开了生锈的铁门。 Because the doorpost gets older, exuded the grating fricative, making Li Pai unable to bear the heart tightly one. 门轴因为老化,发出了刺耳的摩擦声,让李派忍不住心头一紧。 Strangely where always feels.” “总感觉哪里怪怪的。” This does not seem like the scene of love game......” “这也不像是恋爱游戏的场景啊......” Li Pai is whispering at heart, before while arrived at the Western-style building gate . 李派一边在心里嘀咕着,一边走到了洋楼的门前。 On the dark-red wooden door, there are two palm of the hand big copper ring. 暗红色的木门上,有两个巴掌大的铜环 Li Pai grabs copper ring, patted the racket in the gate. 李派抓着铜环,在门上拍了拍。 A cool feeling flows to the heart from copper ring following the arm of Li Pai directly. 一股凉意从铜环顺着李派的手臂直接流向心头。 This place, is passing everywhere strangely. 这地方,处处透着诡异。 Squeak ~ ~ ~ “吱~~~” The dark-red wooden door opened a seam. 暗红色的木门开了一条缝。 Half withered face appears in the crack in a door place. 半张干枯的脸出现在门缝处。 Whom do you look for?” “你找谁?” The hoarse sound fluttered from the crack in a door. 沙哑的声音从门缝中飘了出来。 I am visit your family mistress.” “我是来拜访你们家女主人的。” Li Pai substituted the system to establish the good status quickly: Suitor of the hostess. 李派很快就代入了系统设定好的身份:女主人的追求者 Another Suitor?” “又一个追求者吗?” Comes.” “进来吧。” The crack in a door expands slowly, the gate arrived at half. 门缝慢慢扩大,门开到了一半。 Li Pai also saw clearly the appearance of opposite party. 李派也看清了对方的样子。 A middle-aged woman who wears the maid to overpower. 一个身穿女仆制服的中年女人。 This person looks vapid, the complexion is somewhat pale, the eye socket is hollow, as if many days have not rested the appearance of sleep/felt. 这人看上去毫无生气,脸色有些苍白,眼眶凹陷,仿佛许多天没有睡过好觉的样子。 Mister, I am here steward Leica.” “先生,我是这里的管家莱克。” Please first come to sit a while, I give you to pour the pot tea.” “请先进来坐一会儿吧,我去给你倒壶茶。” The skinny middle-aged woman door opened completely, raises slightly to welcome Li Pai. 枯瘦的中年女人将门完全打开,欠身将李派迎了进去。 Puts on the middle-aged woman who the maid installs...... always to feel strangely......” “穿女仆装的中年女人......总感觉怪怪的......” „It is not and she is in love fortunately.” “还好不是和她谈恋爱。” Li Pai is whispering at heart, while followed housekeeper Leica to arrive at the living room. 李派一边在心里嘀咕着,一边跟着女管家莱克走到了客厅。 fireplace that the dark-red sofa and carving flower wooden tea table, are lighting a fire. 暗红色的沙发、雕花木制茶几、生着火的壁炉 This living room arrangement is actually very fine, has the classical style very much. 这客厅布置的倒是挺精致,很有古典风格。 Mister, please sit the little while here, I urge to go faster come.” “先生,请在这里坐会儿,我去去就来。” housekeeper Leica bowed to withdraw from the living room. 女管家莱克躬身退出了客厅。 Although fireplace of living room is lighting a fire, Li Pai felt the entire room filled the cool feeling of invading the marrow. 尽管客厅的壁炉烧着火,李派还是感觉整间屋子充满了侵入骨髓的凉意。 Un? This is......” “嗯?这是......” In fireplace nearby cabinet, photo frame brought to the attention of Li Pai. 壁炉旁边的柜子上,一副相框引起了李派的注意。 Gold-plated photo frame, under the flame shines is flashing the golden light. 镀金的相框,在火光映照下闪着金光。 The middle is a yellowing picture. 中间是一张泛黄的照片。 The curly hair woman who brings the ceremonial hat and wear simultaneous/uniform chest one-piece dress is sideways to sit well. 一个带着礼帽、穿着齐胸连衣裙的卷发女人侧身端坐着。 Although the picture has faded obviously, but the makings of woman still made Li Pai unable to bear somewhat excited. 虽然照片已经明显褪色,但女人的气质依然令李派忍不住有些心动。 This should be the Western-style building mistress......” “这应该就是洋楼的女主人了吧......” Is white and big......” “又白又大啊......” Li Pai sighed. 李派感叹到。 Although this scene is passing everywhere strangely, but the appearance of love object made Li Pai more energetic. 虽然这场景处处透着诡异,但恋爱对象的模样让李派精神了许多。 If according to online said that so long as conquered the other party, can handle anything to her...... 如果按照网上说的,只要攻略了对方,就能对她做任何事情...... That is worth well conquer! 那还是值得好好攻略的! System said that this mistress likes playing hide-and-seek......” “系统说这女主人喜欢捉迷藏......” Does not know where she hides.” “不知道她躲在哪里。” Li Pai sized up. 李派四下打量了一下。 The shine of living room under flame in fireplace flickers. 客厅在壁炉里火光的映照下忽明忽暗。 Here can the place of hiding people really not be many, has the possibility only, was the sofa following cabinet. 这里能藏人的地方还真不多,唯一有可能的,也就是沙发后面的柜子了。 Will not hide here......” “不会就躲在这儿吧......” The Li Pai vision fell in the cabinet. 李派的目光落在了柜子上。 housekeeper has not come, oneself flip the cabinet should no issue. 女管家还没来,自己翻翻柜子应该没什么问题吧。 Before Li Pai arrived at the cabinet . 李派来到了柜子前。 When Li Pai must put out a hand to open the cabinet door...... 就在李派要伸手去拉开柜门的时候...... „Do you want to do?” “你想干什么?” The housekeeper hoarse sound from conveys suddenly behind. 女管家沙哑的声音突然从身后传来。
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