TSFWMDS :: Volume #1

#3: It is not more and more right

„It is not good!” “不好!” Sound......” “声音......” Li-school stopped all movements instantaneously. 李派瞬间停止了一切动作。 In corridor peaceful only then Li-school bang bang heartbeat. 楼道里安静的只有李派“砰砰”的心跳声。 Slicing meat sound...... stopped!” “剁肉声......停止了!” Li-school realized is not right. 李派意识到了不对劲。 The slicing meat sound stops suddenly, in other words...... 剁肉声突然停止,也就是说...... The female steward hears the sound that the wooden staircase made a moment ago! 女管家听见了刚才木质楼梯发出的声音! Was discovered! 被发现了! Really! The next quarter, the heavy sound of footsteps transmits from the kitchen. 果然!下一刻,沉重的脚步声就从厨房传来。 From the kitchen to the stairway, only takes several seconds! 从厨房到楼梯口,只需要几秒钟! Did not have the time to hesitate! 没时间犹豫了! Li-school clenches teeth, rushed to the staircase with stride. 李派咬了咬牙,大步冲上了楼梯。 Runs up to the staircase corner in Li-school, grasps the female steward of mincing knife happen to arrive at the corridor. 就在李派跑到楼梯转角时,手持剁肉刀的女管家正好来到了走廊。 Looked in the eyes for a half second. 四目相对了半秒钟。 The female steward complexion is gloomy, the mincing knife in hand is dropping the blood unceasingly. 女管家脸色阴沉,手里的剁肉刀正在不断滴血。 Halts to me!” “给我站住!” Puts down that section of arm!!” “放下那截手臂!!” The female steward holds up the blade, shouted was firing into Li-school. 女管家举起刀,嘶吼着冲向了李派。 „Does halting make you cut? When I am silly?” “站住让你砍?当我傻?” Li-school criticizes one, flushes away toward two buildings. 李派暗骂一句,向着二楼冲去。 Heard the scolding sound of female steward. 身后,传来了女管家的骂声。 Li-school has not paid attention, 2-3 rushed to two buildings. 李派没有理会,2-3冲到了二楼。 The corridors in two buildings, pitch-dark piece, only then the oil lamp of end place is flashing the weak ray. 二楼的楼道,黑漆漆一片,只有尽头处的一盏油灯闪着微弱的光芒。 The flame of oil lamp is rocking slightly, as if will extinguish momentarily. 油灯的火苗微微晃动着,似乎随时都会熄灭。 Front is the unknown fear, behind takes the blade and hospitable female steward. 前面是未知的恐惧,后面是拿着刀、热情好客的女管家。 Does not have the time to hesitate, Li-school can only brace oneself to march forward. 没时间犹豫,李派只能硬着头皮继续向前。 After walking several, Li-school stopped the footsteps suddenly. 走了几步之后,李派突然停下了脚步。 Strange, the staircase has not made the sound......” “奇怪,楼梯没有发出声音......” „Hasn't female steward pursued?” “女管家没有追上来?” Li-school turn head looked, confirmed this point. 李派回头看了看,确认了这一点。 This should not......” “这不应该啊......” „, She was limited by some rule, doesn't allow to go upstairs?” “难道,她被某种规则限制住了,不允许上楼?” Li-school thinks according to the angle of game, thought has the possibility very much. 李派按照游戏的角度想了想,觉得很有可能。 That has nothing to be worried.” “那就没什么可担心的了。” Is difficult to be inadequate, are two buildings more fearful than a building?” “难不成,二楼比一楼还可怕?” Li-school smiles. 李派笑了笑。 Suddenly, gust has blown! 突然间,一阵风吹过! Corridor end that oil lamp, went out! 楼道尽头那盏油灯,熄灭了! Li-school on the spot. 李派楞在原地。 Not......” “不是吧......” Li-school has to plant not the good premonition at heart. 李派心里有种不好的预感。 That oil lamp, outside has the coverglass. 那盏油灯,外面是有玻璃罩的。 What wind energy is away from the glass to blow out the flame? 什么风能隔着玻璃把火苗吹灭? This is unreasonable! 这不合理啊! The window of corridor shone suddenly! 紧接着,楼道的窗户突然亮了一下! Outside seemed like thunders! 似乎是外面打雷了! The flash in the corridor shining, Li-school saw the end of corridor, is standing a person's shadow that wears the white clothing, to have hair dishevelled. 在楼道亮起来的一瞬间,李派看到了楼道的尽头,站着一个身穿白衣、披头散发的人影。 „Does flatter flutter?” “阿飘?” I buy is really the love game?” “我买的真的是恋爱游戏吗?” How to feel less right!” “怎么感觉越来越不对劲了!” Li-school heartbeat is getting quicker and quicker. 李派心跳越来越快。 The sense experience of this game may compared with beforehand VR game intense many. 这游戏的感官体验可比之前的VR游戏强烈的多。 Li-school even can feel the cold wind to stroke to pass away on the touch of fine hair. 李派甚至能感受到阴风拂过身上汗毛的触感。 This must really be a terrifying plays, that can not be scary! 这要真是个恐怖游戏,那不得吓死人! Rumble!!!” “轰隆隆!!!” Shortly after the bright diverged, the thunderclap resounded. 在亮光散去后没多久,雷声响起。 Li-school in the chest by a hammer hammer was been as if ordinary, chest one stuffy. 李派仿佛被一柄锤子锤中胸口一般,胸口一闷。 Is a lightning. 紧接着又是一道闪电。 This time, in corridor empty, that white person's shadow disappears suddenly. 这次,楼道里空空荡荡的,那个白色人影突然不见了。 Has not waited for Li-school doubts, another lightning raids, the corridor shines again! 还没等李派疑惑,又一道闪电袭来,楼道再次亮起! This, the white person's shadow suddenly appeared in the corridor among! 这回,白色的人影突然出现在了楼道正中间! Only had ten meters to the distance of Li-school! 离李派的距离只有十米了! Li-school even under the long hair that can flutter from it sees that pale face! 李派甚至可以从它飘动的长发下面看到那张惨白的脸! A cool feeling follows the spinal column to climb up the crown of the head from Li-school. 一股凉意从李派背后顺着脊柱攀上天灵盖。 Withdraws from the game!” “退出游戏!” Li-school chose giving up decisively. 李派果断选择了放弃。 What love game, anything is warm and joyful, damn! 什么恋爱游戏,什么温暖和快乐,见鬼去吧! " Broken beautiful woman scene exploration 5%, less than 50%, are unable to withdraw from the game. " 「碎美人场景探索度5%,不足50%,无法退出游戏。」 The prompt sound of system gave Li-school heavily strikes. 系统的提示音给了李派沉重的一击。 Not! This setting?” “不是吧!还有这种设定?” This is the love game or the secret room escapes!” “这是恋爱游戏还是密室逃生啊!” Li-school cannot bear scold. 李派忍不住骂到。 But now does not comment to the difference. 但现在不是给差评的时候。 After attempting to withdraw from the game failure, Li-school has to accept the present situation. 在尝试退出游戏失败后,李派不得不接受眼前的情况。 Li-school looked, side the discovery is a leaf of door. 李派四下看了看,发现旁边是一扇房门。 Saw that white fellow is more floating is nearer, Li-school has not thought, twists open the door directly, ran. 眼看那白色的家伙越飘越近,李派没有多想,直接扭开房门,跑了进去。 Bang!” “嘭!” After making an effort to close the door, Li-school is backing on the gate, closely is going against the shutter. 用力关上房门后,李派背靠着门,紧紧顶着门板。 Because anxious, the forehead instantaneous beads of sweat of Li-school are densely covered, keep breathing heavily. 因为紧张,李派的额头瞬间汗珠密布,不停喘着粗气。 That thing, should not put on the wall......” “那东西,应该不会穿墙吧......” If can put on the wall, how the hatch is useless.” “如果能穿墙,再怎么顶门都没用。” Li-school whispered. 李派嘀咕到。 If really does not have the means to revolt, that can only accept silently. 如果真的没办法反抗,那就只能默默接受了。 Perhaps that demoness is only the greedy oneself body, will not harm itself...... 也许那个女鬼只是馋自己的身子,并不会伤害自己呢...... Such a thinks, Li-school slightly was at heart calm. 这么一想,李派心里稍稍淡定了一些。 This game is not right!” “这游戏太不对劲了!” Must find the way to leave as soon as possible is.” “得想办法尽快离开才是。” Li-school is whispering at heart. 李派在心里嘀咕到。 This game is good because of the online appraisal, is insufficient intentionally the pit player. 这游戏在网上的评价非常好,不至于故意坑玩家吧。 Pure love couldn't game have satisfied the player? 难道,纯粹的“恋爱”游戏已经满足不了玩家了? In a love game Riga adventurous element is also understandable, some people also playing cards the game made opening world movement RPG! 在恋爱游戏里加一点冒险元素也是可以理解的,有人还把打牌游戏做成了开放世界动作RPG呢! But puts in order the bloody steward and white clothing demoness situation, was too much! 但整出血腥管家和白衣女鬼这种情况,就有点过了吧! Without 50% exploration, cannot leave the game...... 没有百分之50的探索度,就不能离开游戏...... This really and secret room escaped no difference. 这真的和密室逃生没啥区别了。 „When found this arm, exploration increased 5%.” “找到这条手臂时,探索度增加了百分之5。” So long as continues to collect, should be able to raise exploration.” “只要继续收集,应该就能提升探索度吧。” Li-school looked in the hand that section of pale arm. 李派看了手里那截惨白的手臂。 At present, can only think the body part of means collection broken beautiful woman as far as possible. 眼下,只能想办法尽可能的收集碎美人的身体部位了。 Li-school depended for several seconds in the gate, that white clothing demoness has not put on the wall to enter, has not pounded the gate. 李派在门上靠了几秒,那个白衣女鬼并没有穿墙而入,也没有砸门。 No matter what reason, were at least safe temporarily. 不管是什么原因,至少暂时安全了。 First looks in this room.” “先在这个房间里找一找吧。” Li-school deeply inspires, starts to size up this room. 李派深吸了一口气,开始打量起这个房间。 The ray in room very dark, the moonlight as if blocked from by the cloud layer, cannot illuminate. 房间里的光线非常的暗,月光似乎被云层遮住,照不进来。 Only the occasional lightning will make the room bright a while. 只有偶尔的闪电会让房间变得敞亮一会儿。 While several thunder, Li Painong was clear about the structure of this room. 趁着几次电闪雷鸣,李派弄清楚了这个房间的结构。 This is a more than ten square meters small room. 这是一个十几平米的小房间。 The room among is a wooden small bed, the style is plain. 房间正中间是一架木制的小床,风格古朴。 The tail block and a bench, on the stool was accumulating the ash. 床尾并着一张长凳,凳子上积满了灰。 The left side of bed is a nightstand of belt/bring makeup mirror. 床的左侧是一个带化妆镜的床头柜。 The right side is a scarlet red closet. 右侧是一个深红色的衣柜。 By near the closet window, is a desk, on the desk suspends the oil lamp that has not been lightening. 衣柜旁的窗边,是一张书桌,书桌上摆着一盏没点亮的油灯。 On all around wall, covered entirely the mildew point, but can also see many fissures. 四周的墙壁上,布满了霉点,还能看到不少裂痕。 This should be a guest room.” “这应该是一间客房。” First said the lamp point in again.” “先把灯点上再说吧。” Li-school holds the wall, before arriving at the desk . 李派扶着墙,走到了书桌前。 The glass of that oil lamp coated to accumulate the ash, but also is hanging several spider webs. 那盏油灯的玻璃罩上积满了灰,还挂着几条蜘蛛网。 Also does not know that can also ignite. 也不知道还能不能点着。 Li-school opened the drawer gently, wants looks for the matches in inside and so on lighting a fire tool. The ray is dark, Li-school can only put in the drawer the hand. 李派轻轻拉开了抽屉,想要在里面找找火柴之类的生火工具。光线非常暗,李派只能把手伸进抽屉。 Tried to find out a while, Li-school touched stick shape suddenly! 摸索了一会儿,李派突然摸到了一根棍状物! This feel...... is a little familiar. 这手感......有点熟悉啊。
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