TWO :: Volume #14

#1344: Persia Good Friday

Gaia Year 10, on March 5. 盖亚十年,三月五日。 Those who surprise people are, Gaia Year 10 first War does not occur in Europe, but is Asia. 让人意外的是,盖亚十年的首场大战不是发生在欧洲,而是亚洲 Was the date, Great Xia declares war to Persian Empire officially. 是日,大夏正式向波斯帝国宣战。 Persian Empire is vast in territory, player(s) total in 30 million high and low, after suffering Mongol Empire Western Expedition, Empire total soldier strength still placed the 2 million scale. 波斯帝国幅员辽阔,玩家总数在三千万上下,在遭受蒙古帝国西征之后,帝国总兵力依然维持在两百万的规模。 In addition occupies the Persia bay, once was regarded as Asia emerging Empire. 再加上盘踞波斯湾,一度被视为亚洲的新兴帝国 And and Persian Empire except for went to war with Mongol Empire, little participates in foreign War Operations, the interior is stable, the economics and trade is prosperous, the industry relatively is also developed, is Great Xia has the match of component in Asia last. 兼且波斯帝国除了跟蒙古帝国打了一仗,很少参与对外作战,内部稳定,经贸繁荣,工业也相对发达,是大夏亚洲最后一个有分量的对手。 Before attacking Tianzhu (India), Ouyang Shuo has not thought that whether must make war to Persian Empire. 在攻打天竺之前,欧阳朔还没想过,是否要对波斯帝国开战。 Smooth advance of Battle of Tianzhu, is not only Great Xia wins another heavyweight Protectorate area, but also accumulates 1 million elite division, making Ouyang Shuo have to the energy that Persia battled against. 天竺之战的顺利推进,不仅为大夏赢下又一个重量级的都护区,还攒下一百万精锐之师,让欧阳朔有了对波斯开战的底气。 Asia Overlord Status, fights also has certain in addition to hold. 亚洲霸主身份,对此战也有一定加持。 To seize Persian Empire, Ouyang Shuo this time not be as soon as possible unambiguous, sets out Upper, Middle, and Lower three groups of main forces, equals 31 corps, 1.55 million main forces. 为了尽快拿下波斯帝国,欧阳朔这次一点也不含糊,出动上中下三路大军,合计三十一个军团,一百五十五万大军 On the route army, by subordinating Northern Asia War Zone Phoenix Ascends Army four Corps takes on, marches ; Phoenix Ascends Army Commander General Who Attacks the North Guo Ziyi from the Western Border Province north tower pass/test, holds the post on route army Commander. 上路军,由隶属北亚战区凤翔军四个军团担当,从西疆行省北塔关进军凤翔军统领征北将军郭子仪,担任上路军统帅 Central Road Army, subordinating Western Asia War Zone Flying Bear Army four Corps as well as three Corps of Western Asia armed forces, equals 350,000 main forces comprised, shuts in the armed forces from the Western Border Province Nancheng. 中路军,由隶属西亚战区飞熊军四个军团以及西亚军的三个军团,合计三十五万大军组成,从西疆行省南城关进军。 God General Wang Jian, holds the post of Central Road Army Commander. 神将王翦,担任中路军统帅 The next route army, comprised of Southern Asia First Collective Army to fourth Collective Army, equals million main forces, is this time goes to battle with Persian Empire main armed forces, sets out from Ashoka Province. 下路军,由南亚第一集团军至第四集团军组成,合计百万大军,也是此番出征波斯帝国的主力部队,从阿育行省进发。 God General Li Jing, is in command to go to battle personally. 神将李靖,亲自挂帅出征。 In addition, Indian Ocean Fleet also from marine, launches the attack to Persian Empire coast district. 除此之外,印度洋舰队还将从海上,对波斯帝国沿海地区发起进攻。 Overcomes an enemy, uses the military strength of this country, then attacks the next goal. 打下一个敌人,利用该国之兵力,接着攻打下一个目标。 This grade of procedure, with initially Jia Xu in Project Meat Grinder that” the Tubo battlefield proposed, was similar, founded Great Xia mode. 这等做法,跟当初贾诩吐蕃战场提出的“绞肉机计划”,非常类似,也算是开创了一种大夏模式 Situation smooth words, this mode can also continue to operate. 情况顺利的话,该模式还能继续运作下去。 Operation Foundation, benefits from Great Xia in the success of Tianzhu (India) battlefield, draws support the «Emperor-King Instadeath Tally» non-conventional tactic, Great Xia Army can win like this with ease. 运作的基础,得益于大夏天竺战场的成功,正是借助于《帝王即死符》这样的非常规战术,大夏军才得以轻松获胜。 If there is met the tough head-on with toughness with Ashoka King Dynasty, finally feared is also only a hard victory. 如果跟阿育王朝一直硬碰硬,最终怕也只是一个惨胜。 Sudden declaring war of Great Xia, to Persian Empire, without doubt is one Catastrophe that is hard to accept. Do not look at Persian Empire to have 2 million main forces, facing three groups of Great Xia Army, was very difficult to find the win the opportunity. 大夏的突然宣战,对波斯帝国而言,无疑是一场难以接受的灾难。别看波斯帝国拥有两百万大军,面对三路大夏军,却很难找到取胜的机会。 The Persian Empire internal stability, is superiority, is the enormous inferiority. 波斯帝国内部的稳定,是优势,也是极大的劣势。 In 2 million main forces, pours more than 50%, is reorganizes by various countries' Imperial Guard Army, has not gone through any war basically, the actual combat capability is really worrying. 两百万大军之中,倒有一半以上,是由各国禁卫军整编而成,基本没经历过什么战争,实战能力实在堪忧。 Otherwise, initially Mongol Empire Western Expedition, will not hit Persian Empire black and blue. 否则的话,当初蒙古帝国西征,也不会将波斯帝国打得鼻青脸肿。 Compared with it Mongolian Cavalry, Great Xia Army has been possible more than to plan. 比之蒙古铁骑,大夏军强了可不止一筹。 1.5 million Great Xia Army, if must make a strength to convert, at least can be as good as Persian Empire 3 million, and even the army of bigger quantity. 一百五十万大夏军,如果要做一个战力换算的话,至少抵得上波斯帝国三百万,乃至更大数量的军队。 Can Persian Empire, how win? 波斯帝国,如何能打赢? The only means that requested reinforcements to the ally. 唯一的办法,就是向盟友求援了。 Borders on with Persian Empire, subordinates Hand of White-Silver Faction, three big King Dynasty, separately are Arab Empire, Caesar King Dynasty as well as Romanov King Dynasty. 波斯帝国接壤,又隶属白银之手阵营的,有三大王朝,分别是阿拉伯帝国凯撒王朝以及罗曼诺夫王朝 Caesar King Dynasty was stranded with Romanov King Dynasty in the Europe battlefield, but also counted on that Persian Empire reenforcement, is impossible to be pushy, supports Persian Empire in turn. 凯撒王朝罗曼诺夫王朝都被困在欧洲战场,还指望波斯帝国增援呢,不可能有精力,反过来支援波斯帝国 Especially Romanov King Dynasty, is busy seizing territory in Germanic King Dynasty siege, borders on with Persian Empire, is Far East district of vast territory with a sparse population, supports to feel weak. 尤其是罗曼诺夫王朝,正忙着在日耳曼王朝攻城略地,跟波斯帝国接壤的,又是地广人稀的远东地区,支援乏力。 Most likely, it is estimated that was Arab Empire. 最有可能的,估计就是阿拉伯帝国了。 Two big Empire leave a source, is different because of the belief, was cut two big Empire, how at that time relations were unfriendly, whether Arab Empire could extend the helping hands, but also was really an unknown. 两大帝国同出一源,却因信仰不同,被切割成两大帝国,彼时的关系并不如何友好,阿拉伯帝国能否伸出援助之手,还真是一个未知数。 Say nothing, Arab Empire must face the immediate danger of Great Xia Africa Warzone. 更不用说,阿拉伯帝国还要面临大夏非洲战区的直接威胁。 Calculates that Persian Empire also can only alone accept a challenge. 算来算去,波斯帝国也只能独自应战了。 ............ ………… Great Xia declares war to Persia, just likes a nuclear bomb, the tranquil global situation will surge. 大夏波斯宣战,犹如一枚核弹,将平静的全球局势激荡开来。 Victim Persian Empire, other people have not thought incessantly that gets sucked into the public opinion vortex Great Xia, all as usual, have not forgotten the expansion unexpectedly , to continue the game world the road of Struggle for Dominion. 不止受害者波斯帝国,其他人也没想到,深陷舆论漩涡的大夏,竟然一切照旧,还不忘对外扩张,继续游戏世界的争霸之路。 As if the destruction of Hope City, has not produced anything to affect to the Great Xia strategic decision. 似乎希望城的毁灭,并未对大夏的战略决策产生什么影响。 This naturally became Hand of White-Silver criticized a reason of Great Xia. 这自然成了白银之手攻讦大夏的一个理由。 issue is, Hand of White-Silver with Azure Insignia molds Ouyang Shuo Vast Light of Hope the image, if at this time stands to accuse Ouyang Shuo, soon wasted all previous efforts. 问题是,白银之手湛蓝徽章正在塑造欧阳朔伟光正”的形象,此时如果站出来指责欧阳朔,不久前功尽弃了。 Therefore, they can only remain silent, the asking the price with no intention of buying tooth and blood swallow. 所以,他们只能保持沉默,打落牙齿和血吞。 I must suspect that Ouyang Shuo has seized this subtle opportunity, this unscrupulously launches the war.” In Jack of other side of the ocean, voices such feeling. “我都要怀疑,欧阳朔就是看准了这一微妙时机,这才肆无忌惮地发动战争的。”身在大洋彼岸的杰克,不禁发出这样的感慨。 Jack does not know the Persian Empire strategic position by no means that also does not know by no means the oil of Persia bay is valuable, but faces seeking help of Persian Empire, Dawson Sovereign Dynasty is at a loss. 杰克并非不知道波斯帝国的战略地位,也并非不知道波斯湾的油气资源是何等宝贵,但是面对波斯帝国的求助,道森皇朝是真的束手无策。 After seize Tianzhu (India), the strategic depth big fearfulness of Great Xia, the overall strength steps on a new level again, is really not Dawson Sovereign Dynasty can contend directly. 拿下天竺之后,大夏的战略纵深大的可怕,整体实力再上一个新台阶,实在不是道森皇朝可以正面抗衡的。 This is also Hand of White-Silver, eagerly one of reasons Ouyang Shuo this Plague God sends off. 这也是白银之手,急于将欧阳朔这个“瘟神”送走的原因之一。 Although there is a rumor, Ouyang Shuo is training the successor fully, but copes with Ouyang Bing this little girl, Jack has self-confidently. 虽然有传言,欧阳朔正在全力培养接班人,但是对付欧阳冰这位“小女孩”,杰克还是非常有自信的。 Declaring war of Great Xia, lets temporary cooling is the global battlefield, activates once more. 大夏的宣战,也让暂时冷却是全球战场,再次激活。 Ordinary player(s) looked that does not understand intrinsic profound and abstruse principles that Great Xia declares war, but everyone Landgraf is clear. 普通玩家看不明白大夏宣战的内在玄机,诸位领主可是门儿清。 In some significance, along with the Hope City destruction, humanity settles down in Hope Star to be blocked, the status of game world does not fall instead rises, becomes the second world that is worthy of the reputation. 某种意义上而言,随着希望城覆灭,人类定居希望星受阻,游戏世界的地位不降反升,成为名副其实的第二世界。 In the future that may estimate, majority of humanity also will continue Livelihood in the game world. 在可预计的未来,大部分人类都还将继续生活在游戏世界。 Therefore, competes for the game world the leading power, the regulations became compared with before more important, once surpassed before this to competitions of three quotas. 因此,争夺游戏世界的主导权,实则比之前变得更加重要,一度超过此前对三个名额的争夺。 This is a cake moves, most is not willing to fall behind. 这是一场分蛋糕行动,最也不愿落后。 So, Ouyang Shuo can not give a thought to the external world public opinion, shortly after Battle of Tianzhu just subsided, outrageously declares war to Persian Empire. 正是如此,欧阳朔才能不顾外界的舆论,在天竺之战刚平息不久,就悍然对波斯帝国宣战。 The intrinsic logic, then stemmed from this. 内在的逻辑,便源于此了。 If can overcome Persian Empire, controls the oil of Persia bay thoroughly, in the future industrialization competition tide, Great Xia will be basically in an impregnable position. 如果能打下波斯帝国,彻底掌控波斯湾的油气资源,在未来的工业化竞争浪潮中,大夏基本就将立于不败之地。 This time Ouyang Shuo, like the father who will soon take a long journey, always wants before departure, to complete the matter as far as possible, to the successor Bing'er, leaves behind a thick family property. 此时的欧阳朔,就像一位即将远行的父亲,总想在离开之前,将事情尽可能地做好,给继任者冰儿,留下一份厚实的家业。 Otherwise, walked was not relieved. 否则的话,走了也不安心。
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