TWO :: Volume #14

#1345: A Europe play

Great Xia bothering, lets also be at ignorant Landgrafs sobers, temporarily puts behind the matter of Planet Hope, goes all out opens game world the war of annexation. 大夏的“搅局”,让还处在懵懂中的领主们重新清醒过来,暂时忘却希望星球之事,更加卖力地开启游戏世界的兼并之战。 Bears the brunt, is the Europe battlefield. 首当其冲的,正是欧洲战场。 Germanic King Dynasty use remaining armed forces , to continue to divert the Gondor King Dynasty native place, while the converging attack, increased up and down the attack effort to Gaul King Dynasty. 日耳曼王朝一边利用残余部队,继续牵制钢铎王朝本土,一边上下夹击,加大了对高卢王朝的攻击力度。 Must fight to decide. 务必一战而定。 Some hearsay said that soon cannot withstand the pressure Gaul Nation King Henry, in secret, had a private talk with Germanic Nation King Manstein. 更有小道消息称,快要顶不住压力的高卢国王亨利,已经在私底下,跟日耳曼国王曼施泰因有过一番密谈。 Two big King Dynasty, as if are seeking one type the means of avoiding the mutually wounded solution conflict. 两大王朝,似乎正在寻求一种避免两败俱伤的解决争端的办法。 According to the Black Snake Guard incoming telegram, Germanic King Dynasty Prime Minister, historical famous blood and iron Prime Minister Bismarck, recently with Gaul King Dynasty Prime Minister Richelieu secret meeting. 黑蛇卫来报,日耳曼王朝宰相,历史上著名的铁血宰相俾斯麦,最近正在跟高卢王朝宰相黎塞留秘密会晤。 Two Prime Minister, are Divine Grade talented people. 两位宰相,都是神级人才 All sorts of signs indicated that Continent of Europe will soon welcome a big drastic change. 种种迹象表明,欧洲大陆即将迎来一场大剧变。 Romanov King Dynasty also refuses to admit being inferior, while opportunity that Germanic King Dynasty has no time to attend to other things, invades the Germanic King Dynasty north territory wantonly, develops the Capital City Saint Petersburg strategic depth. 罗曼诺夫王朝也不甘示弱,趁着日耳曼王朝无暇他顾的机会,大肆侵占日耳曼王朝北部领土,拓展都城圣彼得堡的战略纵深。 As for Caesar King Dynasty, was very difficult to have any great achievement. 至于凯撒王朝,已经很难有什么大的作为。 ............ ………… Gaia Year 10 on March 10, National Capital. 盖亚十年三月十日,京师 The war of Persia fully broke out, Field Corps one after another bridges over the frontier line, kills in Persia outrageously, raises one to be related to Asia new structure century War. 波斯之战已经全面爆发,一个接一个的野战军团跨过边境线,悍然杀进波斯境内,掀起一场事关亚洲格局的世纪大战 The magnanimous provisions commodity, continuously is also transporting to the front. 海量的粮草物资,也在源源不断地运抵前线。 The Southern Asia Protectorate area rich provisions reserve, has safeguarded this War logistics, enabling million main forces not to have the extra worries to invest into going on a punitive expedition against. 南亚都护区丰富的粮草储备,保障了这一场大战后勤,让百万大军可以毫无后顾之忧地投入到征伐之中。 Facing the attack of Great Xia, the Persia Nation King issue war mobilization order, simultaneously issues Rank 1 War Preparations, says the brave words, must use strength of the country, resists the invasion of Great Xia. 面对大夏的进攻,波斯国王发布战争动员令,同时发布一级战备,放出豪言,要举一国之力,抗击大夏的入侵。 Persia Nation King is shouted that defends our country earth, protects my homeland!” The slogan, drives morale by this. 波斯国王更是喊出“守我国土,护我家园!”的口号,以此激励士气 What is helpless, was being destroyed because of Hope City, popularity full house of Ouyang Shuo in player(s) community, was portrayed the develop the savage lands Planet Hope only candidate by the person with high aspirations. 让人无奈的是,因着希望城被毁灭一事,欧阳朔玩家群体中的人气爆棚,被有心人塑造成拓荒希望星球的不二人选。 Therefore, Persia player(s) in this War, performance unusual negative. 因此,波斯玩家在这一场大战中,表现的异常消极。 If Ouyang Shuo pleads really on own initiative, goes to Planet Hope to open up wasteland, that is Liberator of humanity, Great Hero, Great Xia is Overlord that the world deserves. 如果欧阳朔真的主动请命,前往希望星球开荒,那就是人类的救星,大英雄,大夏就是全球当之无愧的霸主 merge into Great Xia, no longer is hard to accept. 并入大夏,也就不再那么难以接受。 Based on such idea, Persia player(s) has chosen standing by, was not difficult to understand. 基于这样的想法,波斯玩家选择了作壁上观,也就不难理解了。 Persia player's accepts a challenge negatively, making the Persia army lose the convenient communications network, investigated the ability to drop greatly, facing the attack of Great Xia Army, even more lacked the ability to do what one would like. 波斯玩家的“消极应战”,让波斯军队失去了便捷的通讯网络,侦查能力大为下降,面对大夏军的进攻,越发力不从心。 The balance of war, just from the beginning, inclined to a Great Xia side. 战争的天平,刚一开始,就向大夏一方倾斜。 Attacks and captures Tianzhu (India) Great Xia Army, this moment righteousness potential like the rainbow, with the prestige of win, by the Asia Overlord stance, in Persia within the boundaries Welcomed In All Directions, siege seizes territory. 攻克天竺大夏军,此刻正气势如虹,携大胜之威,以亚洲霸主的姿态,在波斯境内纵横捭阖,攻城略地。 main forces everywhere one visit, bleeds the floating scull. 大军所到之处,流血漂橹。 Blood incarnadine Great Xia Army flag, strong Great Xia Army prestige, forms an irresistible imposing manner. 鲜血染红了大夏军旗,壮了大夏军威,形成一股势不可挡的气势。 The world is vibrating, the enemy is shivering. 天地在震动,敌人在颤抖。 Great Xia Army invincible, invincible the invincible image, is disseminating quietly in Persian Empire, further disintegrates the resistance will of Persia army. 大夏军“战无不胜,攻无不克”的无敌形象,正在波斯帝国境内悄悄传播开来,进一步瓦解波斯军队的抵抗意志。 Perhaps, from the beginning, this is an asymmetrical war. 或许,从一开始,这就是一场非对称的战争。 And and Great Xia Indian Ocean Fleet has blocked the Persian Empire coast firmly, making the Persian Empire seaborne commerce fall into the stagnation, merchant ship cannot pass and out the harbor. 兼且大夏印度洋舰队牢牢封锁了波斯帝国的沿海,让波斯帝国的海上贸易陷入停滞,没有一艘商船能进出港口。 This to relying on import Persian Empire, without doubt is big Catastrophe. 这对依赖进口的波斯帝国而言,无疑是一场大灾难 Persian Empire, one falls into internal disorder and foreign invasion. 波斯帝国,一下陷入内忧外患之中。 The attack of Great Xia to Persian Empire is all-around, making Persian Empire not have the strength of resisting. 大夏波斯帝国的打击是全方位的,让波斯帝国毫无招架之力。 Suffers a defeat and flees, is only time issue. 败亡,只是时间问题 The development of situation, making Ouyang Shuo this person also a little surprised, before then, his oneself had not realized when does not know from, Great Xia is global Empire in fact, Seas and Oceans Overlord. 事态的发展,让欧阳朔本人也有点惊讶,在此之前,他自身都没意识到,不知从何时起,大夏已经是事实上的全球帝国,海洋霸主 Attacks and captures Mid Grade powerful nation like Persian Empire, Great Xia actually does not have a pressure. 攻克像波斯帝国这样的中等强国,大夏竟然没有一丝压力。 Thus it can be seen, from the comprehensive national strength, is the military force, or other, the Great Xia strength has far exceeded other King Dynasty. 由此可见,无论是从综合国力,还是军力,或者其他,大夏的实力已经远远超出其他王朝 Is Dawson Sovereign Dynasty, is difficult to follow. 就是道森皇朝,也难望其项背。 Perhaps, in seize Tianzhu (India) that moment, Great Xia the Deterrence strength that saves in world, arrived at a peak, transforms as global super Overlord in fact. 或许,在拿下天竺的那一刻,大夏在全球积攒下来的威慑力,已经到达一个顶峰,转化为事实上的全球超级霸主 Game structure, presents ultra strong new structure. 游戏格局,呈现出一超多强的新格局 Such result, should not sum up as the destiny simply.” Ouyang Shuo looking pensive. “这样的结果,不该简单归结为命运。”欧阳朔若有所思。 Gaia Year 10, Great Xia in the layout of world, is only not restricted in Persian Empire merely, on year ago Army and Government Council, Ouyang Shuo handles jointly with everyone Chancellor, has established the Great Xia new round strategy. 盖亚十年,大夏在全球的布局,绝不仅仅只限于波斯帝国,在年前的军政会议上,欧阳朔会同诸位大臣,确立了大夏新一轮的战略。 That is an imposing manner broad blueprint. 那是一副气势恢宏的蓝图。 The time is urgent, saw that Resources Star has been in sight distantly, the Ouyang Shuo's line of sight only will not stay in the Persia battlefield, as long as there is an opportunity, the new plan will be implemented quickly. 时间紧急,眼瞅着资源星已经遥遥在望,欧阳朔的视线绝不会只停留在波斯战场,但凡有机会,新的计划很快就会得到实施。 To Gaia Year 10, this big chess, when should arrive at the comprehensive draw in a net. 到了盖亚十年,这一盘大棋,也该到了全面收网之时。 Great Xia develops present such scale, will launch a war, setup time not over one month, once will attack, must fight to decide. 大夏发展到现在这样的规模,发动一场战争,准备时间绝不会超过一个月,而且一旦出击,就务必一战而定。 Hesitant, or the dragging, is not the Great Xia style. 犹豫,或者拖延,都不是大夏的行事风格。 Great Xia of Ouyang Shuo mold, is a beast of prey, once aims at the game, strikes. In comparison, the Battle for Europe grinding jī jī projects on the present, somewhat looks like the child to cross each family. 欧阳朔塑造的大夏,是一头猛兽,一旦瞄准猎物,就一击而中。相比之下,欧洲之战磨磨唧唧地打到现在,真有点像小孩过家家。 Ouyang Shuo of instigator, has not thought that Battle for Europe drags now, still not to have a decisive victory. 就连始作俑者的欧阳朔,都没想到,欧洲之战拖到现在,至今都还没出个决定性的战果。 The love that the Europe person became famous really tosses about, petty full. 欧洲人真是出了名的爱折腾,小家子气十足。 ............ ………… Imperial Palace, Imperial Study. 皇宫,御书房 „Did Information confirm?” Ouyang Shuo asked. 情报已经确认了吗?”欧阳朔问。 Sits in the Ouyang Shuo opposite, is responsible for overseas Information Black Snake Guard Command Envoy Black Snake, Your Majesty, the news is reply absolutely true, Gaul King Dynasty must reorganize with Germanic King Dynasty.” 坐在欧阳朔对面的,正是负责海外情报黑蛇卫指挥使黑蛇,“回禀陛下,消息千真万确,高卢王朝要跟日耳曼王朝重组了。” The news that Black Snake disclosed that made the common people shocking sufficiently. 黑蛇透露的消息,足以让世人震惊。 Because this Information is extremely really essential, Black Snake does not hesitate to rush to Central Point City personally, over and over confirmed this Information authenticity, hurries back again specially to Your Majesty reporting. 因为此情报实在太过关键,黑蛇不惜亲自赶往基点城,再三确认此情报的真实性,再专程赶回来向陛下禀报 Has wielded overseas Information Black Snake, very clear this Information component. 一直执掌海外情报黑蛇,非常清楚此情报的分量。 Really, obtains the confirmation of Black Snake, Ouyang Shuo appears very happy, is liberal with the appreciation, Black Snake Guard this dry attractiveness, after getting down, you reward to inquire this Information soldiers for me well.” 果然,得到黑蛇的确认,欧阳朔显得非常高兴,不吝赞赏,“黑蛇卫这次干的漂亮,下去之后,你替朕好好奖励一下打探到该情报的儿郎们。” Thanked Your Majesty!” “谢陛下!” Black Snake salutes excitedly, can obtain the Your Majesty praise, this is the extremely high glory. 黑蛇兴奋行礼,能得到陛下赞誉,这可是极高的荣耀。 Naturally, Black Snake Guard this time can also take on this praise. 当然,黑蛇卫此番也担得起这份赞扬。 The fools also know that Gaul King Dynasty reorganizes with Germanic King Dynasty, is the matter of what kind secret, basically was two big King Dynasty top secrets. 傻子也知道,高卢王朝日耳曼王朝重组,是何等机密之事,基本就是两大王朝的最高机密了。 Black Snake Guard such Information can investigate continually, can want to see, after the several years management, this Information organization has developed the what kind degree. 黑蛇卫连这样的情报都能侦查到,可以想见,经过数年的经营,这支情报机构已经发展到何等程度。 Simply dreadful. 简直让人害怕。 Said, the war of present two nations, but is both sides is acting in a play?!” The smiling face on the Ouyang Shuo face appearing pondering, Henry worthily is Henry, understands what has to done very much, knows the onset and retreat very much.” “这么说,眼下的两国之战,不过是双方在演戏?!”欧阳朔脸上现出一丝玩味的笑容,“亨利不愧是亨利,很识时务,也很知进退。” In situation that in knowing unable to fortunately survive, Henry showed a Emperor-King proper boldness, broke out of the fetter of Hand of White-Silver decisively, invested Azure Insignia Faction outrageously. 在自知无法幸存的情况下,亨利展现出了一位帝王应有的魄力,果断摆脱白银之手的束缚,悍然投入湛蓝徽章阵营 In order to survive, Henry does not hesitate to change. 为了生存,亨利不惜改弦更张。 Before not like, Spain Nation King Casillias, hesitants when a decision needed, when abandons, was united Azure Insignia by Ouyang Shuo, nibbles step by step, warm water boils a frog, does not have remaining including the bone sediment finally. 不像西班牙国王卡西利亚斯,当断不断,当舍不舍,被欧阳朔联合湛蓝徽章,一步步蚕食,温水煮青蛙,最终连骨头渣子都没剩下。 Ouyang Shuo does not need to know, after Henry hires oneself Germanic King Dynasty, at present is residing temporarily in Gaul King Dynasty Casillias, will face what kind of destiny. 欧阳朔不用想都知道,在亨利投靠日耳曼王朝之后,眼下正寄居在高卢王朝卡西利亚斯,将面临怎样的命运。 The death, was light. 死亡,都算是轻的。 Was a pity that Henry understood what has to done late a point, if initially......” “可惜啊,亨利识时务晚了一点,如果当初……” Ouyang Shuo sighed, has not continued. Before this, Ouyang Shuo once had also had the thoughts, wants to win over from Hand of White-Silver Faction Henry, becomes a big boost. 欧阳朔叹了一口气,没继续说下去。此前,欧阳朔也曾动过心思,想将亨利白银之手阵营拉拢过来,成为一大助力。 Wants such, Europe structure feared that is not today is like this puzzled. 真要那样,欧洲格局怕不是今天这样纠结。 At present, Henry when the life and death, abandons the so-called principle finally, gives up fear to Hand of White-Silver, invests match Faction, how many capital can also obtain? 眼下,亨利在生死存亡之际,终于放弃所谓的原则,放弃对白银之手的畏惧,投入对手阵营,又能获得多少资本呢? In future Germanic King Dynasty, Henry is not necessarily able some big room. 在未来的日耳曼王朝,亨利未必就能有多大的施展空间。 „, Is their play, developing to whom looks?” The Ouyang Shuo's vision as if can penetrate the space and time, sees in ten thousand li (0.5km) remote Continent of Europe, is performing a soul-stirring good play. “那么,他们的这一场戏,在演给谁看呢?”欧阳朔的目光似乎能穿透时空,看到远在万里之遥的欧洲大陆,正在上演一出惊心动魄的好戏。 Black Snake sees the Your Majesty interest to be extremely high, returns saying: Should to plan, but also keeps Gaul King Dynasty domestic Gondor main forces as well as Spain main forces.” 黑蛇陛下兴致极高,跟着回道:“应该是要算计,还留在高卢王朝境内的钢铎大军以及西班牙大军。” Originally, this grade of armed forces country important matter, Black Snake is not suitable voices. 本来,这等军国大事,黑蛇是不宜发声的。 Not necessarily is!” “未必全是!” Ouyang Shuo shook the head, has not continued. 欧阳朔摇了摇头,没有继续说下去。 This attention, Ouyang Shuo can balance the discretion, in front of Black Snake, will not discuss Empire recklessly in the Military motion of Europe. 该注意的,欧阳朔还是非常能拿捏分寸的,绝不会在黑蛇面前,肆意讨论帝国欧洲军事行动。 Collects Information, is the Black Snake job. 搜集情报,才是黑蛇分内之事。 By Ouyang Shuo to Henry with Manstein their understanding, they thinks of every means that the major drama that collaborates to perform, the appetite does not stop in nibbling in Gaul King Dynasty that army. 欧阳朔亨利曼施泰因两人的了解,他们费尽心思,联手上演的这一场大戏,胃口绝不止于蚕食高卢王朝境内的那一点军队。 Perhaps, they have a bigger ambition. 或许,他们还有着更大的野心。 Thinks that after annexing Gaul King Dynasty, Germanic King Dynasty makes a connection thoroughly, is united as one body, suddenly becomes Europe most formidable King Dynasty, contends with remaining three big King Dynasty sufficiently. 想想吧,在兼并高卢王朝之后,日耳曼王朝彻底打通,连成一体,一举成为欧洲最强大的王朝,足以跟剩下的三大王朝相抗衡。 The destruction crisis that Germanic King Dynasty has had, already extinguished in invisible at this time. 日耳曼王朝一直存在的覆灭危机,此时已然消弭于无形。 Then, by the Azure Insignia appetite with the ambition, they simply only will also satisfy the present situation? 那么,以湛蓝徽章的胃口跟野心,难道他们还会仅仅只满足于现状? Cannot! 绝不会! Continues in the expansion of Europe, even Unified entire Continent of Europe, feared that has put on Azure Insignia program arranged. 继续在欧洲的扩张,甚至一统整个欧洲大陆,怕是已经提上湛蓝徽章的日程安排 If can manage Base Camp entire Continent of Europe, then to Azure Insignia, but has fought a brilliant turnaround. 如果能将整个欧洲大陆经营成大本营,那么对湛蓝徽章而言,可就打了一个漂亮的翻身仗。 Azure Insignia in the status of game world, becomes very reliable. 湛蓝徽章在游戏世界的地位,将变得十分牢固。 Forging Steel Plan should also carry out, late causes trouble!” 锻钢计划也该执行了,迟则生变啊!” Information that Black Snake brings, making Ouyang Shuo have a sense of urgency, he realized, if cannot while the Europe situation clarification beforehand motion, Great Xia fear that is unable to slice in Europe. 黑蛇带来的情报,让欧阳朔产生一丝紧迫感,他意识到,如果不能趁着欧洲形势明朗化之前行动,大夏怕是无法在欧洲分一杯羹。 Since you must act in a play, do not blame in my fire to take the chestnut!” Ouyang Shuo vision long. “既然你们要演戏,就别怪我火中取栗了!”欧阳朔目光悠悠。
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