TWO :: Volume #14

#1343: Mother Star

Mecha Manufacturing Technology as well as has present technology, can share?” Ouyang Shuo asked. 机甲制造技术以及具现技术呢,能共享吗?”欧阳朔问。 Ambition! 野心! Ouyang Shuo has not concealed slightly, he tries to shake off the Gaia control the ambition. 欧阳朔丝毫没有掩饰,他试图摆脱盖亚控制的野心。 If there are these two key technologies, the future base does not have Gaia to support, Ouyang Shuo can also build a superluxurious team independently, thoroughly gets rid of the Achievement Value limit. 如果有了这两项关键技术,未来的基地就算没有盖亚支持,欧阳朔也能自主打造一支超豪华团队,彻底摆脱成就值限制。 The average people obey the rule, the Emperor-King custom subvert the rule. 普通人遵守规则,帝王则习惯颠覆规则。 Ouyang Shuo is looking forward, in the future can work out Planet Hope Order that day independently. 欧阳朔憧憬着,未来能自主订立希望星球秩序的那一天。 Talked with Gaia, did not need to talk circuitously. 盖亚谈话,不用绕圈子。 Like the present, Gaia understands clearly the Ouyang Shuo's ambition, so long as is harmless to humanity, she will not manage. 就像现在,盖亚洞悉欧阳朔的野心,只要对人类无害,她是不会管的。 Gaia follows, is regular. 盖亚遵循的,正是规则。 Free sharing is incorrect. According to the plan, in the future between the base and Resources Star, will establish one exchange mechanism. The base with the living resources, exchanges the Resources Star technology and product.” Gaia answered. “免费共享是不行的。按照规划,未来在基地跟资源星之间,将建立起一套兑换机制。基地用生物资源,兑换资源星的技术与产品。”盖亚解释道。 By the strong computing power, Gaia clearly had one set of plan. 凭借超强的计算能力,盖亚显然已经有了一整套计划。 Ouyang Shuo even guessed that this time makes interspace Fleet anchor Resources Star, is far from Gaia conceives a plan temporarily, but before is very early, already one alternative scheme. 欧阳朔甚至猜测,此番让星际舰队停靠资源星,绝非盖亚临时起意,而是在很早之前,就已经有的一套备用方案。 The forecast worst possibility, and completes the plan, is the Gaia this grade of Top Grade Artificial Intelligence strong point. 预测最坏的可能,并做好预案,可是盖亚这等顶级人工智能的长处。 The Ouyang Shuo look concentrates, said that in the future the base and between interspace Fleet, by no means the high and low membership, will be more like cooperation mode, will accord to his need?” 欧阳朔眼神一凝,“这么说,未来基地跟星际舰队之间,并非上下从属关系,更像是一种合作模式,各取所需?” If is really this, the base has the enormous right to independence. 如果真是这样,基地可是有着极大的自主权。 As for exchange of equal value that Gaia mentioned, was Ouyang Shuo extremely esteem cooperation mode, expected that the free lunch, occupied a little profit, was not the Ouyang Shuo's working style. 至于盖亚提到的等价交换,也是欧阳朔极为推崇的合作模式,期望免费的午餐,占点小便宜,不是欧阳朔的做事风格。 Can such understand.” “可以这么理解。” After dismissing Federation, what Gaia acts is the human Guardian role, has not sought the leadership. 在解散联邦之后,盖亚充当的是人类守护者角色,并未谋求领导权。 Ouyang Shuo deeply looked at Gaia one, asked the within heart doubts: Said, if the base does not have an accident, you don't prepare to step Planet Hope?” 欧阳朔深深看了盖亚一眼,问出心中疑惑:“这么说,如果基地不出事,你是不是并不准备踏上希望星球?” You are very intelligent.” In the Gaia eye flashes through mighty waves finally, has not evaded Ouyang Shuo, says words that Ouyang Shuo has not spoken, Resources Star not suitable mankind exist, to Smart Human, not to have any issue.” “你很聪明。”盖亚眼中终于闪过一丝波澜,没有避讳欧阳朔,说出欧阳朔没有说的话,“资源星不适合人类生存,对智人而言,却是没什么问题的。” Gaia has been preparing unexpectedly, builds Smart Human Mother Star Resources Star. 盖亚竟是已经在准备,将资源星打造成智人母星 Such one, humanity settles down in Hope Star, Smart Human settles down in Resources Star, mutually is the supplement, mutual non-interference, forms benign symbiotic relationship. 那样一来,人类定居希望星,智人定居资源星,互为补充,互不干涉,形成一种良性共生关系 Perhaps, this is Gaia is the outlet that Smart Human looks. 或许,这就是盖亚智人寻找的出路。 Ouyang Shuo within heart sighed, to both sides, perhaps this was the best result, was not all humanity can be the same with him, treated impartially to NPC. 欧阳朔心中一叹,对双方而言,或许这是最好的结局了,并不是所有的人类都能跟他一样,对NPC一视同仁。 The population is hostile, forever is unable to eradicate. 种群敌视,永远无法根绝。 Can help my one slightly busy?” Ouyang Shuo asked finally that expression of speech is not the routine business, looks like among the friends please hold, is having a tender feeling. “能帮我一个小忙吗?”欧阳朔最后问,说话的语气不是例行公事,更像朋友之间的请托,带着一丝温情。 Although they the uncommon surface, actually feel like old friends at the first meeting. 两人虽然不常见面,却一见如故。 You said.” Gaia shows a faint smile, making the person fall. “你说。”盖亚微微一笑,让人倾倒。 Ouyang Shuo said the request with a smile, Gaia not hesitant, complied directly. 欧阳朔笑着说出请求,盖亚没怎么犹豫,直接答应下来。 That this!” “那就这样了!” Gaia does not have the smalltalk, changes to a white light, together with the chair, vanishes in Imperial Study together. 盖亚没有客套,化作一道白光,连同椅子,一起消失于御书房 The bystanders do not know that Gaia had come. 外人根本不知道,盖亚曾经来过。 This private talk must arrive at the 200 year later, was disclosed that becomes between two big star leaders, an unusual historical dialog, went down in history. 这一段密谈要到两百年后,才被披露出来,成为两大星球领袖之间,一次非同寻常的历史性对话,被载入史册。 ............ ………… December 20 date. 十二月二十日。 Packs off shortly after Gaia, Ouyang Shuo starts to handle Battle of Tianzhu the matter of damage control. 送走盖亚不久,欧阳朔开始处理天竺之战的善后之事。 Because Hope City was being destroyed event, the resistance mood of Tianzhu (India) player(s) to Great Xia reduces greatly, to Great Xia Army sweeping enemy remnants, cleaning last barrier. 因着希望城被毁事件,天竺玩家大夏的抗拒情绪大减,给大夏军扫荡残敌,扫除最后一丝障碍。 After beginning of winter, the war basically ended. 入冬之后,战事基本结束。 Few days ago, participated in War Imperial Guard Army, Dragon Rising Army, Southern Border Army as well as western General, after supplementing the respective battle loss, has withdrawn from the front one after another, returns to respective encampment. 日前,参与大战禁卫军龙骧军南疆军以及西将军,在补充各自战损之后,已经陆续从前线撤回,返回各自驻地 The Tianzhu (India) defense, takes over control of by Southern Asia War Zone comprehensively. 天竺防务,由南亚战区全面接管。 According to the post-war statistics, after destruction Tianzhu (India) three big King Dynasty, besides supplement battle loss, arranged wounded person retirement as well as rejection unqualified soldier(s), but also the remaining near 1 million war captive waiting reorganize. 根据战后统计,覆灭天竺三大王朝之后,除补充战损,安排伤员退役以及剔除不合格兵员之外,还剩下近一百万战俘等待整编。 And has 300,000, before this surrender Ashoka King Dynasty Peacock King Dynasty main forces, is really the satire. 其中就有三十万,此前投降阿育王朝孔雀王朝大军,真是讽刺。 These war captive are elite, how to handle, is a thorny matter. 这些战俘都是精锐,如何处置,是一件棘手之事。 arranged retires or changes career, without doubt is the waste of extremely big, moreover is easy to create the public security hidden danger, after all this batch of war captive scale, is two times of Southern Asia War Zone military strength. 安排退役或者转业,无疑是天大的浪费,而且容易造成治安隐患,毕竟这批战俘的规模,可是南亚战区兵力的两倍。 In view of this, after the Ouyang Shuo approval, million war captive is reorganized temporarily is four Collective Army, temporarily awards Southern Asia First Collective Army to the fourth Collective Army designation. 鉴于此,经欧阳朔认可,百万战俘被临时整编为四个集团军,暂时授予南亚第一集团军至第四集团军的番号。 Four big Collective Army incorporate into Southern Asia War Zone to control temporarily, is led by Office of Military Matters. 四大集团军临时划归南亚战区辖制,由军机处领导。 How maximum limit to play the roles of four big Collective Army, uses it on the blade, Dynasty Court had the preliminary plan, and other beginning of the spring implemented. 如何最大限度地发挥四大集团军的作用,将其用在刀刃上,朝廷已经有了初步预案,就等开春实施了。 At present must do, comforts four big Collective Army mood, well recuperation. 眼下要做的,就是安抚好四大集团军的情绪,好好休整。 After beginning of the spring, this is one will destroy the day to extinguish the place the strength, helping Empire realize the new strategic ambition. 开春之后,这将是一股毁天灭地的力量,帮助帝国实现新的战略野心。 ............ ………… Gaia Year 10 on January 1, National Capital. 盖亚十年一月一日,京师 Did not have convention System Update, the arrival of Gaia Year 10, appears somewhat is quietly. 没了惯例的系统更新,盖亚十年的到来,显得有些悄无声息。 At the beginning of the year, Great Xia Dynasty Court has promulgated a personnel appointment. 新年伊始,大夏朝廷颁布了一项人事任命。 Imperial Decree, removes the King of Chu Ouyang Bing Hidden Text Pavilion Wielder duty, transfers Hongyi Young Minister and national capital War Zone Deputy Commander, immediately becomes effective. 敕令,解除楚王欧阳冰秘文阁学士职务,转任鸿胪少卿兼京畿战区副统帅,即刻生效。 The experience of Hidden Text Pavilion, making Bing'er have certain familiar to the Empire internal affairs. 秘文阁的历练,让冰儿帝国内政有了一定的熟悉。 Saw that the time are not much, Ouyang Shuo cannot wait, can only spoil things through excessive enthusiasm, start make Bing'er step in Diplomacy and Military two big domains slightly, makes the final preparation for the forthcoming regent government. 眼瞅着时间不多,欧阳朔也等不及,只能稍稍揠苗助长,开始让冰儿涉足外交军事两大领域,为即将到来的摄政做最后的准备。 Hongyi Young Minister Status, making Bing'er have opportunity representative Empire, carries on global Diplomacy, the promotion prestige. A national capital War Zone Deputy Commander duty, is more pivotal. 鸿胪少卿身份,让冰儿有机会代表帝国,进行全球外交,提升个人威望。京畿战区副统帅一职,就更加举足轻重。 In the future, Ouyang Shuo is the preparation hands over on Bing'er national capital War Zone. 将来,欧阳朔是准备将京畿战区交到冰儿手上的。 Only then has the military authority, Bing'er can do calmly and steadily in the Regent position, otherwise, Ouyang Shuo is unable to feel relieved that goes to Planet Hope. 只有掌握兵权,冰儿才能在摄政王的位置上做安稳,否则的话,欧阳朔根本无法放心前往希望星球 Last Insurance, was the asylum of Gaia to Bing'er. 最后一道保险,就是盖亚冰儿的庇护了。 Except that on appointment, Bing'er also holds a concurrent post of Mountains and Seas Guard vice- Command Envoy outwardly, starts to contact Intelligence Network. A person concurs three duties, related to Military, Diplomacy as well as the Information three big plates, Bing'er also calculated unprecedented. 除了明面上的任命,冰儿还兼任山海卫指挥使,开始接触情报网络。一人身兼三职,涉及军事外交以及情报三大板块,冰儿也算史无前例了。 Gaia Year 10 to Bing'er, is very essential one year. 盖亚十年冰儿而言,是非常关键的一年。 ............ ………… In an instant, is in March. 转眼之间,已是阳春三月。 From deadline that Gaia gives, only remaining three months. 距离盖亚给出的最后期限,只剩下三个月的时间。 In Hand of White-Silver with adding fuel to the flames of Azure Insignia, Ouyang Shuo goes to Planet Hope develop the savage lands, almost becomes the matter of being settled, the tide of public opinion has taken shape. 白银之手湛蓝徽章的推波助澜下,欧阳朔前往希望星球拓荒,几乎成为板上钉钉之事,舆论的浪潮已经成型。 Only when strikes finally. 只待最后一击。 Believes that Dawson Sovereign Dynasty quickly to expressing to the approval of Great Xia, delivers Supreme Great Xia the position. 相信道森皇朝很快就对表示对大夏的认可,将大夏送上“至尊”之位。 Before then, the Europe battlefield, is the Africa battlefield, rarely does not have the sound, quiet, makes the person unable to believe simply. 在此之前,无论是欧洲战场,还是非洲战场,都罕见地没有动静,平静无波,简直让人不敢相信。 Tranquil, there is a storm to ferment quietly. 平静之下,有风暴正在悄悄酝酿。
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