TWO :: Volume #13

#1213: Great Xia Bank

Temple of Heaven square. 天坛广场。 Nine Provinces Ding, about!” 九州鼎,合!” Along with a Ouyang Shuo sound command, nine large ding soar, encircles a circle in the midair, super revolving. Above the square, blows gale baseless, blows the Ouyang Shuo's cloak flap flap makes noise. 随着欧阳朔一声号令,九尊大鼎腾空而起,在半空围成一个圆圈,高速旋转起来。广场之上,凭空刮起大风,将欧阳朔的披风吹的猎猎作响。 Nine Provinces Ding turns faster and faster, could not see clearly large ding to behind, only sees false image. 九州鼎越转越快,到后面已经看不清大鼎,只看到一道道虚影 In this time, was placed in Temple of Heaven central Ding of Xia, was pulled by a huge suction, bang one soars, changes to black glow, appears in the great-circle center. 就在此时,原本被安放在天坛中央的夏鼎,被一股巨大的吸力拉扯,“轰”的一下腾空而起,化作一道黑芒,出现在大圈中央。 Nine Honored Nine Provinces Ding, gathers round Ding of Xia to revolve, is really magnificent. 九尊九州鼎,围着夏鼎旋转,煞是壮观。 Roughly past a half hour, Nine Dings one by one changed to azure, black, white, scarlet, yellow, purple and other light of the color, went to the central Ding of Xia. 约莫过去半个小时,九鼎一一化作青、黑、白、赤、黄、紫等七彩之光,投向中心的夏鼎 This ray, Ding of Xia color light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), shining four directions. 得此光芒,夏鼎彩光万丈,照耀四方。 Sees Ding of Xia to have all sort of strange changes, ding handle, ding belly as well as ding legs, become even more glorious and luxurious, the prestige cannot say. Above ding body, the mountains trees, the birds insect fish, one by one obviously melts, projects above the midair, is ordinary like the mirage, comes clearly into view. 紧接着就看到夏鼎生出诸般奇异变化,鼎耳鼎腹以及鼎足,变得越发尊荣华贵,威不可言。鼎身之上,山川树木,鸟兽虫鱼,一一显化而出,投射在半空之上,就像海市蜃楼一般,历历在目。 Examines carefully, that on the mountains, all sort of birds, is Great Xia all thing, in the wink of an eye, shines upon the Great Xia hills, includes all birds insect fish of Livelihood in Great Xia, seriously is the Divine Immortal method. 细看,那一应山川,诸般鸟兽,无不是大夏所有之物,瞬息之间,就映照大夏群山,囊括生活大夏境内的所有鸟兽虫鱼,当真是神仙手段。 Ouyang Shuo saw, shocks unconsciously. 欧阳朔见了,也不觉震撼。 Such scene, only appears in the legend, which the mortal must see. 此等场面,只出现在神话传说之中,凡人哪得一见。 The breath, all sort of outs of phase vanish slightly, completely changed Ding of Xia of appearance, changes to black glow once more, stops accurate in the Temple of Heaven center, has not occurred like any matter generally. 稍息,诸般异相消失,完全变了模样的夏鼎,再次化作一道黑芒,精准地停在天坛中央,就像什么事情也没发生过一般。 Ouyang Shuo actually knows that all were already different. 欧阳朔却知道,一切早已不一样。 Nine Provinces King Ding: Jin State's National Treasure, Great Xia exclusive, may suppress destiny of country, but is epoch-making, Reopen the Nine Provinces ties, World Stabilizes the Nine Provinces new area. 九州王鼎】:晋国秘宝,大夏专属,可镇压一国之气运,可开天辟地,重开九州结界,界定九州新疆域。 The description is very simple, understood that is very difficult. 描述很简单,理解起来却很难。 Except for knowing is Jin State's National Treasure, Ouyang Shuo entire is not clear, Reopen the Nine Provinces is any meaning, opens a new space, is in the game world again World Stabilizes the Nine Provinces domain. 除了知道是晋国秘宝,欧阳朔也整不明白,“重开九州”到底是什么意思,是开辟一个新空间,还是在游戏世界重新界定九州版图。 All, wait the later fumble. 一切,都留待以后摸索。 As the Nine Provinces Ding incident settles down, the Great Xia promotion is Sovereign Dynasty only misses the last condition, seizes the Huaxia Region over one-third territories. 随着九州鼎一事尘埃落定,大夏晋升为皇朝就只差最后一项条件,占领华夏区1以上的领土。 Ouyang Shuo has estimated approximately, belongs to Great Xia along with Hedong Province, Central Plains Province, Wan'nan Province as well as Jiangnan Province one by one, already very close one-third. 欧阳朔大致估算了一下,随着河东行省中原行省皖南行省以及江南行省一一归入大夏,已经非常接近1。 Also in other words , does not need to overcome Tubo, even if so long as Great Xia overcomes place of province again, can satisfy the condition, smoothly the promotion is Great Xia Sovereign Dynasty. 就是说,无需打下吐蕃,大夏只要哪怕再打下一行省之地,就能满足条件,顺顺当当地晋升为大夏皇朝 Is placed in front of Ouyang Shuo, is the level road. 摆在欧阳朔面前的,已是坦途。 Ouyang Shuo not any hesitant, transmitted orders Cabinet with Vast Display Monastery, started to arrange the King Dynasty promotion grand ceremony, the time decides in Gaia Year 7 on January 1, intent explained in the new year the new look. 欧阳朔没有任何犹豫,传令内阁鸿胪寺,开始筹备王朝晋升大典,时间就定在盖亚七年一月一日,意喻新年新气象。 The present was on October 6, nearly three months of plans, the time was enough. 现在是十月六日,还有近三个月的筹备期,时间足够了。 ............ ………… On October 8, Mountains and Seas City. 十月八日,山海城 Ouyang Shuo is riding blood and sweat treasured horse, under surrounding and protecting of one team of Divine Military Guard, goes out of Royal City rarely. The common people saw along the way, the determination lets arrive by the street, some even bow to salute. 欧阳朔骑着汗血宝马,在一队神武卫的拱卫下,罕见地走出王城。沿途百姓见了,自觉让到街道两侧,有的甚至躬身行礼。 In the Great Xia common people eyes, Ouyang Shuo this King of Xia is Eternal Single Emperor, was loved by the common people deeply. 大夏百姓眼中,欧阳朔这位夏王就是千古一帝,深受百姓爱戴。 Especially in Mountains and Seas City, some common people arrives at Mountains and Seas City from the Village time, witnessed King Dynasty to grow, at present, their children grown up into adults, became the Mountains and Seas City second generation. 尤其是在山海城,有的百姓是从村落时代就来到山海城,见证了王朝一路成长,眼下,他们的子女都已长大成人,成为山海城的第二代。 Mountains and Seas City, has no qualms in the name of Base Camp. 山海城,无愧于大本营之名。 Ouyang Shuo this time goes on a journey, prepares Four Seas Depository General Headquarters, witnesses signing of time historical. Four Seas Depository General Headquarters situated in Royal City southwest, regarding Depository, has developed the financial street. 欧阳朔此番出行,是准备去一趟四海钱庄总部,见证一次历史性的签约。四海钱庄总部位于王城西南角,围绕着钱庄,已经发展出金融街。 Just arrived in the corner, saw that Four Seas Depository Shopkeep Meng Zhida commanded troops to welcome in that. 刚到街角,就看到四海钱庄掌柜孟致达率部迎在那。 Welcomed Your Kingship!” “恭迎王上!” Ouyang Shuo nodded, dismount, gives Divine Military Guard reins, asked: „Were person in attendance?” 欧阳朔点了点头,下马,将缰绳交给一名神武卫,问:“人都到齐了吗?” Came, is waiting in reception room.” “都来了,正在会客室等候。” Comes is very early.” The Ouyang Shuo corners of the mouth smile, quick arrives at Four Seas Depository General Headquarters, enters the great hall, across the watchtower, this comes to the reception room situated in backyard. “来的都挺早啊。”欧阳朔嘴角一笑,很快就来到四海钱庄总部,进入大堂,穿过角楼,这才来到位于后院的会客室。 Appears in the reception room, before having Bloody Romantic, Xie Siyun as well as Clear Moon Shines Upon A River , etc., Guild Leader, presently Feathered Forest Army High-General ; also has Love Silk Buckle this taking on a new lease on life, becomes by Guild Leader the Great Xia famous Merchant legend has ; also to have Phoenix Imprisons Phoenix, Siege Lion as well as Wu Fu, before these Landgraf, present governor. 出现在会客室的,有血色浪漫谢思韵以及明月照大江等前行会首领,现羽林军将领也有情丝扣这位摇身一变,由行会首领成为大夏著名商人的传奇存在还有凤囚凰攻城狮以及碔砆,这些前领主,现在的封疆大吏。 Even also has Seeking Dragon Hitting Pressure Point, the person of this going down in the world, sits in the nearby corner, is silent. 甚至还有寻龙点穴,这位落魄之人,坐在最边上的角落,沉默不语。 Regardless of before them, with the present is any Status, today can welcome to Four Seas Depository General Headquarters, because they have common Status, that is the Four Seas Depository shareholder. 无论他们之前跟现在是什么身份,今天能被请到四海钱庄总部,都因为他们有着一个共同的身份,那就是四海钱庄的股东。 In view of the fact that after this large-scale expansion of armaments, the Dynasty Court financial burden further intensifies, Ouyang Shuo takes King of Xia, must think of a way not responsibly, increases the Dynasty Court financial revenue. 鉴于这次大规模扩军之后,朝廷财政负担进一步加剧,欧阳朔作为夏王,当仁不让地要想法子,增加朝廷的财政收入。 First thinks that is Four Seas Depository. 首先想到的,就是四海钱庄 After five years of considerable development, present Four Seas Depository, is worthy of the reputation Leviathan, deposit gold that buys in surpasses 300 million gold coin, is not only Huaxia first Depository, is global First Great Depository. 经过五年的长足发展,眼下的四海钱庄,已经是名副其实的巨无霸,吸纳的储蓄金超过三亿金币,不仅是华夏第一钱庄,也是全球第一大钱庄 So far, which Depository but also does not have to shake the Four Seas Depository Overlord status. 目前为止,还没有哪个钱庄能撼动四海钱庄霸主地位。 As Great Zhou King Dynasty declines day after day, three years ago can also with Exchange and Communications Depository that Four Seas Depository competes, already sun set Xishan, amount of space occupied with Four Seas Depository completely not in a magnitude. 随着大周王朝日渐没落,三年前还能跟四海钱庄打擂台的汇通钱庄,早已日暮西山,体量跟四海钱庄完全不在一个量级上。 Ouyang Shuo has the idea of Four Seas Depository, naturally is not stupid must divert the Depository fund, gives the army to pay, that will be typical quenching thirst with poison, the fool such will do. 欧阳朔四海钱庄的主意,当然不是愚蠢的要挪用钱庄资金,来给军队发饷,那是典型的饮鸩止渴,傻瓜才会这么做。 He wants on Four Seas Depository Foundation, to establish Great Xia Bank. 他是想在四海钱庄基础上,成立大夏银行 Each country has to belong to Central Bank of our country, previous Four Seas Depository is taking on this responsibility. issue is, Four Seas Depository is not only Central Bank, Business Bank, the responsibility is simultaneously chaotic, is extremely numerous and disorderly. 每个国家都有属于本国的央行,此前的四海钱庄就承担着这一职责。问题是,四海钱庄不仅是央行,同时还是商业银行,职责混乱,太过庞杂。 Even also has personal buying stock, makes no distinction between what one's own and what belongs to the public. 甚至还有私人入股,公私不分。 In view of this, proposed after Meng Zhida that Ouyang Shuo agreed that decided buy-back Four Seas Depository all stocks, after giving cancels, to Four Seas Depository carries on an resolution to reorganize. 鉴于此,经孟致达提议,欧阳朔首肯,决定回购四海钱庄的所有股份,给予注销之后,对四海钱庄进行一次拆分重组。 This time calls Bloody Romantic and the others, must sign the transfer of share rights agreement. Because of this matter of great substance, Ouyang Shuo then finds time, rushes to Four Seas Depository General Headquarters personally, witnesses this historical signing ceremony. 这次召集血色浪漫等人,正是要签署股权转让协议。因为兹事体大,欧阳朔这才抽空,亲自赶到四海钱庄总部,见证这一历史性的签约仪式。 From now, Four Seas Depository becomes past tense. 从此以后,四海钱庄就将成为过去式。 Three years ago, when Bloody Romantic and the others bought stock Four Seas Depository, according to every 1% price 200,000 gold coin, the highest subscriber can not over 5%. 三年前,血色浪漫等人入股四海钱庄时,按每1股作价二十万金币,最高认购不得超过5。 Three years, expand along with Four Seas Depository unceasingly, Bloody Romantic and the others the stock in hand, naturally also repeatedly sparse, from highest 5%, dilute to now 0.5%. 三年时间,随着四海钱庄不断扩张,血色浪漫等人手中的股份,自然也就一再被稀疏,从最高的5%,稀释到现在的0.5%。 Even if so, this stock is also the value large sum of money. 就算如此,这点股份也是价值万金。 Although besides Seeking Dragon Hitting Pressure Point with Love Silk Buckle, presents everyone to hold an office in Great Xia, is the person on one's own side, Ouyang Shuo actually cannot make everybody suffer a loss, after the balance, has given a quite reasonable returning purchase price. 虽然除寻龙点穴情丝扣外,在座诸位都在大夏任职,算是自己人,欧阳朔却也不能让大家吃亏,权衡之后,给了一个比较合理的回购价。 Because Four Seas Depository has not gone on the market, said without the stock price that the Ouyang Shuo decision, sets a standard, initially they invested many, now when withdraws, may receive five times in the fund of spending limit. 因为四海钱庄根本没上市,没有股价之说,欧阳朔拍板,定下一个标准,就是当初他们出资多少,现在退出时,可领到五倍于出资额的资金。 For example at that time invested 1 million, now can attain 5 million. 比如说当时投资一百万,现在就能拿到五百万 Is counted these three years inflation, as well as the anticipated reasonable income, this multiple is quite reasonable. Do not look at the Great Xia financial revenue on every year a big stair, because the game takes gold coin as the common currency, the currency inflation rate is actually not high, the gold coin value has also been very strong. 算上这三年的通货膨胀,以及预期的合理收益,这个倍数是比较合理的。别看大夏财政收入每年上一个大台阶,因为游戏以金币为统一货币,通胀率其实并不高,金币的价值也一直很坚挺。 This time withdraws, Bloody Romantic and the others may gain one greatly. 此番撤出,血色浪漫等人都可大赚一笔。 Regarding does not want to disinvest, presents everyone also nobody to dare such not to be tactful. 至于说不想撤资的,在座诸位还没有谁敢这么不识趣。 Has the enmity with Ouyang Shuo Seeking Dragon Hitting Pressure Point, does not dare to depend shareholder Status, does not withdraw. By the power and influence of Great Xia present, even does not need Ouyang Shuo to act, Meng Zhida can make Seeking Dragon Hitting Pressure Point submit. 就连跟欧阳朔结下嫌隙的寻龙点穴,也不敢仗着股东身份,死活也不退出。以大夏如今之威势,甚至都不用欧阳朔出面,孟致达就能让寻龙点穴屈服。 Is good does not have because of Seeking Dragon Hitting Pressure Point such is not tactful. 好在寻龙点穴也没这么不识趣。 As Sui Dynasty submits Great Xia, in Quanzhou Livelihood Seeking Dragon Hitting Pressure Point, now is also the Great Xia common people. 随着隋朝归附大夏,一直在泉州生活寻龙点穴,如今也算是大夏百姓。 Ouyang Shuo also early forgot the past that not to be quick, although was insufficient to begin using Seeking Dragon Hitting Pressure Point, but will not look for the trouble of Seeking Dragon Hitting Pressure Point on own initiative is, may feel at ease greatly in Great Xia Livelihood gets down. 欧阳朔也早忘了当年的那点不快,虽然不至于重新启用寻龙点穴,但也不会主动找寻龙点穴的麻烦就是,大可安心在大夏生活下去。 This is also forgets in Jianghu. 这也算是“相忘于江湖吧”。 10 : 00 am, under the Ouyang Shuo's testimony, one by one have signed the transfer of share rights agreement. Therefore, Four Seas Depository must put out 35 million cold hard cash one time. 上午十时,在欧阳朔的见证下,一一签署了股权转让协议。为此,四海钱庄需一次性拿出三千五百万真金白银 What is good walks because of this fund is the Four Seas Depository account, otherwise, Finance Court may unable to take on. 好在这笔资金走的是四海钱庄的账,否则的话,财政院可担不起。 Signs the agreement, receives a rich fund, Bloody Romantic and the others one by one says goodbye. This sum of money is not their private properties, but must assign to the Guild member hand, otherwise was also the multimillionaire. 签完协议,领到一笔丰厚资金,血色浪漫等人一一告辞。这笔钱可不是他们的私人财产,而是要分配到行会成员手中的,否则也算是巨富了。 Ouyang Shuo remained, discussed the following resolution matters concerned with Meng Zhida. 欧阳朔留了下来,跟孟致达商议接下来的拆分事宜。 The basic principle is, the Four Seas Depository General Headquarters transformation is Great Xia Bank, as King Dynasty Central Bank, holds monetary issue and other matters concerned, no longer development deposit, loan and other Bank services. 基本原则是,将四海钱庄总部改造为大夏银行,作为王朝央行,掌货币发行等事宜,不再开展储蓄、贷款等银行业务。 Then, Great Xia had already printed the paper money, actually cannot obtain very good carrying out. This time, Ouyang Shuo sets firm resolve thoroughly, must use the hand of Great Xia Bank , to promote Great Xia Currency. 说起来,大夏早就印刷了纸币,却一直没能得到很好的推行。这一次,欧阳朔是彻底下定决心,要借大夏银行之手,将大夏币推广开来。 Spreads regional Four Seas Depository branches, resolution is Great Xia Business Bank with Great Xia Agricultural Bank these two Business Bank, concentrates on the labor Business domain, is used to support the King Dynasty Agriculture development. 散布各地的四海钱庄分部,拆分为大夏商业银行大夏农业银行这两家商业银行,一家专注于工商业领域,一家用于扶持王朝农业发展。 Then, not only has guaranteed the Central Bank authority, and further promotes the development of King Dynasty financial industry, regarding enhancing the King Dynasty finance, is good cardiotonic, is the plan of effecting a permanent cure. 如此一来,既保证了央行权威,又进一步促进王朝金融业的发展,对于提高王朝财政,是一剂再好不过的强心剂,是治本之策。 Considering the Four Seas Depository huge amount of space occupied, the resolution work will be very numerous and diverse. Ouyang Shuo to the order that Meng Zhida issues is, must catch up before the grand ceremony completes the resolution item. 鉴于四海钱庄庞大的体量,拆分工作将十分繁杂。欧阳朔孟致达下达的命令是,必须赶在大典之前完成拆分事项。 Analyzes, Meng Zhida will take the post of Great Xia Bank first Bank President. 拆分完毕,孟致达就将出任大夏银行第一任行长 In addition, Ouyang Shuo also transmitted orders Administration Court, taking advantage of analyzing the Four Seas Depository turning point, gathers financial talented people from the player(s) community wantonly, enters three big Bank assignments. 除此之外,欧阳朔还传令行政院,借着拆分四海钱庄的契机,从玩家群体中大肆招揽金融人才,进入三大银行任职。 The Huaxia Region outstanding person spirits, finance is developed, does not lack such talented people. 华夏区地杰人灵,金融发达,根本不缺这样的人才 Now Great Xia relaxes the limit on own initiative, opens the front door, believes that will have one in large numbers to mix unsatisfied intent player(s) in the adventure|risk domain, returns to the official duty, to three big line of assignments. 现在大夏主动放开限制,敞开大门,相信会有一大批在冒险领域混得不如意玩家,重新回归本职,到三大行任职。 But this, will certainly become symbolic event, symbolizes the adventurer player community, soon will welcome another division of labor, no longer mixes as one. 而这,也必将成为一个标志性事件,标志着冒险玩家群体,即将迎来又一次的分工,不再混为一体。
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