TWO :: Volume #13

#1212: Population large explosion

After establish Feathered Forest Army, this turns army reorganization to come to the end. 组建羽林军之后,此轮军队整编就告一段落。 This wheel reorganizes, was awarded Generalissimo to hold with Xu Da two God General besides Wu Qi, other General also one by one obtain the imperial edict to seal, the standard is Commander Rank 1 gives Second Class General, Corps Head Rank 1 gives Third Class or Fourth Class General. 此轮整编中,除吴起徐达两位神将被授予大将军衔外,其余将军也都一一获得敕封,标准是统领一级二品将军,军团长一级三品或者四品将军 Greedy Wolf Army Commander Meng Tian, attains Second Class General Who Nurtures an Army. 贪狼军统领蒙恬,获封二品抚军将军 Phoenix Ascends Army Commander Guo Ziyi, attains Second Class General Who Precedes an Army. 凤翔军统领郭子仪,获封二品上军将军 North Africa Army Commander Chang Yuchun, attains Second Class General Who Attacks the South ; Heluo Army Commander Yang Su, attains Second Class General Who Guards the East ; Hedong Army Commander Zuo Zongtang, attains Second Class General Who Guards the West. 北非军统领常遇春,获封二品征南将军河洛军统领杨素,获封二品镇东将军河东军统领左宗棠,获封二品镇西将军 Hence, in the Second Class General sequence, Guards the East, Guards the South, Guards the West as well as Guards the North Four Guard Generals, Attacks the East, Attacks the South, Attacks the West as well as Attacks the North Four Attack Generals, the total disposition is in place. 至此,二品将军序列中,镇东镇南镇西以及镇北四镇将军,征东征南征西以及征北四征将军,全数配置到位。 In General Who Nurtures an Army, General Within the Army, General Who Precedes an Army, General Who Guards the Army, General Who Guards the Nation as well as General in the South, has a General Who Guards the Army quota vacancy. 抚军将军中军将军上军将军镇军将军镇国将军以及南中将军中,也只有镇军将军一个名额空缺。 Valiant Riding General, Chariot Riding General as well as General of the Guard, in Three Honored Generals sequence, only then Xu Chu was sealed by the imperial edict is General of the Guard, Valiant Riding General with the Chariot Riding General two quotas for the time being vacancy. 骠骑将军车骑将军以及卫将军,三公将军序列中,只有许褚被敕封为卫将军,骠骑将军车骑将军两个名额暂且空缺。 The above is all 17 Second Class General quotas, altogether only remaining three. 以上就是所有十七二品将军名额,总共只剩下三个。 Is counted Bai Qi, Han Xin as well as Li Jing three General-In-Chief again, Huo Qubing, Xu Da, Wu Qi, Sun Bin, Li Mu as well as Zheng He six Generalissimo, the Great Xia Army upper-level construction, basically tends to be stable. 再算上白起韩信以及李靖三位上将军,霍去病徐达吴起孙膑李牧以及郑和六位大将军,大夏军上层架构,基本趋于稳定。 Huaxia Ten Great Famed Generals, dies for one's country except Wei Qing, Wang Jian outside Great Qin, remaining seven completely turns over to Great Xia. 华夏十大名将,除卫青殉国,王翦大秦外,剩下的七位尽归大夏 After reorganizing, the remaining 710,000 soldiers, after various Corps supplement battle loss, were all integrated abolishing lists, hands over jointly places with Civil Administration Bureau by Privy Court. 整编之后,剩下的七十一万兵卒,在诸军团补充战损之后,悉数被纳入裁撤名单,交由枢密院民政署联合安置。 This is until now, Great Xia largest disarmament. Is good because of regarding soldier(s) how to place to abrogate, two big organizations Easy Ride on a Familiar Path, was already orderly, systematic. 这是迄今为止,大夏最大规模的一次裁军。好在对于如何安置裁撤下来的兵员,两大机构早已驾轻就熟,忙而不乱,井然有序。 Meanwhile, this time is also King Dynasty largest one time increases troops, expands manpower five Collective Army one time, equals 1.75 million main forces. 于此同时,这次也是王朝最大规模的一次增兵,一次性扩编五个集团军,合计一百七十五万大军 Hence, the Great Xia only army achieves the astonishing 6.8 million person, this is in Ouyang Shuo unceasingly disarmament, in the situation of repeatedly reducing the control army quantity. 至此,大夏仅陆军就达到惊人的六百八十万人,这还是在欧阳朔不断裁军,一再压缩控制军队数量的情况下。 Otherwise, Great Xia Army feared that must reach the whatever happens|10 million person scale. 否则的话,大夏军怕是要接近千万人规模。 Gaia Year 6, is one year that the Great Xia population explosivity grows. At the beginning of the year, King Dynasty total population also in 150 million high and low, misses one section from 200 million. 盖亚六年,是大夏人口爆炸性增长的一年。年初之时,王朝总人口也就在一亿五千万上下,距离两亿都差一截。 Is magnanimous player(s) moves into Great Xia, the population approaches the 200 million critical junction quickly. 紧接着就是海量玩家入驻大夏,人口很快就逼近两亿大关。 In April, in the situation that Great Xia in the Hand of White-Silver powerful attacks, on, launches attacks on all fronts against the wind, captures Johor, Biao Nation and Java three islands as well as Ethiopia at one fell swoop, one increased near 30 million population. 四月,大夏白银之手强势出击的情况下,逆风而上,全线出击,一举攻陷柔佛骠国爪哇三岛以及埃塞,一下就增加了近三千万人口。 Is attacks to extinguish the Han and clear two nations, as well as promote, Sui and submitting of Shu Three Kingdoms, was counted Jiangnan as well as the Wan'nan two province common people again, the short three months, Great Xia increased near 80 million population. 跟着就是攻灭汉、清两国,以及晋、隋、蜀三国的归附,再算上江南以及皖南两行省百姓,短短三个月时间,大夏就增加近八千万人口。 Must know that each Royal City has the 10 million common people. War Wolf previous time effortlessly seize Jianye, but had taken advantage, if not Ouyang Shuo has to plan, absolutely not will make Scarlet Blood Army prevail easily. 要知道,每座王城都有一千万百姓。战狼前番毫不费力地拿下建业,可是占了大便宜了,如果不是欧阳朔另有谋划,断不会让赤血军轻易得逞。 Great Jin King Dynasty as Huaxia Region third Landgraf King Dynasty, the total population is to reach the greatness of 30 million. 大晋王朝作为华夏区第三个领主王朝,总人口更是达三千万之巨。 From this is not difficult to understand why War just finished, although Great Xia only increased Hedong, Central Plains, Wan'nan as well as the places of Jiangnan four province, Ouyang Shuo ordered to stop the dagger-axe decisively, purged the internal affairs fully. 由此也就不难理解,为何大战刚一结束,大夏虽然只增加了河东中原皖南以及江南四行省之地,欧阳朔却果断下令止戈,全力整肃内政。 The population of because this time increasing were too many, suffices the Great Xia digestion a while. 因为此番增加的人口实在太多,够大夏消化好一阵子了。 Gathers at Luoyang, Capital, Quanzhou as well as the Chengdu four Royal City magnanimous common people, wants the appropriate guidance to other prefectures and counties Livelihood, cannot extremely gather. 聚集在洛阳京都泉州以及成都四座王城的海量百姓,也要适当引导到其他郡县生活,不能太过聚集。 Is counted recent a half year, emerges Great Xia adventurer player continuously, the refugee who as well as various prefectures and counties continue to brush, demonstrated according to the Civil Administration Bureau latest statistical result, up to now, the Great Xia total population reaches the 300 million 7000 ten thousand greatness, compared with the beginning of the year, not only doubles, but also slightly has the earnings. 算上最近半年,持续不断涌入大夏冒险玩家,以及诸郡县持续刷出的流民,据民政署的最新统计结果显示,截止目前,大夏总人口达三亿七千万之巨,跟年初相比,不仅翻了一番,还略有盈余。 Before the end of the year, the Great Xia population can break the 400 million critical junction with ease. 年底之前,大夏人口就能轻松突破四亿大关。 During the Daoguang years, the Huaxia total population reached 430 million, set the History new record. 清道光年间,华夏总人口达430000000,创下历史新记录。 If weighs in this standard, the Great Xia total population will break the History record quickly, reaches a brand-new altitude. Even if so, 6.8 million army to King Dynasty, somewhat is unable to withstand the load. 如果以此标准来衡量的话,大夏总人口很快就将破历史记录,达到一个全新的高度。就算如此,六百八十万陆军对王朝而言,还是有些不堪重负。 What historical army largest is Ming Dynasty, the peak was known as that has the 2.8 million standing army, at that time Ming Dynasty population in 200 million high and low. But the Ming Army quantity, is the well-known moisture content is huge. 历史上军队规模最大的是明朝,高峰期号称有两百八十万常备军,彼时的明朝人口在两亿上下。而明军数量,是众所周知的水分巨大。 Even if by the 2.8 million main forces idea, the Great Xia military and civilian proportion also surpasses Ming Dynasty, is extremely terrifying. 就算以两百八十万大军计,大夏的军民比例也超过明朝,殊为恐怖 The according to army scale theory, Great Xia is only without parallel in history. 仅以军队规模论,大夏可谓空前绝后。 Even if the Huaxia modern and contemporary time, army scale high point also 6.5 million high and low, was still lower than the Great Xia Army existing scale. So a contrast, how may know the Great Xia finance faced with bear. 就算是华夏近现代时期,军队规模最高峰也不过六百五十万上下,仍低于大夏军现有规模。如此一对比,就可知大夏财政面临怎样的负担了。 Even if so, Ouyang Shuo is unable disarmament. 就算如此,欧阳朔也无法裁军 Because of the present Great Xia King Dynasty most crucial time, internal, must exterminate Four Nation Alliance, completes Unified great undertaking ; foreign, must deal with the enemy of four directions, but must take the favorable position in Continent of Africa. 因为眼下正是大夏王朝最关键的时期,对内,要诛灭四国联盟,完成一统大业对外,要应对四方之敌,还要在非洲大陆抢占先机。 Is counted again guards Monster Lair, which regardless, needs the huge army support. 再算上镇守怪兽巢穴,无论哪一项,都需要庞大的军队支撑。 Now disarmament, courts destruction. 现在裁军,就是自取灭亡。 When only then mops up Four Nation Alliance thoroughly, establishes a relatively stable center, King Dynasty can consider that will deploy carries on one round to abrogate to reorganize in the military strength of Huaxia Region center, to achieve to reduce the soldier(s) goal. 只有等到彻底扫灭四国联盟,奠定一个相对稳定的中枢,王朝才能考虑,将部署在华夏区腹地的兵力进行一轮裁撤整编,以达到缩减兵员的目的。 Estimated according to Ouyang Shuo's, no matter how Great Xia will expand in the future, how the population rapidly grows, the near 7 million main forces basic close marginal value, not too possibly really approaches the 10 million critical junction. 欧阳朔的预计,不管大夏未来如何扩张,人口如何急剧增长,近七百万大军基本接近一个临界值,不太可能真的逼近一千万大关。 King Dynasty in the future expansion, but also depends on is stationed in Huaxia Region main forces. 王朝未来对外扩张,还有赖驻扎在华夏区大军 From this, returns to the beginning, only then attacks to extinguish Four Nation Alliance as soon as possible, Great Xia can unshackle thoroughly, has no ideological problems weighing on the mind, actively outward launches the expansion. 由此,还是回到起点,只有尽早攻灭四国联盟,大夏才能彻底放开手脚,轻装上阵,积极地对外展开扩张。 Otherwise, does not need Hand of White-Silver to get rid with Azure Insignia, Great Xia possibly burnt out by the huge military spending, subsequently falls into the war mire, from breaking its group. 否则的话,根本不用白银之手湛蓝徽章出手,大夏就可能被庞大的军费开支给生生拖垮,继而陷入战争泥沼,自断其路。 Therefore, Three Kingdoms submits is the Great Xia most magnificent time, is the most difficult time. 因此,三国归附是大夏最辉煌的时期,也是最艰难的时期。 ............ ………… Gaia Year 6 on October 6, Mountains and Seas City. 盖亚六年十月六日,山海城 Royal City, the Temple of Heaven square, Nine Honored Nine Provinces Ding sets up in an array. Each large ding height three chi (0.33 m) six cuns (2.5cm) five points, according to the heavenly circulation 365 ; surrounding two chi (0.33 m) four cuns (2.5cm), according to the political record 24 air/Qi. 王城,天坛广场,九尊九州鼎一字排开。每尊大鼎高三尺六寸五分,按周天三百六十五周围两尺四寸,按政历二十四气。 Above large ding, carves mountains trees, the grass woodworm fish, is all lifelike. 大鼎之上,雕有山川树木,草木虫鱼,无不栩栩如生。 Couple of days ago, Shu Han King Dynasty Nine Provinces Ding has delivered to Mountains and Seas City, at that time Ouyang Shuo was busy discussing that with Chancellor the matter of army reorganization, could not have given a thought to this matter. 前两天,蜀汉王朝九州鼎就已经送到山海城,那时欧阳朔正忙着跟大臣商议军队整编之事,没顾得上此事。 Waits for army reorganization plan one by one to make a final decision, Ouyang Shuo then catches up. 军队整编方案一一敲定,欧阳朔这才赶来。 This time success collection complete Nine Dings, means S Grade Quest Yu the Great Nine Dings Completes, Ouyang Shuo wants to know actually that these nine large ding, will have what kind of change. 此番成功集齐九鼎,也就意味着S级任务大禹九鼎】完成,欧阳朔倒是想知道,这九尊大鼎,会有怎样的变化。
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