TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#689 Part 3: 【Kneels to ask monthly ticket】 Darke Dymon and Ghost Device

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Attack strength 2500 rubber fist, in Shadow demon Has not been learned to attend the meeting to suffer in the situation of counter-attack completely, hit directly its face countenance. 攻击力2500的“橡胶拳”,在【阴影魔】完全没有料到会遭受反击的情况下,正面命中了它的颜面。 This friendship cracks a smile the fist, making its mana drop 1000 points. 这友情破颜拳,使其魔力下降了1000点。 What is more important, this fist attracted completely Shadow demon Attention. 更重要的是,这一拳完全的吸引了【阴影魔】的注意。 Intelligent Grade 2.0 Shadow demon, In situation that in Stewart Forn cannot order promptly, solid ate struck fall from the sky Hydro Cannon! 智能等级2.0的【阴影魔】,在斯图尔特·福恩未能及时下令的情况下,结结实实的吃了一击从天而降的【加农水炮】! The slight suspense, its has not only remained 2000 points MP unable to withstand Hydro Cannon Terrifying might. 没有丝毫的悬念,它那仅剩2000点的魔力值根本无法承受住【加农水炮】的恐怖威力。 That flash, Shadow demon It looks like by the flame that the flood pouring extinguishes, vanished in a puff of smoke unexpectedly at the scene! 那一瞬间,【阴影魔】就像是被大水浇灭的火苗,竟是当场灰飞烟灭! Solemn Seven Stars Magic Fairy, unexpectedly is continually aggrieved other two Certain Kill Skill not to release with enough time is then destroyed! 堂堂七星魔导精灵,竟然憋屈得连剩余的两个必杀技都未来得及释放便被破坏! On Red Player stage. 红方选手台上。 Darke Dymon look is solemn. 达克迪蒙神色冷峻。 In his hand sign increased two new Magic Card. 他的手牌之中增添了两张新的魔导卡 Bronze Serpent Mirror 青铜蛇镜 Fantasy Beast: Eevee 魔幻兽:伊布 In Milotic Release Water artillery Later is unable to move immediately, he has not had mostly then Summon to leave hesitant Fantasy Beast: Eevee! 在【美纳斯】释放【水炮】之后无法动弹的当下,他并未有大多犹豫便召唤出了【魔幻兽:伊布】! In its Card Deck has entire three Fantasy Beast: Eevee! 它的卡组之中有整整三张【魔幻兽:伊布】! So long as selects random Fantasy Beast: Eevee, Can use Certain Kill Skill Baton Pass, Another two Fantasy Beast: Eevee Replaces one after another. 而只要抽中其中任意一张【魔幻兽:伊布】,就能使用必杀技接棒】,将另外两张【魔幻兽:伊布】接连置换出来。 Eevee, uses for Ditto Pray, Then uses Baton Pass.” 伊布,对百变怪使用【祈愿】,然后使用【接棒】。” yi bu!” “咿咘!” Fantasy Beast: Eevee The rapid performance order, is right Fantasy Beast: Ditto Use Pray Later, immediately uses Baton Pass, Second Fantasy Beast: Eevee Summon comes out. 魔幻兽:伊布】迅速执行命令,在对【魔幻兽:百变怪】使用了【祈愿】之后,立刻使用【接棒】,将第二只【魔幻兽:伊布召唤出来。 But his returned to the Darke hand sign. 而其自身则返回到了达克的手牌之中。 Second Fantasy Beast: Eevee Also right Fantasy Beast: Ditto Use Pray, Then uses again Baton Pass. 紧接着第二只【魔幻兽:伊布】也对【魔幻兽:百变怪】使用了【祈愿】,然后再次使用【接棒】。 In the Darke hand sign then had two extremely smoothly Fantasy Beast: Eevee, But in field is also standing Fantasy Beast: Eevee. 达克的手牌之中便极其顺利的拥有了两张【魔幻兽:伊布】,而场地之中也还站着一只【魔幻兽:伊布】。 These operates, his hand sign does not reduce instead increases. 这一番操作下来,他的手牌不减反增。 Finally, right Milotic Use Pray, Then Baton Pass Initial Dragon Egg!” “最后,对【美纳斯】使用【祈愿】,然后【接棒原初的龙蛋】!” By Fantasy Beast: Eevee Replaces Dragon Egg, already becomes the Darke Dymon conventional tactic. 以【魔幻兽:伊布】置换龙蛋,已经成为达克·迪蒙的常规战术。 This last Fantasy Beast: Eevee To the almost entire full condition Milotic Use Pray Later, then also returns to the reaching behind the back sign, but bases the ground in its originally, were many sparkle Dragon Egg! 这最后一只【魔幻兽:伊布】在对几乎全满状态的【美纳斯】使用【祈愿】之后,便也返回手牌,而在它的原本立足之地上,则多了一枚闪耀的龙蛋 Duel entered the Darke Dymon unique rhythm. 决斗进入了达克·迪蒙特有的节奏。 …… …… But Stewart Forn has not sat waiting for death. 斯图尔特·福恩并未坐以待毙。 He then buried Magic Card in Third Round in advance, Shadow demon The sacrifice did not have value even saying that it had not sacrificed! 他早在第三回合便预埋了一张魔导卡,【阴影魔】的牺牲并非没有价值甚至可以说,它并没有牺牲! Stewart Forn will not let the crude generation that Magic Fairy so to/clashes horizontally. 斯图尔特·福恩并不是会让魔导精灵如此横冲出去的鲁莽之辈。 Reason that he does that on the one hand is truly holding the attempt of end competition, then on the other hand completes in the situation that the attempt failed, with swindle the preparation of skill. 他这么做的原因,一方面确实抱着终结比赛的尝试,另一方面则做好了尝试失败的情况下,用以骗取技能的心理准备。 Usually under the situation, Magic Fairy Certain Kill Skill is powerful, Cooldown is longer. 通常情况之下,魔导精灵必杀技越是强大,CD就越长。 Can cut to kill Seven Stars Magic Fairy Certain Kill Skill, basically not possible to use the second time in Duel. 能够斩杀七星魔导精灵必杀技,基本上不可能在一场决斗之中使用第二次。 Stewart Forn has truly harvested swindling that at least he succeeds Milotic Hydro Cannon, Moreover made it unable to move in 30 seconds. 斯图尔特·福恩确实有所收获至少他成功的骗取了【美纳斯】的【加农水炮】,而且令其在30秒内无法动弹。 As for using to be buried along with the dead Shadow Keeper uses in it Shadow Grave Blocked Kyubimon Tengu Later, did not have the value on already. 至于用以陪葬的【暗影守墓人在它用【暗影之墓】挡住了【九尾狐兽】的【天狗】之后,就已经没有了价值。 Stewart Forn starts Magic Card that buried in advance quietly. 斯图尔特·福恩悄无声息的启动了预埋的魔导卡 Under situated in Blue Side Area Summon nearby corner, a box of palm of the hand size opens quietly, diminished version Shadow demon Then drills from this box, and gradually restored the original build. 在位于蓝方召唤附近的墙角之下,一个巴掌大小的盒子悄然打开,缩小版的【阴影魔】便从这盒子之中钻出,并逐渐恢复到了原来的体型。 Secret Ritual Card Life box! 秘仪卡【命匣】! Before the death of Magic Fairy its data record in Life box In, after its death then can in Life box In is reborn. 魔导精灵的死亡之前将其数据记录在【命匣】之中,当其死亡之后便能在【命匣】之中获得重生。 Although this Life box Lasting time only three minutes, but uses in Magic Duel actually just right appropriate. 尽管这【命匣】的存续时间仅有三分钟,但用在魔导决斗之中却正好合适。 Stewart Forn consumed time success refining of more than half a year two Magic Card, one is this named Life box Secret Ritual Card. 斯图尔特·福恩耗费了大半年的光阴成功炼成了两张魔导卡,其中一张就是这张名为【命匣】的秘仪卡 But second, is in his hand extant Magic Card Ghost Device! 而第二张,则是他手中现存的魔导卡阴魂之器】! When Ghost Device After being activated, death that Magic Fairy that each has the shadow or shadow strength, will become Ghost Device The nourishment, making it even more powerful. 当【阴魂之器】被激活之后,每一只拥有阴影或者暗影之力的魔导精灵的死亡,都将成为【阴魂之器】的养料,使其变得愈发强大。 In order to collect refinement Shadow soul Core material, Stewart Forn a narrow escape. 为了搜集到炼制【影魂之器】的核心材料,斯图尔特·福恩可谓九死一生。 After that adventure ended, he lies down above the ice-cold giant stone, raises head to look at chilly Moon, even is distracted, once suspected where will oneself target on will become Aristocrat the significance? 那次冒险结束之后,他躺在冰冷的巨石之上,仰头望着清冷的月亮,甚至神志恍惚,一度怀疑自己将目标定位“成为贵族”的意义到底在哪里? Although between Aristocrat and Civilian have the social class barrier, but the Mage position more is walking with the step of time is higher. 虽然贵族平民之间存在着阶级壁垒,但魔导师的地位正随着时代的步伐而越走越高。 Even if not become Aristocrat, he can still become outstanding Mage, enjoys is as good the Aristocrat honored treatment. 就算不成为贵族,他也能成为一名优秀的魔导师,享受不逊于贵族的尊贵待遇。 Therefore becomes Aristocrat, to him has not imagined the significance is so big. 因此成为贵族,对他来说并没有想象中的意义那么大。 But afterward he thought through. 但后来他想通了。 He wants satisfied father hope to look at that's all. 他只是想要满足父亲而已 Regarding Civilian of previous generation, becomes Aristocrat that has the hereditary qualifications is a bringing honor to ancestors matter. 对于上个世代的平民来说,成为拥有世袭资格的贵族是一件光宗耀祖之事。 His father relies on the meritorious military service is becoming does not have meritorious Aristocrat of hereditary qualifications, looks from hope for a lifetime only remains the one pace, but these step is actually similar to the natural moat to lie down in his front generally horizontally. 他的父亲凭借着战功而成为了不具世袭资格的功勋贵族,距离一辈子的望仅剩一步之遥,但这一步却如同天堑一般横躺在他的面前。 After War conclusion, the injury that because old Forn the wartime leaves behind lost work ability, all day takes the money of above distributing to drink wine to get by, dispiritedly to changing a person. 战争结束之后,老福恩因为战时留下的伤势而失去了工作能力,整日拿着上面分发下来的钱饮酒度日,颓废到变了一个人。 No matter his childhood which gazing after father went to the battlefield, thought that the father back such as Earth was ordinary, the shoulder of father such as the mountain was generally steady. 他儿时不管哪一次目送的父亲前往战场,都觉得父亲的背影如大地一般宽厚,父亲的肩膀如山岳一般稳重。 He does not hope that father has been dispirited. 他并不希望父亲一直颓废下去。 He wants to become Aristocrat that has the hereditary qualifications, but wants father to stand, turns into father that needs him to look up. 他想要成为一名拥有世袭资格的贵族,只是想要父亲重新站起来,重新变成那个需要他去仰望的父亲 He has no big ambition, only this that's all. 他没有什么大的志向,就仅此而已 …… …… With the name of Stewart Forn, Magic Summon Ghost Device!” “以斯图尔特·福恩之名,魔导召唤阴魂之器】!” Stewart Forn has nothing to conceal, Ghost Device Summon. 斯图尔特·福恩并没有任何掩饰的,将【阴魂之器召唤了出来。 Because Ghost Device The existence feeling is unable to cover up. 因为【阴魂之器】的存在感根本无法遮掩。 His directly Summon in Blue Side Area Summon left Ghost Device, That is the aggregate of shadow energy, special appliance that has the spindle shape. 他径直的在蓝方召唤之中召唤出了【阴魂之器】,那是阴影能量的聚集体,一个有着纺锤形状的特殊器具。 From Ghost Device After Summon comes out, its oral area then has the gloomy and cold sharp ray puncture, bursts out toward the sky. 从【阴魂之器】被召唤出来之后,它的口部便有阴冷锋锐的光芒穿刺而出,向着天空迸发。 The gloomy and cold light of that unceasing turnover makes it attract much attention. 那不断吞吐的阴冷之光使其备受瞩目。 senior student in ring-belt stare big eyes, several fortunately in Professor felt astonished. 环形带内的高年级生们纷纷瞪大眼睛,就连几个凑巧在的教授都感到了惊愕。 But has been staring at stubbornly Angus Geoffrey, reveals the extremely astonished color suddenly. 而一直在死死盯着的安格斯·杰弗里,更是猛然露出极其惊愕之色。 He is regarded as chess piece that may abandon momentarily to use Stewart Forn merely, the request of Stewart Forn to him too was in the final analysis simple, when he only needs it discards to him a village Aristocrat quota to solve all casually. 他仅仅是将斯图尔特·福恩当做是随时可弃的棋子在用,说到底斯图尔特·福恩的要求对他来说实在太简单了,他只需要在将其丢弃时随便给他一个乡村贵族的名额就能解决一切。 This is the social class barrier. 这就是阶级壁垒。 After War conclusion, Civilian promotes the Aristocrat front door to be closed. 战争结束之后,平民晋升贵族的大门被关闭。 When War not hope pays, after War conclusion, wants to become Aristocrat, which didn't lose any sacrifice selecting fruits of victory possibly to have such good matter? 战争之时不付出,战争结束之后再想成为贵族,不负任何牺牲的摘取胜利果实哪可能有这么好的事情? Therefore before now wants to become the Aristocrat difficulty is dozens times also many. 因此现在想要成为贵族的难度是之前的数十倍还多。 But Angus Geoffrey father is one of the 36 congressmen, he has that privilege. 安格斯·杰弗里父亲是三十六议员之一,他有那个特权。 The request of Stewart Forn is not in any case high, not? 反正斯图尔特·福恩的要求也不高,不是吗? But he suddenly discovers now, oneself as if needed to carefully examine this chess piece value again! 但他现在突然发现,自己似乎需要重新来审视这颗棋子的价值了! In immediately, the Stewart Forn importance that the past fan appearance cheese left increased without doubt again. 在以往的拥趸都貌合形离的当下,斯图尔特·福恩的重要性无疑再度攀升。 …… …… Stewart Forn has not thought completely the own display can bring in attaching great importance to that does not hope. 斯图尔特·福恩完全没想到自己的发挥会引来并不希望的重视。 He catches up in Shadow Keeper Was destroyed beforehand Summon to leave thoroughly Ghost Device, Then pulls out the card fast. 他赶在【暗影守墓人】被彻底破坏之前召唤出了【阴魂之器】,然后快速抽卡。 Yes, the fifth round to! 是的,第五回合到了! This Duel in general ten rounds of decided but not yet announced victory and defeat Duel, already half. 这场决斗在普遍十回合内定胜负的决斗之中,已经过了半数。 Between both hands Star Player does not allow to send new Magic Card from Card Deck will extract. 双手选手间不容发的从卡组上方将新的魔导卡抽出。 When they see clearly this new income two Magic Card, some Red Side Area Summon then dragon recited the sound to get up. 当它们看清这新收入的两张魔导卡时,红方召唤便有龙吟之声响起。 Valiant spirited Blue-Eyes Young Dragon, Then broken shell from huge Dragon Egg. 雄赳赳气昂昂的【青眼幼龙】,便是从巨大的龙蛋之中破壳而出。 Follows the egg shell to dissipate, it flutters to soar fiercely, then fell on Milotic Above nearby tall wall. 伴随蛋壳消散,它猛地振翅高飞,然后落在了【美纳斯】附近的高墙之上。 Hall of Light!” 光之灵堂!” Darke Dymon reminded one fast, then looked down to the hand sign. 达克·迪蒙快速提醒一句,便又低头看向手牌。 Lust - Moon 极乐·月 Hawlucha 摔角鹰人 Was having three Lust - Moon Later, Darke then put in it Card Deck completely. 在拥有了三张【极乐·月】之后,达克便将其全部放入了卡组之中。 This also causes to select Lust - Moon The probability increases slightly. 这也使得抽中【极乐·月】的概率稍微增加。 But in fact no matter if it is selects that Great Sins Card, So long as is Grade extremely above, is not the issue. 但事实上无论是抽中那一张【大罪卡】,只要是等级极其以上,都不是问题。 Therefore in his hand, has entire three now Fantasy Beast: Eevee! 因此他的手中,现在有着整整三张【魔幻兽:伊布】! …… …… Roar!” “吼!” Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Forever is such Spirit is full. 青眼幼龙】永远是如此的精神饱满。 It following the order of Darke, opens the pair of wings fiercely, from Dragon Wings of that extension erupted the dazzling white light suddenly. 它遵照达克的命令,猛地张开双翼,从那骤然伸展的龙翼之中爆发出了刺眼的白光。 That white light gathers the ball toward the sky, sends out generally brightly like Sun brilliance. 那白光向着天空汇聚成球,如同太阳一般散发出明亮光辉。 naked eye obvious, has falls gently from the sky like the snow white wing of Angel feather. 肉眼可见,有着如同天使羽毛的雪白羽翼从天空飘落。 That orb explodes suddenly, finally emerged from the shadow above ground! 光球骤然爆开,终于驱散了地面之上的阴影! Dark retreat, ray attack. 黑暗退去,光芒来袭。 Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Hall of Light Most field will turn into its home game at the extremely quick speed. 青眼幼龙】的【光之灵堂】以极快的速度将大半个场地都变成了它的主场。 However its brow selects, then stared to only remained the remnant blood Shadow Keeper. 然而它眉头一挑,便瞪向了仅剩残血的【暗影守墓人】。 With is Six Stars Magic Fairy, Shadow Keeper attribute value is well below Blue-Eyes Young Dragon. 同为六星魔导精灵,【暗影守墓人】的三围属性远远不及【青眼幼龙】。 In Certain Kill Skill completely Cooldown immediately, it possibly is not Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Opponent. 必杀技全部CD的当下,它不可能是【青眼幼龙】的对手。 But it has not come to draw back sharply timidly, Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Is then excited the dive, its remnant blood harvesting. 但它还没来得急退怯,【青眼幼龙】便兴奋着俯冲而下,将其残血收割。 woof Wu wū wū!” “汪呜呜呜!” Shadow Keeper Black dog that Summon comes out with Fantasy Beast: Ditto The black dog that Summon comes out wrestles in the same place. 暗影守墓人召唤出来的黑犬正与【魔幻兽:百变怪召唤出来的黑犬扭打在一起。 Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Has turned the head, the probably curious baby same looks at them, which because of not being able to distinguish clearly where has not acted. 青眼幼龙】转过头,像是好奇宝宝一样看着它们,因为分不清哪只是哪边而并未出手。 But in Shadow Keeper The place of Body dissipation, should divergence mana gather suddenly, then did not have flying of omen to approach the Blue Side half area, the quilt Ghost Device Inhaled. 但在【暗影守墓人】的身躯消散之地,本该散去的魔力突然汇聚,而后毫无预兆的飞向了蓝方半区,被【阴魂之器】吸入了其中。 Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Faints from fear suddenly, to Ghost Device Revealed the fang. 青眼幼龙】猛然惊觉,对着【阴魂之器】露出了獠牙。 item so forth is actually not rare, but this Ghost Device Gives its feeling is not very wonderful. 诸如此类的道具其实并不少见,但这【阴魂之器】给它的感觉很不妙。 …… …… On the Red Player stage, Darke also detected Ghost Device Threat, but he as before Fantasy Beast: Eevee Summon comes out again. 红方选手台上,达克同样察觉到了【阴魂之器】的威胁,但他依旧是将【魔幻兽:伊布】重新召唤出来。 Naturally, this has Wisdom that. 自然,这是具备灵智的那一张。 „After can absorb the Magic Fairy death, item of strength? Such obvious puts, did not fear that I do conduct Attack in view of it?” “能够吸收魔导精灵的死后力量的道具吗?这么明显的放出来,就不怕我针对它进行攻击吗?” Darke thinks slightly, is then right Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Said: Destroys it!” 达克略微思索,便对【青眼幼龙】说道:“摧毁它!” Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Accordingly however moves, Bounce from the tall wall takes off, projects high-speed. 青眼幼龙】应声而动,从高墙之上弹跳起飞,高速射出。 In its field of vision, Blue Side field is defenseless, first destroys that item, then pursues Magic Ball, then can win this competition smoothly. 在它的视野之中,蓝方场地已无防备,先破坏那道具,再追击魔导球,便能顺利拿下这场比赛。 But when it flies the near, if the whole body has the black flame combustion Shadow demon Then jumps onto the tall wall suddenly, was opening the huge mouth to it, calls out! 但当它飞到近前时,浑身如有黑炎燃烧的【阴影魔】便是突然跃上高墙,对着它张开了巨口,一声嚎叫! Certain Kill Skill Ghost Howl of Grief! 必杀技阴魂哀嚎】! Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Before potential , the flushing was blocked suddenly, the physique that tries nowhere was blown to fly unexpectedly reverse. 青眼幼龙】的前冲之势猛然被阻,无处着力的身姿竟然被反向吹飞。 Its 00017 93 - 98 9 flutters to stand firm the physique hastily, but is withstanding completely Ghost Howl of Grief After the injury, its mana flies to fall. 它连忙@0001793989@振翅稳住身姿,但在完全承受了【阴魂哀嚎】的伤害之后,它的魔力飞降。 But in Shadow demon Sends out calls out at the same time, following the sound wave also some innumerable pale souls that puts out from its. 而在【阴影魔】发出嚎叫的同时,顺着音波从其口中吐出的还有无数惨白阴魂。 These souls grip one pile, flew following the wind to Blue-Eyes Young Dragon, Such as wanted the Blood Sucking general social climbing above its body. 这些阴魂扎成一堆,顺着风飞向了【青眼幼龙】,如要吸血一般攀附在了它的身体之上。 Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Feels mana to drain continually, exuded the long cry unexpectedly at the scene. 青眼幼龙】感受到魔力在持续流失,竟也当场发出了悠长的叫声。 That cry is persuasive, is completely incompatible with its ordinary cry. 那叫声婉转哀痛,与其平常叫声完全不符。 Actually is Certain Kill Skill Young Dragon's Call! 却是必杀技幼龙的呼唤】! Naturally, in without second Blue-Eyes White Dragon immediately, its summon does not have the egg to use. 当然,在没有第二只青眼白龙的当下,它的呼唤并没有卵用。 When it tied down by the soul, Shadow demon The under foot stamps suddenly, explodes to shoot under the obligation of reacting force, the sandbag big fist coerced giant strength hammer ruthlessly to approach Blue-Eyes Young Dragon. 而在其被阴魂缠住之时,【阴影魔】脚下猛然一跺,在反作用力的驱使之下爆射而出,沙包大的拳头裹挟着巨大的力量狠狠的锤向了【青眼幼龙】。 Blue-Eyes Young Dragon Suddenly shut up, the claw finds out rapidly, like taking something out of the pocket to hold generally Shadow demon The fist, then takes advantage of opportunity draws turns, rolls body to go again, the elbow section dislodges. 青眼幼龙】猛然闭嘴,爪子急速探出,如同探囊取物一般抓住了【阴影魔】的拳头,然后顺势一拉一扭,再团身上去,肘部撞出。 Bang!” “砰!” Shadow demon The strength was unloaded, the chest was hit hard, immediately sends out the painful wail. 【阴影魔】的力气被卸,胸口遭受重击,顿时发出痛苦哀鸣。 Blue-Eyes Young Dragon In power unforgiving, refutes the soul to be encumbered, to Shadow demon Is one set of skilled until now chain blows. 青眼幼龙】得势不饶人,紧接着就是硬顶着阴魂缠身,对着【阴影魔】就是一套熟练至今的连击。 Solemn Seven Stars Magic Fairy, was being hung hitting by Six Stars Magic Fairy unexpectedly! 堂堂七星魔导精灵,竟是被六星魔导精灵吊着打! Is good because of Shadow demon Without Wisdom, otherwise refers to the uncertain humiliation to what situation now. 好在【阴影魔】没有灵智,否则现在指不定屈辱到什么地步。 …… …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Both sides Star Player has not stopped Summon. 双方选手都并未停止召唤 Darke Dymon started second in this Duel Lust - Moon, Urging the illumination of 【Lust】 to stand on the wall Fantasy Beast: Eevee. 达克·迪蒙在本场决斗之中启动了第二张【极乐·月】,驱使【极乐】之光照向了站在墙上的【魔幻兽:伊布】。 Fantasy Beast: Eevee Drew out the head soaringly, the light of 【Lust】 gathered at its forehead, formed 【Lust】 emblem. 魔幻兽:伊布】高昂起了脑袋,【极乐】之光在其额头聚集,形成了【极乐】纹章 Then brings pink dense moonlight then from its forehead release, surrounded its petite Body. 而后带着粉色氤氲的月光便从其额头释放而出,将它娇小的身躯包围了起来。 When the light of this evolves into gradually restrains, jet black fur and pink pattern Fantasy Beast: Umbreon Then is abundant and vertical! 当这进化之光逐渐收敛,漆黑毛皮、粉色花纹的【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】便是盎然而立! By Lust - Moon evolves into Umbreon, Has 3500 points terrifying Defense sums moonlight, Dark Pulse, Mean Look, Fraud These four Certain Kill Skill. 以【极乐·月进化而出的【月亮伊布】,有着3500点的恐怖防御和【月光】、【恶之波动】、【黑色目光】、【欺诈】这四个必杀技 Its attribute value is quite terrifying, three gathering are higher than it general Seven Stars Magic Fairy. 它的三围属性极为恐怖,三项之合比之一般的七星魔导精灵都要高。 After success evolves into, Fantasy Beast: Umbreon Then leapt above the tall wall, rushed to the Blue Side half area. 成功进化之后,【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】便在高墙之上飞跃,奔向了蓝方半区。 Its goal is also clear, is as far as possible quick crushing Ghost Device! 它的目的同样明确,便是尽可能快的击碎【阴魂之器】! …… …… But in Blue Side Area Summon, Stewart Forn same Summon had/left new Magic Fairy. 但在蓝方召唤,斯图尔特·福恩同样召唤出了新的魔导精灵 That is one, only then shadow monster of ox head person contour Shadow Bull! 那是一只有着牛头人外形的阴影魔物阴影魔牛】! Card Name: Shadow Bull 卡名:阴影魔牛 Type: Fairy Card 类型:精灵卡 Grade: ✪✪✪ 等级:✪✪✪ Race: Fauna Species 种族:鸟兽种 Attribute: Dark Type 属性:暗系 mana: 1500 魔力:1500】 Attack: 1500 攻击:1500】 Defense: 1400 防御:1400】 Certain Kill Skill: The diving shadow, enrages 必杀技:潜影、激怒】 As attribute value almost entire full Shadow Series Magic Fairy, Shadow Bull Has two Certain Kill Skill merely. 作为一只三围属性几乎全满的【阴影】系列魔导精灵,【阴影魔牛】仅仅拥有两个必杀技 And one is Shadow Creature will generally grasp Diving shadow, Another is its value manifests Enrages! 其中一个是阴影生物普遍都会掌握的【潜影】,另一个则是它的价值体现【激怒】! Enrages Is a taunt technique, although is only the single body function, but can actually shoulder the angry fire of goal, made its right Shadow Bull In hot pursuit, to restoring consciousness. 【激怒】是一个嘲讽技,虽然只是单体作用,但却能挑起目标的愤怒之火,令其对【阴影魔牛】紧追不舍,一直到恢复意识。 This Shadow Bull Existence, to protect Ghost Device! 这只【阴影魔牛】的存在,就是为了保护【阴魂之器】! Stewart Forn after comes out its Summon, then issues the order immediately: Sees clearly the opponent, cancels the hatred of that black Fantasy Beast.” 斯图尔特·福恩在将其召唤出来之后,便立刻下达了命令:“看清对手,勾走那只黑色魔幻兽的仇恨。” Moo!” Shadow Bull After responding to one, then climbed up the tall wall, extracted the great axe, look dignified stared to clash directly Fantasy Beast: Umbreon. “哞!”【阴影魔牛】回应一声之后,便攀上高墙,抽出巨斧,神色凝重的盯着正面冲来的【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】。 Moom!” Umbreon Exudes the cry, in running on the way of was releases Dark Pulse. “moom!”【月亮伊布】发出叫声,在奔跑的途中便是释放出了【恶之波动】。 That floods the terrifying fluctuation of evil aura then to erupt instantaneously, not only the bang approached Shadow Bull, But also rumbled to approach Shadow demon With Blue-Eyes Young Dragon. 那充斥着邪恶气息的恐怖波动便是瞬间爆发,不但轰向了【阴影魔牛】,还轰向了【阴影魔】与【青眼幼龙】。 Shadow Bull Stands on the wall, without the shadow can ambush, immediately was then affected, almost spits blood. 阴影魔牛】站在墙上,没有阴影可以潜伏,顿时便遭受波及,差点吐血。 Moo!” It sends out lower and deeper howling in that flash, was still to Fantasy Beast: Umbreon Release Certain Kill Skill Enrages, As if for fear that Fantasy Beast: Umbreon Will not kill it. “哞!”它在那一刹那发出更加低沉的吼叫,仍然是对着【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】释放出了必杀技【激怒】,就仿佛生怕【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】不会将它杀死。 The fact is also so, 事实也正是如此, Regarding the ox head person in shadow, only then died redeems. 对于阴影之中的牛头人来说,只有死亡才是救赎。 When Fantasy Beast: Umbreon Quilt Enrages When the provocation, shifts the route, Stewart Forn Summon had/left new Magic Fairy again. 当【魔幻兽:月亮伊布】被【激怒】挑衅,转移路线之时,斯图尔特·福恩再次召唤出了新的魔导精灵 That is a about two meters high great pot! 那是一只将近两米高的巨壶!
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