TVYMJWTLLBL :: Volume #7

#689 Part 2: 【Kneels to ask monthly ticket】 Darke Dymon and Ghost Device

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Shadow Keeper attribute value belongs in Six Stars Magic Fairy on, although does not have the prominent point, but besides Defense is weak, mana and Attack are quite good. 暗影守墓人】的三围属性六星魔导精灵之中属于中上,虽然没有过于突出的点,但除了防御较弱之外,魔力攻击都相当不错。 However it does not depend upon Magic Fairy of near body combat its three Certain Kill Skill, making it turn into extremely fearful existence. 不过它并不是依靠近身作战的魔导精灵它的三个必杀技,令其变成极为可怕的存在。 All that but it has, quilt Fantasy Beast: Ditto Perfect duplicate/restores carves! 但它所拥有的一切,都被【魔幻兽:百变怪】完美复刻! …… …… When Fantasy Beast: Ditto After completing Transform, then since Kyubimon Carrying on the back jumps down, steady standing above ground. 当【魔幻兽:百变怪】完成变身之后,便从【九尾狐兽】的背上一跃而下,稳稳的站立在了地面之上。 The black electric current has not responded it. 黑色的电流并未对其进行响应。 Obviously, at least has the Magic Fairy of shadow or shadow energy, is not in its retrieval range. 显而易见,至少拥有阴影或暗影能量的魔导精灵,并不在它的检索范围之内。 …… …… At this moment, the entire scene fell into a subtle balance. 此时此刻,整个场面陷入了一种微妙的平衡。 Both sides Magic Ball HP is almost same, and is located in simultaneously in the air. 双方魔导球生命值几乎相同,并同时位于空中。 Two are completely same Shadow Keeper Assumes the two sides respectively, simultaneously sends out dark gloomy aura. 两只完全一样的【暗影守墓人】分别坐镇两边,同时散发出黑暗阴森的气息 Only different, was red square half were many one Kyubimon. 唯一不同的,是红方半场还多了一只【九尾狐兽】。 But this is the advantage is then. 但这便是优势所在。 Darke then issued the instruction without hesitation: Tengu!” 达克毫不犹豫便发出了指令:“天狗!” Kyubimon mana already drops to below half, the Sacrificial Summon words will have the failure probability. 九尾狐兽】的魔力已经下降到半数以下,献祭召唤的话会有失败概率。 Moreover, he can feel Kyubimon Will. 而且,他能感受到【九尾狐兽】的意志。 Roar!” “吼!” The angry flame has been saving in the heart Kyubimon, The whole body flame then turns toward above the top of the head to condense immediately high-speed. 愤怒的火焰早已在心中积蓄着的【九尾狐兽】,浑身火焰顿时便向着头顶上方高速凝聚。 That Shadow curse Had been disregarded by it. 那【阴影诅咒】早已被其无视。 It the surplus all complete gatherings, will face the Blue Side half area to throw fiercely named Tengu Certain Kill Skill! 它将剩余的所有全部汇聚,猛地朝向蓝方半区扔出了名为【天狗】的必杀技! Sends out energy ball that the terrifying is fluctuating, fast shot at the Blue Side half area. 散发着恐怖波动的能量球,飞快的射向了蓝方半区。 But on the Blue Side Star Player stage, Stewart Forn in Kyubimon When starts to gather the flame, already is then right Shadow Keeper Issued the order. 而在蓝方选手台上,斯图尔特·福恩在【九尾狐兽】开始汇聚火焰之时,便已经对【暗影守墓人】下达了命令。 Shadow Keeper The whole body covers under the jet black cloak, but can still see that its is tall, is only the rickets body, the age is enormous. 暗影守墓人】的全身都笼罩在漆黑披风之下,但仍能看出它的身材高大,只是佝偻身体,年岁极大。 Its face upper hood the golden mask, merely flows out the hole in the nose and Eye position. 它的脸上罩着黄金面罩,仅仅在鼻子与眼睛的位置流出孔洞。 In the right hand has the black scepter, the scepter peak has the crow wing. 右手之中持有黑色权杖,权杖顶端有乌鸦翅膀。 After accepting the order of Mage, Shadow Keeper Then in the scepter the hand makes an effort to stamp, the strength of shadow rushes to gush out, above the shadow curtain of ground melts fast. 在接受到了魔导师的命令之后,【暗影守墓人】便将手中权杖用力一跺,暗影之力澎湃涌出,与地面之上的阴影之幕飞快相融。 The scope that ripple spreads then speeds up instantaneously, to entire field. 那波纹扩散的幅度便瞬间加快,荡向了整个场地 At the same time then the giant thick tall wall then rises straight from the ground from the ground suddenly, blocked the terrifying energy ball that flies to shoot to come like the great shield unexpectedly generally! 而后一面巨大厚实的高墙便突然之间从地面之上拔地而起,竟是如同巨盾一般挡住了飞射而来的恐怖能量球! That energy ball after the upfront hits the tall wall, then has the explosion immediately. 那能量球在正面撞上高墙之后,便立刻发生爆炸。 Although the tall wall is tenacious, but in Tengu Under terrifying might, as before like glass generally instantaneous disruption. 高墙虽然坚韧,但在【天狗】的恐怖威力之下,依旧如同玻璃一般瞬间碎裂。 But second and third tall wall then appears after that the engagement of no gap , the might that will explode weakens layer upon layer, finally difficult resisting lived Tengu Complementary waves. 但紧接着第二道、第三道高墙便在那之后出现,毫无间隙的衔接在后,将爆炸的威力层层削弱,最后艰难的抵挡住了【天狗】的余波。 Shadow Keeper Big Body, then immediately dispirited several points. 暗影守墓人】的高大身躯,便顿时又萎靡了几分。 …… …… Meanwhile, Kyubimon Also after mana bottoms quilt Shadow curse The continued injury incantation kills. 与此同时,【九尾狐兽】也在魔力见底之后被【阴影诅咒】的持续伤害咒杀。 Tick-tock!” “嘀嗒!” second round passes finally. 二回合终于过去。 Darke in the instance that Third Round starts, becomes to Transform Shadow Keeper Fantasy Beast: Ditto Issued the similar instruction. 达克在第三回合开始的瞬间,对变身成【暗影守墓人】的【魔幻兽:百变怪】下达了同样的指令。 Therefore that Fantasy Beast: Ditto Then also stamps the scepter, the similar shadow energy integrated in the curtain of shadow, the ripple spread layer upon layer at the extremely quick speed entire field. 于是那只【魔幻兽:百变怪】便也一跺权杖,同样的暗影能量融入到了暗影之幕中,层层波纹以极快的速度蔓延到了整个场地 Thick tall wall rise straight from the ground after that completely changes the entire field terrain! 一道道厚实的高墙在那之后拔地而起,将整个场地的地形彻底改变! Downward from the above, entire 100 X 80 field, was separated by the tall wall layer upon layer, although has of tomb, but looks like the labyrinth. 从上方往下看,整个100X80的场地,被层层高墙隔开,虽然有着墓地之型,但更像迷宫。 This Shadow Grave Then is similar to Fantasy Beast: Ditto The body extends, it can be right Shadow Grave In each corner investigates clearly. 这【暗影之墓】便是如同的【魔幻兽:百变怪】的身体延伸,它能对【暗影之墓】内的每一个角落都清晰探查。 But in addition, Shadow Grave Also does not have the Attribute increase, does not have to kill the trap. 但除此之外,【暗影之墓】既无属性增幅,也无杀伤陷阱。 It theoretically is Certain Kill Skill that a division battlefield uses. 它理论上是一个分割战场用的必杀技 …… …… Stewart Forn Shadow Keeper Shadow Grave All tall wall that can produce, are used to prevent Tengu Explosion. 斯图尔特·福恩的【暗影守墓人】将【暗影之墓】能够生成的所有高墙,全部都用于阻挡【天狗】的爆炸。 The field advantage then arrived at this side Darke. 场地优势便来到了达克这一边。 But between both sides quilt Shadow Grave The tall wall separates, the situation refuses to compromise temporarily. 但双方之间被【暗影之墓】的高墙隔开,局势暂时僵持。 Both sides Star Player seizes the chance draw card. 双方选手则都趁机摸牌 …… …… In Magic Duel, extremely rare to this Type field technique. 魔导决斗之中,极少见到这种类型场地技。 Shadow Grave The appearance makes this piece of Duel field as if the Underground City labyrinth to be the same. 暗影之墓】的出现使得这片决斗场地变得仿佛地下城的迷宫一般。 But Fantasy Beast: Ditto Transform becomes Shadow Keeper Then defends in the end point of this labyrinth, waits for Stewart Forn Magic Fairy to challenge it, 而【魔幻兽:百变怪变身成的【暗影守墓人】便守在这迷宫的终点,等待着斯图尔特·福恩魔导精灵对其进行挑战, The interest of audience therefore raises significantly, screams continuously. 观众们的兴致因此而大幅度拔高,惊呼声此起彼伏。 But to Darke, this Shadow Grave Also has another single layer significance. 但对达克而言,这【暗影之墓】还有着另一重意义。 He first looked that to two Magic Card that started newly. 他先看向了新入手的两张魔导卡 Tailmon 迪路兽 Sylveon 仙子伊布 Simultaneously started two Four Stars Magic Fairy Card. 同时入手了两张四星魔导精灵卡 Darke knits the brows slightly. 达克略微皱眉。 These two Magic Fairy Card, and are not enough to break the current deadlock. 这两张魔导精灵卡,并不足以打破目前的僵局。 If not offer sacrifices Six Stars Fantasy Beast: Ditto Words, even is not enough Sacrificial Summon to leave Milotic. 如果不献祭掉六星的【魔幻兽:百变怪】的话,甚至不足以献祭召唤出【美纳斯】。 He takes up Fantasy Beast: Ditto Magic Card, pours into mana to examine the condition after its Transform. 他拿起【魔幻兽:百变怪】的魔导卡,注入魔力查看它变身后的状况。 Later in eye of Darke one bright, is then right Fantasy Beast: Ditto Started the order. 之后达克的眼中一亮,便对【魔幻兽:百变怪】发动了命令。 Gives a try, Summon Ravenhound!” “试试看吧,召唤鸦犬!” …… …… Almost at the same time. 几乎同时。 Stewart Forn on Blue Side Star Player stage also to his Shadow Keeper Issued the similar order. 蓝方选手台上的斯图尔特·福恩也对他的【暗影守墓人】下达了同样的命令。 The two sides put forth Certain Kill Skill simultaneously Summon Ravenhound! 两边同时使出了必杀技召唤鸦犬】! Sees only the two sides Shadow Keeper Stamps the scepter, appears respectively three Summon in its front. 只见两边的【暗影守墓人】都将权杖跺地,在其前方分别浮现出三个召唤阵。 Then the almost same two black dog and black crow then have from this Summon presently. 而后几乎一样的两条黑犬和一只黑鸦便从这召唤阵具现。 The black crow feather gloss is bright, the edge of bird beak like the blade edge, both eyes is extremely sharp. 黑鸦的羽毛光泽鲜亮,鸟喙的边缘如同刀锋,双目极其锐利。 Darke received the feedback of Magic Card, knew that this is a Four Stars Summon beast. 达克得到了魔导卡的反馈,得知这是一只四星召唤兽。 But another two black dogs, is the Three Stars Summon beasts. 而另外两条黑犬,则都是三星召唤兽。 black crow can fly and investigate, eyes is scarlet, can exert the Spirit control of short time to the small and weak goal. 黑鸦能飞行、侦查,双眼猩红,能对弱小的目标施加短时间的精神控制。 The black dog sharp nose, can sneak Shadow, protects oneself to sneak attack may. 黑犬嗅觉灵敏,能潜入影子,护身偷袭都可。 This basically is one qualified Shadow Keeper standard configuration. 这基本上是一名合格的“暗影守墓人”的标配。 But as Magic Fairy, this black crow and two black dogs, is the relative independence individuals. 而作为魔导精灵,这一只黑鸦和两条黑犬,又都是相对独立的个体。 This means that they can take Offerings that Sacrificial Summon uses! 这意味着它们能够作为献祭召唤用的祭品 …… …… Confirmed after this black crow and black dog really can be Offerings, Darke raised the head suddenly, the line of sight is just right and Stewart Forn to. 确认这黑鸦与黑犬真能作为祭品之后,达克猛然抬头,视线便正好与斯图尔特·福恩对上。 Two people closely stare at Eye of opposite party, the lips are wriggling fast. 两人紧紧盯着对方的眼睛,双唇都是飞快蠕动。 With the name of Darke Dymon, offers as Offerings black crow and a black dog, Magic Summon Milotic!” “以达克·迪蒙之名,将一只黑鸦和一条黑犬作为祭品献上,魔导召唤美纳斯】!” With the name of Stewart Forn, offers as Offerings black crow and a black dog, Magic Summon Shadow demon!” “以斯图尔特·福恩之名,将一只黑鸦和一条黑犬作为祭品献上,魔导召唤【阴影魔】!” Duel turns the superheating immediately. 决斗顿时进入白热化。 Both sides Star Player Sacrificial Summon had/left Third Step Seven Stars Magic Fairy unexpectedly simultaneously! 双方选手竟是同时献祭召唤出了第三阶梯七星魔导精灵 But no matter if it is Darke Dymon, is Stewart Forn, in previously little adopted the Sacrificial Summon way to come Summon Seven Stars Magic Fairy extremely. 无论是达克·迪蒙,还是斯图尔特·福恩,在此前都极少通过献祭召唤的方式来召唤七星魔导精灵 And Seven Stars Magic Fairy that they Summon has immediately, never had all arrived previously! 且他们当下召唤出的七星魔导精灵,全是此前从未登场过的! …… …… Appears in the two sides along with two huge Sacrificial Summon, two Seven Stars Magic Fairy then first arrive. 伴随着两个巨大的献祭召唤阵在两边浮现,两只七星魔导精灵便都初次登场。 Is emitting the pinnacle charm Milotic Coils around above the tall wall, the nape of the neck is light, bright eyes twinkle. 散发着极致魅力的【美纳斯】盘绕在高墙之上,脖颈轻仰,明眸闪烁。 Whole body ascension black flame Shadow demon Then appears in Blue Side Area Summon directly, sends out the terrifying to roar! 周身升腾黑炎的【阴影魔】则是直接出现在蓝方召唤之中,发出恐怖咆哮! Shadow Grave The tall wall became the cushion, the guarantee Milotic Not in landing first possibly was been even weak to its effect by black electronarcosis that paralysis effect. 暗影之墓】的高墙成了垫子,保证【美纳斯】不会在落地的第一时间被黑色电流麻痹即便那麻痹效果可能对它效果微弱。 But this keeping aloof stance, instead made it obviously noble. 但这份高高在上的姿态,反而令其更显高贵。 Because of its arrival, the bravo of outside audience then surged upward merely suddenly a big truncation. 仅仅因为它的登场,场外观众的喝彩声便突然高涨了一大截。 The countless person was attracted by its charm, the vision of audience as if focused in its body. 数之不尽的人被它的魅力所吸引,全场的目光似乎都聚焦在了它的身上 But that only sends out the King to be aggressive Shadow demon, Was actually neglected completely. 而那只散发着王者霸气的【阴影魔】,却被完全忽略。 Stewart Forn on Blue Side Star Player stage, because the entire god pays attention Milotic But for a while distracted. 就连蓝方选手台上的斯图尔特·福恩,都因为全神注意【美纳斯】而一时分神 Until Shadow demon The sound of roaring hears, he awakens suddenly, immediately is issuing the order of attack to field in two Magic Fairy! 直到【阴影魔】的咆哮之声入耳,他才猛然惊醒,立刻对着场中的两只魔导精灵发出了进攻的命令! Although on field Shadow Grave It is not his Shadow Keeper Makes, but uses the ingenious words, can definitely take it as the Magic Ball protection barrier. 尽管场地上的【暗影之墓】并不是他的【暗影守墓人】所制造,但使用巧妙的话,完全可以将其作为魔导球的保护屏障。 Therefore Stewart Forn then takes the bull by the horns, general attack! 因此斯图尔特·福恩便当机立断,全面进攻! …… …… By Six Stars and Seven Stars Magic Fairy intensity, climbing up the tall wall is not difficult. 六星七星魔导精灵的强度,攀上高墙并不困难。 But Stewart Forn will not give up this benefitting the advantage obviously, Shadow Keeper With Shadow demon Under breaks in the labyrinth during his order impressively. 斯图尔特·福恩显然不会放弃这地利优势,【暗影守墓人】与【阴影魔】在他的命令之中下赫然冲入迷宫。 Shadow Keeper The traveling speed is slow, the black dog speed that but that only remains is extremely fast. 暗影守墓人】的移动速度较慢,但那条仅剩的黑犬却速度极快。 Shadow demon Then follows close on after that black dog, every step leaves behind the black ignition mark after the foot. 【阴影魔】便紧跟在那条黑犬之后,每一步都在脚后留下黑色的灼烧印记。 Card Name: Shadow demon 卡名:阴影魔】 Type: Fairy Card 类型:精灵卡 Grade: ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ 等级:✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ Race: Demon Species 种族:恶魔种 Attribute: Dark Type 属性:暗系 mana: 3200 魔力:3200】 Attack: 3200 攻击:3200】 Defense: 2200 防御:2200】 Certain Kill Skill: Hidden Image Ripple, Ghost Howl of Grief and Shadow Descends 必杀技:潜影波纹阴魂哀嚎阴影降临 Shadow demon Is born with the human form, the height two meters, whole body energy overflow like flame. 【阴影魔】生就人形,身高两米有余,浑身能量外溢如同火焰。 Stewart Forn not too many high-grade Magic Fairy Card, this Seven Stars Shadow demon already is in his hand intensity high Type. 斯图尔特·福恩并没有太多高等级魔导精灵卡,这张七星的【阴影魔】已经是他手中强度较高的类型 After assigning/life it opens up an offensive, Stewart Forn has not stopped, he from only remains in not many hand signs to extract one, meditates Summon. 在命其展开攻势之后,斯图尔特·福恩也并未停下,他从仅剩不多的手牌之中抽出一张,默念召唤 …… …… But in the Red Side half area. 而在红方半区。 Milotic The plate sits on the fence, was actually the earliest possible time releases Moon Guard. 美纳斯】盘坐墙上,却是第一时间释放出了【月之守护】。 Appears extremely pale moonlight in the bright outside, then sounds gradually to sprinkle with its neutral tone, embellished the little faculae on the curtain of shadow. 在明亮的室外显得极淡的月光,便是随着它的轻声鸣叫而逐渐洒落,在阴影之幕上点缀了几许光斑。 Roughly 1/2 Red Side half areas, then in the range that moonlight sprinkles. 约莫二分之一的红方半区,便都在月光洒落的范围之内。 Although the shadow energy in ground had not been purified expels, but in the air actually already overflowed completely the strength of moon/month. 地面上的阴影能量虽然并未被净化驱逐,但空中却已经溢满了月之力。 This 1/2 Red Side half areas, then in Moon Guard Under the function, entered the Moon Guard condition. 这二分之一的红方半区,便在【月之守护】的作用下,进入了月之守护状态。 The entire environment changed. 整个环境发生了变化。 But Milotic Took a look at a ground, does not have slightly under the idea of place. 但【美纳斯】瞅了一眼地面,还是没有丝毫下地的想法。 The curtain of jet black shadow makes it feel the resistance. 漆黑的阴影之幕让它感到抗拒。 But on the Red Player stage, Darke started new round Summon decisively he Shuckle Summon! 而在红方选手台上,达克果断开始了新一轮的召唤他将【壶壶召唤了出来! When Shuckle Appears above the ground of Red Side Area Summon, hidden the black electric current in shadow then gathers instantaneously. 当【壶壶】出现在红方召唤的地面之上,隐藏在阴影之中的黑色电流便瞬间聚拢而来。 But these black electric currents just about to produce the results, then quilt Moon Guard Impediment. 但那些黑色电流刚要产生效果,便被【月之守护】阻挡。 Shuckle body is covering a light light halo, prevented the attack of paralysis effect. 壶壶】的身上笼罩着一层淡淡的光圈,阻止了麻痹效果的侵袭。 ?” “吧呲?” Shuckle Curious is taking a look at these black electric currents, lifts the tentacle to sweep one by one them. 壶壶】好奇的瞅着那些黑色电流,抬起触手将它们逐一扫下。 These electric current dispersing gather, looks like small fish, pours also interesting ~ 这些电流散开又聚拢,就像是一条条小鱼,倒也有趣~ But confirmation Moon Guard After can prevent the black electric current, Darke then felt relieved truly. 而确认了【月之守护】能够阻挡黑色电流之后,达克便真正放下心来。 Later he issued the order of defense, the selective wait. 之后他下达了防守的命令,选择等待。 …… …… The labyrinth path is tortuous, Shadow Keeper With Shadow demon After entering the labyrinth forgave several curved, delays some time. 迷宫道路曲折,【暗影守墓人】与【阴影魔】在进入迷宫之后饶了几个弯,拖延一些时间。 When they arrived at finally BOSS finally Fantasy Beast: Ditto When front, already is the next round. 当它们终于来到了最终BOSS魔幻兽:百变怪】的面前时,已经是下一个回合。 Combat phase ( 4 )】 30s 【战斗阶段】【30s】 Both sides Star Player calm draw card. 双方选手沉着摸牌 Came!” “来了!” Stewart Forn raised the head suddenly, has been tying tight the corners of the mouth turn upwards finally. 斯图尔特·福恩猛然抬头,一直紧绷着的嘴角终于翘起。 Since dares to initiate the challenge to Darke Dymon, he has certainly to subdue the method. 既然敢对达克·迪蒙发起挑战,他当然有着制胜手段。 But the Magic Card in his hand, is the key! 而他手中的这张魔导卡,便是关键! At this time, his two Magic Fairy already entered Fantasy Beast: Ditto Field of vision. 这时候,他的两只魔导精灵已经进入【魔幻兽:百变怪】的视野。 This Duel conducts the first upfront to battle, finally starts! 这场决斗进行至极的第一次正面激战,终于开始! First those who launch the attack has Attack desire extremely Shadow demon. 首先发起进攻的是有着极攻击欲望的【阴影魔】。 Its Body in treading footsteps then sank to the shadow instantaneously, leaves leeway in the shadow surface like the wave general ripple merely. 它的身躯在踏出脚步的瞬间便沉入了阴影之中,仅仅在阴影表面留有如同水波一般的波纹。 That one after another ripple Agility, among short time then snuck Fantasy Beast: Ditto Under! 一圈圈波纹高速移动,眨眼之间便潜行到了【魔幻兽:百变怪】的底下! Is then slow one step to arrive Shadow Keeper, Met started final Certain Kill Skill Shady Curse Attack! 而后慢一步登场的【暗影守墓人】,一见面就发动了最后的必杀技黑幕咒杀】! It lifts up high the scepter suddenly, the rickets back suddenly is throughout stiff, the double pupil sending out scarlet blood light under golden mask. 它猛然高举权杖,始终佝偻的背脊突然挺直,黄金面具下的双瞳散发猩红血光。 Then a little black, then the sky that refers to from the stick sharp appears. 而后有一点黑色,便从杖尖所指的上空浮现。 That black to spread toward the front to the terrifying speed quickly, seems only short time, the sunspot then changes into Shady, camouflaged the entire sky. 那一点黑色以快到恐怖的速度向着前方扩散,仿佛只是一个眨眼,黑点便是化为黑幕,遮蔽了整个天空。 Strong murderous intention, from this Shady for the first time presently! 浓烈的杀机,从这黑幕之中乍现! …… …… Space and underground. 天上、地下。 Fantasy Beast: Ditto Was slow flickered, then by high and low both sides Attack hold/container clip. 魔幻兽:百变怪】仅仅是慢了一瞬,便被上下两面的攻击包夹。 Shadow Keeper With Shadow demon, Disregarded close Shuckle, Launches the offensive to it merely. 暗影守墓人】与【阴影魔】,无视了近在咫尺的【壶壶】,仅仅对它发起攻势。 By Fantasy Beast: Ditto This time condition, evades not to be possible to evade! 以【魔幻兽:百变怪】此时的状态,避无可避! Once high and low two Attack all hit, it will be killed by the second at the scene , without to escape by luck. 一旦上下两个攻击全都命中,它会被当场秒杀,无可幸免。 !” “吧呲!” When this is at a crucial moment, was disregarded Shuckle Exudes the cry fiercely. 在这千钧一发之际,被无视了的【壶壶】猛地发出叫声。 In its eye erupted the white light that symbolized psychic power, released in this suddenly. 它的眼中爆发出了象征超能力的白光,在这一刹那之间释放而出。 Shadow demon In underground sneaks, is unable to take to be the object. 【阴影魔】在地下潜行,无法取作对象。 Its goal can only be Shadow Keeper. 它的目标只能是【暗影守墓人】。 Certain Kill Skill Power Split!” 必杀技力量平分】!” Shadow Keeper Reaches as high as 2700 points Attack strength, and Shuckle After Attack adding together, divides equally, turned into 1350 in that flash. 暗影守墓人】高达2700点的攻击力,在与【壶壶】的攻击相加后再平分,在那一瞬间变成了1350。 But even if this 1350 Attack obtained the increase of Certain Kill Skill might, is still hard to shake 1800 points Defense. 而这1350的攻击就算得到了必杀技威力的增幅,也难以撼动1800点的防御 The murderous intention of top of the head Shady bursting out, turned into the soft massage suddenly. 从头顶黑幕之中迸发出的杀机,突然之间就变成了软绵绵的按摩。 But Fantasy Beast: Ditto Must face, is only left over from the shadow sends out Hidden Image Ripple! 而【魔幻兽:百变怪】所需面对的,便只剩下从阴影之中发出的【潜影波纹】! Shadow demon Release the ripple strangles to death like the innumerable knife points, Fantasy Beast: Ditto All round surrounding. 【阴影魔】释放出的波纹如同无数刀锋绞杀,将【魔幻兽:百变怪】团团包围。 After it releases Certain Kill Skill, remains 2000 point about MP, is the straight line falls suddenly! 它释放必杀技之后还剩2000点左右的魔力值,便是直线暴跌! Saw Fantasy Beast: Ditto MP will soon enull, slightly slow one step, contains the vitality the water current to sweep across to come, instantaneous winding in Fantasy Beast: Ditto body. 眼看着【魔幻兽:百变怪】的魔力值即将归零,稍微慢了一步,富含生命力的水流席卷而来,瞬间缠绕在了【魔幻兽:百变怪】的身上 Its MP, in this Life Dew Under the function, rose biggest MP 1/4 in the wink of an eye! 它的魔力值,在这【生命水流】的作用下,瞬息之间上升了最大魔力值的四分之一! 625 mana of this reply are quite suddenly essential, Helping Hand Fantasy Beast: Ditto Success has supported Shadow demon First round of strangling to death. 这突然回复的625点魔力极为关键,帮助魔幻兽:百变怪】成功的撑过了【阴影魔】的第一轮绞杀。 When Shadow demon Drills after the shadow, when wants turn head to make up a blade again, Fantasy Beast: Ditto Lifts up high the scepter suddenly, in final the afterheat the life sent out. 当【阴影魔】从阴影之中钻出之后,想要再次回头补上一刀之时,【魔幻兽:百变怪】猛然高举权杖,将生命之中最后的余热散发了出来。 With Shadow Keeper Is exactly the same Shady Curse Attack, Plunged Shadow Keeper Main body! 与【暗影守墓人】如出一辙的【黑幕咒杀】,扑向了【暗影守墓人】本尊! Shadow Keeper Resists by remaining mana hardly Shady Curse Attack, Because originally Kyubimon Tengu But remained many mana to reduce the freezing point immediately. 暗影守墓人】以残余魔力硬抗【黑幕咒杀】,本就因为【九尾狐兽】的【天狗】而所剩不多的魔力顿时降低到了冰点。 Fantasy Beast: Ditto After release complete section three Certain Kill Skill, relieves unexpectedly at the scene Transform, Depended upon is changing the small build danger suddenly dangerous evading Shadow demon Second round of Attack. 魔幻兽:百变怪】在释放完全部三个必杀技之后,竟是当场解除【变身】,依靠着骤然变小的体型险之又险的躲过了【阴影魔】的第二轮攻击 Relieving Transform Later, Fantasy Beast: Ditto Not only the build changes is small, but also the Defense strength rose again suddenly 2500 points from 1800 points. 解除【变身】之后,【魔幻兽:百变怪】不但体型变小,而且防御力从1800点骤然回升到了2500点。 Although rise of this point Defense is unable Helping Hand it to withstand as before Shadow demon Next Attack, but this is unimportant. 尽管这一点防御的回升依旧无法帮助它承受住【阴影魔】的下一次攻击,但这并不重要。 Hasty!” “忙忙!” Shuckle In the eye the twinkle sharp glow, displayed other two Certain Kill Skill one after another Power Trick With Guard Split! 壶壶】的眼中闪烁锐芒,接连施展出了剩余的两个必杀技力量戏法】与【防守平分】! Power Trick Causes it own Attack and Defense replacement. 力量戏法】使其将自身的攻击防御置换。 Changed 0 Attack after Defense replaced turned into 2200 points, but the Defense strength turned into 0 points. 重新变回0的攻击在与防御置换之后变成了2200点,而防御力则变成了0点。 Guard Split, Then made it and Shadow demon Defense completed friendly sharing. 防守平分】,则令它与【阴影魔】的防御完成了友好的分摊。 Shadow demon Defense, fell suddenly in that flash 1/2, was only left over the pitiful 1100 points! 【阴影魔】的防御,在那一刹那暴跌到了二分之一,仅剩下可怜的1100点! Fantasy Beast: Ditto Immediately serves with the heavy blows to it! 魔幻兽:百变怪】立刻对其施以重拳!
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