TSDG :: Volume #2

#180: Has me to cover!

Walks, a bit faster follows!” Rong Shan greeted the people to say. “走走走,快点跟上!”容扇招呼着众人说道。 Under greeting that he worries, an audiences Rong clan person took a walk in abundance, in the exit direction, follows one after another. 在他着急的招呼下,一众容家的人纷纷走动了起来,向着出口的方向,一个接一个地跟上。 wait a moment, do not act rashly Xiao Mu several times to start to speak but hesitate first, his mood also quite vacillates, has not decided to obey in Ye Zifeng. 等一下,你们先别轻举妄动”萧牧好几次欲言又止,他的心情还比较动摇,并没有真的就决定听从于叶子锋了。 Rong Shan noted his expression, looked at his one eyes from afar: Xiao Mu, do not think that your brother sends you to remain, can constrain me to allow to be short! The flame hawk in duty, now is also not in the palm of your Xiao Clan the thing!” 容扇注意到了他的表情,远远地望了他一眼:“萧牧,别以为你大哥派你留下来,就能拖住我容少了!任务里的火焰飞鹰,现在还不是你们萧家的掌中之物!” He was saying the big hand wields, to other People sound tracks: We walk!” 他说着大手一挥,对着其他人大声道:“我们走!” Snort does not have the thing that the medicine may rescue!” Xiao Mu hear [words/that] is startled, is infuriated, layer on layer cold snort, congealing eyebrow long time, shut up. “哼无药可救的东西!”萧牧闻言一怔,也是火冒三丈,重重地冷哼一声,凝眉半晌,还是闭上了嘴。 He bears a grudge Ye Zifeng not to be fake, is, at this moment, he does not want to help this rampant domineering second ancestor work. The former involves the personal gratitude and grudges, the latter is related to the personhood principle. 他是记恨着叶子锋不假,可是,这一刻,他更不想帮着这个嚣张跋扈的二世祖做事。前者涉及私人恩怨,后者则事关做人原则。 But all these, are the logical matters, Rong Shan the brain is not very easy-to-use, was deceived by Ye Zifeng is also the matter of easy understanding. 而这一切,都是顺理成章的事情,容扇的脑子本来就不是很好使,被叶子锋骗到也是容易理解的事情。 Even if Rong Shan had suspected, does not believe that Ye Zifeng stirs the turbid water of two teams solitarily. Therefore, he naturally all unusual forms of a moment ago having, all combined the head of Xiao Clan. 就算容扇有所怀疑,也不会相信叶子锋只身一人就来搅两个团队的浑水。于是,他就自然而然地把刚才发生的一切异状,全都归并了萧家的头上去。 Impenetrably thickheaded, brings about own destruction, being disinclined managed their lives!” The Xiao Mu face darken, looks the appearance that Rong Shan et al. sharply are flushing, the air/Qi results in the complexion to be pale. “冥顽不灵,自寻死路,懒得管他们的死活了!”萧牧脸色阴沉,看着容扇等人急着冲出去的样子,气得脸色铁青。 Liu Yige smiles generously: You are not so, does not have any skill obviously, has actually been thinking copes with Ye Zifeng, is not just impenetrably thickheaded, brings about own destruction!” 柳轶格慨然一笑:“你自己不也是如此么,明明没什么本事,却一直想着对付叶子锋,不正是冥顽不灵,自寻死路么!” Words that he says, actually was also the past at heart thinks that therefore this moment he, especially will have the feelings. 他说出口的话,其实亦是自己从前心里所想,所以这一刻的他,才会格外有感触。 Xiao Mu stunned, is staring at Liu Yige awkwardly: I 萧牧愕然,尴尬地凝视着柳轶格:“我” Was good, how the following road walks, you consider clearly, I with had a look at the situation first.” Liu Yige has sneered slightly, followed the footsteps of Rong clan person. “好了,后面的路怎么走,你自己考虑考虑清楚,我先跟上去看看情况了。”柳轶格微微冷笑了一声,跟上了容家人的脚步。 Originally, Liu Yige is thinking completes the agreement with Ye Zifeng, hides the truth from the previous time matter for him, is now, his mood had the change gradually. 本来,柳轶格只是想着跟叶子锋完成约定,替他瞒下上次的事情,可是现在,他的心境已经渐渐地发生了变化。 In his opinion, mixes with Ye Zifeng, is a very interesting matter. 在他看来,跟着叶子锋混,还是挺有意思的一件事。 The institute of perching the flame hawk is, in not far place outside lair exit. 火焰飞鹰所在的栖息之所,就在巢穴出口以外的不远之处。 The hot cloud winds around, the thick fog ascends, the shining thioindigo red illuminates above the surrounding mountain peak, as if covered sparse rosy-colored clouds at dawn to be ordinary for it. 火云缭绕,浓雾升腾,灿灿的红光照亮在周围的山峰之上,仿佛为其蒙上了一层稀疏的朝霞一般。 Fan young master, this place is so hot, we were burnt quickly!” “扇少爷,这地方那么热,我们都快被烤焦了啊!” Yes, was too hot, I was really cannot stay in this damned place.” “是啊,太热了吧,我真是一刻都不能在这个鬼地方呆下去了。” A moment ago everybody also in the lair was walking, was actually hot the whole body to be streaming with sweat, degree that but at least can endure, however now, only approached this cliff top, the steam caressed the face, was inaccessible. 刚才大家还在巢穴里走着的时候,其实就已经热得浑身汗流浃背了,不过起码还是可以忍受的程度,然而现在,单是靠近这崖顶,热气扑面,让人根本就难以接近。 Rong Shan are also hot is sweating profusely, he as aristocratic family juniors, the opportunity of unusual this disciplining, in the heart also cannot help but backed down. 容扇自己也是热得满头大汗,他作为一个世家子弟,少有这种磨练的机会,心中也是不由得打起了退堂鼓来。 He turned the head to look to behind one person: Qin was in charge, in our Rong clan young generation. You are Qi Refining 8th Stage, was the Realm highest person, or you made to decide that we should also continue to proceed?” 他转头愣愣地看向了身后的一人:“秦管事,我们容家年轻的这一辈里。你是炼气八重,算是境界最高的人了,要不你来做个决定我们还应该继续往前走么?” Qin being in charge named Qin Zhen, then took care Rong Shan to grow up since childhood , is his same issue enters to the retinue of Sect study, usually had any matter, Rong Shan will also make him make a decision. 秦管事名叫秦振,自幼便服侍着容扇长大,也是和他同一期进入到武府学习的仆从,平常有什么事情,容扇也都会让他来拿主意。 This Qin Zhen took a fast look around the surrounding environment, the forehead wrinkled slightly, somewhat worried: Fan young master, we came to come here, if such went back, was too rather regrettable. Moreover, has met dangerous words, we do not have the escaping token?” “这”秦振扫视了一下周围的环境,眉宇微微皱起,有些犯难了起来:“扇少爷,我们来都来到这里了,要是就这么回去,未免太让人遗憾了吧。而且,遇到了危险的话,我们不是都有逃生令牌的么?” Escaping token?” Rong Shan at present one bright, thought one were really is been also muddled by the heat, immediately has laughed: Right, I how this gadget forgetting.” “逃生令牌?”容扇眼前一亮,心想自己也真是被热糊涂了,当即哈哈大笑了起来:“对哦,我怎么把这玩意儿给忘记了。” He has stopped slightly a while, said loud: Now the heat on hot point, everybody insists, when extinguished this flame hawk, all can restore usual! Also, our Rong clan people spunked up, gave me, absolutely cannot the Xiao Clan person act swiftly to get there first unyieldingly!” 他稍稍停顿了一会儿,高声说道:“现在热就热一点了吧,大家坚持一下,等到灭了这火焰飞鹰,一切就可以恢复如常了!再说一遍,我们容家的人都打起精神来,给我硬气一点,绝对不能萧家的人捷足先登!” Energy that a person spoke, was related with his card in a hand. Allows the fan to depend itself to have this token, in the heart naturally is fearless, present he, only strove for being able to attack as soon as possible, from the Xiao Clan mouth minute to one cup of thick soup. 一个人说话的底气,和他的底牌有关。容扇仗着自己有这令牌,心中自然是无所畏惧,现在的他,只求能够尽快突击,从萧家的嘴边分到一杯羹。 As everyone knows, the Xiao Clan person, besides Xiao Mu, has used the escaping token completely, returned to scarlet blood valley the place of exit! 殊不知,萧家的人,除了萧牧之外,已经全部动用了逃生令牌,回到了赤血谷的出口之处! The Rong clan person this, was equal to that now is hitting toward the native place doom of flame hawk! 容家的人现在这样,等于就是在往着火焰飞鹰的老家死命地撞去! Sure enough, after moment, when the Rong clan person approached flame hawk the place of residence gradually, only listens to one sad and shrill long hissing the sound has made a sound suddenly, reverberated in the entire cliff. 果不其然,片刻过后,当容家的人渐渐靠近了火焰飞鹰的住所之处,只听一声凄厉的长嘶之声骤然响了起来,回荡在了整座山崖之中。 Came!” Rong Shan laughs, facial color great happiness. “来了!”容扇哈哈一笑,面色大喜。 However quick, he changed the idea. 然而很快,他就改变了想法。 Under everywhere shining of heavenly bodies, a flame combustion the great claw from airborne falls, is carrying the incomparable strength, presses toward people whereabouts! 漫天的日月星辰的照耀下,一只火焰般燃烧着的巨爪从空中直直地落下,携带着无匹的力道,向着众人所在之处压来! Oh, this flame hawk, was too fierce!” Rong Shan is astonished, the mouth publicizes as if can swallow entire fist. “乖乖,这火焰飞鹰,也太厉害了吧!”容扇惊愕无比,嘴巴张大得仿佛能吞下一整个拳头似的。 Qin Zhen saw that one startled, hurried to shout: Everybody was careful that the young master was careful, a bit faster avoids!” 秦振见状一惊,慌忙大喊了起来:“大家小心,少爷小心,快点避开啊!” Good, good!” Rong Shan has made excuses, hurries to nod to reply, this time he does not give a thought to any vivid face, rolled several on the ground directly back and forth, this has tumbled out the attack range of great claw. “好,好!”容扇支吾了一声,慌忙点头答道,此时的他再不顾任何的形象面子,直接在地上滚了好几个来回,这才滚出了巨爪的攻击范围。 Fortunately, the speed that this great claw drops is not too fast, can give people certain escaping time. 所幸,这巨爪落下的速度并不算太快,能够给人一定的逃生时间。 However, bang a bang, the people look back, sees only in the ground to be pounded a giant pit seal. 然而,“轰隆”地一声巨响,众人回首过去,只见地面上已经被砸出一个巨大的坑印。 This made in their hearts raise unavoidably fear: If escaped a moment ago speed is half beat behind, that will directly be cranked up the meat sauce! 这使得他们的心中不免升起了一丝后怕:要是自己刚才逃跑的时候速度慢了半拍,那岂不是就会被直接拍成肉酱了! His, did the Xiao Clan person, where die to me?” Rong Shan looked around in all directions, is out of control to shout abuse. “丫的,萧家的人呢,都给我死哪里去了?”容扇四处张望了一下,禁不住破口大骂了起来。 When has not seen this flame hawk, Rong Shan is also worried about the opposite party to act swiftly to get there first, takes this fierce beast, appropriates to oneself. 在没看到这火焰飞鹰的时候,容扇还担心对方捷足先登,把这头凶兽拿下,据为己有。 But now, this fierce beast strength by far surpasses him to think that lets in his heart alarmed and afraid. 可现在,这凶兽的实力远远地超出了他的所想,让他心中惊惧不已。 What's wrong, to this time, has remembered our Xiao Clan person? In my opinion, you have this fate, takes the consequences for own actions radically!” Xiao Mu by far and Liu Yige stood in the one side, looks was trembling Rong Shan, the corners of the mouth have raised meaning of the sneering. “怎么,都到这时候了,才想起了我们萧家的人了?依我看来,你有这下场,根本就是自作自受!”萧牧远远地和柳轶格站在了一旁,看着瑟瑟发抖着的容扇,嘴角扬起了一丝冷笑之意。 Xiao Mu, you!” 萧牧,你!” However, Rong Shanhua has not said with enough time that the flame hawk of that head has wielded high the great claw, to the surface gate locale of people, has been restraining by force once again. 然而,容扇话还没来得及说完,那头的火焰飞鹰已经高高地将巨爪挥起,再度对着众人的面门所在处,强压了下来。 Therefore, he has not closed the mouth for a while with enough time, by sandy soil that this strength brings, pours into to his throat, was anxious his words unable saying that the tears kept doing. 所以,他一时没来得及闭上嘴巴,被这力量带起的沙土,一齐灌入到他的喉咙里,急得他连话都说不出来了,眼泪直流个不停。 He clenched teeth maliciously, spat one, full mouth yellow sand soil spitting. 他狠狠地咬了咬牙,啐了一口,将满口的黄沙泥土给吐了出来。 Xiao Mu, calculates that your Xiao Clan person has the skill, that do not hide, quickly came out to help me!” 萧牧,算你们萧家的人有本事,那就别躲躲藏藏的了,赶快出来帮我啊!” In the Xiao Mu eye the cold brightness flashes through, ice-cold looks at his one eyes, is silent. 萧牧眼中寒光闪过,冰冷地看他一眼,沉默不语。 Passes the moment slightly, Rong Shan was pursued everywhere by that hawk is swaying back and forth escaping, out of breath resembles. 稍过片刻,容扇被那飞鹰追得满地打滚着逃跑,上气不接下气似的。 Xiao Mu, quick, hurry up! Let your brother Xiao Ying quickly get rid, perhaps the words this way, I must die here!” Allows the fan heavy to sigh, shouts and wrangles was saying. 萧牧,快,快点!让你的大哥萧影赶快出手啊,再这样下去的话,我说不定就要死在这里了啊!”容扇沉沉地一叹,大呼小叫着说道。 Rong clan two few, how you said a moment ago our Xiao Clan person is coming, you think that I am a deaf person?” 容家的二少,你们刚才怎么说我们萧家的人来着的,你以为我是聋子么?” Xiao Mu cold snort said that a person who he such bears a grudge, before accommodating fan speaks the manner of disrespecting, obviously also worries about in the heart. 萧牧冷哼了一声说道,他这么记仇的一个人,对于容扇之前出言不敬的态度,显然也是记挂在心。 We Rong Shanben want to curse back his one, may remember oneself present is locating the tension, had no way to put again the ruthless words. “我们”容扇本想回骂他一句,可一想起自己现在正处着的紧张局面,没法把狠话再放出来了。 Was has been begging for mercy to Xiao Mu in his Qin Zhen: Herd young master, this chapter was we make a mistake! Xiao Clan and Rong clan afterall has had an intercourse in the business, you look in two family members the share of elder, a bit faster makes your shade elder brother get rid.” 在他身边的秦振则是对着萧牧求饶了起来:“牧少爷,这回是我们错了!萧家容家好歹在生意上一直有所往来,你就看在两家人的长辈的份上,快点让你的影哥出手吧。” In his age slightly big people are several years old, words that said that obviously also was very persuasive. 他年纪上稍微大了众人几岁,说出的话,显然也很是婉转。 If Xiao Yingzhen such as he said that hid in the hidden place, waited for an opportunity to get rid, he has possibly gotten rid to help. 若是萧影真的如他所说,是躲在了暗处,伺机出手,那他可能就已经出手帮忙了。 But now, big Xiao Clan, only on only remaining Xiao Mu people! 可是现在,偌大一个萧家,唯独就只剩下萧牧一个人了! Therefore, is not he does not want to help, but is this busy, he has no way to help, Ye Zifeng considered this point, will enter the domain of this flame hawk to Rong clan, turned a blind eye? 所以,不是他不想帮忙,而是这忙,他根本就没法帮,叶子锋要不是考虑到了这一点,又怎会对容家进入这火焰飞鹰的地盘,睁一只眼闭一只眼呢? Oh “唉” Xiao Mu heavy sighed, has not said any spoken language. 萧牧沉沉地一叹,没有说出任何的言语来。 But, the Xiao Clan person did not speak, regarding the Rong clan person, this was in itself a named desperate signal! 可是,萧家的人不发话,对于容家的人来说,这本身就是一种名为绝望的信号! Qin Zhen must be miserable beyond description by this flame hawk suppression, he as Rong clan Qi Refining 8th Stage expert, shouldered has resisted this only to open the heavy responsibility of wisdom fierce beast, was, depending on his strength, where can be the match of this hawk? 秦振被这火焰飞鹰压制得苦不堪言,他作为容家炼气八重高手,挑起了对抗这只开智凶兽的重任,可是,凭他的实力,哪里会是这只飞鹰的对手? Several degrees fight, his skin was burnt the big same place, the clothes were being burnt down the big same place, the hair hung loose, appears quite in an extremely difficult situation. 几度交手下来,他的皮肤被灼伤了好大一块,连带着衣服都被烧毁了好大一块,头发披散开来,显得相当狼狈不堪。 The time of burning a joss stick passed by 一炷香的时间过去了 Fan young master, I am about unable to withstand!” Qin Zhen smiled bitterly constantly, stuffy snort several, just now some leisure said one. “扇少爷,我快顶不住了啊!”秦振苦笑不迭,闷哼了数声,方才有闲暇说上个一句。 Accommodates the fan closely pursing the lips lip, to be honest, his condition, is rotten to the core, after all, his strength is mean, sometimes slightly was blown by the spiritual energy complementary waves, is a long bloodstain. 容扇紧紧地抿了抿嘴唇,老实说,他自己的状况,也是糟糕透顶,毕竟,他的实力低微,有时候被灵气的余波稍稍刮到一下,就是一条长长的血痕。 He deeply looked to Liu Yige and Xiao Mu, the sinking color: „Did you, plan to stand by really? Does not think, if we meet with a disaster, you what to do?” 他深深地看向了柳轶格萧牧,沉色道:“你们两个人,难道真的就打算作壁上观了么?怎么也不想想,如果我们遭殃的话,那你们两个怎么办?” They, have me to cover, the work you do not take the trouble.” Light such as wave sound conveys, although is not resounding, is actually very clear, drilled into has presented in the ear of everyone “他们两个,有我罩着,不劳你费心。”一句淡淡如波的声音传来,虽然不响亮,却很是清晰,钻入了在场每个人的耳中
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