TSDG :: Volume #2

#179: Combine threats with inducements!

Together the escaping token and monster crystal, certain refines the formation material together in addition. 一块逃生令牌和一块妖晶,加上若干炼制阵法的材料。 Traded almost entire Xiao Clan the collective of person to withdraw. 换来了几乎整个萧家的人的集体退出。 This price, is presses to be smallest. 这个代价,已经算是压到了最小。 Such one, actually in this Sect duty, competitions between five teams, completely have given the rejection Xiao Clan outside. 这么一来,其实这回的武府任务上,五个团队之间的竞争,已经完完全全地把萧家给剔除在外了。 When Ye Zifeng arrives at Xiao Mu whereabouts. 叶子锋走到萧牧所在之处时。 In the opposite party look has revealed some astonished, motionless, likely was stupid. 对方的眼神里露出了些许的惊愕,一动不动的,像是痴呆了似的。 Ye Zifeng! Really is the ghost who you pound!” 叶子锋!果然是你捣的鬼!” The Liu Yige look is the excitement that cannot suppress: young master Ye, is the situation what kind of?” He the manner to Ye Zifeng, being hostile to from the beginning, arrived at the understanding slowly, currently had feeling of the frantic worship! 柳轶格的神色则是抑制不住的兴奋:“叶少爷,情况怎么样?”他对叶子锋的态度,已经从一开始的敌视,慢慢到了理解,现在更是有了一种狂热的崇拜之感! Ye Zifeng slightly dew happy expression: Naturally became.” 叶子锋微露笑意:“当然是成了。” Liu Yige laughs, has been raising up the thumb to Ye Zifeng, freely claps. 柳轶格哈哈一笑,对着叶子锋竖起了大拇指,不住地拍手起来。 Ye Zifeng, your what meaning?” 叶子锋,你什么意思?” Xiao Mu closely clenches teeth, meaning that in the facial expression has not believed in inside, others, are in his mind, only has his brother not to defeat absolutely, Qi Refining 9th stage expert will lose to Ye Zifeng, this simply not possibly. 萧牧紧紧地咬着牙,神情之中还颇有一丝不信的意味在里面,别人也就算了,可是在他的心目之中,唯有他的大哥绝对不会败,一个炼气九重高手会输给叶子锋,这根本没有可能。 You also asked that I said is what meaning? Your brother ordered you to use those words of escaping token a moment ago, haven't you heard?” Ye Zifeng cannot help but asked back said. “你还问我说是什么意思?刚才你大哥命令你动用逃生令牌的那句话,难道你没听到么?”叶子锋不由得反问了一句说道。 He has stopped slightly a while , to continue saying: Did not fear that told you truth, now Xiao Clan also remaining people, only then your, your brother Xiao Ying, he also walked, returned to scarlet blood valley the place of entrance.” 他稍微停顿了一会儿,继续说道:“不怕把实话告诉你,现在萧家还剩下的人,就只有你一个了,就连你大哥萧影,他也已经走了,回到了赤血谷的入口之处。” What? How does the brother he possibly walk?” “什么?大哥他怎么可能走?” The consecutively several bad news, making the Xiao Mu mood cannot help but all of a sudden sink to the valley. His brother ordered the sound that everybody left a moment ago, he naturally was hears to be very clear. 连续好几个的坏消息,让萧牧的心情不由得一下子沉入到了谷底之中。刚才他大哥勒令大家离开的声音,他自然是听得很清楚。 Therefore, regarding other people, he has not held anything to expect, only hopes that his brother can remain, this was his belief. 所以,对于其他人,他也没抱有什么期望了,只希望,他的大哥能够留下来,这便是他的信仰所在了。 Words that has not believed that before this is your brother just before leaving, is not careful in a ground sword Guangzhou, you can have a look greatly real!” “还不相信的话,这是你大哥临走前,不小心掉在地上的一颗剑穗,你大可以看看是不是真的!” Ye Zifeng smiles slightly, loses conveniently, threw a seven colors of the spectrum sword Guangzhou on the ground. 叶子锋微微地笑着,随手一丢,就将一颗七色剑穗丢在了地上。 Xiao Mu sees that to look deathly pale, bent down to go, has sized up for quite a while slowly. 萧牧见状脸色惨白,俯下身子去,缓缓地打量了半天。 Also is really so, truly is the brother, what this you said is real?” Although Xiao Mu does not believe this words, but, Ye Zifeng can stand before him, this itself very much explained the issue. “还真是如此,确实是大哥的,这难道你说的是真的?”萧牧虽然不相信这种话,可是,叶子锋能够站在他面前,这本身就已经很说明问题了。 „!” The Ye Zifeng deep place under one, in the foreheads completely has revealed the heroic spirit. “正是!”叶子锋深深地点了一下头,眉宇之间尽显英气。 What do you ask me to make now? Spoke that many idle talk with me, perhaps has something else planned?” “那你现在来找我做什么?和我说那么多废话,恐怕是另有所图吧?” Xiao Mu is not silly, Ye Zifeng wasted the time to ask him to speak these words, obviously stemming from the good intention, did not suppose place that is arriving that was useful, the use obtained him is. 萧牧也不傻,叶子锋浪费时间来找他说这些话,显然不是出于好心,估摸是有什么用的到的地方,利用得到他才是。 Ye Zifeng shook the head with a smile: Do not think highly of yourself, my Ye Zifeng truly wants to use the human, but that person must have the value that is worth me using, in my opinion, your Xiao Mu also not necessarily has this value!” 叶子锋笑着摇了摇头:“别太看得起自己了,我叶子锋确实是想利用人,不过那个人也得有值得我利用的价值,在我看来,你萧牧还未必有这个价值!” You!” Although Xiao Mu not compared with his brother Xiao Ying, but he is also very mixes No. 1 character, when had been said. “你!”萧牧虽然不比他的大哥萧影,可是他也算是混得挺开的一号人物,几时被人这么说过了。 Ye Zifeng smiles lightly: Therefore, you , to use the escaping token now, I can not disturb you to spend spiritual energy, does not stop you, then what was far from not to use the matter of use? Naturally 叶子锋淡淡地一笑:“所以,你如果现在就想动用逃生令牌的话,我可以不打扰你度去灵气,绝不阻拦你,便谈不上什么利用不利用的事情了?当然了” Naturally what?” Xiao Mu is startled, hears to resemble in the Ye Zifeng words as if to have any concealed meaning, immediately asked. “当然什么?”萧牧一怔,听得好像叶子锋的话里似乎有什么隐含的意思,当即问了起来。 Even if Ye Zifeng said real, that present these many Xiao Clan people have used the escaping token, lost face to lose to be perfect, if returned to the scarlet blood valley entrance again, perhaps his father Xiao Mo will unable to suppress the anger, could not bear to dig up his skin! 就算叶子锋说得是真的,那现在这么多萧家的人都已经动用了逃生令牌了,丢脸可谓丢到了极致了,要是自己再回到赤血谷入口的话,恐怕他爹萧默会抑制不住怒火,忍不住冲上来扒了他的皮! Naturally, if you are willing to take Xiao Clan last member, gives your family to make an honor, I, is willing to continue to remain to participate in the duty to you opportunity, looked that you did grasp live.” “当然,如果你愿意作为萧家的最后一分子,给你的家族挣回一点脸面的话,那我,也愿意给你一个继续留下来参加任务的机会,就看你把握不把握得住了。” The Ye Zifeng look is tranquil, in star pupil the none remaining glistens. 叶子锋神色平静无比,星眸里精光闪亮。 The Xiao Mu closely pursing the lips lip, lets him and Ye Zifeng cooperates, simply is suffering, but, if let go this opportunity, perhaps Ye Zifeng will adopt the strong method to oneself. 萧牧紧紧地抿着嘴唇,让他和叶子锋合作,简直就是一种折磨,可是,要是放弃了这一机会的话,恐怕叶子锋就会对自己采取强势手段了。 Words that does not want, that do not blame me “不愿意的话就算了,那就别怪我” Wait / Etc.!” Xiao Mu has wiped the beads of sweat between volumes, immediately has shouted. “等等!”萧牧擦了擦额间的汗珠,当即大喊了起来。 Intimidates and tempts with the promise of gain, employs two methods to achieve one goal, often can make the human docile. 威逼与利诱,双管齐下,往往能让人变得服服帖帖的。 You want me to make anything, and you mentioned listen, so long as were not too excessive, I can comply.” Xiao Mu cannot bear open the mouth to say. “你要我做什么,你且说来听听,只要不是太过分,我可以答应。”萧牧忍不住开口说道。 His at heart, is hates to clench jaws, is for the benefit of family to consider that he wants really reckless and Ye Zifeng fights to the end! 他的心里,则是恨得咬牙切齿,要不是出于家族的利益考虑,他真想不顾一切地和叶子锋一路抗争到底! Ye Zifeng look suddenly one severe: Is very simple, I must incorporate the Rong clan personnel, needs you and Liu Yige help!” 叶子锋神色忽然一厉:“很简单,我要收编容家的人员,需要你和柳轶格的帮忙!” Xiao Clan person by Xiao Ying person a few words, drawing back almost, Xiao Clan itself did not have any threat to say again, but Rong clan that head, Ye Zifeng has not chosen to start, for keeps a bottom to oneself. 萧家的人已经被萧影一个人一句话,给退得7788的了,萧家本身已经再无任何的威胁可言,而容家那头,叶子锋还没有选择下手,为的就是给自己留点底。 So long as has incorporated the Rong clan person, he can go to deal with the Wang Clan person relieved, at least does not suffer a loss at the population incident. 只要收编了容家的人的话,他就可以去安心对付王家的人了,至少在人数一事上就不吃亏了。 Rong clan person?” Xiao Mu shook the head with all one's might: Incorrect, our Xiao Clan relates with them is not good, even if there are me, is definitely useless.” 容家的人?”萧牧狠命地摇了摇头:“不行的,我们萧家跟他们关系并不好,就算有我,肯定也是白搭的。” He the moment, cannot help but up and down has sized up Ye Zifeng: On the other hand, by you such low Qi Refining realm Realm, making others take you? Even if they do not have the Qi Refining 9th stage person to exist, possibly to be how resigned to be incorporated by you?” 他顿了片刻,不由得上下打量了一下叶子锋:“话说回来,以你这么低的炼气期境界,让别人怎么服你啊?就算他们没有炼气九重的人存在,又怎么可能甘心被你收编了去?” Ha-ha is not runs certainly, said directly must incorporate they. This matter in the final analysis, is the tasteful method, for example, you thought that if I as savior, appear before them, you do think what kind of?” “呵呵当然不是跑过去,直接说要收编了他们。这种事情说到底,还是讲究方法的,就比如说,你觉得,要是我以一个救命恩人的身份,在他们面前出现,你觉得怎么样?” Xiao Mu gawked slightly, reveals one not to obtain the appearance of main point. 萧牧微微一愣,露出了一副没怎么得到要领的样子来。 Savior? How do you want to do?” “救命恩人?你想怎么做?” Ye Zifeng smiles mystically: Is very simple, you stand in same place, according to the circumstance. I only need to hide, calmly looks is” 叶子锋神秘地一笑:“很简单,你们站在原地,随机应变。我只需要藏起来,静静地看着便是” You Xiao Mu have not said too many words to come with enough time, this strikes an attitude to, had actually been blocked by that invisible wall, then must relinquish. “你”萧牧还没来得及说出太多的话来,本作势想要冲上来,却被那股无形的墙壁挡住了,便也只得作罢了。 Ye Zifeng then really goes ahead, faded out the line of sight of Xiao Mu and in Liu Yige gradually. 叶子锋便真的说走就走,渐渐地淡出了萧牧柳轶格的视线之中。 „, Won't he such walk? I have not known that what meaning from the start he is? Also, what is according to the circumstance, he did not fear that I did divulge a secret to the Rong clan person?” “不会吧,他就这么走了?我还压根不知道他到底是个什么意思啊?再说了,什么叫随机应变,他难道就不怕我泄密给容家的人?” Liu Yige has patted his shoulder: Brother, the mentality sets level, in Rong clan young people, Realm highest that person also only then Qi Refining 8th Stage Realm, how will Ye Zifeng fear him? You divulged a secret to tell the Rong clan person, to Ye Zifeng, without substantive fault, but has been short of some helpers. However regarding you, once has enraged him, in the future will possibly face, was the total destruction!” 柳轶格拍了拍他的肩膀:“兄弟啊,心态放平点,容家的年轻人里面,境界最高的那个人也就只有炼气八重境界,叶子锋又岂会怕他?你泄密告诉了容家的人,对叶子锋来说,没有实质性的坏处,只不过就少了一些帮手罢了。不过对于你来说,一旦触怒了他,将来可能面临的,就是灭顶之灾了!” He spoke spat the word at the same time, total destruction four characters will nip very much heavily, making Xiao Mu cannot help but shiver, deeply has swallowed saliva. 他说话吐词的同时,将“灭顶之灾”四个字咬得很重,让萧牧不由得打了个冷颤,深深地咽下了一口口水。 Well. That walks one step is.” Xiao Mu smiles bitterly to say slightly. “好好吧。那就走一步算一步吧。”萧牧微微苦笑一声说道。 He actually, had heard matter that between Ye Zifeng and Liu Yige have disagreed. 他其实,也是听说过叶子锋柳轶格之间有所不和的事情的。 But now, Liu Yige unexpectedly docile becomes this to Ye Zifeng, does not know that Ye Zifeng has resorted to the what kind fearful method, making the human cannot help but somewhat be flustered. 可是现在,柳轶格叶子锋竟是服帖成这样,也不知道叶子锋到底是耍了何种可怕的手段,让人不由得有些心慌起来。 The moment, formation in lair completely all had not been relieved by Ye Zifeng, mentioned accurately, was actually he refines the formation material to be insufficient, has no way to continue to maintain to cause. 未过片刻,巢穴之中的阵法尽皆被叶子锋解除了开来,准确说来,其实是他炼制阵法的材料不够,没法继续维系下去所导致的。 The time could be said as the card just well. 时间可以说是卡得刚刚好。 The space that such one, sealed up opens slowly, that invisible transparent wall, is therefore dissipated gradually. 这么一来,原本封闭开来的空间缓缓打开,那堵无形透明的墙,也是因此渐渐消散了开来。 Allowed the fan Ha Ha long to smile one, on the face has been brimming with the happiness of being survived: His mother, was makes me come out finally, exactly had anything a moment ago!” 容扇哈哈长笑了一声,脸上洋溢着大难不死的高兴:“他娘的,总算是让我出来了,刚才到底是发生什么了!” Rong clan a character of steward hey compensated to smile: Young master is survived, must have happiness in old age, this Sect duty wins victory inevitably, the glory takes the first place!” 容家的一个管家似的人物嘿嘿赔笑了起来:“少爷大难不死,必有后福啊,此次武府任务必然旗开得胜,荣取头名!” Lao Su, you said reasonable, but the first place, I thought that I leaves Wang Clan Wang Tianzhi is distance a little! Well, Xiao Clan that team of people of? How to see their person's shadow?” “老苏,你说得有道理啊,不过头名就算了,我觉得自己离王家王天志还是有点的距离的!咦,萧家那队的人呢?怎么就不见他们人影了?” Accommodates the fan Ha Ha at the same time with a smile, the facial color is startled suddenly, performs to reveal the color of doubts. 容扇哈哈笑着的同时,面色忽然一怔,尽显疑惑之色。 All, the young master you do not look, Xiao Clan herd young master and that Liu Clan person, here!” The steward who was called Lao Su, has referred to not far away two at once. “也不全是吧,少爷你看,萧家的牧少爷和那个柳家的人,就在这里啊!”被叫做老苏的管家,旋即指了指不远处的两人。 Rong Shan the eyes are narrowing the eyes slightly, nodded with a smile. 容扇眼睛微微眯着,笑着点了点头。 The Xiao Mu facial expression stares, looks that Liu Yige said: Not, Rong clan two few, hadn't he what heard a moment ago?” 萧牧神情一愣,看着身边的柳轶格道:“不会吧,容家二少,他刚才难道什么都没听见?” Liu Yige smiles bitterly: This do not ask me, formation is the Ye Zifeng cloth, he is a leader, you should ask that he is.” 柳轶格苦笑一声:“这你可别问我,阵法叶子锋布的,他是主导者,你该去问他才是。” If Ye Zifeng here, that Xiao Mu will certainly ask him. But the opposite party runs now did not have including person's shadow, but also some where people can explain doubts in his heart. 如果叶子锋在这里,那萧牧当然是会去问他。可对方现在跑得连人影都没了似的,还哪有人能解释他心中的疑惑。 Xiao Mu can only bitter and astringent smile immediately, appearance that somewhat at a loss feels helpless. 萧牧当即只能苦涩一笑,有些茫然而不知所措的样子。 Rong Shan the line of sight puts aside from their bodies, starts to observe the surrounding situation. 容扇的视线从两人的身上移开,开始观察着周围的情况。 Suddenly, his head was similar a thunderclap, the four limbs somewhat were straightening, has aimed at a upper right channel. 忽然之间,他头上仿佛着了一个霹雳,连带着四肢都有些发直了,指向了右上方的一处通道。 Oh, you look quickly, the lair exit of this flame hawk, not here?” “天哪,你们快看,这火焰飞鹰的巢穴出口,不就在这里么?” This people gained ground, this thinks that is his nonsense, who expects, the exit of this flame hawk, but also appeared really! “这”众人抬起头来,本以为是他胡言,谁料到,这火焰飞鹰的出口,还真的出现了! This is Ye Zifeng by exhibiting to absorb Xiao Clan person spiritual energy formation, exit that reluctantly opens. 这是叶子锋靠摆出吸收着萧家灵气阵法,才勉强打开的出口。 Rong Shan sees that pleasantly surprised: Really is you wear out iron shoes in hunting round, must come not to be all time-consuming! I understood, Xiao Clan kept two people to constrain us especially, other people have gone, what a pity, I allowed the fan not to eat this set! We a bit faster go in! Do not let the Xiao Clan person go well first!” 容扇见状惊喜不已:“真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫啊!我明白了,萧家特地留了两个人想要来拖住我们,其他人已经进去了,可惜,我容扇根本不吃这一套!我们快点进去!别让萧家的人先得手了!”
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