TSDG :: Volume #2

#181: To run away?

Allows the fan heart to stare, sizes up the past in the direction that the sound sends out. 容扇心头一愣,朝着声音发出的方向打量过去。 Sees only one person to wear the lunar white shuttle cloth lined cloak, the waist is tying up a blue bat mark brocade belt, a pitch-black short hair, has a profound dark eye, refined graceful, performs to reveal the scholarly style of behavior. 只见一人身穿月白色梭布夹衫,腰间绑着一根蓝色蝠纹锦带,一头乌黑的短发,有着一双深邃幽暗的眼睛,斯文优雅,尽显儒风。 „Are you Ye Zifeng?” Allows the fan whole face to be panic-stricken, drinks to call loudly. “你是叶子锋?”容扇满脸惊恐,大声喝叫起来。 Heavenly Gathering time, the opposite party steps on Rong Shan the shoulder to step of stair, as if has lingered in his heart nightmarish, making him for a very long time unforgetable, made him become the laughingstock of people. 天梯大会的时候,对方踩着容扇肩膀踏上台阶的那一幕,仿佛噩梦般一直萦绕在了他的心头,令他久久难以忘怀,也令他成为了众人的笑柄。 How your you will appear here!” “你你怎么会出现在这里!” Ye Zifeng gives a calm smile, has referred to the front: Leave alone I, behind attention.” 叶子锋淡然一笑,指了指前方:“别管我,注意后面。” fire Qi fills the air, after that rush of blood to the head hawk often flies, can have one sliver flame corridor, howls to accommodating the direction of fan raids, worries fiercely to his scruff. 火气弥漫,那头火鹰每每飞起之后,都会带起一长条的“火焰长廊”,呼啸着向容扇的方向袭来,猛地撕咬向他的后颈。 Oh! Your this bastard!” Accommodates the fan whole piece face, because panic-stricken became somewhat twisted excessively, that flame hawk was carried by Qin Guanjia a moment ago, therefore was also insufficient to start to oneself. “天哪!你这头畜生!”容扇整张脸因为过度惊恐而变得有些扭曲了起来,刚才那火焰飞鹰被秦管家扛着,所以还不至于对自己下手。 But now, this rush of blood to the head hawk, unexpectedly toward oneself! 可现在,这头火鹰,竟是向着自己这边袭来! Qin Zhen, you were up to mischief!” “秦振,你在搞什么鬼!” Catches the eye to look that again to direction that Qin inspired, saw only the opposite party to be scarred, the body good meat not to have, to breathe heavily continually together the sincere thick air/Qi, stood in reluctantly same place, as if the wind blew can blow down him. 再抬眼看向秦振的方向,只见对方伤痕累累,身上连一块好肉都没有,喘着厚重的粗气,勉勉强强地站在原地,仿佛风一吹就能把他刮倒似的。 second young master, I do not have means that after is opens the wisdom fierce beast, depending on me, cannot block its!” Qin Zhenhuan crossed the god to come, said distressfully. 二少爷,我也没办法啊,毕竟是开智的凶兽,凭我一个人,挡不住它的啊!”秦振缓过神来,愁眉苦脸地说道。 This after is not the single duty, moreover Qin Zhenzai said also only then Qi Refining 8th Stage Realm, making him make the duty that two Qi Refining 9th stage people can complete, isn't this is pressing him? 这毕竟不是单人任务,而且秦振再怎么说也就只有炼气八重境界,让他去做两个炼气九重的人才能完成的任务,这不是在难为他么? His! Rong clan was really Bai Yang your this waste!” “丫的!容家真是白养了你这个废物了!” Rong Shan had obloquied , the whole body shrinks with turtle, clenched teeth maliciously, rolled in the side direction, does not attend to itself cracking with the teeth painful by the gravel of ground incomparable. 容扇大骂了一声之后,全身缩得跟一个乌龟似的,狠狠地咬了咬牙,向着侧边的方向滚了过去,也不顾自己被地上的石子嗑得生疼无比。 But this hot hawk exactly the position that stood from him a moment ago will has also delimited, the fire Qi winding, is bringing bang the bang, leaves behind scorched earth spatially. 而这火鹰也恰恰从他刚才所站立的位置堪堪划过,火气缠绕,带着“轰隆”的巨响,空留下一片焦土。 The fire Qi complementary waves take this place as the center of circle, proliferates in all directions, several roaring flame fly in the Ye Zifeng direction. 火气的余波以这地方为圆心,四处扩散开来,也有几道烈焰向着叶子锋的方向飞去。 Saw only Ye Zifeng to keep off in front of Xiao Mu and Liu Yige, stood is showing a faint smile same place, the palm turned to, lightning qi will shortly be surrounding raising, has formed thunder and lightning cover. 只见叶子锋挡在了萧牧柳轶格面前,站在原地微微一笑,手掌向上一翻,雷电之气顷刻之间环绕着升起,形成了一个雷电的罩子似的。 But that flaming flame strokes, the strength clay ox entering the sea seems to be ordinary, complete dissipation! 而那熊熊的火焰击打上来,力道仿佛泥牛入海一般,完全消散! This young master Ye, felt that your strength has been increased! Should, you not promote Realm?” “这叶少爷,怎么感觉你的实力又提升了很多啊!该不会,你又提升了境界吧?” Liu Yige and Xiao Mu look at all these dumbfoundedly, somewhat could not understand, they expected that Ye Zifeng Realm and almost, how expect him graces, has the overwhelming strength to oneself unexpectedly. 柳轶格萧牧目瞪口呆地看着这一切,有些看不懂了,他们本来料想,叶子锋境界和自己差不多,怎料他举手投足之间,对自己竟是有着压倒性的实力。 Ye Zifeng returns to smile pale, shows neither approval nor disapproval. 叶子锋则只是回之以淡笑,不置可否。 Their where can guess correctly, only on this duty time, Ye Zifeng still before hunting for python, has broken through with his sister in pairs, the bonus is everyone cannot think that some people can break through in the duty. 他们两个哪里能猜到,单就这一次任务的时候,叶子锋还在捕猎巨蟒前,和他的妹妹双双突破过了,饶是谁也想不到有人能在任务中突破的。 After all, the time of breakthrough is impossible to be so skillful, moreover few personally has courage, dares to break through Realm in the place that fierce beast runs amuck. 毕竟,突破的时间不可能那么巧,而且也没几个人有这个胆子,敢在凶兽横行的地方突破境界 Also has Ye Zifeng to dare to be so crazy! For the maximum benefit, does not hesitate to bet own lives and properties! 也就只有叶子锋敢那么疯狂!为了利益最大化,不惜赌上自己的身家性命! Ye Zifeng, when does your plan look at good play to see? Xiao Clan person? Makes them come out to help quickly!” 叶子锋,你们打算看好戏看到什么时候?还有萧家的人呢?快让他们出来帮忙啊!” Xiao Clan person?” Ye Zifeng smiles slightly, turns head to look to Liu Yige. 萧家的人?”叶子锋微微笑着,回头看向了柳轶格 Liu Yige already was also understanding, ha-ha smiles, the item has the color of despising. 柳轶格也早已会意,呵呵地一笑,目有轻蔑之色。 Rong Shan, you may listen to me clearly, the Xiao Clan person besides Xiao Mu, entirely has used the escaping token to return to export now. Therefore, is not they do not want to help you, but is they radically not here!” “容扇,你可给我听清楚了,萧家的人现在除了萧牧之外,已经统统动用逃生令牌回到出口了。所以,不是他们不想来帮你,而是他们根本就不在这里!” What did you say?” The last hope that in Rong Shan the original heart also leaves leeway, was extinguished the confidence by these words to the complete pouring. “你说什么?”容扇本来心中还留有的最后一丝希望,被这句话给完全浇灭了信心。 He has not lost heart completely, still have believe did not look to Xiao Mu. 他还不完全死心,犹有不信地看向了萧牧 Xiao Mu, you told me, were the words that Ye Zifeng spoke are really false?” 萧牧,你告诉我,叶子锋说的话到底是真是假?” This real.” Xiao Mu heavy sighed, although does not hope at heart, however this is the irrefutable fact. “这个是真的。”萧牧沉沉地叹了一口气,虽然心里不愿,然而这是不容辩驳的事实。 Even if he wants to deny that he is impossible they to summon baseless again the brother. 就算他想要否认,他也不可能凭空把大哥他们再召回来。 Ended ended, what to do can this?” Under Rong Shanwen said that is startled at the scene, now him the remaining only methods, perhaps entered spiritual energy to the escaping token. “完了完了,这可怎么办啊?”容扇闻言之下,愣愣地怔在了当场,现在他所剩下的唯一手段,也许就是将灵气度入到逃生令牌之中。 The words that may such come, the Rong clan will of the people collapses, this duty was equal to ending to defeat! 可这么一来的话,容家人心崩溃,此次任务就等于是完败了! Do not be in a daze! Pays attention to some carefully.” The Ye Zifeng intonation is tranquil, spoke to remind one once again. “别发愣!小心注意些。”叶子锋语调平静,再度出言提醒了一句。 Meanwhile, Rong Shan also hears the howling rumor that behind oneself has heard, is swooping toward one in great surprise. 与此同时,容扇也是听到了自己背后传来的呼啸风声,大惊之下,往着身边一个飞扑。 You help me actually!” In Rong Shanxin the short of breath, sees only around his lip, full is the burning soil. “那你倒是来帮我啊!”容扇心中气急,只见他嘴唇周围的一圈,满是火辣辣的泥土。 Ye Zifeng ice-cold returns to his one: Helps you? Why do I want to get rid to help you with no reason at all?” 叶子锋冰冷地回他一句:“帮你?凭什么我要无缘无故地出手帮你?” Under Rong Shan is startled, recovers, immediately has traded an expression. 容扇一怔之下,回过神来,顿时换了一副语气。 I asked you not to become, I as Rong clan second young master, the effective and influential word, this time you have helped me, later I will again definitely not ask you to trouble!” “那我求你了成不,我作为容家二少爷,一言九鼎,这次你帮了我,以后我肯定不会再找你麻烦了!” Joke!” Ye Zifeng ha-ha smiles: Is gathering me, if has helped you, looks for little your here trouble! I rather do not get rid!” “笑话!”叶子锋呵呵地一笑:“合着我要是帮了你,就是找少了你这边的麻烦!那我宁愿不出手!” Qin Zhen was a steward, naturally understands the worldly wisdom, shook the head, reminded one. 秦振身为管家,自然是深谙人情世故,摇了摇头,提醒了一句。 Fan young master, since asks others for help, the expression is sincerer “扇少爷,既然是求人,语气就诚恳一些” Rong Shan just spoke actually, oneself also somewhat regretted, he settles the throat clear, at once also said. 容扇其实刚说完话的时候,自己也有些后悔了,他清了清嗓子,旋即又道。 Matter that young master Ye, had before has not done right by, asking you to get rid to rescue our one chapter, as the Rong clan savior, we will certainly treat you for the honored guest.” 叶少爷,以前发生的事情对不住了,求求你出手救我们一回吧,作为容家的救命恩人,我们一定会将你待为上宾的。” The life-saving incident, did not see others to have the danger, immediately got rid. 救命一事,不是看到别人有危险了,马上就去出手。 In one, others are so most oversensitive are more grateful, the behavior of repaying a debt of gratitude, looks by the quality of rescuing completely, the second ancestor like Rong Shan, by his personhood personality, did not put the blame on victim in turn was very good. 这么一来,别人最多心里感激一些,报恩的行为,完全是看被救者本人的品质,像容扇这样的二世祖,以他的做人性情,不反过来倒打一耙已经很好了。 Regarding such person, naturally wants the opposite party to ask life-saving, has the value of getting rid. 对于这样的人,自然是要对方求着救命,才有出手的价值。 Speech during, in an instant, this flame hawk has not been idling, one by one is circling the sprint, every time is not under the pain the killer, likely before playing at the point of death game. 说话的当口,转眼之间,这火焰飞鹰也没闲着,一下又一下地盘旋着冲刺,每一次又不是痛下杀手,像是在玩弄着临死前的猎物似的。 young master Ye, a bit faster says words, we support quickly do not live!” 叶少爷,快点放出个话啊,我们快支持不住了啊!” Hot hawk more and more ruthless attack method, rather gave Rong Shan et al. to bring the huge pressure, felt one were dances on the knife point, possibly had played to escape the danger anytime. 火鹰愈来愈狠的攻击手段,未免给容扇等人施加了巨大的心理压力,感觉自己是在刀尖上起舞似的,随时都可能有玩脱了的危险。 But now, hasn't Ye Zifeng saved them in the final analysis, was waiting for likely anything resembles, such refuses to compromise. 而现在,叶子锋也没说到底救不救他们,像是在等待着什么似的,就这么僵持起来。 His, this is not compelling me!” Allowed the fan closely to nip the tooth, frowns, the escaping token gives the bosom has been putting with. “丫的,这不是在逼我么!”容扇紧紧地咬了一下牙齿,皱着眉头,将怀里一直放着的逃生令牌给拿了出来。 Fan young master, this is not applicable, if you ran away, Rong clan may run away.” Qin Zhen facial color one startled, immediately urged. “扇少爷,这使不得啊,你要是逃了的话,容家可就都逃了啊。”秦振面色一惊,当即劝了起来。 Not merely is Rong Shan, surroundings person is the similar mood, is almost thinking escaping every time, but, their lords have not run, can oneself dislike one step to leave first? 不单是容扇,周围人等又何尝不是同样的心境,几乎每时每刻都想着逃跑,可是,他们的主子还没跑,自己又怎能嫌先一步离开? Truth I understand, but gets down like this, we no one could live!” Allowed the fan deeply to inspire, has closed the eye, has made the resolution at heart. “道理我明白,不过这样子下去,我们大家谁都活不了啊!”容扇深深地吸了一口气,闭上了眼睛,心里已经做出了决断。 Careful behind in this time, the Ye Zifeng sound has been making a sound once again. “小心后面”正在此时,叶子锋的声音再度响了起来。 Allows the fan train of thought to be disrupted, looks deathly pale, shoots generally just like the frightened person, a face toward peripheral swoops panic-stricken, feared by this hot hawk holding. 容扇思绪被打乱,脸色惨白,宛如惊弓之鸟一般就地弹起,一脸惊恐地朝着周边飞扑出去,就怕被这火鹰给抓住了。 All these are subconscious spontaneous reactions! 这一切都是下意识的自然反应! However, that moment when he falls to the ground, gains ground, well, actually saw that hot hawk also high-rising to support oneself in same place, has not moved! 然而,当他落地的那一刻,抬起头去,“咦”了一声,却见那火鹰还兀自立在原地,根本就没有动过似的! Was deceived?” In Rong Shanxin one startled, the first response is this. “被骗了?”容扇心中一惊,第一个反应就是这个。 Qin Zhen the whole body hit to tremble, surprised: Fan young master, your you 秦振浑身打哆嗦,惊愕不已:“扇少爷,你你” How?” Accommodates some fan doubts, the directions was looking toward Qin Zhen et al. that saw only each of them, in the pupil completely was the surprised colors. “怎么了?”容扇有些疑惑,往着秦振等人的方向看去,只见他们每个人,眸中尽都是惊奇之色。 He frowns, lowered the head subconsciously, made the fact that he collapsed at the scene occur sufficiently, in his hand completely empty. 他皱着眉头,下意识地低下了头,一个足以让他当场崩溃的事实发生了,他的手上空空如也。 Which the escaping token! 逃生令牌哪去了! Has been short of this biggest relying on, in his heart panic-stricken extremely, saw with own eyes that hot hawk as if also had some signs of being ready to make trouble, is flashing the wing, as if momentarily must throw again. 少了这最大的凭仗,他的心中可谓惊恐万分,眼见那火鹰似乎又有了些蠢蠢欲动的迹象,扑闪着翅膀,仿佛随时都要再扑过来。 He is unable to maintain calm again, was almost the hysteria shouted: „The Qin steward you a bit faster, casually threw the escaping token to come together!” 他再也无法保持淡定,几乎是歇斯底里地喊了出来:“秦管家你们快点,随便丢一块逃生令牌过来啊!” The people look at each other in blank diamay, somewhat hesitant, this escaping token, in this case, has anything to distinguish with their lives. 众人面面相觑,有些犹豫了起来,这逃生令牌,在这种情况下,和他们本身的性命又有什么区别。 Lao Li, hears not to have, the young master makes you lose the token “老李,听到没有,少爷让你把令牌丢过去呢” He was also not specially to me said that why didn't you give him your token?” “他又不是专门对我说的,为什么你就不把自己的令牌给他呢?” I “我” They are to protect lord right, but the premise is, they must live! 他们是要想护着主子没错,不过前提是,他们必须活着! Fan young master, you then.” Finally the Qin steward ejected a token, he is looks after all allows the young and old to be big, is not cruel enough to look that he such perishes in this. “扇少爷,你接着。”最后还是秦管家抛出了一块令牌,他毕竟是看着容少长大的,不忍心看着他就这么殒命于此。 Many thanks.” The Ye Zifeng light sound, resounds through in the heart of people, is tranquil and powerful. “多谢了。”叶子锋淡淡的声音,响彻在众人的心头,平静而有力。 Airborne, the dagger cuts the horizon together, hits on that token, deeply inserts, afterward was used the silk thread to receive by him, that token on whiz whiz was cancelled to return to his side, as if the passing clouds and flowing water are common, form a coherent whole! 空中,一块匕首划破天际,直直地命中在那块令牌上,深深地嵌入进去,随后被他用丝线一收,那令牌就“嗖嗖”地被勾回到了他的身边,仿佛行云流水一般,一气呵成! Ye Zifeng, you!” Rong Shan is astonished extremely, the air/Qi on the skin including face contracted. 叶子锋,你!”容扇惊愕万分,气得连脸上的皮肤都收缩了。 „To run away? Ha-ha was counted a moment ago your together escaping token, this was second Ye Zifeng lightly has smiled, took the two tokens in hand, shook in the people at present in a flash. “想逃?呵呵算上刚才你的那一块逃生令牌,这就是第二块了”叶子锋淡淡地笑着,将手里的两块令牌拿出来,在众人眼前晃了一晃。
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