TSDG :: Volume #2

#140: Does not fear

Ye Zifeng listens to this footsteps hurriedly, in the heart to think that has one not to suit. 叶子锋听着这急匆匆的脚步,心中觉得有一丝不对劲。 Such late, who will also come to his room? Moreover, this is the sound of footsteps of plural number. 这么晚了,谁还会来他房里?而且,这还是复数的脚步声。 He pondered slightly, in the mind reappeared suddenly a person. 他稍稍一细想,脑海里突然浮现出了一个人来。 Liu Yige! It seems like is he is leading his brothers, came to teach itself. 柳轶格!看来是他带着他的兄弟们,前来教训自己了。 If there is traded usually, that Ye Zifeng is naturally fearless. 若是换了平时,那叶子锋自然是无所畏惧的。 But the present key question is, Liu Bingqian now also in! If were seen Liu Bingqian by them, that may on Cheng Da the issue. 可现在的关键问题是,柳冰倩现在还在啊!要是被他们看到柳冰倩在的话,那可就成大问题了。 The rumor is not blood contract can fetter, if later Liu Yige did not say inadvertently carefully, that Liu Bingqian clear reputation for a lifetime may really probably destroy. 流言并不是血契所能束缚住的,要是以后柳轶格不小心说漏了嘴,那柳冰倩一辈子的清誉可就真的要毁了。 This matter seems like somewhat thorny.” Ye Zifeng heavy sighed. “这事情看来是有些棘手啊。”叶子锋沉沉一叹。 Bingqian, hides in the closet quickly!” 冰倩,快藏到衣柜里面去!” Good! My this goes.” Liu Bingqian nodded, at present except for closet, where also truly did not have can arrange such big No. 1 person. “好!我这就进去。”柳冰倩愣愣地点了点头,眼下除了衣柜,也确实没什么地方能摆下这么大一号人了。 Fortunately her tender body is thin, therefore, this not too big closet, finally reluctantly can force one's way. 所幸她娇躯消瘦,因此,这个并不算太大的衣柜,总算勉勉强强能挤进去了。 Meanwhile, Liu Yige has stood before the door, the face darken is incomparable, in him behind, sees only several to bring the person of dagger and short-sword in abundance. 与此同时,柳轶格已经站在了房门之前,脸色阴沉无比,在他身后,只见好几个带着匕首、短剑的人纷纷跟着。 Quick, quick, follows, do not let the human discovering.” “快,快,都跟上,别让人给发现了。” Looks at this battle formation, they must play rough incessantly, as if also wanted to see the blood! 看这阵势,他们不止是要动粗,似乎是还想要见血了! Liu Yige deeply inspired, regardless of this time the matter becomes or not, perhaps, he cannot keep Liu Clan, to cope with Ye Zifeng, he takes risks, has resorted to the last resort. 柳轶格深深地吸了一口气,这次无论事成与否,恐怕,他都不能留在柳家了,为了对付叶子锋,他铤而走险,已经动用了最后的手段了。 Since came, that left politely, came.” “既然来了,那就别客气了,都进来吧。” In the door, has transmitted Ye Zifeng lightly such as the wave sound. 房门之内,传来了叶子锋淡淡如波的声音。 Liu Yige and behind desperados have exchanged the look, can see the surprised color in respective, afterward bursts in directly, no longer hides and is soundless. 柳轶格和身后的亡命之徒们纷纷交换了一下眼神,可以看到各自眼中的惊奇之色,随后直接破门而入,不再躲躲藏藏、蹑手蹑脚的了。 After gate „” was shoved open, Ye Zifeng is sitting on Zhang a large round-backed wooden armchair, the facial expression is quite self-possessed, is early morning is waiting for Liu Yige likely. 门“吱呀”一声被推开之后,叶子锋正坐在一张太师椅上,神情颇为泰然自若,像是一早就在等着柳轶格似的。 Liu Yige wrinkled the brow slightly, turns head to wink, assigns the human to close the door. 柳轶格稍稍皱紧了眉头,回头递了个眼色,命人把房门关上。 Ye Zifeng, you are actually confident, are faced with an archenemy, can be so carefree unexpectedly.” 叶子锋,你倒是坦然,大敌当前,竟然还能这般悠闲自在。” Ye Zifeng smiles slightly: Being faced with an archenemy truly should not arrogant arrogant, but, your can Liu Yige belong to the category of archenemy? ” 叶子锋微微笑着:“大敌当前”确实是不该倨傲自大,可是,你柳轶格能归入大敌的范畴之中么?” Ye Zifeng! You go too far simply!” Liu Yige is bending the body, looks at Ye Zifeng with clenched jaws, in the eye as if must spout the fire to resemble. 叶子锋!你简直欺人太甚!”柳轶格弓着身子,咬牙切齿地看着叶子锋,眼中仿佛是要喷出火来似的。 I told the facts.” The Ye Zifeng facial expression indifferently, in the complexion reveals together cold Yilai gradually. “我只是实话实说而已。”叶子锋神情漠然,脸色上渐渐露出一道冷意来。 You “你” He is not arrogant, Liu Yige and he is in same Realm, he has the absolute self-confidence to win the match, but in other people who side Liu Yige gathers round, highest also has Qi Refining 7th stage Realm, high Ye Zifeng many. 他并不是自大,柳轶格和他处于同一个境界,他有绝对的自信可以赢下对手,而在柳轶格身边围着的其他人,最高的也就只有炼气七重境界,高不了叶子锋多少。 The Liu Yige corners of the mouth reappear to sneer: Well good, I know that your Ye Zifeng is crafty, paid attention especially, does not give you time of sufficient preparation, does not fall into your rhythm, therefore this, I choose begin in Liu Clan directly, chooses begins in this in the evening, you definitely are unexpected!” 柳轶格嘴角浮现出一丝冷笑来:“好好好,我知道你叶子锋诡计多端,特地留了心,不给你充足准备的时间,不陷入你的节奏之中,所以这一回,我选择直接在柳家动手,选择在这个晚上动手,你肯定是预想不到的吧!” Ye Zifeng is startled slightly, nodded with a smile: Truly is unexpected, I have not made any preparation.” 叶子锋稍稍一怔,笑着点了点头:“确实是令人意想不到,我也真的没有做任何准备。” Liu Yige feels timid slightly visits him: I said that many, haven't you lived one to fear intent?” 柳轶格微微发怵地看着他:“我说了那么多,你心里就没有生起一丝惧意么?” No.” “没有。” The Ye Zifeng indifferent manner makes the Chest of Liu Yige stop up without doubt hurriedly, he wants to look the look that by any means possible Ye Zifeng reveals the frightened fear comes, finally, the opposite party has not actually regarded a matter him. 叶子锋的冷漠态度无疑让柳轶格的心口堵得更慌,他千方百计地想要看叶子锋露出恐惧害怕的神色来,结果,对方却根本就没把他当成一回事情。 Absurd? Gives me to encircle him!” On the Liu Yige face the cold brightness flashes through, somewhat breathless said. “岂有此理?给我把他围起来!”柳轶格脸上寒光闪过,有些气急败坏地说道。 After one group of people listened to giving orders of Liu Yige, was too busy encircles near the Ye Zifeng large round-backed wooden armchair. 一群人听了柳轶格的发号施令之后,忙不迭地围在了叶子锋的太师椅边上。 Four people, Liu Yige, altogether has five people scatteredly in addition. 稀稀落落地四个人,加上柳轶格,一共有五个人之多。 Pinhole of Liu Bingqian in through cabinet looks at outside situation, saw the appearance that Ye Zifeng was encircled, in the heart cannot help but was worried. 柳冰倩通过柜子里的一个小洞看着外面的情况,看到叶子锋被人围起来的样子,心中不由得担心了起来。 Before Ye Zifeng, defeats the Martial Disciple Realm person, to a great extent has depended upon the formation the general idea of might and match. But now, once carries on the fight in the room of small range, that was the real blade solid spear sees the level, but now, the Ye Zifeng injury completely is not good thoroughly, that this fight was more difficult to hit. 叶子锋之前击败武徒境界的人,很大程度上是依靠了阵法的威力和对手的大意。而现在,一旦是在小范围的房间里进行战斗的话,那就是真刀实枪地见水平了,而现在,叶子锋的伤势还未完全好透,那这场战斗就更加难打了。 Compared with her clear reputation, she must not exposed to Ye Zifeng be injured even perishes. 比起自己的清誉,她更见不得叶子锋受伤甚至殒命。 She wants to rescue Ye Zifeng! 她想要出来救叶子锋 However, while Liu Bingqian just wants to open the closet, to helps Ye Zifeng time, actually sees Ye Zifeng seems like is glancing toward at will, hands over the look that has made her feel relieved, even also gently shook the head. 然而,正当柳冰倩正想打开衣柜,冲出来帮叶子锋的时候,却见叶子锋看似随意地往着自己这边一瞥,递过来了一个让她放心的眼神,甚至还轻轻地摇了摇头。 Big Brother Rough Guy 粗人哥哥 Saw the statement of Ye Zifeng, Liu Bingqian has anchored the movement immediately, turned very quiet, calmly motionless, suddenly does not know should one get rid. 看到叶子锋的表态,柳冰倩当即停住了动作,屏住呼吸,静静地一动不动,一时间也不知道自己该不该出手了。 Some people have hesitated a while, patted has patted the Liu Yige shoulder saying: Eldest child, why I hears, in room as if what sounds?” 有人迟疑了一会儿,拍了一拍柳轶格肩膀道:“老大,为什么我听到,房间里似乎有些什么声音啊?” Liu Yige the mood is quite stimulated at this time, imposing manner in the peak condition, is being broken suddenly naturally is not feeling well, therefore frowns, casts a sidelong glance slantingly his eyes. 柳轶格此时心情比较亢奋,气势正在巅峰状态,突然被人打断自然很是不爽,于是皱着眉头,斜睨他一眼。 Was your boy phonism? Here Patriarch the Ye Zifeng arrangement in this remote corner, who can come “是你小子幻听了吧?家主叶子锋安排在这个偏僻的角落里,谁会过来这边啊” But, I heard the voice of woman obviously probably.” The facial expression of that person is a little suffering from injustice, about has sized up, actually could not find anything to act according. “可是,我明明好像听到了女人的声音了啊。”那个人的神情有点委屈,左右打量了一番,却又找不到什么依据。 Liu Yige stared his one eyes maliciously, somewhat blames visits him: „The voice of what woman, I thought that you are think most likely the woman did think insanely? Next time will drink the drinking party time, do you when the time comes go to there to release the fire to be inadequate?” 柳轶格狠狠地瞪了他一眼,有些怪罪地看着他:“什么女人的声音,我看你八成是想女人想疯了是吧?下次喝花酒的时候,你到时候去那里泄泄火不成么?” „Wasn't I, really my phonism?” That person listened to a meeting carefully, probably could not hear any sound again, he touches the head, in the heart some doubts. “我不会吧,难道真的是我幻听了?”那个人细细听了一会,好像是再也听不到什么声音了,他摸了摸脑袋,心中有些疑惑。 Liu Yige has kicked his foot ill-humoredly, hints him to square the spirit. 柳轶格没好气地踢了他一脚,示意他把精神摆正一点。 Everybody on together! I do not believe that in such narrow and small space, our these many people, but also cannot hit him!” “大家一起上!我就不信,在这么狭小的空间里,我们这么多人,还打不过他一个人!” The voice falls, the complexion of people gradually becomes cloudy, lets somebody cool off or calm down looks sits Ye Zifeng on seat as before. 话音落下,众人的脸色渐渐变得阴沉起来,冷冷地看着依旧坐在位子上的叶子锋 Begins to me!” “给我动手!” Along with issuing an order of Liu Yige, four person refined essence of rose fiercely, the shining white light shines, is almost simultaneously maliciously is patting to the body of Ye Zifeng. 随着柳轶格的一声令下,四个人身上的精元猛地涨了起来,灿灿的白光照射出来,几乎是同时对着叶子锋的身上狠狠拍去。 Ye Zifeng! You give me dead!” 叶子锋!你给我去死!” Ye Zifeng gives a calm smile, whole body has sent out radiant golden light suddenly, raises from the ground, is curling billowing spiritual energy, changing is a shape of funnel, includes the attacks of four people entirely. 叶子锋淡然一笑,全身上下忽然发出了一道璀璨的金光,从地面升起,卷着滚滚的灵气,化作为一个漏斗的形状,将四个人的攻击统统包罗在内。 Only listens to ping spiritual energy that several resounding, four people attack was attached to by this golden light, cannot enter the half minute again. 只听“砰砰”的数声脆响,四个人攻过来的灵气纷纷被这金光依附住了似的,再也进不了半分了。 What demonic technique is this? How can like this?” Liu Yige has held breath a big cold air/Qi, in the heart alarmed and afraid. “这这是什么妖法?怎么会这样?”柳轶格倒吸了一大口冷气,心中惊惧不已。 Some people looked at carefully a meeting carefully, suddenly lost one's voice to call out: Ended, we had not paid attention before, spirit level treasure Armor that his body puts on! Is Violet Gravel Armor!” 有人仔细端详了一会,忽然失声叫道:“完了,我们之前没注意,他身上穿着的灵级宝甲!是紫砂宝甲啊!” What?!” Liu Yige several people have gawked in abundance the god. “什么?!”柳轶格几人纷纷愣了愣神。 Ye Zifeng recognized to look at the person of that speech: Vision is actually poisonous, good, this is spirit level 1st stage magic weapon, Violet Gravel Armor.” 叶子锋略带赏识地看了看那个说话之人:“眼光倒是蛮毒的,不错,这就是灵级一重法宝,紫砂宝甲。” His , to continue to say slightly with a smile: Perhaps, you have guessed correctly, this is on Heavenly Gathering, Sect rewards to Wang Clan second young master that spirit level magic weapon.” 他稍稍一顿,继续笑着说道:“还有,也许你们已经猜到了,这个就是天梯大会上,武府奖励给王家二少爷的那件灵级法宝。” This Liu Yige is surprised likely is the half wood pokes there, good long while could not say a few words. “这”柳轶格惊讶得像是半截木头般愣愣地戳在那儿,好半天都说不出一句话来。 In his opinion, Ye Clan and Wang Clan are always the sworn enemy, Ye Zifeng and Wang Lin are foes, which naturally is very to goes with his Second brother's relations. 在他看来,叶家王家从来都是死对头,叶子锋王麟是仇敌,和他二哥的关系自然是好不到哪儿去的。 Therefore, Ye Zifeng can obtain this spirit level treasure Armor from Wang Ruoxing, that had a possibility! 所以,叶子锋能从王若星那边得到这件灵级宝甲,那就只有一种可能了! He seizes! Seizes from Qi Refining 8th Stage peak expert there! 他是夺来的!是从炼气八重巅峰高手那里夺来的! Although Liu Yige does not want to believe this point, but the fact so, is then beyond control he not to believe. 虽然柳轶格不想相信这一点,不过事实便是如此,由不得他不信。 Then, what oneself these people are, most takes a higher position, only then a Qi Refining 7th stage person, wants to Ye Zifeng, was that courting death? Let alone, Ye Zifeng had this valuable Armor, perhaps was very difficult to break his defense through the general method again. 那么,自己这些人算什么,最高就只有一个炼气七重的人,想要对上叶子锋,那岂不是在找死了?更何况,叶子锋有了这宝甲,恐怕很难再通过一般的手段破开他的防御了。 Ye Zifeng smiles lightly, moved toward the Liu Yige direction, he walks every time one step, Liu Yige backward draws back one step, after walking without rest 78, Liu Yige, before has also fallen back on the gate. 叶子锋淡淡笑着,走向了柳轶格的方向,他每走一步,柳轶格就跟着向后退一步,一连走了78步后,柳轶格也跟着,已经退到了门前。 You have been possible to run away roadless.” “你已经无路可逃了。” I Liu Yige have been startled slightly. “我”柳轶格微微怔了一下。 The Ye Zifeng smile continues: That should not be afraid you to visit me until now, isn't has not gotten rid?” 叶子锋微笑不止:“别那么害怕嘛你看我到现在为止,不是都还没出手么?” Had these words remind Liu Yige, moved the opposite party to the present, frightened oneself like this, then, Ye Zifeng, if got rid really? 这一句话却是提醒了柳轶格,对方到现在一动未动,就把自己吓成了这样了,那么,叶子锋要是真的出手了呢? The mystery that on him is in sole possession , a snap ring point, aggravated the guess of Liu Yige. 他身上独有的神秘感,一环扣一环,更是加重了柳轶格的猜测。 However, side that many brothers oneself, if took the lead to run, what matter that this was? 然而,身边那么多兄弟跟着自己,要是自己都带头跑了,那这算是个什么事儿啊? Ye Zifeng, do not think that I fear you, after I have handled this matter today, has not thought keeps any escape route again to oneself, this Liu Residence I could not stay in any case, today either you die, either I perish!” 叶子锋,你别以为我怕你,我今天做了这事情之后,就没想过再留什么退路给自己,反正这柳府我也是呆不下去了,今天要么你死,要么我亡!” Liu Yige swallowed saliva, the look incomparably looks at Ye Zifeng with raw hate. 柳轶格吞了一口唾沫,眼神凶狠无比地看着叶子锋 Regarding some already, no matter escape route the desperado, any blood oath and blood contract, that is the invalid thing! In their eyes only recognized the stubbornly held argument, all attempted to convince their speeches, may make their direct violent walk! Present Liu Yige is such a condition! 对于一些已经不管退路的亡命之徒,什么血誓血契,那都是无效的东西!他们的眼里只认准了死理,所有企图说服他们的发言,都可能会让他们直接暴走!现在的柳轶格就是这么一个状态! It seems like, that may really make people think that somewhat regretted Ye Zifeng smiles slightly, shook the head gently, slightly had the profound meaning to look to Liu Yige. “看来,那可真是让人觉得有些遗憾了”叶子锋微微笑着,轻轻地摇了摇头,略有深意地看向了柳轶格 Your what meaning?” Some look slightly doubts of Liu Yige. “你什么意思?”柳轶格的神色稍稍有些疑惑。
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