TSDG :: Volume #2

#141: Shakes draws back!

What meaning?” Ye Zifeng smiles slightly. “什么意思?”叶子锋微微笑着。 Suddenly, his look is fast changing, jumps to bully, without demur, has been punching to a surface gate fist of Liu Yige maliciously, is having faintly the strength of some thunder and lightning, almost must hit the face of his half crookedly. 忽然之间,他神色瞬息万变,纵身欺上,二话不说,对着柳轶格的面门狠狠地一拳揍了上去,隐隐地似还带着些许的雷电之力,将他半边的脸几乎都要给打歪了。 You! What don't you want to say to me?” The Liu Yige book thinks that Ye Zifeng wants to speak to calm down own, who expects Ye Zifeng is starts to get down unexpectedly that ruthlessly! “你!你不是想对我说什么吗?”柳轶格本以为叶子锋是想说什么话来劝住自己的,谁料到叶子锋竟是下手下得那么狠! His response was quick enough, draws back half step, perhaps links his front tooth some not to guarantee. 要不是他的反应足够快,退开了半步,恐怕连他的门牙都有些不保了。 Ye Zifeng Ha Ha has smiled one: Good, I chat with you, in this Liu Clan, was did not have your location of taking shelter again? Did nobody care about you again?” 叶子锋哈哈笑了一声:“好啊,那我就跟你来聊聊,这柳家里,是不是已经再也没有你的容身之处了么?已经再没人关心你了么?” The Liu Yige deeply knitting the brows head, clenches teeth maliciously: Yes!” 柳轶格深深地皱了皱眉头,狠狠地咬牙:“是啊!” You are listening!” “那你听着!” Ye Zifeng look one severe, whole body plunders Liu Yige just like the gust of wind together, layer on layer a foot kicked above his small stomach, hurt to squat him, stood continually some stations. 叶子锋神色一厉,全身上下宛如一道疾风般掠到柳轶格,重重地一脚踢在了他的小肚之上,直把他疼得蹲了下来,连站都有些站不起来了。 You said that said that why also said while hits?” Liu Yige a face, both hands are covering their belly painstakingly, the complexion ugly. “你说就说了,干嘛还边说边打?”柳轶格苦着一张脸,双手捂着自己的肚子,脸色难看至极。 Has seen vulgar person of beginning, has seen the reasonable civilized person, but has not seen not only vulgar and person of civilization, but Ye Zifeng, well took a class to him! 见过动手的粗俗之人,也见过讲道理的文明之人,可就是没见过既粗俗又文明的人,而叶子锋,就好好地给他上了一课! His aggrieved death appearance falls in the Liu Bingqian beautiful pupil, somewhat cannot bear smile to make noise, immediately, she must close the eye not to visit him, however, she is only hearing the sound, thought that somewhat could not control the happy expression. 他的这副憋屈的死样子落在柳冰倩美眸之中,都有些忍不住笑出声来,当下,她只得闭上眼睛不去看他,然而,她光是听着声音,就觉得有些控制不住笑意了。 Eldest child, I am hear as if have any sound “老大,我是听到似乎有什么动静啊” Meanwhile, the Ye Zifeng sound resounds gradually, covers the laughter that Liu Bingqian has exuded directly, returned to one. 与此同时,叶子锋的声音渐渐响起,直接盖过了柳冰倩发出的笑声,回了一句。 Some people, only depended saying that was OK \; But some people, must say incessantly, but must teach him to be good with the fist, but you, are the latter type.” “有些人,光靠说就可以了\;但有些人,不止要说,还要用拳头教会他才行,而你,就属于后一种。” Liu Yige spat one gently, in the phlegm had the bloodstain to exist faintly. 柳轶格轻轻啐了一口,痰中隐隐有血迹存在。 You said anything, believes me to make one to kill you!” His angry glare looks at Ye Zifeng. “你说什么,信不信我叫人打死你!”他怒目看着叶子锋 Ok, do you find human?!” “可以啊,你找人来啊?!” I Liu Yige is at a loss for words for a while. “我”柳轶格一时语塞起来。 Moreover, when he took a fast look around around, calms the mind to think carefully that oneself is finding the human to kill Ye Zifeng, but was taught one by the opposite party in turn, took this to work as the rampant capital again, seemed not good. 而且,当他扫视了一圈周围,静下心来仔细一想,自己已经是在找人想要打死叶子锋了,只不过是反过来被对方教训了一顿而已,再拿这个当嚣张的资本,似乎已经不行了。 Sound slightly Microsoft that he spoke: What do you actually want to say? So long as you do not hit the human, I perceive.” 他说话的声音稍微软了一些:“那你到底想说什么?只要你不打人,我就听进去。” Ye Zifeng raises the fist high, the Liu Yige sound once became softer. 叶子锋高高地将拳头举起,柳轶格的声音一度变得更加软了下来。 Do not apply makeup “别别打脸了” Brothers, you are gawking also doing, a bit faster helps me.” Liu Yige said panic-stricken that he can realize personal, although with is Qi Refining 6th stage Realm, oneself and Ye Zifeng body have certainly the big disparity. “兄弟们,你们都还愣着干什么,快点帮我忙啊。”柳轶格惊慌失措地说道,他能够切身地体会到,虽然同为炼气六重境界,自己和叶子锋的身上有着绝大的差距。 Anyone of you dares to help, is next!” However, after Ye Zifeng cold tiger sweeps, that war intent that the surrounding other people just condensed, quick became vanishes into thin air. “你们谁敢帮忙的,就是下一个!”然而,当叶子锋冷冽的虎目一扫之后,周围的其他人刚刚凝聚起来的那点战意,很快就变得烟消云散了。 Is similar, is not they teaches Ye Zifeng on own initiative, but is Ye Zifeng visits to teach them to resemble on own initiative. 就仿佛,不是他们主动来教训叶子锋,而是叶子锋主动上门来教训他们似的。 Saw with own eyes that the human many instead could not have any superiority, but oneself completely were not the Ye Zifeng match, the Liu Yige mood suffers a disastrous decline, it may be said that dignified incomparable. 眼见人多反而占不了什么优势,而自己一个人又完全不是叶子锋的对手,柳轶格的心情一落千丈,可谓凝重无比。 Do not hit the fist in Liu Yige eye to be getting bigger and bigger, calls out in alarm once again makes noise. “别打了”柳轶格眼中的拳头越来越大,再度惊呼出声。 Ye Zifeng hangs the fist in midair with a smile, continued the words: You said that nobody cares about your words, your Junior Sister, Liu Ningzi?” 叶子锋笑着将拳头悬于半空之中,继续把话说了下去:“你说没人关心你的话,那你的师妹,柳凝紫呢?” Liu Yige was startled slightly, frowned snort one: Originally I when also she with me is a passer-by, has not thought that now linked her also to look down upon me . Moreover, she noticed that after you rose to become famous that hidden bitterness facial expression, I look think disgusting.” 柳轶格稍稍一怔,皱起眉头来哼了一声:“本来我还当她跟我是一路人,可没想到,现在连她也看不起我了,而且,她看到你崛起成名后的那个幽怨的神情,我看着就觉得恶心。” Liu Bingqian is listening carefully, at this moment stayed in this closet, she must walk to say Liu Yige several ironclad. 柳冰倩仔细听着,要不是此刻呆在了这衣柜之中,她铁定是要走出来说上柳轶格几句的。 Ye Zifeng has smiled lightly: But, you do not know that she before you come to here, ahead of time told me about your trend, feared that you therefore make the piffle, was expelled the main house gate by Liu Clan in vain. You said that if she did not care that you, why she does want to do this matter?” 叶子锋淡淡笑了起来:“可是,你不知道,她在你来这里之前,就提前告诉了我关于你的动向,怕你因此做出傻事来,白白被柳家逐出家门。你说,如果她不关心你的话,她为什么要做这种事?” This grade of matter?” In the Liu Bingqian beautiful pupil flashes through together color suddenly, actually Ye Zifeng also taking this opportunity, one and also explained to Liu Bingqian. “还有这等事?”柳冰倩美眸之中闪过一道恍然之色,其实叶子锋也是借着这个机会,一并跟柳冰倩也解释一下了。 Voice of Liu Yige speech somewhat shivers: „, Junior Sister won't she say really? Is impossible, definitely is your Ye Zifeng is deceiving me! Said intentionally, is to look at my joke!” 柳轶格说话的声音有些颤抖:“不会吧,师妹她真的这么说了?不可能的,肯定是你叶子锋在骗我!故意这么说的,就是想要看我的笑话!” Ye Zifeng hears under the word, the complexion transfers gradually coldly, a strange essence energy fluctuation, departs from his whole body acupuncture point suddenly, covers on his fist, then, before Liu Yige responded with enough time, a fist filled above him the ground maliciously! 叶子锋闻言之下,脸色渐渐转冷,一股奇异的灵力波动,从他的浑身穴道之中骤然飞出,覆盖在他的拳头上,然后,在柳轶格来得及反应过来之前,狠狠地一拳把他灌到了地面之上! The Liu Yige whole piece face was hit to be swollen, the corners of the mouth full are the bloodstain: You!” 柳轶格整张脸被打得肿了起来,嘴角满是血迹:“你!” Visits you to laugh? Ha-ha I such hit you, is visits you to laugh, aren't the words that does this simpler direct? Therefore, if I solely to visit you laugh, why with your many fee what argument?” “看你笑话?呵呵我这么打你,才算是看你笑话,这样做的话不是更加简单直接么?所以,如果我只是单单是为了看你笑话,又何必和你多费什么口舌?” Although Liu Yige was hit full Zhang the face bloodstained by Ye Zifeng, the ache is incomparable, but at this time, his corners of the mouth had raised a smile. 柳轶格虽然被叶子锋打得满张脸血迹斑斑,疼痛无比,可这时候,他的嘴角似是扬起了一丝微笑。 Real? Ningzi Junior Sister, is she also caring really about me?” “真的么?凝紫师妹,她真的还关心着我吗?” Ye Zifeng has smiled lightly: „Did she have had told you on own initiative she looked down upon you, or, did she scold you to lack prospects directly?” 叶子锋淡淡笑了起来:“她有没有主动跟你说过她看不起你,又或者,她直接骂你没出息了?” This does not have actually.” Liu Yige has thought a while carefully, shook the head, tells the facts. “这倒是真没有。”柳轶格细细地想了一会儿,摇了摇头,实话实说。 Eldest child, we come to do the frame with him, listens to his excuse, how to link you to stop now?” “老大,我们到底是来和他干架的,还是听他说辞的啊,怎么现在连你都消停下来了?” Yes the Boss, you and Miss Liu any matter, does not have anything to relate with us in any case.” “是啊老大,你和柳小姐反正什么事情,跟我们都没什么关系吧。” Liu Yige turned head to stare person of one eyes speech maliciously: You also felt all right to say. Thanks to you several added one are the desperado, I all hire you. Finally, wanted your several help a moment ago time, hasn't done to stand by and watch in side?” 柳轶格回头狠狠瞪了说话之人一眼:“你们还好意思说。亏你们几个还说自己是亡命之徒,我才把你们全都雇来的。结果,刚才要你们几个帮忙的时候,还不都在旁边做壁上观么?” Actually, these people that Liu Yige invited which were any real desperados, but was slightly a little Leizhou City bludger of strength, behaved affectedly to make the type, to bully small and weakly is their skill, where had the courage that really and human went all out! 其实,柳轶格请来的这些人哪是什么真的亡命之徒,只不过是稍微有点实力的雷州城小混混而已,装腔做样、欺负弱小才是他们的本事,哪有真的和人拼命的胆气! This we several people shameless one red, immediately somewhat is incapable of disputing. “这个么我们”几个人老脸一红,顿时有些无力辩驳起来。 They formerly listened to Liu Yige saying that although the opposite party is the thorn head, but strength Realm are most only then 6th stage Realm, thought one with overwhelming with numerical strength, can always the crush match. 他们先前听柳轶格说的,对方虽然是个刺头,不过实力境界最多只有六重境界,心想自己这边凭着人多势众,总能碾压对手吧。 Ye Zifeng not only has the heavy treasure unexpectedly, gets rid is also uncommon, although is Qi Refining 6th stage Realm, had the Qi Refining 7th stage peak strength faintly, this point then makes them shrink, does not dare to go forward. But the body has Qi Refining 7th stage peak, has spirit level magic weapon in the hand, Ye Zifeng will be no wonder secure, does not fear. 谁料叶子锋不但身怀重宝,出手也是不凡,虽然是炼气六重境界,却已经隐隐地有了炼气七重巅峰的实力了,这一点便让他们畏畏缩缩的,不敢上前了。而身具炼气七重巅峰,更有灵级法宝在手,也难怪叶子锋会有恃无恐,丝毫不惧。 Actually, Ye Zifeng really disdains to cope with Liu Yige, but under taking Spirit Increasing Pill, otherwise, once eats up Spirit Increasing Pill, he upward enhanced Realm in a short time again, hasn't that divided the minute on opposite party oppressive Cheng Gou? 其实,叶子锋实在是不屑为了对付柳轶格而服下速灵丹了,否则的话,一旦吃下速灵丹,他短时间里再往上提高了一个境界的话,那还不是分分钟就把对方虐成狗的? This then by the strength broken skillful result, the opposite party let alone did not have many to be skillful, even if they have played tricks, but their strengths always in range that also in Ye Zifeng can withstand, that also is still not the Ye Zifeng match. 这便是以力破巧的结果,对方别说本来就没多少巧,就算他们真的耍了点小聪明,可他们的实力总还在叶子锋可以承受的范围之内,那也依然不会是叶子锋的对手。 Ye Zifeng said slightly with a smile: Words that your how many do not hit, that successively leaves, I guess that you don't want certainly to be known your existences by Liu Clan Patriarch? Come, one after another, your first walking!” 叶子锋微微笑着说道:“你们几个不打了的话,那就陆续离开吧,我猜,你们也一定不想被柳家家主知道你们的存在吧?来,一个接一个,你第一个走!” He was saying then casually has referred to a 6th stage Realm person. 他说着便随便指了其中一个六重境界的人。 What? Are you willing to put us to walk?” On that face reveals the joyful color of over the face, last died to knock the idea that the blood put together already with Ye Zifeng to vanish at heart without a trace. “什么?你肯放我们走?”那个人脸上露出满面的欣喜之色,心里最后一丝跟叶子锋死磕血拼下去的想法早就消失得无影无踪了。 What's wrong, you also want to remain , to continue not to make into with me?” On the Ye Zifeng face reveals the serious solemn color gradually, is a thick ice is likely cold, works off anger layer on layer. “怎么,你们还想留下来,继续和我打不成?”叶子锋脸上渐渐露出严肃冷峻之色,像是一块厚冰似地寒冷,杀气重重。 Naturally does not hit, you have spirit level magic weapon, moreover specially valuable Armor of Realm low person, how do you make us fight with you?” “当然不打了,你有灵级法宝,而且还是专克比自己境界低的人的宝甲,你让我们怎么和你打?” The Ye Zifeng sinking color looks at his one eyes: That also rubbish anything, you walk quickly.” 叶子锋沉色看他一眼:“那还废话什么,你快走吧。” Good, good!” That person feared that Ye Zifeng reneges temporarily, hurries to comply with one, is walking toward out of the door hastily, Liu Yige draws continually cannot pull back. “好,好!”那人怕叶子锋临时变卦,慌忙答应了一声,连忙往着门外走去,柳轶格连拉都拉不回来。 That next!” Ye Zifeng passes the moment slightly, along with pointing at has referred to that Qi Refining 7th stage Realm person. “那下一个!”叶子锋稍过片刻,又随手指了指那个炼气七重境界的人。 Well good, my this walks!” That person is too busy answered, once there is a precedent, the following person follows is a very normal matter. “好好好,我这就走!”那人忙不迭地回话,一旦有了先例,后面的人跟风是很正常的一件事。 You took my gold coin, such walked?” Liu Yige was foul-mouthed the half of the day, wants to go forward to block them, horizontal was actually blocked by Ye Zifeng, must relinquish. “你们拿了我的金币,就这么走了么?”柳轶格骂骂咧咧了半天,想要上前拦住他们,却被叶子锋横出一手挡住,只得作罢。 Under, this time did not need to walk again, you, walked together!” When the Ye Zifeng speech facial expression is indifferent. “再下面,这次不用一个一个地走了,你们两个,一起走吧!”叶子锋说话时的神情冷漠无比。 Offended, young master Ye!” They bite the lip slightly, does not dare to look at Liu Yige one, then left dingily. “得罪了,叶少爷!”两人微微咬了咬嘴唇,也不敢看柳轶格一眼,灰溜溜地便离开了。 Your several people! Do not let me see you again!” In Liu Yige heart angry incomparable, wishes one could to rush to goes to press them on the ground punches, but he is very clear, this was only he struggles finally. “你们几个人!别让我再看到你们!”柳轶格心中愤怒无比,恨不得冲上前去把他们一个个都按在地上揍个一顿,可他心里很是清楚,这只是他最后的挣扎了。 Once makes Ye Zifeng tell Liu Mu this matter, to a Ye Clan confession, will have the possibility very much, Liu Mu will expel the main house gate, will become being worthy of the reputation a stray cur. 一旦让叶子锋把这件事告诉柳幕的话,那为了给叶家一个交代,很有可能,柳幕会将自己逐出家门,成为一条名副其实的丧家之犬。 Then now, finally only then both of us Ye Zifeng were gazing after these person going far away of gradually, closes the door conveniently, the corners of the mouth raises a radian slightly. “那么现在,终于就只有我们两个人了”叶子锋目送着这些人渐渐的远去,随手关上房门,嘴角微微扬起一丝弧度。 What do your you want to make? I told you, I have not had a thing in the world, did not have what to be good to fear!” Voice of Liu Yige speech is trembling slightly, the body freely backward is backing up “你你想做什么?我告诉你,我已经一无所有了,没有什么好怕的了!”柳轶格说话的声音在微微发抖,身子则是不住地向后倒退着
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