TSDG :: Volume #2

#139: The courage is big enough!( Three)

When audiences wait the human after Liu Residence diverges finally, almost already to at dusk. 待一众等候在柳府门外的人终于散去之后,差不多已经到了傍晚时分。 Ye Zifeng long vented anger, lies down in the room, calmly looks blood red lines on own both arms. 叶子锋长长地出了一口气,躺在房间里,静静地看着自己双臂上的血线 From the first Sect duty to Heavenly Gathering and Alchemy competition and Gravity chamber cultivation, he continuously nonstop to obtain the resources and promotes martial arts Realm, but is trying hard. 从第一次武府任务到天梯大会斗丹大赛重力室修炼,他一直都在马不停蹄地为了获得资源和提升武学境界而努力着。 He very long had not calmed the mind, carefully examines his condition. 他已经很久没有静下心来,审视一下自己的状态了。 But three days later, was the second time Sect duty, before then, Ye Zifeng also needs to promote again own strength, only then calmly dealt. 而三天后,就是第二次的武府任务了,在此之前,叶子锋还需要再提升一下自己的实力,方可从容应对。 „To go up steps to Martial Disciple Realm really earlier, peeps this Martial Spirit real appearance.” Ye Zifeng sighed slightly. “真想早点升阶到武徒境界,一窥这个武魂的真实面貌啊。”叶子锋微微一叹。 Was in this time. 正在这时候。 Big Brother Rough Guy, thinks anything, such heaved a sigh, likely was not usual you.” Ye Zifeng, transmits one suddenly such as the bell delightful interesting to listen to sound. 粗人哥哥,想什么呢,这么唉声叹气的,可不像是平时的你啊。”叶子锋的身后,突然传来一个如银铃悦耳动听的声音。 Liu Bingqian hee hee smiles, the lotus foot moves lightly, afterward covered the door gently. 柳冰倩嘻嘻笑着,莲足轻移,随后轻轻地掩上了房门。 Bingqian?” Ye Zifeng was slightly surprised, was busy at lifting the hand has put: Was so late, what coming to my room to make?” 冰倩?”叶子锋微微惊讶,忙把抬起的手放了下来:“这么晚了,来我房间里做什么?” Is looking at carefully the Liu Bingqian fine complete face, such as snow beautiful white skin, eyebrow, if the star water, is joined to the tinted civilian clothes that only at home wears, another special tranquil meaning, clear incomparable, seriously is too beautiful to behold. 端详着柳冰倩精致无缺的面庞,如雪玉肤,眉若星水,配上那一袭只在家里穿的浅色便服,另有一种特殊的恬静之意,清纯无比,当真是美不胜收。 What's wrong, doesn't welcome me to come? Must know, you now, in my Liu Clan, said that you did fear?” Liu Bingqian cluck-cluck chuckle, in gloomily blue profound both eyes, has a charming color faintly. “怎么,不欢迎我来么?要知道,你现在,是在我柳家,还是说,你怕了么?”柳冰倩咯咯轻笑一声,幽蓝深邃的双眼里,隐隐有一丝妩媚之色。 The Ye Zifeng look returns to normal gradually, then said with a smile lightly: You, since did not fear that was gossipped, I also what fearing does have? You come in secretly, hadn't been discovered?” 叶子锋神色渐渐平复回来,转而淡淡笑道:“你既然都不怕被人说闲话,我又何惧之有?你偷偷进来的时候,没被人发现吧?” Liu Bingqian truly secretly enters to the Ye Zifeng room, otherwise this matter, if were known by Liu Mu, that definitely will fly into a rage, perhaps must use the family discipline! 柳冰倩确实是偷偷地进到叶子锋房里来的,否则这事要是被柳幕知道了,那就肯定会勃然大怒,说不定还要动用家法了! Big Brother Rough Guy, do not reveal me I to come, how actually wants to come to see your injury to restore?” 粗人哥哥,别揭穿我嘛我过来,其实只是想来看看你的伤势恢复得怎么样了?” Ye Zifeng smiled: You follow today by me, looked for day, hasn't known my injury how?” 叶子锋笑了笑:“你今天跟在我旁边,看了一天了,难道还不知道我的伤势怎么样了么?” I Liu Bingqian has made excuses, nodded, facial expression somewhat moved appearance. “我”柳冰倩支吾了一声,点了点头,神情有些怅然若失的样子。 The Ye Zifeng injury situation is what kind, today one day later, she was looked certainly, and therefore put down the heart, if not so, where patient, can that *** a harassment did visit the sick? 叶子锋的伤势况怎么样,今天一天下来,她当然是已经看了出来,并且也因此放下心,若非如此,哪有一个病人,可以被那么***番骚扰似地探病? Falling ill time was seen, the human few that said fortunately, human many words, but also from early arranges to the evening, but has become exhausting lived, Ye Zifeng had insisted like a day, is really very not a easy matter. 生病的时候被人看望,人少那还好说,人多的话,还从早排到晚,可就成了累人的活了,叶子锋像这样坚持了一天,实在是很不容易的一件事。 They quiet a while, after long time. 两人沉寂了一会儿,半晌之后。 Big Brother Rough Guy, you know, in Alchemy competition that 15 days, were I happiest days.” Liu Bingqian several times start to speak but hesitate, finally spoke the words, on the face is revealing the shy meaning slightly. 粗人哥哥,你知道么,在斗丹大赛的那15天,是我最开心的日子了。”柳冰倩几次欲言又止,终于还是把话说了出来,脸上微微露着羞涩之意。 Ye Zifeng has smiled one lightly: „Before can snow the shame, obtains the Alchemy competition champion first place, truly is one is worth the joyful matter.” 叶子锋淡淡笑了一声:“能够一雪前耻,获得斗丹大赛的冠军头名,确实是一件值得欣喜的事情。” Naturally incessantly is this “当然不止是这样” Ye Zifeng slightly reveals being puzzled color: What does that have to be worth the happy matter?” 叶子锋略露惑色:“那还有什么值得开心的事情么?” You in the Liu Bingqian heart do slightly angry, oneself alone come, but also spoke in the words this share, head that Ye Zifeng this elm made, how was not clear? “你”柳冰倩心中微微作恼,自己只身前来,还把话都说到这个份上了,叶子锋这个榆木做的脑袋,怎么就是不明白呢? Liu Bingqian blushes to come to one's ear, a light red lip amiable gathers: Big Brother Rough Guy, I asked you, if three days later, after the Sect duty has been accomplished, will you also come our Liu Clan?” 柳冰倩面红过耳,薄薄的红唇一翕一合:“粗人哥哥,我问你,假使三天后,武府任务完成了之后,你还会来我们柳家么?” These many days, she with Ye Zifeng has stayed together, wakes up every morning are not many, can see that Ye Zifeng stood in the outside looks out the horizon appearance, in the heart was then having a steadfast feeling. 这么多天来,她一直和叶子锋呆在一起,每天清晨醒来不多时,都能看到叶子锋站在室外遥望着天际的样子,心中便有了一份踏实之感。 But now, 15 days crossed, in them remaining last being together time, were these days, again, most also met in Sect, but by the attitude of Ye Zifeng this busy man, ironclad cannot patronize rare medicine cage greatly. 而现在,15天已过,两人之中所剩下的最后一点相处时间,也就是这几天了,再之后,最多也就是在武府见个面了,而以叶子锋这个大忙人的作风,铁定是不大会来光顾珍品药笼的。 Naturally cannot.” Sure enough, Ye Zifeng shook the head decisively. “自然是不会。”果不其然,叶子锋非常果断地摇了摇头。 Even if for the Liu Ningzi matter, Ye Zifeng does not want to keep Liu Clan, because the tendency, since two forming an alliance has made, then Liu Clan regarding him, did not have the value of use temporarily. 就算不是为了柳凝紫的事情,叶子锋也不想留在柳家,因为既然两家结盟的势头已经造了起来,那么柳家对于他来说,暂时就没有了利用的价值了。 Liu Bingqian ying warned one, in facial expression color of the hidden bitterness, immediately muttered whispered: Does not know that spoke some words of praise, even if deceives me to be also good.” 柳冰倩嘤咛一声,神情之中略带一丝幽怨之色,随即喃喃低语了一句:“就不知道说些好话,哪怕骗骗我也好啊。” She was very confident to her appearance, but since Ye Zifeng continuously to oneself tepid, making in her heart add feeling of the frustration unavoidably. 她本来对自己的容貌很有信心,可叶子锋一直以来都对自己不温不火的,让她心中不免平添一股挫败之感。 Right Bingqian, the matter, could ask you to help.” Ye Zifeng the complexion, said suddenly seriously. “对了冰倩,有一件事情,可能要请你帮忙一下了。”叶子锋忽然正起了脸色,严肃地说道。 Abandons the sentiment of men and women, Liu Bingqian is very grateful to Ye Zifeng, therefore regarding his request, naturally is glad to listen. 抛开男女之情而言,柳冰倩叶子锋还是很感激的,所以对于他的要求,自然是乐意听取的。 Liu Bingqian restored the original look, sweet faint smile: Any matter, Big Brother Rough Guy, so long as is I can help, you opened the mouth freely.” 柳冰倩恢复了原来的神色,嫣然浅笑:“什么事情啊,粗人哥哥,只要是我能帮上忙的,你尽管开口好了。” Actually is also very simple, that profound -tier pill furnace does not hide in the small woods, I go out now am not quite convenient, wants to make you install it to a big point Chu space, then helps me bring, can?” “其实也很简单,那口玄品丹炉不是还藏在小树林里么,我现在出门不大方便,想让你把它装到一个大一点的储物空间中,然后帮我带过来,可不可以?” „Do you want refining pills (alchemy) ?” “你要炼丹?” Is Ye Zifeng heavy nodded. “是”叶子锋沉沉地点了点头。 Ye Zifeng Chu space biggest ring, only suffices medicinal ingredient that puts the point to plunder, wants to put pill furnace, that naturally cannot achieve, let alone, present he does not facilitate, can only give itself to feel relieved below Liu Bingqian this matter. 叶子锋身上储物空间最大的戒指,也只够放点搜刮来的药材,想要放一口丹炉,那自然是做不到的,更何况,现在的他又不方便出去,只能把这事情交给自己放心得下的柳冰倩了。 Can yes.” “可以是可以。” On the Liu Bingqian elegant face the slightly dew being astonished color , to continue saying: But, you now this appearance, but can also refining pills (alchemy) ? I mean, can your body endure?” 柳冰倩俏脸上微露讶色,继续说道:“不过,你现在这个样子,还能炼丹么?我的意思是,你的身子吃得消么?” After is that heavy wound, at that time the Ye Zifeng appearance fell in the Liu Bingqian eye, was the life is about not to have likely, the recovery was so good in a short time, this was in itself an unthinkable matter, not to mention such quickly wanted refining pills (alchemy) . 毕竟是那么重的伤,当时叶子锋的样子落在柳冰倩眼里,像是命都快没了似的,这么短时间里康复好,这本身就是一件匪夷所思的事情,更别提这么快就要炼丹了。 She does not know that this is the Martial Spirit strength of Ye Zifeng within the body is the result, the essence that because previous time absorbs from Jin Peng, has not absorbed completely, over the two days happen to had free time, then by the Ye Zifeng 11 digestions. 她不知道,这是叶子锋体内的武魂力量所致,因为上次从金鹏那边吸收过来的精气,还没吸收完全,这两天正好有空,便被叶子锋11消化。 Three days later is the Sect second duty, if not build up Medicinal Pill to promote own Realm earlier, perhaps when the time comes will have enough to do. I do not want diligently, not to regret beforehand afterward.” “三天后便是武府的第二次任务,若是不早点炼出丹药提升自己的境界的话,恐怕到时候会很吃力的。我不想事先不努力,事后才后悔。” In the Ye Zifeng look has the color of undeniable resolution, obviously decided. 叶子锋的神色里有着不容置疑的坚定之色,显然是下了决心的。 Good at the worst your refining pills (alchemy) time, I helped to select together in side.” Liu Bingqian sighed slightly, accepted the request of Ye Zifeng. Regarding one man of desire to do better, she speaks the truth quite appreciates. “那好吧大不了你炼丹的时候,我在旁边一起帮着点好了。”柳冰倩微微叹了口气,答应了叶子锋的要求。对于一个又上进心的男人,她说实话还是比较欣赏的。 Good, that many thanks Bingqian “好,那就多谢冰倩了” Among the Ye Zifeng looks slightly, after he has passed through, except the family member beside, related the closest friend to be with Liu Bingqian, the feeling that some friends helped, making him not need a strength to undertake all matters, let his mood is also excellent. 叶子锋神色之间微有所动,他穿越过来之后,除开家人之外,和自己关系最为密切的朋友就要属柳冰倩了,这种有朋友帮忙的感觉,让他不用一力承担所有事情,让他心情也是大好。 After all, he is not versatile, even now, martial arts Realm, is dao of alchemy Realm, is at very low levels, wants to close right up against a person to strive to turn the tide, re-enters peak, is really a matter of not big reality, but at this time, the help of friend, will let him on the road that this rises, has not will the too major function, but is insufficient after all extremely lonelily. 毕竟,他不是全能的,甚至现在,无论是武学境界,还是丹道境界,都处在很低的水平,想要靠着一个人力挽狂澜,重回巅峰,实在是一件不大现实的事情,而这个时候,朋友的帮助,会让他在这崛起的路上,未必要起太大的作用,但总归不至于太过孤单。 Which words, on Alchemy competition you had made the agreement with me before, promising me not to set the base in competition, finally has exceeded my imagination completely, wins the championship directly, only this matter, let alone I, my father, actually also had a sense of gratitude to you.” “哪儿的话,之前斗丹大赛上你跟我做了约定,答应我不会在大赛垫底,结果完全超出了我的想象,直接夺冠,单凭这事情,别说我了,就连我爹,对你其实也是有一丝感激之情的。” Ye Zifeng laughs: Is indebted him to recognize, really feels extremely flattered.” 叶子锋哈哈一笑:“承蒙他老人家赏识,实在是受宠若惊。” Does a bit less!” Liu Bingqian throws one to smile to make noise: Sometimes listens to you and my father two person bureaucratic ways of talking the appearance of speech, I cannot bear want to laugh.” “少来!”柳冰倩扑哧一声笑出声来:“有时候听你和我爹两个人一副官腔兮兮说话的样子,我就忍不住想要发笑。” She to Ye Zifeng, is a good friend, to Liu Mu, is the biological daughter. The honest appearances of two people, she watches, therefore just, when two people both put on airs in front of her spoke, this feeling is very subtle. 她对叶子锋来说,是挚友,对柳幕来说,更是亲生女儿。两个人的坦诚样子,她是都看在眼里的,也正因此,当两个人都装模作样的在她面前说话的时候,这种感觉就很是微妙了。 Good not to be many said that you return to the room to rest earlier, which male servant if by were seen unfortunately, your Bingqian life clear reputation may probably destroy.” Ye Zifeng said lightly with a smile. “好了不多说了,你早点回房休息吧,要是不巧被哪个家丁看到了,那你冰倩的一生清誉可就要毁了。”叶子锋淡淡笑着说道。 One regarding the clear reputation, the beautiful pupil of Liu Bingqian had the change gradually, at once the complexion changes. 一谈起清誉,柳冰倩的美眸渐渐起了变化,旋即脸色微变。 What's wrong, should you not consider clearly, directly came?” The Ye Zifeng facial color is slightly stiff, the corners of the mouth also slightly somewhat are twitching. “怎么,该不会你还没考虑清楚,就直接过来了?”叶子锋面色略僵硬,连带着嘴角也微微有些抽搐。 I “我” Liu Bingqian is only thinking came and Ye Zifeng said several words, improved their relationship, although the before matter of clear reputation, has thought that but toward at heart has not gone, now she calmed down to ponder carefully, the surface burnt like the rosy cloud immediately, some do not dare to go out. 柳冰倩只想着过来和叶子锋多说几句话,增进一下两人的感情,清誉的事情虽然之前有想过,不过没怎么往心里去,现在她冷静下来细细思考了一番,顿时面烧如霞,都有些不敢出门了。 Wind tall Yuehei, the orphaned male widow, coexists one room, if Liu Bingqian were seen comes out from the Ye Zifeng room, how that figure uncertain must be thought. 风高月黑,孤男寡女,共处一室,要是柳冰倩被人看到从叶子锋房间里出来,那指不定是要被怎么想了。 What to do, Big Brother Rough Guy, I a little do not dare to exit now, outside the feeling is the human.” The Liu Bingqian look somewhat becomes anxious slightly, before arriving at the gate, pokes an pinhole on opening the door paper, looked around outward a meeting, only thought at heart outside always some people stare here are not putting. “怎么办,粗人哥哥,我现在都有点不敢出去了,感觉外面都是人。”柳冰倩神色稍稍有些发急,走到门前戳开了门纸上的一个小洞,往外张望了一会,心里只觉得外面总有人盯着这边不放。 Ye Zifeng smiles lightly: Comes time is so bold, goes back, courage small that many.” 叶子锋淡淡笑着:“来的时候那么大胆,怎么回去的时候,胆子就小了那么多啊。” Liu Bingqian is opening juicy big eye, looks forward to look to Ye Zifeng: For was not discovered by others, actually also means that or tonight, I live.” 柳冰倩睁着水灵灵的大眼睛,巴望着看向叶子锋:“为了不被别人发现,其实还有一个办法,要不今晚,我还是住下来吧。” Has not waited for Ye Zifeng to respond with enough time that out of the door has heard a rapid sound of footsteps suddenly 还未等叶子锋来得及反应过来,门外忽然传来了一阵急促的脚步声 Liu Bingqian cavity fluttering flags thoughts were destroyed, in heart depressed. 柳冰倩一腔旖旎心思被毁,心中可谓郁闷不已。 However quick, she has then realized. 然而很快,她便意识了过来。 Ended, the appearance that oneself and Ye Zifeng two people live alone, must be seen! 完了,自己和叶子锋两个人独处的样子,要被人看到了!
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